Directory of International Agreements and Programs September 2013 The University of Kansas International Programs

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Directory of International Agreements and Programs

September 2013

The University of Kansas International Programs

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. V Directory of International Agreement ......................................................................................... 1 Appendix A Model 1 Sample Agreement of Cultural, Educational and Scientific ..................... 37 Cooperation Appendix B Model II Sample Agreement of Cultural, Educational and Scientific ..................... 39 Cooperation Appendix C Sample Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement ................................................. 41 Appendix D Sample Visiting Student Agreement ...................................................................... 45 Appendix E Directory of Semester and Academic Year Study Abroad Sites ............................. 49 Appendix F Directory of Short Term Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs ................................ 59 Appendix G Faculty-Directed Study Abroad Program Proposal ................................................ 63 Appendix H Annual Faculty-Directed Program Renewal ........................................................... 65



International Exchange Initiatives University of Kansas

September 2013 In order to promote scholarly dialogue between The University of Kansas and institutions of higher learning around the world, KU encourages and supports the establishment of international programs and exchange initiatives. International opportunities that allow for participation by students, faculty and administrators deserve the greatest support from The University of Kansas, because they maximize interaction between institutions and promote the most comprehensive sharing of ideas. The opportunities should be consistent with the mission of the University and serve the best interests of the University. Recognizing that instructional resources are too limited to allow for an infinite number of international program and exchanges, new agreements should generally complement existing research and curricular strengths at KU. A regular process of review evaluates existing programs and allows for initiatives that reflect changing world situations and changing priorities at The University of Kansas. An exchange agreement is a binding, legal contract formalizing the terms of collaboration between The University of Kansas and a partner institution. The text must be reviewed and approved by the General Counsel and the Associate Vice Provost, International Programs, and signed by the appropriate authorities at partner institution. The University of Kansas has developed and utilizes four basic types of agreements: two versions of the Agreement of Cooperation; Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement; and Visiting Student Agreement. IF warranted, JU may negotiate an exchange agreement that is a combination of the two basic types of agreements. It should be noted that the Office of Study Abroad administers many study abroad programs, both long and short term, that do not require the signing of any kind of exchange agreement as they do not involve the exchange of students. Examples of these types of arrangements are contracts with a facilitating agency, memberships in a consortium, or KU faculty directed and taught programs. (Appendices E, F and G) The Agreement of Cooperation (Appendix A and B) is the first step in establishing an institutional relationship. Both parties agree to cooperate in joint research and educational activities through the exchange of invitations to scholars and of information and academic material of mutual interest. Both parties agree that all financial arrangements necessary to implement this agreement must be negotiated for each project and will depend upon the availability of funds, This document is always signed by the Associate Vice Provost of International Programs and the Chancellor of the University. The Agreement of Cooperation can be tailored to meet the research and educational interests for a particular department or school. In addition to the Associate Vice Provost and Chancellor, the document should then be signed by the chair and by the professor who is directly involved in implementation of this specific program with an Addendum to the original Agreement of Cooperation. The existence of an Agreement of Cooperation between KU and an international partner has proved to be valuable for faculty/departments/schools seeking outside funding for a research/curricular project involving the two (or more) institutions.


The Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement (Appendix C) is designed to establish and maintain a student direct exchange program. As it involves the payment of tuition, it must be signed not only by the Director of the Office of Study Abroad, the Associate Vice Provost of International Programs, the Chancellor of the University, but also by the Governor and the President of the Board of Regents, One signed copy of each Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement is filed with the Office of the Secretary of State of Kansas, Since a new student exchange will be administered by the Office of Study Abroad, that office must be involved in negotiating every new Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement. However, as the Office of Study Aboard strives to establish student exchange programs that might be an integral part of a major, individual faculty member or departments who are interested in setting up a student exchange among students in their discipline are encouraged to propose such a program to the Office of Study Abroad. The reciprocal Student exchange includes the exchange of both undergraduate and graduate students. Guidelines for initiation of international exchange agreement:

1. New agreements may be initiated through appropriate channels by individual faculty members, departments or schools, or administrative units. Individual faculty members should discuss such initiatives with and seek approval from the chair of their department or dean of their school. Individual faculty members, departments and schools should then contact the Associate Vice Provost of International programs if they wish to pursue an Agreement of Cooperation and they should contact the Director of the Office of Study Abroad should they wish to pursue a Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement.

2. In all cases, the individual faculty member, department or school should provide information about the proposed partner institution and demonstrate how implementing a new agreement would be consistent with enhancing or developing existing research and curricular strengths of the University.

3. The Associate Vice Provost of International Programs and/or the Director of the Office of Study Abroad will provide advice on how the proposed exchange can be developed.

4. An outline or draft of the proposed agreement should be submitted to the Office of International Programs for review as to correct legal form and conformity with the University’s stated objectives in international exchange initiatives. International Programs will then forward the proposed agreement to the General Counsel’s Office for review.

5. All proposed agreements, especially those that have deviated from the approved generic models, must be approved by the General Counsel before the process of securing signatures on the final copies. It is customary, as well as courteous, to submit the draft of a proposed agreement to the relevant official, usually including the Dean or Director of the International Office, at the potential partner institution.

6. When the proposed agreement has been approved by relevant officials at both institutions, International Programs will coordinate the process of securing the requisite signatures on three to five copies of the agreement. The document is then signed by the individual faculty member or chair/dean of the department/school, if appropriate, by the Associate Vice Provost of International Programs, and by the Director of the Office of Study Abroad, in the case of a Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement, before it is forwarded to the contact person at the potential partner institution for the necessary signatures. These last mentioned signatures normally include the chancellor president or rector, as well as the head of the international office, and individual professor or dean or head of department/faculty, if appropriate. Upon the return of the several copies of the agreement, International Programs will forward them to the General Counsel’s Office in order to secure the signatures of the Chancellor, and of the Governor and President of the Board of Regents, in the case of a Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement.


7. One signed copy of every exchange agreement is filed with the University General Counsel. One signed copy of the Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement is filed with the Secretary of State. Copies of every agreement are filed with International Programs; copies of every Reciprocal Exchange Agreement are filed with Study Abroad. The remaining copies are forwarded to the contact at the partner institution by International Programs, Study Abroad, or an individual Department/school or faculty member as appropriate.

The Visiting Student Agreement (Appendix D) is designed to establish and maintain a short term visiting student program for international students to study at KU for a semester or academic year. The Visiting Student Agreement can be tailored to meet the educational interests of a particular department, school or international university. Students who participate in the visiting student program are self-funded, funded by their home university, or home government. This document is always signed by the Associate Vice Provost of International Programs and the Chancellor of the University. Since new visiting student programs will be administered by the Office of International programs, that office must be involved in negotiating every new Visiting Student Agreement.



Directory of International Agreements

The University of Kansas International Programs


Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/31/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) \ 11/21/2008 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing


Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 01/11/2010 Expiration: 2015


University of Canberra, Division of Science and Design, Canberra Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Nursing and Allied Health Special Features: None Date Signed: 07/22/2001 Expiration: Continuing

University of New South Wales, Kensington Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/09/1993 Expiration: Continuing

University of Newcastle, Newcastle Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students


Disciplines: Engineering and other Disciplines Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 01/24/2001 Expiration: Continuing

University of Wollongong, Wollongong

Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/18/1991 Expiration: Continuing

Victorian College of Pharmacy, Melbourne Type: Faculty / Research Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Pharmaceutical Chemistry Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Special Features: Collaborative research / Potential joint degree program Date Signed: 07/23/1984 Expiration: Continuing


University of Vienna (Law School), Vienna Type: Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Law School Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Law Special Features: Limited to Law School Date Signed: 1983 Expiration: Continuing


Baku State University, Baku Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Sociology Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/01/2009 Expiration: 2014

Khazar University, Baku Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Sociology Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None


Date Signed: 05/27/2009 Expiration: 2014


Arteveldehogeschool. Ghent Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Physical and Occupational Therapy Special Features: Clinical Electives Date Signed: 10/17/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Ghent University, Ghent Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Physical Therapy as well as other disciplines Special Features: Clinical Electives Date Signed: 08/17/2009 Expiration: Continuing

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Brussels Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Mechanical Engineering & Aerospace Engineering Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering Special Features: Possible joint degree Date Signed: 05/25/2000 Expiration: Continuing


Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Brasíla Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Geography Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Geography / Related Disciplines Special Features: Specialized Research Agreement Date Signed: 05/12/2011 Expiration: 2016

Instituto Sustentar de Responsabilidade Socioambiental (ISRS), Belo Horizonte Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Environmental Studies Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Environmental Studies Special Features: None Date Signed: 11/19/2013 Expiration: 2018


Universidade De Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Applied Behavioral Sscience Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Applied Behavioral Sciences as well as other disciplines Special Features: Purpose of agreement to promote academic cooperation in field of health promotion Date Signed: 08/31/2009 Expiration: 2014

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, The (UFPE), Recife Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Business Participants: Faculty / Research Staff Members / Technicians / Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/30/2012 Expiration: 2017


University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Quebec Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 01/27/2012 Expiration: 2017


Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique Type: Visiting Student Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Undergraduate Students from Universidad Arturo Prat Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/31/2013 Expiration: 2018

Universidad de Magallanes, Punta Arenas Type: Agreement of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Engineering / CReSIS Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Engineering Special Features: Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets Date Signed: 04/29/2010 Expiration: 05/31/2015



University of Costa Rica, San José Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Three way program among KU, UCR, and Kansas State University Semester / Academic year program

Date Signed: 1958 Date Renewed: 09/24/2008 Expiration: 2013

University of Costa Rica, San José (Center for Research in Natural Products CIPRONA)

Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Medicinal Chemistry Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Medicinal Chemistry Special Features: Faculty Collaboration / Graduate Education / Possible Internships Date Signed: 2004 Date Renewed: 10/13/2009 Expiration: 2014

University of Costa Rica, San José (Office of Design and Management) Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Design and Management Participants: Administrators / Architects / Engineers Disciplines: Design and Construction Management Special Features: Exchange of staff of DCM, KU and OEPI, UCR as well as internships Date Signed: 07/16/2010 Expiration: 2013

University of Costa Rica, San José (Social Welfare) Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Social Welfare Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Social Welfare Special Features: Faculty collaboration and graduate education Date Signed: 06/08/2010 Expiration: 2013


Masarykova University, School of Medicine, Brno Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Basic Sciences Special Features: Research Date Signed: 06/15/1994 Expiration: Continuing


Masarykova University, Brno Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/23/2012 Expiration: 2017

Masarykova University, Brno Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/23/2012 Expiration: 2015

Silesian University, Opava Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 07/16/2013 Expiration: 2018

University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 01/02/2014 Expiration: 2019


Aarhus University Type: Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Reciprocal faculty exchange Date Signed: 04/11/1995 Expiration: Continuing

Denmark’s International Study Program (DIS), Copenhagen Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students


Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester Program / Classes taught in English Date Signed: 07/30/1999 Expiration: Continuing

Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Engineering Special Features: Semester Program / Classed taught in English Date Signed: 07/30/1999 Expiration: Continuing

University of Copenhagen Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / Science and Technology

Center / School of Engineering Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Engineering Special Features: Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) Date Signed: 10/10/2006 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 11/21/2008 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2011 / Continuing


Saint Yarek Hospital, Addis Ababa Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Medicine / Nursing / Allied Health Special Features: Clinical experiences for students of Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health Date Signed: 07/23/2009 Expiration: 2014


Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Lahti Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad/ School of Art Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Visual Art & Metalsmithing Date Signed: 12/11/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 12/24/2008 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing University of Oulu, Oulu Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Indigenous Nations Studies Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Indigenous Studies, as well as other disciplines


Special Features: Part of a triangular program with KU and University of Newcastle, Australia for students in Indigenous Studies

Date Signed: 10/24/2003 Expiration: Continuing

University of Turku, Department of Nursing, Turku Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center / School of Nursing Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Nursing Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/19/1997 Expiration: Continuing

University of Turku, Turku Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Psychology Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Post Doctorial /Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Psychology Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/16/2010 Expiration: 2015

University of Turku, (Dept. of Behavioral Sciences & Philosophy / Division of Psychology), Turku Type: Memorandum of Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs / Psychology / Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis Participants: Turku Doctorial Students / KU Student from the Center for Research Methods and Data Analysis Disciplines: Psychology Special Features: University of Turku sends doctorial students to KU for summer statistic camps Date Signed: 08/03/2011 Expiration: 2016

University of Turku, Turku Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Post-Doctoral, Doctoral, Master & Bachelor Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Exchanges of information, materials; symposia & seminars Date Signed: 06/16/2011 Expiration: 2016

University of Turku, Turku Type: Memorandum of Agreement on Teaching and Research Collaboration Visiting Faculty

and Students Contact: Office of International Programs / Psychology / Center for Research Methods & Data Analysis Participants: Faculty / Post-Doctoral, Doctoral, Masters Students / Bachelor CRMDA Interns Disciplines: Psychology / Quantitative Methodology Special Features: None Date Signed: 08/31/2011 Expiration: 2016



Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture Paris Val-de-Seine Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture Special Features: Joint Education Program Date Signed: 07/28/2011 Expiration: 2016

Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture Paris Val-de-Seine Type: Joint Education Program Memo Contact: Office of International Programs / Study Abroad / School of Architecture Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture Special Features: KU Students attend ENSA-PVS on special program ENSA-PVS Students attend KU as student researchers Date Signed: 08/10/2011 Expiration: 2016

ESC Groupe Clermont, Clermont-Ferrand Type: Student Exchange / Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / School of Business Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Business and related disciplines Special Features: Short term semester / Academic Year / Graduate Direct Exchange (GDX), funded

program / Joint MBA Degree Date Signed: 1957 (Graduate Direct Exchange) / 05/02/2011 (Agreement of Cooperation) Expiration Continuing / 2016

NEGOCIA (Académie Commerciale Internationale and NEGOSUP), Paris Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Applied English Center / Center for International Business Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Business / English as Second Language Special Features: Short term specialized programs / Business classes in France taught in English Date Signed: 05/11/2001 Expiration: Continuing

The University of Franche-Comte, Besancon Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of French and Italian Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: French and Italian Special Features: Exchange of Teaching Assistants Date Signed: 07/20/2010 Expiration: Continuing


The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Economics Participants: Faculty / Researchers Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Joint Research Date Signed: 10/30/2012 Expiration: 2015


Bielefeld University, Morthrhine-Westfalia Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 01/02/2014 Expirations: 2019

Christian-Albrechts Universität, Kiel Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program Date Signed: 1957 Expiration: Continuing

European Business School, International University Schloss Reichartshausen, Rheingau/Wiesbaden Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / School of Business Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Business Special Features: Limited to School of Business Date Signed: 01/20/2009 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 01/16/2009 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2014 / Continuing

Folkwang Hochschule, Essen Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/28/2010 Expiration: Continuing

Friederich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen and Nürnberg Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Graduate Students


Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program Date Signed: 1963 Expiration: Continuing

Fachhochschule Trier, Trier Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Art and Design Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Art and Design Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 03/21/2002 Expiration: Continuing

Johannes Guttenberg Universität, Mainz Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive, including Music Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program Date Signed: 1958 Expiration: Continuing

Karsruhe Institiute of Technology, Karsruhe Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 02/18/2014 Expiration: 2018 medfachshule,ed, Bad Elster Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Physical Therapy Special Features: Limited to students in Physical Therapy Date Signed: 02/05/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Faculty of Medicine, Magdeburg Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine and Basic Sciences Special Features: Clinical and Research Electives Date Signed: 12/09/1993 Expiration: Continuing


Rachel Carson Center, Munich Type: Agree for Visiting Scholars Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of History Participants: Dissertation-level Graduate Students / Faculty Discipline: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 11/04/2013 Expiration: 2014

Universität Bonn, Bonn Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program / Direct enroll semester / Academic year

program for undergraduates Date Signed: 1961 Expiration: Continuing

Universität Dortmund, Dortmund Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture / Architectural Engineering Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/11/1994 Expiration: Continuing

Universität Hamburg, Hamburg Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program Date Signed: 1959 Expiration: Continuing

Universität of Regensburg, Regensburg Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with special emphasis on Medicinal Chemistry Special Features: None Date Signed: 08/21/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive (Graduate), Architecture, Engineering and Sciences (Undergraduates)


Special Features: Graduate Direct Exchange, a funded program / Semester / Academic Year Program (Undergraduate) / Summer Program (Undergraduate)

Date Signed: 1962 Graduate Direct Exchange / 11/01/1999 Student Exchange Expiration: Continuing


Chriatian Medical College, Vellore Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Allied Health / Graduate / Medical and Nursing Students Disciplines: Allied Health / Medicine / Nursing / Research Special Features: Clinical Electives and Research Date Signed: 08/15/2005 Expiration: Continuing

Goa Institute of Management, Sanquelim, Goa Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Business Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Management Special Features: Business / Management Date Signed: 08/06/2012 Expiration: 2017

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Engineering Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Students Disciplines: Engineering and Science Special Features: Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) Date Signed: 08/29/2008 Expiration: 2013

Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical and Health Sciences, Dehradun Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical / Health Care Students Disciplines: Medical / Health Care Special Features: None Date Signed: 02/24/2012 Expiration: 2016

Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Social Welfare Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Social Welfare Special Features: Exchange of information & materials / Possible study abroad programs / Symposia or Seminars Date Signed: 02/03/2010 Expiration: 2015



Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Biological Sciences Special Features: Emphasis on collaborative research Date Signed: 09/15/2010 Expiration: 2015


Petroleum University of Technology, Tehran Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Special Features: Collaborative faculty research / Doctoral students from PUT study / Research for one

year at The University of Kansas Date Signed: 10/04/2003 Expiration: Renewal Pending


Soran University, Kurdistan Region Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/11/2012 Expiration: 2017

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Applied English Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Ministry of Higher Education sends sponsored students to KU Date Signed: 03/03/2011 Expiration: 2016


Dublin City University, Dublin Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Chemistry Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Chemistry Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program


Date Signed: 11/28/2007 Expiration: Continuing

University College Dublin, Dublin Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Clinical Electives Date Signed: 1996 Expiration: Continuing


University of Catania, Catania Type: International Internship Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Pharmacy Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Pharmacy Special Features: Internships at KU of students from University of Catania Date Signed: 03/18/2010 Expiration: 2013

University of Florence, Florence Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Welfare Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Social Welfare Special Features: Faculty collaboration and graduate education Date Signed: 03/28/2010 Expiration: 2014

University of Trento, Trento Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program for exchange students Date Signed: 06/09/2005 Expiration: Continuing


J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Primarily Japanese language and culture Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Possible travel grant from Japanese government Date Signed: 09/17/1992 Expiration: Continuing


Kanagawa University, Yokohama and Hiratsuka Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / Applied English Center Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive, with emphasis on English and Japanese languages Special Features: Kanagawa students direct enroll at KU / Summer program for KU students in Hiratsuka /

Spring intensive language program for Kanagawa students at KU Date Signed: 03/19/1991 Expiration: Continuing

Kansai University, Kansai Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/23/2008 Expiration: 2013

Kansai University, Kansai Type: Addendum Contact: Office of International Programs / Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Intensive English / Comprehensive Special Features: Study Abroad Program for Kansai Student to KU Date Signed: 03/24/2011 Expiration: Continuing

Kyoritsu College of Pharmacy, Tokyo Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center / School of Pharmacy / Department of

Pharmacy Practice

Participants: Graduate Students Disciplines: Pharmacy Special Features: Limited to students in Pharmacology Date Signed: 11/19/1997 Expiration: Continuing

Nihon University, Tokyo Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 11/14/2012 Expiration: 2017

Okayama University, Okayama Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students


Disciplines: Primarily Japanese language and culture Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Possible travel grant from Japanese government Date Signed: 07/30/1999 Expiration: Continuing

Sophia University, Tokyo Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Primarily Japanese language and culture Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Possible travel grant from Japanese government Date Signed: 08/15/1988 Expiration: Continuing

Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Clinical Electives Date Signed: 08/15/2005 Expiration: Continuing

Tsuda College, Tokyo Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Japanese language & culture / Communication Studies & Literature classes taught in English Special Features: Women students only Date Signed: 06/09/2003 Expiration: Continuing


Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Nursing and Allied Health Special Features: None Date Signed: 11/30/2000 Expiration: Continuing


Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/01/2011


Expiration: 2016

Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture / Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/01/2011 Expiration: 2016

Ewha Womans University, Seoul Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with special emphasis on Korean language and cultural studies Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/06/2009 Expiration: 2014

Hallym University, Chuncheon Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Social Welfare Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with special emphasis on Social Welfare Special Features: None Date Signed: 09/20/2011 Expiration: 2016

Hanyang University, Seoul and Ansan City Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture, Design & Planning Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with emphasis on Architecture Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/19/2011 Expiration: 2016

Hongik University, Seoul Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Academic year Date Signed: 11/28/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Kookmin University, Seoul Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with emphasis on Art and Design


Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/20/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 09/03/2009 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing

Korea University, Seoul Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with special emphasis on Korean language and culture Special Features: Semester / Academic Year student exchange / Summer Program Date Signed: 09/24/2007 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 10/19/2007 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2012 / Continuing

Korean University of Technology and Education, Chonan-Gun Chungnam Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/07/2004 Expiration: Continuing

Korean University of Technology and Education, Chonan-Gun Chungnam Type: Joint Degree Program Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Mechanical Engineering Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Mechanical Engineering Special Features: Joint master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering Date Signed: 04/27/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Kyungpook National University, Daegu Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture / Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/30/2011 Expiration: 2016

Soongsil University, Seoul Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Architecture Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture / Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/08/2011 Expiration: 2016

Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs


Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/30/2012 Expiration: 2017

University of Incheon, Incheon Metropolitan City Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture / Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/01/2011 Expiration: 2016


Inti College, Ubang Jaya Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: International Student Services (International Undergraduate Admissions) Participants: Undergraduates from Inti College Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Credit transferred from Inti College to KU Date Signed: 09/23/1994 Expiration: Continuing

Kolej Kommuniti Mertaham, Penang Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: International Student Services (International Undergraduate Admissions) Participants: Undergraduates from Kolej Kommuniti Mertaham Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Credit transferred from Kolej Kommuniti Mertham to KU Date Signed: 10/31/1994 Expiration: Continuing


Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Morelos Type: Agreement for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Mexican migrants and health issues Date Signed: 04/27/2010 Expiration: 2013


Delft University of Technology, Delft Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Aerospace Engineering Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students


Disciplines: Comprehensive with emphasis on Aerospace Engineering Special Features: Aerospace Date Signed: 04/03/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Lecturing Staff / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Initially only Obstetrics and Gynecology Date Signed: 07/14/2010 Expiration: Continuing

Hogeschool Van Amsterdam School of Health Professions, Amsterdam Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Lecturing Staff / Allied Health Students Disciplines: Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Special Features: None Date Signed: 07/01/2010 Expiration: Continuing

Hogeschool Van Arnhem en Nijmegen Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Allied Health Students Disciplines: Physical and Occupational Therapy Special Features: None Date Signed: 02/07/2008 Expiration: Continuing

Radboud University, Nijmegen Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 05/26/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 07/25/2008 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing

Technical University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Psychology Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Primarily Psychology Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 11/04/1997 Expiration: Continuing


University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Clinical Electives Date Signed: 09/27/2001 Expiration: Continuing


University of Auckland, Auckland Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Law School Participants: Law Students Disciplines: Law Special Features: Limited to students of Law Date Signed: 09/01/2005 Expiration: Continuing

University of Canterbury, Christchurch Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with a special emphasis on Engineering Special Features: None Date Signed: 12/01/2009 Expiration: 2014


University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / African & African-American Studies Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/31/2010 Expiration: 2015


Bergen Academy of Music, Bergen Type: Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Music and Dance Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Music Special Features: Reciprocal faculty exchange Date Signed: 04/13/2001 Expiration: Continuing


University of Agder, Kristiansand Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/04/2013 Expiration: 2018


Catholic University Our Lady of Asunción, Asunción Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / Department of Spanish & Portuguese Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students

Participants are considered residents in Kansas / Paraguay and pay resident tuition / Part of the program Partners in the Americas

Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Agreement involves all Kansas Board of Regents institutions Date Signed: 09/08/1986 Expiration: Continuing

Centro de Análisis y Difusión de Economia Paraguaya (CADEP), Asunción Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Center for Latin American Studies Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Economics and Business Special Features: Agreement with a research institute Date Signed: 04/09/2009 Expiration: 2014

National University of Asunción, Asunción Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / Department of Spanish & Portuguese Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Agreement involves all Kansas Board of Regents institutions

Participants are considered residents in Kansas / Paraguay and pay resident tuition / part of the program Partners in the Americas

Date Signed: 09/08/1986 Expiration: Continuing


Chongging Jiaotong University, Chongging Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Civil Engineering Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Civil Engineering Special Features: None Date Signed: 12/10/2010


Expiration: 2015

College of Higher Vocational Studies, City University of Hong Kong, Hon Kong Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: Office of International Student Services (International Undergraduate Admissions) Participants: Undergraduates from College of Higher Vocational Studies, City University of Hong Kong Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Credit transferred from College of Higher Vocational Studies, City University of Hong Kong Date Signed: 04/02/2002 Expiration: Continuing

Community College of the Hong Kong University School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKU SPACE CC), Hong Kong Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: Office of International Student Services (International Undergraduate Admissions) Participants: Undergraduates from HKU Space CC Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Credit transferred from HKU SPACE CC to KU Date Signed: 06/03/2002 Expiration: Continuing

Hebei University, Baoding Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Economics Special Features: None Date Signed: 12/12/2013 Expiration: 2018

Hong Kong Community College of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: Office of International Student Services (International Undergraduate Admissions) Participants: Undergraduates from Hong Kong Polytechnic University Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Credit transferred from Hong Kong Polytechnic University to KU Amendment: Transfer of Credit Date Signed: 04/17/2002 Expiration: Continuing

Huazhong Normal University, Hubei Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / East Asian Languages & Cultures / Political Science Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 12/27/2007 Expiration: Continuing

Jilin University, Jilin Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students


Disciplines: Civil Engineering Special Features: None Date Signed: 11/29/2010 Expiration: 2015

Jilin University, College of Transportion, Jilin Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Special Features: Exchange of information & material / Possible study abroad programs / Symposia / Seminars Date Signed: 09/02/2011 Expiration: 2016

Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academic of Sciences. Nanjing Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Geology Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Geology and Paleontology Special Features: Limited to Geology and Paleontology Date Signed: 04/06/2009 Expiration: 2014

Nanjing University, Nanjing Type: Student / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students from KU / Faculty from Nanjing University Disciplines: Comprehensive, but primarily Chinese language and culture for KU Students Special Features: Funded exchange Date Signed: 04/23/1980 Expiration: Continuing

Nankai University, Tianjin Type: Student / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students from KU / Faculty from Nankai University Disciplines: Comprehensive, but primarily Chinese language and culture for KU Students Special Features: Funded exchange Date Signed: 04/15/1980 Expiration: Continuing

National Office of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (NOTCFL), Beijing Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / Center for east Asian Studies Participants: KU Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students / Non-KU K-12 Students, School Teachers, etc. Disciplines: Chinese language and culture Special Features: Established the Confucius Institute at KU Date Signed: 10/24/2005 Expiration: None


The School of Business, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / School of Business Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: School of Business Special Features: Business Date Signed: 08/22/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 10/07/2008 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing

Shanxi University of Finance & Economics, Taiyuan, Shanxi Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Finance / Economics Special Features: None Date Signed: 02/27/2013 Expiration: 2018

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive, but primarily Chinese language and culture Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Classes taught in English Date Signed: 07/20/1998 Expiration: Continuing

The University of International Business & Economics, Beijing Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / School of Business Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Business Special Features: Business Date Signed: 04/04/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 09/03/2009 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing

The University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad/ School of Business Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Business and Economics Special Features: Students will pay tuition to their home university Date Signed: 08/30/2009 Expiration: Continuing

Xiamen University, Xiamen Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Public Administration Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive / Primarily Public Administration Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/31/2008


Expiration: 2013

Zheijiang Normal University, Jinhua Type: Visiting Student Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Educational Services Date Signed: 07/11/2012 Expiration: 2017


Centro de “Ann Sullivan” del Perú-CASP, Lima Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Institute for Life Span Studies Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Applied Behavior Sciences Special Features: Collaborative research / joint projects Date Signed: 05/29/1991 Renewed: 04/2005 Expiration: Continuing

La Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Life Span Institute Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Applied Behavioral Science Special Features: Research on human development, disabilities and aging Date Signed: 05/16/2010 Expiration: 2015

Universidad Privada de Huancayo Franklin Roosevelt, Huancayo Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 02/25/2014 Expiration: 2019


Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Cracow Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/19/2012 Expiration: 2017


Frederic Chopin Academy of Music, Warsaw Type: Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Music and Dance Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Music Special Features: Reciprocal faculty exchange Date Signed: 03/05/1990 Expiration: Continuing

Technical University of Lodz, Lodz Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / School of Engineering Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Engineering Special Features: Engineering Date Signed: 01/23/2008 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 07/24/2009 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2013 / Continuing

University of Information Technology & Management, Rzeszow Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 03/20/2011 Expiration: 2016

Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Life Span Institute Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive / Applied Behavioral Science Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/29/2010 Expiration: 2015


Aviero University, Aviero Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 06/09/2011 Expiration: 2016


Far-Eastern National Technical University, Vladivostok Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs


Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/15/2008 Expiration: 2013


King Saud University, Riyadh Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Pharmacy Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Pharmacy Special Features: Pharmacy Date Signed: 06/23/2008 Expiration: 2013


Université Gaston Berger, Saint-Louis Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Kansas African Studies Center Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/04/2009 Expiration: 2014


Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore Type: Articulation Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Music and Dance Participants: Students from Nanyang Acadimic of Fine Arts Disciplines: Music Special Features: Credit transferred from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to KU Date Signed: 03/23/2001 Expiration: Continuing


Centro de Investigación Principe Felipe, Valencia (NOTE: replaces the one with Fundación Valenciana de Investigaciones Biomédicas) Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Research Electives Date Signed: 1980 – 07/06/2005 Expiration: Continuing

Universidade de Cadiz, Cadiz Type: Student Exchange


Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Medical Students Disciplines: Medicine Special Features: Clinical and Research Electives Date Signed: 11/02/2004 Expiration: Continuing

Universidad de Léon, Léon Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / KU Work Group for Community Health &

Development Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 03/14/2014 Expiration: 2019 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Primarily Spanish Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 03/10/1992 Expiration: Continuing


Halmstad University, Halmstad Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 10/17/2005 Expiration: Continuing

Jonkiping University, School of Health Sciences, Jonkiping Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Nursing Special Features: None Date Signed: 07/08/2003 Expiration: Continuing

Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design, Stockholm Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Graduate & Undergraduate Studendts


Disciplines: Arts, Crafts and Design Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/01/2013 Expiration: 2016

Mid Sweden University, Härnösand, Sundsvall, and Ӧstersund Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Social Welfare Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Social Welfare Special Features: Limited to students in Social Welfare Date Signed: 10/31/2008 Expiration: 2013

Uppsala University, Uppsala Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 09/26/1997 Expiration: Continuing


National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad / Department of Industrial Design Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 08/07/2005 (Agreement of Cooperation) / 02/10/2006 (Student Exchange) Expiration: 2010 / Continuing Shih Hsin University, Taiwan Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Sister Institution Agreement Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Faculty / Staff / Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 03/02/2012 Expiration: 2017


Mahasarakham University, Department of Nursing, Mahasarakham Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Nursing Special Features: None


Date Signed: 11/03/1997 Expiration: Continuing

Mahidol University, Salaya Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / School of Music Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel / Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Music Therapy Date Signed: 01/17/2014 Expiration: 2019


L’viv State University, L’viv Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Center for Russian and East European Studies Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Summer study abroad program Date Signed: 06/15/1991 Expiration: Continuing


Coventry Polytechnical, Coventry, England Type: Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Art and Design Participants: Faculty Disciplines: Art and Design Special Features: Reciprocal faculty exchange Date Signed: 04/12/1994 Expiration: Continuing

Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh, Scotland Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad / Department of Art and Design / School of Architecture Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Architecture, Art and Design Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Reciprocal Faculty Exchange Date Signed: 06/26/1987 Expiration: Continuing

Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Geology Participants: Faculty / Research Personnel Disciplines: Geology Special Features: Provides KU membership in International Center of Carbonate Reservoirs (ICCR) Date Signed: 09/28/2010 Expiration: Continuing


Swansea University, Swansea, Wales Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 04/26/2013 Expiration: 2017

The University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 03/20/2013 Expiration: 2015

University of Central Lancashire, Preston Type: Agreement of Cooperation / Student Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Staff / Students Disciplines: Allied Health Special Features: None Date Signed: 03/06/2006 Expiration: Continuing

University of East Anglia, Norwich, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 10/01/1999 Expiration: Continuing

University of Essex, Colchester, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/18/1991 Expiration: Continuing

University of Exeter, Exeter, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive, with special emphasis on Physics Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program


Date Signed: 06/27/1991 Expiration: Continuing

University of Exeter, Exeter, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Graduate & Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: None Date Signed: 12/05/2013 Expiration: 2018

University of Hull. Hull, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/18/1991 Expiration: Continuing

University of Kent, Canterbury, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 03/16/1993 Expiration: Continuing

University of Leeds, Leeds, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Exchange Date Signed: 12/27/2007 Expiration: Continuing

University of Leicester, Leicester, England Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs / Office of Study Abroad Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program / Exchange & Direct Enrollment / Reciprocal Faculty Exchange Date Signed: 07/18/1991 (Student Exchange) / 06/02/1986 (Faculty Exchange) Expiration: Continuing / Continuing

University of Reading, Reading, England Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students


Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 05/21/1997 Expiration: Continuing

University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Primarily Film Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/18/1991 Expiration: Continuing

University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Scotland Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/30/1999 Expiration: Continuing

University of Swansea, Swansea, Wales Type: Student Exchange Contact: Office of Study Abroad Participants: Undergraduate & Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive Special Features: Semester / Academic Year Program Date Signed: 07/30/1999 Expiration: Continuing

University of Wolverhampton, Woverhampton, England Type: Student Exchange / Faculty Exchange Contact: Office of International Programs, Medical Center Participants: Faculty / Undergraduate & Graduate Students / Medical Students Disciplines: Allied Health and Medicine Special Features: Clinical Electives in Medicine Date Signed: 03/06/2006 Expiration: Continuing


The University of Zulia, Zulia Type: Agreement of Cooperation Contact: Office of International Programs / Department of Applied Behavioral Science Participants: Faculty / Graduate Students Disciplines: Comprehensive with emphasis on Applied Behavioral Science Special Features: None Date Signed: 05/20/2008 Expiration: 2013



Vietnam Education Foundation. Washington, D.C. Type: Memorandum of Understanding Contact: Office of International Programs Participants: Graduate Students from Vietnam Disciplines: Sciences, Engineering and Public Health Special Features: Program for VEF Fellows Date Signed: 04/28/2005 Expiration: Continuing


Appendix A Model I

Sample Agreement of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between

The University of Kansas, USA And

In accordance with a mutual desire to promote further cooperation between the United States and The University of Kansas, Lawrence ,KS, and ___________________________________, join in the following agreement on cultural, educational and research cooperation in all fields of academic endeavor. Cooperation in specific areas may be designated by mutual consent and incorporation as addenda to this agreement upon signature by appropriate representatives of the Universities. Appropriate representatives may also specify the details of cooperation for any of identified fields in the form of addenda to this agreement upon signature. Within the fields of study to be mutually designated, both institutions agree to the following general forms of cooperation:

1. Joint research and educational activities.

2. Exchange of invitations to scholars (faculty. Research personnel and graduate students) for lectures, visits and sharing of experiences.

3. Exchange of invitations to scholars for participation in conferences, symposia and seminars.

4. Exchange of information in fields of interest to both parties.

5. Exchange of faculty, research personnel and graduate students for study and research.

6. Exchange of academic materials of mutual interest. This will include such items as scholarly publications, curriculum information, and pertinent research reports.

Both parties agree that all financial arrangements necessary to implement this agreement must be negotiated and will depend upon the availability of funds.

This agreement will become effective upon the date of the signature by the representatives of the Universities and approval by appropriate authorities in their respective countries.


This agreement is valid for a period of five years from the effective date and may be renewed before the expiration date by agreement between the parties.

For For The University of Kansas

______________________________ ______________________________ Bernadette Gray-Little Chancellor ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date ______________________________ ______________________________ Susan Gronbeck-Tedesco Associate Vice Provost, International Programs ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date


Appendix B Model II

Sample Agreement of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between

The University of Kansas, USA And

In accordance with a mutual desire to promote further cooperation between the United States and The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS and __________________________, join in the following agreement on cultural, educational and research cooperation in all fields of academic endeavor. Cooperation in specific areas may be designated by mutual consent and incorporated as addends to this agreement upon signature by appropriate representatives of the Universities. Appropriate representatives may also specify the details of cooperation for any of identified fields in the form of addenda to this agreement upon signature. Within the fields of study to be mutually designated, both institutions agree to the following general forms of cooperation:

1. Joint research and educational activities.

2. Exchange of invitations to scholars (faculty, research personnel and graduate students) for lectures, visits and sharing of experiences.

3. Exchange of invitations to scholars for participation in conferences, symposia and seminars.

4. Exchange of information in fields of interest to both parties.

5. Cooperation among faculty, research personnel and graduate or undergraduate students for study and research.

6. Exchange of academic materials of mutual interest. This will include such items as scholarly publications, curriculum information, and pertinent research reports.

7. The University of Kansas sponsored and/or jointly sponsored activities such as study abroad courses and lectures, scholarly symposia, or seminars.

Both parties agree that all financial arrangements necessary to implement this agreement must be negotiated and will depend upon the availability of funds.


This agreement will become effective upon the date of signature by the representatives of the Universities and approval by appropriate authorities in their respective countries.

This agreement is valid for a period of five years from the effective date and may be renewed before the expiration date by agreement between the parties.

For For The University of Kansas

______________________________ ______________________________ Bernadette Gray-Little Chancellor ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date ______________________________ ______________________________ Susan L. Gronbeck-Tedesco Associate Vice Provost, International Programs ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date


Appendix C


AND _______________ UNIVERSITY


THIS AGREEMENT, by and between THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE STATE OF KANSAS (hereinafter “BOARD”) 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520, Topeka Kansas 66612-1368, U.S.A. and _____________________________ UNIVERSITY, COUNTRY.


WHEREAS, the BOARD is authorized by Kansas Statutes Annotated 74-3221 to enter into reciprocal agreements with the governing boards of colleges and universities of other countries for purposes of and relation to the exchange of students; and

WHEREAS, the parties hereto are mutually desirous of entering into such an agreement with relation to students of _____________________ UNIVERSITY (hereinafter “NAME”) and THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE CAMPUS (hereinafter “KANSAS”); and

WHEREAS, the parties agree that it is to their mutual benefit and interest to set forth the terms of their understanding and agreement in writing;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and the individual and mutual promises of the parties hereinafter set forth, and for other good and valuable consideration, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto:

1. That the term of this agreement shall begin on the 1st day of August, 2013, and terminate on the 31st day of July 2016, provided, however, that the agreement shall continue thereafter automatically for successive one year terms, subject, however, to the right of either party at any time to terminate this agreement upon provision of written notice to the other of intent to terminate the contract within on (1) year from the date of the written notice;

2. That participating students from both institutions shall pay tuition and fees to their home institution and then study at the other institution. Undergraduate exchange students at The University of Kansas shall be allowed to take up to fifteen undergraduate credit hours per semester under the auspices of the exchange program. Graduate exchange students will be allowed to take up to nine graduate credit hours per semester. Any hours which exceed the indicated credit hour limits will be financial responsibility of the student;

3. That all international exchange students must visit The University of Kansas Applied English Center for verification of English language skills. If English language instruction is needed, the courses will be provided by the KU Applied English Center;


4. That ______________________ UNIVERSITY shall accept not more than two students (four student semesters) from KANSAS in the academic year beginning in August, 2015, and a similar number thereafter. KANSAS shall in return accept an equivalent number from _________________________UNIVERSITY in the academic year beginning in August 2014, and continuing thereafter. The number of the students may be modified by mutual consultation in advance:

5. That each institution will aim at maintaining reciprocity in the number of students exchanged each year. In the event that a balanced exchange is not met during an academic year, adjustments will be made in following academic years:

6. That each institution shall advice the other of the academic requirements for admission to any program, department, school or college in which students will be exchange;

7. That each institution shall assist in arranging university accommodations for visiting student; provided however, that the cost of said accommodations shall be the responsibility of the visiting student;

8. That each institution shall devise suitable programs of academic instruction for the exchange students and that each institution shall be responsible for any academic credit to be awarded to the student;

9. That each institution warrants that official transcripts or written assessment of the students’ completed work will be sent to the students’ home university in a prompt and timely manner before the beginning of the next academic term;

10. That each institution will require visiting student to be covered by the minimum mandatory coverage for medical/health insurance while participating in the student exchange (__________________UNIVERSITY students may be granted a waiver from the KANSAS standard plan, if they demonstrate health insurance coverage equal to or greater than the coverage required by KANSAS by July 15 for the Fall semester and December 15 for the Spring semester);

11. That each institution shall be responsible for the choice of students participating in the exchange, subject to final approval by the host institution;

12. That each participating student or his/her institution shall be solely responsible for travel arrangements and the costs thereof;

13. That students from each institution studying abroad under this exchange agreement shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as local student;

14. That the exchange of students pursuant to the terms of the agreement shall begin with the fall semester of the academic year;

15. That upon registration , all participating students shall provide the host institution with the name, address and telephone numbers for three individuals who might be contacted in case of an emergency with regard to the students:


16. That each institution should designate an individual and office responsible for receiving written communications about this agreement;

17. That in the event that any condition, covenant or other provision herein contained is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement and shall in no way affect any other condition, covenant or other provision herein contained. If such condition covenant or other provision shall be deemed invalid due to its scope or breadth, such condition, covenant or other provision shall be deemed valid to the extent of the scope or breadth permitted by law;

18. That this agreement may be amended at any time when agreed to by both parties. Any modification must be in writing and signed by both parties;

Done in Lawrence, Kansas, on this _____ day of _______________, 2014


______________________________ ______________________________ Name, Title Fred Logan, Chair

______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date

______________________________ ______________________________ Name, Title Sam Brownback, Governor

______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date

______________________________ THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Name, Title

______________________________ ______________________________ Date Bernadette Gray Little, Chancellor

______________________________ ______________________________ Name, Title Date

______________________________ ______________________________ Date Susan L. Gronbeck-Tedesco Associate Vice Provost, International Programs

______________________________ Date

______________________________ Angela Perryman, Director Office of Study Abroad

______________________________ Date



Appendix D

An Agreement between The University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS, USA) and

________________University (City, Country) For the purposes of

Providing Education Services to __________________ UNIVERSITY Students at KU

Whereas, _________UNIVERSITY, City, Country (Acronym) wishes to send students to study at The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA (KU), and

Whereas, _________UNIVERSITY wishes to explore additional collaborations with KU, and

Whereas, _________KU wishes to accept students from __________UNIVERSITY, and

Whereas, _________KU wishes to explore additional collaborations with _____UNIVERSITY, therefore _________ UNIVERSITY and KU agree to the following provisions:

I. Educational Opportunities for __________________UNIVERSITY Students

A. Number of Students. Under the provisions listed below, _______UNIVERSITY will select a maximum of ___ (number) students for KU each semester beginning with the 2014-2015 academic year (August – May) and send their admission application. Materials to KU.

B. Academic Admissibility - _______UNIVERSITY will select _______UNIVERSITY degree-seeking students who are academically admissible according to KU admission standards.

C. English Language Proficiency - _______UNIVERSITY will select students whose English language proficiencies meet KU admission standards. _______ UNIVERSITY students who do not meet English proficiency requirements for academic study may be required to enroll in English language course offered by the Applied English Center.

D. Students and Courses. Under the provisions listed below, KU agrees to accept up to ____ (number) _______UNIVERSITY students each semester or each academic year. _______ UNIVERSITY students studying abroad under this agreement shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as KU students.

E. Credit-hours. _______UNIVERSITY undergraduate students are required to enroll in at least 12 credit-hours per semester. Graduate students are required to enroll in at least 9 credit-hours per semester. Students will pay full costs of attendance.

F. Fields of Study. Students may study in fields offered at KU for which they meet program admission requirements and in which space is available unless KU specifies that a program cannot accept additional _______UNIVERSITY students.


G. Residential and Dining Accommodations. ________ UNIVERSITY students will live in KU residential halls for the academic year, if available, and use KU meal plans. Students may choose from the available residential facilities, paying the cost of the particular residential facility chosen. Students will choose their dining plan and pay the associated costs.

H. Visas and Length of Study. KU’s Office of International Programs will assist _______UNIVERSITY students in seeking appropriate visas. Students may enroll for one or two semesters.

I. Services from KU Office of International Programs _______ UNIVERSITY students will have a single point of contact at KU. The International Visiting Student Coordinator in the Office of International Programs will be available to answer pre-arrival questions. Provide pre-arrival orientation materials, assist incoming students with English proficiency examination registrations, facilitate participation in international student orientation, help with housing on campus and meal plan enrollment, facilitate academic enrollment, and provide ongoing advice and direction on campus life. The International Visiting Student Coordinator will also provide program administrators at _______ UNIVERSITY with student transcripts at the conclusion of each semester.

II. Student Admission Applications The KU International Visiting Student Coordinator will assist students in completing the application process for admission. Working through the Office of International Programs, _______ UNIVERSITY students will file all materials required by KU and its various units for admission.

III. Financial Considerations A. Costs for _______ UNIVERSITY Students. Each year, KU Staff will provide

estimates for the program costs including tuitions, fees, books, health insurance, personal expenses, housing and meals for the academic year of nine and on-half months (August – May). Students may anticipate that the approximate costs for each semester will be one-half of those amounts. Annual KU tuition costs are subject to change. Therefore, program charges will be revised each year to meet current KU educational rates. KU program cost will be transmitted in writing to _______ UNIVERSITY in a timely manner.

B. Payment Procedures and Deadlines. When the _______ UNIVERSITY students enroll for the fall semester, they will pay their semester’s costs as part of the enrollment process. The same process will happen a second time as they enroll for the spring semester. Standard KU payment deadlines and processes will apply. _______ UNIVERSITY students are responsible for all costs of attendance.

C. Refunds. If a _______ UNIVERSITY student has overpaid as of the end of his or her stay, KU will refund the overpayment. Written documentation of the


overpayment will be presented. Both parties agree that standard KU billing and refund policies will apply in all cases.

IV. Additional Collaborations between KU and _______ UNIVERSITY

Both KU and _______ UNIVERSITY agree to pursue additional collaborations that bring mutual benefits to the faculty, students, and staff of the two institutions and to the communities around them. Future collaborations will be covered in separate agreements.

V. Length of Agreement

This agreement is effective immediately upon signing and will remain in effect for five years. This agreement may be amended at any time when agreed to by both parties. Any modification must be in writing and signed by both parties.

VI. Termination

Either institution may terminate this agreement at any time with at least a six-month written notice.

The University of Kansas and _______ UNIVERISTY agree to abide by these provisions.

The University of Kansas _______UNIVERSITY

______________________________ ______________________________ Bernadette Gray-Little Chancellor President ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Date ______________________________ Susan L. Gronbeck-Tedesco Associate Vice Provost International Programs ______________________________ Date



Appendix E

Directory of Semester and Academic Year Study Abroad Sites (as of November 2012)

The University of Kansas Office of Study Abroad

The listing of semester and academic year program sites includes reciprocal exchange partners, consortium exchange programs (ISEP and Utrecht), direct enrollment sites, and KU faculty-directed semester programs. Argentina Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires Universidad de San Andres, Buenos Aires Universidad Blas Pascal, Córdoba (ISEP) Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba (ISEP) Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires (ISEP) Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires (ISEP) Australia Deakin University, Geelong, Melbourne, Warrnambool University of New South Wales, Sydney University of Newcastle, Newcastle University of Wollongong, Wollongong Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga (ISEP) La Trobe University, Bendigo and Melbourne (ISEP) Macquarie University, Sydney (ISEP) RMIT University, Melbourne (ISEP) University of Canberra, Canberra (ISEP) University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba and Fraser Coast (ISEP) University of Technology, Sydney (ISEP) University of Western Sydney, Sydney (ISEP) Austria Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz (ISEP) Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz (ISEP & Utrecht) Technische-Universitat Graz, Graz (ISEP) Universität Salzburg, Salzburg (ISEP) Belgium Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen (Utrecht) Vesalius University, Brussels (ISEP) Botswana University of Botswana, Gaborone (ISEP)


Brazil Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – FAAP, São Paulo (ISEP) Bulgaria American University in Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad (ISEP) Canada Brock University, St. Catharines (ISEP Laurentian University, Greater Sudbury (ISEP) Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops B.C. (ISEP) University of Regina, Regina (ISEP) Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso (ISEP) Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta and Coquimbo (ISEP) Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria, Santiago (ISEP) Colombia Universidad Icesi, Cali (ISEP) Costa Rica Universidad de Costa Rica, San José Universidad Nacional, Heredia (ISEP) Czech Republic Masaryk University, Brno Denmark Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Denmark’s International Study Program (DIS), Copenhagen University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Aalborg University, Aalborg (ISEP) Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus (Utrecht) England Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne University of Birmingham, Birmingham University of East Anglia, Norwich University of Essex, Colchester University of Exeter, Exeter University of Hull, Hull University of Kent, Canterbury University of Leeds, Leeds University of Leicester, Leicester University of Nottingham, Nottingham University of Reading, Reading University of Sheffield, Sheffield Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham (ISEP)


University of Bradford, West Yorkshire (ISEP) University of Central Lancashire, Preston (ISEP) University of Chester, Chester (ISEP) University of East London, London (ISEP) University of Plymouth, Plymouth (ISEP) University of Sunderland, Sunderland (ISEP) Estonia University of Tartu, Tartu (ISEP & Utrecht) Fiji University of the South Pacific (ISEP) Finland Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Lahti University of Oulu, Oulu Åbo Akademi University, Åbo and Vasa (ISEP) University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu and Kuopio (ISEP) University of Helsinki, Helsinki (ISEP & Utrecht) University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä (ISEP) University of Tampere, Tampere (ISEP) University of Turku, Turku (ISEP) France Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris Val-de-Seine, Paris France Business School, Clermont-Ferrand Université Catholique de l’Quest, Angers Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris Aix-Marseille Universite, Ais-en-Provence (ISEP) France Business School, Amiens (ISEP) Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Rennes, Rennes (ISEP) Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Villeurbanne (ISEP) Université d’Angers, Angers (ISEP) Université de Caen, Caen (ISEP) Université de Franche-Comté, Besancon (ISEP) Université de Grenoble II (Université Pierre Mendès), Grenoble (ISEP) Université du Havre, Le Havre (ISEP) Université de Lille III (Charles de Gaulle), Villeneuve d’Ascq (ISEP) Université du Maine, Le Mans (ISEP) Université de Nantes, Nantes (ISEP) Université de Nice (Sophia Antipolis), Nice (ISEP) Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens (ISEP) Université de Rennes 1, Rennes (ISEP) Université de Rennes 2 (Haute-Bretagne), Rennes (ISEP) Université de la Réunion, La Réunion (ISEP) Université de Savoie, Chambéry (ISEP) Université Jean Monnet de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne (ISEP) Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III), Montpellier (ISEP)


Université des Sciences et Techologies de Lille, Lille (Utrecht) Université de Strasbourg (Utrecht) France/Italy Humanities & Western Civilization, Paris/Florence French Antilles & Guiana Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Guadaloupe, Guyane, and Martinique (ISEP) Germany European Business School, International University Scloss Fachhochschule Trier, Trier Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn Universität Regensburg, Regensburg Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart Christian-Albrechts Universität, Kiel (Graduate Direct Exchange) Friederich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen and Nürnberg (Graduate Direct Exchange) Johannes Gutenbert Universität, Mainz (Graduate Direct Exchange) Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (Graduate Direct Exchange) Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (ISEP) Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Gießen (ISEP) Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe (ISEP) Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt (ISEP) Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg (ISEP) Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhemina zu Braunschweig, Braunschweig (ISEP) Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund (ISEP) Universität Bielefeld, Bielefeld (ISEP) Universität Trier, Trier (ISEP) Ruhr Universität Bochum, Bochum (Utrecht) Universität Leipzig, Leipzig (Utrecht) Ghana University of Ghana, Legon (ISEP) Greece Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki (Utrecht) Hungary Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Utrecht) University of Debrecen, Debrecen (ISEP) Iceland University of Iceland, Reykjavík (ISEP & Utrecht) India University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (ISEP)


Indonesia BINUS University, Jakarta (ISEP) Ireland University College Cork, Cork University College Dublin, Dublin Dublin City University, Dublin National University of Ireland, Cork (Utrecht) Italy CIMBA, Asolo and Paderno del Grappa Conservatorio de Milano, Milan Scudit Scuola d’Italiano, Rome Università di Trento, Trento Università Carlo Cattaneo, Castellanza (ISEP) Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (ISEP) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia (ISEP) Università degli Studi de Trieste, Trieste (ISEP) Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo," Urbino (ISEP) Università di Bologna, Bologna (Utrecht) Japan J.F. Oberlin University, Tokyo Okayama University, Okayama Sophia University, Tokyo Tsuda College, Tokyo Chukyo University, Nagoya (ISEP) Kansai Gaidai University, Hirakata (ISEP) Nanzan University, Nagoya (ISEP) Nihon University - College of International Relations, Mishima (ISEP) Rikkyo University, Tokyo (ISEP) Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto (ISEP) Tokyo International University, Tokyo (ISEP) Toyo University, Tokyo (ISEP) Latvia University of Latvia, Riga (ISEP & Utrecht) Lithuania Vilnius University, Vilnius (ISEP & Utrecht) Malaysia Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak (ISEP) Malta University of Malta, Valletta and Msida (ISEP & Utrecht)


Mexico Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente, Jalisco (ISEP) Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) – Monterrey, Monterrey (ISEP) Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato (ISEP) Universidad de Monterrey, San Pedro Garza Garcia (ISEP) Universidad La Salle, Mexico City (ISEP) Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Puebla City (ISEP) Universidad Regiomontana, Monterrey (ISEP) Morocco Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane (ISEP) Netherlands Delft University of Technology, Delft Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen Technical University of Eindhoven, (Graduate Direct Exchange) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam (ISEP) Universiteit Leiden, Leiden (ISEP) Tilburg University, Tilburg (ISEP) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam (ISEP) Utrecht University, Utrecht (Utrecht) Utrecht School of the Arts, Utrecht (Utrecht) New Zealand Massey University, Auckland, Palmerston North, Wellington (ISEP) Nicaragua Universidad Americana, Managua (ISEP) Northern Ireland University of Ulster, Belfast, Coleraine, Jordanstown or Magee College (ISEP) Norway University of Nordlund, Bodø (ISEP) University of Bergen, Bergen (Utrecht) Vestfold University College, Vestfold (ISEP) Paraguay Catholic University of Our Lady of Asunción, Asunción National University of Asunción, Asunción People’s Republic of China Beijing Normal University, Beijing Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Island University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Nanjing University, Nanjing (Graduate Direct Exchange)


Nankai University, Tianjin (Graduate Direct Exchange) Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang (ISEP) Sichuan University, Chengdu (ISEP) Southwest University, Chongqing (ISEP) The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories (ISEP) Poland Lodz University of Technology, Lodz University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw (ISEP) Jagellonian University, Krakow (Utrecht) Portugal Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologías, Lisbon (ISEP) Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra (Utrecht) Republic of Korea Hallym University, Chuncheon Hongik University, Seoul Kookmin University, Seoul Korea University, Seoul Ajou University, Suwon (ISEP) Ewha Womans University, Seoul (ISEP) Keimyung University, Daegu (ISEP) Yonsei University, Seoul (ISEP) Romania Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iaşi (Utrecht) Scotland University of Edinburgh (Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh College of Art), Edinburgh University of Stirling, Stirling University of Strathclyde, Glasgow Napier University, Edinburgh (ISEP) Singapore National University of Singapore, Singapore Slovakia Comenius University, Bratislava (Utrecht) Slovenia Univerza Ljubljana, Ljubljana (Utrecht) South Africa University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg (ISEP)


Spain Programa Internacional de Estudios de Español, Universidad de Málaga, Ronda University of Salamanca, Salamanca Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid (ISEP) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ISEP & Utrecht) Universidad de Almeria, (ISEP) Universidad de Málaga, Málaga (ISEP) Universidad de Murcia, Murcia (ISEP) Universidad de Vigo, Vigo (ISEP) Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona (ISEP) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela (ISEP) Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma (ISEP) Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Tarragona (ISEP) Sweden Halmstad University, Halmstad Konstfack, Stockholm Uppsala University, Uppsala Karlstad University, Karlstad (ISEP) Linnaeus University, Kalmar and Växjö (ISEP) Luleå University of Technology, Luleå (ISEP) Mälardalen University, Västerås (ISEP) Södertörn University, Huddinge (ISEP) University West, Trollhättan (ISEP) Switzerland Universität Basel, Basel (Utrecht) Universität Bern, Bern (ISEP) Université de Fribourg, Fribourg (ISEP) Université de Lausanne, Lausanne (ISEP) Université Zurich, Zurich (ISEP) Taiwan National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Providence University, Taichung (ISEP) Thailand Thammasat University, Bangkok (ISEP) Turkey Okan University, Istanbul (ISEP) Yasar University, Izmir (ISEP) United Arab Emirates American University of Sharjah, Sharjah (ISEP) Uruguay Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Montevideo (ISEP)


Wales Cardiff University, Cardiff Swansea University, Swansea Vietnam International University, Vietnam National University HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City (ISEP)



Appendix F

Directory of Short Term and Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs (as of December 2013)

The University of Kansas Office of Study Abroad

Short-term study abroad programs range in duration from one to eight weeks and are offered during Winter Break, Spring Break, or Summer Term. Country Term Program (Academic Unit) Argentina SU Language and Culture in Buenos Aires (Spanish and Portuguese) Australia SU International Internships in Sydney (Various) Austria SU German Language (Architecture, Design and Planning & Germanic Languages and Lit.) Brazil SU Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture (Spanish & Portuguese) China SU The China Connection: Strategies for Entry and Operation (Business) SU International Internships in Shanghai (Various) Costa Rica SU International Social Work: A Costa Rican Perspective (Social Welfare)

SU Bilingual Spanish Language Intensive for Social Workers (Social Welfare) SU Language in San José SB Preparing for International Careers in San José, Costa Rica (University Career Center) WB Travel Writing and the Costa Rica Experience (Honors Program & English) WB Business Practices in Costa Rica (Business) WB Transnational Cinemas in Costa Rica (Film and Media Studies)

Croatia SU Croatian Language and Culture (Slavic Languages and Literature) Cuba SU Cuban Immersion Experience (Education) England SU British Summer Institute (Art History & English)

SU Pre-Law Institute in Cambridge (History & Law) SU International Internships in London (Various) SB Humanities and Western Civilization in London (Humanities and Western Civilization) SB Biography of a City (Architecture, Design and Planning & Humanities and Western Civ) SB London Review (Honors Program & English) SB Exploring International Careers in London (University Career Center)

Europe SU Architecture in Germany and Switzerland (Architecture, Design and Planning) SU Architecture in the Nordic Countries (Architecture, Design and Planning) SU Design in Paris and London (Architecture, Design and Planning) France SU French Language and Culture in Paris (French and Italian)

SU Université Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (Economics) SB Business in France (Business)

Germany SU Advanced German Language and Culture (Germanic Languages and Literatures)

SU Intermediate German Language and Culture (Germanic Languages and Literatures) SU Environmental Studies in Freiburg (Environmental Studies) SU International Internships (Various)


SU Professional Studies in Stuttgart (Various) SU European Business School (Business)

Greece SU Theatre in Greece (Theatre) India SU Hindi Language and Culture (Global and International Studies)

WB Architecture in India (Architecture) WB International Engineering in India (Engineering) WB International Social Work (Social Welfare)

WB Marketing in the Global Environment (Business) Ireland SU Graduate Law Studies (Law)

SU International Internships in Dublin (Various)

Israel SU Archaeological Tour of Israel (Jewish Studies and Classics) WB Technology, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Business)

Italy SU Architecture in Italy (Architecture, Design and Planning) SU Elementary Education in Italy (Education) SU Italian Language & Culture (French and Italian) SU Social Welfare in Italy (Social Welfare)

SU Typography, Printing and Papermaking in Italy (School of the Arts) SB Ancient Rome and Pompeii (Classics)

Japan SU Education in Japan (East Asian Languages and Cultures) SU Visual Art in Japan (School of the Arts) Malawi WB & SU Inter-professional Global Health Initiative (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Morocco SU Arabic Language & Culture (African and African-American Studies) New Zealand SU Chemical and Petroleum Engineering in New Zealand (Engineering) Nicaragua SU Language and Culture in Nicaragua (Latin American Studies) N. Ireland SU Irish Studies (English) Panama SU Supply Chain Management and Logistics in Panama (Business) Peru SU Field Biology in Amazonian Peru (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) Poland SU Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Research in Poland (Engineering) Scotland SU Journalism in Stirling (Journalism) South Korea SU Social Welfare, Culture, Language and Religions in Korea (Social Welfare)

WB Government Policies and Sustainable Economic Development (Public Administration) Spain SU Language, Literature and Culture in Barcelona (Spanish and Portuguese)

SU International Internships in Madrid (Various)

Sweden SU Health Care & Social Services (Sociology) Thailand SU Music Therapy (Music Therapy) Turkey SU Law in Istanbul (Law) Ukraine SU Language & Culture (Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies)


Programs Offered on Rotation (Not Offered in AY 2013-2014) Asia (various) WB Architecture and Design in Asia (Architecture, Design and Planning) Belgium SP Printmaking in Belgium (School of the Arts) Caribbean WB Marine Biology in Bonaire (Biology) England SU Shakespeare in Performance (Theatre and Film) Europe SU Architecture in London, Rome, and Barcelona (Architecture, Design and Planning) SU Art and Photography in Europe (School of the Arts) Greece SU Classics (Classics) Guatemala WB Sustainable Development Field School in Guatemala (Anthropology) India SU Environmental Studies in India (Environmental Studies) Ireland SU Social Welfare in Ireland (Social Welfare) Italy SU Ancient Rome and the Bay of Naples (Classics) SB Baroque in Rome (History of Art) Spain SU Visual Culture and Creativity in Spain (School of the Arts)



Faculty-directed Program Proposal

Sponsoring Unit(s)

Faculty Name(s) & Title(s)

Campus Address(es)

Telephone, e-mail


Program Name

Program site(s)

Duration (in days) Dates (approx.)

Term of Enrollment (determined by dates) Fa ll S pring S umme r

How many faculty will accompany the group? How many GTAs will accompany the group? ______

Which salaries will be paid by the department(s)?

Number of credit hours per student: Target Group size (min/max):

Number of instructional hours per course:

Course numbers/titles:

ENROLLMENT and INSTRUCTION – check all that apply

Will KU faculty teach? NO S ome Cours e s All Cours e s

Will students enroll in an institution on site? NO YES

Name of host institution:

The ins titution is a n a ccre dite d, degre e-granting institution of higher education. Students will receive an official certificate or transcript from the host institution upon completion of courses.

The ins titution is a loca l la ngua ge s chool or othe r s pe cia lize d, non-accredited institution. This program is approved by:

Faculty Director Date

Department Chair Date

Dean Date

Susan Gronbeck-Tedesco, Associate Vice Provost for International Programs Date

Angela Perryman, Director of Study Abroad Date


Program Plan: Please provide as much information as available within each of the categories below. Attach to this document a Course Syllabus or Course Description for each course to be offered on the program and a detailed Program Itinerary showing tentative course schedules, excursions, site visits, and free days.

Faculty Director and program staff: Program Dates: Enrollment and Credit: Target Student Group: Academic Program Overview: Orientations: Location: Transportation: Accommodations: Faculty Accommodation: Excursions and site visits: Tentative itinerary: Safety Issues and Risk Management:


Annual Faculty-Directed Program Renewal Academic Year 2013-14 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

Program Name:

Sponsoring unit:

Program site(s):

Date of on-site arrival: Departure date:

Term of Enrollment (determined by program dates) Fall Spring Summer

How many faculty will accompany the group? How many GTAs will accompany the group?

Which salaries will be paid by the department/school?

Number of credit hours per student: Number of instructional hours per course:

ENROLLMENT and INSTRUCTION – check all that apply

Instruction by: KU faculty KU GTA’s KU Adjunct Faculty On-site faculty On-site institution

Students will enroll:

directly in KU courses (SAB model)

at the host institution. KU equivalent credit will be posted on return (FRSP model)

Name of host institution: __________________________________________________ This program is approved by: Program Director Date

Department Chair Department Date

Dean School Date

Angela Perryman, Director of Study Abroad Date

This form will be copied to: Associate Vice Provost of International Programs Study Abroad Program Coordinator


Faculty Director and Program Staff: NOTE: If Graduate Teaching or Program Assistants have not been chosen, indicate the positions to be filled and the date by which candidates will be chosen. Faculty Director or Co-Director

Name Email Department Office Phone Check one: Faculty Co-Director Faculty Instructor Graduate Instructor Graduate Program Assistant

Name Email Department Office Phone Check one: Faculty Co-Director Faculty Instructor Graduate Instructor Graduate Program Assistant

Name Email Department Office Phone Check one: Faculty Co-Director Faculty Instructor Graduate Instructor Graduate Program Assistant

Name Email Department Office Phone


Courses to be Offered Program Name:_______________________________ Summer 20__ Spring 20__ Fall 20__ Course codes, titles and credit information will be used by OSA for promotion, advising and enrollment purposes.

Dept. No. Course Title Credit

Number of Instructional Hours Start Date End Date Instructor

Attachments: Please attach a copy of the program brochure (draft as of date of submission) or other supplemental documents (itinerary, course syllabi, etc.) useful to the review of the program.




2014 University of Kansas International Programs