<3> p C < a < .c _ TMôtOOà c% •- PROP^^ ^ F LIBRARY____ DIVISION OF CULTURAL A PROPOSAL RESOURCES, NARO FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE PERIOD ROOMS IN 1/% //3S^(i/ THE THEODORE ROOSEVELT BIRTHPLACE PRESENTED TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE THEODORE ROOSEVELT ASSOCIATION AUGUST 17, 1976 BY DAVID M, KAHN INDEX . INTRODUCTION ^-^GE PARLORt , a» aaaaai it ' ) M M * M M (<1PAGE 7 LIBRARY......... , ...................... \ ......... ............. ................... PAGE 28 DINING ROOM ....................................................... PAGE 43 NURSERY ............................................................. PAGE 54 BIRIHROOM .............................................. PAGE 66 VESTIBULE AND HALLS.................................... .PAGE 79 WINDOW SHADES ............................ »PAGE 86 FOOTNOTES ...................................... .PAGE 8S .PAGE 93 .PAGE 100 BUDGET -PROPOSED EXPENDITURES STAGES I AND II -SUMMARY OF PROPOSED EXPENDITURES.......


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PARLORt , a» aaaaai it ' ) M M * M M (<1PAGE 7

LIBRARY......... , ......................\ ......... ............. ...................PAGE 28

DINING ROOM....................................................... PAGE 43

NURSERY............................................................. PAGE 54

BIRIHROOM.............................................. PAGE 66

VESTIBULE AND HALLS.................................... .PAGE 79

WINDOW SHADES............................ »PAGE 86

FOOTNOTES...................................... .PAGE 8S

.PAGE 93

.PAGE 100




The furnishings presently found in the period rooms at the

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace were almost a l l in s itu when the

house was o f f ic ia l ly dedicated on 27 October 1923, Close examin­

ation o f these furnishing reveals that with few exceptions, they

are in an advanced state o f disrepair, The carpets, draperies and

upholstery are a l l worn and badly discolored, The woodwork on most

pieces o f furniture shows either losses or cracks in moldings and

other decorative details due to the dryness o f the wood and de­

composition o f glues. The frames o f many o f these same pieces o f

furniture have become dangerously unstable,, and the bottoms have

already fa llen out o f two sofas, The heavy varnishes on many of

these artic les have also darkened in an unsightly fashion due to

the passage o f time and lack o f attention, The picture and mirror

frames have fared no better, and show numerous chips, breaks, d is ­

colorations, etc.- As the house is without climate control, the

prints hanging on the walls show foxing and some water damage. Hie

restoration of the Birthplace is , therefore, a must,

I f the recommendations contained in this proposal are carried

out, a l l o f the above mentioned problems w i l l be corrected, while

at the same time the absolute integrity of. the 1923 installation

w i l l be maintained. Attention to this la s t principle w ill involve

a number o f expenses which might not be encountered were the in ­

tegrity o f that installation not at issue, -For instance, i t w i l l

be more costly to have s ilk specially-dyed to match that orig inally

vised for the Parlor draperies and upholstery than i f a near

match were chosen from the stock of a distinguished fabric house.

Similarly i t w i l l be more costly to have replacements for the

carpets woven in France where may be found looms capable of dup­

licating the original weave, than i f looms in this country were

re lied upon which are capable o f duplicating the look, but not

the texture, o f the orig inals, And i t w i l l be more costly to

restore some artic les o f furniture than i t would be to replace

them, replacement being an alternative to restoration in the case

of non-Roosevelt family items.

But i t is incumbent upon us today to recognize - as i t was not

recognized during ea rlie r restorations - that the integrity of

the 1923 installation is very much at issue, In 1923 Theodore

Roosevelt’ s s is te rs , Mrs, Cowles and Mrs, Robinson, lent their

advice on furnishing and decorating the period rooms, thereby

guaranteeing that the interior o f the original house would be

reproduced as closely as possible, But in later years the appear­

ance o f the 1923 installation was sign ificantly altered. A

series o f refurbishments have included the replacement o f a l l the

draperies and wallpapers, and the reupholstering o f some o f the

furniture. In almost none o f these instances were the 1923 fabrics,

drapery sty les, .or wallpaper patterns and colors adhered to. This

situation should not be condoned, and it is advised that the

National Park Service and the Trustees o f the Theodore Roosevelt

Association make it their o f f ic ia l policy to see -to i t that the

1923 installation as- preserved and perpetually maintained,


-3 -

Beyond its importance as the recreated scene of Theodore

Roosevelt’s youth, the Birthplace is in and o f i t s e l f o f immense

historic interest, For i t is not only a monument to one o f America's

most dynamic leaders, but to the Women's Roosevelt Memorial

Association, their patriotic efforts and those o f thousands o f

American citizens who contributed their dollars to see it rebu ilt,

The house and its contents ought, then, to be preserved with the.

same care and attention that is devoted to any o f our nation's other

great h istoric treasures, The Birthplace's situation is , in fact',

somewhat analagous to that enjoyed by Federal Hall on Wall Street.

That structure is revered and preserved both because i t is on the

s ite o f an important, ea rlie r building, and because it is possessed

o f its own important h istoric associations, Similarly the Theo­

dore Roosevelt Birthplace permits us to look back to the Nineteenth

Century but i f also provides'us with a unique opportunity to focus

on events in America circa 1923, The year 1923 is therefore not

one which should be neglected in the Birthplace's history, but

rather one we should emphasize and be proud of,

Expert decorators could, of course, be .called in to do the

furnished rooms over from head to foot in what might today be con ­

sidered a more accurate mid-nineteenth century style. It has

been suggested by one restorer that the present carpets be removed

in favor o f so lid colored ones so that Persian carpets might be

la id on top o f the la tte r . Anything is po ss ib le ,• But a century or

two from now, furture generations o f Americans w il l be fa r more

curious to see the character o f the orig inal 1923 installation than

they w i l l be to see the alterations o f the 1940s, 1950s, or the

potential alterations o f the 1970s,

A pcrfe.ct example o f what we should not submit to as we embark

on a general refurbishment o f the period rooms is encountered in

what has happened in the Parlor, The fabric presently used for

the draperies and upholstery is not original, It is a blue/grey

cotton and rayon combination which was substituted sometime in

the 1940s or early 1950s fo r the original s ilk , which was o f a

fa r deeper, richer hue. No doubt the substitute material was

chosen to save something over the cost of buying s ilk and having

i t specially dyed. The result is that the quality of the original

fabrics has not been maintained, and the original 1923 color scheme-

o f the room has been altered perceptibly< This color scheme also

suffers from the 1955 repapering o f the room, A wallpaper tota lly

lacking in the blue tones o f the orig inal was hung at that time,

The overall e ffect o f the Parlor is thus not that orig inally con­

templated in 1923,

It is because changes such as these in the house that the present

refurbishment should be an agressive one, We should not only

restore items whose deteriorated condition demands our attention,

For at the completion o f a l l necessary repairs, the alterations o f

the past few decides would s t i l l stand between the present and our

goal o f reinstating the integrity o f the 1923 installation . In

other.words, items such as the wallpapers throughout the house and

the draperies in the Dining'Room should be replaced, even though

their condition alone might not warrent i t , because they do not



conform to the orig inals.

The urgency o f having the entire restoration affected immediately

cannot be overemphasized, Not only is the appearance o f this

treasured landmark at stake, but the quality and truthfulness o f

the information about the house and Theodore Roosevelt's l i f e in

i t which is imparted to the public is imperiled by the present

state o f a ffa irs . The interpreters of the National Park Service

routinely inform the public, as they themselves have been informed,

that the carpeting, draperies and wallpapers throughout the house

were chosen by Theodore Roosevelt's sisters and are exact repro­

ductions o f the originals, This is only p a rtia lly true at this

point as has been mentioned above, and as w i l l be detailed under

the appropriate headings in the pages that follow . Rapid comple­

tion o f the present restoration proposal w i l l , on the other hand,

guarantee that the public w ill view the most accurate possible

replicas of the orig inal nineteenth century interiors,

A word at this point should be added concerning the body o f this

proposal. Each section o f the house has been delt with under a

separate heading, under which w i l l be found statements on the specific

goals the present restoration is intended to affect in each area,

Detailed Conservation Reports fo r a l l items in need o f attention in

each room follow these statements, The Conservation Reports include

under the heading "Recommendations" the name o f a supplier/restorer

and the cost involved, followed by the designation Stage I or Stage

I I , These la s t designations represent the two major subdivisions in

tiie Budget with which, this proposal is concluded.


The figures lis ted under Stage I o f the Budget represent

specific , low bids received for much o f the required work, Figures

lis ted under Stage I I are rough estimates which have been made for

the remainder o f the work due to the inadvisability o f taking exact

bids at this time, For instance, in regard to items such as the

Birthroom draperies, i t is hoped that some members o f the Board

o f Trustees o f the Theodore Roosevelt Association w i l l be able to

contribute their memories to the quest for duplicating the originals

before a fabric selection is made, as neither color photographs nor

samples o f the originals survive. And further research is required

before the replacements fo r the wallpapers can be properly costed <

A ll figures lis ted under Stage I I are, however, based on conver­

sations with suppliers and restorers, and may be taken as a basis

fo r making appropriations at this time,.

David M, Kahn

August 1976



The Parlor is today, as it was in the Nineteenth Century,

the showplace o f the house, Therefore its present state of

disrepair is a l l the more lamentable, As noted in the Introduction,,

tlie 1923 color scheme has been much altered, A grey toned wallpaper

was hung in the room in 1955 in substitution fo r the original blue

■and grey pattern. . Sometime before that date the draperies were

redone and the upholstered furniture recovered with a pale blue/

grey cotton and rayon combination fabric in substitution fo r the

orig inal deep, rich blue s ilk o f 1923, Traces o f the la tter

material are s t i l l to be seen today beneath the gimp on the up­

holstered furniture, the present gimp also being d ifferent from

that used some f i f t y years ago.

Today the draperies are in desperate need of renewal, Their

elaborate tassels and cords have a l l but disintegrated, and are

much discolored, as is the once b r i l l ia n t boullion fringe. The

draperies cannot, o f course, be redone without the replacement

o f the matching portiers and reupholstering the matching parlor

suite o f furniture, But the time is w ell chosen for attending to

the la tte r , as the bottom has fa llen out o f one o f the sofas and

the frames o f the side chairs are in need o f stabilization . The

frames o f a l l the items o f upholstered furniture are, in fact,

also in need o f a thorough cleaning and polishing, the same holding

true for the piano, canterbury, etc.

Thus present .necessity requires that much o f the Parlor be redone.

This can be achieved most successfully and in te lligen tly by

having the orig inal tassels, cords, fringe, s ilk and gimp copied

exactly. The blue carpet in the room has stood the test o f time

and once cleaned w il l brighten up the setting considerably, It

would then remain only for the wallpaper to be replaced fo r the

room to truely be restored to it s 1923 color scheme. The repair,

refin ishing, cleaning and polishing o f the furniture w i l l s ign i­

ficantly enhance the dignity o f the Parlor, as w i l l the repair

o f the picture and mirror frames. In sum, i f the recommendations

contained in the following Conservation Reports are adopted, the

grandeur o f the Parlor w i l l be assured for years to come,

ARTICLE: Wilton Carpet - Second Empire pattern in shades o f blue


HISTORY: Purchased and installed in 1923, Produced at the Shuttle-12

worth plant o f Messers Riddle and Walker in the town o f Kamak,13

Cost $329,05,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Condition is quite good; no v is ib le

worn spots or serious discolorations,

RECOMMENDATIONS: Should be cleaned by the Cleantex

Process Co., Inc, Cost $75,00, Stage I ,


ARTICLE: Sevres and G ilt Metal Mantel Clock

LOCATION: Parlor Mantel

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt, S r,, and installed1?

in 1923; original to nineteenth-century house.


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Clock is in working condition, but

overhauling has been recommended by an expert clock repairman,

The detachable base o f wood covered with gilded gesso is badly


RECOMMENDATIONS: The clock should be repaired by

Roger's Time. Cost $186,00. The base should be repaired by

a frame restorer, namely Larry Price, Cost $150,00, Both

Stage I,


ARTI CLE : Draperies

LOCATION: Parlor Windows

HISTORY: Installed in 1923, Were lined \ri.th sateen

and interlined with flannel and sewn by Nancy McClelland 3 11

fo r $80.00. Original fabric sky blue s ilk costing $7,25 13

per yard, The fringe, tassels and cord were supplied by

the Consolidated Trimming Co, a fter much debate over cost,

32 yards fringe $104,00, 32 yards cord $88,00, 4 pairs6

o f tassels $220,00, 2 single tassels $50,00, Models for

the tassels were supplied my Miss, M,J, Mathews, and were5

described as "absolutely typical o f the period, "

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: * The original sky blue s ilk was

replaced with a grey/blue cotton and rayon combination

fab ric , probably in the 1940s, No specific records have

come to ligh t, ’ '

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The tassels are l it e ra lly fa llin g apart, ■

The tassels cords and fringe are a l l badly discolored, :

RECOMMENDATIONS' Total replacement o f the draperies is

necessary. The following should be supplied by Scalamandre:

10 tassels with cord. 08500,00 o r '$5,000,00; 43 yards o f

boullion fringe, 0$45.OO or $1,935.00 57 yards of blue s ilk ,


§$38,00 or $2,166.00, llie labor and installation to be

supplied by Bclfare Draperies, Inc, fo r $890,00. Total

cost $9,991,00, Tliis represents the single most costly

expenditure in this proposal, but the dramatic affect the

draperies have in the Parlor ju s t ifie s the expense, Stage I ,


ARTICLE: Portiers

LOCATION: Passageway from Parlor to Library




Installed in 1923 to match draperies in Parlor, Labor 13

$30,00, probably by Nancy McClelland, Sky blue s ilk 13

$7,25 per yard.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: The orig inal sky blue s ilk was

replaced with a grey/blue cotton and rayon combination

fabric , probably in the 1940s, No specific records have

come to ligh t.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Fair, but raust be replaced to match


RECOMMENDATIONS: . Fabric by Scalamandre, 8 yards of

blue s ilk , @$38,00 or $304.00, Labor and installation to be

supplied by Belfai'e Draperies, Inc. fo r $150,00, Total cost

$454,00, Stage I,


ARTICLE: G ilt Overmantel Mirror

LOCATION: East Wall, Parlor

HISTORY: Installed in 1923 as the g i f t o f the New York State19 13

Chapter, Daughters o f 1812, Cost $300,00,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Some retouching with gold colored paint.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: _ . , , . , , , .Serious breaks m carved woodwork at

crest; decorative elements missing from this area as w e ll,

Heavy losses in g i l t surface, especially at base.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems must

be attended to by an expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price,

Cost $500.00. Stage I ,


ART IC LE : G ilt P ier Glass

LOCATION: North W all, Parlor

19 13HISTORY: Purchased and insta lled in 1923, Cost $210,00,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Some retouching with gold colored paint.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: G ilt surface and gesso badly chipped in

numerous spots, especially around base,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems must

be attended to by an expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price,

Cost $400,00. Stage I.


Ita lian Renaissance Masters) ' -

LOCATION: . East Wall, Parlor

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs Theodore Roosevelt. Sr, and installed19'

in 1923; original to nineteenth-century house,

ARTICLE: Pair o f G ilt Picture frames (With Steel Engravings a fte r


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Originally rosettes ornamented each of

the four corners of the two frames, Now only two-thirds of one

remains. The g i l t fin ish is worn in place;

RECOMMENDATIONS: __ The rosettes should be replaced, using

the one remaining one as a model, Hie frames should also be re ­

gilded, ■ Work to be done by Larry Price, Cost $400,00, Stage I ,


ARTICLE: Pa ir o f Mahogany Sofas (Tufted Backs)

LOCATION: East Wall, Parlor

Originally belonged to Cornelius Roosevelt;,

HISTORY: purchased of Miss, Mary G, Mason and installed in■ 1 9 . 1 3

1923. Cost together with mahogany table in parlor $500,00.11 13

O riginally covered in sky blue s ilk costing $7,25 per yard,7

Cabinetwork and upholstering by Mr, Sommerlad for $195,00,13

including repair fo r mahogany table,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: One sofa mentioned as being recovered in18

1939, Both recovered with a cotton and rayon comb ination

fabric probably in 1940s, Original gimp replaced with a Greek

fre t motif.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The bottom has fa llen out o f one o f the

pair. The woodwork o f both is in need o f professional cleaning

and polishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Need to be reupholstered by Delta

Upholsterers, Inc. Cost $1,300.00, Sky blue s ilk for entire

parlor suite 35 yards, @$38,00 or $1,330,00. Gimp for entire

parlor suite 60 yards. @$5,00 or $300,00, Cabinetwork, cleaning

and polishing by Thorp Brothers. Cost $1,000,00, Stage I ,


ART IC1B: Pair o f Rosewood Side Chairs (Tufted Backs)


HISTORY: Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. S r ,, and installed19

in 1923; belonged to her family. Originally covered in sky 11 13

blue s ilk costing $7,25 per yard. Repair and upholstering 1.3

$60.00, probably by Mr. Sommer lad,’

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Recovered with a cotton and rayon com­

bination fab ric probably in 1940s, Original gimp replaced with

a Greek fre t motif.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Cracks in frames and some chips in


RECOMMENDATIONS: Need to be reupholstered by Delta

Upholsterers, Inc. Cost $500,00. Sky blue s ilk for entire

parlor suite 35 yards, @$38.00 or $1,330,00, Gimp for entire

parlor suite 60 yards, @$5,00 or $300,00, Cabinetwork, cleaning

and polishing by 1110175 Brothers. Cost $610,00, Stage I,


Rosewood Ami Chair (With Tufted Back)ARTICLE:


HISTORY:Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, S r., and installed

19in 1923; original to nineteenth-century .house. Originally

11 13covered in sky blue s ilk costing $7,25 per yard. Repair

13and upholstering $35,00, probably by Mr, Sommerlad,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:Recovered with a cotton and rayon com~

bination fabric probably in 1940s. Original gimp- replaced with

a Greek fre t motif.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:Bad sp lit -in back o f frame, le f t side.

RECOMMENDATIONS:Needs to be reupholstered by Delta

Upholsterers, Inc. Cost $430.00. Sky blue s ilk fo r entire

parlor suite 35 yards. @$38.00 or $1,330.00, Gimp for entire

parlor suite 60 yards, @$5.00 or $300.00, Cabinetwork, cleaning

and polishing by Thorp Brothers. Cost $300,00, Stage I .


ARTICLE: Mahogany Table (White Marble Top)


HISTORY: Originally belonged to Cornelius Roosevelt: purchased19

o f Miss, Mary G, Mason and installed in 1923, Cost together13 7

with pair o f mahogany sofas $500,00, Cabinetwork by Mr, Sommerlad13

together with cost o f repairing and upholstering sofas $195,00.


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Needs professional cleaning and

polishing to bring out lustre o f mahogany.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Cleaning and polishing, some retouching

by Thorp Brothers. Cost $220,00, Stage I.


ARTICLE:Rosewood Gothic Side Chair (With Blue Velvet Seat)


HIS TORY *Original to nineteenth-centiny house; was in 57th Street

28house as w e ll; in sta lled ca, 1970. Records on donor not located,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Covered in blue velvet when donated;

unprofessional repairs with p lastic wood were affected at that28

time under the supervision of Ernest LoNano,

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR* . . . . . . ,Many chips.an legs, veneer marred,

Serious s p lit in back. Needs cleaning and polishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The present problems should be attended

to and the old, unprofessional repairs removed by Thorp Brothers',

Cost $340.00, Seat should be reupholstered to match remainder o f

parlor suite. Reupholstering by Delta Upholsterers for $35.00,

Sky blue s ilk fo r entire parlor suite 35 yards, @$38,00 or

$1,330.00, Gimp for entire parlor-su ite 60 yards, @$5,00 or

$300.00. Stage I .


ARTICLE : Rosewood Etagere (Marble Top, Mirrored Doors)

LOCATION: West Wall, Parlor ' '

19HISTORY: Purchased o f Miss, M,J, Mathews and installed in 1923,

13 7Cost $90,00, Cabinetwork by Mr, Sommcrlad,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Nails have been inserted into the


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Some o f the moldings are loose and there

are chips in the veneering, Needs cleaning and polishing,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The present problems should be attended

to and the old, unprofessional repairs removed by Thorp Brothers,

Cost $575,00, Stage I.


ARTICLE:Rosewood Piano



West Wall, Parlor

Donated by the Chickering Co, of Boston in 1923,19


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: . ,Many o f the decorative moldings are

missing and need to be replaced, There are heavy scratches on the

surface due to porcelains having been placed there fo r years, Other

scratches and diips on legs. Needs cleaning and polishing,RECOMMENDATIONS: _ ^

Hie problems with the fin ish and the

decorative details should be attended to by Thorp Brothers. Cost

$3,250.00. Stage I .


Mahogany Veneered Piano Stool



HISTORY: 19Purchased o f Miss, M, J, Mathews and installed in 1923,

13Cost $5.00,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:Covered with a cotton and rayon combination

fabric to match that o f parlor suite. Probably done in 1940s, Early

photographs' o f the Parlor show that the piano stool was covered with


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:The top is loose and there are chips

in tiie veneer. Needs cleaning and polishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS:The cabinetwork should be attended to

by Thorp Brothers. Cost $120,00. Hie seat should be reupholstered

with the orig inal horsehair, Reupholstering by Delta Upholsterers

fo r $45,00. The horsehair has already been purchased. Stage I,



19HISTORY: Purchased o f Miss, M,J, Mathews and installed in 1923,

Cost $18,00,

ARTICLE: Mahogany Canterbury


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Much o f the fretwork is badly damaged

is not missing altogether, Needs cleaning and polishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The missing fretwork should be replaced

and other cabinetwork performed by Thorp Brothers.• Cost $260,00,

Stage I.


Malachite Veneer)LOCATION: .Parlor

ARTICLE: G ilt Metal Sculpture o f Moujik (Marble base with

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, S r., and installed19

in 1923; original to nineteenth-century house. Mentioned in

Theodore Roosevelt's autobiography.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Some pieces o f the veneer have been

replaced with lead repairs.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Many chips in the veneer,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The veneer should be completely restored;

this would include the removal o f the old repairs, To be done

by Mr. Robert Anderson, The Metropolitan Museum o f Art.

Cost $500.00, Stage I I .


iRTICLE: Wallpaper (Grey and Beige)


HISTORY: Original paper installed in 1923 in tones o f blue and

grey as seen in color photographs o f the pre-1955 period. Paoer1 13

supplied by Birge Co, at a cost o f $234,00 (? ), and referred22

to at a la ter date as possibly having been handblocked.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: po s s i b l y on0 o f th r e e r00ms re(Jone i n21

1941. I f so, ro lls o f the original paper must have been available

as no change in pattern can be seen in photographs of the Parlor

until a fter 1955 repapering o f the room, 30 ro lls o f #10056E

Regency pattern from the A.L. Diament Co, used • in 1955,



RECOMMENDATIONS. As the present paper is not the exact

pattern o f the o rig ina l, and as i t is lacking in tones o f blue, it

is suggested that i t be replaced with, a made-to-order copy o f the

original. Estimated cost $2,000.00, Supplier not chosen, Stage I I ,



Tlie dominant color scheme chosen for the Library in 1923 was

red and black, Those too colors are to be found in the Wilton

carpet,and either one or the other was used to upholster a l l o f

the furniture in the room, Reds were further used fo r the w a ll­

paper and stained glass windows, The present 1955 wallpaper is

nutmeg, off-white and charcoal, and disrupts the b rillian ce of

the orig inal decor, I t should be replaced, The black pattern in

the Wilton carpet is a l l but inv is ib le today, due to the treading

o f innumerable v is ito rs ' feet, I t also should be replaced, as

should a long missing pair o f brown corded s ilk portiers,

An ea r lie r appropriation has already been earmarked fo r the

reupholstering o f the much frayed horsehair covered rosewood

furniture in the Library. That appropriation w illnot. however,

cover the refinishing, cleaning and polishing o f the furniture 's

varnish-blackened, scratched and chipped frames. I t has only been

since the upholstery was removed from three o f the pieces that i t

became apparent that the frames w i l l require extensive work on their

interiors as w ell. This work, and the cabinet work required by

v irtua lly a l l o f the Library furniture, should be attended to in

order to insure the furniture 's survival. The marble topped table

and the whatnot in tlie room are, fo r instance, on the verge o f

collapse due to the weakened state o f their frames. _ And this writer

has been informed by tlie upholsterer that the three pieces presently

in her shop cannot possibly be worked*on until the frames are


structurally repaired,

Aside from the structural repairs required by the various

pieces o f furniture, the fact that the Library is the one room

in the Birthplace into which v isitors are admitted underscores the

need for close attention to the cosmetic appearance of the indi­

vidual pieces. This principle also holds true for the picture

frame and the clock in the room which are in need o f repair,


ARTICLE: Wilton Carpet (Red with Black Pattern)


HISTORY:Purchased and installed in 1923, Produced at the Shuttle-

12worth plant o f Messers Riddle and Walker in the town of Kamak.

13Cost $303.60,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: _ . , , , ,Colors have faded

is a l l but inv isib le today due to the passage

v is ito rs .

and the black pattern

o f thousands o f

RECOMMENDATIONS: Replacement by StaikCarpet Co, is

recommended, Cost exclusive o f installation $1,825,00, Stage I ,


Bronze Mantel Clock

LOCATION:Library Mantel

HISTORY:Donated by Mrs. Douglas Robinson and installed in

191923: formerly in the possession o f Mr, Robinson’s great aunt.


13PREVIOUS RESTORATION: ' Repaired in 1923 for $15,00,

.PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Not in working order, The mainspring

is broken.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The clock should be repaired by

Roger’s Time, Cost $245,00, Stage I.



LOCATION:Passageway from Library to Parlor

HISTORY: 13Installed in 1923, Labor cost $30,00: probably

by Nancy McClelland, 14 yards o f material used, @$10,25 or 13 15

$143,00. Refered to as brown corded s ilk in 192S,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Portiers are missing.

RECOMMENDATIONS : ' Should be replaced, Fabric by

Scalamandre, 8 yards o f brown corded s ilk , @$46.00 or $690,00,

Labor and installation to be supplied by Belfare Draperies, Inc,

for $150,00. Total cost $840.00, Stage I .


after Raphael)LOCATION:

East Wall, Library

HISTORY: Installed in 1923 as can be seen in early photographs11

of the room, History otherwise unknown,

ARTICLE: G ilt and Black Lacquer Picture Frame (S teel Engraving


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: There are large chips at the comers.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Repairs should be made by an

expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price, Cost $150,00, Stage I .




Rosewood Sola (Covered in Black Horsehair, Tufted Back)

West Wall, Library

19Donated by Mrs, Norman S, Dike and installed in 1923,

7 13Repair and upholstering by Mr. Sommerlad for $85.00.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:When last covered, metal clamps; ■

lscrews and other makeshift methods were used to secure frame,'

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:The bottom recently f e l l out of this

piece o f furniture. The horsehair is badly frayed. The frame

needs refinishing in part, cleaning and polishing,

RECOMMENDATIONS:The cost o f upholstering, fabric and

gimp to match, that on sofa has already been covered by a previous

appropriation. Cabinetwork to be performed by Thorp Brothers.

Cost $660.00, Stage I .


LOCATION: Library ^


ARTICLE: Pair o f Rosewood Ann Chairs (Covered in Black Horsehair)

HISTORY: Donated by Miss. Kane and installed in 1924, Cost13

o f repair and recovering $50,00,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: When la st covered, metal clamps,

screws and other makeshift methods were used to secure frame,27

One o f these chairs was redone in 1955 for $35.00,

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The frames are badly chipped

and need in part to be refinished, The horsehair is badly frayed.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Hie cost o f upholstering, fabric and

gimp to match that on sofa has already been covered by a previous

appropriation. Cabinetwork to be performed by Thorp Brothers,

Cost $780,00, Stage I ,

ARTICLE:Set of Pour Rosewood Side Chairs (Covered in Black Horsehair)





Purchased o f Miss. Harriet Mulford and installed in 13

Cost $25,00 each.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Three o f these chairs were recovered27

in 1955 fo r $45.00.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The legs have in many places sp lit

above the castors, There are numerous nicks in the fin ish , and

the varnish has blackened in areas, The chairs are unsteady and

no doubt in need o f extensive work on the frames, Horsehair frayed.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The chairs should be restored. The .

cost of. upholstering, fabric and gimp to match that now on chairs

has already been covered by a previous appropriation. Cabinetwork

to be performed by Thorp Brothers. Cost $2,160,00. Stage I .


Rosewood Table (Grey Marble Top)



Donated by Mrs, Norman S. Dike and installed in 19 7 13

1923. Repaired by Mr, Sommerlad for $35.00,


PREVIOUS RESTORATION: As with the other pieces of furniture

entrusted to Mr. Sommerlad's care, a very unprofessional job of

restoration was done on this table. N a ils , screws and metal clamps

were used to secure the frame and heavy varnishes were applied to

obscure the repaired areas.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Table is very unstable today, The

fin ish needs to be restored as very l i t t l e o f the wood is presently

v is ib le beneath Mr. Sommerlad*s varnishes,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems should be

corrected. Cabinetwork to be done by Thorp Brothers. Cost

$580.00. Stage I,


ARTICLI Roosewood ’ ’Tassel" Chair


HISTORY: Donated by Mrs. Douglas Robinson and installed19

in 1923; original to nineteenth-century house, Cabinetwork13

and upholstery $15.00, probably by Mr. Sommerlad. Fabric. 13

referr^dto as red plush and cost $27,00.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Tassels mentioned as missing4

in 1923.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Back is sp lit and loose, Finish

is chipped. Cleaning and polishing necessary.

RECOMMENDATIONS: . The above mentioned cabinet work

should be attended to by Thorp Brothers, Cost $300,00, Stage I ,





ART IC LB:Rosewood Gothic Sido Chair


11Installed in 1923 as seen in early photographs.

Possibly the chair referredto in 1923 as donated by Mrs. Theodore20

Roosevelt, S r . , and which came from the original library . Fabric13 7

referredto as red plush and cost $40,50. Repairs by Mr, Sommerlad,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:As Mr,. Sommerlad worked on this

chair, there may be old repairs that were improperly done, but

which w i l l no become v is ib le until the upholstery is removed.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The f ront legs 0f this chair are

loose, and the varnishes have darkened in an unsightly fashion,

Cleaning and polishing required.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned cabinetwork

should be attended to by Thorp Brothers. Cost $400.00. Stage I ,


\RTICLE: Walnut Whatnot



Library - •

11Installed in 1923 as can be seen in early photographs.


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Frame is very loose. The surfaces

have been so badly damaged that the surface o f the wood

shows through the varnish in many areas, Cleaning and polishing


RECOMMENDATIONS: The problems with the frame and

fin ish should be attended to by Thoip Brothers, Cost $420,00,

Stage I. -





Globe ancl Walnut Stand


11Installed in 1923 as can be seen in early photographs.


PRESENT STATE OP REPAIR. The stand is badly chipped and scratched

and is in need of retouching. Cleaning and polishing also required.’

The globe has numerous holes in it and its surface is abraded,

RECOMMENDATIONS:The above mentioned problems should be

attended to by Throp Brothers, Cost $440,00, Stage I ,


Wallpaper (Nutmeg, Off-White and Charcoal)


HISTORY:Original paper installed in 1923 in tones o f red as

seen in color photographs o f the pre-1955 period, Paper supplied 1 13

by Birge Co. at a cost o f $23.00, and referred to at a la ter22

date as possibly having been handblocked,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Possibly one o f three rooms redone in21

1941. I f so, ro lls o f the orig inal paper must have been available

as no change in pattern can be seen in photographs of the Library

tin t i l after 1955 repapering o f the room, 30 ro lls of #599WW57824

Cooperstown pattern from Katzenbach and Warren used in 1955,



RECOMMENDATIONS: As the present paper is not the exact

or even a close duplication of the o rig ina l, and as i t is lacking in

the rich red tones o f the o rig ina l, i t is suggested that it be replaced

with a made-to-order copy of the o rig ina l, Estimated cost $2,000,00.

Supplier not chosen. Stage I I ,



The Dining Room is the one section in the house in which the

color scheme, i f not the details, o f the 1923 installation has

been maintained, Hie loss o f the original gold and beige w a ll­

paper is , however, s t i l l to be lamented as Theodore Roosevelt’s

sisters no doubt had very specific memories in mind when they re ­

commended the combination architectural and scenic pattern hung

in 1923, The gothic motifs in the wallpaper were very sim ilar to

those carved an the dining room chairs, thereby providing added

inspiration fo r replacing the 1923 paper, Though green as were

the o rig inals, the present draperies conform neither in fabric

type nor style to the orig inals. A brocade is presently employed

in place o f the orig inal moire. The red and gold trim used on the

originals has been dispensed with in the present versions, which

have been executed in a style wholly inappropriate to the Mid-

Nineteenth Century. The original draperies should be restored,

The carpeting in the room has faded terriblyand should also be


As is the case with the Library, the furniture in the Dining

room is in serious need o f attention. Many o f the chair legs

have sp lit and their' decorative moldings have separated due to the

deterioration of glues. The overmantel mirror shows heavy losses

in its g i l t surface. These problems can only be expected to worsen

i f they are not attended to at once,

Again, from the cosmetic point o f view, the Dining Room furniture


is in need o£ retouching, cleaning and polishing, The surface

o f the dining table is in further need o f refinishing, as at some

point in time i t was lightened and had its high gloss fin ish




ARTICLE:Brussels Carpet (Green with Diamond Pattern)

Dining Room

HISTORY:Purchased and installed in 1923, Produced at the Shuttle

12worth plant o f Messers Riddle and Walker in the town o f Kamak,

Cost unrecorded,


’RESENT STATE OF REPAIR:Carpet is quite worn in areas and

comparison with an original sample-found in a closet in the

Birthplace shows that i t has faded and lost the richness of its

original hues. RECOMMENDATIONS:

Replacement by Stark Carpet Co. is

recommended. Cost exclusive o f installation $2,110,00, Stage I ,


ARTICLE' Draperies

LOCATION: Dining Room


Installed in 1923, Cost o f the labor was

$120,00, and was probably done by Nancy McClelland, The

orig inal fabric was described in 1928 as being o f heavy15

figured green s ilk , no doubt meaning a moire judging from11

the early photographs o f the room. The fabric is recorded

as having cost $10,50 per yard, The fringe was o f a wide,

lacy variety in tones o f gold and red as can be seen in

color photographs o f the room before the draperies were


PREVIOUS RESTORATION In 1927 an alternate pair o f green14

brocade draperies was donated by Mrs, Hustace Hubbard,

Early photographs o f the room show either the one pair or

the other, The green brocade draperies now hanging in the

Dining Room are sim ilar in fabric type, therefore, to Mrs,

Hubbard’s draperies rather than- those f i r s t hung in the room.

In 1955 the fringe on the original draperies’ valance was

changed from red and gold to p lain green during a refurbish"27.

ment which cost $25,00, The present draperies were29

designed by Mr. Ernest LoNano, but they are not very con"

vincing from a nineteenth-century point o f view,


-4 7 -

RECOMMENDATIONS: As the draperies conform neither in

style nor fabric type to the originals,, they should be

replaced, 43 yards of green moire s ilk are needed,

@$27,00 or $1,161,00' and 46 yards o f laced fringe, @$40,00

or $1,840,00, both to be supplied by Scalamandre, The

labor and insta llation to be supplied by Belfare Draperies,'

Inc. fo r $1,035.00, Total cost $4,036,00, Stage I I ,

ARTICLE:G ilt Overmantel Mirror

jOCATION :Dining Room


19in 1926.

Donated by Miss. Mary L, Hustace and installed

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:Various attempts have been made to

glue broken pieces o f the frame together. Gold colored paint

has been used to touch the frame up in areas where the g i lt

surface has been abraded.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: There are many pieces o f decorative

molding that are altogether missing at this point. The surface

has lo st much of its gilding.

RECOMMENDATIONS:The above mentioned problems must

be attended to by an expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price.

Cost $500,00. Stage I .


Set o f Fourteen Walnut Side Chairs (Covered in Black

LOCATION: Horsehair)

Dining RoomHISTORY:

Donated by Mrs Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; they belonged to her in-laws,.


PREVIOUS RESTORATION:On some o f these chairs metal clamps

have been applied to secure damaged areas. Some fin ia ls have

been replaced. The present horsehair coverings with their20

diamond pattern were paid fo r by Mrs. Schermerhom in 1940,

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:The decorative moldings .on almost a l l

o f these chairs arecomming apart due to the decomposition

of the glues. The frames are badly chipped, legs are cracked

RECOMMENDATf6^S^p li t ab°Ve the castors- Cleaning and polishing required,

The above mentioned problems should be

attended to by Thorp Brothers, Cost $5,040.00, Stage I,


Pair o f Walnut Arm Chairs (Covered in Black

LOCAT T ON: Horsehair)

Dining RoomHISTORY:

Donated by Mrs. Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; they belonged to her in-laws.-



PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:The decorative moldings on these chairs

are comming apart due to the decomposition of the glues’, Legs

are cracked and sp lit above the castors, Cleaning and polishing


The above mentioned problems should be

attended to'by Thorp Brothers, Cost $840.00. Stage I.


ARTICLE: Walnut l\vo Pedestal Dining Table

LOCATION: Dining Room

HISTORY: Purchased o f Mr, Arthur H, Jackson and installed19

in 1923; o rig ina lly in the possession o f Cornelius Roosevelt.13

Cost $100.00.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: The:, table top was refinished in a light

color which distorts the true character o f the wood. During the

refinishing the high gloss normally found on tables o f this sort

was lo s t .

PRECENT STATE OF REP MR* aPron tab le -is sp lit and there are

scratches on the pedestals. Cleaning and polishing is required on

those surfaces not requiring to ta l refinishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS The. original color and gloss o f the table top

should be restored, and the other damages attended to by Thorpi

Brothers. Cost $2,600,00. Stage I.




Walnut Buffet

East Wall, Dining Room


Donated by Mrs, Doublas Robinson .. and installed

sometime prior to 1928 as i t appears in an inventory o f that 15 ' 11

year, I t does not appear in early photographs o f the room.


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Numerous moldings are loose and others

missing. Many chips in the fin ish and the key plates are missing,

Cleaning and polishing required

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems should be

attended to by Thorp Brothers, Cost $1,450,00, Stage I ,


Wallpaper (Gold and Beige)

LOCATION: Dining Room


HISTORY:Original.paper installed in 1923 in tones of gold

and beige as seen in color photographs o f the pre-1955 period.1 13

Paper was supplied by Birge Co. at a cost o f $51.00, and22

referred to at a later date as possibly having been handblocked,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION:Room was repapered with a duplicate .

16o f the original as early as 1929 because o f water damage, One

of three rooms repapered in 1941, the paper having been donated by21

the Birge Co. Renapered again in 1955 with 30 ro lls o f24

¿/30PG517 Smithsonian pattern paper from Katzenbach and Warren, PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:


RECOMMENDATIONS:Although the color scheme o f the present

paper is close to the o rig ina l, quite a b it has been lost in the

change. No doubt Theodore Roosevelt’s sisters had very specific

memories in mind when they chose the combination architectural and

scenic wallpaper o f 1923, The orig inal should be recreated and

hung to replace the present paper, Estimated cost $2,000,00,

Supplier not chosen, Stage I I ,



As in the case o f the Dining Room, the replacement o f the 1923

scenic wallpaper here in 1955 is only to be regretted, as the

choice o f the original must have been recommended by Mrs, Cowles

and Mrs. Robinson, Hie blues, browns and beiges o f the original

have nothing to do with the multicolored flowered paper now hang­

ing in the room. Replacement o f the paper is recommended, The

present sheer cotton curtains do not conform to the s ill-len gth

dotted Swiss ones orig inally hung in the room, and should also

be replaced. The carpeting in the room is in need o f renewing due

to its worn and faded condition,

The restoration o f these key elements in the room w ill effectively

recreate the 1923 color scheme. The room w i l l further be enhanced

by the retouching, cleaning and polishing o f the furniture. The chairs

and bed are also in need o f cabinet work,

A decision w i l l have to be made at some future point in time

- concerning the appropriatness o f the do ll furniture now in the

room as i t does,not belong to the o rig in a l in sta lla tion .

ARTICLE: Brussels Carpet (Brown with Dot Pattem )

LOCA'ilON: Nursery

HISTORY: Purchased and installed in 1923.- Produced at the Shuttle-12

worth plant o f Messers Riddle and Walker in the town of Kamak.13

Cost along with that o f the Birthroom carpeting $812,28,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Carpet is quite worn in areas and

•comparison with an original sample found in a closet in the

Birthplace shows that i t has faded and lost the richness o f

its original hues,

RECQ1'MENDATIONS: Replacement by Stark Carpet Co, is

recommended. Cost exclusive o f installation but including

price of Birthroom carpeting $3,114.75, Stage I.


ART IC LI: Curtains and Canopy


HISTORY: Originals installed in 1923 in a dotted Swiss fabric11

as can be seen in early photographs, Cost o f originals,13

fabric and labor, $23,76,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION. Judging from photographs taken o f the

Nursery over the years, the curtains have been changed many times,

the type o f material and their length varying considerably.


RECOMMENDATIONS: To recreate the sp ir it of the original

insta llation , the 1923 fabric should be restored as should the

original length o f the curtains. 27 yards o f dotted Swiss cotton

needed, @$15.00 or $405.00, Thelabor and installation to be

supplied by Belfare Draperies. Inc. fo r $345.00, Total cost

$750.00. ' Stage I I .




ARTICLE: G ilt Picture Frame (Mrs, Gracie)

Over Mantel, Nursery

19Loaned by Mrs. Douglas Robinson ■ and installed sometime

15prior to 1928 as i t appears in an inventory o f that year.

11I t does not appear in the early photographs o f the room,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Gold paint has been used to cover areas

where the g i l t fin ish has fa llen o ff .

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: There are just two small chips on

the frame’s outer edge which need attention,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The problem ^ ^ io n e d ab0ve should

be attended to by an expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price,

Cost $25.00. Stage I ,


Walnut Sleigh Bed

LO CAT I ON : Nursery

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs, Theodore Roosevelt, ST., and installed19

in 1923; original to nineteenth-century, house,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The moldings are missing in some places,

and the fin ish is badly worn in others. Cleaning and polishing


RECOiMMENDATIONS: The moldings should be replaced,

the fin ish restored and the whole cleaned and polished by Thorp

Brothers, Cost $1,400,00, Stage I ,


* ’ITIGLI; :



Child 's Mahogany Rocker


Donated by Mrs, Henry A, Alexander and installed in 19 13

in 1923, ' Repaired and upholstered fo r $12.00.



and polishing required.

Frame is loose as are arms. Cleaning

RECOMMENDATIONS The above mentioned problems should

be attended to by Thorp Brothers. Cost $160,00.’ Stage I .


MlTICLIì Oak, Walnut and Satinwood D o ll's Bed


HISTORY: On loan from the Museum of the City o f New York,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The decomposition o f the glues

used in this piece has caused the losening o.f almost every

jo in t. Hie bed is presently being held up with match boxes.

Cleaning and polishing required.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Though the piece does not belong

to the Birthplace, i t serves a useful interpretive purpose,

and should be restored by Thorp Brothers. Cost $80,00, Stage I ,


RTICLE :Walnut Rocker



HISTORY: Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, S r ., and installed19

in 1923; original to the nineteenth-century house.


PRESENT STATE OP REPAIR: The £rame is very loose and in need

o f attention. Cleaning and polishing required.

RECOMMENDATIONS: . Hie above mentioned problems should

be attended to by Thorp Brothers. Cost $175,00,' Stage I ,



ARTICLE: Set o f Three Mahogany Side Chairs (Covered in Striped S ilk )

1 V


HISTORY Purchased o f Miss. M.J, Mathews and installed in 19 • 13

1923. Cost $75.00',

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Frames were restored in fine fashion

when the chairs were recovered in 1955; total cost o f refurbish- 27

ment $33.00,

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Chairs are simply in need o f cleaning

and polish ing.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Cleaning and polishing to be done by

Thorp Brothers. Cost $210.00, Stage I,


IT IC LE: Miniature Painted Side Chair (Rush-Seat)



HISTORY: Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. S r,, and installed 19

in 1923'. original to the nineteenth-century house.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Slats in back have sp lit and were

• repaired with wire.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The painted design is no longer

v is ib le due to the build up o f grime and wax.,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The old repairs should be removed

and any problems properly attended to. Hie woodwork should

be cleaned in order to bring out the gold painted designs against

the black background. Work should be done by Thorp Brothers.

Cost $120,00. Stage I,





Mahogany Dresser (With Mirror)

. East Wall' Nursery

Donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt, S r., and installed19

in 1923; original to the nineteenth-century house.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: An ea rlie r refinishing was done in

. an unprofessional manner; there are numerous spots were excess

. varnish dripped and hardened on the surface o f the piece.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: A key plate is missing and there

are scratches in the surface. The whole needs cleaning and

polishing in those areas which do not require refinishing.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems should

be attended to by Thorp Brothers. '• Cost $900.00.- Stage I.




Wallpaper (Flowered)


HISTORY:Original paper installed in 1923 in tones of blue and

brown as seen in color photographs o f the o re -1955 period.1 * 13

Paper was supplied by Birge Co. at a cost o f $48,00, and22

referred to at a later date as possibly having been handblocked,


21Possibly one o f three rooms redone in

1941. I f so, ro lls of the original paper must.have been available

as no change in pattern can be seen in photographs o f the Nursery

until a fter the 1955 repapering o f the room, 24 ro lls o f #32WW909

Multicolor on Pitt-Dixon Rose pattern paper from Katzenbach and24

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Warren used in 1955,


RECOMMENDATIONS: Neither the colors nor the pattern

o f the present paper matches that o f the 1923 wallpaper chosen

by Mrs. Cowles and Mrs. Robinson. ‘ The'original should be recreated

and rehung in the room. Estimated cost $2,000,00. Supplier not

• chosen. Stage I I .



The Birthroom has had its wallpaper pattern and colors changed

and the orig inal paper should be restored, The same is true of

the orig inal blue and ivory s ilk draperies, Hung in 1923, They

were given by Mrs, Robinson and came from the nineteenth-century

house. They have been replaced with a tom and tattered pair of

printed paisley chintz draperies, as unlike in character to

the originals as possible, Hie present draperies are, furthermore,

on loan from the Museum o f the City o f New York and do not hang

properly, having been made fo r much ta lle r windows, The seats

of the two chairs in the room no longer display their 1923 brocaded

tufted seats, and this matter should.be corrected, The carpeting

in the Birthroom is o f the same pattern as that in the Nursery, and

is in just as bad condition. I t requires replacement,

The ‘remarkable suite o f furniture that dominates the room is in

seemingly good condition. But numerous moldings are missing or

ready to f a l l o f f . Hie fin ish has worn away in spots from some.of-

these pieces, and they are a l l in need of cleaning and polishing.

The pa ir o f side chairs are the only pieces o f furniture in the

room in need o f structural, as opposed to cosmetic, cabinet work,


.RTICLE: Brussels Carpet (Brown with Dot Pattern)


HISTORY: ' Purchased and installed in 1923. Produced at the Shuttle-12

worth plant of Messers Riddle and Walker in the town o f Kamak,13

Cost alongwith that of the Nursery carpeting $812,28,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Carpet is quite worn in areas and

comparison with an original sample found in. a closet in the

Birthplace shows that it has faded and lost the richness o f

its orig inal hues,

RECOMMENDATIONS: Replacement by Stark Carpet Co, is

recommended. Cost exclusive of installation but including

price o f Nursery carpeting $3,114.75, Stage I ,

- 6 8 -

ARTICLE: Draperies

LOCATION: Birthroom

HISTORY: A pair o f draperies which were original to

the nineteenth-century house were donated by Mrs, Douglas19

Robinson and installed in 1923, Early photographs show

that they were without valances and had a simple tassel

fringe, and were tied with a thin cord with a single large • 11

tassei, A 1928 inventory describes the draperies as being

o f blue and ivory silk ', and as being 9’ 3%M in height and15

each panel being 56M wide, In 1923 $40,00 was paid for13

the re lin ing o f the draperies before they were hung,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: The orig inal draperies have disappeared

and been replaced by a pair o f red printed chintz ones with

a paisley motif, These are on loan from the Museum of the

City o f New York.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The tassels o f the .draperies which

are on loan are fa llin g apart, Hie fabric i t s e l f is worn

and tattered.

• RECOMMENDATIONS: As the blue and ivory s ilk

draperies o f the f i r s t period were original to the nineteenth-

century house, they should be replaced and the present draperies

returned to the Museum of the City o f New York, 15 yards o f

fine brocade needed, @$250,00 or $3,750,00, as well as 20 yards


o£ tassclcd fringe, @$18,00 or $360,00) both to be

supplied by Scalamandre, The labor and installation

to be supplied by Belfare Draperies, Inc, fo r $310,00,

Total cost $4,420,00, Stage I I ,




G ilt Picture Frame (Mrs, Roosevelt)» V

Over Mantei, Birthroom ■

HISTORYLoaned by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed in

19 '1923,



border o f the frame

There are a few small chips on the

RECOMMENDATIONS:The chips should be attended to by

an expert frame restorer, namely Larry Price, Cost $25.00,

Stage I.


A im C LI Satinwood and Rosewood Bed

LOG A TI ON. Birthroom

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed in 1923;19

original to. the nineteenth-century house,


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: There is a large crack in the

headboard; three o f the feet are badly chipped and scarred,

Cleaning and. polishing required _

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems

should be attended to by Thorp Brothers, Cost $1,100,00.

Stage I , .





Satinwood and Rosewood Dresser (With M irror)

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; original to the nineteenth-century house.



need to be secured,

Various moldings' are loose and

Cleaning and polishing required.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems

should be attended to by Thorp Brothers Cost:$425.00,

Stage I ,






Donated by Mrs. Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; orig inal to the nineteenth- century house.

Satinwood and Rosewood Armoire



PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Elements o f the fin ia ls and

decorative moldings are missing and should be reproduced.

Cleaning and polishing'required,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The decorative elements should

be restored and the armoire cleaned and polished by Thorp

Brothers, Cost $620.00, Stage I . '


ARTICLE: Rosewood and Satinwood Secretaire


Birthroom t

HISTORY: Donated by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; original to the nineteenth-century house.


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: A few pieces o f .the decorative

moldings are missing; one side o f the secretaire has had its

fin ish serious damaged by the sun. Cleaning and polishing


RECOMMENDATIONS: ' The moldings and fin ish should

be restored, the entire piece cleaned and polished by Thorp

Brothers, Cost $720.00. Stage I ,




Pair o f Satinwood and Rosewood Side Chairs (Covered in

Gold Colored Fabric) • v


Donated by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; original to the nineteenth-century house. Early

photographs show the seats to have been orig inally tufted11

and covered in brocade.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: In 1955 the two chairs were27

recovered for $70,00. The orig inal fabric was then done»

away with as was the tufting, Extensive repairs have been

made to the delicate backs o f the chairs, Generally these

repairs are o f good quality,

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR:The frames of the chairs are

in very poor shape at the present time and- require stab iliza

tion, Cleaning and polishing required as w e ll ,

RECOMMENDATIONS: The cabinetwork required should

be done by Thorp Brothers. Cost $520,00, Stage I, The

■ reupholsterly should be done by Delta Upholsterers for •

approximately $250,00, and the fabric and gimp supplied by

Scalamandre for approximately $150,00, Stage I I ,





VBirthroom '

Donated by Mrs . Douglas Robinson and installed in19

1923; original to the nineteenth-century house.

Rosewood and Satinwood V.'ashstand (Marble Top)


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Some of the decorative moldings

are loose, others are missing altogether. Cleaning and polishing


RECOMMENDATIONS: The above mentioned problems

should be attened to by Thorp Brothers, Cost $420.00. Stage


- 11"



In laid Rosewood Pedestal Table




HISTORY:On loan from the Museum o f the City o f New York,


PRESENT STATE.OF REPAIR. Table is in need o f a good cleaning

and polishing,

RECOMMENDATIONS: -The above mentioned problem should/

be attended to by Thorp Brothers,- Cost $90,00, Stage I,-


' TI CUI :


Wallpaper (Pompeiian Red, Off-White, Charcoal

and Pale Celadon) ‘


Original paper installed in 1923, though color is unknown1

to the present w rite r . Paper was supplied by Birge C o ., at a 13

cost o f $19,00.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: Possibly one o f three rooms redone in•21

1941. I f so, ro lls o f the orig inal paper must have been

available as no change in pattern can be seen in the photo­

graphs o f the Birthroom until a fter the 1955 repapering o f

the room. 24 ro lls o f #597WR484 Memphis pattern naper used24



RECOMMENDATIONS: A fter the nature o f its appearance has

been determined, the original wallpaper should be restored

here as in the rest o f the house. Estimated cost $2,000.00.

Supplier not chosen, Stage I I ,



Due to the fortunate fact that the original wallpaper hung

in the halls was s t i l l in stock in 1955, the pattern and colors

today are exactly the same as they were in 1923, The excellent

condition o f the paper precluded its replacement, No records,

either visual or written, remain concerning the original wallpaper

in the vestibule. Thus i t is impossible today to determine whether

or not i t is orig inal. As i t is in fa ir condition, i t w il l be le ft

as is fo r the time being,

The carpeting on the stairs today does not match that seen in

early photographs o f the h a lls , However, i t is in a nineteenth-

century style whereas the orig inal appears to have been a simple

runner la id down fo r p ractica lity 's sake, One day’ it may be

decided to lay down a 1920s runner so as to evoke the atmosphere of

the period o f the house's reconstruction, But. fo r the time being

the cleaning o f the s ta ir carpeting alone is contenplated.

The hatrack and chairs located in the ha lls are in need o f rather

extensive cabinet work. Again, the sp lits in,and discoloration o f,

the woodwork on these pieces can only be expected to deteriorate i f

not properly seen to.




Carpet (Gold with Broun Diamond Pattern)

Stairways, Parlor and Second Floors

HISTORY: The carpeting v is ib le in the earliest photographs

of tiie sta irs reveal that a simple runner was used orig ina lly

and was o f a p la in , so lid color.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: The present carpeting was

added in more recent times and would appear to be a Wilton



RECOMMENDATIONS: Since the present carpeting is in

a nineteenth-century sty le , i t w ill be le f t in tact for the

time being and simply cleaned by. Cleantex Process Corp. for

$110.00. Stage I.





Walnut Hat and Umbrella Stand (Marble Shelf)

Parlor Floor Hall y

19Donated by Miss, M.L, Hustace and installed in 1926,

17The marble shelf was the g i f t o f Miss. Crabbe in 1935,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: One leg under the shelf is shorter

• than the other and has been repaired by the insertion o f •

a wooden wedge.

’RESENT STATE OF REPAIR: The veneer has b listered in. places;

two o f the brass hatracks are missing as are numerous moldings

and the knob to the drawer,__ Cleaning and polishing required,

RECOMMENDATIONS: A ll o f the old repairs and problems

with the woodwork at present should be attended to by Thorp

Brothers, Cost $770,00, Stage I .





Pair o f Rosewood Gothic Side Chairs

VParlor Floor Hall

Donated by Mrs, Douglas Robinson and installed■ 19

in 1923; orig inally owned by Cornelius Roosevelt, First11

placed in Library as can be seen in early photographs.

Probably moved to Hall in mid-1920s when six rosewood

upholsterd chairs were acquired fo r Library,


Some sp lits in the backs have been

glued together.

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: Many o f the moldings are missing.

New sp lits have appeared in the woodwork, Cleaning and polishing

is required.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Hie old repairs should be gone over

and improved', missing moldings replaced and the furniture

cleaned by Thorp Brothers. Cost $700,00, Stage I,





Gothic Side Chair Q'food Unknown)

Second Floor Hall ' .•



’RESENT STATE OF REPAIR: So many layers have been applied to

this blackened piece of furniture that i t is no longer possible

to determin just what sort o f wood lie s beneath the surface,

RECOMMENDATIONS: Even though the pedigree of the chair

cannot be established at this time,, caution is advised in the

manner in which i t is treated. Refinishing by Thorp Brothers

w ill cost $170.00 and the expense should be met as the chair

could be part of the 1923 insta llation . Stage I,


MITICLE: Wallpaper (Marblized and Grey in Tone)

LOCATION: Vestibule, Parlor Floor

HISTORY: Original paper installed in 1923, though color is unknown

to the present w riter, That which is there today could be the1 13

original. Paper wras supplied by Birge Co, at a cost o f $12,00,



RECOMMENDATIONS: Even though the condition o f the

paper is not very good, until something more o f its history, is

known i t should not be altered.


ART I CLT: Wallpaper (Yellows, Golds and Olive Greens)

LOCATION: •Halls, Parlor and Second Floors

HISTORY: Original paper installed in 1923, Paper was supplied 1 . 13 '

by Birge Co, at a cost o f 5102,00, and referred to at a later22

date as possibly having been handblocked,

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: The Halls were redone in 1940 using 20

paper le f t over from 1923. In 1955 62 ro lls o f the same25

paper (the last in stock) were donated by B i r g e T h e

pattern was then referred to as Colonial Pope, and may have

been named after the architect of the building whose house

PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: is said to have been paper in tine 30

same pattern,



The paper should be le f t in place as

i t certainly duplicates the pattern and probably the colors

o f the orig inal. An attempt should be made to determin whether

. the original was handblocked or silk-screened as is the present




As only four o f the eight painted window shades are located

in the period rooms, mention o f the former has been reserved

fo r a separate section, The eight shades do contribute significantly

fo the nineteenth-century flavor of the house as viewed from the

street. Therefore every attempt must be made to duplicate them

as those presently hanging are torn and faded as well as show signs

o f water damage.


'■RT I CLE : Window Shades

LOCATION: Eight Windows on the F irst, Second and Third. Floors

o f the BirthplaceHISTORY:

Gold bordered vindow shades show in a l l early

photographs o f the Birthplace, No documentation concerning

them has, however, come to ligh t.

PREVIOUS RESTORATION: In 1955 the National Window

Shade Company was paid $370.40 to reproduce the original 23


PRESENT STATE OF REPAIR: ^ Present shades are tom

discolored and water damaged,

RECOMMENDATIONS : The shades should be replacedt,

as soon as a competent a rt is t can be located to paint them,

Estimated cost o f replacement $1;500,00, Stage I I .



It is only with the utmost d ifficu lty that information con­

cerning the house's period furnishings can be gleaned from the

f i le s stored at the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. The passage

o f time and change in administration from one organization to

another have provided only too ample opportunities for tragic

losses. A copy o f a much refered to Furnishings Plan of 1923 which

was prepared by Mrs, Alexander Lambert is nowhere to be found,

lire same is true o f a f i l e o f a ffidav its concerning the histories

o f the individual pieces o f furniture, Some records have, however,

survived, and taken together they permit the formulation o f a

coherent picture o f the pedigrees o f most o f the furnishings, how

much repairs on them cost, the orig inal prices and sources for

wallpapers, carpets and other items, tec, The following sources

are arranged in chronological order, thereby dispensing with the

innumerable repetitions which would have been inevitable were the

footnotes ordered sequentially. The present locations o f source

materials are lis ted at the end o f each entry, The Historic

Furnishings F ile has been created by the present writer and w ill

be placed in one o f the curator's vaults at the Birthplace for

safekeeping. ' • •

1le tte rMrs. Thcodatc Pope Riddle '(Architect) to- Mrs. Hepburn (Member o f the Decoration Committee, Women's Roosevelt Memorial Association)

2 February 1923


Historic Furnishings F ile , TUB

2 . ‘’’Minutes o f the Meeting o f the Committee on Interior Decoration (Women>s Roosevelt Memorial Association)"25 June 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

3LetterMr Albert E, Ives (Office o f Mrs, Riddle) to Mrs, Riddle

2 July 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , IRB

4LetterMrs. Alexander Lambert (Chairman, Decoration Committee) to Mr. Ives

llJu ly 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

5LetterMrs. Riddle to Mrs, Lambert

18 July 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

6LetterMrs. Riddle to

Consolidated Trimming Corporation (Suppliers o f the fringe, tassels and cords for the Parlor draperies)

19 July 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

7Letter - .Mr. Ives to Mrs. Lambert

21 July 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

8Letter Mr. Ives to Mrs, Riddle

Undated, probably July 1923 Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

9 . • 'Letter


Mrs. Riddle toThe Board o f Trustees, Women’s Roosevelt Memorial Association •

11 October 1923Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

"Roosevelt House”Bulletin published by the Women’s Roosevelt Memorial AssociationVoi, I I , #1 (Spring 1923) .Library, TRB

11"Roosevelt House”Vol. I I , #3 (Spring 1924)Library, TRB

12Newspaper Clipping from the "Mohawk Courier"June 1924In: Roosevelt Memorial Association Scrapbook XIX Library, TRB

13Inventory - typed with appended manuscript notes Details contents of the house, purchase prices, costs o f repairs, upholstering, etc,Undated, but unquestionably written between 1924 and 1926, Hie former year serves as' the Terminus Post Quern as the four side chairs and two arm chairs o f rosewood placed in the Library in that year are mentioned, 1926 is the Terminus Ante Quern as the Dining Room’s g i l t overmentel mirror given in that year is not mentioned, The prices given in the in ­ventory are confirmed in part by two other manuscript notes in the f i le s (marked "A" and ”B”) , one with the address ”43 East 72nd Street,” \vhidh was that o f Mrs, Alexander Lambert,H istoric Furnishings F ile , TRB

14"Roosevelt House”Vol. I I , m (Spring 1927) Library, TRB

"Inventory and Appraisal o f the Property Contained in Roosevelt House at No. 28 East 20th Street New York City" By American Art Association, Inc,

American Art Galleries Madison Avenue Block 56th to 57th Streets

26 April 1928


Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

"Roosevelt House"Voi, I I I , #5 (Spring 1929) Library, TRB

"Roosevelt House"Vol, IV, IH (Spring 1935) Library, TRB

18"Roosevelt. House' 'Vol, V, #3 (Spring 1939) Libarary, TRB

"Inventory o f the Furnishings and Reproduced Rooms of Roosevelt House and L ist of Donors (Furnishings and

.Equipment Only)"1 August 1939Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

"Roosevelt House"Vol, V, #5 (Spring 1940) Libaray, TRB

21"Roosevelt House"Vol. V, #7 (Spring 1941) Library, TRB

LetterBirge Co, (Wallpapers) toMiss. Dorthy Mathews (Executive Secretary, Women's Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association)

19 May 1955Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

LetterNational Window Shade Col, to Miss. Mathews

1 June 1955Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

24LetterMiss. Mathews, to

Katzcnback and Warren Co. (Wallpaper)


12 August 1955Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

25Letter Birge Co, to Miss, Mathews

26 August 1955Historic Furnishings F ile , TRB

26LetterA.L, Diament § Co. (Wallpaper) to Mrs. Dorthy Wagstaff (Women’s Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Association)

14 September 1955

"Redoing o f TR House"Summary o f expenditures fo r 1955 restoration

/ - UndatedHistoric Furnishings F ile , TRB

National Park Service Museum Catalogue #2612 Library, TRB

29Oral communication, Miss. Helen MacLachlan

30A v is ito r to the Birthplace who was fam iliar with Mrs, T,P, R id d le ’s home communicated that fact to an interpreter, who in turn informed the present w riter,




CleaningTo be performed by the Cleantex Process Co,, In c ,, 2335 Twelth Avenue, New York, N,Y,


ReplacementsTo be supplied by the Stark Carpet Corporation, 979 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y, 10022

Duplicate o f red Wilton carpet with black pattern to match that now in Library,Duplicate of green Brussels carpet with diamond pattern to match that now in Dining Room Duplicate of brown Brussels carpet with dot pattern to match that now in Birthroom, Nursery and passageway

Installation and PaddingTo be performed and supplied by Stark-

Turn and tack method o f installation to. match that o f 1923, hand sewing o f carpet seams, use o f rubberized hair padding



Repair and OverhaulingTo be performed by Rogers Time, Glcnwood Pond, Pine Island, N.Y. 10969








Sevres and g i l t metal mantel clock in Parlor $186,00Bronze mantel clock in Library - 245,00


Restoration o f StandSevres and g i l t metal mantel clock in Parlor $150,00

TOTAL FOR CLOCKS ( > ) M M H M ̂ M H $581,00


FabricTo be supplied by Scalamandre,950 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y, 10022

Blue s ilk for Parlor draperies, 57 yardsat $38,00 per yard $2,166,00Blue s ilk for Parlor portiers, 8 yardsat $38,00 per yard • 304,00Brown corded s ilk fo r Library portiers,8 yards at $46,00 per yard 368,00


TrimmingsTo be supplied by Scalamandre

Large blue s i lk tassels to match originals in Parlor, 10 with cords at $500,00 each Blue s ilk boullion fringe to match original in Parlor, 43 yards at $45,00 per yard

Labor and InstallationTo be performed by B e lfa ir Draperies, Inc ,, 353 East 78th Street, New York, N,Y, 10021

Parlor draperies Parlor portiers Library portiers





TOTAL FOR D R A P E R I E S $10,963.00



RestorationTo be performed by Larry Price, Craryville, New York 12521

G ilt overmantel mirror in Parlor Gilt p ier glass in Parlor Pair o f g i l t picture frames in Parlor Gilt and black lacquered picture G ilt overmantel mirror in Dining G ilt picture frame in Nursery G ilt picture frame in Birthroom


frame in Library Room

F R A M E S , : ,


RestorationTo be performed by Thorp Brothers, Inc,,410 East 62nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10021

Pair o f mahogany sofas in Parlor @$500,00Pair o f rosewood side chairs in Parlor @$305,00Rosewood arm chair - in ParlorMahogany table in ParlorRosewood gothic side chair in ParlorRosewood etagere in ParlorRosewood piano in ParlorMahogany veneered piano in ParlorMahogany canterbury in ParlorRosewood sofa in LibraryPair o f rosewood arm diairs in Library @$390,00 Set o f four rosewood side chairs in Library @$540.00Rosewood table in LibraryRosewood ’'Tassel'’ chair in LibraryRosewood gothic, side chair in LibraryWalnut whatnot in LibraryGlobe and walnut stand in LibrarySet o f fourteen walnut side chairs in DiningRoom @5360.00Pair o f walnut ami chairs in Dining Room @$420,00 Walnut two pedestal dining table in Dining Room • Walnut buffet in Dining Room Walnut sleigh bed-in Nursery Child 's mahogany rocker in Nursery



, , , . $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0

$1 ,000,00610,00300.002 2 0 . 0 0340.00575.00

.3,250,00120.00 260,00 660,0Ò


2.160.00580.00300.00400.00 •420,00440.00





Oak, walnut and satinwood d o ll 's bed.in Nursery $80,00Walnut rocker in Nursery * 175,00Set o f three mahogany side chairs in Nursery @$70.00 210,00Miniature painted side chair with rush seat in Nursery 120,00Mahogany dresser in Nursery 900,00Satinwood and Rosewood bed in Birthroom 1,100,00Satinwood and Rosewood dresser in Birthroom 425,00Satinwood and Rosewood armoire in Birthroom 620,00Satinwood and Rosewood secretaire in Birthroom -720,00Satinwood and Rosewood pair o f chairs in Birthroom @$260.00 520,00Satinwood and Rosewood washstand in Birthroom 420,00Inlayed rosewood pedestal table in Birthroom 90,00Pair o f rosewood gothic side chairs in Parlor Floor Hall @$350,00 700,00Walnut hat and umbrella stand in Parlor Floor Hall 770,00Gothic side chair in Second Floor Hall 170,00


Less funding from NPS for restoration o f Libraryfurniture 4,180,00


UpholsteringTo be performed by Delta Upholsterers, Inc,,325 East 64th Street, New York, N.Y*. 10021

Pair o f mahogany sofas in Parlor $1,300,00Pair o f rosewood side chairs in Parlor 500,00Rosewood arm chair in Parlor 430.00Rosewood gothic side chair in Parlor 35,00Mahogany veneered paino stool in Parlor 45,00.


FabricTo be supplied by Scalamandre

Blue s ilk fo r Parlor suite, 35 yards at$38,00 per yard $1/330,00

TrimmingsTo be supplied by Scalamandre

Blue s ilk gimp for Parlor suite, 60 yards at $5.00 per yard 300,00


TOTAL FOR FURNITURE, , , , , , , , , ,\.



Transportation o f Furniture to Restorer To be performed by Duke's Van Service, 1744 F irst Avenue, New York, N.Y, 10028

* Cost fo r six trips to and from studio $1,200,00

TOTAL FOR MISCELLANEOUS....... . .,,,$1,200,00

TOTAL FOR STACE I , , , , , , , . , . , , ,,,$55,098,00



FabricTo be supplied by Scalamandre

Fine ivory and blue brocade for Birthroom draperies, 15 yards at $250.00 per yard Green moire s i lk for Dining Room draperies,


43 yards at $27.00 per yard 1,161,00Dotted Swiss cotton for Nursery curtains and canopy, 27 yards at $15.00 per yard ■ ’ 105,00



To be supplied by Scalamandre

' 9 8 - '

Laced fringe fo r Dining Room draperies, 46 yards at $40,00 per yard Tasseled fringe for Birthroom draperies, 20 yards at $18.00 per yard

Labor and InstallationTo be performed by Belfare Draperies, Inc,

Birthroom draperies Dining Room draperies Nursery draperies and canopy



UpholsteringTo be performed by Delta

Satinwood and rosewood pair o f chairs in Birthroom

Fabric. To be supplied by Scalamandre

Brocade for Birthroom chairs

TrimmingsTo be supplied" by Scalamandre

Gimp fo r Birthroom chairs




360,00$2 , 200,00

$310.00 1,035,00

" 345,00 $1,'690", 00





.............$400,00 .

Restoration ■


To be performed by Mrs, Robert Anderson, The Metropolitan Museum o f Art

Theodore Roosevelt's Moujik



Replacements Supplier undetermined

Five rooms at $2,000,00 each



Replacements’Supplier and painter undetermined

Eight shades





....... .,$500.00

$10 , 000,00

, , , , $ 10 , 000.00


....... $1,500,00

,, , $21,606,00

,. ..$76,704.75

- ÎO O' »


CARPETING-Cleaning $185,00-Replacements 7,049,75-Installation and Padding 2,435,00


CLOCKS-Repair and Overhauling $581,00

DRAPERIESFabrics $8,154,00

-Trimmings 9,135,00-Labor and Installation 2.880,00


FRAMES (MIRROR AND PICTURE)$2,000,00-Restoration

FURNITURE-Restoration $26,745,00-Upholstering 2,560.00-Fabric 1,455.00-Trimmings •325,00


MISCELLANEOUS-Transportation of Furniture $1,200,00

SCULPTURE-Restoration $500,00

WALLPAPERS-Replacements $10,000,00

WINDOW SHADES-Replacements $1,500,00