DO YOU KNOW? - CADALSOFÍA...1)'El amor es una emoción que incita a unirse' 'El odio es una emoción que incita a separarse' 2)'Se distinguen generalmente dos clases de amor […]

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  • KNOWLEDGE1) What is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge?2)How could we define knowledge?3)Who said “Every human being by nature desires to know”4) If I am sure something is true but I cannot prove it, I have

    _____________5) If I guess something is true but I am not sure, I have

    ________________6) If I am sure something is true and I can also prove it to

    anyone else, I have _______________7)Who came up with these grades?8)Do you agree with this sentece: “All opinions are valid”9) Would you ban a party whose program includes policies

    that don't respect Human Rights?


    1) Who put forward the interests of knowledge we have seen?2)We need knowledge in order to free ourselves (_________)3)Transform our reality demands knowledge (_________)4)Knowledge enables us to communicate things to others

    (_________)5) Define:


  • MODELS OF KNOWLEDGE1)Empiricism or Rationalism?

    a) Our mind is a “white paper”


    c) Focus on formal science

    d)Use inductive reasonings

    e) Gives priority to sensitive experience

    f) Hume



    i) Believe in innate ideas

  • MODELS OF KNOWLEDGELet's read this text, say if it has been written by a rationalist or an empiricist philosopher, and explain why we think so.

    “Tomemos, por ejemplo, este pedazo de cera que acaba de ser sacado de la colmena: aún no ha perdido la dulzura de la miel que contenía; conserva todavía algo de olor de las flores con que ha sido elaborado; su color, su figura, su magnitud son bien perceptibles; es duro, frío, fácilmente manejable, y, si lo golpeáis, producirá un sonido. En fin, se encuentran en él todas las cosas que permiten conocer distintamente un cuerpo.

    Mas he aquí que, mientras estoy hablando, es acercado al fuego. Lo que restaba de sabor se exhala: el olor se desvanece; el color cambia, la figura se pierde, la magnitud aumenta, se hace líquido, se calienta, apenas se le puede tocar y, si lo golpeamos, ya no producirá sonido alguno. Tras cambios tales, ¿permanece la misma cera? Hay que confesar que sí: nadie lo negará. Pero entonces, ¿qué es lo que conocíamos con tanta distinción en aquel pedazo de cera? Ciertamente, no puede ser nada de lo que alcanzábamos por medio de los sentidos, puesto que han cambiado todas las cosas que percibíamos por el gusto, el olfato, la vista, el tacto o el oído; y, sin embargo, sigue

    siendo la misma cera. “

  • TRUTH1) Say what concept of truth is used, and what is the extact word used in each language

    a) Jones is a true friend.

    b)She was totally honest: she clearly told the truth.

    c) It is not true that the three kings aren't our parent

    2) Does telling something that is false involve that the person who tells it is insicere? Let's explain why

    3) What concept of true is a “lie” (a false statement conciously affirmed) related to?

    4) Try to connect the three mental states about knowledge with the grades of knowledge defined by Kant

    5) Whatch: The monkeys and the bananas


  • TRUTH (I)1) Say what concept of truth is used, and what is the extact word used in each language

    a) Jones is a true friend.

    b)She was totally honest: she clearly told the truth.

    c) It is not true that the three kings aren't our parent

    2) Does telling something that is false involve that the person who tells it is insicere? Let's explain why

    3) What concept of true is a “lie” (a false statement conciously affirmed) related to?

    4) Try to connect the three mental states about knowledge with the grades of knowledge defined by Kant

    5) Whatch: The monkeys and the bananas


  • TRUTH (II)1) Say what theory of truth is characterized by the following


    a) Truth is not applicable to an isolated statement

    b) It was defended by Saint Thomas

    c) A disadvantage of it is that there may be a double criteria of truth

    d) A statement could be true and false at the same time

    e) Something is true if it matches the facts

    f) It was defended by Aristotle

    g) There may be a true rejected statement that would change the whole system

  • TRUTH (II)1) Say what theory of truth is characterized by the

    following sentences: a) Truth is the result of an agreement

    b) Peirce defended it

    c) 'Placebo' effects may be useful but untrue. This is a disadvantage of this theory

    d) The fact that we can mistake even after a dialogue is a drawback of this theory

    e) A new statement is true if it doesn't contradict the rest

    f) It's true what is useful

    g) We may reject true statements if our whole system is wrong


    1)'El alma está unida a todas las partes del cuerpo conjuntamente'

    2)'Las pasiones no residen en el corazón'

    3)'Una misma causa puede provocar diversas pasiones en diversos hombres'




    1)'El amor es una emoción que incita a unirse' 'El odio es una emoción que incita a separarse'

    2)'Se distinguen generalmente dos clases de amor […]'

    Benevolencia: 'querer el bien para el ser amado'

    Concupiscencia: 'desear el objeto que amamos'



    1)'Los jóvenes suelen sentir placer en emprender cosas difíciles y exponerse a grandes peligros'

    2)'Los viejos sienten satisfacción cuando se acuerdan de los males que han sufrido'

    3)'La risa no acompaña las más grandes alegrías'

    4)'Hay muchos que no pueden abstenerse de reír cuando les hacen cosquillas, aunque ello no les produzca ningún placer'



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