Divisi Keperawatan Answer The Telephone “Good.... (morning/afternoo/evening)” “This is ..... (mention the room name) room” “This is nurse .... (name) speaking, may I help you? Operan “Good.... (morning/afternoo/evening)” “ I would like the report the changes shift” “There are .... (number of patient) patient in this ward” “First patient in .... (number of room) room” --- SBAR--- “Let’s pray before work” “Thank you” International Phonetic Alphabet A : Alpha B : Bravo C : Charlie D : Delta E : Echo F : Foxtrot G : Golf H : Hotel I : India J : Juliet K : Kilo L : Lima M : Mike N : November O : Oscar P : Papa Q : Quebec R : Romeo S : Sierra T : Tango U : Uniform V : Victor W : Whiskey X : X-Ray Y : Yankee Z : Zulu Cara Membuat Larutan Klorin 1. Larutan klorin 0,05% 10 liter air + 50 cc klorin 10% (digunakan untuk mengepel area perawatan pasien) 500 cc air + 2,5cc klorin 10% (digunakan untuk membersihkan lingkungan perawatan pasien atau rawat jalan dan rawat inap dan dekontaminasi peralatan) 2. Larutan klorin 0,5% 500cc air + 25cc klorin 10% (digunakan untuk membersihkan tumpahan darah dan cairan tubuh)

Divisi Keperawatan

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Divisi KeperawatanAnswer The TelephoneGood.... (morning/afternoo/evening)This is ..... (mention the room name) roomThis is nurse .... (name) speaking, may I help you?OperanGood.... (morning/afternoo/evening) I ould like the report the !hanges shiftThere are .... (num"er of patient) patient in this ard#irst patient in .... (num"er of room) room$$$ %&'($$$)et*s pray "efore orkThank youInternational Phonetic Alphabet' + 'lpha& + &ravo, + ,harlie- + -elta. + .!ho # + #o/trotG + Golf0 + 0otelI + India1 + 1uliet2+ 2ilo) + )ima3+ 3ike4 + 4ovem"er5 + 5s!ar6+ 6apa7 + 7ue"e! ( + (omeo%+ %ierraT+ Tango8+ 8niform9+ 9i!tor: + :hiskey;+ ;$(ay?A (digunakan untuk mem"ersihkan tumpahan darahdan !airan tu"uh)E. )arutan surfanios ?,C@A F liter air BC? !! surfanios (digunakan untuk mengepel ruangan ok danI,8/I,,8)G. -etergen-igunakan untuk mem"ersihkan perkantoran dan gudang5. 2oding tangkai pel 2uning (untuk mengepel di kamar pasien) &iru (untuk mengepel di ruang administrasi, perkantoran dan koridor) 0iDau (8ntuk pengepel area dapur)