I interviewed a former teacher named Ms. Teresa who teaches business and finance. She said that her high school experience was wonderful. She had all the materials that she could possibly need, and she took classes that taught many needed skills that prepared her for college such as short hand and many business classes. Her college experience was even better than high school. She majored in business and was able to obtain her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. She had many helpful professors that helped her make it through. The biggest difference for Ms. Teresa was all of the freedom. She explained how she didn’t have classes all day, every day and how she was responsible for attending and completing all of her work. She had more international speakers that visited. It was easier to connect with other students, make friends, and left more time for college sponsored activities. However, the classes were much harder

Discovering College Life

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I interviewed a former teacher named Ms. Teresa who teaches business and

finance. She said that her high school experience was wonderful. She had all the

materials that she could possibly need, and she took classes that taught many needed

skills that prepared her for college such as short hand and many business classes.

Her college experience was even better than high school. She majored in business

and was able to obtain her Bachelors Degree in Business Administration. She had many

helpful professors that helped her make it through.

The biggest difference for Ms. Teresa was all of the freedom. She explained how

she didn’t have classes all day, every day and how she was responsible for attending and

completing all of her work. She had more international speakers that visited. It was easier

to connect with other students, make friends, and left more time for college sponsored

activities. However, the classes were much harder