Hang In There, the Answer Is On the Way Pastor Sean Pinder God mov es in differ ent way s. Some people came to Jesus and got wha t they need ed righ t away. But some had to keep coming to Jesus to get what they needed. It takes strong faith and determin ation to get from God wha t you truly desire sometimes. Anythin g that is costly, I never get it right away from the ord. It takes fasting, praying, travailing in the !oly Ghost, and waiting a few months. Some peo ple pray o ne or two times and have not seen their answe r yet. All of a sudden, t hey want t o give up. "here is y our faith# $his is wh at the ord w ants me to te ll you%  &ust han g in ther e. "hen it come s to natura l things, fo lks have patience out of this world. $hey will go to "al'(art and fill out the ir prescriptio n. $hey know the y put in their order for their st uff, )ut they do not get mad at the pharmacist )ecause he has to take a couple of hours to get their prescrip tion rea dy. $hey do not get mad and leave the place. $hey w ill go s hop in "al'(art two or three hours, wa iting. People will say ov er the intercom, *Suc h'and'su ch a person, your medication is ready. But where is our tenacity when it comes to spiritual things# Spiritual things have mor e value. I am sorry t o disappoi nt some of y ou today, )ut I am tellin g you. Anythin g my wife and I are going to get from God that is costly never comes overnight. +o you know God has to prepare you sometimes to receive certain answers from !im# +o you know , if God were to ans wer some of our pr ayers immed iately, it wou ld ruin us# Some of the things y ou are prayin g for, your hear t is not fit to receive t hem from the ord . ou would get pridefu l and puffed up if God w ere to put some thing s in your lap right now . So God has to )reak you ) y making you w ait and )y killi ng your self. !e kills the fle sh. $he flesh ha tes to wait on God, so t he !oly Gh ost has to kill you. +o you know how you k now when y ou are dea d# "hen yo u say, * (an, look , I can-t wait an ymore, o rd. I did all I could. "hen yo u get to that place, )r other, you h ad )etter l ook out. Somethin g is fi/ing to h appen. "hen you re ach to that place0w hen you reali1e it is not your prayer or your fasting, when you reali1e it has to do with the timing and the perfect will of God0then something is a)out to happen in your life. +o you know ho w many times I praye d and prayed and p rayed until I said , *I give up# I mean, yo u say it, ) ut you re ally don -t mean it. $hat is God killin g your fle sh. et-s go to uke 23%2. *And he spa ke a para)le u nto them to this e nd, that men ou ght alway s to pray, and no t to faint. *4ot to fa int means *n ot to give up . God love s to )ring us t o the end of o urselves, y ou kno w. $he on ly thin g that is in the wa y of your pra yer )e ing an swer ed is you r flesh . God is going to )ring you to the end of yourself. isten to what !e said in uke 23%5% Saying , There was i n a city a judg e, which f eared not God, neit her regarde d man: and ther e was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.  6uke 23%5'78 $his s oun ds like me. I have )e en cry ing ou t to the or d. 9ur ad vers ary is the d evil.  Avenge me of this old demon , ord.  And he would not for a while: bu t a fterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man 6uke 23%:8

Don't Give Up Too Soon

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Hang In There, the Answer Is On the Way

Pastor Sean Pinder 

God moves in different ways. Some people came to Jesus and got what they needed right

away. But some had to keep coming to Jesus to get what they needed. It takes strong faith and

determination to get from God what you truly desire sometimes. Anything that is costly, I never

get it right away from the ord. It takes fasting, praying, travailing in the !oly Ghost, and waiting

a few months. Some people pray one or two times and have not seen their answer yet. All of a

sudden, they want to give up. "here is your faith# $his is what the ord wants me to tell you

 &ust hang in there.

"hen it comes to natural things, folks have patience out of this world. $hey will go to

"al'(art and fill out their prescription. $hey know they put in their order for their stuff, )ut they

do not get mad at the pharmacist )ecause he has to take a couple of hours to get their

prescription ready. $hey do not get mad and leave the place. $hey will go shop in "al'(art

two or three hours, waiting. People will say over the intercom, *Such'and'such a person, your

medication is ready. But where is our tenacity when it comes to spiritual things# Spiritual things

have more value. I am sorry to disappoint some of you today, )ut I am telling you. Anything my

wife and I are going to get from God that is costly never comes overnight.

+o you know God has to prepare you sometimes to receive certain answers from !im#

+o you know, if God were to answer some of our prayers immediately, it would ruin us# Some

of the things you are praying for, your heart is not fit to receive them from the ord. ou would

get prideful and puffed up if God were to put some things in your lap right now. So God has to

)reak you )y making you wait and )y killing your self. !e kills the flesh. $he flesh hates to wait

on God, so the !oly Ghost has to kill you. +o you know how you know when you are dead#

"hen you say, *(an, look, I can-t wait anymore, ord. I did all I could. "hen you get to that

place, )rother, you had )etter look out. Something is fi/ing to happen. "hen you reach to that

place0when you reali1e it is not your prayer or your fasting, when you reali1e it has to do with

the timing and the perfect will of God0then something is a)out to happen in your life.

+o you know how many times I prayed and prayed and prayed until I said, *I give up# I

mean, you say it, )ut you really don-t mean it. $hat is God killing your flesh. et-s go to uke

23%2. *And he spake a para)le unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to

faint. *4ot to faint means *not to give up. God loves to )ring us to the end of ourselves, you

know. $he only thing that is in the way of your prayer )eing answered is your flesh. God is

going to )ring you to the end of yourself. isten to what !e said in uke 23%5%

Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: and there

was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary.   6uke


$his sounds like me. I have )een crying out to the ord. 9ur adversary is the devil

 Avenge me of this old demon, ord.

 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor

regard man  6uke 23%:8

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*And he would not for a while; !e was not checking for this lady. Are you hearing me#

!e didn-t do anything< +id that mean that he was not taking note of her re=uest, though# *I-ve

had enough of this thing. I need you to help me< she said to the &udge.

*9kay, I-ll get to it, he replied.

$hree months went )y. *!elp me out, (r. Judge< she said. *Avenge me. >ome take

care of this. I-ve )een taken advantage of too long.

*Aw, I-ll get to it, he said again. +o you know God says that to us sometimes# But listen

to what this man said in verse :% *And he would not for a while% )ut afterward !ave any of

you reached *afterward yet# God is a)out to move on your )ehalf. *!e would not for a while.

$hat means he totally ignored the re=uest. !e made up in his mind% *I-m in charge, so, when

I-m ready, I-ll answer her.

+o you know, when we pray to God to get some things, !e tests us sometimes to see

how hungry we are a)out what we are praying for# Sometimes !e tests us to see how serious

we are. I feel the !oly Ghost. *Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness%

for they shall )e filled. 6(att. ?%@8. "hat does that mean# Is there hunger in your heart# Areyou crying out to God for something# et me encourage you% God is not going to make a

mockery out of your hunger. God is not taking your hunger lightly. $he longer !e takes

sometimes, the more that hunger intensifies.

 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor

regard man; !et because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual

coming she weary me.  6uke 23%:'?8

est )y her what# *>ontinual coming. ou had )etter stir yourself up. I )elieve some of

you are going to pray one more time and you are going to get a )reakthrough. "hat does!e)rews 22%@ say# *But without faith it is impossi)le to please him% for he that cometh to God

must )elieve that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. !e e/plains

faith in this Scripture% *;for he that cometh $his means a continuous process.

isten to me good, >hurch. God sent me with a word from !eaven to encourage your

faith to let you know your )elieving !im is not in vain. isten to what you must )elieve when

you come to God% *;he that cometh to God must )elieve that he is and  that he is a rewarder ;

+o you hear the terms that the Bi)le is talking to us in# !e is a *rewarder. $here is a continual

reward for those who are continually seeking !im. *;!e is a rewarder of them that diligently

seek him. Are you hearing me# *;!e is a rewarder of them; Some of you have wanted to

give up praying. !e said, *;men ought always to pray, and not to faint. I tell you, the !oly

Ghost got a hold of my soul today. I pressed all the way in until I knew I was right there in the

$hrone oom. Bang< God said, *+one< I feel the !oly Ghost. I pressed all the way in. I

touched the hem of !is garment< our re=uest &ust re=uires a little more pressing in<

$hink a)out the woman with the issue of )lood. !ere was a type of prayer. She said, *I

know I-ll )e made whole if I can &ust get through the crowd and &ust touch the hem of !is

garment< >an you imagine# She left her house. $here may have )een ?,CCC, 2C,CCC, or

5C,CCC people in the crowd. She was pressing. $his is like prayer. Press in. ou have to stay

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focused. She had her mind made up% *I &ust have to touch the hem of !is garment, and my

prayers. (y prayers< I &ust have to get to Jesus< Are you listening to me# She pressed. She


*Get out of my way, woman< someone may have shouted. ou don-t think

discouragement came her way# She said, *I can-t get discouraged now.D She could see Jesus

teaching in the crowd. She said, *I &ust have to get to !im. She had may)e 2,CCC more people

to press through, )ut she kept pressing. She kept pressing. And, the more she pressed, thecloser she got. Are you listening to me#

ou are so close to your prayers )eing answered. "hy do you think hell is nervous#

"hy do you think hell is on the alert# "hy do you think the devil wants you to feel like giving

up# Because he knows, if you pray that same prayer &ust one more time, the !oly Ghost is

going to answer you< Press, >hurch. ou can-t give up on !im now. Press. $hat is what the

!oly Ghost wants me to tell you. ou can-t =uit now. ou have come too far. $he woman with

the issue of )lood pressed. She pressed and pressed, and she )roke through. Immediately

she )roke through.

God is awakening something in you. >an you feel the !oly Ghost is waking something

up inside of you# Some of you were a)out to throw the towel in. Ah, ah, ah< ou can-t throw it

in now. ou are &ust too close. ou can-t turn around. "atch this% *et )ecause this widow

trou)leth me, I will avenge her, lest )y her continual coming she weary me. And the ord said,

!ear what the un&ust &udge saith. 6uke 23%?'@8. $his is an un&ust man, )ut faith overrode his

unrighteousness and moved him to answer this woman.

*And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he

)ear long with them# ou had )etter listen to the !oly Ghost today. $he day of vengeance on

the devil is mighty close. !e has )een making some of you feel like you are a failure. !e is

telling you, *ou are wasting your life. ou are wasting your time. But the devil is a liar< ou

are close and hell is nervous )ecause he knows that God is a)out to make you everything that

!e has promised you. God may have made you wait a long time until now, )ut !e is a)out to

do something.

+o you know what God wants you to pray a)out# our desires. $hat thing that has )een

on your heart. $hat thing that has )een weighing on you. +o not talk to God a)out something

that is not important to you. (ark 22%5: says% *$herefore I say unto you, "hat things soever ye

desire, when ye pray, )elieve that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. +id you hear wha

Jesus said# *"hat things soever ye desire In other words, *+on-t talk to me a)out it if you

don-t really want it.

ou have to pray that prayer one more time. ift your voice and talk to !im a)out it. ou

know what you want !im to do. $alk to !im. Pray like you have passion in you. Pray. $ell !im

a)out it one more time. Pray a)out the thing that is on your heart the thing that you know you

have )een )urdened a)out. $hat is what !e wants you to talk to !im a)out.

I cried out to !im today. I reached !im. I touched !im. !e said, *Sean, tell my people

to pray. $ell them to pour their hearts out to me. Pray your hearts out to !im, >hurch. $alk to

!im a)out it. ou know what is on your heart. $alk to !im a)out it. It has )een weighing you

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down. $ell !im a)out it. Even if you have to )reak down and cry, tell !im, *I-m tired, ord< Be

honest with the ord today. Be real with God. Be honest. God will come through for you. +o

not )e a fake )e real with God. >ome clean with the !oly Ghost.

*I cried unto the 9+ with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill 6Psalm 7%:8. I

cried to the ord and !e heard my cry. !e is hearing your cry today. *For the eyes of the ord

are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers 62 Peter 7%258. >ry out to !im.

God is a)out to move. our praying is not vain. ou are a)out to see some mighty answers toprayer.

Jesus said, *ou-re not going to )e heard for your much speaking 6(att. @%8. All )lind

Bartimaeus said was, *Jesus, thou Son of +avid, have mercy on me< $hey tried to shut him up,

)ut he pressed. !e pressed. All of a sudden, a )reakthrough< Jesus said, *Bring him to me.

"hat do you want me to do for you# !e is simple. "hat do you want !im to do# Blind

Bartimaeus did not talk a)out money or anything else. !e got real with Jesus. *ord, I want to

receive my sight.

"e have !is attention. I felt as if !e tested me today. !e was passing )y. I ran into my

prayer closet and screamed with everything in me. I felt when !e stopped% I got !is attention.

!e said, *It-s done. I am not the same person. I have touched !im. ou are a)out to see

some mighty answers to prayer. our mind is fi/ing to get )lown. >an you feel this from the

!oly Ghost today# ou are a)out to see some mighty, mighty answers to prayer that are going

to )low your mind.

 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long

with them" I tell you that he will avenge them s#eedily  6uke 23%'38

!e might have made you wait 23 months, )ut when !e gets ready to do it, in 5: hours, it

is done<