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Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases in ... · REVIEW Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases in tumorigenesis Yang Yang a, Yanzhe Gao , Anastasia Zlatanou

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Cell Cycle

ISSN: 1538-4101 (Print) 1551-4005 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/kccy20

Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNApolymerases in tumorigenesis

Yang Yang, Yanzhe Gao, Anastasia Zlatanou, Satoshi Tateishi, VyacheslavYurchenko, Igor B. Rogozin & Cyrus Vaziri

To cite this article: Yang Yang, Yanzhe Gao, Anastasia Zlatanou, Satoshi Tateishi, VyacheslavYurchenko, Igor B. Rogozin & Cyrus Vaziri (2018) Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNApolymerases in tumorigenesis, Cell Cycle, 17:7, 833-843, DOI: 10.1080/15384101.2018.1456296

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15384101.2018.1456296

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by InformaUK Limited, trading as Taylor & FrancisGroup

Accepted author version posted online: 23Apr 2018.Published online: 08 May 2018.

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Page 2: Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases in ... · REVIEW Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases in tumorigenesis Yang Yang a, Yanzhe Gao , Anastasia Zlatanou


Diverse roles of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases in tumorigenesis

Yang Yanga, Yanzhe Gaoa, Anastasia Zlatanoua, Satoshi Tateishib, Vyacheslav Yurchenko c, Igor B. Rogozin d andCyrus Vaziri a

aDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillChapel Hill, NC, USA; bDivision of Cell Maintenance,Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (IMEG), Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan; cLife Science Research Center, University of Ostrava,Ostrava, Czech Republic; dNational Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 22 January 2018Accepted 17 March 2018

ABSTRACTMutagenesis is a hallmark and enabling characteristic of cancer cells. The E3 ubiquitin ligase RAD18 and itsdownstream effectors, the ‘Y-family’ Trans-Lesion Synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases, confer DNA damagetolerance at the expense of DNA replication fidelity. Thus, RAD18 and TLS polymerases are attractivecandidate mediators of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis. The skin cancer-propensity disorder xerodermapigmentosum-variant (XPV) is caused by defects in the Y-family DNA polymerase Pol eta (Polh). However itis unknown whether TLS dysfunction contributes more generally to other human cancers. Recent analysesof cancer genomes suggest that TLS polymerases generate many of the mutational signatures present indiverse cancers. Moreover biochemical studies suggest that the TLS pathway is often reprogrammed incancer cells and that TLS facilitates tolerance of oncogene-induced DNA damage. Here we review recentevidence supporting widespread participation of RAD18 and the Y-family DNA polymerases in thedifferent phases of multi-step carcinogenesis.

KEYWORDSDNA damage; trans-lesionsynthesis (TLS); RAD18;mutagenesis; genomemaintenance; cancer


The discovery of error-prone ‘Y-family’ Trans-Lesion Synthesis(TLS) DNA polymerases was a major advance that provided amolecular mechanism for mutagenesis and carcinogenesis.DNA Polymerase eta (Polh), the prototypical member of the Y-family DNA Polymerase family in humans, was first identifiedas the mutated XPV gene product of skin cancer-prone xero-derma pigmentosum-variant patients [1]. Defining the molecu-lar etiology of XPV syndrome demonstrated that normalexpression and activity of TLS pathway components is neces-sary for tumor-suppression and that TLS pathway imbalance(for example due to Polh-deficiency) can lead to mutations andskin cancer.

However, the extent to which the Y-family polymerasesare altered in neoplastic cells and whether TLS dysfunctionimpacts tumorigenesis more broadly is not known. Recentstudies show that many cancers have hallmarks of Polh-mediated mutagenesis [2], that the TLS pathway is patho-logically activated in many cancer cells [3,4] and that TLScan sustain DNA replication and viability of cells experienc-ing oncogene-induced DNA damage [5]. Moreover, it iswell established that TLS confers chemoresistance to a vari-ety of therapeutic agents [6,7]. Taken together, these find-ings indicate that TLS may have diverse roles in canceretiology and therapy. Here we consider the potential impactof the TLS pathway on cancer with a particular emphasis

on newer roles of Y-family polymerases and their proximalactivator RAD18 in cancer cells.


Imbalanced TLS pathway function causes skincarcinogenesis

Seminal work by Masutani and colleagues showed that the sun-light-sensitivity and skin cancer-propensity syndrome xero-derma pigmentosum-Variant (XPV) is caused by inactivatingmutations in Polh [1]. Polh is a specialized DNA polymerasethat is error-prone when replicating undamaged templates butcan perform efficient and error-free replicative bypass of tem-plates harboring UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimersor CPD [8]. Thus Polh sustains replication of UV-damagedgenomes and confers cell viability (termed ‘DNA damage toler-ance’). In the absence of Polh, compensatory and error-proneTLS of CPD by alternative Y-family DNA Polymerases, Polkappa (Polk) and Pol iota (Poli) leads to hypermutability [9,10](Figure 1A, B), thereby explaining the cancer predispositionphenotype of individuals with XPV. Similar to Polh, the otherTLS polymerases are also error-prone on undamaged templatesyet are relatively error-free when copying DNA templates har-boring damage from their cognate lesions. For example Polk isunable to bypass cis-syn T-T dimers, yet replicates templates

CONTACT Igor B. Rogozin [email protected] National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health,Bldg. 38A, room 5N505A, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA; Cyrus Vaziri [email protected] Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medi-cine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 614 Brinkhous-Bullitt Building, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupThis is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/),which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.


CELL CYCLE2018, Vol. 17, No. 7, 833–843

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containing benzo[a]pyrene-adducted guanines by inserting thecorrect C opposite the bulky lesion [11].

RAD18, ubiquitin signaling and the TLS polymerase switch

Human XPV syndrome illustrates the detrimental impact ofimbalanced TLS polymerase activity on genome stability.Clearly, to maintain balance and prevent mutagenesis, TLS pol-ymerases must be used sparingly only when needed to replicatedamaged templates. Consequently, there has been immenseinterest in elucidating the mechanisms that regulate TLS poly-merase activities and determine whether DNA replication ismutagenic. Ubiquitin signaling is a major mechanism of TLSpolymerase recruitment to replisomes. In response to DNAdamage, the E3 ubiquitin ligase RAD18 mono-ubiquitinatesthe DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA at a conservedlysine residue (K164) [12,13].

DNA damage-induced RAD18 activation and PCNA mono-ubiquitination are dependent on RPA-coated ssDNA [14], aspecies that can arise due to helicase/polymerase uncoupling atstalled DNA replication forks or as an intermediate duringDNA repair [15]. Thus PCNA mono-ubiquitination occurs inresponse to DNA replication stalling in S-phase, and duringthe course of BER, MMR, and NER in non-replicating cells[16–18]. Y-family DNA polymerases have Ubiquitin-bindingZinc Finger (UBZ) and Ubiquitin-Binding Motif (UBM)domains [19]. The UBZ and UBM domains, together withPCNA-interacting Peptide (PIP) motifs common to manyDNA polymerases, mediate the association of Y-family mem-bers with the mono-ubiquitinated form of PCNA (PCNA-Ub)[19].

Association of TLS pols with PCNA-Ub engages TLS pols atthe replisomes and facilitates replicative bypass of DNA lesions.There is also some evidence that TLS polymerases themselvesparticipate in PCNA mono-ubiquitination. For example, Polhexists in a complex with RAD18 [20], facilitates the associationof RAD18 with PCNA, and promotes PCNA mono-

ubiquitination [21]. In ectopic expression experiments evenmodest (»2-fold) increases in levels of RAD18, Polh, or otherY-family DNA polymerases can stimulate PCNA mono-ubiqui-tination and lead to inappropriate and error-prone DNA repli-cation by Y-family polymerases [21]. Therefore, imbalancedexpression or activity of TLS pathway components has thepotential to cause mutagenic outcomes.

Is TLS altered in cancer cells?

Owing to their error-propensity, TLS polymerases are veryattractive candidate mediators of mutagenesis in cancer. thequestion then arises – is there any evidence that TLS proteinsare inappropriately utilized in neopastic cells, that altered TLSshapes the genomic landscape of cancer cells, or that TLS con-tributes to tumorigenic phenotypes? These issues will be con-sidered in turn below.

(i) TLS-mediated mutational signatures and mutablemotifs in cancer genomes. The biochemical properties of theY-family polymerases and their replication fidelities on dam-aged and undamaged templates have been studied for manyyears. From in vitro and in vivo studies there is now a wealth ofinformation on the mutagenic consequences and DNA contextspecificities (mutable motifs and mutational signatures) oferror-prone DNA replication by the TLS polymerases [22].Cancer genome sequencing efforts are now revealing numerousmutations, some of which probably result from TLS polymeraseactivities.

Cancer genome studies of somatic mutations necessitateworking with large amounts of data. The inherent challenges ofanalyzing such large data sets were largely resolved by using the‘mutational signature’ technique [23–26]. Because it is usuallynot possible to define the DNA strand on which a mutationoccurred (for example, distinguishing C>A mutations fromG>T mutations on the opposite strand), there are essentiallyonly six types of substitutions to be analyzed [26]. Similarly,there are 96 context-dependent mutation frequencies that

Figure 1. Imbalanced expression/ activity of RAD18 and Y-family DNA polymerases dictates choice of TLS polymerases and can influence replication fidelity and genomestability. (A) In normal cells TLS polymerases are activated sparingly and used selectively to minimize error-prone DNA synthesis and ensure genome stability. (B) In XPVcells lacking functional Polh, compensatory bypass of Polh-cognate lesions by inappropriate DNA polymerases leads to mutagenesis. (C) In many cancer cells RAD18 isexpressed at high levels (sometimes owing to stabilization by its binding partner MAGE-A4), leading to increased TLS pathway activation. It is not known whether all Y-family DNA polymerases are equally dependent on RAD18 for activation. Differential activation of Y-family TLS polymerases by over-active RAD18 would constitute amechanism of imbalance and altered TLS. (D) Over-expression or reduced expression of individual TLS polymerases has been reported in many cancers and representsanother mechanism of TLS pathway imbalance and mutagenesis.

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consider two nucleotides in the flanking 5’ and 3’ positions ofthe mutated nucleotide [26]. Mutational signature is an impor-tant concept for describing individual mutagenic factors andfor quantifying their contribution to mutational spectra in can-cer samples. Several computational methods have been pro-posed for solving this decomposition problem [22–26]. Cancergenome sequencing efforts have delineated at least 30 muta-tional patterns that are commonly found in human cancers(http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/signatures) [26]. Two of the30 delineated mutational signatures, namely Signatures 13 and9 (Figure 2) are attributed to TLS DNA polymerases.

Mutational signature 13 is thought to arise due to the con-certed actions of APOBEC (apolipoprotein B mRNA editingenzyme, catalytic) and the Y-family TLS polymerase REV1.This annotation was based on previous analyses of APO-BEC3A/B that employed known mutable motifs of APO-BEC3A/B (TCW/WGA) [27,28]. The APOBECs deaminateCytosine to Uracil. During APOBEC-mediated mutagenesis,the Uracils formed by cytosine deaminiation are excised to gen-erate AP sites. Trans-lesion synthesis of the non-coding APsites can lead to C>T mutations or C>G mutations. The C>Gmutations are dependent on the catalytic activity of REV1.APOBEC-mediated mutations arise in clusters within unusu-ally long and persistent stretches of ssDNA [27,28]. It is inter-esting to note that ssDNA is the common species generated bymany forms of DNA damage and replication stress that acti-vates RAD18 and TLS DNA polymerases [14,29]. ThereforessDNA-accumulation may provide a biochemical basis forcoordinate activities of APOBECs and the TLS machinery dur-ing mutagenesis. PCNA mono-ubiquitination was attenuatedin cells engineered to express a catalytically-inactive mutantAPOBEC3A (when compared with cells expressing WT APO-BEC3A), potentially consistent with some form of crosstalkbetween APOBEC and TLS activities at ssDNA [30].

Although decomposition into signatures is useful for inter-preting the mutagenic processes, there are certain limitations ofthis approach [22]. One limitation is the heuristic nature ofassociations between mutational signatures and molecularmechanisms – which often reflect expert opinions of research-ers providing mutational signature annotations. For example,the Polh signature in COSMIC (Figure 2; mutational Signature9, http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/signatures) has been foundin chronic lymphocytic leukemia and malignant B-cell lym-phoma genomes. Interestingly, signature 9 has a higher fre-quency of T:A>G:C transversions compared with T:A>C:G

transitions. Such a Polh-mediated mutational pattern has notbeen observed in vitro or in vivo (a clear excess of T:A>C:Gtransitions was found in all experiments), although contextproperties do resemble the Polh mutable motif WA/TW (W =A/T, the mutation hotspot position is underlined) [22,31]. Inaddition, the putative Polh mutational signature 9 was notfound in follicular lymphoma although this cancer is associatedwith the activity of AID (an enzyme which cooperates withPolh to induce hypermutations during immunoglobulin classswitch recombination) [32]. These observations suggest thatthe signature 9 is a mixture of descriptions of Polh mutationsand some yet unknown process with context properties resem-bling the Polh mutable motif. It is also possible that Signature 9represents only a subset of the mutational patterns induced byPolh. Differences between mutable motifs and mutational sig-natures are reviewed elsewhere [22].

A recent study suggested that Polhmay cause somatic muta-tions in lymphoid cells [33]; most of the characteristic clusteredmutations were found in promoters, as with AID-initiatedsomatic hypermutation. In solid tumors, however, somaticmutations are likely to be associated with the other factors,including exogenous exposures, UV radiation or alcohol con-sumption [33]. This study is based on mutational signature 9(Figure 2) and suggested that Polh targets the H3K36me3 chro-matin of active genes in a mismatch repair (MMR)-dependentmanner. These regions normally have a low mutation ratebecause error-free MMR also targets H3K36me3 chromatin[34]. Carcinogens and error-prone repair therefore redistributemutations to the more important regions of the genome, con-tributing a substantial mutation load in many tumors, includ-ing driver mutations [33]. These results somewhat contradictthe recent study that found fewer somatic mutations in exonsthan expected from their sequence content [35]. It was sug-gested that this trend is likely to be caused by higher conven-tional mismatch-repair activity in exonic than in intronicregions [35].

Rogozin et al. have studied the possible involvement of Polhin the generation of somatic mutations in skin cancer, othercancers and in normal cells [2]. Those workers found a highlysignificant correlation between Polh mutable motifs andsomatic mutations in skin cancer cells. However, this correla-tion was not observed in normal skin samples. Traces of Polh-mediated mutagenesis were also found in various other cancers.A significant excess of somatic mutations in WA/TW motifswas present in 11 out of 14 solid tumors from various tissue

Figure 2. The potential DNA polymerase h mutational signature (Signature 9, http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cosmic/signatures). The mutation context (+1 and ¡1 positions)are shown below frequency bars. This signature (together with more than 20 other distinct mutational signatures) was extracted using a classification analysis of4,938,362 mutations from 7,042 cancers [26].


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types [2]. Frequent tandem mutations are known to be anintrinsic property of Polh when copying undamaged DNA andthey have the same context specificity as single mutations [36].Although tandem mutations occur much less frequently, therewas nevertheless a significant excess of tandem mutations inthe WA/TW context in 3 out of 8 cancer types [2]. Takentogether with the results of expression analysis, this study sug-gests the widespread participation of Polh in mutagenesis incancer cells [2]. Further studies of in vitro and in vivo mutationspectra are needed to identify mutational signatures and muta-ble motifs associated with TLS DNA polymerases.

(ii) Altered expression of function of TLS proteins in cancercells. Changes in expression or activity of Y-family DNA poly-merases could potentially create TLS pathway imbalance(Figure 1C) causing replication infidelity and genetic changes(possibly including mutational signatures 13 and 9). Severalstudies have documented altered expression and function ofTLS polymerases and of their proximal activator RAD18 incancer. For example a steady state kinetic analyses of REV1proteins harboring different polymorphisms (including var-iants associated with cancer) revealed moderate or slight effectson biochemical activities (such as kcat/Km for dCTP insertion,binding affinities to DNA substrates harboring various lesions)when compared with wild-type REV1 [37]. Therefore, it isplausible that germline missense REV1 variations affect cancersusceptibility by modifying the fidelity and capacity for replica-tion on undamaged and damaged DNA templates. Epidemio-logical data are fully consistent with the possibility that TLSpolymerase polymorphisms affect tumorigenic outcomes. In astudy that assessed associations of DNA repair genes with lungcancer risk, a REV1 variant showed associations with squamouscell carcinoma risk while a POLI polymorphism was associatedwith adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma risk [38].Another case-controlled study revealed association betweengenetic variants of POLK and REV1 and susceptibility and sur-vival of lung cancer respectively [39]. POLK genetic variantshave also been associated with increased breast cancer risk [40].

Altered expression of TLS polymerases may also affectmutagenesis and cancer susceptibility. Poli which has errorrates as high as 10^0 on undamaged templates shows elevatedexpression in breast cancer cells [41]. Moreover, this elevatedPoli expression was associated with mutagenesis. This studystrongly suggested that Poli contributes to generation of spon-taneous and trans-lesion mutations. In a mouse intestinaltumorigenesis model, transgenic overexpression of Rev1 accel-erated intestinal adenoma formation in response to N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) treatment [42] (but did not affect spon-taneous tumorigenesis). Therefore aberrant Rev1 levels maypromote accumulation of mutations and acceleratetumorigenesis.

Albertella and colleagues also found that Poli was overex-pressed in a range of tumor types [43]. Polk overexpression isoften observed in lung cancer and in cell culture studies Polkoverexpression induces spontaneous mutagenesis, DNA breaks,genetic exchanges and aneuploidy [44]. Poli overexpression ispositively correlated with clinical tumor grade in bladder can-cer [45]. Both Polk and Poli (but not Polh) are overexpressedin human gliomas and their overexpression is associated withshorter patient survival [46]. Ziv and colleagues identified an

interesting mechanism by which some Acute Myeloid Leuke-mia (AML) cells alter Polh expression. Those workers showedthat NPM1 (Nucleophosmin, the product of a commonlymutated gene in AML) interacts with the catalytic core of Polh.Remarkably, the prevalent NPM1c+ mutation in AML patientsleads to excessive Polh degradation and reduces error-free TLSof DNA templates containing CPD lesions [47]. Thus, there isample evidence that up- or down-regulated expression or activ-ity of individual Y-family polymerases is common in tumorsand represents a potential source of imbalanced TLS pathwayactivity and mutagenesis.

A recent study found that the proximal activator of all fourY-family TLS polymerases, the E3 ligase RAD18, is also aber-rantly over expressed in many cancer cell lines [3]. One mecha-nism of RAD18 overexpression in cancer cells appears toinvolve increased stability via an overexpressed binding part-ner, the Cancer/Testes Antigen (CTA), MAGE-A4. MAGE-A4is absent from all normal somatic cells, thereby demonstratinga fundamental difference in the TLS pathway between untrans-formed cells and neoplastic cells. Even small fold-increases inRAD18 protein expression are sufficient to stimulate PCNAmono-ubiquitination and drive recruitment of Y-family TLSpols to replicating (undamaged) DNA [21]. Therefore, elevatedRAD18 could increase the activity of all TLS polymerases(Figure 1C). Alternatively, if Y-family polymerases are differen-tially dependent on RAD18, then preferential activation of indi-vidual DNA polymerases by over-active RAD18 could be asource of TLS pathway imbalance that leads to error-proneDNA replication (Figure 1 D).

Taken together, it is clear that expression of TLS polymer-ases and RAD18 is often deregulated in cancer cells and thusrepresents a potential source of genomic instability. It will beimportant to determine whether specific mutational signaturesare associated with particular changes in relative activities ofRAD18 and the Y-family DNA polymerases.

(iii) TLS facilitates tolerance of oncogenic stress. The ele-vated expression of TLS proteins in cancer, and the dependencyof neoplastic cells on pathologically-activated RAD18 for DNAdamage tolerance [3] may suggest that TLS can confer a sur-vival/selective advantage upon neoplastic cells. How then mightTLS facilitate survival of neoplastic cells? Y-family DNA poly-merases have long been implicated in bypass of chemically-induced DNA adducts. However, it is increasingly clear thatthese polymerases are recruited to replicating DNA in S-phase(even in absence of exogenously-induced damage) and play keyroles in DNA synthesis at hard-to-replicate areas includingcommon fragile sites [48–51]. The question arises then – arethere intrinsic DNA replication intermediates or species ofendogenous DNA damage in cancer cells that depend on theTLS pathway for remediation?

In the last decade it has become apparent that neoplastic cellsexperience considerable DNA ‘replication stress’ and accumulateDNA damage (in the form of single- and double-strandedbreaks) as a consequence of oncogene signaling. Seminal paperspublished in 2006 showed that ectopic overexpression of variousoncogenes (including Cyclin E, CDC25A, KRAS, MOS, andMYC) in primary untransformed human cells induces replica-tion-associated DNA damage, impaired replication fork progres-sion and accumulation of aberrant DNA replication

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intermediates. Moreover, oncogene-induced DNA damage sig-naling via ATM/CHK2/p53 signaling leads to irreversible cellcycle arrest termed ‘Oncogene-Induced Senescence’ (OIS)[52,53]. The discovery that oncogenes induce DNA damage ishighly significant because it provides a mechanism by whichneoplastic cells destabilize their genomes. Moreover, OIS may bea mechanism for eliminating oncogene-expressing cells and thusserves as a barrier to tumorigenesis [54–56]. However, discoveryof the OIS pathway poses several critical questions: what is thenature of oncogene-induced stress/damage? How does oncogenesignaling cause DNA damage? Do different oncogenes induceDNA damage via common mechanisms? How do neoplasticcells tolerate and adapt to oncogene-signaling? What is theextent to which (and putative mechanism whereby) oncogene-induced DNA damage helps shape the mutational landscape ofcancer cells? Recent work suggests that the TLS pathway is acti-vated in response to oncogene signaling and can facilitate toler-ance of oncogene-induced DNA damage [5]. Therefore, TLSmay provide solutions to some of the key unanswered questionsrelating to OIS. Below we summarize proposed mechanisms bywhich oncogenes induce DNA replication defects and DNAdamage. Then we consider the potential ways in which TLS pro-teins might allow cancer cells to tolerate those forms of onco-gene-induced DNA replication stress.

Mechanisms of oncogene-induced DNA damage

(a) Re-replication. Some of the earliest papers describing OISobserved aberrant re-initiation of DNA synthesis multiple timeseach per cell cycle – a process usually termed ‘re-replication’or ‘hyper-replication’ – in oncogene-expressing cells [53].It is unknown whether oncogene-induced re-replication iscaused by inappropriate activation of DNA replication licensingfactors, initiation factors, or deregulation of both licensing andinitiation phases of DNA synthesis. Re-replication generates‘onion skin’ DNA structures in which head-to-tail collisionsbetween replication forks generate ssDNA gaps, replication forkreversal [57] and eventually DSB formation and checkpoint acti-vation [58].

(b) Collisions between DNA replication machinery and tran-scription complexes. A significant amount of oncogene (CyclinE)-induced replication slow-down and DNA damage is due tointerference between replication and transcription [59]. Indeed,overexpression of the general transcription factor TATA-boxbinding protein (TBP) even in the absence of an oncogene leadsto increased transcription, DNA replication fork slowing andDNA damage [60]. In a recent elegant study Cimprich and col-leagues showed that the DNA damage response is criticallydetermined by the relative orientation of colliding replicationand transcription complexes. Thus in a defined episomal sys-tem, head-on (HO) collisions between replication forks andtranscription complexes led to increased formation of R-loops(RNA-DNA hybrids formed when nascent transcripts reannealto template DNA, displacing the non-template strand asssDNA) and activated ATM/CHK2 signaling [61]. Conversely,co-directional (CD) collisions led to decreased R-loop forma-tion and did not trigger DNA damage signaling. Halazonetisand co-workers have demonstrated that the premature S-phaseentry due to oncogenes (Cyclin E and MYC) induces

inappropriate firing of DNA replication origins within tran-scribed genes, leading to replication/transcription conflicts andfork collapse. Remarkably, the ensuing DSB were also associ-ated with chromosomal rearrangement breakpoints both in cul-tured cells and in a large cohort of human cancers. Therefore,there is now strong evidence that oncogene-induced replica-tion/transcription conflicts are relevant to genomic instabilityin human cancer [62].

(c) Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Oncogene expressionoften induces increased levels of ROS which act as mitogenicstimuli, yet also cause genotoxicity that may contribute toDNA damage signaling and senescence [63–65]. For example,Vafa et al. found that c-MYC-induced DNA damage and p53activation were attenuated by anti-oxidants [66]. Cells express-ing oncogenic RAS have increased mitochondrial mass andgenerated elevated levels of ROS [67]. Moreover, oxidativeDNA damage accompanies RAS-induced senescence and mito-chondrial dysfunction alone induces senescence [67]. However,C-MYC- and RAS expression cause DNA replication defectsthat are temporally separable from metabolic reprogrammingand ROS generation. Therefore, individual oncogenes maycause DNA damage via ROS-mediated as well as ROS-indepen-dent mechanisms [68].

(d) Nucleotide deficiency. Forced bypass of the RB-mediatedG1/S restriction point by overexpressed Cyclin E or HPV E6/E7 oncogenes depleted cellular nucleotide levels and led to‘replication stress’ [69]. Importantly Cyclin E or HPV oncopro-tein-induced replication stress and DNA damage signalingwere rescued by exogenously added nucleotides. Interestingly,overexpression of c-MYC, an oncoprotein that induces trans-ciption of nucleotide biosynthesis genes, restored the nucleotidepool and also prevented the DNA replication-induced DNAdamage response.

The different proposed mechanisms of oncogene-inducedDNA damage described above are not necessarily mutuallyexclusive. Moreover, different oncogenes may induce DNA dam-age via distinct mechanisms. For example, Petermann and col-leagues showed that CDK inhibition did not relieve HRASV12-induced replication fork slowing [60]. Those workers inferredthat HRASV12 causes replication stress by a transcriptionalmechanism that is different from CDK2-activating oncogenessuch as Cyclin E and CDC25A. Conversely, overexpressed c-MYC results in elevated replication-fork stalling and collapseand independently of RNA transcription [70].

How neoplastic cells tolerate oncogene-induced DNAdamage

Understanding how different oncogenes induce DNA damagewill be necessary if we are to determine how neoplastic cells tol-erate oncogenic stress, breach the OIS barrier and progress tomalignancy. It seems likely that multiple DNA damage toler-ance/genome maintenance mechanisms could help sustain via-bility of oncogene-expressing cells and thereby facilitatetumorigenesis. The few studies to address mechanisms of onco-genic replication stress tolerance are consistent with roles forgenome maintenance in supporting cell proliferation andtumorigenesis in neoplastic cells. For example, Halazonetis andcolleagues performed siRNA-based screening to identify genes


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that facilitate tolerance of overexpressed Cyclin E [71]. Thoseworkers showed that the DNA polymerase delta subunitsPOLD3 and POLD4 facilitate S-phase progression in Cyclin E-overexpressing cells by supporting break induced DNA replica-tion (BIR). Interestingly, POLD3/4 were dispensable for toler-ance of hydroxyurea-induced DNA replication stress,suggesting that oncogene signaling induces unique DNA repli-cation defects.

Cell culture experiments show that oncogenic stress acti-vates the ATR/CHK1-mediated S-phase checkpoint pathway[72]. Moreover, Atr can promote oncogene-induced carcino-genesis in vivo [72]. Similar to ATR/CHK1 signaling, TLS is ini-tiated by ssDNA [14]. Moreover, TLS is pathologically activatedin many cancer cells, leading Yang et al. to test a hypotheticalrole for the TLS pathway in tolerance of oncogene expression[5]. Those workers demonstrated that acute expression ofCyclin E and oncogenic RAS (but not C-MYC) led to increasedPCNA mono-ubiquitination and recruitment of TLS polymer-ases in untransformed cells. Pharmacological activation ofCDK2 (using the WEE1 kinase inhibitor MK-1775) also trig-gered PCNA mono-ubiquitination. RAD18 and its downstreameffector Polk (but interestingly not Polh) were necessary to sup-port DNA replication and prevent ssDNA accumulation inresponse to oncogenic stimuli [5].

How then do oncogenic stimuli activate the TLS pathwayand how does TLS confer tolerance of oncogene-induced DNAreplication stress? All of the proposed mechanisms of onco-gene-induced DNA damage described above have the potentialto generate ssDNA species that activate TLS. However, re-replication intermediates alone may not explain TLS pathwayactivation by oncogenes since overexpression of the licensingfactor CDT1 (which stimulates re-replication and DSB forma-tion [58]) does not induce PCNA mono-ubiquitination. TLSpathway activation in oncogene expressing cells is probablyalso not a consequence of limiting nucleotiode pools sinceexogenously-added nucleosides do not attenuate Cyclin E-induced PCNA mono-ubiquitination [5].

Oxidative DNA damage activates RAD18 in replicating andnon-replicating cells, and the TLS pathway clearly allows cellsto tolerate ROS-induced genotoxicity [16,17,73]. Therefore,replication and repair of oxidative DNA damage could explainhow RAD18 allows cells to tolerate oncogene-expression. How-ever, it is unknown whether all oncogenic stimuli induce ROSor whether tolerance of ROS-induced genotoxicity fullyexplains how the RAD18 pathway sustains DNA replication ofoncogene-expressing cells. For example oncogenic RAS isknown to elicit ROS formation, yet RAS-induced PCNAmono-ubiquitination is relatively modest when compared tothe Cyclin E-induced PCNA monoubiquitination response [5].It will be necessary to test whether Cyclin E-CDK2 inducesROS, and whether ROS-scavengers ablate Cyclin E-inducedTLS pathway activation before inferring a role for ROS in medi-ating TLS activation in response to additional oncogenicstimuli.

The role of transcriptional complexes in oncogene-inducedTLS pathway activation has not been tested comprehensively.Polh may facilitate restart of forks that are stalled by co-directional collisions of replication and transcription com-plexes, possibly suggesting that TLS is activated when the DNA

replication machinery and transcriptional complexes collide[74]. However, available evidence suggests that transcriptionalmechanisms do not fully account for oncogene-induced TLSpathway activation. Kotsantis and colleagues showed that CDKinhibition does not relieve HRASV12-induced replication forkslowing [60]. Those workers suggest that HRASV12 causes rep-lication stress by a transcriptional mechanism effects (presum-ably HO collisions of replication and transcriptionalcomplexes) that is different from oncogenes such as Cyclin Eand CDC25A [60]. In a separate study RAS-induced PCNAmono-ubiquitination was less robust than the PCNA mono-ubiquitination response to overexpressed Cyclin E and wasattenuated by CDK inhibition [5]. Therefore RAS-inducedDNA damage may occur primarily via collisions between repli-cation and transcriptional complexes while Cyclin E-inducedDNA replication stress might involve a distinct CDK2-inducedDNA lesion that preferentially activates TLS. This conclusionshould be viewed only as an untested hypothesis since it isinappropriate to over-interpret results obtained in differentstudies using different oncogenes and different experimentalsystems. Clearly there is a need to systematically compare theeffects of different oncogenes on DNA replication dynamics,accumulation of different damaged DNA intermediates andDNA damage signaling in a common and well-defined experi-mental system. It is most likely that each oncogenic stimulusinduces a spectrum of DNA lesions and replication defects andthat there is partial overlap between the various types of DNAdamage caused by different oncogenes.

Regardless of the primary DNA lesions or replication inter-mediates induced by different oncogenes, ssDNA-containingreplication structures most probably mediate TLS pathway acti-vation in response to diverse oncogenic stimuli. ssDNA is gen-erated in response to aberrant CDK2 activity [75] and probablyother CDK2-activating oncogenes such as RAS [76]. Suppress-ing ssDNA accumulation via post-replicative gap-filling is alsothe major role of TLS polymerases in the response to bulkyDNA lesions. Post-replicative filling of ssDNA gaps (includingssDNA arising outside of S-phase) is a major role of theRAD18/TLS pathway [16,17,77]. Genomes containing persis-tent ssDNA are vulnerable to nucleolytic attack and are likelyto generate lethal DSB. Thus RAD18/TLS-mediated repair syn-thesis most prevents accumulation of oncogene/CDK2-inducedssDNA gaps and subsequent breaks in the genome.

It is interesting that Polk but not Polh sustains DNA replica-tion and cell survival in response to aberrant CDK2 activity [5].Polh is the most versatile Y-family DNA polymerases enzymeand is probably the default TLS polymerase recruited to moststalled DNA replication forks [20]. Polh resides constitutivelyin replication factories during an unperturbed S-phase cellsand facilitates DNA synthesis at fragile sites, telomeres, andelsewhere in the genome [49,51,78]. Perhaps it is surprisingthat Polk but not Polh is specifically required for tolerance ofCDK-induced replication stress. However, Polk and Polh pref-erentially perform replicative bypass of distinct cognate bulkyDNA lesions. Therefore, it is likely that these Y-family DNApolymerases also have distinct roles in repair and tolerance ofintrinsically-arising replication intermediates in oncogene-expressing cells. TLS polymerases are implicated in bypass ofquadruplex DNA [78] (a structure that is generated at

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persistent ssDNA [79]). Polk preferentially binds G4 whencompared with non-G4 DNA, and displays enhanced activitywhen within 2–3 nucleotides of a G4 motif [80]. Polk can alsofreely exchange with Pol d in vitro to facilitate replicative bypassat a [GT]10 microsatellite sequence more accurately than Polh[81]. Further work is necessary to identify the putative onco-gene-induced DNA lesions that require Polk (but not Polh) forrepair or replicative bypass.

Conclusions and perspectives

There is now considerable evidence that cancer genomes bearmutational signatures attributable to TLS. Altered expression andactivity of Y-family DNA polymerases and RAD18 commonlyoccurs in cancer cells and is a potential cause of error-prone TLS.Moreover, TLS facilitates tolerance of oncogene-induced DNAreplication stress. Taken together, these observations suggest mul-tiple ways by which TLS impacts tumorigenesis: Error-pronereplication of damaged DNA templates may contribute to theinitiating mutations that incite malignancy (Figure 3). Later intumorigenesis, TLS may facilitate tolerance of oncogene-inducedstress and bypass of the OIS barrier (Figure 3) in addition to pro-moting mutability. It is interesting to compare the potential rolesof TLS and the ATR-CHK1 signaling pathway in different stagesof multi-step tumorigenesis. Bartek and colleagues have suggestedthat early in tumorigenesis, ATR-CHK1 signaling contributes toOIS and serves a tumor-suppressive role [82]. However, later dur-ing tumorigenesis, ATR-Chk1 signaling may support viability ofcells that breach the OIS barrier in the malignant tumor. Thus,the TLS and ATR-CHK1 effector branches of the DDR, both ofwhich are activated by a common proximal signal (RPA-ssDNA)may cooperate to support the later stages of malignantprogression.

Clearly it is necessary to test the hypothetical effects of TLSon tumorigenesis (as proposed in Figures 1 and 3). In particularit will be very important to determine the extent to which alteredexpression or activity of TLS genes (Rad18, Y-family DNApolymerases) in an in vivo setting influences mutational spectra

and phenotypes of oncogene-induced tumors. Since Rad18and Polk support DNA replication in oncogene-expressingcells, Rad18¡/¡ or Polk¡/¡ mice may be refractory to oncogene-induced tumorigenesis (owing to reduced viability of pre-neoplastic cells).

Sequencing of oncogene-induced tumors from WT andRad18 or Y-family DNA polymerase mutant mice could iden-tify mutational signatures resulting from error-prone TLS. Thefinal mutational ‘portrait’ of any tumor is a composite of multi-ple mutational signatures. Comparison of tumor portraits fromWT and Rad18 or TLS polymerase-deficient mice might revealsubsets of signatures that are Rad18/TLS- dependent (i.e.absent from Rad18/TLS-deficient tumors). TLS-deficiencyoften leads to increased DSB formation [83,84]. Therefore, it islikely that Rad18/Y-family Polymerase-mediated mutations arereplaced by alternative mutational signatures when TLS is com-promised. For example, oncogene-induced tumors generated inRad18/TLS-deficient mice might have increased evidence ofDSB-induced genetic changes (such as indels arising via Polq-mediated TMEJ). It would also be interesting to model the con-sequences of overexpressed Rad18, its cancer-specific activatorMAGE-A4, or individual TLS polymerases (commonlyobserved in tumors) on mutational spectra and tumorigenesisin vivo. Comparison of TLS-mediated mutational signaturesobtained in mouse tumorigenesis studies with the 30 knownmutational patterns in cancer genomes could help reveal theextent to which TLS shapes human cancer genomes.

Mechanistically, it is still unclear what species of oncogene-induced DNA damage or replication intermediate are toleratedor processed by RAD18/TLS. It is important to determinewhether all or just a subset of oncogenes trigger forms of dam-age that are tolerated by RAD18/TLS. In a mouse model ofSeckel Syndrome, reduced Atr levels attenuated the developmentof MYC-induced lymhomas and pancreatic tumors, but did notimpact KRASG12V-driven pancreatic adenocarcinomas [85]. Itis likely that neoplastic cells harboring different oncogenic driv-ers will have differential dependencies on TLS-mediated DNAdamage tolerance. Similar to studies that defined roles of Atr in

Figure 3. Proposed roles of RAD18 and TLS DNA polymerases in tumorigenesis. Mutagenic TLS of damaged DNA by Y-family DNA polymerases can activate oncogenes(e.g. KRASV12) that initiate carcinogenesis. Oncogene-expressing cells can be eliminated via a DNA damage-mediated senescence program (OIS) that serves as a barrierto tumorigenesis. RAD18/TLS and ATR-CHK1 help sustain damage-tolerant DNA synthesis and viability of cells that breach the OIS barrier. Error-prone TLS might also con-fer mutability that drives subsequent stages of multi-step tumorigenesis. The selective pressure for cancer cells to activate TLS also confers chemoresistance.


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tolerance of oncogenic stress It will be important to addressmechanisms of TLS-mediated oncogenic stress tolerance usingcell culture models and to define the effect TLS on tumorigenesisusing mouse models.

The discussion here has considered the consequences ofimbalanced expression/activity of RAD18 and TLS polymerasesrelative to each other (Figure 1). However, the impact of TLSon genome stability and replication stress tolerance will doubt-less also be dictated by the repertoire of other available genomemaintenance mechanisms. For example, the processing ofDNA breaks generated via TLS-deficiency will be dependent onthe choice of error-prone and error-free DSB repair mecha-nisms (namely NHEJ, TMEJ and HR). The Polq and Brca1gene products (which mediate TMEJ and HR) help sustain via-bility of cells harboring excessive CDK2 activity [5]. Thus, TLSis a single component of a broader genome maintenance net-work that determines oncogenic stress tolerance. Similar toTLS proteins, core components of the TMEJ and HR pathwaysoften have altered expression in cancer. For example, POLQ isupregulated in BRCA1 mutant (HR-compromised) breast andovarian cancers [86]. The extent to which neoplastic cellsemploy TLS, and the genome-destabilizing impact of TLS arelikely determined by the integrity of other DNA repair path-ways. It will eventually be important to systematically interro-gate the contributions of TLS and other DNA repair pathways(including HR, TMEJ) in carcinogenesis in response to definedoncogenic drivers using mouse models.

An important byproduct of the selective pressures for muta-genesis and DNA damage tolerance during tumorigenesismight be the emergence of chemoresistant cancer cells. It isfirmly established that Polh-mediated TLS allows replication ofcisplatin-damaged DNA templates [87–91] and the structuralbasis for Polh-mediated chemoresistance to cisplatin has beenelucidated [7,92]. Numerous studies have demonstrated thatTLS-deficient cells lacking Polh [6,93,94] or RAD18 [95,96] failto replicate cisplatin-damaged genomes and instead accumulateunfilled post-replicative gaps, collapsed replication forks andlethal DSB. High-level Polh expression is also correlated withpoor survival of platinum-treated cancer patients [97,98].

If cancer cells commonly require ATR-CHK1, TLS, TMEJ orother genome maintenance pathways to remain viable, thosemechanisms represent molecular vulnerabilities that could beexploited to sensitize cells to intrinsic or therapy-induced DNAdamage. The rapid uncontrolled DNA synthesis and prolifera-tion of tumor cells may make them particularly sensitive toadditional therapy-induced DNA damage and DDR inhibition.The ATR/CHK1-mediated checkpoint pathway is particularlyimportant for suppressing CDKs, coordinating cycle progres-sion with DNA repair, and sustaining cell viability. Therefore,both ATR and CHK1 protein kinases are appealing therapeutictargets. Several small molecule inhibitors of ATR (includingVX-970 and AZD6738) and of CHK1 (including MK8776) arebeing evaluated in clinical and pre-clinical trials [99–101]. ATRinhibitors sensitize tumor cells to overexpressed Cyclin E [102]and therapeutic genotoxins notably platinating agents[103,104]. CHK1 inhibitors are particularly effective in p53-deficient cells which lack the G1 checkpoint and have greaterdependency on S-phase checkpoint mechanisms for DNAdamage tolerance [99].

It is interesting to consider the potential therapeutic impactof combining ATR/CHK1 inhibitors with TLS inhibitors. His-torically, the UV-sensitivity phenotype of many XPV cell lineswas revealed by caffeine treatment [105]. It is now known thatcaffeine is an ATR inhibitor and that combined deficiencies ofATR and Polh lead to UV-hypersensitivity [106]. It is possibletherefore that combined inhibition of ATR/CHK1 and TLSpathways would similarly sensitize neoplastic cells to therapeu-tic genotoxins. Indeed, ablation of REV3 and REV7 (subunitsof the TLS polymerase Polz) sensitizes cancer cells to a combi-nation of ATRi and cisplatin [107].

Small molecule inhibition of WEE1 kinase (which de-represses CDK1/2) is being considered as a therapeutic strategyin cancer [108]. Similar to ATR/CHK1 inhibitors, WEE1 inhi-bition causes cells to sustain CDK activities even in the face ofDNA damage. TLS allows cancer cells to tolerate WEE1 inhibi-tion [5] and therefore the anti-cancer activity of WEE1 inhibi-tors might be improved with concurrent TLS inhibition.

Thus, defining roles of TLS and other genome maintenancepathways in tolerance of oncogene- and therapy-induced repli-cation stress might translate into improved strategies for cancertherapy and precision medicine. Of potential concern, targetingpathways that can function both as tumor suppressors andtumor promoters might lead to adverse effects such as therapy-induced cytotoxicity to normal cells or genome instability andsecondary malignancies. Therefore, there is a need for stratifi-cation of tumors (e.g. based on TLS/ATR CHK1 and otherpathways) to identify subtypes of cancers that can be selectivelykilled (e.g. based on synthetic lethalities) using DDR or TLSinhibition.

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


I.B.R. was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NationalLibrary of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health and V.Y. was sup-ported by Moravskoslezsky kraj research initiative grant 01211/2016/RRC.C.V. was supported by R01 CA215347 from the National Institutes of Health.


I.B.R. was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NationalLibrary of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health and V.Y. was sup-ported by Moravskoslezsky kraj research initiative [grant number 01211/2016/RRC]. C.V. was supported by [grant number R01 CA215347] fromthe National Institutes of Health.


Vyacheslav Yurchenko http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4765-3263Igor B. Rogozin http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4765-3263Cyrus Vaziri http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4765-3263


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