Do ship strikes a fatality in the Pelagos sanctuary ?

Do ship strikes a fatality in the Pelagos sanctuary2015/02/12  · The Problem Ship strikes in Pelagos • One of the main causes of non natural death (+20%). • From 8 to 40 Fin

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  • Do ship strikes a fatality in the Pelagos sanctuary ?

  • The ProblemHow is the maritime traffic in Pelagos ?

    AIS signals for all vessels in 2014.8602 vessels have sailed through Pelagos in 2014.They travelled 18 554 000 km in Pelagos in 2014

  • The ProblemHow is the maritime traffic in Pelagos ?

    The main traffic lines in Pelagos

  • The ProblemHow is the maritime traffic in Pelagos ?

    Traffic vessels belonging to the AIS category « cargos »2423 « cargos » in 2014

  • The ProblemHow is the maritime traffic in Pelagos ?

    Traffic vessels belonging to the AIS category « passengers »330 « passengers » in 2014

  • The ProblemThe Pelagos Sanctuary

    International Agreement France / Monaco / Italie87500 km2

  • The ProblemShip strikes in Pelagos

    • One of the main causes of non natural death (+20%).• From 8 to 40 Fin whales would died each year as a

    result of collision with a vessel.• A ship strikes rate 3,25 times higher inside Pelagos than

    outside (Mediterranean basin).• A pressure and associated risk that double each 18-20

    years (3,5-4% annual growth rate).

  • The ProblemThe Pelagos Sanctuary a PSSA ?

    In october 2009 !

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?

    Rorqual (Bp) Cachalot (Pm)

    Map of individuals per km

    Maritim trafic (AIS)

    Number of Near Miss Events

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?

    For each boat we calculated the numberof theoretical NME , as an approach of the collision frequency.

    NME = Near Miss Event.The situation when a vessel and a cetacean are within a radius of 50 m

    A quantitative estimation of the risk of collision beared by each vessel

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?

    Calculation made with summer cetacean distribution overestimation in winterTheoretical risks of collision are much higher than actual collisions avoidance ?

    Italy 35,9%

    France 18,6 %

    % NMETotal NME 2014 = 3508 Fin whale : 3161 - 92 %Sperm whale = 276 - 8 %

    ITALY + FRANCE = more than half of the risks

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?

    Total NME 2014 = 3508 Fin whale : 3161 - 92 %Sperm whale = 276 - 8 %

    Passenger 49,8%

    Cargo 32,3 %

    % of NME

    Passenger = almosthalf of the risk

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?

    Total NME 2014 = 3508 Fin whale : 3161 - 92 %Sperm whale = 276 - 8 %






    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100






    9222% NME cumulés

    16 boats bear a third of the risk72 boats bear half of the risk

  • The AnalysisWhere and how are the risks ?




    10 30 50 70 90

    4 916 30



    % NME cumulés

    % NMEItaly 17,4%

    Passenger 17,4%France 12,7%

    Passenger 12,7%Total général 30,1%

    % NMEItaly 28,9%

    Cargo 1,5%Passenger 27,4%

    France 16,5%Cargo 0,3%Passenger 15,4%Tanker 0,8%

    Other countries 4,6%Total général 50,1%

  • The SolutionThe REPCET System

  • The SolutionThe REPCET System

  • The SolutionThe REPCET System

    REPCET operational since2010.Cost : 3600 € per year –0,01 % operational costs

    Only 10 vessels are equiped !

  • The SolutionThe REPCET System

    In France the new Law for Biodiversity will makeREPCET mandatory for all french flagged vessels

    How to convince Italiancompanies and others : PSSA or self commitment?

  • The SolutionThe socio economic impacts of a dreamed PSSA

    Scenario : 1. all vessels in Pelagos equiped with REPCET

    like systems2. the speed is limited to 10 knots in the vincinity

    of large cetacean.

    Average delay 27,6 minutes 0,047% total timeFuel consumption -377 Tonnes fuel - 1 176 tonnes CO2

    Costs and benefits estimation per year for Italian and french « Passenger »

    From 7,5 to 2 hours per year of delay for the 15th first vessels more impacted

    From 7,5 to 2 hours per year of delay for the 15th first vessels more impacted

  • Merci

  • Maritime Traffic in PelagosWhat is the the cost for limiting the risk ?

    To Observation Initiale

    T = 45 minutes T = 150 minutes T = 235 minutes

    T = 10 minutes

    1,71 m.s-1

    Or REPCET like


  • Diapositive 21

    DOD10 Attention anonymat garder que des noms génériques ou créer un ID anonyme pour chaque bateauDenis DELL; 02/12/2015

  • Maritime Traffic in PelagosWhat is the the cost for limiting the risk ?

    Costs and benefits estimation: examples (10 knots)Name Country Fuel saved SR Delay SR Fuel consumed AV Delay AVMEGA EXPRESS FOUR Italy -0,218% 0,320% 0,089% 0,095%MEGA EXPRESS FIVE Italy -0,245% 0,347% 0,099% 0,099%MEGA EXPRESS TWO Italy -0,244% 0,333% 0,099% 0,096%MEGA EXPRESS Italy -0,202% 0,282% 0,082% 0,086%MEGA SMERALDA Italy -0,222% 0,222% 0,105% 0,100%MEGA EXPRESS THREE Italy -0,163% 0,258% 0,065% 0,072%CORSICA VICTORIA Italy -0,066% 0,064% 0,037% 0,045%SARDINIA REGINA Italy -0,028% 0,034% 0,019% 0,028%LA SUPERBA Italy -0,057% 0,081% 0,023% 0,020%LA SUPREMA Italy -0,035% 0,047% 0,014% 0,012%MOBY WONDER Italy -0,136% 0,240% 0,053% 0,052%MOBY AKI Italy -0,134% 0,239% 0,052% 0,052%LUIGI PA Italy -0,090% 0,078% 0,045% 0,046%CRUISE ROMA Italy -0,156% 0,237% 0,062% 0,060%CRUISE BARCELONA Italy -0,151% 0,228% 0,060% 0,059%GIUSEPPE SA Italy -0,093% 0,075% 0,046% 0,047%JEAN NICOLI France -0,234% 0,170% 0,104% 0,069%MOBY CORSE Italy -0,006% 0,015% 0,012% 0,035%KALLISTE France -0,153% 0,140% 0,073% 0,066%CORSICA MARINA II Italy -0,020% 0,022% 0,012% 0,015%MONTE DORO France -0,200% 0,185% 0,101% 0,101%PASCAL PAOLI France -0,144% 0,132% 0,072% 0,059%PIANA France -0,202% 0,217% 0,089% 0,084%


  • Diapositive 22

    DOD17 Attention anonymat garder que des noms génériques ou créer un ID anonyme pour chaque bateauDenis DELL; 02/12/2015

  • • The Pelagos sanctuary is heavily impacted by the maritime traffic: vessels travel19 millions kilometers in the area each year. With an average growth of 4% per year this traffic will double in 20-25 years.

    • If we assume a 25m width for a typical vessel, the maritime trafic coverage is470 000 km2 per year, more than 5 times the total Pelagos area. 26 vesselsaccount for 30% of the total IWTD and cover 87800 km2 per year, the Pelagos area.

    • To equiped 26 vessels with an anti-collision system would cost about 95 000 €per year allowing to reduce significantly the risk for cetacean of a third of the maritime traffic. It would cost 317 000 € for 84 vesels and 50% of the traffic. The cost of anti-collision system represent 9 tonnes of fuel (400 €/tonnes)

    • The cost of anti-collision systems represents 0,01 % of operational costs (30-40 millions €).

    • With a scenario of speed reduction at 10N and given the fuel savings, the global economical balance would be positive for the most impacted vessels.

    Maritime Traffic in PelagosConclusions

  • Maritime Traffic in PelagosMethodology : the Injury Weighted Traveled Distance

    Since the impact of collision is linked with the vessels’ speed we calculatean indicator weighting the traveled distance (TD) by the average speed of the vessel : the Injury Weighted Traveled Distance (IWTD)It is based on the probability of lethal injury by collision proposed by Vanderlaan and Taggart (2007).

  • Projet Alerte collision – REPCETMethodology : the Injury Weighted Traveled Distance

    Vessel TraveleddistanceAveragespeed

    Probability oflethal Injury IWTD

    VESSEL 1 163 694 21,3 0,97 158 592

    VESSEL 2 180 989 14,0 0,66 119 827

    IWTD = TD x Probability Lethal Injury


  • Diapositive 25

    DOD3 La calcul a été fait maille par maille et par à partir de la moyenneDenis DELL; 02/12/2015

  • Maritime Traffic in PelagosMethodology : Theoretical approach of the collision frequency, the Near Miss Event (NME)

    Méthode de calcul du nombre de rencontre par maille o Formulation adaptée de (Vaes & Druon, 2013)o Nous calculons un nombre de rencontres potentielles entre un navire et un spécimen ou

    groupe de spécimens, par maille (m) pour une période donnée

    ) =+ 0.64

    1000 ). .)


    Oùm: numéro de la mailleL = longueur moyenne des specimens, en mètre (20 m pr Bp et 12,6 m pr Pm)T = fraction de temps passé en surface par l’animal en % (30% pr Bp ; 17% pr Pm)W = largeur de la coque du navire, en mètresA = abondances relatives krigées du rorqual(Bp) et du cachalot (Pm), en obs./Km par mailleDc = distance des navires (en km par maille)F = Distance moyenne de détection visuelle, en kilomètre, sur 20 ans de données d’EcoOcéan Institut:

    • F_BP= 2 x 1.181 km (391 obs ; ecart-type = 1.248 km)• F_PM = 2 x 1.184 km (111 obs; ecart-type = 1.100 km)