With a recent move to a new office it seemed only right that it was me for a brand new website to bring us well and truly into the Digital Age. It had been on the shopping list for quite a while and now we had the opportunity for a totally new look, with all the bells and whistles and interacvity that we now need. So with a lot of hard work and inspiraon from the whole team, our new baby is there to be seen by all. We hope you love the images and new design, links to feedback and our new Dive Log area with its arcles from journalist and staff trip reports. My hope is that the Dive Log will develop into a substanal body of knowledge that you will return to again and again to learn about new ideas and developments. When compared to an old-fashioned brochure, it is such an incredibly flexible tool with lots more informaon that can be quickly kept up to date. As you know we tailor-make every holiday, and we hope the website will give you lots of ideas with new boats, resorts and desnaons being added all the me. There is more to come, so please do take a look, but remember to come back and see how we are progressing. As firm believers in taking proacve steps to protect our marine wildlife and environment, we have strengthened our partnership with Bite-Back Shark and Marine Conservaon. Thank you to everyone who booked in 2013 and helped us raise an amazing amount of money, and thank you to those who sponsored the Dream Team as they took the challenge of walking the inaugural F’in Mile. We sll want to do more and this newsleer sees another excing project being fulfilled, the launch of our new hands-on conservaon experiences. Just Conservaon is our new way of delivering hands-on experiences for those of you who are looking for unique holiday opportunies to help make a difference. We can now offer you a trip of a lifeme so you can make a real contribuon to marine conservaon. We are passionate about the protecon of our marine life and we are delighted to introduce our new partner, the Manta Trust a non-profit organisaon dedicated to the conservaon of manta rays through research, educaon and raising awareness. Join us on our dedicated trips throughout the world – enjoying spectacular diving whilst making a difference. Please do take a look at the new website and conservaon trips and see what you think - we’d love to hear your feedback. Teresa Benne Thrilling news! We are so excited by the recent launch of our all-singing, all-dancing website. Just as excing is the launch of our new hands-on conservaon trips. In this Issue NEW! Website ......................... 2 The Dream Team ...................... 2 Tobago ..................................... 3 Bahamas .................................. 3 NEW! Just Conservaon ......... 4 Malta ....................................... 6 The Azores .............................. 7 Papua New Guinea .................. 8 Bite-Back ................................ 10 Manta Trust ........................... 10 NEW! Trips for 2014 ............. 11 Liveaboards ............................ 12 Holiday Planner ..................... 15 Wildlife Worldwide ................ 16 Stop Press .............................. 16 What’s Bubbling © Phil North visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com

Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

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Dive Worldwide Newsletter - What's Bubbling - Nov 2013

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Page 1: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

With a recent move to a new offi ce it seemed only right that it was ti me for a brand new website to bring us well and truly into the Digital Age. It had been on the shopping list for quite a while and now we had the opportunity for a totally new look, with all the bells and whistles and interacti vity that we now need. So with a lot of hard work and inspirati on from the whole team, our new baby is there to be seen by all.

We hope you love the images and new design, links to feedback and our new Dive Log area with its arti cles from journalist and staff trip reports. My hope is that the Dive Log will develop into a substanti al body of knowledge that you will return to again and again to learn about new ideas and developments.

When compared to an old-fashioned brochure, it is such an incredibly fl exible tool with lots more informati on that can be quickly kept up to date. As you know we tailor-make every holiday, and we hope the website will give you lots of ideas with new boats, resorts and desti nati ons being added all the ti me. There is more to come, so please do take a look, but remember to come back and see how we are progressing.

As fi rm believers in taking proacti ve steps to protect our marine wildlife and environment, we have strengthened our partnership with Bite-Back Shark and Marine Conservati on. Thank you to everyone who booked in 2013 and helped us raise an amazing amount of money, and thank you to those who sponsored the Dream Team as they took the challenge of walking the inaugural F’in Mile.

We sti ll want to do more and this newslett er sees another exciti ng project being fulfi lled, the launch of our new hands-on conservati on experiences.

Just Conservati on is our new way of delivering hands-on experiences for those of you who are looking for unique holiday opportuniti es to help make a diff erence. We can now off er you a trip of a lifeti me so you can make a real contributi on to marine conservati on. We are passionate about the protecti on of our marine life and we are delighted to introduce our new partner, the Manta Trust a non-profi t organisati on dedicated to the conservati on of manta rays through research, educati on and raising awareness. Join us on our dedicated trips throughout the world – enjoying spectacular diving whilst making a diff erence.

Please do take a look at the new website and conservati on trips and see what you think - we’d love to hear your feedback.

Teresa Bennett

Thrilling news! We are so excited by the recent launch of our all-singing, all-dancing website. Just as exciti ng is the launch of our new hands-on conservati on trips.

In this IssueNEW! Website ......................... 2

The Dream Team ...................... 2

Tobago ..................................... 3

Bahamas .................................. 3

NEW! Just Conservati on ......... 4

Malta ....................................... 6

The Azores .............................. 7

Papua New Guinea .................. 8

Bite-Back ................................ 10

Manta Trust ........................... 10

NEW! Trips for 2014 ............. 11

Liveaboards ............................ 12

Holiday Planner ..................... 15

Wildlife Worldwide ................ 16

Stop Press .............................. 16

What’s Bubbling

© Phil North

visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com

Page 2: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

During the past year our experienced team have been adding to their log book, revisiti ng some old favourites as well as exploring some lesser known ones.....

Dream Team - Where we’ve ben......

We are proud to unveil our stunning new website, full of features and providing even more inspirati on for your next diving holiday.

ü Discover holidays based on your preferred style or interests ü Browse trip ideas for inspirati on ü Delve into our dive log for special off ers & trip reports ü Stunning imagery ü Detailed ‘when to go’ informati on ü Cutti ng edge design to include tablets and mobiles

Go to www.diveworldwide.com or scan the QR code below to load it onto your phone to see it for yourself! And remember there is more to come - so make sure you come back to see how

we are progressing! We welcome any feedback, so let us know what you think.

Exciting New and Improved Website

Phil North - Central AmericaIn April, I enjoyed a fabulous three week trip to Belize, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Belize is a wonderful country brimming with natural wonders and oozing adventure – from the whale sharks of Gladden Spit to ancient Mayan ceremonial caves, the beauti ful barrier reef to pristi ne rainforest lodges.In Guatemala, the vast Mayan site of Tikal and colonial capital of Anti gua

Guatemala, both UNESCO World Heritage sites, provide a window to this region’s dramati c history and make for an excellent extension.Last up was the remote Osa Peninsula in south-west Costa Rica, home to the country’s fi nest nati onal park in Corcovado and a litt le known dive spot called Caño Island. A close encounter with manta rays at Caño Island made for a fi tti ng fi nale to a truly memorable trip.Contact me direct for help in creati ng your dream iti nerary.

Charlie Munns - Bahamas and Turks & CaicosWorried that the islands are full of dead reefs, lionfi sh and fat tourists? Prepare to change your mind…I recently visited the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands and was pleasantly surprised. The two fi t well together as a twin-centre holiday.Dive Provo operate daily boat diving to some great local sites. Deep drop-off s, large and healthy reefs, clear warm waters and a surprising variety and abundance of fi sh. Lobsters, rays, morays, sharks and large grouper fuelled my dives. Did you know sharks eat lionfi sh? Well you do now.Flying within the Bahamas is epic. Staying on Harbour Island adds to the sense of being lost in paradise. I made a series of adrenaline fuelled drift dives at eight knots and loved it!The greatest surprise was Nassau. Stuart Cove’s is synonymous with shark feeding, large numbers and brash marketi ng, which is all true, but the result is a slick operati on and a great experience and I can safely say, I am a convert.

© Sarah Wight

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip02

Page 3: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Competition Winer Angelika Zang - Carib DancerOur ten hour fl ight took us from a chilly UK to the warmth of the Bahamas. We were pleased to be greeted by Captain Dennis and his crew for a week on the Carib Dancer exploring the islands of the Exumas. On board was an eclecti c mix of guests, all experienced divers – including the charming Wayne Brown, the owner and CEO. This guaranteed a week of relaxing and enjoyable diving with many interesti ng conversati ons and very litt le need to use the huge plasma screens on board.

The boat is a no nonsense boat, fully equipped for its purpose with space for 14 divers only. This suits those who appreciate small groups and personalised service. There is ample space for photography equipment and Nitrox is available. The hot showers and warm towels aft er each dive was something we appreciated aft er discovering the water was considerably chillier than expected, at around 20°C. A decent wetsuit is a must, with some divers bringing dry suits, although March is sti ll early in the season.

The diving was varied, with great underwater landscapes, canyons and swim-throughs. One of the great att racti ons of the Bahamas is diving with sharks and we were certainly not disappointed, especially on the wreck of the Austi n Smith. For us the highlight of the week was a shallow night dive spent watching massive Caribbean channel crabs, hunti ng tritons, a rare Caribbean spanish dancer and much more besides. The dive was rounded off by huge amberjacks hunti ng in the eerie light under the dive platf orm.

All in all we had a very enjoyable week. The crew were courteous and very professional. The food prepared by chef Shea was varied, delicious, plenti ful and very bad for our waistlines! We extended our holiday to go island hopping. On Long Island we enjoyed endless empty white sandy beaches, friendly hospitable locals and wonderful views – we would highly recommend a twin centre stay in the Bahamas.

“I love Tobago because it’s how the rest of the Caribbean used to be.” A quote from a Trinidadian living in Tobago and I totally agree with him, it’s a very beauti ful place.

The Caribbean either conjures up a picture of large 5* resorts and luxurious sailing yachts or a deserted beach and a rum punch! Tobago will surprise you, it has a litt le of everything.

I was based in the more developed south for a week. I highly recommend a trip to the Fish Pot, a small charming restaurant in Black Rock, serving fresh fi sh and shrimp - delicious.

The north is sti ll untouched, with stunning bays where the dense rainforest goes all the way to the sea. Tobago has two contrasti ng coastlines – the Atlanti c side with dramati c rocky shores, alive with fi sh and diving sea birds, and the Caribbean side with its white sandy beaches, clear sea and tropical birds.

We dived all week on both coasts, ensuring the best overall experience. There’s plenty of marine life and magnifi cent sea sponges - keep an eye out for their resident banded boxer shrimp, great for photographers! There are currents on most dive sites, so drift ing over the reef is eff ortless. The highlight of the enti re trip, for me, was having the honour of helping the team from Save Our Sea Turtles liberate some ti ny hatchlings into the sea under the cover of darkness - quite incredible.

Staf Trip Report Tobago by Michele Coral

© Angelaika Zang © Angelika Zang © Angelika Zang

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com 03

What’s Bubbling

Page 4: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Blue Whales - Canada, Mingan Island

Sperm Whales, Bott lenose Dolphins and Blue Shark - Azores

Oceanic Mantas - Peru, Mancora

Great White Shark - South Africa, False Bay

Reef Mantas - Yap, MicronesiaReef and Oceanic

Mantas - Raja Ampat, Indonesia

by Charlie MunnsJust Conservation

Conservation experiences around the world...

We are parti cularly proud to announce the launch of our ‘Just Conservati on’ programme, which off ers a unique opportunity to dive with a diff erence, or help with marine mammal research. By taking the plunge, you will gain privileged access, and enjoy close behind-the-scenes encounters with some of the most charismati c sea creatures.

You don’t have to be an advanced diver to take part in some of these projects - all you need is genuine enthusiasm, curiosity about marine life, and the desire to get involved, learn and travel in a diff erent style.HOW LONG? Trips are designed to fi t a one to two week holiday period, and can be adjusted to meet your personal needs.WHERE? Projects include both short and long haul desti nati ons, and are carefully selected according to their level of interest and sustainability to ensure a spread of att racti ve locati ons.TAILOR-MADE OR GROUP? If you want a tailor-made experience, you can join a project at any ti me during its season. If you would prefer a group trip, we off er a selecti on led by experts that give a real insight into conservati on.BUDGET Everything from exclusive high-end experiences to more economical holidays. This range ensures that anyone who is keen to get involved can give nature a hand. The price always includes a contributi on towards funding the project.

The natural choice for a rewarding get-away! Have you ever thought about travelling in a unique and diff erent way, and making a real contributi on to marine conservati on? Our aim is to create an opportunity to parti cipate in sustainable conservati on projects as part of a meaningful holiday.

Canada blue whale research in Mingan IslandsJoin the team of scienti sts to study the whales with a special focus on the elusive blue whale. Help collect criti cal informati on while experiencing the authenti c life of scienti sts in the fi eld. A great educati onal and adventurous experience for marine life enthusiasts!

Great white shark biological course

Uncover the mysteries of the fascinati ng and controversial great white shark in South Africa’s

False Bay, renowned for spectacular breaching behavour. Study this magnifi cent creature with

world expert Dr Alessandro De Maddalen and an exclusive group of enthusiasts.

Study the sperm whales and dolphins in the AzoresBecome an expert in whales and dolphins as you learn about their ecology, populati on, habitat and behaviour, following in the steps of Dr Lisa Steiner. Enjoy free ti me at your resort, or dive with the blue sharks and explore the treasures of the Azores.

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip04

Page 5: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Caling Al Manta Lovers…We are delighted to introduce our new partner in marine conservati on: The Manta Trust. The Manta Trust is a non-profi t organisati on dedicated to the conservati on of manta rays through research, educati on and raising awareness.

Its goal is to encourage the worldwide conservati on of manta rays and their natural habitat through focused science and meaningful research, while creati ng awareness and providing educati on to the general public and community stakeholders alike. One of the main challenges faced by manta rays is the increase in demand for their gill plates, which are highly prized in Chinese traditi onal medicine. One good way to address this is by getti ng enthusiasti c divers involved in research to monitor mantas and collect criti cal informati on that can support educated decisions at governmental level to create protected marine areas.

We off er an unmissable opportunity to join dedicated diving expediti ons in some of the world’s most outstanding dive sites, such as Raja Ampat in the Coral Triangle or Yap in Micronesia (both liveaboard trips), or at Mancora in Peru (land-based). Explore these outstanding desti nati ons and enjoy spectacular diving whilst helping with manta conservati on: a holiday that makes a diff erence!

Manta monitoring in Raja AmpatExplore the underwater paradise of Raja Ampat from the luxury of your liveaboard vessel whilst monitoring the manta rays and helping support conservati on of these endangered species.

Mental about mantas from Mancora

Join this exciti ng manta expediti on in Peru. Help fi nd out if the area could be a signifi cant

reproducti on zone for mantas. Take the opportunity to relax in the charming Mancora

surfi ng resort.

Exclusive manta study in Yap Combine an exclusive liveaboard expediti on with shore based diving while studying mantas. You will get a fl avour of the authenti c Yapese culture and explore the deepest world of mantas where few other divers venture.

Guy Stevens - Founder & CEO -The Manta Trust

Manta rays are beautiful creatures, their grace and inquisitive nature is captivating; they engage and stir my natural curiosity like no other marine creature, driving my desire to protect and learn as much about these porly studied animals as posible. Yet these words never sem to fuly expres my pasion, or project the empathy and conection which I fel towards manta rays. This is why the best answer to the question I often get asked; “Why study manta rays?” dœ s not require words, but simply an introduction betwen those who wonder why, and the manta rays themselves.

”Images in this secti on are copyright of Guy Stevens, Manta Trust

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com 05

What’s Bubbling

Page 6: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Land temp: 15OC (Jan) - 30OC (Aug) Water temp: 12OC (Feb) - 26OC (Aug)Visibility: 5 - 40 metres Current: Some currentSeason: Year round (recommended April to October) Accommodati on: ResortMarine life: Tuna, barracuda, jacks, anthias, octopus, fi re worms Fa

ct F


Departs: Daily, throughout the year (recommended April to October)Durati on: 11 daysPrices from: From £1,195 per person (inc. fl ights) (based on two people travelling together)

Wrecks and CavesLying in the heart of the Mediterranean, the islands of Malta are renowned for their snorkelling and diving opportuniti es. The clear warm waters are ideal for wreck and cave enthusiasts throughout the year. It’s here where an amazing underwater world of discovery awaits.

Day 1 Depart UK for Malta. Transfer to hotel (7 nights, BB)Days 2-6 Explore local wrecks (5 days/10 dives)Day 7 Day at leisure to discover MaltaDay 8 Transfer to Gozo. Transfer to hotel (3 nights, BB)Days 9-10 Explore local caves (2 days/4 dives)Day 11 Transfer to airport. Depart for UK, arrive same day

MaltaA popular desti nati on for divers, Malta is only a few hours fl ight from the UK and caters for all. This archipelago of three islands off ers year round sunshine. Although peak season is during the summer months it’s a great desti nati on in winter, especially for those who are looking to further their diving educati on.

Each island has its own characteristi cs and a spectacular variety of dive sites. Malta is home to the capital and as famous for its nightlife as well as its history, culture and wreck diving. The pace of life is slower on Gozo, the eco-island, renowned for its caves and caverns. Comino, the smallest island, is car-free and only open during the summer months - a great place to learn to dive.

What’s so great about these islands is there’s a diving choice for everyone. Whether you’re looking to learn, discover the deepest wrecks, travel with a group of friends (or your club) you’ll all have a memorable experience, suited to your individual diving ability.

The desti nati on is aff ordable and off ers great value for money. Together with our experts, create your own iti nerary visiti ng any number of islands - depending on what you are looking for and who you are travelling with.

Explore rocky refs and discover signifi cant World War l wrecks.

A memorable and picturesque dive, the Blue Hole is Gozo’s signature dive.

Enjoy the unique mix of history, culture and

modern life at this UNESCO World Heritage


The crystal clear ‘Blue Lagon’ a

perfect place to learn to dive.

M����Vallett a



© Jane Morgan © Ted Att ard, Malta Tourist Board © Jane Morgan © Clive Vella, Malta Tourist Board

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip06

Page 7: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013


File Land temp: 11OC - 26 OC Water temp: 17OC - 24OC

Visibility: 10 - 30+ metres Current: Variable currentsSeason: May to September Accommodati on: ResortMarine life: Mobula rays, blue sharks, mako sharks, sti ngrays, dolphin, humpback whales, turtles www.visitazores.com

Princes Alice Bank is a submerged seamount, home to amazing marine life including mobula rays.

Head out to the west of Faial for your best chance of a blue shark encounter.

Amazing scenery on land and a stuning underwater topography, make Pico shore dives a must se.

Enjoy panoramic views, volcanœ s and outdor

adventure topside. Underwater, a labyrinth of arches and guleys, formed

by lava, awaits.The ‘Sun Island’ is your gateway to Formigas and

Dolabarat, considered some of the best diving

in Europe and famed for schols of mobula rays and diversity of pelagic

species.Ponta Delgada

F����S�� J����



S�� M�����

S���� M����


Departs: Saturday (May to September)Durati on: 7 daysPrices from: From £1,150 per person (inc. fl ights) (based on two people travelling together)

Visit the AzoresThe ‘Green Island’ of São Miguel makes a great short break from the UK, with the island’s beauti ful scenery complimenti ng the intriguing underwater world. Enjoy a mix of panoramic views, topside adventure and marine encounters.

Day 1 Depart UK for Azores. Transfer to hotel (7 nights, BB)Days 2-6 Explore local dive sites (5 days/10 dives)Day 7 Transfer to airport. Depart for UK, arrive same day

It is also possible to fl y via mainland Portugal several ti mes a week - recommended for twin centre and island hopping holiday opti ons.

An archipelago of nine huge volcanic peaks breaking the surface in the mid-Atlanti c, the Azores is a spectacular region to visit whether it’s for diving, hiking or whale watching. The islands are easy to get to - fl y there in under four hours! The Gulf Stream ensures a mild and humid climate year-round. Untouched by mass tourism, the surrounding waters hold a rich marine biodiversity, most notably a wide variety of whales and dolphins.

Although they share an extraordinary natural legacy, each island has a unique character, shaped by the people who have sett led there over the centuries. An island hopping iti nerary is highly recommended for the best way to experience the best of what each island has to off er – the chance to go mountain biking, kayaking or hiking along the panoramic volcanic topography, visit a vineyard, laze on a beach or go whale watching.

Diving is available from São Miguel, Faial, Pico and Santa Maria. Underwater highlights include exploring the lava formed topography, manta and mobula ray encounters and if you’re lucky, blue shark sighti ngs. The variety of shallow rocky reefs, arches, underwater caves, wrecks and deeper oceanic dives off er an abundance of marine life from critt ers to whales - plenty of unique photo opportuniti es.

© Dive the Azores © Dive the Azores

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com 07

What’s Bubbling

Page 8: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013




Mt Hagen


Papua New Guinea, also known as the ‘land of the unexpected’, is one of the most exciti ng, remote and adventurous places on the planet. As well as many geographical att racti ons - tropical islands, towering mountain ranges covered with rainforest, and spectacular acti ve volcanoes - Papua New Guinea possesses some of the best dive spots in the world, making it a diver’s dream desti nati on. Here you will fi nd deep and shallow reefs, coral walls, deep drop off s, atolls, passages, lagoons and an incredible number of wrecks. Boats, planes and submarines, many from World War II, have been transformed into living coral reefs, home to a unique diversity of marine species. We recommend as much ti me as possible to explore this adventurous desti nati on. Combine a liveaboard and land-based opti on to ensure a memorable and varied journey to one of the last fronti ers in the diving world.

Papua New Guinea

Exotic animals, extraordinary art and � amboyant warriors await the curious traveller. The Highlands region o� ers a spectacle of bird life, panoramic views and unique culture. Stay in remote lodges, journey along the Sepik River, visit the Huli people or Goroka Festival – you’ll be amazed!

One of the most ecologically diverse reef systems in the world, Madang lagoon is full of marine life and outstanding dive sites. The barrier reef consists of steep walls covered in pristine colourful corals. The passage dives are renowned for their sheer volume of schooling � sh during tidal changes. The most famous wreck to explore here is the B25 Mitchell Bomber, lying at a depth of 20 metres.


Madang May-Oct

Featured here are the most popular areas to visit and dive. It’s possible to dive throughout the year. With an average water temperature of 260C and visibility of 30+ metres, it’s ti me to talk to our experts to arrange your trip of a lifeti me.

May - Oct

© PNG Tourist Board

© PNG Tourist Board

Situated between the Solomon and Coral Seas, the area is famous for muck diving, colourful reefs and proli� c blue-water diving. Expect to see plenty of critters, massive elephant sponges and gorgonians, manta rays, hammerhead sharks and plenty of WWll wrecks underwater and on land. Due to the prevailing currents, the best visibility in this area is during the wet season (Jun-Oct).

Milne Bay Sep-May

©Simon Rogerson

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip08

Page 9: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Milne Bay

A chain of dormant volcanoes form the scenic boundaries of Kimbe Bay, encompassing hundreds of submerged reefs and more than a dozen islands. Boasting an incredible biodiversity, the nutrient rich waters o� er stunning coral gardens, seamounts and plenty of encounters with whales, dolphins and orcas. The FeBrina liveaboard visits Witu and Fathers Reefs, Kimbe Bay and the south coast of New Britain throughout the year.

Kimbe Bay May-Nov

Kimbe Bay


New Ireland was occupied by the Japanese in WWll, evidence of which is present on land and underwater. The waters around Kavieng are littered with wrecks. The straits and channels between the islands, with their huge movements of water, create some exhilarating dives. The area is notorious for pelagic action, but just as impressive is the young marine life in the lagoons and mangroves. Water sports enthusiasts may also enjoy kite-sur� ng and sur� ng in this area.

Lissenung Apr – Dec


Dive two distinct areas – the outer reefs with schools of pelagic species and untouched WWll wrecks and the sheltered � ords where wonderful arrays of sponge and shelf corals line the walls. The marine biodiversity and abundance of � sh on these unique reef systems is spectacular. Local adventures include the hiking, cultural interaction and bird watching.

Tufi Year Round




Port Moresby



© Simon Rogerson

© Peter Lange

© Peter Lange

Or visit us on the web at www.diveworldwide.com 09

What’s Bubbling

Page 10: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

The Manta Trust works in partnership with a number of regional manta ray focused projects worldwide; conducti ng research, raising awareness and providing educati on for all in an eff ort to protect this precious species. A major part of the research revolves around learning more about the life history and behaviour, and this is achieved in part by taking photos of individual manta rays whenever possible. Each manta ray has a unique patt ern of spots and splodges on its belly which once entered into the database can help expand the informati on about their migrati on patt erns, reproducti ve success and much more.

This research technique, while extremely useful, requires many hours spent in water in an att empt

to snap as many manta bellies as possible. Join Dive Worldwide with the Manta Trust on manta expediti ons where divers and snorkellers are introduced to the best sites in each locati on to encounter manta rays and, having conducted a manta ID workshop, they help to collect ID shots to add to the database. This is a unique opportunity to learn more about manta rays and their mysterious lives while making a key contributi on

to their protecti on by helping with data collecti on. The trips leave guests with an unforgett able memory of a very special encounter alongside the skills and knowledge to help conserve this species for generati ons to come.

Manta TrustManta rays are one of our oceans most majesti c creatures, once seen never forgott en. Yet they are threatened globally, as many marine species are, by a multi tude of anthropogenic pressures. Adapti ng to climate change, habitat destructi on and direct fi shing for their gills are some of the most signifi cant challenges facing manta rays today.

minutes it was evident how uncoordinated we all were! The mile long course was a struggle but, cheered on by our supporters we stuck together and sprinted over the fi nish line 40 minutes later.

Thank you to our supporters on the day and all those who kindly donated towards this worthy cause – helping raise over £944. We all agreed it was a great event and look forward to the next!

This year we have been helping raise vital funds to support Bite-Back and their campaigns such as “Hacked Off ”, developed in response to esti mates that 36 million sharks are

slaughtered every year, many simply for their fi ns, a ti tle ingredient in shark fi n soup. The

charity’s campaign has targeted over 65 identi fi ed UK restaurants and works together to educate and inspire them to stop selling the dish. Together we can help make Britain the fi rst country in the world to ban shark fi n soup.

The Dream Team recently parti cipated in the inaugural F’in Mile, a walk with a

diff erence to help raise awareness and funds for the “Hacked Off ” campaign. Back in August, Kempton Park Racecourse played host to a rather unusual breed of thoroughbreds, all wearing fi ns, most in fancy dress. Within

Bite-Back - One F’in Mile Report

Being able to count on the suport of the team at Dive Worldwide along

with its clients has ben an enormous bost for the charity and its goals

“”Graham Buckingham - Director

© Steve Pollett

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip10

Page 11: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

New for 2014

Evoluti on Resort - Philippines Ocean Divine - Maldives Liveaboard

Dive Damai - Indonesia Zeavola Resort - Thailand

This small resort is diver owned and operated ensuring a personal touch and an understanding of diver’s needs. Off ering fi ve star service and plenty of fun at the Craic House, the emphasis is on enjoying and evolving as divers. Underwater, Malapascua is one of the best all

round diving locati ons in the Philippines off ering thresher sharks, wrecks and macro life on the reefs. Learn to dive or go technical, it’s all available here.

Cruising the central and southern atolls, this luxurious vessel off ers dive and surf trips throughout the year. Spend your week with the inspirati onal owners who live on board and have an amazing local knowledge of the atolls. The iti neraries vary depending

on local conditi ons bringing you the best possible diving experience. Expect unspoilt dive sites, mantas, turtles, whale sharks, and with 14 passengers, plenty of space.

The crew of the Damai liveaboards have been exploring the waters of Indonesia for over 25 years, off ering intrepid discerning divers a product second to none. The purpose built traditi onal schooners accommodate ten passengers in total luxury including two single

cabins with no supplement. The vessels visit popular and lesser known areas throughout the archipelago, where world-class diving is a given.

Step away from the crowds and into the serenity of this bouti que resort located on Phi Phi Don. This luxurious resort sits on a white sandy beach surrounded by scenic mountains and an emerald sea. Relax in the spa, try Thai cooking or get involved with a local community

or wildlife project during your stay. Dive or snorkel in the local Marine Park where enormous gorgonians, colourful reefs, turtles, sharks and critt ers await.

When to visit: Year RoundPrices from: £1,565 per person (inc. fl ights)

When to visit: November to April (Dive Trips)Prices from: £2,895 per person (inc. fl ights)

When to visit: Year RoundPrices from: £4,350 per person (inc. fl ights)

When to visit: November to AprilPrices from: £2,395 per person (inc. fl ights)

Mobula Magic – Azores Hammerheads in the BahamasSanta Maria island is warmer, fl att er and drier than the others. Underwater highlights include caves, tunnels and sea mounts, however it’s the nature reserve Formigas and the Dollabarat Bank that divers hope to experience. Here, the abundant marine life includes several species of shark,

barracuda, tuna and manta rays. Dive or snorkel Baixa do Ambrósio, famous for its mobula ray aggregati ons during the summer months, a magical experience!

The Bahamas is synonymous with shark diving and Bimini is no excepti on. Renowned for its crystal clear waters and wild dolphin encounters, now it is also the place for thrilling dives with great hammerhead sharks, in the shallows. Spend a week at Bimini Sands and dive with Neal

Watson, a pioneer in diving Bahamian waters. Daily boat dives are off ered, with an additi onal opti on for cage-free shark diving encounters at Hammer Headquarters.

When to visit: May to OctoberPrices from: £1,225 per person (inc. fl ights)

When to visit: January to MarchPrices from: £2,995 per person (inc. fl ights)

© Tara North

© Tara North

© Pedro de Carvalho

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What’s Bubbling

Page 12: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Liveaboards are a great way to see some of the best dive sites, especially those that aren’t easily accessible from resorts in the same area. Travelling with like-minded people, your time on board is spent maximising your dives throughout your journey. Dive Whales.....

Tambora - Indonesia

Odyssey – Truk Lagoon

Cruising year round throughout the Indonesian archipelago, this custom built traditional phinisi is the most adventurous in the coral triangle, offering unforgettable experiences and plenty of crowd free world-class diving. The unique itineraries include Big Fish Country (Sangalaki), critter hunting (Ambon) and an amazing underwater biodiversity. The below itinerary is Four Kingdoms of the East, in West Papua.

Day 1 Depart UKDay 2 Overnight in Jakarta (BB)Day 3 Fly to Sorong. Arrive, transfer to boat (11 nights, FB)Days 4-13 Dive Raja Ampat (4 dives/day)Day 14 Transfer to airport. Fly to JakartaDay 15 Depart for UK, arrive same day

Contact us to learn more about the most suitable itinerary for the time of year you want to travel.

Dive Chuuk (Truk) Lagoon on board one of our most popular vessels. Charlie has worked on board. Explore and discover the mysteries of the Japanese WW ll fleet, attacked with enormous ferocity in February 1944 - an adventure you will never forget. From bullets to bombs, bones to indigenous coral, tropical fish, rays and sharks, Chuuk has it all, by the bucket load.

Day 1 Depart UK Day 2 Overnight in Manila (BB) Day 3 Fly via Guam to Chuuk Arrive and transfer to boat (7 nights, AI) Days 4-9 Dive Chuuk Lagoon (5 dives/day) Day 10 Day-room at resort. Transfer to airport. Day 11 Depart for UK. Transit twice on return journey Day 12 Arrive UK

We recommend a twin-centre holiday with the Philippines and/or Palau in addition to the above.

Departs: Various, throughout the year Duration: 15 days (on average)Prices from: From £3,935 per person (inc. flights) (based on two people travelling together)

Departs: Sunday (boat) throughout the yearDuration: 12 daysPrices from: From £3,695 per person (inc. flights) (based on two people travelling together)


© Jane Morgan

© Charlie Munns

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip12

Page 13: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

adventures on a liveaboard are great for single travellers and groups alike. Whilst some vessels remain in one area varying their itineraries to suit local conditions, others move within destinations in order to meet with demand for diving the best areas during the high seasons. It is also possible to tailor your holiday to spend time on land before or after your trip – in some remote destinations this is mandatory, due to flight schedules. Liveaboards are a fantastic way to dive your way around the world and below we have highlighted some of our most popular vessels.

Departs: Various, throughout the yearDuration: 9 days (longer trips available)Prices from: From £2,399 per person (inc. flights) (based on two people travelling together)

Departs: Various, throughout the yearDuration: 11 days (on average)Prices from: From £3,799 per person (inc. flights) (based on two people travelling together)


Carpe Vita – Maldives

Solmar V – Mexico

Departing from Malé, this modern luxurious vessel cruises the central and southern atolls most of the year, but heads to the deep south in February for a series of special shark itineraries. The idyllic waters of the Indian Ocean are full of marine life and some challenging dive sites. Expect to encounter manta rays, schools of barracuda, reef sharks, turtles, whale sharks and a whole lot more!

Day 1 Depart UK for Malé Day 2 Arrive and transfer to boat (7 nights, FB) Days 3-7 Dive central atolls (4 dives/day) Day 8 Return to Malé Day 9 Transfer to airport. Depart for UK, arrive same day

Discounts available for consecutive trips featuring Humboldt Explorer, Caribbean Explorer ll, Turks & Caicos Explorer ll and Carpe Vita. Also book five paid trips and get the sixth free, T&C’s apply.

Ever dreamed of dancing with giant pacific manta rays, humpback whale encounters and bumping into sharks, lots of sharks? Wild and remote, the rewards are spectacular, especially if you like your marine life BIG!

Visit Socorro Nov-Jun (below) or Guadalupe, Aug-Oct.

Day 1 Depart UK for Cabo San Lucas Arrive and transfer to hotel (BB) Day 2 Transfer to boat (8 nights, AI) Days 3-8 Dive Socorro Islands (4 dives/day) Day 9 Return to Cabo San Lucas Day 10 Transfer to airport. Depart for UK Day 11 Arrive UK

Part of the DivEncounters Alliance, featuring Galapagos Sky, MV Orion, Undersea Hunter Group, Atlantis Azores and WAOW Indonesia. Book your second trip on these boats and recieve a selection of extras plus a loyalty discount.

Odyssey – Truk Lagoon

© Charlie Munns

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What’s Bubbling

Page 14: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Holiday Planer - where to se hamerheads

Rising from the deep, the island is atop a huge pinnacle – great for pelagics. Scalloped hammerheads aggregate here to mate. You won’t need co� ee on these morning dives with 100+ sharks slowly cruising by – you’ll soon wake up.

Layang Layang,Malaysia

April - May

Diving the Avatoru and Tiputa Passes is an exhilarating experience, full of pelagic sightings in the strong currents as the waters move in and out of the lagoon. As well as dolphin and schools of grey sharks, great hammerheads are seen here annually.

Rangiroa, Tahiti i

January - February

If it’s sharks you are hoping to encounter here, then you must dive Madivaru Corner. It will be an early start from resort or liveaboard in the north Ari Atoll, but the experience…truly unforgettable.


May - August

During the summer months shark species often outnumber divers as they gather on the famous fossilized sand bank. Although they keep their distance, encounter schools of scalloped (Nov-Jan) and individual great and smooth hammerheads here.

Protea Banks,South Africa

October - May

Seen year round, larger schools are more common in the warmer months around Wolf and Darwin islands. From individuals to solid walls of sharks, hammerheads are a constant here and great place to capture the experience on camera.


January - December

© Simon Rogerson

© Pascal Jagut

© Phil North

© Simon Rogerson

Talk to an expert on 0845 130 6980 to plan your perfect trip14

Page 15: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

In order to create your tailor-made diving adventure we oft en discuss many aspects of your holiday. One of the most popular questi on is where and when the best encounters are of specifi c marine life. The hammerhead shark is an elusive creature oft en found in huge schools or walls, cruising cooler waters at depth. Below we have outlined our top desti nati ons for that special encounter.

Holiday Planer - where to se hamerheads

A vulnerable species in this area, the best place for an encounter is at Ponto do Ouro in the south. Large schools of scalloped hammerheads transit through the shallow water and smaller groups are found a little deeper.


November - May

Your best bet of a scalloped hammerhead encounter o� the coast of this remote island. The sharks can be seen at many sites, cruising in the blue as you also enjoy the magni� cent walls.

San Salvador, Bahamas

November - March

© Jane Morgan

As well as the stunning sight of the Iseki stones, experienced divers will be overwhelmed by the large numbers of breeding hammerheads that congregate around this exposed island in the far southwest of the country. An incredible adventure!

Yonaguni Island, Japan

November - June

Nowhere else will you encounter so many shark species in such abundance and close proximity. Encounters are frequent and walls of hammerhead and silky sharks often exceed 300 individuals. A must for shark enthusiasts!

Malpelo Island

May - November

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What’s Bubbling

Page 16: Dive Worldwide Newsletter issue 2 2013

Dive Worldwide is fully licensed for your fi nancial protecti on. We are an ATOL bonded tour operator authorised by the Civil Aviati on Authority (CAA) and a member of the Associati on of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Ltd (ABTOT). So you can book your holiday with us in confi dence!

Financial Protection Have your say...

Se us at... Don’t mis out...Do you belong to a dive club? Thinking of travelling as a group? Give us a call and one of our team would be happy to come along and give a talk to your club.

Do you want to travel with an expert? We’re planning some special adventures in 2014 and beyond. Don’t miss out on all that is Dive Worldwide. Visit our new website and join up now for our newslett ers (our database is never shared!)

We are always interested in hearing from you. We are keen to read your holiday reports, see your photos and videos, and hear your thoughts and ideas on what’s happening in the diving world.

Meet the team at shows, come along to our specialist events and share with us and like-minded folk online. Stay in touch!

wildlifeworldwide.com 0845 130 6982 [email protected]

We create outstanding wildlife holidays

Designed by experts to the widest range of destinations � from Europe to the

furthest corners of the globe

Tailor�made holidays created for individuals, couples and families

Small group trips, photographic tours and ‘just conservation’ holidays

Fully bonded for your peace of mind and financial protection

DIVE 2013Birmingham 26-27 October 2013

Desti nati ons 2014Manchester 23-26 January 2014London 6-9 February 2014

LIDS 2014London 15-26 February 2014

Talk to an expert on

0845 130 6980 Overseas +44 (0) 1962 302 087

Email: [email protected] Web: www.diveworldwide.comAddress: Capitol House, 12-13 Bridge Street, Winchester SO23 0HL