Distribution of Spent Fuel

Distribution of spent fuel

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Page 1: Distribution of spent fuel

Distribution of Spent Fuel

Page 2: Distribution of spent fuel

Wanted Company

• We want Warner Brothers to Distribute Spent Fuel and also to exhibit. As we, Karma Productions, are the producers of this Sci-Fi film we are able to ask who we want to distribute it. The reasons are as follow for asking Warner Brother to do so ;

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Reasoning for our choice? Experienced- they have distributed hundreds of films which have nearly all been successful.

Willing - they want to distribute Spent Fuel

Well known- by using them as our distributer having their logo on our product suddenly extends the popularity of our film.

It’s a subsidiary- this is a company whose voting stock is more than 50% controlled by another company, usually referred to as the parent company or holding company. This means that any decisions made will be by Warner Brothers and not a supporting company. This is why I want Warner Brothers as our distributer.

Success- they are well known for their success and this is what we want- to be successful.

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How we will attempt to get them?

• We will rely on securing distribution with a conglomerate company, Warner Brothers , through exhibition of Spent Fuel at film festivals and we will make a formal approach to them as well where we will sit down and ask them for exactly what we are looking for.

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Karma Productions • We are unable to distribute our product

because we have a very small budget and have never done it before.

• As there are 3 stages to a film process, production, distribution and exhibiting, we aren't big enough to do all three meaning we are NOT A CONGLOMERATE. E.g

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meaning they can do all three stages • KARMA PRODUCTIONS- are an independent

film company meaning they can only do one of the three stages- produce.

• So we work together…..

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Conglomerate :/ - What does this mean???

• Warner Brothers are a big enough company to do all three phases they can;

• Produce• Distribute • Exhibit

• They are a massive multimedia company

All Conglomerates

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More reasons for Wanting Warner Brothers

• They are a vertically integrated company meaning they can basically do anything with our product which they want to.

• Oligopoly- they own the majority of all media so competition wont be as high.

• Monopoly- However as it is illegal they are not a monopoly so competition will still exist. =

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More reasons for Wanting Warner Brothers

• Horizontally integration is also useful as it means a company will make more than one media product from Spent Fuel. For example they may make a DVD and an Action Toy.

• Warner Bros in itself is part of an even bigger conglomerate called Time Warner which is a huge media conglomerate institution which uses horizontal Integration to consolidate its power and profits. We wish to ask Warner Brother to get Time Warner on side. Allowing us to use Horizontal distribution.