DNP Project Paper/Journal Article Rubric NOTE: If criteria does not apply, enter NA for the score CRITERIA EXCELLENT = 100-94 SATISFACTORY = 93-87 MARGINAL = 86-80*** UNACCEPTABLE = 0 SCORE 1. APA format or format appropriate to selected journal Title page References Appendices, as appropriate - Theoretical model - Concept map - IRB approval - Data collection - instruments - Letters of support APA format correct. Reference correct. Appendices correct. APA format with some errors. References with some errors. Appendices with some errors. APA format with frequent errors. References with frequent errors. Appendices with frequent errors. APA format is not used. References not cited. Appendices not used. Comments: 2. Writing Scholarship Professional written communication. Correct grammar is used. Some errors in written communication. Some errors in grammar. Frequent errors in written communication. Frequent errors in grammar. Written communication and grammar lack professionalism. Comments: 3. Introduction, Problem Statement, and Purpose/Aims/Objectives Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/objectives clearly stated and discussed. Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/objectives stated with some discussed discussion. Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/ objectives stated with minimal discussion. Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims / objectives not included. Comments: 4. Background, Significance (to health care, nursing, advanced practice), and System/ Population Impact Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact clearly stated and discussed. Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact stated with some discussion. Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact stated with minimal discussion. Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact not included. Comments: Student Name: NOTE: Do not fill out this form in the web browser. Right click on the document, select "Save As" and save it to your desktop or another location on your computer. Once saved, find it in the location you saved it and open it from there - it will open in Adobe Acrobat and you can then fill it out.

DNP Project Paper/Journal Article RubricStrengths and limitations of project adequately discussed. Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed. Strengths and limitations

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Page 1: DNP Project Paper/Journal Article RubricStrengths and limitations of project adequately discussed. Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed. Strengths and limitations

DNP Project Paper/Journal Article Rubric

NOTE: If criteria does not apply, enter NA for the score CRITERIA EXCELLENT = 100-94 SATISFACTORY = 93-87 MARGINAL = 86-80*** UNACCEPTABLE = 0 SCORE

1. APA format or formatappropriate to selectedjournal Title page References Appendices, as

appropriate­ Theoretical model­ Concept map­ IRB approval­ Data collection­ instruments­ Letters of support

APA format correct. Reference correct. Appendices correct.

APA format with someerrors.

References with someerrors.

Appendices with someerrors.

APA format with frequenterrors.

References with frequenterrors.

Appendices withfrequent errors.

APA format is notused.

References not cited. Appendices not used.


2. Writing Scholarship Professional writtencommunication.

Correct grammar isused.

Some errors in writtencommunication.

Some errors in grammar.

Frequent errors inwritten communication.

Frequent errors ingrammar.

Writtencommunication andgrammar lackprofessionalism.


3. Introduction, ProblemStatement, andPurpose/Aims/Objectives

Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/objectives clearly stated and discussed.

Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/objectives stated with some discussed discussion.

Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims/ objectives stated with minimal discussion.

Introduction, problem, and purpose/aims / objectives not included.


4. Background, Significance(to health care, nursing,advanced practice), andSystem/ PopulationImpact

Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact clearly stated and discussed.

Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact stated with some discussion.

Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact stated with minimal discussion.

Background, context of problem, significance, and system/population impact not included.


Student Name:NOTE: Do not fill out this form in the web browser. Right click on the document, select "Save As" and save it to your desktop or another location on your computer. Once saved, find it in the location you saved it and open it from there - it will open in Adobe Acrobat and you can then fill it out.

Page 2: DNP Project Paper/Journal Article RubricStrengths and limitations of project adequately discussed. Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed. Strengths and limitations

DNP Project Paper/Journal Article Rubric

NOTE: If criteria does not apply, enter NA for the score CRITERIA EXCELLENT = 100-94 SATISFACTORY = 93-87 MARGINAL = 86-80*** UNACCEPTABLE = 0 SCORE

5. Synthesis Synthesis of Evidence Appraisal Strengths/weaknesses Gaps/limitations

Comprehensive appraisalof evidence.

Evidence is synthesized. Comprehensive

discussion of strengths,weaknesses, gaps andlimitations.

Adequate appraisal ofevidence.

Evidence is analyzed butnot synthesized.

Adequate discussion ofstrengths, weaknesses,gaps and limitations.

Evidence is identified butnot analyzed.

Discussion of strengths,weaknesses, gaps andlimitations is limited.

Evidence notincluded.


6. Concepts(Concepts/definitions)and Framework(Conceptual/theoreticalframework)

Concepts clearly identifiedand comprehensivelydefined.

Conceptual frameworkclearly identified andcomprehensivelydiscussed in relation topurpose/aims/objectives.

Concepts identified andadequately defined.

Conceptual frameworkidentified and adequatelydiscussed in relation topurpose/aims/objectives.

Concepts identified butpoorly defined.

Conceptual frameworkidentified and poorlydiscussed in relation topurpose/aims/objectives.

Concepts notidentified.

Conceptual frameworknot identified.


7. Project Design(OrganizationImplementation) andData Collection Tools

Project design supportsidentified problem.

Project design iscomprehensive andorganized.

Implementationstrategies identified andcomprehensivelydiscussed.

Data collection toolsappropriate to projectdesign andcomprehensivelydescribed.

Project designmarginally supportsidentified problem.

Project design isidentified but needsimproved organization.

Implementationstrategies identified andadequately discussed.

Data collection toolsrelate to project designand adequately described.

Project design is identifiedwith problem.

Implementation strategiesidentified but poorlydiscussed.

Data collection toolsdescribed but poorlyrelate to project design.

Project design notidentified.

Implementationstrategies notidentified ordiscussed.

Data collection toolsnot included.


Student Name:

Page 3: DNP Project Paper/Journal Article RubricStrengths and limitations of project adequately discussed. Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed. Strengths and limitations

DNP Project Paper/Journal Article Rubric

NOTE: If criteria does not apply, enter NA for the score CRITERIA EXCELLENT = 100-94 SATISFACTORY = 93-87 MARGINAL = 86-80*** UNACCEPTABLE = 0 SCORE

8. Data Analysis andResults

Data analysis appropriateto design.

Results comprehensivelydescribed.

Tables and figuressupport the discussion.

Tables and figures arewell designed.

Data analysis appropriateto design.

Results adequatelydescribed.

Tables and figuressomewhat support thediscussion.

Tables and figures areadequately designed.

Data analysis appropriateto design.

Results poorly described. Tables and figures

unrelated to thediscussion.

Tables and figures arepoorly designed.

Data analysis is notincluded orinappropriate todesign.

Results are notdescribed.


9. Relationship of Resultsto framework/aims/objectives

Results are clearly linked to framework/aims/objectives.

Results are adequately linked to conceptual framework purpose/aims/ objectives.

Results are poorly linked to conceptual framework purpose/aims/ objectives.

Results are not linked to framework/ aims/ objectives.


10. Impact of Results onPractice

Impact of results clearly stated and comprehensively discussed.

Impact of results stated with some discussion.

Impact of results implied with minimal discussion.

Impact of results not included.


11. Strengths/limitations ofProject

Strengths and limitations of project comprehensively discussed.

Strengths and limitations of project adequately discussed.

Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed.

Strengths and limitations of project not discussed.


Student Name:

Page 4: DNP Project Paper/Journal Article RubricStrengths and limitations of project adequately discussed. Strengths and limitations of project poorly discussed. Strengths and limitations

DNP Project Paper/Journal Article Rubric

NOTE: If criteria does not apply, enter NA for the scoreCRITERIA EXCELLENT = 100-94 SATISFACTORY = 93-87 MARGINAL = 86-80*** UNACCEPTABLE = 0 SCORE

12. Dissemination Plan andRationales

Plan for dissemination of project comprehensively discussed with rationale.

Plan for dissemination of project adequately discussed with minimal rationale.

Plan for dissemination of project poorly discussed with no rationale.

Plan for dissemination of project not discussed


13. Future Implications forPractice

Future implications comprehensively discussed.

Future implications adequately discussed.

Future implications poorly discussed with no rationale.

No future implications included with no rationale.



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Student Name:

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**For journal article grading, select categories appropriate to author guidelines and recalculate total number of categories to be graded.

***All criteria must meet the Marginal level or higher and a score at least a B-/2.7/80% for a student to progress.

All final course grades of X.5 or higher will be rounded to the next highest whole number (example: 89.5 would become 90, A-). A grade of X.49 would not round up (89.49 would remain a B+).

Form Revised 5/8/17