Down Syndrome Jaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper & Austin Brown

Down Syndrome Jaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper & Austin Brown

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Page 1: Down Syndrome Jaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper & Austin Brown

Down SyndromeJaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper

& Austin Brown

Page 2: Down Syndrome Jaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper & Austin Brown

Down Syndrome

• Origin: In 1866 a British Physician John Langdon Down made a research paper about how children had common features who were distinct from other children with mental retardation

• It was first described as Mongolism

because people who had down syndrome

were known to look like people from


Page 3: Down Syndrome Jaclyn Hernandez, Nicole Kemper & Austin Brown


• Down Syndrome is a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect which causes intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities

• Trisomy: Is usually caused by an error in cell division called “nondisjunction”

• Mosaicism: Is when nondisjunction of chromosome 21 takes place in one but not all initial cell divisions after fertilization

• Translocation: Is when part of chromosome 21 breaks off during cell division and attaches to chromosome 14

• 1 in every 691 babies in the U.S are born with D.S

• One of the most common genetic conditions

• D.S does not specify in race, economy, or age

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• No matter which type of Down Syndrome one has every

person would have an extra portion of chromosome 21

present in all or some of their cells

• An extra genetic material changes the development and causes the characteristics with Down Syndrome

• There is no known cause for disjunction

• No environmental factors or parents activities affect the baby to get Down Syndrome

• D.S chromosomes can come from the mother or father but research shows that 5% lead from the father

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• Small ears Flattened facial features

• Small mouth Slow developmental growth

• Upward slanting eyes

• Wide small hands

• Short fingers

• Slow physical development

• Impulsive behavior

• Slow learning

• Poor judgement

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• No specific treatment for Down Syndrome

• To avoid obesity: plenty of activity and refrain from high calorie foods

• Behavioral training to reduce anger and compulsive behavior

• Special education classes

• Speech therapy

• Sexual education to prevent abuse

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• Although many people with down syndrome withhold physical and mental barriers, many lead productive and independent lives into adulthood.

• Problems accompany down syndrome such as heart defects and leukemia which could lead to early deaths.

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• Many recent studies include neurotransmitter restoration, sleep and cognition control and The Down Syndrome Cognition Project (DSCP).

• National Down Syndrome Society www.ndss.org

• National Down Syndrome Congress www.ndsccenter.org

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Works Cited“Down Syndrome.” PubMedHealth. A.D.A.M Inc., 2013. Web. 17 Apr 2014.

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Down Syndrome Symptoms.” MayoClinic. Mayo Foundation for

Medical Education and Research, 7 Apr 2011. Web. 17 Apr 2014.

“What is Down Syndrome?” National Down Syndrome Society.

National Down Syndrome Society, 2012. Web. 18 Apr. 2014.

“Down Syndrome.” nih.gov. Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia. A.D.A.M. Inc, 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014