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Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

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Page 1: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

Two of my favorite things are wine and weight loss. And I don't want to give up one for the other. It's like trying to choose what daughter you would keep. An impossible decision. So I am trying to narrow it down to how the

sugar content is affecting my drinking wine and weight loss. That seems to be an easier approach.

Page 2: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

In fact, I just went and grabbed a nice red Merlot glass of wine by Robert Mondavi. And if I was dieting I would add

an equal portion of a diet tonic water to it so I could extend the volume for no additional calories. See - I told

you it was my 2 favorite subjects. I totally believe in balancing things out in my life, and especially for the finer things, such as enjoying a glass of wine. Otherwise, what's

the point?

Page 3: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

The amount of calories in a 5 ounce glass of white or red wine is approximately 118 - 130. That is certainly a

manageable number in almost anyone's daily food intake. The amount of sugar in a 5 ounce glass of wine varies. A dry wine will average about 2 grams of sugar per liter of

wine, which is not much at all.

Page 4: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

Sweeter wines will have more sugar per liter. A medium-dry Riesling may have 10g of sugar per liter, which is 1.5g per glass. On average, a bottle of wine that's 12% alcohol

by volume results in 99.4 calories from alcohol and 4.5 calories from sugar.

Page 5: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

Balance is so important in developing good lifestyle habits. Fitting in the occasional glass of wine, or a slice of

chocolate cheese is imperative to satisfying the soul, not just the taste buds. Being prepared for the unexpected

and having a plan b ready is the key to keeping a balance. And that runs true whether it's for your eating habits,

sugar content, or anything else.

Page 6: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

It's not just the sugar content of that one glass of wine that is important. It is the overall big picture of your life that counts. Is it balanced? You and I both need to feel

that we are worthy and not to be deprived of them.

Page 7: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?

Have you ever watched the weight loss show The Biggest Loser? Whenever Bob pulls them aside and has that one

on one talk with them, you discover that their self esteem has been in the tank. The reasons are different but the

results are the same.

Page 8: Does Sugar Content Affect My Drinking Wine And Weight Loss?
