Divinity Divine Magazine

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Divinity Divine Magazine is a Non Profit exclusive magazine designed and equipped to fulfill the needs of upcoming business owners and ministries. Our mission is to discover the unknown while providing a platform for ministries, business owners, writers and fashion designers. Divinity Divine Magazine seeks to establish long term relationships with their clients and peers. Divinity Divine Magazine vision is to minister through articles and pictures but at the same time help business owners grow. With Divinity Divine Magazine no vision is a small vision but all visions are treated equally.

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van D. Risher is an innovative, charismatic, and compassionate leader, whose voice and ministry is being raised up by the hand of the Lord. Due to his astonishing testimony, many people are becoming empowered

and inspired to change. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Pastor Risher was able to pursue his education through his athletic ability at Liberty University, where he was able to earn a Bach-elors of Science Degree in Sport Management in Lynchburg, Virginia. Though being raised in a Christian household, it was not until Pastor Risher’s sopho-more year in college after going through a series of events that he accepted Christ into his life.As part of his spiritual development, Pastor Risher had the privilege to serve as The Ramp Church International’s first Youth Pastor in Lynchburg, Virginia; under the leadership of his spiritual fa-

ther, pastor, and life-coach, the honorable Bishop S.Y.Younger. He also, with the help of God cur-rently serves as the National Youth President of One Way Churches International, in which he oversees the youth ministries of nine churches in Maryland and Virginia, where the Presiding Prelate is Bishop Lorenzo Hall. In the midst of experiencing the hand of God at work on the east coast, there was an unshakable burden he could not resist for his hometown. And that was to see the people of Fort Worth, experience the fullness of God in a liberated atmosphere on a weekly basis. So after much prayer and fasting, the Lord laid it on his heart to start a church called the Ramp Church of Texas, a place where perfect people are not allowed. Pastor Risher’s greatest inspiration by far is his daughter Contessa and both his natural family and spiritual family all over the world.


[email protected]: @rampchurchtxInstagram: @rampchurchtxFacebook: The Ramp Church of Texas

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Darilyn Johnson was born to the parents of Prophet/Pastor Darrell D. Johnson and Evelyn L. Shankle of Fort Worth, Texas in 1983. As a child she had dreams

of becoming a lawyer and helping the people in her community. as years went on Darilyn graduated in the top of half of her class, at Crowley High School and later enrolled at Tarrant County College where she majored in Healthcare Administration and minor in Criminal Justice.

In 2005, Darilyn Johnson enrolled at Concorde Career Institute/College, where she received her Certification in Medical Billing, Insurance, and Coding. After completing her course and graduating 4th in her class, Darilyn testimony was featured on the Concorde Career Institute/ College website. She soon became the face of the Concorde Career Institute Medical Billing,

Insurance, and Coding Program. Darilyn Johnson later became active member of the Concorde Career Institute Advisory Board.Currently, Darilyn is attending Grand Canyon University, majoring in Healthcare Law & Administration and Theology.Darilyn is active member of Christ Cathedral Church of Arlington, Texas under Pastor Sherman C. G. Allen.She’s a single mother of two children; founder of Johnson’s House of Hope & Developments, Darilyn’s and Divinity Divine Magazine. Darilyn is a God fearing woman with a strong calling on her life to minister to others.

Darilyn’s vision for Johnson’s House of Hope & Developments is to help the people improve in the weak areas of their lives. It’s Darilyn job to help everyone recognize their true purpose and identity in life. When you have discovered your purpose in life, you have discovered your identity and motive.




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Cover Publisher Darilyn Johnson Editor of Divinity Divine MagazineRonzel Pretlow Sr (Balancing Marriage & Ministry)Chandra Pardue (IT”S ME)Oretha Jones (Dance Under The AnointingLayout & Design (Anthony Barnes) facebook.com/ajbgraphix • 214.680.9566Photographed by (Kevin Dukes) www.kdukesphoto.com


Divinity Divine Magazine seeks to: encourage, elevate, mentor, empower and uplift their peers. Our focus is to minister through the pictures, the writing on the paper and deal with the issues of life others are afraid to discuss. There is a thirst for water and a hunger for a true word and Divinity Divine Magazine mission is to fulfill that need.

DARILYN JOHNSONFounder of Johnson’s House of Hope DevelopmentsConference Facilitatordarilyn@[email protected] johnsonhouseofhope.com









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These days the balance of ministry and marriage is a work of grace and calculation. While many of us in the kingdom look at those that are married, what we actually see is a carefully orchestrated act of public perception. The truth of the matter

is most marriages are not happy. This is because married leaders don’t realize one Fundamental truth, the marriage and ministry both belong to God and not us. When we try to project false images of great marriage, not only do peo-ple sense it, but more damagingly they still try to become it from a false concept. In order to fix this problem we must examine three areas of marriage and ministry.1)are we Genuinely happy2) are we a balanced couple3) do we take time away for strength Without asking these hard questions you can not be suc-cessful It’s important that husbands love their wives as Christ love his church. Many preachers are great for grandstand-ing how good their wife looks at church but never tell her

she’s beautiful in the car on the way... Many women or First Ladies honor their husbands before the church, but not at home. This is because pride has taken control and they would rather perform than be honest with themselves and people. Being honest and displaying a wholistic view of marriage is key... Present a balance of humanity and spiri-tuality so that people that you lead know the complexity of unity and mystery of balance... The married couple should show things to strengthen the marriage like taking spon-taneous date nights and affirming live regularly. It’s not, enough to be wonders on the pulpit without being won-derful to one another. Pastors Jesus washed the feet of his disciples this should intel a foot massage for your wives at least monthly. Wives Jesus requested a drink of water from a woman at a well, so at least bring the husband a drink and meal is not unconstitutional. Lets examine ourselves and insure that we are healthy and balanced so that those following can build from a prototype standard of family rather than an idealistic one... Gods Grace to all...Ronzel Pretlow...

A Work of Grace


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I am a Dancer ‘unique and wonderfully madeI am Rhythm ‘making life my stageI am the Beat ‘connecting me to youI am a Dancer ‘there’s nothing I can’t do… One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 61:1-3 The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the {physical and spiritual} captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound (Isaiah 61:1AMP)Any attempt to execute the dance as a ministry without the anointing is nothing more than skillful movement to Christian music. We must reiterate that the dance in itself is amoral-neither good nor evil. It is not dance itself that has the power to break spiritual bondages but the anointing of God as it works through the dance as a vehicle and administrator of the anointing. (Dr. Ann Stevenson)

In 2010 I started a support group for (anyone) who had the desire to seek the heart of God through worship. “WOW”( Worship w/Out Walls and Women Of Worth), I am a firm believer that we should seek the heart of God without being bound by prejudice, religious, property, age, race, whatever keeping the people from true freedom in the worship. Responding to God is the heart of true worship, and God longs for us to fully and freely respond to Him. Freedom is a vitally important element in true worship. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father is spirit and is truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and is truth (John 4:23-24)Oretha Mc. Jones

Dance and the Anointing

[email protected]:Christy Cakes Bakery


Christy Cakes Bakery

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Have you ever felt like so much was going on and you say, It’s Me. It’s Me the devil is attacking, It’s Me that can’t get past the pain, It’s Me who frustrated with disappointments and now It’s Me who have lost the way in my own trial. Well I have

been there due to uncompromising situations, some I caused myself. What I have experienced is beyond the measures in your mind. Seeing it firsthand the abuse, the torment and the feeling of being left alone, when all you wanted was someone to hold you and say it’s okay. But I began to ask GOD a long time ago Why Is It Me. I began to speak to Him through my pain built-in with disappointments and shame. It was as if my life was on public display. Have you ever felt like your life was on public display? I mean you felt like you had nowhere to hide, no one to understand what was really going through your head and the road you where facing you felt like you was being punished. But at some point in your walk, you scream Lord, make a way of escape for me, take me away from this pain and misery. Allow me to take you back to a woman’s pain and suffering. This woman was built on Faith but hurt by trials of her heart and every beat she takes she becomes grateful. I remembered a little girl being molested and violated around the age of 8. She didn’t know how to receive love from any man because her heart would say “stay back, it’s Me he wants to touch “. Not knowing at times it didn’t always mean that but because men have violated her, she guards herself as if she had metal thick bars surrounding her mind, body and soul. She didn’t understand that grandpa wasn’t like that or some of her uncles, even cousin. All she knew was a man chose to violate her every chance he got and all she could do was focus on the paint covering the wall counting the bubbles spots in the paint and praying to GOD, believing He will console her pain. But she still didn’t understand why would a man who called himself a deacon at the time, would take her mind and twisted it to the point of no return as child. I bet she felt like It’s Me, It’s my fault as she continued to cry out “Lord help me. By the time she was 13yrs of age she followed people she could hide be-

hind not knowing once again it would lead her to trouble. She began to go outside and she soon discovered she had a figure to please anybody. But deep down on the inside she was scared to show anybody anything that involved her body. She couldn’t let the in crowd know she was ashamed. she thought if she acted like them then it would cover the scars from her pain. By age of 14 she had already been raped twice 3wks apart. Again that little girl came out and she started staring at a spot in the wall, counting the bubbles in the paint screaming “Jesus why me. Both times she was able to get away running home and she would scrub herself until she bleed why the water rushes over her pain. Then she would cry herself to sleep wondering will It ever stop being Me. She was losing her mind and her sanity has gone astray. 2months later she becomes pregnant with her rapist baby. She dropped out of school to work at the age of 15. She moved in with her child Hood friend. They called themselves being in love. But soon after they moved in together 3yrs later what happen to her he turned around and did it to her niece. And again she cried Lord It’s ME again. Well I can go on and on about this girl because IT’S ME yes really is me. Through all of what I been facing in my life I had never let GOD go. Wherever I went rather it was the drug house, it could have been the club, even laying in a woman’s bed it didn’t matter ‘cause I knew I was acting out my pain and I was angry with no cares. But GOD would ask me ‘What are you doing here why are you doing these ungodly things? “and I would reply and say” IT’s ME” and He finally answered and said “No Chandra IT’S ME AND YOU”. From that moment I realize GOD has been the one protecting me even when harm seems to be present GOD was present too. No weapon formed against you, (key word is “form” meaning the devil may try to form hurt, confusion, drug habit, strong-holds, rebellion, suicide, rape, divorce, abuse, self esteem, being ashamed, rejection, fear and torment to your life) It shall not and will not prosper. GOD said “we had it backwards He said “It’s Me first and then you because when you put me in whatever you facing failure is not a option, It’s Me who holds heaven and earth”

It’s Me!9

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