MANILA TYTANA COLLEGES DISBURSEMENT VOUCHER Number: _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ / _ / _ _  Payee : ___ ___ __ Amoun t: ____ __ _ Club/ Org anization: __ ______ Bud get Appr ove d: _ _/_ _/_ ___ Budget Line: __STD!NT CONC"L BD#!T_____ Purpo$e o% Di$bur$ement: &$pe'i%i' (in'lude name o% a'tivity) date) item de$'ription) invoi'e * et'+, We hereby certify that the above noted expenditure is a proper and necessary charge against the account shown and that the articles or services described have been received or performed as specified and that quantity and quality thereof have been verified.  Signature Date Per$on -e $pon$i ble %or t.e A'ti vity __ __ __ __ ___ __ /_ __/_ _  a'ulty Advi$or _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ / _ / _ _  Student Coun'il Pre$ident _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ / _ _/_ _  Student Coun'il Trea$urer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ / _ _/_ _  00For Student Activities use only* 0 Ba$ed on t.e %oregoing 'erti%i'ation$ and t.e do'umentation 1re'eipt$) 'ontra't$) et'+2 atta'.ed to t.i$ vou'.er ) t.i$ e3penditure i$: Approved ______ Not Approved ______ Student Coun'il O%%i'er : ___________ Date: _____/______/______ Amount -elea$ed: ______________________________ Payee: ______________________________________ __________ Signature: _______________ 

Disbursement Voucher- Template

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Number: __________ Date: _____/_____/_____Payee: ______________________________________Amount: _____________________Club/Organization: ___________________________Budget Approved: ____/____/____Budget Line: __STUDENT COUNCIL BUDGET_____Purpose of Disbursement: (specific include name of activity, date, item description, invoice # etc.)

We hereby certify that the above noted expenditure is a proper and necessary charge against the account shown and that the articles or services described have been received or performed as specified and that quantity and quality thereof have been verified. SignatureDatePerson Responsible for the Activity_____________________________ ____/_____/____Faculty Advisor_____________________________ ____/_____/____Student Council President_____________________________ ____/_____/____Student Council Treasurer_____________________________ ____/_____/____

**For Student Activities use only**Based on the foregoing certifications and the documentation [receipts, contracts, etc.] attached to this voucher, this expenditure is: Approved ______ Not Approved ______

Student Council Officer : _________________________________ Date: _____/______/______Amount Released: ______________________________ Payee: ________________________________________________ Signature: _______________