Diva Disaster Written By Chelsea Butler

Diva Disaster

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Second take on script after feedback.

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Diva Disaster

Written By

Chelsea Butler



We fade into a shoulder shot within the audience, the public murmuring in excitement. Suddenly, the lights are shut off, all except one. A single spotlight is lit, pointing at the centre of the ring. A drum roll starts as the spotlight begins to move about the tent. The audience fall silent as a big booming voice speaks.

ANNOUNCERLadies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to the Circus of Wonders! Please take your seats and get ready for our first performance, the wonderful double act, the Dynamic Divas!

The audience cheers as both women step out into the ring, the spotlight coming to a halt and shining brightly on both stars. Putting forward their best smiles, both ladies take a bow, but doing so, they discreetly glare at each other with animosity in their eyes. Coming up from thebow, they falsify their smiles once more before climbing the ladders at opposite ends of the ring to begin their high wire act.


As the leading ladies take their places on the high up platforms, they take deep breaths and place a foot each onto the wire. The drum roll stops at this point and the symbols crash, queuing the fast paced, up beat circus music to play. Gracefully walking on the wire, the performers glare at each other once more, and [Character 2] smirks as she begins her part of the routine.

[Character 2] pulls out a set of clubs and begins to juggle them whilst gracefully walking along the wire. [Character 1] scowls, determined to out do her rival. She then dances her way back to her platform where props are precariously placed. She then grabs two poles and plates and starts spinning them, elegantly waltzing her way towards to centre of the wire so that all eyes are on her. The audience stares on in awe.

[Character 2] retaliates by replacing her clubs with large hoops, spinning them on her arms, neck, and waist, all the while shimmying along the wire.

Both characters stare angrily at each other, and quickly make their way back to their individual platforms. They both appear to be thinking the same thing when they both grab a unicycle each. They grab all props imaginable and juggle


them as they ride their unicycles along the wire. The weight drags the wire closer to the ground the further towards the middle they go.

Both characters reach each other, desperately attempting to out do the other. Out of frustration, both characters throw their props up into the air and get ready to launch themselves at each other. But they suddenly stop, only realising for a split second that the wire was close to the ground. They look at the wire, then look at each other with worry and fear. The wire springs back up and launches both characters out through the circus tent roof.


We fade in to a pastel coloured hospital ward, where both tightrope walkers are bed ridden, plastered in full body casts from their accident. As the nurse leaves the room, both characters shift their gaze from the ceiling to each other, glaring intensely once more. [Character 1] grabs the bed controller and begins to raise her strung up leg higher, challenging her rival to beat that. [Character 2] grabs her bed controller and raises her leg higher than the other. There is a little back and forth between them before the frustration builds up until they launch themselves at each other once again, fighting as always. The nurse then comes back in to the ward, sighs, and pulls the cubicle curtains across the divas.