Do Our Children Need Moral Education

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  • 7/27/2019 Do Our Children Need Moral Education


    Do our children need moral education?

    By:Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharajon Jul 30, 2013The present-day world appears to be running fast towards destruction. As per Indian scriptural

    evidence, the conditioned souls are enveloped by Lords illusoryenergyconsisting of three primal

    qualitiesSattva, Rajah, and Tamah. Tamah indicates tendency to commit vice or to inflict injury.

    In fact, tamah tendency has now engulfed the whole world and is spreading over like fire and

    showing its most monstrous destructive ugly appearance.

    The sagacious persons are bewildered to find any solution of this terrible tendency of violence.

    By Rajah-guna living beings are created, by Sattva-guna they are maintained and by Tama-guna

    they are destroyed. Living beings are non-eternal. Human beings are the best amongst all kinds of

    created species, because they have got the discriminating power between good and bad, eternal

    and non-eternal, vice and virtue. Eating, sleeping, defending and mating are equal in beasts and

    human beings but human beings are superior because of their discriminating power. Practically it is

    demonstrated now that the human beings have become the greatest enemy of their own species.

    They are causing unnatural deaths without considering the innocence of the killed whether they

    are children or women, whom the killers have never seen and who have never done any harm to the

    killers. It is the greatest shame of such human beings to claim the false vanity of being the best

    amongst created beings.

    Lord does not think much about sins of other living beings who have got no such discriminating

    power. They do actions out of instinct. But God has bestowed discriminating power to human beings.

    In spite of that if they commit heinous crimes, surely they will be punished. They will never be

    spared. They are lowering the status of humanity. We may commit heinous crimes by deceiving

    ignorant human beings, beasts and birds, but we cannot deceive Supreme Lord Who is Omniscient.

    Lord is residing in theheartof every individual soul.

    Karmanye va dhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana Bhagvad Gita. As human being has got

    relative independence, he can do good and bad deeds by good or bad use of his relative

    independence. But the fruits of those deeds are controlled by Supreme Lord and not by conditioned

    souls of the world. Out of ignorance, conditioned souls always have the aptitude to blame others for

    their sufferings.

    When human beings have lost the capacity to understand difference between civilisation and non-

    civilisation, good and bad, they have lost everything. There is one pithy saying to know the criterion

    to understand which is good and bad, beneficial and non-beneficialWhen wealth is lost, nothing is

    lost; when health is lost, something is lost; and when character is lost, everything is lost. Now there

    is competition of who can become more wealthy, mutual rivalry between haves and have-nots. Thiswrong conception and rivalry between haves and have-nots have engulfed the whole human race

    and they are becoming more and more ferocious and murderous. Even some of them have got the

    ghastly mentality of endeavouring to invent horrible bombs to destroy all living beings. Is it the

    criterion to understand development of civilization? But this most heinous mentality is spreading like

    fire very fast, which may ultimately lead to complete destruction. The sensible persons should think

    now very seriously to save the situation from such devastation. The highest importance should be

    given now for character building of the human society. The root cause of such venom is false ego
  • 7/27/2019 Do Our Children Need Moral Education


    wrong conception of self, consequently causing false interests. Those who have lost the basic

    knowledge of self-realisation have become completely blind and they are making others blind.

    Indian saints have given knowledge of that path of self-realisation by holding discourses on authentic

    scriptures and by writings. Only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient, there should also be practical

    spirituallife. Example is better than precept. This must be started forthwith and introduced inEducationsystem. Character building is the backbone of the nation and human civilized society. But

    most important is that the instructor should have practical moral and spiritual character. Dont follow

    me, follow my lecture should not be the way of teaching. Only theoretical lectures without practical

    life will not be actually effective.

    In oxford dictionary, Education is defined as systematic instruction, course of this, development of

    character; Character is defined asmental or moral qualities. The word secular is very often used

    in Education. As per Oxford dictionary, secular meansconcerned with the affairs of the world, not

    spiritual, not sacred. When secular word is not sacred, what is the reason to feel hesitation in

    introducing basic moral and spiritual education to children and the youth? If citizens of the country

    have got no basic moral and spiritual qualities, how can we think about good governance of thecountry by the citizens without moral and spiritual backbone?