IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 57, NO. 1, JANUARY 2009 355 Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With Imperfect Communication: Link Failures and Channel Noise Soummya Kar and José M. F. Moura, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—The paper studies average consensus with random topologies (intermittent links) and noisy channels. Consensus with noise in the network links leads to the bias-variance dilemma—running consensus for long reduces the bias of the final average estimate but increases its variance. We present two different compromises to this tradeoff: the algorithm modifies conventional consensus by forcing the weights to satisfy a persistence condition (slowly decaying to zero;) and the algorithm where the weights are constant but consensus is run for a fixed number of iterations , then it is restarted and rerun for a total of runs, and at the end averages the final states of the runs (Monte Carlo averaging). We use controlled Markov processes and stochastic approximation arguments to prove al- most sure convergence of to a finite consensus limit and compute explicitly the mean square error (mse) (variance) of the consensus limit. We show that represents the best of both worlds—zero bias and low variance—at the cost of a slow convergence rate; rescaling the weights balances the variance versus the rate of bias reduction (convergence rate). In contrast, , because of its constant weights, converges fast but presents a different bias-variance tradeoff. For the same number of iterations , shorter runs (smaller ) lead to high bias but smaller variance (larger number of runs to average over.) For a static nonrandom network with Gaussian noise, we compute the optimal gain for to reach in the shortest number of iterations , with high probability ( ), -consensus ( residual bias). Our results hold under fairly general assumptions on the random link failures and communication noise. Index Terms—Additive noise, consensus, sensor networks, sto- chastic approximation, random topology. I. INTRODUCTION D ISTRIBUTED computation in sensor networks is a well- studied field with an extensive body of literature (see, for example, [1] for early work.) Average consensus computes iter- atively the global average of distributed data using local com- munications, see [2]–[5] that consider versions and extensions of basic consensus. A review of the consensus literature is in [6]. Manuscript received November 25, 2007; revised August 31, 2008. First pub- lished October 31, 2008; current version published January 06, 2009. The asso- ciate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for pub- lication was Dr. Shahram Shahbazpanahi. This work was supported in part by the DARPA DSO Advanced Computing and Mathematics Program Integrated Sensing and Processing (ISP) Initiative under ARO grant DAAD19-02-1-0180, by the NSF by Grants ECS-0225449 and CNS-0428404, by an IBM Faculty Award, and by the Office of Naval Research under MURI N000140710747. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2008.2007111 Reference [7] designs the optimal link weights that optimize the convergence rate of the consensus algorithm when the connec- tivity graph of the network is fixed (not random). Our previous work, [8]–[11], extends [7] by designing the topology, i.e., both the weights and the connectivity graph, under a variety of con- ditions, including random links and link communication costs, under a network communication budget constraint. We consider distributed average consensus when simultane- ously the network topology is random (link failures, like when packets are lost in data networks) and the communications among sensors is commonly noisy. A typical example is time division multiplexing, where in a particular user’s time slot the channel may not be available, and, if available, we assume the communication is analog and noisy. Our approach can handle spatially correlated link failures and certain types of temporally Markovian sequences of Laplacians and Markovian noise, which go beyond independently, identically distributed (i.i.d.) Laplacian matrices and i.i.d. communication noise sequences. Noisy consensus leads to a tradeoff between bias and variance. Running consensus longer reduces bias, i.e., the mean of the error between the desired average and the consensus reached. But, due to noise, the variance of the limiting consensus grows with longer runs. To address this dilemma, we consider two versions of consensus with link failures and noise that represent two different bias-variance tradeoffs: the and the algorithms. updates each sensor state with a weighted fusion of its current neighbors’ states (received distorted by noise). The fusion weights satisfy a persistence condition, decreasing to zero, but not too fast. falls under the purview of con- trolled Markov processes, and we use stochastic approximation techniques to prove its almost sure (a.s.) consensus when the network is connected on the average: the sensor state vector se- quence converges a.s. to the consensus subspace. A simple con- dition on the mean Laplacian, , for connectedness is on its second eigenvalue . We establish that the sensor states converge asymptotically a.s. to a finite random variable and, in particular, the expected sensor states converge to the desired average (asymptotic unbiasedness.) We determine the variance of , which is the mean square error (mse) between and the desired average. By properly tuning the weights se- quence , the variance of can be made arbitrarily small, though at a cost of slowing s convergence rate, i.e., the rate at which the bias goes to zero. is a repeated averaging algorithm that performs in-network Monte Carlo simulations: it runs consensus times 1053-587X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Carnegie Mellon Libraries. Downloaded on January 16, 2010 at 17:51 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With

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Page 1: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


Distributed Consensus Algorithms in SensorNetworks With Imperfect Communication: Link

Failures and Channel NoiseSoummya Kar and José M. F. Moura, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The paper studies average consensus with randomtopologies (intermittent links) and noisy channels. Consensuswith noise in the network links leads to the bias-variancedilemma—running consensus for long reduces the bias of thefinal average estimate but increases its variance. We present twodifferent compromises to this tradeoff: the algorithmmodifies conventional consensus by forcing the weights to satisfy apersistence condition (slowly decaying to zero;) and thealgorithm where the weights are constant but consensus is runfor a fixed number of iterations , then it is restarted and rerunfor a total of runs, and at the end averages the final states ofthe runs (Monte Carlo averaging). We use controlled Markovprocesses and stochastic approximation arguments to prove al-most sure convergence of to a finite consensus limitand compute explicitly the mean square error (mse) (variance)of the consensus limit. We show that represents thebest of both worlds—zero bias and low variance—at the costof a slow convergence rate; rescaling the weights balances thevariance versus the rate of bias reduction (convergence rate). Incontrast, , because of its constant weights, convergesfast but presents a different bias-variance tradeoff. For the samenumber of iterations , shorter runs (smaller ) lead to high biasbut smaller variance (larger number of runs to average over.)For a static nonrandom network with Gaussian noise, we computethe optimal gain for to reach in the shortest number ofiterations , with high probability (� ), � �-consensus (residual bias). Our results hold under fairly general assumptionson the random link failures and communication noise.

Index Terms—Additive noise, consensus, sensor networks, sto-chastic approximation, random topology.


D ISTRIBUTED computation in sensor networks is a well-studied field with an extensive body of literature (see, for

example, [1] for early work.) Average consensus computes iter-atively the global average of distributed data using local com-munications, see [2]–[5] that consider versions and extensionsof basic consensus. A review of the consensus literature is in [6].

Manuscript received November 25, 2007; revised August 31, 2008. First pub-lished October 31, 2008; current version published January 06, 2009. The asso-ciate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for pub-lication was Dr. Shahram Shahbazpanahi. This work was supported in part bythe DARPA DSO Advanced Computing and Mathematics Program IntegratedSensing and Processing (ISP) Initiative under ARO grant DAAD19-02-1-0180,by the NSF by Grants ECS-0225449 and CNS-0428404, by an IBM FacultyAward, and by the Office of Naval Research under MURI N000140710747.

The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2008.2007111

Reference [7] designs the optimal link weights that optimize theconvergence rate of the consensus algorithm when the connec-tivity graph of the network is fixed (not random). Our previouswork, [8]–[11], extends [7] by designing the topology, i.e., boththe weights and the connectivity graph, under a variety of con-ditions, including random links and link communication costs,under a network communication budget constraint.

We consider distributed average consensus when simultane-ously the network topology is random (link failures, like whenpackets are lost in data networks) and the communicationsamong sensors is commonly noisy. A typical example is timedivision multiplexing, where in a particular user’s time slot thechannel may not be available, and, if available, we assume thecommunication is analog and noisy. Our approach can handlespatially correlated link failures and certain types of temporallyMarkovian sequences of Laplacians and Markovian noise,which go beyond independently, identically distributed (i.i.d.)Laplacian matrices and i.i.d. communication noise sequences.Noisy consensus leads to a tradeoff between bias and variance.Running consensus longer reduces bias, i.e., the mean of theerror between the desired average and the consensus reached.But, due to noise, the variance of the limiting consensus growswith longer runs. To address this dilemma, we consider twoversions of consensus with link failures and noise that representtwo different bias-variance tradeoffs: the and the

algorithms.updates each sensor state with a weighted fusion of

its current neighbors’ states (received distorted by noise). Thefusion weights satisfy a persistence condition, decreasingto zero, but not too fast. falls under the purview of con-trolled Markov processes, and we use stochastic approximationtechniques to prove its almost sure (a.s.) consensus when thenetwork is connected on the average: the sensor state vector se-quence converges a.s. to the consensus subspace. A simple con-dition on the mean Laplacian, , for connectedness ison its second eigenvalue . We establish that the sensorstates converge asymptotically a.s. to a finite random variable

and, in particular, the expected sensor states converge to thedesired average (asymptotic unbiasedness.) We determine thevariance of , which is the mean square error (mse) between

and the desired average. By properly tuning the weights se-quence , the variance of can be made arbitrarily small,though at a cost of slowing s convergence rate, i.e., therate at which the bias goes to zero.

is a repeated averaging algorithm that performsin-network Monte Carlo simulations: it runs consensus times

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Page 2: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


with constant weight , for a fixed number of iterations eachtime, and then each sensor averages its values of the stateat the final iteration of each run. s constant weight

speeds its convergence rate relative to s, whoseweights decrease to zero. We determine the number ofiterations required to reach -consensus, i.e., for the biasof the consensus limit at each sensor to be smaller than ,with high probability . For nonrandom networks, weestablish a tight upper bound on the minimizing and computethe corresponding optimal constant weight . We quantify thetradeoff between the number of iterations per Monte Carlorun and the number of runs .

Finally, we compare the bias-variance tradeoffs betweenthe two algorithms and the network parameters that determinetheir convergence rate and noise resilience. The fixed weight

algorithm can converge faster but requires greaterintersensor coordination than the algorithm.

A. Comparison With Existing Literature

Random link failures and additive channel noise have beenconsidered separately. Random link failures, but noiselessconsensus, is in [11]–[16]. References [11]–[13] assume anerasure model: the network links fail independently in space(independently of each other) and in time (link failure eventsare temporally independent.) Papers [14] and [16] study di-rected topologies with only time i.i.d. link failures, but imposedistributional assumptions on the link formation process. In[15], the link failures are i.i.d. Laplacian matrices, the graphis directed, and no distributional assumptions are made on theLaplacian matrices. The paper presents necessary and sufficientconditions for consensus using the ergodicity of products ofstochastic matrices.

Similarly, [17]–[19] consider consensus with additive noise,but fixed or static, nonrandom topologies (no link failures.) Theyuse a decreasing weight sequence to guarantee consensus. Thesereferences do not characterize the mse. For example, [18] and[19] rely on the existence of a unique solution to an algebraicLyapunov equation. The more general problem of distributedestimation (of which average consensus is a special case) inthe presence of additive noise is in [20], again with a fixedtopology. Both [17] and [20] assume a temporally white noisesequence, while our approach can accommodate a more generalMarkovian noise sequence, in addition to white noise processes.

In summary, with respect to [11]–[20], our approach con-siders: i) random topologies and noisy communication linkssimultaneously; ii) spatially correlated (Markovian) dependentrandom link failures; iii) time Markovian noise sequences; iv)undirected topologies; v) no distributional assumptions; vi) con-sensus (estimation being considered elsewhere); and vii) twoversions of consensus representing different compromises ofbias versus variance.

Briefly, the paper is as follows. Sections II and III sum-marize relevant spectral graph and average consensus results.Sections IV and V treat the additive noise with random linkfailure communication analyzing the andalgorithms, respectively. Finally, Section VI concludes thepaper.


We summarize briefly facts from spectral graph theory. Foran undirected graph , is the set ofnodes or vertices , and is the set of edges .The unordered pair if there exists an edge betweennodes and . We only consider simple graphs, i.e., graphs de-void of self-loops and multiple edges. A path between nodesand of length is a sequence ofvertices, such that, . A graphis connected if there exists a path, between each pair of nodes.The neighborhood of node is


Node has degree (number of edges with asone end point.) The structure of the graph can be describedby the symmetric adjacency matrix, ,

, if , 0 otherwise. Let the degree matrixbe the diagonal matrix . The graphLaplacian matrix is


The Laplacian is a positive semidefinite matrix; hence, its eigen-values can be ordered as


The multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue equals the number ofconnected components of the network; for a connected graph

. This second eigenvalue is the algebraic connectivityor the Fiedler value of the network; see [21]–[23] for detailedtreatment of graphs and their spectral theory.



In a simple form, distributed average consensus computes theaverage of the initial node data


by local data exchanges among neighbors. For noiseless andunquantized data exchanges across the network links, the stateof each node is updated iteratively by


where the link weights, s, may be constant or time varying.Similarly, the topology of a time-varying network is capturedby making the neighborhoods s, to be a function of time.Because noise causes consensus to diverge, [10], [24], we let

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Page 3: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


the link weights to be the same across different network links,but vary with time. Equation (5) becomes


We address consensus with imperfect intersensor communica-tion, where each sensor receives noise corrupted versions of itsneighbors’ states. We modify the state update (6) to


where is a sequence of functions (possiblyrandom) modeling the channel imperfections. In the followingsections, we analyze the consensus problem given by (7), whenthe channel communication is corrupted by additive noise. In[25], we consider the effects of quantization (see also [26] fora treatment of consensus algorithms with quantized commu-nication.) Here, we study two different algorithms. The first,

, considers a decreasing weight sequence ( )and is analyzed in Section IV. The second, , uses re-peated averaging with a constant link weight and is detailed inSection V.



We consider distributed consensus when the network linksfail or become alive at random times, and data exchanges arecorrupted by additive noise. The network topology varies ran-domly across iterations. We analyze the convergence propertiesof the algorithm under this generic scenario. We startby formalizing the assumptions underlying in the nextSubsection.

A. Problem Formulation and Assumptions

We compute the average of the initial statewith the distributed consensus

algorithm with communication channel imperfections givenin (7). Let be a sequence of independentzero mean random variables. For additive noise,


Recall the Laplacian defined in (2). Collecting the statesin the vector , (7) is



We now state the assumptions of the algorithm.1

1) Random Network Failure: We propose two models; thesecond is more general than the first.

1See also [27], where parts of the results are presented.

1.1) Temporally i.i.d. Laplacian Matrices: The graphLaplacians are


where is a sequence of i.i.d. Laplacian ma-trices with mean , such that .We do not make any distributional assumptions onthe link failure model, and, in fact, as long as thesequence is independent with constantmean , satisfying , the i.i.d. assumptioncan be dropped. During the same iteration, the linkfailures can be spatially dependent, i.e., correlatedacross different edges of the network. This modelsubsumes the erasure network model, where the linkfailures are independent both over space and time.Wireless sensor networks motivate this model sinceinterference among the sensors communication cor-relates the link failures over space, while over time,it is still reasonable to assume that the channels arememoryless or independent.Connectedness of the graph is an important issue. Wedo not require that the random instantiations ofthe graph be connected; in fact, it is possible to haveall these instantiations to be disconnected. We only re-quire that the graph stays connected on average. Thisis captured by requiring that , enabling usto capture a broad class of asynchronous communica-tion models; for example, the random asynchronousgossip protocol analyzed in [28] satisfiesand hence falls under this framework.1.2) Temporally Markovian Laplacian Matrices:Our results hold when the Laplacian matrix sequence

is state-dependent. More precisely,we assume that there exists a two-parameter randomfield, of Laplacian matrices suchthat


and . We also require that, for a fixed, the random matrices, , are inde-

pendent of the sigma algebra, .2

It is clear then that the Laplacian matrix sequence,, is Markov. We will show that our

convergence analysis holds also for this general linkfailure model. Such a model may be appropriate instochastic formation control scenarios, see [29]–[31],where the network topology is state-dependent.

2) Communication Noise Model: We propose two models;the second is more general than the first.

2.1) Independent Noise Sequence : The additive noiseis an independent sequence


2This guarantees that the Laplacian ��������� may depend on the past statehistory ������ � � ��, only through the present state ����.

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Page 4: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


The sequences, andare mutually independent. Hence, , ,

, are independent of, . Then, from (10)


No distributional assumptions are required on the noisesequence.2.2) Markovian Noise Sequence: Our approachallows the noise sequence to be Markovian throughstate-dependence. Let the two-parameter random field,

of random vectors


For fixed , the random vectors areindependent of the -algebra,and the random families and

are independent. It is clear thenthat the noise vector sequence isMarkov. Note, however, in this case the resultingLaplacian and noise sequences and

are no longer independent; they arecoupled through the state . In addition to (15), werequire the variance of the noise component orthog-onal to the consensus subspace [see (31)] to satisfy,for constants


We do not restrict the variance growth rate of thenoise component in the consensus subspace. Thisclearly subsumes the bounded noise variance model.An example of such noise is


where and are zero mean finitevariance mutually i.i.d. sequences of scalars and vec-tors, respectively. It is then clear that the condition in(16) is satisfied, and the noise model 2.2) applies. Themodel in (17) arises, for example, in multipath effectsin MIMO systems, when the channel adds multiplica-tive noise whose amplitude is proportional to the trans-mitted data.

3) Persistence Condition: The weights decay to zero, but nottoo fast


This condition is commonly assumed in adaptive controland signal processing. Examples include


For clarity, in the main body of the paper, we prove the resultsfor the algorithm under Assumptions 1.1), 2.1), and3). In the Appendix, we point out how to modify the proofs whenthe more general assumptions 1.2) and 2.2) hold.

We now prove the almost sure (a.s.) convergence of thealgorithm in (9) by using results from the theory of

stochastic approximation algorithms [32].

B. A Result on Convergence of Markov Processes

A systematic and thorough treatment of stochastic approxi-mation procedures has been given in [32]. In this section, wemodify slightly a result from [32] and restate it as a theoremin a form relevant to our application. We follow the notation of[32], which we now introduce.

Let be a Markov process on . The gen-erating operator of is


for functions , provided the condi-tional expectation exists. We say that in a domain

, if is finite for all .Denote the Euclidean metric by . For , the

-neighborhood of and its complement is



We now state the desired theorem, whose proof we sketch inthe Appendix.

Theorem 1: Let be a Markov process with generating op-erator . Let there exist a nonnegative functionin the domain , and with the fol-lowing properties:







where is a nonnegative functionsuch that





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Page 5: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


Then, the Markov process with arbitrary initialdistribution converges a.s. to as . In other words,


Proof of Convergence of the Algorithm

The distributed consensus algorithm is given by (9)in Section IV-A. To establish its a.s. convergence using Theorem1, define the consensus subspace, , aligned with , the vectorof 1s,


We recall a result on distance properties in to be used inthe sequel. We omit the proof.

Lemma 2: Let be a subspace of . For ,consider the orthogonal decomposition . Then

.Theorem 3: ( a.s. convergence) Let assumptions

1.1), 2.1) , and 3) hold. Consider the consensus al-gorithm in (9) in Section IV-A with initial state .Then,


Proof: Under the assumptions, the processis Markov. Define


The potential function is nonnegative. Since isan eigenvector of with zero eigenvalue


The second condition follows from the continuity of .By Lemma 2 and the definition in (22) of the complement ofthe -neighborhood of a set


Hence, for ,


Then, since by assumption 1.1) (note that the as-sumption comes into play here), we get


Now consider in (20). Using (9) in (20), we obtain


Using the independence of and with respect to ,that and are zero-mean, and that the subspace liesin the null space of and (the latter because this is truefor both and ), (38) leads successively to


The last step follows because all the eigenvalues of are lessthan in absolute value, by the Gershgorin circle theorem.Now, by the fact and , wehave




It is easy to see that and defined above satisfy theconditions for Theorem 2. Hence,


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Theorem 3 assumes 1.1), 2.1), 3). For an equivalent statementunder 1.2), 2.2), see Theorem 11 in the Appendix.

Theorem 3 shows that the sample paths approach the con-sensus subspace, , with probability 1 as . We now showthat the sample paths, in fact, converge a.s. to a finite point in .

Theorem 4: (a.s. consensus: Limiting random variable) Letassumptions 1.1), 2.1), and 3) hold. Consider the con-sensus algorithm in (9) in Section IV-A with initial state

. Then, there exists an almost sure finite real random vari-able such that


Proof: Denote the average of by


The conclusions of Theorem 3 imply that


Recall the distributed average consensus algorithm in (9). Pre-multiplying both sides of (9) by , we get the stochasticdifference equation for the average as



Given (14), in particular, the sequence is time indepen-dent, it follows that


which implies


Thus, the sequence is an bounded martingaleand, hence, converges a.s. and in to a finite random variable

(see, [33]). The theorem then follows from (45).Again, we note that we obtain an equivalent statement under

Assumptions 1.2), 2.1) in Theorem 7 in the Appendix. Provingunder Assumption 2.2) requires more specific information aboutthe mixing properties of the Markovian noise sequence, whichdue to space limitations is not addressed here.

C. Mean Square Error

By Theorem 3, the sensors reach consensus asymptoticallyand converge a.s. to a finite random variable . Viewed as an esti-mate of the initial average (see (4)), should possess desirableproperties like unbiasedness and small mse. The next Lemmacharacterizes the desirable statistical properties of .

Lemma 5: Let be as in Theorem 4 and as in (4). Definethe mse as


Then, the consensus limit is unbiased and its mse bounded asshown



Proof: From (46), we have


Since converges in to (Theorem 4), it alsoconverges in , and we have


which proves (50). For (51), by Theorem 4, the sequenceconverges in to . Hence


Equation (51) follows from (54) and (48), with the bound onthe noise variance.

Lemma 13 in the Appendix shows equivalent results underAssumptions 1.2) and 2.1). Proving under Assumption 2.2) re-quires more specific information about the mixing properties ofthe Markovian noise sequence, which we do not pursue here.

Equation (54) gives the exact representation of the mse. As abyproduct, we obtain the following corollary for an erasure net-work with identical link failure probabilities and i.i.d. channelnoise.

Corollary 6: Consider an erasure network with realizablelinks, identical link failure probability, , for each link, and thenoise sequence be of identical variance

. Then the mse is


Proof: Using the fact that the link failures and the channelnoise are independent, we have


The result then follows from (54).

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Page 7: Distributed Consensus Algorithms in Sensor Networks With


While interpreting the dependence of (55) on the number ofnodes, , it should be noted that the number of realizable links

must be for the connectivity assumptions to hold.Lemma 5 shows that, for a given bound on the noise variance,

, the mse can be made arbitrarily small by properly scalingthe weight sequence, . As an example, consider theweight sequence

Clearly, this choice of satisfies the persistence conditionsof (28) and, in fact

Then, for any , the scaled weight sequence

will guarantee that . However, reducing the mse by scalingthe weights in this way will reduce the convergence rate of thealgorithm; this tradeoff is considered in the next section.

D. Convergence Rate

The algorithm falls under the framework of sto-chastic approximation and, hence, a detailed convergencerate analysis can be done through the ODE method (see, forexample, [34].) For clarity of presentation, we skip this detailedanalysis here; rather, we present a simpler convergence rateanalysis, involving the mean state vector sequence only underassumptions 1.1), 2.1) , and 3) . From the asymptotic unbiased-ness of , it follows


Our goal is to determine the rate at which the sequenceconverges to . Since and are inde-

pendent, and is zero mean, we have


By the persistence condition (18) the sequence .Without loss of generality, we can assume that


Then, it can be shown that (see [11])


Now, since , , we have


Equation (61) shows that the rate of convergence of the meanconsensus depends on the topology through the algebraic con-nectivity of the mean graph and through the weights .It is interesting to note that the way the random link failures af-fect the convergence rate (at least for the mean state sequence)is through , the algebraic connectivity of the mean Lapla-cian, in the exponent, whereas, for a static network, this reducesto the algebraic connectivity of the static Laplacian , recov-ering the results in [17].

Equations (61) and (51) show a tradeoff between the mse andthe rate of convergence at which the sequenceconverges to . Equation (61) shows that this rate of conver-gence is closely related to the rate at which the weight sequence

sums to infinity. For a faster rate, we want the weightsto sum up fast to infinity, i.e., the weights to be large. In con-trast, (51) shows that, to achieve a small , the weights shouldbe small.

We studied the tradeoff between convergence rate and mse ofthe mean state vectors only. In general, more effective measuresof convergence rate are appropriate; intuitively, the same trade-offs will be exhibited, in the sense that the rate of convergencewill be closely related to the rate at which the weight sequence,

, sums to infinity, as verified by the numerical studies pre-sented next.

E. Numerical Studies—

We present numerical studies on the algorithm thatverify the analytical results. The first set of simulations confirmsthe a.s. consensus in Theorems 3 and 4. Consider an erasurenetwork on nodes and realizable links,with identical probability of link failure and identicalchannel noise variance . We take andplot on Fig. 1 on the left, the sample paths , ofthe sensors over an instantiation of the algorithm. Wenote that the sensor states converge to consensus, thus verifyingour analytical results.

The second set of simulations confirms the mse inCorollary 6. We consider the same erasure network, buttake and . We simulate 50 runs of the

algorithm from the initial state. Fig. 1 on the centerplots the propagation of the squared error for arandomly chosen sensor for each of the 50 runs. The cloud of(blue) lines denotes the 50 runs, whereas the extended dashed(red) line denotes the exact mse computed in Corollary 6. Thepaths are clustered around the exact mse, thus verifying ourresults.

The third set of simulations studies the tradeoff betweenmse and convergence rate. We consider the same erasurenetwork, but take , and run the algorithmfrom the same initial conditions, but for the weight sequences

, . Fig. 1 on the right depicts thepropagation of the squared error averaged over all the sensors

for each case. We see that the solid(blue) line ( ) decays much faster initially than thedotted (red) line ( ) and reaches a steady state. The dottedline ultimately crosses the solid line and continues to decay ata very slow rate, thus verifying the mse versus convergence

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Fig. 1. Left: Sensors sample paths, �� ���� , of the ����algorithm, verifying a.s. consensus. Center: Sample paths of the ����algorithm, verifying the mse bound. Right: mse versus convergence ratetradeoff.

rate tradeoff, which we established rigorously by restrictingattention to the mean state only.


The stochastic approximation approach to the average con-sensus problem, discussed in Section IV, achieves arbitrarilysmall mse, see (51), possibly at the cost of a lower convergencerate, especially, when the desired mse is small. This is mainlybecause the weights s decrease to zero, slowing the conver-gence as time progresses, as discussed in Section IV-E. In thissection, we consider an alternative approach based on repeatedaveraging, which removes this difficulty. We use a constant linkweight (or step size) and run the consensus iterations for a fixednumber, , of iterations. This procedure is repeated times, eachtime starting from the same initial state . Since the finalstates obtained at iteration of each of the runs are indepen-dent, we average them and get the law of large numbers to workfor us. There is an interesting tradeoff between and for a con-stant total number of iterations . We describe and analyze thisalgorithm and consider its tradeoffs next. The section is orga-nized as follows. Section V-A sets up the problem, states the as-sumptions, and gives the algorithm for distributed av-erage consensus with noisy communication links. We analyzethe performance of the algorithm in Section V-B. InSection V-C, we present numerical studies and suggest general-izations in Section V-D.

A. : Problem Formulation and Assumptions

Again, we consider distributed consensus with communica-tion channel imperfections in (7) to average the initial state,

. The setup is the same as in (8) to (10).Algorithm: The algorithm is the fol-

lowing Monte Carlo (MC) averaging procedure:


where is the state at sensor at the th iteration of the thMC run. In particular, is the state at sensor at the end ofthe th MC run. Each run of the algorithm proceedsfor iterations and there are MC runs. Finally, the estimate

of the average at sensor is


We analyze the algorithm under the followingassumptions. These make the analysis tractable, but, are notnecessary. They can be substantially relaxed, as shown inSection V-D.

1) Static Network: The Laplacian is fixed (deterministic,)and the network is connected, . (In Section V-Dwe will allow random link failures.)

2) Independent Gaussian Noise Sequence: The additivenoise is an independent Gaussiansequence with


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From (10), it then follows that


3) Constant link weight: The link weight is constant acrossiterations and satisfies


Let be the initial average. To define a uniformconvergence metric, assume that the initial sensor observations

belong to the following set (for some ):


As performance metric for the approach, we adopt theaveraging time given by




and the superscript denotes explicitly the dependence on thelink weight .

We say that the algorithm achieves -consensusif is finite. A similar notion of averaging time has beenused by others, see for example, [35] and [36]. The next sectionupper bounds the averaging time and analyzes the performanceof .

B. Performance Analysis of

The iterations can be rewritten as




Also, for the choice of given in (66), the following can beshown (see [7]) for the spectral norm


where is the spectral radius, which is equal to the inducedmatrix 2 norm for symmetric matrices.

We next develop an upper bound on the averaging timegiven in (68). Actually, we derive a general bound

that holds for generic weight matrices . This we do next,in Theorem 7. We come back in Theorem 10 to bounding theaveraging time (68) for the model (70) when the weight matrix

is as in (71) and the spectral norm is given by (72).Theorem 7: Averaging Time Consider the distributed itera-

tive procedure (70). The weight matrix is generic, i.e., is notnecessarily of the form (71). It does satisfy the following as-sumptions:

1) Symmetric Weights:


2) Noise Assumptions: The sequence is a se-quence of independent Gaussian noise vectors with uncor-related components, such that

(74)Then, we have the following upper bound on the averaging

time given by (68)



(Note we replace the superscript by because we prove re-sults here for arbitrary satisfying (73), not necessarily of theform .)

For the proof we need a result from [10], which we state as aLemma.

Lemma 8: Let the assumptions in Theorem 7 hold true. De-fine


(Note that these quantities do not depend on .) Then we havethe following:

1) Bound on error mean:


2) Bound on error variance:


3) is an i.i.d. sequence, with


Proof: For proof, see [10].We now return to the proof of Theorem 7.

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Proof: [Theorem 7] The estimate of the average ateach sensor after runs is in (63). From Lemma 8 and a standardChernoff type bound for Gaussian random variables (see [37]),then


(For the present derivation we assume Gaussian noise; however,the analysis for other noise models may be done by using thecorresponding large deviation rate functions.)

For arbitrary , define


Also, for arbitrary , define


Then, we have from (78) in Lemma 8


Also, we have from (81),


From the triangle inequality, we get


It then follows from (84) that


We, thus, have for and


where the last inequality follows from (85).From the definition of , see (68), we then have



where the third inequality follows from (79).We call the upper bound on in (76) given in The-

orem 7 the approximate averaging time. We use tocharacterize the convergence rate of . We state a prop-erty of .

Lemma 9: Recall the spectral radius, , defined in (73).Then, for , is an increasing function of

in the interval .Proof: The lemma follows by differentiating

with respect to .We now study the convergence properties of the al-

gorithm, (62), i.e., when the weight matrix is of the form(71) and the spectral norm satisfies (72). Then, the averagingtime becomes a function of the weight . We make this explicitby denoting as and the averaging time and theapproximate averaging time, respectively.

Theorem 10: ( Averaging Time) Consider thealgorithm for distributed averaging, under the as-

sumptions given in Section V-A. Define




This essentially means that the algorithm is real-izable for in the interval .

2) For , we have



and .3) For a given choice of the pair , the best

achievable averaging time is bounded above by, given by


Note that in (95) the optimization is over a smaller range onthan in (91).

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Proof: The iterations for the algorithm are givenby (70), where the weight matrix is given by (71) and thespectral norm by (72). Also, since , we get


Then, the assumptions (73), (74) in Theorem 7 are satisfied forin the range (66) and the two items (92) and (94) follow. To

prove item 3), we note that it follows from 2) that, where

and . Now, consider the functions




with as before. Similar to Lemma 9, we can show that,and are nondecreasing functions of . It can be shownthat attains its minimum value at

(see [7]), where


We, thus, have




which implies, that, for


So, there is no need to consider . This leads to


Also, it can be shown that (see [7])


This, together with (103) proves item 3).We comment on Theorem 10. For a given connected network,

it gives explicitly the weight for which the algo-rithm is realizable (i.e., the averaging time is finite for anypair.) For these choices of , it provides an upper bound onthe averaging time. The Theorem also addresses the problemof choosing the that minimizes this upper bound.3 There is, ingeneral, no closed form solution for this problem and, as demon-strated by (95), even if a minimizer exists, its value depends onthe actual choice of the pair . In other words, in general,there is no uniform minimizer of the averaging time.

C. : Numerical Studies

We present numerical studies on the algorithm. Weconsider a sensor network of nodes, with communica-tion topology given by an LPS-II Ramanujan graph (see [10]), ofdegree 6.4 For the first set of simulations, we take ,

, and fix at .05 (this guarantees that the estimate be-longs to the -ball with probability at least 0.95.) We vary insteps, keeping the other parameters fixed, and compute the op-timal averaging time, , given by (95) and the cor-responding optimum . Fig. 2 on the top plots as afunction of , while Fig. 2 on the bottom plots versus . As ex-pected, decreases with increasing . The behavior ofis interesting. It shows that, to improve accuracy (small ), thelink weight should be chosen appropriately small, while, forlower accuracy, can be increased, which speeds the algorithm.Also, as becomes larger, increases to make the averagingtime smaller, ultimately saturating at , given by (99). This

3Note that the minimizer, � of the upper bound � ��� �� does not neces-sarily minimize the actual averaging time� ��� ��. However, as will be demon-strated by simulation studies, the upper bound is tight and hence � obtainedby minimizing � ��� �� is a good enough design criterion.

4This is a 6-regular graph, i.e., all the nodes have degree 6.

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Fig. 2. Top: Plot of � ��� �� with varying �, keeping � fixed at .05. Bottom:Plot of � with varying �, keeping � fixed at .05.

behavior is similar to the algorithm, where slowerdecreasing (smaller) weight sequences correspond to smallerasymptotic mse at a cost of lower convergence rate (increasedaccuracy.)

In the second set of simulations, we study the tradeoff be-tween the number of iterations per Monte Carlo pass, , and thetotal number of passes, . Define the quantities, as suggestedby (89)



where is the minimizer in (95). In the following, we varyand the channel noise variance , taking , ,and using the same communication network. In particular, inFig. 3 (top) we plot versus for , whilein Fig. 3 (center) and Fig. 3 (bottom), we repeat the same for

and , respectively. The figures demon-strate an interesting tradeoff between and , and show thatfor smaller values of the channel noise variance, the number ofMonte Carlo passes, are much smaller than the number ofiterations per pass, , as expected. As the channel noise vari-ance grows, i.e., as the channel becomes more unreliable, wenote, that increases to combat the noise accumulated at eachpass. Finally, we present a numerical study to verify the tight-ness of the bound . For this, we consider a network of

nodes with edges (generated according

Fig. 3. Plot of �� � � � with varying �: Top: � � ��. Center: � � ��.Bottom: � � ���.

to an Erdös-Renýi graph, see [37].) We consider ,, and . To obtain for varying , we fix

, sample and for each such , we generate 100runs of the algorithm. We check the condition in (69)and compute . We repeat this experiment for varying

to obtain .5 We also obtainfrom (95). Fig. 4 on the top plots (solid red line) and

(dotted blue line) with respect to , while Fig. 4 on thebottom plots the ratio with respect to . Theplots show that the bound is reasonably tight, especiallyat small and large values of , with fluctuations in between. Notethat, because the numerical values obtained for are alower bound, the bound is actually tighter than appearsin the plots.

The bound is significant since: i) it is easy tocompute from (95); ii) it is a reasonable approximation to theexact ; iii) it avoids the costly simulations involved incomputing by Monte Carlo; and iv) it gives the right

5The definition of � ��� �� [see (69)] requires the infimum for all ���� ��, which is uncountable, so we verify (69) by sampling points from �. The� ��� ��, thus obtained, is in fact, a lower bound for the actual � ��� ��.

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Fig. 4. Top: Plot of � ��� ��� � ��� �� with varying �. Bottom: Plot of� ��� ���� ��� �� with varying �.

tradeoff between and [see (105)–(106)], thus determiningthe stopping criterion of the algorithm.

D. : Generalizations

In this Subsection, we suggest generalizations to thealgorithm. For convenience of analysis, we assumed beforea static network and Gaussian noise. These assumptions canbe considerably weakened. For instance, the static networkassumption may be replaced by a random link failure modelwith , where . Also, the independentnoise sequence in (64) may be non-Gaussian. In this case, the

algorithm iterations will take the form


where is an i.i.d. sequence of Laplacian matrices with. We then have


It is clear that is an i.i.d. sequence of zero mean

random variables. Under the assumption , there exists(see [11]) such that


We, thus, choose so that is suffi-ciently close to . The final estimate is


The first sum is close to by choice of . We now choose ,large enough, so that the second term is close to zero. In this way,we can apply the algorithm to more general scenarios.

The above argument guarantees that -consensus isachievable under these generic conditions, in the sense thatthe corresponding averaging time, , will be finite. Athorough analysis requires a reasonable computable upperbound like (94), followed by optimization over to give thebest achievable convergence rate. (Note a computable upperbound is required, because, as pointed earlier, it is very difficultto find stopping criterion using Monte Carlo simulations, andthe resulting will be a lower bound since the set isuncountable.) One way to proceed is to identify the appropriatelarge deviation rate [as suggested in (81).] However, the resultswill depend on the specific nature of the link failures and noise,which we do not pursue in this paper due to lack of space.


We consider distributed average consensus when thetopology is random (links may fail at random times) and thecommunication in the channels is corrupted by additive noise.Noisy consensus leads to a bias-variance dilemma. We consid-ered two versions of consensus that lead to two compromisesto this problem: i) fits the framework of stochasticapproximation. It a.s. converges to the consensus subspace andto a consensus random variable –an unbiased estimate of thedesired average, whose variance we compute and bound; andii) uses repeated averaging by Monte Carlo, achieving

-consensus. In the bias can be made arbitrarilysmall, but the rate at which it decreases can be traded for vari-ance—tradeoff between mse and convergence rate.uses a constant weight and hence outperformsin terms of convergence rate. Computation-wise, issuperior since requires more intersensor coordinationto execute the independent passes. The estimate obtained by

does not possess the nice statistical properties, in-cluding unbiasedness, as the computation is terminated after afinite time in each pass.

Finally, these algorithms may be applied to other problems insensor networks with random links and noise, e.g., distributedload balancing in parallel processing or distributed networkflow.




Proof: [Theorem 1] The proof follows from that of [32,Theorem 2.7.1]. Suffices to prove it for ,

is a deterministic starting state. Let the filtration

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w.r.t. which ,(and, hence, functionals of ) are adapted.

Define the function as


It can be shown that


and, hence, under the assumptions ([32, Theorem 2.5.1])


which, together with assumption (25), implies


Also, it can be shown that the process is anonnegative supermartingale ([32, Theorem 2.2.2]) and, hence,converges a.s. to a finite value. It then follows from (111) that

also converges a.s. to a finite value. Together with(114), the a.s. convergence of implies


The theorem then follows from assumptions (23) and (24) (seealso [32, Theorem 2.7.1].)

Theorem 11: ( : Convergence) Consider thealgorithm given in Section IV-A with arbitrary initial

state , under the Assumptions 1.2), 2.2), 3). Then


Proof: In the (9), the Laplacian andthe noise are both state dependent. We follow The-orem 3 until (38) and modify (39) according to the new as-sumptions. The sequences and are inde-pendent. By the Gershgorin circle theorem, the eigenvalues of

are less than in magnitude. From the noisevariance growth condition we have


Using (117) and a sequence of steps similar to (39) we have

Now, using the fact that , we have

where. It can

be verified that and satisfy the conditions forTheorem 1. Hence, (116).

Theorem 12: Consider the algorithm under theAssumptions 1.2), 2.1), and 3). Then, there exists a.s. a finitereal random variable such that


Proof: Note that . The proof thenfollows from Theorem 4, since the noise assumptions are thesame.

Lemma 13: Let be as given in Theorem 12 and , theinitial average, as given in (4), under the Assumptions 1.2), 2.1),and 3). Let the mse . Then we have

1) Unbiasedness:


2) M.S.E. Bound


Proof: Follows from Theorem 12 and Lemma 5.It is possible to have results similar to Theorem 12 and

Lemma 13 under Assumption 2.2) on the noise. In that case,we need exact mixing conditions on the sequence. Also, As-sumption 2.2) places no restriction on the growth rate of thevariance of the noise component in the consensus subspace. ByTheorem 6, we still get a.s. consensus, but the mse may becomeunbounded, if no growth restrictions are imposed.


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Soummya Kar received the Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech.) degree from the Indian Institute of Tech-nology, Kharagpur, in May, 2005.

He joined the Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University,Pittsburgh, PA, in 2005, where he is currentlya third-year Ph.D. degree student. His researchinterests include distributed computations in sensornetworks, stochastic approximations, stochasticnetworks, and stochastic filtering in the context ofsensor networks.

José M. F. Moura (S’71–M’75–SM’90–F’94)received the electrical engineering degree from theInstituto Superior Téecnico (IST), Lisbon, Portugal,and the M.Sc., E.E., and D.Sc. degrees in electricalengineering and computer science from the Massa-chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge.

He is a Professor of Electrical and ComputerEngineering and, by courtesy, of BioMedical En-gineering, at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU),Pittsburgh, PA. He was on the faculty of IST and hasheld visiting faculty appointments at MIT and was a

research scholar with the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He isa founding codirector of the Center for Sensed Critical Infrastructures Research(CenSCIR) and of the Information and Communications Technologies Institute,a joint venture between CMU and Portugal that manages a large educationand research program between CMU and Portugal (www.icti.cmu.edu). Hisresearch interests include statistical and algebraic signal processing, image,bioimaging and video processing, and digital communications. He has pub-lished more than 300 technical journal and conference papers, is the coeditorof two books, holds seven patents on image and video processing, and digitalcommunications with the U.S. Patent Office, and has given numerous invitedseminars at U.S. and European Universities and industrial and governmentLaboratories.

Dr. Moura is the President (2008–2009) of the IEEE Signal ProcessingSociety (SPS). He was Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS IN SIGNAL

PROCESSING, interim Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING

LETTERS, and was on the Editorial Board of several journals, including theIEEE PROCEEDINGS, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, and the ACMTRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS. He was Vice-President for Publica-tions for the IEEE Sensors Council. He chaired the IEEE TAB TransactionsCommittee, served on the IEEE TAB Periodicals Review Committee, and iscurrently Vice-Chair of the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board.He was on the steering and technical committees of several Conferences andon the IEEE Press Board. He is a Fellow of the American Association forthe Advancement of Science (AAAS), and a corresponding member of theAcademy of Sciences of Portugal (Section of Sciences). He was awarded the2003 IEEE Signal Processing Society Meritorious Service Award and in 2000,the IEEE Millennium Medal. In 2007, he received the CMU’s College ofEngineering Outstanding Research Award. He is affiliated with several IEEEsocieties, Sigma Xi, AMS, IMS, and SIAM.

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