Diversity of Life Notes

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  • 8/11/2019 Diversity of Life Notes


    Biology is the study of life.

    *Liquid water is the fundamental prerequisite for the development of life*

    Earth is ~ 4.6 Billion years old and lies within the habitable zone around the sun. (this is the position were heat

    from the sun allows water to exist in liquid state)

    In order to be considered alive it must have the 7 characteristics:

    But what is life?

    Display order1.

    Harness and utilize energy2.

    Reproduce (heritable genetic information)3.

    Respond to stimuli4.


    Growth and develop6.

    This characteristics are "emergent" (there is a hierarchy of interactions where simpler things do not

    have the properties found in higher levels)

    Evolve (adapt to change) *Key for diversity*7.

    Diversity and unity through evolution

    Theory of evolution through natural selection (single common ancestor)

    Charles darwin (natural selection, 1859) created a unifying framework


    Live in diff environmentsAdapt to changing environments

    Differences enables them to:

    Reproduction with potential for errors, errors lead to evolution.

    Cell theory: cells come from pre-existing cells, all organisms are composed by it. Cells are the basic unit of


    How is all life on earth related?

    Cells (Lipid bilayer)1.

    Genetic system based on DNA2.

    System of information transfer (DNA, RNA, PROTEIN)3.

    system of protein assembly using ribosomes and mRNA, tRNA,4. ATP as source for chemical energy5.

    Metabolic pathway to generate ATP6.

    Proteins: Major structure and catalytic molecule7.

    How is life on earth unifyied?

    Classifications are made on the basis of share features (structure/function)

    Taxonomy (classification of life) developed by Linnaeus in 1735

    1) Genus2) Species

    All organisms have 2 parts for their scientific name (in italics)

    Phylogeny (geneological relationship)

    Tree of life (still in progress)

    CHP3 Biology and The Tree of LifeSeptember-20-13 7:59 PM

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    How important molecules for life came to be?

    Is hypothesized that they came to be in 4 main stages

    1st stage Abiotic synthesis of monomers (NOT SYNTHESIZED BY LIVING ORGANISMS) :

    Primordial atmosphere contained large quantities of H2, CO2, NH3 (ammonia),CH4 (methane)

    1) Oparin-Haldane hypothesis: reducing atmosphere where molecules in premordial atmosphere

    contained abundance of electrons and H2, reacting with one another producing larger more complex


    Because there was no oxygen, there was no ozone layer, therefore, UV light + lighting provided the

    energy needed for the formation of the molecules

    Note: Today's atmosphere is considered oxidizing due to large amounts of oxygen present (because

    of its affinity it accepts the electrons and reduces chances for complex macromolecules to form)

    Miller-Urey experiment was the first to demonstrate the abiotic formation of important molecules

    can be easily produced in the laboratory

    2)Deep sea vents: Release superheated nutrient rich water, as well as reduced molecules

    (CH4,NH3,H2S) which created a geochemical gradient that with the extreme pressures of the

    environment gave rise to the building macromolecules of life.

    "Carbon chondrites"- rich in organic molecules

    Clay hypothesis charged layers of clay allows for molecular adhesion forces to bring

    monomers together (clay stores potential energy) It also accelerates formation of lipid


    2nd stage Polymerization

    3) Extraterrestrial Origins (Panspermia): organic molecules tha came from meteorites

    one of the key attributes of a modern cell is that it has a membrane-defined

    comparment, where it provides a distinction from external environment and the

    concentration of key molecules within the membrane creates better chances for the

    formation of more complex molecules.

    3rd stage Protobionts (similar to lisosomes which are lipid vesicles with lipid bilayer similar to

    cell membrane)

    Protobionts are capable of simple reproduction and metabolism all within a selectively

    permeable membrane.

    4th stage Central Dogma

    Ribozymes: a group of RNA molecules that could themselves act as a catalyst. They are

    single stranded molecules that can fold into very specific shapes on intramolecular

    hydrogen bonding or base pairing. (critical for reacting with substrate molecules)

    Are the steps from DNA to RNA to ribosomes for the formation of proteins which is aid by

    enzymes (which are proteins) but... there were no proteins! so wth, how did it happen then?

    "RNA world" from RNA to RNA, protein to DNA,RNA,PROTEIN


    From RNA world to DNA world.

    Why DNA? DNA is more stale, better at storaging information and is double stranded which aids in

    CHP3 The Origins & Chemical Building Blocks of LifeSeptember-20-13 7:59 PM

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    DNA repair (Base uracil is replaced with thymine).

    more variety (22 diff amino acids, compare to 4 nucleotides)

    Aminoacids interact chemically with each other giving rise to many many combinations

    grater rate of catalysis (10-100x greater)

    From RNA catalyst to Proteins.

    Membrane defined compartmentSystem to store information

    way to harness and utilize energy

    The model of the origin of life must explain:

    Early protobionts used molecules present in the environment for growth and replication

    Heterotrophs (other-feeding)- they obtain carbon from organic molecules and produce


    Anoxygenic photosynthesis, Evolution of oxygenic pho, produce O2.

    Autotrophs (self-feeding) obtain carbon from inorganic molecules (CO2)

    *Primordial heterotrophs did not survive the change in environment and those who didevolved the capacity for aerobic respiration

    How did life evolve?

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    Lack of membrane-enclosed organelles

    Including extreme habitats too hostile for most organisms

    remarkable diversity

    Thrive almos everywhere

    Appear simple in structure compared to eukaryotic cells

    Have the greates metabolic diversity of all organisms

    Important for food production

    Some responsible for disease, some essential for health

    most familiar to us


    Discovered around 40 years ago, not wll known

    Share some cellular features with bacteria, some with eukaryotes, some unique

    Live in very extreme conditions


    Classified into two domains that differ in structure, physiology and biochemistry

    Are unicellular

    Sphere (coccus)

    Rod (Bacillus)

    Spiral (spirillus)

    Common shapes:

    Are very small (1 to 10 um)


    The Gram Stain

    It differentiate bacterial based on their cellwall

    constituent. Gram positive bacteria(purple) consist of

    thick layer of Peptidoglycan, while gram negative (Pink) consist

    of thin layer of Peptidoglycan, and a thick layer of


    Layer that lies outside of cell wall which consists of many polysaccharides.


    It protects bateria frome external environment

    Sticky capsule protects many prokaryotic cells.

    Cell structure

    Cell wall

    cell membrane

    capsule(layer of




    External:DNA packed into nucleoid



    lack of internal membrane

    boud organelles

    semblance of cytoskeleton


    peptoglycon layer (peptide + sugar)

    Cell wall(it maintance shape, provides

    protection and prevents from

    bursting in hypotonic

    environments )

    Primary component is

    peptidoglycan (polymer of

    modified sugars cross linked by

    short polypeptides)

    Some contain outer membrane(Which contains

    lopopolysaccharide (LPS) which

    provides more protection

    and immune recognition

    cell walls allow to classify

    bacteria acording to differences

    CHP20 *Tree of life- Prokaryotes*September-20-13 9:58 PM

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    Extreme temperature

    Invading viruses*


    Considered a virulence factor (helps to evade detection by immune cells)

    Pili and flagella

    Aids attachment of bacteria to hosts surfaces, required for colonization during infection,

    required to initiate formation of biofilm

    Conjugative (Sex) pili allow transfer of plasmids between bacteria (one methor for horizontal

    transfer HGT

    Pilius (singular)- a hairlike appendage found on the surface of many bacteria

    Primary role in locomotion

    sensory to external environment (chemicals and temp)

    Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic flagella differ in protein composition, structure, and mechanism of


    Flagella (sensory and locomotive)- cell surface appendage -"Whip-like" motion

    Ring of DNA (Single circular DNA molecule= chromosome)

    Packed into nucleoid region

    no nucleolus

    no nuclear membrane

    Small genome


    May also have smaller rings of DNA called plasmids, which provide resistance to antibiotics, and that

    replicate independently of the chromosome (Can be transferred between bacteria via pili)

    Smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes

    Protein synthesis similar to eukaryotes

    Bacteria ribosomes sensitive to antibiotics, archaeal and eukaryotic are not

    Archaeal ribosomes shame some similarities with eukaruotic ribosomes

    Ribosomes (spreed throughout)

    Produces exact copies of parent and it can result in rapid population growth




    Asexual method of reproduction: Binary fission

    Rapid reproduction and mutation1.

    Conjugation (transfer via pilus)

    Transformation (from surroundings)

    Transduction (bacteriophages carry gnes from host cell to another)

    Genetic recombination2.

    Promoting genetic diversity

    Antibiotic binds to enzymes. mutations cause binding site of enzyme to change which does not

    allow antibiotic to work

    Pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic resistance

    attachment of bacteria, growth and divide (Communicate), produce extracellular polymer

    substance (encapsulates, for protection) , attachment of other organisms.

    Bio films (communities)

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    Autotrophs (Self-feeding)- Energy from inorganic carbon

    Organisms are grouped according to source of carbon, also by source of energy

    Heterotrophs (other feeding)- energy from organic carbon

    Phototrophs (light as energy source) photoautotrophs & photoheterotrophs

    Chemotrophs (oxidize inorganic or organic substances) chemoautotrops &chemoheterotrophs

    Metabolic diversity

    Biogeochemical cycles-

    Pathway by which a chemical element moves

    ex. Bacteria and archea are able to do nitrogen fixation which is the only mechanism of

    replenishing the nitrogen resources. (all organisms rely on them)

    through an ecosystem

    Exotoxins -Leak from or are secreted

    (Are proteins)

    Outer membrane of all

    gram-negative bacteria

    Endotoxins- The lipid A portion of LPS

    They cause about half of all human diseases

    BUT only a small fraction of bacteria are

    pathogenic(cause disease by secreting toxins)

    Harmful effects

    ~100 quadrillion bacteria cells

    Bacteria cover every inch of thehuman body

    Beneficial effects

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    Most widely held hypothesis: derived from infolding of a prokaryotic cell plasma membrane,

    inclosing the DNA

    Origin of endomembrane system

    Separation od DNA and cytoplasm by a nuclear envelopePresence of membrane-bound compartments with specialized metabolic and synthetic functions

    Distinguising features

    Morphology (similarities between shape of bacterium, mitochondrion and chloroplast)1.

    A cell cannot sinthesize a mitochondrion or chloroplasta.

    Derived only from pre-existing mitochondria and chloroplastsb.

    Divide by binary fissionc.


    Genetic information (Contein their own circular DNA)3.

    Transcription and translation: Contain complete machinery for transcription and translation -

    ribosomes similar to bacterial's


    Have electron transport chains similar to prokaryotic cellsUsed to generate chemical energy

    Swallowed up into inner membrane

    In prokaryotes, ETC in plasma membrane

    Electron transport:5.

    Ribosomal RNA sequency firmly establishes mitochondria and chloroplasts belong on the

    bacteria tree of life

    Chloroplasts RNA most s imilar to cyanobacteria

    Mitochondrial RNA most similar to proteobacteria

    Sequence analysis6.

    Evidence supporting theory ofendosymbiosis:

    What happened to the genes of human mitochondrial genome? (only 37)

    Some genes were lost (redundant with nuclear genes)

    In order to centralize genetic information

    90% of proteins required for mitochondrial and chloroplast function are encoded by genes

    found in the nucleus

    Some genes relocated to nucleus through HGT)

    Endosymbiosis and Horizontal Gene Transfer

    Gene transfer not yet complete

    Retained genes encode for proteins involved in electron transport chain- Tight regulation may be

    difficult in genes are in the nucleus

    Why do both mitochondria and chloroplasts still retain a genome?


    DNA organized into chromosomes (Single DNA molecule+proteins-> Chromatin (the complex

    combination of DNA, RNA, and protein that makes up chromosomes)

    Nucleolus: site of rRNA synthesis

    Pore complex regulates entry and exit (RNA, Proteins, macromolecules)

    Nuclear envelope is a double membrane(inner, outer + nuclear pore)

    The nucleus

    Proteins which function in cytosol

    Free ribosomes in cytosol

    Insertion in membranes

    Packaging organeless

    Export from the cell

    Proteins destined for

    Ribosomes bound to ER

    Ribosomes: Protein factories

    Cisternae formed by a single membrane(enclosed space called ER lumen)

    Interconnected network of membranous channels and vesicles called cisternae

    Ribosomes stud membrane surfaces facing cytoplasm

    Proteins enter the lumen where they are chemically modified

    Rough ER

    Endoplasmic reticulum (little net)


    CHP2 Eukaryotic cells (I)September-21-13 5:44 PM

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    Ribosomes stud membrane surfaces facing cytoplasm

    Proteins enter the lumen where they are chemically modified

    Proteins then delivered to other regions of the cell witin small vesicles

    Rough ER

    Synthesizes lipids

    Detoxifies drugs and poisons

    Stores calcium ions

    Smooth ER

    Proteins enter via vesicles at the Cis face

    Modifies ER products

    Manufactures certain macromolecules

    Sorts and packages for transport

    and exit via the Trans face

    The Golgi Complex (sorting machinery)

    Digest macromelules

    Acidic pH

    Lysosomes (Membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes)

    Phagocytosis (The engulfing and ingestion of bacteria or other foreign bodies by phagocytes)

    Important role in:

    Site of cellular respiration

    ATP- generating reactions occur in the cristae and matrix


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    Tubulin: diameter of an alpha-tubulin and a beta-tubulin.

    It is a hallow tube, which wall consists of 13 columns of tubulin

    Maintain cell shape

    Cell motility

    Chromosome movement during cell division

    Organelle movement.


    Microtubules (biggest) Interior 15nm, exterior 25 nm with +/- ends

    Maintain cell shape

    Anchorage of nucleus and some other organelles

    Formation on nuclear lamina


    Intermediate filaments Fibrous proteins coiled and supercoiled into thick cables (Tissue

    specific proteing composition) 8-12nm, non-polar

    Maintain cell shape

    Changes in cell shape

    Cell motility

    Cell division(Muscle contraction)


    Microfilaments (smallest) Two interwined strands of actin(each a polymer of actin subunits)

    5-7 nm with +/- ends which provides dynamic change of structure

    The cytoskeleton is composed of three main types of fibres:

    Provides structural integrity to the cell1.

    Drives cell motility (motor protein-driven movement, kinesin molecule *walking*, ATP

    dependent process)




    Forms cell surfaces structures which probe the environment3.

    Movement of cargo inside the cell4.

    Separation of chromosomes


    Cell division5.

    The cytoskeleton

    Comprise part of the microtubules organizing centre (MTOC)

    Involved in microtubule 'spindle' organization during cell division

    Flagella and cilia arise from centrioles

    It is made up of 9 sets of three microtubules


    Motile structures extending from cell surface

    Similar in structure except cilia usually shorter and often numerous on cells

    Dynein motor proteins slide the microtubules over each other to produce movement

    Flagella and cilia

    -Flagella moves in S-waves which propels the cell through watery medium

    CHP2 Eukaryotic cells (II)September-21-13 10:30 PM

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    alpha helix in the membrane.

    -Intracellular, comunication within cell for change

    Associated with outer or inner side.

    Held to membrane by proteins or lipids

    Peripheral membrane proteins


    transport1.Enzymatic activity2.

    Signal transduction (recognition of signals)3.


    Transport (across plasma membrane)1.

    Hydrophobic nature restricts free movement of molecules

    Diffusion (From high to low concentration, the rate depends on concentration gradient.

    larger gradient, faster diffusion)

    Osmosis: Diffusion of WATER across selectively permeable membrane from a

    solution of lesser solute concentration to a solution of greater solute


    a) Simple : movement without involvement of a transporter, rate depends on molecular

    size and lipid solubility.

    Aquaporin: Very narrow- single file movement of water. very specific for


    Voltage-gated channel: Critical movement for most ions from high to low.

    produced in a change in the 3D shape. Important for nerve conduction and

    muscle contraction

    -Channel proteins: Hydrophilic pathways (Molecules are protected fromhydrophobic core of bilayer), transport of water and ions

    Both transmembrane protein*

    -Carrier proteins (grab and transport) specific substrate that binds to molecule

    that causes protein to change conformation allowing molecule to be release into

    intracellular region. From high to low.

    b) Facilitated: carried out by transmembrane proteins

    Passive: Movement of substance across a membrane without useing energy

    Rate of diffusion dependent on concentration gradient.

    -For simple diffusion: as long as there is a concentration gradient the rate of transport continues to increase

    -For facilitated diffusion: concentration differs across the membrane and as the concentration is increased

    you reach a plato (flat, saturation) because carrier molecules are used up.

    Transport Kinetics( chart) :

    H pumps, Ca, Na/K (View ppt)

    Primary. (protein that does transporting, and hydrolyses ATP to power transport

    directly) the move positively charged ions (+)

    Secondary transport proteins using ion concentration gradient from primary active

    transport to drive transport to a diff molecule

    Active: require energy, movement against concentration gradient (Low to high) Large

    proportion of cell ATP goes towards active transport (fundamental for cell activity: uptake of

    nutrients, removal of waste, maintenance of intracellular concentration of ions)

    02 can diffuse, but many other molecules are not able.

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    symport (ions moving in same direction but against concentration gradient)

    Antiport(moving in opposite directions against concentration gradient )

    For further clarification refer to ppt pg 32 chart.

    other mechanisms for transport

    Exocytosis (transport material out of the cell): Vesicles that will fuse in membrane and the contentsare going to be taken outside.

    Pinocytosis -(drinking) envagination of molecules, internal vesicle in cell.

    Repetor-mediated- transmembrane proteins specific that binds and triggers rignal in cell and

    causes invagination and causes vesicle to be pulled in the cell.


    Anchoring junctions

    Tigh junction

    Gap junction

    Membrane proteins function in intercellular joining

    membrane proteins respond to environmental stimuli. Specific binding site with causes activation of

    protein on cytoplasmic domain. which triggers a signaling cascade (enzymatic reactions)n

    phospholiration reaction.

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    The energy of life

    Metabolic Patways




    ability to respond to stimuli

    Cells are maniature factories-hundreds of biochemical reactions that collectively accomplish the

    activities of life:

    Living organisms must be able to harness and utilize energy

    They occur in highly regulated steps


    product of one reaction is a reactnt of the next reaction

    Each Step is catalyzed by a specific enzyme

    Regulated by feedback reaction that as control mechanisms

    Metabolism: Total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism or a specific set of reactions

    Anabolic (Energy is consumed)

    Synthesis of amino acids



    Build complex molecules from simpler ones

    Catabolic (Energy is released)

    Cellular respiration

    degradative reactions: complex molecules broken down into simpler molecules

    Two types of reactions

    Metabolism manages the materian and energy resources of the cell

    Kinetic Energy: Energy in motion

    Stored energy can be found in chemical bonds, concentration gradients, change

    imbalances (often called, chemical potential energy)

    Potential Energy: energy of structure or position (or stored)

    Potential energy can be converted to Kinetic energy

    Energy: the capacty to do work (causes change)

    1st law: energy can be transferred and transformed, but it canot be created or destroyed

    2nd law: Every energy transfer or transformation increases the entropy of the universe


    All things obey the laws of thermodynamics

    To decrease entropy, increase energy (internally)

    The Increase heat, increase entropy (Externally)

    Thermodinamics: The study of energy and its transformations

    CHP4 Energy and EnzymesSeptember-17-13 10:23 PM

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    In order for organisms to display order, their surroundings have to have lower order

    G=H-TS , where H is total energy or enthalpy and S is entropy

    Free energy (G): Energy that can do work

    Exorgenic (expontaneous) Release free energy. -G (heat)

    Endorgenic (Non-expontaneous) Require free energy. +G

    Reaction types

    In order to break bond we to form products we use energy, therefore, when bonds are broken downthere is a release of energy.

    It requires increasing amounts of energy to add phosphate groups.

    Releases free nergy

    ADP + Pi (inorganic phosphate) Exergonic

    The breakdown of ATP in aqueous environments:

    Both products are negatively charged which causes repulsion that favors hydrolysisThe realize of terminal phosphate is energetically favored

    The release of the inorganic phosphate increases disorder of the system

    Higg free energy release is due to 3 factors:

    ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate (very unstable, high potential energy) Ribose sugar, nucleotide

    Adenine, 3 phosphate groups.

    Enzymes required are driven by catalysis (they bring molecules in close contact)

    Free energy transferred to reactants through transfer of terminal phosphate group


    Endergonic reactions of living organism are made possible by coupling reactions (The exergonic

    release of energy when ATP is converted into ADP +Pi is used to drive this endergonic reaction)

    ATP Synthesis is endergonic

    Spontaneous reactions occurs without the input of energy

    Therodynamically unstable reactions (Free energy is negative)

    Rate of reaction can be altered by enzymes

    Kinetically unstable reactions (reactants will rapidly convert to products)

    Laws of thermodynamics do not tells us about the rate of reaction

    Activation energy Ea : Initial energy investment to start a reaction

    Catalyst are chemical agents able to speed up rate of reactions

    Molecules then move into transition state where their bonds are unstable

    Enzymes combine with reactants but release unchangedwhen reaction is complete. they have

    specificity (specific substrates, and substrate interacts with the active site of the enzyme , Site

    for catalysis)

    Enzymes are a specialized group ofproteins that catalyze reactions ( by lowering activation energy),They do not alter the change in free energy of the reaction

    Substrate binds to enzyme and form enzyme-substrate complex

    Enzyme catalyzes breakage of bonds (products are released

    Enzyme can catalyze another reaction

    Catalytic cycle of enzyme:

    Co-factor: non- protein that alters activity of enzyme (metals: iron, copper, zinc, manganese)

    Bring reacting molecules together

    Enzymes induce transition state by:

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    Expose reactant to altered charge environment (alter substrate to favour catalysis)

    Change the shape of the substrate

    In the presence of excess substrate, rate is proportional to amount of enzyme

    At limiting amounts of enzyme and increasing amounts of substrate, rate reaches maximum

    (enzyme saturated)

    Competitive inhibition (active site) shaote resemble substrate

    Noncompetitive (binds to allosteric site) changes shape so substrate cant bind.

    non-substrate molecules hat bind to enzyme reduce its activity

    Enzyme inhibitors lower rate of catalysis

    reversible binding

    High or low affinity(strength) state for binding.

    Allosteric regulation: Allows for rapid changes in activity

    Added to enzymes (phosphorylation) called protein Kinases

    Removal of phosphate (dephospho) carried out by enzymes called protein phosphatases

    Covalent modification: Can activate or inactivate enzyme

    Regulation of enzyme activity

    Temp: increase in temp, increase in reaction (at high temp proteins denature, so rate of

    reactions decreases)

    Ph: Optimal at Ph of 7, Ph affects charged groups in amino acids of enzymes

    Tempt and Ph

    In the presence ofphosphatases, dephospho reaction takes around 10ms

    In the absence of enzyme, the reaction could take 1 trillion years to occur

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    Reversible phosphorylation of proteins is a central mechanism of signal transduction

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    Light energy stored as chemical energy in bonds of carbs

    Anabolic, metabolic pathways build complex molecules and store energy


    (produce Carbohydrate and oxygen)

    Occurs in photoautotrophs, self feeding users of light

    Conversion of CO2 into organic molecules using light energy

    Majority of carbon fixation comes about thorugh photosynthesis in

    other organisms (other than plants, page 5)

    Light reaction: Captures light energy to synthesize ATP & NADPH

    Calvin cycle: Electrons and protons of NADPH and energy convert of ATP convert CO2 into


    Integration of two processes:

    It can also be further simplified but sugar is represented by the general formula for

    carbohydrates : [CH2O]

    It can be symplified by cancelling waters in booth sides

    6 CO2 + 12 H20 + Light Energy --> C6H12O6 + 6O2 +6H20


    Previously thought to be from splitting of CO2 but C.B. van Niel challenged the idea and studied

    bacteria that does not produce oxygen

    O2 derived from the splitting of H2O

    CO2 + 2 H2X --> [CH2O] + H20+2X

    In those organisms where there is no production of oxygen(anoxygenic photosynthetic pathway), the

    general formula for photosynthesis is

    Why is photosynthesis important?

    Glucose is major product of photosynthesis (food, source of energy)

    All the organic molecules are direct or indirect products of photosynthesis

    Reduced carbon is source of carbon for lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

    stroma (liquid surrounding tylakoids) are enzymes that catalyse reactions of the calvin cycle

    inside of chloropast inner and outer membrane, within there are the talakoids( group of tylakoids

    is called granum, grana)

    Thalakoid membrane (light reaction): proteins, pigments, electro transfer carriers, ATP synthase

    (component that carry out the light reaction)

    Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplast

    Light energy

    Light energy comes in packets called photons (contain afixed amount of energy that is inversely related

    to its wavelength) that have wave-like characteristics

    release of energy obtain by absorption of photonelectron is transfer to an electron accepting molecule , becomes oxidized

    electron can transfer energy to pigment molecule and go back to ground state (inductive


    How do we absorb energy? Electron from ground to excited state.




    Aerobic Anaerobic

    (Cellular Resp) (fermentation)

    CHP7 PhotosynthesisSeptember-20-13 11:57 AM

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    Caratenoid does not absorb yellow

    Chlorophyll does not absorb green

    Pigment molecules have absorptions within visible spectrum from 400 to 700

    Absorption can be measured and displayed in an action spectrum

    occurs in thylokoid membranes and involves Photosystems (assemblies of pigment-proteins)

    Light energy absorbed by photosystem 2, pigments go to excited state through

    inductive resonance, causes reduction of primary acceptor


    Ass electrons passes along ETC (Plastoquinone PQ to Cytochrome complex to

    pastocyanin) PQ picks up hygrogen ions from stroma into lumen of tylakoid.


    Light energy absorbed by photosystem 1 causes reduction of primary acceptor, an

    electron is passed to Ferredoxin then electrons are held by NADP+ reductase complex,

    NADP+ reductase to NADPH (using 2 electrons and one proton)


    Proton gradient drives ATPase synthase complex: ADP+Pi to form ATP4.

    Generation of oxygen occrus when water is split in order to reduce photosystem 2.

    Chlorophyll P680 (Photosystem 2) Absorb ligh with shorter wavelength (higher energy) than

    Clorophyll P700 (Photosystem 1)

    Occurs in thylokoids in chloropasts

    Electrons pass along series of oxidizing agents

    Electros passed down an energy gradient (energy released)

    From stroma into lume of thylokoid

    Energy used to actively transport H+ AGAINST concentration gradient

    Leads to production of ATP through PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION.

    H+ flow back into stroma using facilitated diffusion through channel proteins ATP Synthase

    chemiosmosis ATP synthesis

    Reduces NADP+ to NADPH

    Reactants: Light, ADP +Pi,NADP+, H2O

    Products: ATP and NADPH+H+, O2

    Uses both photosystem with 2 electron transport chains

    1) non- cyclic (linear) electron flow

    Reactants: Light, ADP+Pi

    Products: ATP

    Uses only photosystem 1 (Flow of electron switches after ferredoxin, wich prevents

    reduction of NADP+ and produces only ATP)

    Compensates for greater ATP requirement in Calvin-Benson Cycle

    2) Cyclic electron flow

    Light reaction

    1 Carbon joins with RuBP (Ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate) catalized by Rubisco which

    produces two molecules of 3PG (3-Phosphoglycerate)

    Carbon fixation of CO2 to 3PG

    3PG undergoes phosphorylation (from ATP to ADP) and the Pi is added (morepotential energy), then that molecule undergoes reduction using NADPH to produce


    Reduction to carbohydrate G3P

    Regeneration of RUBP

    (Refer to diagram!)

    Occurs in chloroplast sotroma

    Calvin Cycle (light independent)

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    The G3P left over from the kelvin cycle is going to be the starting point

    it uses the products of the light reactions, it also uses more ATP than NADPH (extra

    ATP is produced in the cyclic electron flow in the light reaction)

    Artificial photosynthesis

    Harnessing light energy

    Who is using the metabolic pathway?1.

    Where are the reactions taking place?2.

    What are the reactants and products?3.

    What is happening to carbon compunds?4.

    What is happening to free energy leves?5.

    What is happening to ATP?6.

    What is happening to energy carriers (NADP)?7.

    How is the pathway regulated?8.

    Suggestion questions

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    Absorption spectrum of pigment molecules

    P680 (P2) has an absorption maximum of 680nm

    P700 (P1) has absorption maximum of 700 nm

    (Both still have a spectrum, they are both chlorophyll molecules- absoption difference due to

    association with proteins and therefore electron distribution)

    Light energy absorbed by PII causes oxidation of P680 and reduction of primary acceptor.1.

    e- is passed along ETC2.

    Light energy absorbed by PI causes oxidation of P700 and reduction of primary acceptor. The

    electron is passed to Ferredoxin, and then held by NADP+ reductase complex. NADP+ is the

    reduced to NADPH (using 2e- and one proton)


    Proton gradient drives ATPase synthase complex (ADP+Pi=ATP)4.

    PII uses light energy to split water.

    This splitting is carried out by oxygen complex (manganese-oxygen-calcium cluster)

    *Oxygenic photosynthesis is the result of the development of photosystem II*

    Cyclic electron flow, electrons are passed down into ETC creating a chemical gradient that dives ATP

    synthase (only ATP is produced)

    The Calvin cycle

    The Calvin cycle is a metabolic pathway found in the stroma of the chloroplast in which carbon

    enters in the form of CO2 and leaves in the form of sugar.

    The cycle spends ATP as an energy source and consumes NADPH2 as reducing power for adding high

    energy electrons to make the sugar. There are three phases of the cycle


    Most important enzyme in the biosphere

    Converts ~ 100 billion tonnes of CO2 annually

    Rubisco acts as a carboxylase

    catalyzes CO2 fixationadds CO2 to RuBP to form 3PG

    accounts for ~50% of the total protein content of plant leaves


    WHY? Catalytically VERY slow! Only 3-10 molecules of CO2 per second

    Carbon Fixation, CO2 is incorporated into a five-carbon sugar named (RuBP). The enzyme

    which catalyzes this first step is rubisco. It is the most abundant protein in chloroplasts and probably

    the most abundant protein on Earth.


    Large subunit encoded by chloroplast genome (synthesized in stroma)

    Small subunid encoded by nuclear genome (synthesized in cytosol, imported into

    chloroplast, associates with large subunit)m

    Requires coordinated gene expression of chloroplast and nuclear genome

    Synthesis of rubisco:

    The product of the reaction is a six-carbon intermediate which immediately splits in half to

    form two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate.

    Reduction, ATP and NADPH2 from the light reactions are used to convert 3PG to G3P , the

    three-carbon carbohydrate precursor to glucose and other sugars.


    Regeneration, more ATP is used to convert some of the of the pool of G3P back to RuBP, the

    acceptor for CO2, thereby completing the cycle.


    For every three molecules of CO2 that enter the cycle, the net output is one molecule of (G3P).

    For each G3P synthesized, the cycle spends nine molecules of ATP and six molecules of

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    NADPH2. The light reactions sustain the Calvin cycle by regenerating the ATP and NADPH2.

    C3 pathway of photosynthesis

    The problem with Rubisco

    not only catalytically very slow... BUT the active site of Rubisco can also bind O2

    O2 is competitive inhibitorRubisco acts as an oxygenase (carbon loss, no net gain, oxygen gain)as well as a carboxylase (carbon


    Product of O2 binding is a two-carbon compound

    requires ATP to convert it to CO2 for export


    How does this occur, and how can it be minimized?


    Light-dependent reactions (light energy transferred to ATP and NADPH

    Light indendent reactions (CO2 released instead of being fixed into sugars)

    Rubisco has higher affinity for CO2 than O2 but normal atmospheric conditions have abundance ofoxygen (oxygenation occurs 1/3)

    Reaction occurs in:


    RuBP+ O2glycolate + 3PG

    glycolate diffuses into peroxisomeconverted to glycine2.

    in mitochondria glycine converted to serine and CO2 is released3.

    This significantly reduces photosynthetic efficiency

    Leaf anatomy and photorespiration

    Large surface area

    Waxy cuticle

    Leaf anatomy

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    Surface pores (stomata)

    Delicate balance between minimizing water loss and regulating was exchange

    Stomata regulates gas exchange

    oxygenase function (and photorespiration) favoured in C3 plants under certain conditions:

    1. high temperatures

    2. low CO2 concentrations

    3. high O2 concentrations

    stomata close to reduce water loss

    CO2 levels drop

    O2 accumulates

    reduces gas exchange

    when hot (and dry)

    solubility of CO2 and O2 decreases with increased temperature

    as T increases, photorespiration takes away a greater proportion of carbon above 35C this can

    result in 50% energy lost through photorespiration

    Adaptations to minimize photorespiration

    dominant form of inorganic carbon in aqueous environment is bicarbonate anion (HCO3-)

    ATP-dependent pump

    bicarbonate converted to CO2by carbonic anhydrase

    CO2diffuses into chloroplast

    Algae Pump CO2 into cells

    Increased CO2 concentration out-competes O2

    Alternative Photosynthetic Pathways

    Plants that have evolved in tropical / sub-tropical areas have developed alternative pathways

    Leaf anatomy modified to compensate for allosteric character of Rubisco

    1. C4 Pathway uses spatialseparation2. CAM Pathway uses temporalseparation

    1. C4 Pathway

    C4 plants bypass photorespiration

    C4 pathway raises [CO2] relative to [O2] so carboxylase function is favoured by Rubisco

    lacks oxygenase activity

    high affinity for CO2

    Uses alternative enzyme = PEP carboxylase

    i. PEP carboxylase in mesophyll

    ii. chloroplasts fixes CO2 into 4-C oxaloacetate, then reduced to malateiii. Malate transported into bundle sheath cells

    pyruvate converted to PEP requires ATP

    iv. Malate oxidized to pyruvate to produce high [CO2] locally that enter Calvin-Benson Cycle

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    2. CAM Pathway

    = (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism)

    Operate like C4 plants but use temporal separation

    Stomata close during day

    Prevents water loss and cuts off exchange of gases

    Malate diffuses into cytosol where it is oxidized to pyruvate and CO2is released in high


    carboxylase activity of Rubisco favoured

    maximizes efficiency of Calvin Cycle

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    Chemiosmotic ATP Synthesis

    in Photosynthesis

    - electron flow from light through pigment molecules provides energy for ATP synthesis= PHOTOPHOSPHORYLATION

    in Cellular Respiration

    - electron flow from oxidation of glucose through glycolysis / pyruvate oxidation / citric acid cycle

    provides energy for ATP synthesis


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    CHP6 Cellular respiration (FINISH)September-26-13 4:30 PM

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    Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle

    Oxidative phosphorylation

    Aerobic respiration permits the complete oxidation of glucose to energy trapped in ATP

    Glycolysis happens in the cytoplasm of all cells


    Reactions removing electrons (pyruvate oxidation, citric acid cycle)

    Inner membrane

    Electron transfer

    ATP synthesis by ATP synthase


    Product of glycolysis (pyruvate still contains useable energy)

    Occurs only in aerobic pathway

    Occurs in mitochondria matrix (In Eukaryotes)

    Occurs in plasma membrane (in prok)

    Multistep reaction catalyzed by enzyme complex Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

    Pyruvate is oxidized to acetate and converted to acetyl group which releases 1 CO2 per pyruvate and energy1.

    Energy is captured when NAD+ is reduced to NADH+H+2.

    Remaining energy captured when acetyl group combines with coenzyme A yielding Acetyl-CoA (Product ofpyruvate oxidation) .


    Pyruvate oxidation

    completes oxidation of pyruvate to CO2

    Only occurs in aerobic patway

    In cytoplasm in prokaryotes

    Occurs in mitochondrial matrix in eukaryotes

    8 steps, each catalyzed by specific enzyme

    First step: Acetyl group of Acetyl-CoA(2C) combines with oxaloacetate (4C), forming citrate (6C)

    Next 7 steps decompose citrate back to oxaloacetate (cyclic) with relese of 2x CO2

    NADH and FADH2 produced relay electrons to the ETC

    Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)

    NADH and FADH2 account for most of the energy extracted so far

    The electron carriers donate electrons to ETC

    ETC creates a proton-motive force (ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation)

    Occurs in mitochondrial inner membrane (Eukaryotes) and plasma membrane in prokaryotes

    Oxidative phosphorylation

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    Only occurs in aerobic pathway

    Electros passed down from NADH and FADH2 to O2

    Recycling process involving electron transfer via energy carriers (NADH+H+/FADH2)

    Respiratory chain (ETC)1.

    Active transport of H+ out of matrix (against concentration/charge gradient) at complex I and IV and by UQ2.

    Electrochemical gradient

    Proton-motive force (PMF)

    Source of potential energy

    Establishes gradient of proton concentration and electric charge


    Facilitated diffusion through proton channel (ATP synthase complex) back into matrix coupled to ATP synthesis3.

    Oxidative phosphorylation: Electron Transport and chemiosmosis

    Basal unit forms a channel for H+ to pass freely

    Proton-motive force propels protons through channel- down the concentration gradient

    Binding of protons to headpiece causes rotation that catalyzes the formation of ATP

    Smallest molecular rotary motor know

    ATP synthase (molecular motor)

    Electron transport and chemiosmosis ATP synthesis are separate and distinct processes

    Mechanisms prevent formation of proton-motive force

    Possible to have high electron transport without ATP synthesis

    Some organisms alter the expression of uncoupling proteins as a means of regulating body temperature (eg.

    Hibernating animals)

    Electron transport and chemiosmosis can be uncoupled

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    Rates of glycolysis and citric acid cycle can be regulated





    on allosteric enzymes

    -Reactions are increased or decreased by actions of:

    Allosteric control

    How are metabolic pathways regulated?

    Control point in Glycolysis at reaction 31.

    Involves glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase

    Enzyme inhibit by abundant ATP from oxidative

    phosphorylation (Slows down glycolysis)

    Enzyme activated by abundant ADP (which speeds up glycolysis)

    Control point in citric acid cycle at reaction 32.

    Involves citric acid cycle enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase

    Enzyme inhibit by ATP and NADH+H

    Enzyme activated by ADP and NAD+

    Regulation in glycolysis and cellular respiration

    Many archea, bacteria, and most eukaryotes

    Absolute requirement for oxygen

    Huge energy demands not met by glycolysis/fermentation

    Strict aerobes1.

    Can switch between fermentation and full oxidative pathway

    Facultative anaerobes2.

    Require O2-free environment to survive

    O2 can be toxic- reactive oxygen species (ROS) are powerful oxidizing agents

    Obligate (strict) anaerobes3.

    Organisms differ in metabolic pathway (ability to use oxygen)