1 EAS Emulator Version 4.1 User's Manual (Free Version) From: The EAS Experience SOLD TO THE FINE [email protected]

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EAS Emulator Version 4.1

User's Manual (Free Version)

From: The EAS Experience


[email protected]

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Ta!le o" #ontents


Section 1: Getting Started.........................................................................4

External &rorams..............................................................................4

$nstallin an% oa%in Fonts..............................................................

*o+nloa%in Tones............................................................................,

$nstallin the &roram........................................................................-

Section 2: Running EAS Emulator Version 4.1......................................

Startin Up..........................................................................................

$ #an't /un the File.............................................................................

M0 Virus Scanner Sa0s the &roram is a Virus...............................12

Section 3: Operation of EAS Emulator Version 4.1..............................11

The Emerenc0 Action 3oti"ication Termination.........................1

Section 4: Recording the Screen..............................................................5

  6hen to stop recor%in.....................................................................

A 7rie" #omment on E%itin.............................................................,

Section : Summar!..................................................................................-

Appen%ix A: 8rut /ecor%in #hec9list.....................................................

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7e"ore +e et starte% $ +oul% li9e to than9 0ou "or tr0in this "ree ;ersion o"

EAS Emulator ;ersion 4.1. $ +oul% also li9e to +elcome 0ou to the +orl% o" EAS

creation. $';e !een %oin this "or o;er , 0ears no+ an% $ hope to share some o" the

9no+le%e an% techni<ues that $';e pic9e% up o;er the 0ears. This +ill re<uire some

+or9 on 0our part !ut this is the "irst step to+ar%s 0ou creatin hih <ualit0 EAS


This manual +ill "ocus on m0 ne+ "ree ;ersion o" EAS creator ;ersion 4.1. As

this is the "ree ;ersion onl0 one screen +ill !e a;aila!le. This is the screen $ call the

=>l% School? Screen. $t has the loo9 o" a somethin 0ou +oul% see in the late '2s or

earl0 '@2s. The metho%s an% processes that $ use "or this screen are the same as all the

others. E;en thouh the0 +ill seem excessi;e complex an% unnecessar0 the0 are

%one this +a0 "or a reason. These are the processes $ use "or e;er0 screen in ;ersion

4.1. $" 0ou use the metho%s $ %escri!e in this manual 0ou'll !e a!le to use each o" the

14 screens a;aila!le in the "ull ;ersion +ith onl0 a little a%%itional e""ort.

$" 0ou ha;e an0 <uestions or issues $ can !e reache% on T+itter at

https:t+itter.comEASexperience on BouTu!e at

https:+++.0outu!e.comusertheEASexperience or !0 %irect email at

easexperienceCaim.com. here to ui%e 0ou. et's et starte%.

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Section 1: Getting Started

7e"ore 0ou can operate EAS Emulator 4.1 there are some items that 0ou +ill

ha;e to ta9e care o" "irst. There are se;eral "iles an% prorams that 0ou'll nee% to

install an% %o+nloa% "or optimal use.

E"ternal #rograms

There are three prorams $ use "or ma9in m0 ;i%eos that are "rom other

sources. The0 are calle% 8rut #omputer /ecor%er Au%acit0 an% 6in%o+s Mo;ie

Ma9er. All o" these prorams can !e %o+nloa%e% at no cost to 0ou. Au%acit0 is "or

an0 soun% +or9 that ma0 nee% to !e %one. 6in%o+s Mo;ie Ma9er is "or an0 "inal

e%itin. 8rut #omputer recor%er is "or pro%ucin the ;i%eo. Bou +on't nee% Au%acit0

riht no+ !ut i" 0ou +ant it here's the lin9. http:au%acit0.source"ore.net 

6in%o+s Mo;ie Ma9er is usuall0 installe% on most 6in%o+s computers. An0

e%itin so"t+are +ill %o as all 0ou nee% to %o is to cut the ;i%eo paste it an% !e a!le

to export it into a "inishe% pro%uct. For reasons that +ill !e co;ere% later 0ou +ill

nee% an up to %ate ;ersion thouh. $" 0ou nee% or +ant it a lin9 can !e "oun% here.


$n the past $ ha;e use% #amstu%io extensi;el0 "or the recor%in o" m0 ;i%eos.

/ecentl0 thouh the pro%uct has ta9en a turn "or the +orse. The proram has !een

reporte% to !e hea;il0 mal+are an% ;irus la%en. For this reason $ no loner

recommen% usin it. >l%er ;ersions shoul% still !e "ine an% mo%i"ications "or

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#amstu%io +ill !e !rie"l0 mentione%. For all ne+ users $ recommen% the 8rut

#omputer /ecor%er.

8rut #omputer /ecor%er is a;aila!le at http:$$%rut.sourceforge.net$. This

+ill %o+nloa% a "ol%er. This "ol%er contains instructions "or operation. Bou ma0 +ant

to rea% the rea%me "ile "or clari"ication. To run the proram 0ou +ill clic9 on the "ile

la!ele% 8/UT or the executa!le Gar "ile. $nstructions on ho+ to use this proram +ill

 !e pro;i%e% later in the ;i%eo.

&nstalling and 'oading (onts

EAS Emulator Version 4.1 uses se;eral "onts to replicate the EAS screens as

accuratel0 as possi!le. $n the "ol%er that 0ou ha;e %o+nloa%e% there +ill !e se;eral

more "ol%ers. >ne o" them is mar9e% (onts. >pen that "ol%er an% 0ou shoul% see

a!out 12 to 1 %i""erent "onts. These are all the "onts in the Full ;ersion o" EAS

Emulator 4.1. >nce 0ou ha;e %one this 0ou shoul% not nee% to %o it aain.

A"ter openin the "ile 0ou nee% to "in% the "ont section o" 0our computer. $n

6in%o+s this is t0picall0 some+here in the control panel area. #lic9 an% hihliht

all the "onts 0ou %o+nloa%e% an% then %ra them into 0our s0stem's "onts "ol%er.

>nce 0ou ha;e %one this 0ou shoul% !e a!le to use all the "onts in EAS Emulator 4.1.

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)o*nloading +ones

The !est EAS ;i%eos use tones "or openin an% completion. The0 ma0 !e the

most reconiHa!le "eature o" the Emerenc0 Alert S0stem. $n 0our %o+nloa% there is

a "ol%er mar9e% Audio +ones. >pen this "ile an% 0ou +ill see t+o tones that can !e

 place% on the "ront an% !ac9 o" 0our au%io to i;e 0ou a much more realistic EAS


6hen 0ou open the tones 0ou +ill notice that somethin is missin. $n EAS

there are three tones at the !einnin !e"ore the attention sinal. These are calle%

SAME hea%ers. SAME hea%ers contain in"ormation on the t0pe o" +arnin counties

a""ecte% an% %uration o" the +arnin. 3either o" these "iles +ill contain the openin

SAME hea%ers thouh. There is a reason "or this. $t is !ecause it is !ecomin

increasinl0 contro;ersial to %o so. An0one that transmits SAME hea%ers o;er the

tele;ision air+a;es can !e su!Gect to consi%era!le "ines an% penalties. 6hile the

internet is not un%er the same Guris%iction as tele;ision $ %on't "eel com"orta!le +ith

usin them m0sel". $ ha;e also ma%e the %ecision to ta9e them out o" man0 o" m0

 pre;iousl0 poste% ;i%eos. $ no loner use them an% $ encourae 0ou to %o the same.

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(inal ,omments

The preparation +or9 0ou'll nee% to %o is %etaile% !ut 0ou are rea%0 to ta9e the

next step once the0 ha;e !een complete%. Section +ill co;er runnin EAS

Emulator an% some o" the issues that ma0 arise.

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Section 2: Running EAS Emulator 4.1

 3o+ that +e';e co;ere% the !asics +e can !ein to "ocus on runnin the

 proram. The "un stu"" !eins no+ as 0ou are o""iciall0 on 0our +a0 to creatin an

EAS ;i%eo "or the +orl% to see.

Starting -p

/unnin the proram is usuall0 "airl0 eas0. $n the EAS Emulator "ol%er there

are numerous "iles. Bou +ant to "in% the one that sa0s EAS Emulator 4.1 ("ree

;ersion). This is a shortcut "ile that can !e mo;e% to an0 place on 0our computer.

There is also another one in the &roram Files "ol%er. This is the one 0ou %o not +ant

to mo;e %oin so ma0 result in the proram not +or9in correctl0.

& still cant run the file

The proram is usuall0 prett0 eas0 to run an% $ emphasiHe usuall0. There ha;e

 !een people that ha;e ha% %i""icult0 runnin the "ile in the past. $" this is the case

there is a secon% +a0 0ou can run the "ile. $n in;ol;es %o+nloa%in a "ourth external

 proram calle% &la07asic. The lin9 can !e "oun% here.

http:+++.pla0!asic.com%o+nloa%s.php $ recommen% choosin the learnin

;ersion !ecause it is "ree.

>nce 0ou ha;e %o+nloa%e% it run the proram. $t +ill !rin up a screen that

loo9s li9e this:

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Bou +ill then nee% to open the "ol%er +ith EAS Emulator. This can !e %i""icult

so $ recommen% puttin 0our Emulator "ol%er on the %es9top. >nce 0ou ha;e "oun%

the "ol%er 0ou nee% to "in% the "ile mar9e% Icore.p!pI. The "ile +ill open the ra+

co%e that $ use to "or the Emulator. >nce this is %one clic9 the pla0 !utton. This is the

reen trianle pointin to the riht. #lic9in this shoul% !ein to run the proram

/ote: )ont mess *ith the ra* code *hen its 0een opened. &f !ou do & cannot

guarantee that the program *ill *or% properl!.

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! irus scanner sa!s that the program is a irus

The proram $ use is +hat is calle% an .exe "ile. .Exe "iles are notorious "or

carr0in ;iruses mal+are an% other %amain applications. Some ;irus scanners +ill

onl0 allo+ a select "e+ .exe "iles to run. $" 0our ;irus scanner rea%s the .exe "ile as a

;irus $ recommen% usin the secon% metho% o" operation +hich in;ol;es installin

&la07asic. $" that %oesn't +or9 0ou ma0 +ant to chec9 0ou ;irus so"t+are out. Bou

ma0 !e a!le to put in an o;erri%e that +ill allo+ the proram to run.

(inal ,omments

>nce 0ou are a!le to et the "ile to loa% the next part can !ein. The next stae

is the operation an% in"ormation input "or the proram.

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Section 3: Operation of EAS Emulator 4.1

 3o+ +e can start oin throuh the %ata entr0 process "or the proram. >n startDup it

shoul% loo9 li9e this.

EAS Emulator onl0 allo+s installation on t+o computers. $" 0ou et a messae

statin 0ou ha;e reache% the limit %o+nloa% the proram aain. $" 0ou see the a!o;e

screen 0ou can select next to continue.

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Jere 0ou +ill see a prompt to select screen. These are all the screens that are

a;aila!le in the "ull ;ersion o" the Emulator. As this is the "ree ;ersion there is onl0

one screen that +ill operate. $t is the "i"th screen "rom the le"t an% it loo9s li9e this:

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6hen 0ou press on the small imae a !ier imae +ill sho+ up in the mi%%le

o" the screen as seen a!o;e. The I3extI option shoul% then sho+ up an% allo+ 0ou

to o to mo;e on. $" 0ou press an0 other screen the InextI !utton +ill not sho+ up

an% 0ou +ill not !e allo+e% to continue. A"ter clic9in InextI 0ou +ill see this


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/ote: 5ou can press the 67ac%6 0utton at an! time and it *ill ta%e !ou to the

6Select Screen6 section.

This allo+s 0ou to select the t0pe o" alert 0ou +ish to +or9 +ith. #lic9in an0

letter +ill !rin up a list o" +arnins "or 0ou to choose "rom. Selectin the poun% sin

+ill !rin up the @11 Telephone >utae Emerenc0. For this example +e +ill

choose the I/e<uire% Monthl0 Test. #lic9in the I/I +ill !rin up this screen:

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Then 0ou +ill nee% to clic9 on the alert 0ou +ant to use. >nce 0ou ha;e %one so it

+ill appear at the !ottom o" the screen an% allo+ 0ou to press next. This +ill ta9e

0ou to the IEnter ocationI screen.

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6hen 0ou clic9 on an0 o" the "our !oxes it +ill turn ra0. Bou +ill then ha;e

the option to t0pe the name o" the locations 0ou +oul% li9e to use. $" 0ou press

I7ac9spaceI 0ou can reset 0our t0pin an% start o;er. &ress I3extI to continue.

/ote 1: +his is an optional section. 5ou can 8ust press ne"t and it *ill sho* up as

6(or 5our Area:6 in the alert.

/ote 2: ,ounties$Areas must 0e entered from top to 0ottom.

/ote 3: +he e"tra orange areas are there for a reason. +his screen does not allo*

more than four counties and no state names are allo*ed. +his is onl! the case

for this specific screen. All others allo* up to counties$areas and state names.

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The next screen is IEn% TimeI or the time the alert +ill expire. #lic9in on the !ox

+ill allo+ 0ou to t0pe in the %iits that represent the time the alert +ill expire.

&ressin AM or &M +ill set the alert accor%inl0. All three !oxes must !e selecte%

 !e"ore the next option +ill appear. &ress I3extI to continue.

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The next screen is channel num!er. This screen re<uires a channel num!er an%

channel call sin to !e entere%. This !ox is hihlihte% in ra0 +hich means 0ou can

t0pe it in at an0 time. Bou must enter a num!er !e"ore the InextI !utton +ill appear.

&ress I3extI to continue.

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The next screen is I#all etters.I #all letters are the "our letters that the station use%

to i%enti"0 itsel". These t0picall0 !ein +ith either a 6 or 8 %epen%in on +here the

station is locate%. Bou can t0pe in an0thin 0ou +ant !ut the screen +or9s "ar !etter

i" "our letters are use%. &ressin I3extI +ill !rin up this screen.

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This !rins us to the en% o" the in"ormation entr0 section. This +ill !e a%%resse% in

Section num!er 4 I/ecor%in the Screen Final StepsI 7e"ore this section en%s $

+oul% li9e to a%%ress t+o special cases that +oul% slihtl0 chane the or%er an%

 processes that 0ou +oul% use "or ;i%eo creation.

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+he Emergenc! Action /otification 9 +ermination

The Emerenc0 Action 3oti"ication Emerenc0 Action Termination are t+o

alerts that +ill chane the in"ormation that nee%s to !e entere%. The co%e itsel" is

uni<ue in that in"ormation transmitte% is not as customiHa!le. For this speci"ic screen

onl0 the Enter ocation screen +ill !e s9ippe%. $t +ill %e"ault to the line IFor Bour

AreaI an% +ill loo9 somethin li9e this.

  3ote ho+ it sa0s I3ational AlertI at the top an% IFor Bour AreaI a!o;e the

expiration time. Aain this is onl0 the case "or Emerenc0 Action 3oti"ications an%


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(inal ,omments

 3o+ that 0ou';e "inishe% enterin 0ou're in"ormation. $t is time to mo;e on to

the actual recor%in o" the screen. $" 0ou ha;e not installe% the 8rut #omputer

/ecor%e% proram or a similar screen recor%in proram no+ is the time to %o so.

This +ill !e co;ere% extensi;el0 in section num!er 4.

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Section 4: Recording the Screen

 3o+ +e';e reache% the point +here +e are rea%0 to recor% the "inishe% pro%uct.

#lic9 on the "ol%er containin the 8rut /ecor%er an% run the executa!le .Gar "ile.

>nce the 8rut /ecor%er is open o to the menu an% open up settins. 6ith the EAS

Emulator 0our screen shoul% loo9 somethin li9e this.

Each time 0ou open up the screen recor%er there are a han%"ul o" settins 0ou +ill

nee% to ;eri"0. Appen%ix A +ill contain a printa!le chec9list "or all the items 0ou ta9e

care o".

First 0ou nee% to unchec9 the !oxes next to Au%io $nput S0nchroniHe Au%io

Sho+ Mouse an% >;er+rite Sa;e Files.

 3ext 0ou nee% to %etermine +here 0ou +ill sa;e 0our mo;ie "ile. &ress the

 !ro+se !utton next to the mo;ie "ile an% select 0our %estination.

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Thir% 0ou nee% to set 0our recor%in pla0!ac9 F&S. T0pe 2 into recor%in

F&S press the set !utton next that !ox. T0pe 22 into &la0!ac9 F&S an% press the set

 !utton next to that. 3ote that 0ou +ill nee% to press set a"ter t0pin each !it o" in"o in.

Failure to %o so +ill result in the ;i%eo not recor%in properl0.

Fourth 0ou +ill nee% to set 0our K an% B position. $n EAS Emulator 4.1 there

+ill !e a !lue !ox at the top riht han% corner. Mo;e the tip o" 0our mouse to that

section. 8rut pro;i%es the coor%inates "or the current mouse position riht !elo+ the

miscellaneous section. >nce 0ou 9no+ ha;e mo;e% 0our mouse to the !lue !ox an%

ha;e %etermine% an K an% B position insi%e that !lue area t0pe those coor%inates in

to the !oxes in the capture area "iel%.

Fi"th t0pe in 0our +i%th an% heiht "iures. 6i%th +ill !e ,52 an% heiht +ill

 !e 4-2. >nce 0ou ha;e t0pe% that in press set.

Finall0 close the 8rut Settin "eature. &ress the recor% !utton on the 8rut

screen. Then clic9 on EAS Emulator !ut !e care"ul not to mo;e it. &ress enter an%

the count%o+n +ill !ein to the recor%in o" the ;i%eo.

For those o" 0ou that use #amstu%io the settins 0ou +ill use +ill !e 2 an%

22 instea% o" 2 an% 22. Aain onl0 use #amstu%io i" 0ou ha;e installe% it in the

 past. >ther+ise stic9 to 8rut #omputer /ecor%er.

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hen to stop recording

The screen +ill seem to o ;er0 slo+. This is normal as the settins 0ou ha;e

entere% +ill result in the "inishe% pro%uct !ein %ispla0e% "our times as "ast as it %oes

%urin the recor%in process.

The point at +hich 0ou +ill stop recor%in %epen%s on ho+ lon 0ou +ant 0our 

clip to run. 6hen the main screen is recor%in. 0ou +ill notice a num!er on the

 !ottom o" the emulator countin up. This lets 0ou 9no+ ho+ much time has elapse%

since the core main screen has starte% to run. *etermine ho+ man0 secon%s 0ou +ant

0our ;i%eo to run an% multipl0 it !0 "our So i" 0ou +ant one minute o" ;i%eo stop it

at 42. $" 0ou +ant t+o minutes stop it at 42. $" 0ou stop it too earl0 0ou can still

a%Gust it +hen 0ou compile 0our "inal pro%uct. &ressin stop on the 8rut screen

recor%er +ill !ein the enco%in process. 6ait until it has "inishe% !e"ore closin.

>nce complete 0ou can close !oth 8rut an% EAS Emulator.

,onerting the Video (ile

8rut ;i%eo recor%er sa;es the "ile in a .mo; "ile. Mo; is a "ile that +or9s !est

on Mac computers !ut not on 6in%o+s. For this reason 0ou ma0 +ant or nee% to

con;ert the "ile o;er to .+m; "ormat. This can !e %one throuh the most recent

;ersion o" Mo;ie Ma9er "rom +in%o+s. $mport the ;i%eo "ile !0 %rain it into the

 proram. Then o to the main menu an% choose sa;e mo;ie. 7e"ore sa;in it ma9e

sure 0ou are sa;in it as a .+m; "ile. This is enerall0 not the %e"ault option an% +ill

nee% to !e chane%. Then sa;e it to 0our proGect "ol%er.

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A 7rief ,omment on Editing

>nce 0ou ha;e con;erte% 0our ;i%eo 0ou +ill nee% to e%it it to ma9e the +hole

thin "it toether. There's ;i%eo au%io an% tones an% the0 +ill all nee% to come

toether to ma9e an EAS ;i%eo. There are numerous +a0s to %o it an% the0 are

%etaile%. M0 recommen%ation to 0ou is "or 0ou to %o it as 0ou see "it. &la0 +ith it

an% et to the point +here 0ou "eel com"orta!le.

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Section : Summar!

As 0ou can see there are se;eral %etails that o into ma9in an EAS ;i%eo !ut

man0 o" them !ecome routine a"ter %oin them "or a +hile. Aain the process "or this

speci"ic screen is complicate% !ecause the processes are the same "or each o" the

other 15 screens. $" 0ou use the metho%s %escri!e% in the manual 0ou can %o the

same "or an0 o" the other ones in EAS Emulator 4.1 +hen the "ull ;ersion is release%.

The most important thins thouh is to ha;e "un. $" 0ou %on't enGo0 it there is no

reason to %o them. Also lac9 o" enthusiasm an% enGo0ment also ten%s to sho+ up in

the <ualit0 o" 0our +or9.

Ja;e Fun

– The EAS Experience

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Appen%ix A: 8rut #omputer /ecor%in #hec9list

–>pen the menu an% o to settinssa;e "iles

– Unchec9 the "ollo+in !oxes

– Au%io >utput

– S0nchroniHe Au%io

– Sho+ Mouse

– >;er+rite sa;e "iles (optional)

– #hane the mo;ie "ile to %esire% location

– Set the Vi%eo &arameters

– #hane recor%in F&S to 2 "or EAS Emulator 

– &ress Set

– #hane pla0!ac9 F7S to 22

– &ress Set

– Set 6i%th to ,52

– Set Jeiht to 4-2

– &lace mouse in le"t han% corner o" proram +here the !lue s<uare is. Set K &os

B &os to these "iures

– &ress Set

–#lose 8rut Settins an% press recor%'

– #lic9 on EAS Emulator 4.1 an% press enter