FORDS BEACON Woorihridge, Avenel, Colonift, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison Vol. LIV-No. 45 Published Weekly On Thursday WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 Intend AS Ind Claw Mall At P. O.. Woodbrtdge. N. J. Sixteen Pages PRICE TEf mm Stiffen Director Control Bd. of Educati I I KOLEMM V SWKAH \MI \HIKM: \rwly -Hcrti'd and \ rr-rlfft<"d mrmhfft of tlir Town <ommtttrr wrrr -worn - in Tuesday hy B. I. l>uni;:iii, Township, for the final timr. Mf, Duniean's retirement became effective at the end of (lip mfftiiiK. I,cfl to right. iMr. Duncan, Ilnrold IHorten- sm, Joseph Nrmyo, Robert F,. .laoks, Thomas J.Costello unil John lav. dministration Saved Money Yet *rovided New Services, Zirpolo fonilively Vo Tax Increwn' in '63, Mayor Toll* PropU WOODBRIDGE Th> fa bio *B In hi- N< 5 Held for Desecration Thank You', '1 Of Temple; Cops Lauded Needy Write »•!-. WOODBKIDOS -f^Miyui •* "* ' fc WOODBRIDGE-Thank voi 2 Appli For B. of fa In Ut ration wits able to *um ol mony. ' m '' >ias 1)t '* 1|lll|Va " J ' r Zirpolo fttt p fUt. .' nmny new the Town Committee this weeto W.ilto Zu.ioto siiid they were ''veiv buppy" thi 1 Town-, (hut .the police hud apprvneiid- Vfiu» Day td five Kahway juvenile* who iinu»! maiuur-;arp now being held in the De- Tiu-day, I'l'iiUon Honw iti New-Brii.s- * ;ltm mt*t l i b WOOD0R1DOB -- Up pftlt bv Tin Ii-.ti p<-ncTi l.. ador uv BUIVOI iiied^d tiiat ChrUitines Day here ••ould ix- no lax m c m w Police Chief Nels Laurit?,en fo , said that the youths, two 17 Id, two 16 «• •<-sw"?n ^ WOOO0R1DGE Up u a l o f t3.t43.i5. / Donations not Am In Coloitia on D r ,. iSS time last night, only twolisted m last week's paper be- •• d ftlhi didtjeause they arrived after the had ftlW as candidates]**"'* the Board of erican Legion Post, Colonia, 'election- on February 13. ;j J5 . Dl , a n d M r s Isa(Jore Rab . rtmyor d.ei.u.cl ««"' 15 years old, readily ad-; Deadline -for filing applica-jinowitz, $10: Mr. and Mrs. Wal- uutud tiulr part In the van-. tions is * p M., tomorrow. !ter Mitchel, $2; Hungarian Re- blK bu»ine«s, idi(Il!(m and ^ ^ BtH tements; Applications have been flled|formed ChurcU $10; and *fi- in tht* MJ(*»erK:e of their par- by Clifford Handerhan, preal- , in an effl- !f!U man 1' i takes tot) notch The flist step wax to aln thi-M pcuplc and wr'didJ piti 1 eriUfbin (rom a fewj en ttu'ic individuals were! , [hey have saved Uie tax- s Oiorc than S200.000 . ." The address in full, reads as ,ent*. •' _ dent of the Board and George j It was learned yesterday, ac'-'Rybak, Pleasant Avenue, Se- cordlng to the police, that fourjwaren. who made an unsuccess- of. the five have been In diffl- ful bid for the Board last year. culty with the authorities be-, lt ^ exacted that Commis- rp sioners Edwin W. Casey, Jr., Two boys, evidently interestedjwoodbrtdge. and Robert J. in the 1500 rewnrd offered by ;s m |th, Fords, who'are complet- hic lh(> JewiRh War Veterans for !ins one-year unexpired terms, re I M nw, *e auiild like t o - appreh( , nslon of tnose re . wl| , seek ful , t^j^g of thrgg you all a very Happy and sponslbh ,, M4 . Mii to havf fts . !yi . al ., wrou* New Year. -sisti-d the police A visit to the|" One year axo tod«v I stood home 0 , one of the suspects 1 nf ;c befoj,- you on tiiLs .same| Joon br0U (. h t about the appre- L fltlon . i.tform, a norUv ui the polti.| h( , I(slon of the other four L"^ °» I world and nomtwlmt unsure; During tlie course of the ln- how *ucff^f(il this admlnls- ;vestigat i on , poii Ce learned that on would be m carrying I „ t wo -tone car had been seen t'HUR€H OFFICE ENTERED 1U munv pioxiam-s and indicative several mto f^ Jed bo fore 1 « nlea deIore iOrclinani'p l*rovi«les l^or tjiu'K f«»r Any (.ornf]>t Influence WOODBRIDGE — An old? nance, designed to provide fleii- [sUtirs aKiiinst any person, firm, partneiship or corporation that mny- attempt to corruptly in- fluence, directly or indirectly.j .the Director of Police, in the' (performance of his duties, was '.introduced on first reading at | a meeting of the Town Com- Imifctee last night; Hearlni? on the. measure will be held Jan uary 15. The ordinance notes that the Committee "T»)she.s to make certain that the Director of i Police has sole control of the department without any undue influence by the Township Committee or any others." A fine not exceeding $200 or imprisonment tor a term not i exceeding 90 days or bo^h, is 'provided for any violations of the ordinance. Mrs. Vera M. Ryan, 25 Brcw- ster Place, Sewaren, who re- cently applied tof reinstate- , merit as Administrative Secre- Itary, Secretary to the Township and Administrative Clerk to the Industrial Com- mission after being on a leave ,of absence, was granted an ex- | tension of her original medical (leave of absence without pay j for another six months The mayor and dork were authorized to execute a lease WOODBRIDGE-Thank you agreement with. Valentine Fire notes have been received by The Isrlck Company for one year] for property to be used by the Township as a police firearms training site. Former Tow^iilp Clerk B. Dunigan was retained as con- sultant «D4 ftdvfee* to Town ship Clerk Joseph ValejitJ for lone month. Mr. Dunigan is to reimbursed by voucher lor e amount of time devoted by him. Mauro Lauded A resolution was passed com- mending Angelo Mauro, 91 Harrow Road, Colonia for the outstanding courage and hero- ism shown by him on Decem- ber 21 when hfc entered a "burning building at 206 Street, Woodbridge and rescuing a child, Theresa Seg- norelli from the second floor at the risk of his own life." The resolution further states that "Angelo Mauro be and hereby is commended for his actions In the rescue of Theresa Seg- norelli and is hereby extended the thanks of the Township Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud Independent-Leader from sev- eral recipients of food baskets p a n d s l f t s m B d e P osslble g the generosity of our readers. The fund closed with a total t3.t43.i5. / Donations not pp they arrived after the ln ^ aIea The youths had ISELIN — George. Boehm, I dly m-fdt'd if.'ornus painted the car entirely In president of the trustees of the "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday that someone entered effort to avoid First Presbyterian Church of Iselin, reported to the police onymous, $1. One note sent to us read as follows: "Your wonderful, generous Christm,as donation of food, clothing and necessary kitchen utensils have brought me un- told delight. "May The Divine Little King whose Birthday you helped so many to celebrate with much happiness, reward you for the time, energy and money which joy and .the noble hearts of the givers have* done for us this Christmas. Even your delivery boy brought so much sunshine to my home, thanks for it all, I am sincerely from the depth ol my heart, grateful. "With a prayer that God my bless you always." ' George F. Baier, Director of Middlesex County Hospital for Chronically 111 also thanked us liave urown and matured , m . n highly for "ou»standinK the church, forced the office, , hdvr been mc-etum hi-ad^Ho- work that brouuht the door and took J4 in cash from™ 1 " baskets of fruit sent yo iConibMied on Pmw 2. .continued on Pa«e 2' u " envelope. . ' (Continued on Page W Oommlttee for his display of courage under conditions of ex- treme danger . . . and that Mr. Mauro Is extended the ap- preciation ol the Township Committee and the citizens of Woodbridge for setting a fine example of courage and thus bringing honor to the Town- ship of Woodbr/dKe." -Alfred ;Cherry, New Bruns- (Cofruinued on Page 2) A TRIBUTE TO A FINE GENTLEMAN: B. Joseph nunigan, left, who retired Tuesday from the post of Township Clerk after 36 years of service, after swearing in his last Town Com- mittee, is shown above with Mayor Walter Zirpolo after being presented with a television set by the 1962 Town Committee. v . i j y ————— Standing Ovation Given Dunigan on Retirement Community Concert Unit To Offer Concert Pianist ,\\ :•! ^gfy, , 1962 Town Council Presents TV Set To Township Clerk WOODBRIDGE — There was hardly a dry eye in the audi- torium of Woodbridge Junior (High School on New Year's Day as 87-year-old J. B. Dunigan swore in his final Towi>Com- Imittci' — a duty he has per- formed each New Year's Day for 36 years in his position as Township Clerk, For 'Joe' Dun- igan lias retired for a well-de- served rest. Eivu the strongest individ- |uak not prone to show their emoiions, admitted to "lumps in tln'ir throat", llir occasion was not per- mitted to go unnoticed for the (i^ Township Committee — |Mavur Walter Zirpolo and Com- [miUt'emen Charles Molnar, lUAberl M. 'Vogel, Joseph Nemyp, ] Herman Fallon, Robert L jjtcks. Joseph Manzione, Thom- ja$ Custello, Rplph Barone, John EViinko and Georgpi Emery — ph'scntetl Mr. Duniian with at ...... . i—;_;— n^ " i Ul Township ,Renames iWOODBRIDGE — Leonard IPennario, planLst, will be pre- fsented in the second concert of the Woodbridne High Schoo auditorium. Gha See Lik WOOUBHIDGI i 84 Board of Edu •totaling $9,733.' .tatively adopU'd| jut a regular The budget slid I of $1,534,471.91 [total budget tit However, the •raised by taxatt| J 130,698.29. iis s aid amounts [Last year, the. raised by taxati| j 051,03. Because the tion fiscal year 1 to June 30 »nd| fiscal year fruir December 31, oi the 1963-84 Bol one half of the I will be used i n | iii!»l tax rate. 1 Debi 4 .<et" icw hiEh. Sl-54d •xuenses amou| ;42.05: and .140.950.39. to Ipture of $9.7331 The cost nf f is been held ;he line. TuUl| ;osts in the were set at $215| lew budget 5216,028. Instruction co irom $5,467,30d due to incren tional teachers. | Pupil transpi :reased from 1480,934.19: ope Irom $713,184 maintenance $241,609 to charges from : 311. Although the tentatively ado mitted to Cour dent of Schooli The opinion that child prodi- gies who maintain success In adulthood are rare in any field Town Commlttej but rarer still in the world of music has been expressed bj Leonard Pennario. He adds: "The art of the musician demands constant growth, deep .enlng understanding, broaden ing scope in interpretative abil it;-— Iti a word, maturity." Mr. Pennario pointed ou (Continued on Page 2) LEONARD PENNAKK) lelevision set. Ciiinmitteeman ;or approval, | made in the and including J | the public hea Iplace. It Is felt in si when the Board! that several c h | Such changes wf crease the budg In other bus! two resignation! from James School science] plans to go mi from RuthtumJ Iwas on leave oil Judos. S 8»o4r. 8we«H»u, Carol itAryl Lynn Pataky, Mary Ann Camplini, Ma<fuerit« Jardot, Anne Marie Wilfong; back row, Caroline Jablkowfki, N»ncy Goehring, Sheila Ann liner, Sandra Schneider, Carol Ann Kath, Evelyn Gayle Sitan, Ellen Thorhfii, Marlly Brlede, Linda Fomenko, Diane Gambu, Donna Novak, l.eonu, Tlmar, Aiuir Murle Uolan, JuAnne Tberwa Swallkk, Story and other photograph* »u pa«c 4. making the presentation, noted thnt Mr. Dunigan had given so .many years to the Township, faithfully and well. Mr. 's resignation earlier jin the meeting^ had been ac- :epii'd with deei) regret. As the gift was presented to Mr DuniKHn, the entire audi- •m:« <tf about 30Q people, arose land wave him ( a standing ova- ion Evidently moved by the dem- onstmtion, all-Mr. iSunigan jould say was: "I have so irtany things to say to you all. but I can't, I'll just say thank you to you all" In the resolution accepting Mi Uunigan's retirement, the .Jommlttee noteij . . . "the Township Committee cognizant of Mr. Dunigw't years of loyal and faithful service to Wood- bridge and to lta cltiswmi takes this opportunity to.express its heartfelt and. sincere thanks toy (Continued on page at As 'Legal Newspaper' WOODBKlbGE — Once again The Independent-Lead- er has been designated an official newspaper in which ordinances' and other legal publications of the Township are required to be published for, the ensuing year. The Independent - Leader or its forerunner hat been "the legal newspaper" of the Township Committee far at -toasHmtf a centwy. Named w depositories for Township funds at Tuesdays meeting were First National Bank of Carteret, National Statt. Bank, Newark; Fir.it Bank and Trust Co,, lords; Wowlbrldje National Bank; Fidelltr-Phlkdiiphla Trust Co., First Bank of ColouU, Hensurr Federal 8avlrt|» and Loan *d HHST DAY ON rHE JOB: Townihip Vwleiiti U shown as he sat »t hi» desk Buildinc yesterday for the nr»t time. Mr. will do hit utipottt to do IUI totad

Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

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Page 1: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday


Woorihridge, Avenel, Colonift, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewaren and Edison

Vol. LIV-No. 45 Published WeeklyOn Thursday

WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 Intend AS Ind Claw MallAt P. O.. Woodbrtdge. N. J. Sixteen Pages PRICE TEf



Bd. of EducatiI

I KOLEMM V SWKAH \MI \HIKM: \rwly -Hcrti'd and

\ rr-rlfft<"d mrmhfft of tlir Town <ommtttrr wrrr -worn

- in Tuesday hy B. I. l>uni;:iii, Township, for the final timr.

Mf, Duniean's retirement became effective at the end of(lip mfftiiiK. I,cfl to right. iMr. Duncan, Ilnrold IHorten-sm, Joseph Nrmyo, Robert F,. .laoks, Thomas J.Costellounil John lav.

dministration Saved Money Yet*rovided New Services, Zirpolo

fonilively Vo Tax

Increwn' in '63,

Mayor Toll* PropUWOODBRIDGE Th>


bio *B

In hi- N<

5 Held for Desecration Thank You','1 Of Temple; Cops Lauded Needy Write»•!-. WOODBKIDOS -f^Miyui •* "* ' fc WOODBRIDGE-Thank voi

2 AppliFor B. of

fa In Ut ration wits able to*um ol mony.

' m ' ' >ias 1)t'*1|lll|Va"J'r Zirpolo fttt pfUt. .' nmny new the Town Committee this weeto

W.ilto Zu.ioto siiid they were ''veiv buppy"thi1 Town-, (hut .the police hud apprvneiid-

Vfiu» Day td five Kahway juvenile* whoiinu»! maiuur-;arp now being held in the De-

Tiu-day, I'l'iiUon Honw iti New-Brii.s-*

;ltm mt*tl

i b


pftlt bv Tin Ii-.ti p<-ncTi l..ador uv BUIVOI iiied^d tiiat ChrUitines Day

here ••ould ix- no lax m c m w Police Chief Nels Laurit?,en f o ,said that the youths, two 17

Id, two 16

«• •<-sw"?n ^ WOOO0R1DGE Up u a l o f t3.t43.i5. / Donations notAm In Coloitia on Dr,.iSS time last night, only twolisted m last week's paper be-•• d ftlhi d id t jeause they arrived after thehad ftlW as candidates]**"'*

the Board of erican Legion Post, Colonia,'election- on February 13. ; j J 5 . D l , a n d M r s I s a ( J o r e R a b .

rtmyor d.ei.u.cl ««"' 15 years old, readily ad-; Deadline -for filing applica-jinowitz, $10: Mr. and Mrs. Wal-uutud tiulr part In the van-. t i o n s is * p M., tomorrow. !ter Mitchel, $2; Hungarian Re-

blK bu»ine«s,idi(Il!(m a n d ^ ^ BtHtements; Applications have been flled|formed ChurcU $10; and *fi-in tht* MJ(*»erK:e of their par- by Clifford Handerhan, preal-, in an effl-

!f!U man 1' i takes tot) notchThe flist step wax to

aln thi-M pcuplc and wr'didJpiti1 eriUfbin (rom a fewj

en ttu'ic individuals were!, [hey have saved Uie tax-s Oiorc than S200.000 . ."

The address in full, reads as

,ent*. •' _ dent of the Board and Georgej It was learned yesterday, ac'-'Rybak, Pleasant Avenue, Se-cordlng to the police, that fourjwaren. who made an unsuccess-of. the five have been In diffl- ful bid for the Board last year.culty with the authorities be-, l t ^ exacted that Commis-f° rp sioners Edwin W. Casey, Jr.,

Two boys, evidently interestedjwoodbrtdge. and Robert J.in the 1500 rewnrd offered by ;sm |th, Fords, who'are complet-

hic i« l h ( > J e w i R h W a r V e t e r a n s for!ins one-year unexpired terms,


I M nw, *e auiild like t o - a p p r e h ( , n s l o n of t n o s e r e . w l | , s e e k fu l, t^j^g o f thrggyou all a very Happy and s p o n s l b h , , M4. Mii to h a v f fts.!yi.al.,wrou* New Year. -sisti-d the police A visit to the|"

One year axo tod«v I stood h o m e 0 , o n e o f the suspects1 nf

;c befoj,- you on tiiLs .same|Joon br0U(.ht about the appre- L f l t l o n .i.tform, a norUv ui the polti.|h(,I(slon of t h e o t h e r f o u r L"^ °»I world and nomtwlmt unsure; During tlie course of the ln-how *ucff^f(il this admlnls- ;ves t iga tion, poiiCe learned that

on would be m carrying I „ two-tone car had been seen t'HUR€H OFFICE ENTERED1U munv pioxiam-s and

indicativeseveral mto

f^ Jed bofore1 « nlea deIore

iOrclinani'p l*rovi«lesl^or tjiu'K f«»r Any(.ornf]>t InfluenceWOODBRIDGE — An old?

nance, designed to provide fleii-[sUtirs aKiiinst any person, firm,partneiship or corporation thatmny- attempt to corruptly in-fluence, directly or indirectly.j.the Director of Police, in the'(performance of his duties, was'.introduced on first reading at| a meeting of the Town Com-Imifctee last night; Hearlni? onthe. measure will be held January 15.

The ordinance notes that theCommittee "T»)she.s to makecertain that the Director of

i Police has sole control of thedepartment without any undueinfluence by the TownshipCommittee or any others."

A fine not exceeding $200 orimprisonment tor a term not

i exceeding 90 days or bo^h, is'provided for any violations ofthe ordinance.

Mrs. Vera M. Ryan, 25 Brcw-ster Place, Sewaren, who re-cently applied tof reinstate-, merit as Administrative Secre-Itary, Secretary to the Township

and AdministrativeClerk to the Industrial Com-mission after being on a leave,of absence, was granted an ex-| tension of her original medical(leave of absence without payj for another six months

The mayor and dork wereauthorized to execute a lease

WOODBRIDGE-Thank you agreement with. Valentine Fire• notes have been received by The Isrlck Company for one year]

for property to be used by theTownship as a police firearmstraining site.

Former Tow^iilp Clerk B.Dunigan was retained as con-sultant «D4 ftdvfee* to Township Clerk Joseph ValejitJ forlone month. Mr. Dunigan is to

reimbursed by voucher lore amount of time devoted

by him.Mauro Lauded

A resolution was passed com-mending Angelo Mauro, 91Harrow Road, Colonia for theoutstanding courage and hero-ism shown by him on Decem-ber 21 when hfc entered a"burning building at 206

Street, Woodbridge andrescuing a child, Theresa Seg-norelli from the second floorat the risk of his own life." Theresolution further states that"Angelo Mauro be and herebyis commended for his actionsIn the rescue of Theresa Seg-norelli and is hereby extendedthe thanks of the Township

Tentatively O.I733.743 Bud

Independent-Leader from sev-eral recipients of food basketspa n d s l f t s m B d e Po s s l b l e gthe generosity of our readers.

The fund closed with a totalt3.t43.i5. / Donations not

p pthey arrived after the

ln ^ a I e a The youths had ISELIN — George. Boehm,

Idly m-fdt'd if.'ornus painted the car entirely In president of the trustees of the

"Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m anton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon.Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday that someone entered

effort to avoid First Presbyterian Church ofIselin, reported to the police

onymous, $1.One note sent to us read as

follows:"Your wonderful, generous

Christm,as donation of food,clothing and necessary kitchenutensils have brought me un-told delight.

"May The Divine Little Kingwhose Birthday you helped somany to celebrate with muchhappiness, reward you for thetime, energy and money whichjoy and .the noble hearts of thegivers have* done for us thisChristmas. Even your deliveryboy brought so much sunshineto my home, thanks for it all,I am sincerely from the depthol my heart, grateful.

"With a prayer that God mybless you always." '

George F. Baier, Director ofMiddlesex County Hospital forChronically 111 also thanked usliave urown and matured ,m .n highly for "ou»standinK the church, forced the office, ,

hdvr been mc-etum hi-ad^Ho- work that brouuht the door and took J4 in cash from™1" baskets of fruit sent yoiConibMied on Pmw 2. .continued on Pa«e 2' u " envelope. . ' (Continued on Page W

Oommlttee for his display ofcourage under conditions of ex-treme danger . . . and thatMr. Mauro Is extended the ap-preciation ol the TownshipCommittee and the citizens ofWoodbridge for setting a fineexample of courage and thusbringing honor to the Town-ship of Woodbr/dKe."-Alfred ;Cherry, New Bruns-

(Cofruinued on Page 2)

A TRIBUTE TO A FINE GENTLEMAN: B. Joseph nunigan, left, who retired Tuesday fromthe post of Township Clerk after 36 years of service, after swearing in his last Town Com-mittee, is shown above with Mayor Walter Zirpolo after being presented with a television

set by the 1962 Town Committee. v. i j y —————

Standing Ovation GivenDunigan on Retirement

Community Concert UnitTo Offer Concert Pianist


:•! g f y , ,

1962 Town Council

Presents TV Set

To Township ClerkWOODBRIDGE — There was

hardly a dry eye in the audi-torium of Woodbridge Junior(High School on New Year's Dayas 87-year-old J. B. Duniganswore in his final Towi>Com-Imittci' — a duty he has per-formed each New Year's Dayfor 36 years in his position asTownship Clerk, For 'Joe' Dun-igan lias retired for a well-de-served rest.

Eivu the strongest individ-|uak not prone to show theiremoiions, admitted to "lumpsin tln'ir throat",

llir occasion was not per-mitted to go unnoticed for the

(i Township Committee —|Mavur Walter Zirpolo and Com-[miUt'emen Charles Molnar,lUAberl M. 'Vogel, Joseph Nemyp,] Herman Fallon, Robert Ljjtcks. Joseph Manzione, Thom-ja$ Custello, Rplph Barone, JohnEViinko and Georgpi Emery —ph'scntetl Mr. Duniian with at...... . i—;_;— n^ " i

Ul Township ,Renames i'«

WOODBRIDGE — LeonardIPennario, planLst, will be pre-fsented in the second concert ofthe Woodbridne High Schooauditorium.


WOOUBHIDGIi 84 Board of Edu•totaling $9,733.'.tatively adopU'd|jut a regular

The budget slidI of $1,534,471.91[total budget titHowever, the•raised by taxatt|J 130,698.29. iis said amounts[Last year, the.raised by taxati|j 051,03.

Because thetion fiscal year1 to June 30 »nd|fiscal year fruirDecember 31, oithe 1963-84 Bolone half of the Iwill be used in |iii!»l tax rate.

1 Debi 4.<et"icw hiEh. Sl-54d•xuenses amou|;42.05: and.140.950.39. toIpture of $9.7331

The cost nf fis been held

;he line. TuUl|;osts in thewere set at $215|lew budget5216,028.

Instruction coirom $5,467,30ddue to increntional teachers. |

Pupil transpi:reased from1480,934.19: opeIrom $713,184maintenance$241,609 tocharges from :

311.Although the

tentatively adomitted to Courdent of Schooli

The opinion that child prodi-gies who maintain success Inadulthood are rare in any field Town Commlttejbut rarer still in the world ofmusic has been expressed bjLeonard Pennario. He adds:

"The art of the musiciandemands constant growth, deep.enlng understanding, broadening scope in interpretative abilit;-— Iti a word, maturity."

Mr. Pennario pointed ou

(Continued on Page 2)


lelevision set.Ciiinmitteeman

;or approval,| made in theand including J |the public heaIplace.

It Is felt in s iwhen the Board!

that several c h |Such changes wfcrease the budg

In other bus!two resignation!from JamesSchool science]plans to go mifrom RuthtumJIwas on leave oil


S8»o4r. 8we«H»u, Carol

itAryl Lynn Pataky, Mary Ann Camplini, Ma<fuerit« Jardot, Anne MarieWilfong; back row, Caroline Jablkowfki, N»ncy Goehring, Sheila Annliner, Sandra Schneider, Carol Ann Kath, Evelyn Gayle Sitan, EllenThorhfii, Marlly Brlede, Linda Fomenko, Diane Gambu, Donna Novak,l.eonu, Tlmar, Aiuir Murle Uolan, JuAnne Tberwa Swallkk, Story andother photograph* »u pa«c 4.

making the presentation, notedthnt Mr. Dunigan had given so.many years to the Township,

faithfully and well. Mr.'s resignation earlier

jin the meeting^ had been ac-:epii'd with deei) regret.

As the gift was presented toMr DuniKHn, the entire audi-•m:« <tf about 30Q people, arose

land wave him( a standing ova-ion

Evidently moved by the dem-onstmtion, all-Mr. iSuniganjould say was:

"I have so irtany things tosay to you all. but I can't, I'lljust say thank you to you all"

In the resolution acceptingMi Uunigan's retirement, the.Jommlttee noteij . . . "theTownship Committee cognizantof Mr. Dunigw't years of loyaland faithful service to Wood-bridge and to lta cltiswmi takesthis opportunity to.express itsheartfelt and. sincere thanks toy

(Continued on page at

As 'Legal Newspaper'WOODBKlbGE — Once

again The Independent-Lead-er has been designated anofficial newspaper in whichordinances' and other legalpublications of the Townshipare required to be publishedfor, the ensuing year. TheIndependent - Leader or itsforerunner hat been "thelegal newspaper" of theTownship Committee far at-toasHmtf a centwy.

Named w depositories forTownship funds at Tuesdaysmeeting were First NationalBank of Carteret, NationalStatt. Bank, Newark; Fir.itBank and Trust Co,, lords;Wowlbrldje National Bank;Fidelltr-Phlkdiiphla TrustCo., First Bank of ColouU,Hensurr Federal 8avlrt|» andLoan * d

HHST DAY ON rHE JOB: TownihipVwleiiti U shown as he sat »t hi» deskBuildinc yesterday for the nr»t time. Mr.will do hit utipottt to do IUI totad

Page 2: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

January 3, 4, 1963


Administration Saved(Continued from Page 1)

on th« tremendous problems of ii to which we lent our strong

nation of all double sessions lnour schools, and at long lostrill give our children the ' ' 'education they deserve.

thli township. I believe we have'support. guarantee* the ellml-truly, a* we promised during '"our campaign — brought toWoodbridge Township a busi-ness-like administration — anadministration that gets things1

done.. "When we took office a yearago we found the township

; drifting steadily and aimlessly'towards physical and fiscal dis-aster. We halted this drift byadopting R Sense of direction

llook at the school system. ^yn^ifiAtothe governmental climate, atthe library system, at the roads,parka, playgrounds and generalappearances of the township.Therefore, It Is obvious that allof these items writ* We have

|year were necesary, If we are

and badly needed equipment.No Tai Increase

'We pledge postlvely no taxincrease for the coming year.

"We firmly b«Ueve that theseobjectives which we have Justoutlined can be accomplishedthis year and we furthermorepromise that they will be «'£-

have brrn done years BRO. Wehave a lot of ground to coverbecause of years of neslect. Weare calllni on you to help con-tinue the program which webegan last year.

"Working together, this ad-Imlnlstratlon In confident that

we enn

which turnedstarted

"Our town

us around andg

Is big business!

WoodbrldRP. your taxes.'And more important, ln our j t 0 haw industry locate lnjcompllshed without Increasing

determination to Rive Wood-'bridge the best school system.possible, we have bren work-tng very closely with the-Board

"On the other hand, we also "However, moneyrealize that if we were to pay idetermination alone will notout of our pocket for all the m a ke Woodbridge the town


tt's aSnSSSto h?is £

ptanp "will ten us

U l a l l n d U s t r y l 0 0 l U

P ourselves put of t h e mdUstrlBl mrM' T h e r e f ° r P '

exactly what the Khpol ™*J».1CeS and. at the same time.W d b i d will be for jean

^ ' t h V potential to beWe need your help _ too oftenin t h e p g s t w e have heard

' T h e r e f ° r P ' w pPOpl(> tttlk thls down down ~municipaJ -v>rv-too often we have beard people

ln ,ndl l s tr f..,Our flrst m B ) o r concrete

How could It be 'considered1 of Woodbridge will be foranything else with a popula-|to come. I ..uur n r s [ I,1OJUI W1.,....~tlon of 84.000, with a schooli "This prior planning ls some-: hievfin1pnt in a t t r s f t lng vltnlpopulation of 25,000, with 1.700 thing new; something whichlnfW U T rBtables was to con-municipal employees, with 250 as never done in this town- j v i n c e Klrins to build a multl-miles of road and with an oper-shrp before. This close coopcr-,|mill lon dol lar shopping centeratini? budget of $15 million dol-ation that we enjoy with the; (n mfr c o m m u nity . The Kleinslars.

"To operateboard, coupled with the passage

y., thatplaceIt is not a

not a

Community(Continued from Page 1)

technical facility and precocity,so admirable in young talent,must be reinforced by all ofthe above to meet the demandsLtiOn IS COunacut Hint U1C BOUVe W meet MC UCUHMIMB

we enn cost aside our fears of of great composers who havebecoming an archaic, dying brought their mature genius to'community. Working together the art of music,we can look forward to being1

one of the most vigorous andprogressive communities InNew Jersey. I am mire that wecan do it. Will you help?"

StiffenContinued from Pago 1)

was retained as consult'• * •


Township, This attitude iswron?. It U very wrong, be-

I cause we in Woodbridge haveBoarn, coupiru »u« we v*tf»** cbttiv)cx wil eventually m«iir, ,„ - . •. . , h

big business,^ the bond Issue, will give us a n a^u f t , ratabIp of ,0 m U l l o n a long and rich history of whicnas Woodbridge, in an effl-[<jne of the finest public school j * „ , W o o d b r l d g e .manner takes ton notch I *imtion rrosrams ln the ycient manner takes top notch {education programs

talent. The first step was to.state.Obtain these people and we did. Regulatory Codes

y , =,«•*>«-In"Our second major success'"


we in Wood-, wein yvwju

g r p y , yjare also very lucky, w e

Savings Listed"Despite criticism from.

few, when thesehired, they

Individuals, br ldge

"When this administration.a was elected to office, Wood-

this area was the locating of j a r e s|tuflt<>d within the shadowsthe Hell Corporation In thejo { t h e Npw york skyscrapers

have saved 'Sh $200

I in uncon-. . . . - „„,„.„ „.„ was no

the taxpayers more than $200,-;p ] a n n e d w a y m which the|*"' .000. For example, our town-, m ^ m wouid expand. We;™.™'ship engineer has provided $ l , - w c r j , in Brcgt; ftnd Immediate;^ ftnd 10

improve- (Jan(,er of creating new slum!, and adding to the urban! 'But w<

jhprc. In

iTawoship. A major manufac-turer of truck bodies, the Hell

340.000 of capital

to,$380,000 last year and he 5prawl w l l l d l alr(,ady exlsted.has been able to do this while . T o s t e m t h l s uncontrolled

' 4pento# $7,000 less for the ([rowUli W | m M t e d mf ot t n e- nemsary engineering sen-ices t o u g n M t building ordinances in

Involved. i-iw _."This same type of careful .jo'nSer a l l o w t^o family, homes

toughe.st b u gthe state. For example, we

one half millionemploy between


ndditlon to

|We are located ln a positionwhere we truly are the cross-roads of the East. Althoughjthe many highways and rall-troads that bisect, and ' slice

ilties. Mr. Cherry wll be relm-Ibursed at the rate of $150 permonth nnd will serve tempor-arily.

In answer to a request made,by the Borough of South Riverthe Town Committee last nigh1

Mr. Pennarlo is especiallyequipped to speak on the sub-lect of prodigy vs. maturity forhe made his debut at the ageof 12 with the Dallas Symphony.As » young pianist. ag«d 19, heW H called upon by the lateDlmltrl Mltropoulos to play aspecial memorial Rachmaninoffconcert In New York city.

As a practicing professionalpianist, now celebrating the26th year since his Dallas debutand the 17th of concertiilnjthroughout the /United States,Europe, Africa, nnd the NearEast.. Pennario haa appearedln the major concert halls ofthe world both as a recltaltitand. as soloist with a lengthylist of the world's finest orchestras, including the NtwYork Philharmonic, the London

passed a resolution asking theNow Jersey Senate and Assem-bly to eliminate the publica-tion of the description of theelection districts from the Oen-

'era! Notice of Election whichthrough Woodbridge do cause ft taw , „ c o m m u n ,

bl t h s difficul m h j t t e

and prudent management In | to beother departments hasmltted us to use these

y,in the community

.D""* and when we allow the con-mltted us to use these huge'? t rucUon o t a p a r t m e r i t houses, " R ' X thto woriTwe ta«savings for municipal services t h e d p v e l o p e r s m u s t build at T°£**J£dlX, C m i -never before rendered. l r a s t 8 ( r o of their units wlthl4"8 1^ *" , 1 [ ,' ," "

hprc. Inand the Hell Corporation, weare in various stages of negotia-tion to bring Industry to thefree school lands and to the1000-acre Shell Oil tract. Wealso have nearly two thousandmore acres of industrial landavailable for Immediate usage.

|To guide this work, we have

many problems, these dlfficul- n e s ^.-rr-- ties are offset by the tremen- ^#6Kleins dous commercial advantage

T h c o m m j t t e e

t h e

He composed the theme music,•Midnight on the Cliffs," for"Julie" and wag off-screenpianist for star Louis Jordan.

Wtlh a list of triumphs un-matched by his contemporaries•nd equalled by only a fewelder statesmen of music, Leon-ard Pennarlo proves that dis-tance divides thp craftsmanfrom tlie artist. When he ap-pears here, local audiences willhave a chance to jet nnd hear'or themselves, a prodigy who

fulfilled the promise of hisyouth and a mature musicianwhose fulfillment as a pianisthas been recognized in fact anddeed.

Philharmonic, the Boston Sym-phony and the PhiladelphiaOrchestra.

Five Held

Standing Ovation(Continued from Page 1)

the many years of tireless devo-tion to duty that Mr, Dtintganhas performed.

"Be it Further Resolved Thatthe Township Committee herebyofficially commends Mr. Dunl-gan for his deeply appreciatedefforts and wishes him the bestof luck In his future years."

After the acceptance of thefirst resolution, Joseph V. Val-entl, 565 Bam ford Avenue,Woodbrld(e, was appointedTownship Clerk to take effedtImmediately. Mr. Valentl's ap-pointment was Indicated byThe Independent-Uader several

HEALTH -- BEAMMost of us know thai

crisp Healthy head nf i,a storehouse of many >imlneral salt*, whichorganiied calcium, innneslum, potassium, .wrmanganese. Also siliconsulphur, phosphorous a

weeks ago.

(Continued from page 1)case to a successful conclusion."He particularly lauded Detec-tive Frank Payti, who he saidspent many hours iJn Investiga-tion and questioning; Detect-tlves Salvatofr Qrillo and Jo-seph DeMarlno, Lt. John Yu-ham and Patrolman. WendelDoll.

The vandals had smashed the.eternal light which hung over| the altar; smashed a containerholding the aacramental wine.


the hair

'Thank You'! (Continued from" Page 1)Township patlerjts there,letter concluded:

This act of kindness will beremembered by the Bf '-• *'Managers and the patle

A patient at Rooseveltpita! wrote:

Will you please accept my

His recordings have repeat-!edly " h b t ll l i tand

gmade" the best seller list Thehe shares with the late

broke a menorah and wroteobscene words on the walls.

.Will you plea psincere thauks for the lovelybasket of fruit? It was totallyunexpected, but deeply appre-ciated. Best wishes for a

with sulphuand .makes

many tell u». Togetb:chlorine, silicon presortenamel of the teeth rnoon in the akin act* ^sulatlon, keeping the. l>- •Inside.

Our finger nails and .need silicon and sulpi,-health, ringer nails arcIndication of a person*

H l i h««l th . When the r*(rough, furrowed or •> •.there U mineral star,*:.

Try w Inelude rtw nyour dally diet. Onions;the nourishment of !:.,

L They are richIdum, Iodine and unii.

chemical* help



Walter Oleseklng the honor ofbeing most represented pianistln the New York Times list of

teenagers said they had Happydrinking beer and were In Year.

_ secluded spot when th«ywere chased by neighbors for

that this transportation n e t - | w h i c n confuses more than Inwork and proximity to the Ci ty; f o r m s tnp gfuerB\ pubjlc,"of New York offers.

never before rendered."Nevertheless, despite

fact that we have been

composition » s t selling

have confidence ln !

Introduction of L.P. And thenames of the world's great con-

•a v. _. T»»ir. ductor« who have chosen himOomimttreman Robe*.Jacks u ^ ^ ^ ^ m %

.liBure'a Peerage of the music

drove arounddrove around looKing lor a n iother spot, saw the temple andjof fruit.

same confidence and more, to .-,-,„-„express this confidence ln your -George Emer>

Although Leonard Pennario U

and Prosperous New

The wife of a Rootevelt- Ho»-Tliejpltal patient wrote:


you for thinkingwith the fineIt was very kind of

decided to break In "to keepwarm.'

Many greeting card* w*r«

red-blooded enthusiasm mdurance.

Onloni 4I10 help <• •acids and toxlru In th« ••and hate long been me'treatment of coldi N.people should detlr.IU.,

letting raw oniobs. 1Lately theft h u bw:i a

deal written and **!d a'>|apple elder vinegar belr.stural health food. In (/

drink with

HOMf LOOTEDAVENEL - ' c h a r l e s Cerlcole.: footnote,

fd[84 Hanard Avenue, informedthat his

.apple elder vinegar ln »!um « U M of wat*r »!•ieanpoons of honey. Stir

onV>drom"Vd'no m m ihanislon(,

wh('se jo(b » « «• con-!—... _,... ._i U.J .stantly strive to bringe ln newable;20^ wi(h two bedrooms

telling others what a wonderfulplace Woodbridge ls, by palnt-

dence ln your -George Emery voted f ^ ' ^ l n o t & "native son" of Clifomla. the pollc Monday that his ^ Sko oughiy and sip slowly,beginning to the resolution saying t h a t i L ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ rf ^ ^ ^ ^ m t f w | ^ 'est with Gromtkooodbrldge, b y f w a s w o r t h t 9 ° ° . t 0 , ' „ m

H ,5 Ithat state since his first ap- cameras and Jewelry valued a t .» . _._V....i lniihlic &s to which election da- ,_ v. . » _ « . . . .ntni.t . » « ..-.1™ I *

pmunicipality by beginning tofeel proud of Woodbridge, byfwas

l h d f l Publl'public as totrict they reside."

0 witn iwo oearooms. I ra t ables I ing your buildings and caring,to save an enormous sum of -Thus, our selective c o n & t r a c ™ • l f o r y o u r prOperty, by keeplng.the Russellmoney, we have, at the same t i on program, while limiting "However, we know there B,'» . , . ' . , . ' . ^ J . ,J™.,,. . '^rmittin f f

time, been able to provide you: l h e number of children that m ° ^ t 0 be ^one' ™u™ ™°re.with the foUowlng iccompltah-lwlu me in the township, can- l B e c a u s e w e h a v e h a d w h a t l

VcUondU-lthat staUl slnce hls nrst

Ipesrance ln his teens as soloistwith Los Angeles, Philharmonic,

ments and services:Boads

-Our permanent road pro-gram has once and for all end-ed the waste of public funds

mot add to our overtaxed school[system, but does provide us, lnterms of dollars, With one ofthe highest returns per acrethat land use can bring.

believe is an outstanding ad-ministrative record in our first

to'b a c l5 be complacent



ur property, by keepingu.r prop y y




A variance was granted [^[ h "^{& of BufTalo. N. Y.,Quality Plastics!„._,. ,.„_ „ „ „ , , , „ . 4,

tho use of an ex-

$635 stolen.

nario has called Los Anmeles"home" since he was 10.


'In short, we are asking you U n e for the manufacture ofto do something which should plastics.

T M Q £ „ . . - . . home since het i ^ j t h e ^ A n R e l P 8

must press forward with theseprograms, we must continue toon patch Jobs. This program | Police

will allow us to enjoy perma-nent roads for many years tolgo thousand dollarscome after the initial cost oflers money was wasted in the - - - . . -the program has been liqul-! police department because Of c o m m U B l l y t h a t " l l a s PO

tentlal to become."Therefore, we pledge to you

M»i*. >#IUB*I»UJ uud «*,wi 114W1-,police ueptuwiicnt, ucuauac ui

dated. In fact, during the pastacute absenteeism caused by ayear we paved a total of 61 i&x time-off policy. In addition. 1 *" - — •- 7 " —mUes. This is more than 10 a report by the New York In-ithat this administration during

. times the road work in one year stitute of Criminology indicat-^" "™i™ V B" ""'" "mt1tlll(l

,. than was ever completed before ed that there were other short-- in the history of Woodbridge comings ln the police depart-

Township during the life of any ment, such us an absence of"'"" inspections and minimal on-' administration.

Sewers Rehabilitated supervision, a lack, of„. "For the first time in years, | planning for possible police*• this administration has rehab-j emergencies, inadequate disci--lHtated manyf of your «wersJpline and uneconomical utlliza-1 This rehabilitation has resulted. tion of man power.* i n reduced basement and streetj "To end these shortcomings,Tfloding In many parts of the to develop the flne potential'.township, but we have not which exists ln the police de-

„<,., Stopped here. . ipartmew today, and to give-to- "Our township engineer is!Woodbridge the kind of policeZ ready to submit to' the federal; force the people of this town

•^government a several hundredjneed and deserve, this admin--thousand dollar application un-1 istration hired Lt. Joseph Ga-nder the accelerated public works lassi of the New Jersey State; a c t which will allow us, this! Police to be its police director.* year, to clean and rehabilitate We are confident Uiat theZ every bit U sewtr pipe in the benefits accruing from this a,p-2 township. This will end, once pointm*t will begin bringing

and for all our serio fld i d i i d d vey very shortly«- and for all, our serious flood- in dividends very, very shortly."ing problems- • "Similarly, we are waiting!- f o r federal approval of.a grant!and provide the township with.Ifoi:$374,000 which will allow us' ' . . . . . . . .—. . - _ .^tt> Increase our pumping capa-~clty in three pumping stations* l n Colons, completion of this

project will end the sewage1 the one hand we know thatproblems ln that section of the Industry ls attracted to a welltownshi managed community where

'business-like practices are par-



the coming year, will continueto pave your roads and doeverything within its power toget the county, the State and

I the Federal Government to do,what is necessary in their por-tion of our road system.

"We plefge to continue towork very closely with theBoard of Education and to keepimproving our school system,

"We pledge to develop one ofthe finest recreation programsin the State.

"We are currently in the pro-cess of conducting severalstudies which will tell us ex-

Iactly what this communityneeds In the way of recreationfor the present and for yearsto come. From these studies weexpect to learn where new play-grounds should be built andwhat type equipment should beplaced in them.

"We pledge better police pro-tection and services

"With the hiring of a policedirector this administration willprovide a superior police force,better enforcement, and moreefficiency within the depart-ment. To aid the police, thisadministration has already laidthe ground work for construct

that industry wi l l j m g

Industry"To keep a stable tax rate

the services that it needs, wemust have Industry to help usoff-set the rising costs of in-creased municipal services. On


Effective This Week We Will Be

OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. to (> VM



IRE STOLENmeles WOODBRIDGE — Ted WllkAnd 0VfnH of Ted's Tailor Shop. 17

j e , Q w n s lree t> r e p o r t e d to th(.has also been home for hlm-lpou,.,, M o n d a y t h a t som<-onen e l l a s P l a v e d m o r e t h a n <01 stole a wheel and tire off his"ruragpmmU with them. ^mct w n l ] e l t w a s pai-ited In

Naturally, since Los Angeles I t l le t(,ar of t n e gtoreis "the capital of the movieis pworld, Pennario has done his end

(hoirf of Color



T I B (Cast Iron)

world, Pennario has done his p r o j e c t Mercury mayshare of film work being heard ;after tW) m o r e n i g h t s

jbut not seen in "September Af-i fair'* In which he dubbed the United States will enlistpiano playing of Joan Fontaine.Cuban refugees.


SwallickTavern, Inc.Corner William & New StrrfU

WOODBRIDGE"Betty and Jot"—Phone

$] 09 95I m Trim

Immediate Deliver;Featurlm "Mlaty Lilac"

the Decorator Shade

No Down PaymentFinancing Arranged


ME 4-0080

NORTH orriREllOl'Sl




Your response to our New lUirton Con-tinental C.hocolute Cundy DepartmentWO* overwhelming. We invite you tocome in and see our complete selectionof newly arrived Barton's taste, thrills.Thanks once again for your many com-pliments.


91 Main Street WoodbridgeConvenient Free Parking In Rear


All ModelsNow Available For




OK USED CARSFine Repair Work


Factory Trained Mechanics



at the Close of Business December 31, 1962

ASSETS.Cash and Due from, Banks $ 8,237,632.78U. S. Government Bonds 13,191,89154

$21,429,530.32 '

Municipal Bonds 9,»1S,OM.WOther Bonds and Securities _ 172,101.58Federal Reserve Bank Stock :....... 97,500.00Loans and Discounts ." — 27,852,222.73Accrued Interest -. — 252,759.51Furniture and Fixtures .., 259,715.63,Other Assets 105,505.44

TOTAL ASSETS $60,084,363.87


Demand $31,607,256.31Savings and Time 22,462,191.32U. 8. Government f 1.012,757.52

TOTAL DEPOSITS $55,0^2,205.19Common Capital Stock r $ 1,200,000.00Surplus .: 2,050,000.00Undivided Profits 225,839.48Reserve for Contingencies 5,223.45 ••Reserve for Possible Future Losses 653.436,87 ' '


Reserve for Expenses, etc. .. * 227,417.34Reserve for Dividends (Payable Jan. 2, 1963) j 60,000.00 ,Unearned Interest -..•{ 486,249.25 '

Liabilities ^ 93,992.43

TAL LIABILITIES ..r „ $60,084,363,97

• R*wm Mttumultiad wufi pfrmlnton or O 6. Tnuurr Dtfulattot u> proud* for, u r tuiunlou lo**«. Tm KMTT* u dxlutufl tram lotni ln itpotU to tuptrtUwr • i tuW


VIM rmMent (Retired) rbnUUn SMMUTI • TrtscwaEMtern DWiltn, Cauftrala OU Co. IRVING A. HANBEN R«ynol4i l m , toe.

THEODORE J. BRICHZE r S ^ o U u t o w S . W E M L E N ROOSEVELTTW Pmw,nt D R R w I I A R R 1 S ^ «*•"«.•


IT r n c i u v D M»n«f« iiuur««)r. UKK1NUC InUnutlaiut 8melUM * Eeflninf

Fancnl Director Conpany



GODENY CHEVROLET30 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret

Phone Kl 1-5123



Page 3: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

i-EB-CP January 8, 4, 19B3 PAG1

Jerry Alberts Planning Meeting ListedHas Play Role By Local Cancer Group

VK8 RETIREMENT CHECK: The Mutual I>rath and Rrtlrrmrnt Association of the•bridge Police Department prcsrntwl a retirement check to former Police Chief, John|mn, Fnrriii. lyft to right, I,t. Arthur Oonnrlly, association president; former (Jhlef ERan,

i Chief Neh j . Ijiurltzen and Charles Banko. president of the Patrolmen's BenevolentAssociation.

— Jerry Alberts, amember of the cast of "LlRhtUi> The Sky," a comedy byMoss Hart which the Lord St.Players will present January19 at Woodbridge Senior HighSchool Auditorium, has ap-peared with the Circle TheatrePlayers In "Middle of theNlnlit" and In an original play"Woods Among the Rocks."

He has also appeared withthe Woodbridge ShakespeareanFestival In "As You Like It'and was last seen in the roleof Bottom In the Feitlval's pro-duction of "A Midsummer'sNight's Dream." Mr. Albertsa Colonta resident.

Harold Meltz, Donald MeltzMilton EIR, Art Freeman, JulesIsler. Hy Plavln, Ben Gelowitz,Hy Farer and Sid Nochimsonwill assist State Manager AlSalkln and "Set Designer ArtFreeman.

Anyone Interested In purchasing tickets may call MrIrving Shames - 388-2237, MrGeorge Miller, Fu 1-1837 or MrHarold Shiler - 382-0277.

terhood Setsress Club Plan

W C o m m i t t e e(Hubmltted roports

chalr-at the

Mm Kathryn J. MillerWeds Daniel Van MaterWOODBRIDGE — The wftd-

board meeting of Sis-jdinv of Miss Kathryn JaneB'nnl Jacob at the,Miller, daughter of Mr. and

j-Colonla Jewish Corn-Mrs. William J. Miller, 242Center.

hlrtwn-week dress clublln this week under the

nnnshlp of Mrs. Hynd Mrs David Klarfleld.

ttatlons srp scheduled».v Onkrldge, Mrs Klar-ynn Oaks. Mrs Mitchell

I ind Mrs Irving Mallna;

Grove. Street, and Daniel Ducl*sVan Mater, III, son of Mr. andMrs. Daniel D. Van Mater, Jr.,Columbus, was solemnized atnoon Saturday at St. JamesChurch. Rev. William A. Roos

groom: Charles Van Mater,Columbus, brother of the bride- _groom, and William J. Miller,Jr., Woodbridge, brother of thebride. Douglas Miller, Wood-bridge, brother of the bride,was rlngbearer.

Miss Lois Van Mater, War-wick, N. Y., and Miss LorraineVan Mater, Columbus, cousins

officiated at the double ring !0[ the bridegroom, were Juniorceremony. bridesmaids.

Given in marriage by he r After a trip through theMt, Mrs Henry Plnkus1 father, the bride wore a whiteisouthern States, the couple will

O'orge Lrvliwon: anddelustered Skinner satin gown|nve at Columbus. For travelingMrs Abe Kramer. 'with Alencon lace appliques]the bride chose a white wool

ess for the Jamiaryiand a detachable chapel lcnfjthjjji-p^ W | tn black coat and ac-nvftuiK was reported train. Her English Illusion velljcessori'es.vis I^hman, president wan attached to a crystal andj njra_ von Mater, a graduateOntral New Jerseyipearl crown, and she earried'of Woodbrldge High School, Is

of Nntlonal Women's white roses and stephanotis.ll speak on

| a junior at Mercer HospitalTor*h Miss Kendra Miller. Wood-;gcnooi Of Nursing, Trenton

brldue, sister of the bride, was|Hci . husband, a Mlllbrook High, Melvin Schlesinger, vice maid of honor. Attendants school, Mlllbrook, N. Q.. grad-nt of procedure and or- weir Miss Jeanne Madden. Bor- u a t e attended North Carolina

itlon, announced a Torah dentown; Miss Shepple Strauss, j g t a t e (jonege, Raleigh. He is[Festival will be held, Jan-jWoodbrldge, and Mrs. Alycep mpiOy e d by H. Lledtka, con-") the Temple Beth Am.'Spencer, CX)lumbus, itractors, Crosswlcks*

Held Mrs. H. Herbert Donald T George, Columbus,;

WOODBRIDGE — Forty torty representatives are ex-

lected to attend a planning:neetlng of the proposed Wood-iridge Branch of the Middlesex;hapt«r of the American Cau-ser Society on January flth,jeglnnlng with coffee at 1:30>.m. Because of the ttpmendcrusresponse and Interest that hasbeen generated, the originalmeeting place, the office of Dr.Cyril Hutner, had to be can-celled because of lack of space.When Mayor and Mrs. WalterZlrpolo were Informed of theiroblem they cordially invitedthe group to their home, 335New Dover Road, Colonla. Thisoffer was gratefully acceptedby Mrs. W. R. Zimmerman, 24Eaetcllff Road, Colonla, andMrs. Sherman Goldsmith, 16Lambert Street, Woodbridge,two of the branch's organizers.

Mrs. Zimmerman, speakingi behalf Of the Cancer Society,


"We hope to outline In detailthe objectives and opportuni-ties of the Woodbridge Branchin terms of what It can do tomeet, the growing cancer prob-lem In the TownRhip."

An effort to contact all clubsorganizations, churches, PTA'shy phone has been made byMis. Carol Williams. 5 West HillRoad, Colonla, and Mrs. AllanRockoff, 227 Martool Drive,Woodbridge.

"Any club which has notbeen contacted should feel freeto send a representative. It isImportant to have as broad arepresentation as possible," oon.eluded Mrs. Zimmerman, "sincethe decision to move ahead inthe formation of the Wood-bridge Branch will be largelydetermined on the response andInterest demonstrated by therepresentative groups."


BETROTHF.I): Mr. andMrs. Louis Kuntz, of 433 Jan-sen Avenue, Avenel, an-nounced the engagement oftheir daugh te r , MlcheleJoyce, to Frederick R. Sut-ler, son of Mrs. Frederick J.

'Suiter, 255 Mldwood Way,Colonia, and the late Mr.gutter.

Miss Kuntz is a graduateof Woodbridge High Schooland Is employed at the Met-ropolitan Life InsuranceCompany, Woodbridge.

Mr. Slitter, also a graduateof Woodbridge High School,hag^served in the UnitedStates Navy, and is employedat the Grassetli plant of theDuPont Company.

No date has been set forthe wedding.


Arline Ann Koenig BrideOf Gerard San Antonio

^ a . past national presi-jserved as best man. UshersTot Women's Ixague. will were John F. Morgan, Scotch

alter iPlalns, pousln

The religious soul who cananswer all life's questions

of the bride-'should be left in bliss.

BETROTHED: Mr. and Mrs.David Campbell, DartmouthAvenue, Avenel, have an-nounced the engagement oftheir daughter, Jane, to AlanLee Thomas, son of Mr. andMrs, William Thomas, East,Greenville, Pa.

Miss Campbell is a gradu-ate of Woodbridge HighSchool and is attending Sus-quehanna University. Mr.Thomas is a graduate of Sus-a teacher in Berwyn, Pa.

Lutherans Inducted NewSlate at Sunday Service


Prices Slashed

FORDS — Sunday newlyelected officers for 1963 wereinstalled at the Worship Serv-ice at Our Redeemer LutheranChurch.

The new officers, as well asveteran officers, are encour-aged to meet at the church,January 6, 2 P.M. to attend anofficers workshop being held atChrist Memorial LutheranChurch, Spotswood.

New officers »re Herbert Nel-son, president; Paul Loemkervice president; Donald Wil-liams, treasurer; George Pie-truski, assistant finance secre-tary.

Elected to Board of Eldersart Frank Cbristensen, JorgenLund, and Joseph Umbachboard of trustees, Samuel Ver-esschak, Joseph Boelhower, andJacob Nelder; board of Evangelism, William Brose and Wil-liam Macauley; board of edu-cation, Merrill Anderson am"Robert MoKee; board of stew-ardship, Leroy Sequine, RoberPietruski, and Jack Wells.

A church secretary willappointed by the Church Coun-cil.

of C Set MetingDate January 15

WOODBRIDGE — Accordingo an announcement by Andrew'ogany, grand knight, the first

regular January meeting of theWoodbridge Knights of Colum-us has been cancelled and the

next, meeting is scheduled foranuary 15.The monthly paper drive wil

be conducted, January 6,M. Volunteers are needed

The annual steak dinner foithe bowlers is planned for Jan-uary 19.


Vianney Altar- Rosary Societjwill meet, Monday, 8:30 p.m,in .the school auditorium. Rev,Walter A. Radziwon, pastor,will install the new officers.

Spare us that "friend,'1 whoin speaking of us, says we mearwell.

Does anyone really want tireturn to the "good old days"?

WOODBRIDGE — Miss Ar-,uate of Georgian Oourt Collegene Ann Koenig, daughter oIr. and Mrs. Earl W. Koenig,

Willry Street, and GerardIan Antonio, son of Mr. andtrs. August San Antonio, Card-

tta Drive, Lakewood, wereinited in marriage Saturday at

ConceFebrmBy I

woonnmnrin benefit ('inn ' i

U l l ivet 'Mtv rif N

C'ltlh, spo i l 'n l '!

if;i' l,ioi\s cii

Scluiol audit")announr rd b.\

,k». publ iniv rli|

I'rnceoflf njemilile the <'!'inns elumliila;, .'.ii'ht run -i

^Imse iifflirtiithe estalilr.luanrc of an e\

(11 t n

numerous virety. and "Hit ;•munily lirlp

At a rn i:Hmith, ways ;.Ininn. annmmi-Kind ticket IT)lows: Kniirintlstlen, Iiv.'lward Gouill'-n[William (?ranIr.avuse Prt'Goodsleln and|

Mr. Smithare available flor by contart|1-1056.

Orlginnlly oly a Notre Half

12-voice chqsong fpsts,Club today p |coast andmen who re.mjthe approxltnawho have so|ranks.


it. James Church, with Rev.)onald Riley officiating.

Given in marriage by herather, the bride was attired In

pure silk satin princess style;owh with scooped neckline andhree-quarter length sleeves

Reembroidered Alencon lacewith seed pearls and crystalsenhanced the bodice and twoiide panels. Her butterfly veiltell from a headpiece of re-mbroidered Alencon lace on

a satin band, and she carried;a short cascade bouquet ofwhite roses with a few redroses.

Maid of honor was Miss Jan-ice Koenig, sister of the bride,Woodbridge. Bridesmaids wereMiss Kathleen Fitz-Maurice,Trenton, and Miss PatriciaSheridan, Spring Lake Heights.

Serving his brothfer as bestman1 was Ernest San Antonio,Lakewood. Ushers were RobertSan Antonio, another brotherof the bridegroom. Peninsula,Ohio, and Richard Kerber,Neptune.

For traveling the bride chosea pale green three-piece knitsuit with brown fur-trimmedcoat and beige accessories.

Mrs. San Antonio is a grad-

Lakewood, and. is presently em-ployed by the WoodbridgiTownship Board of Educationas a teacher at School 22, Colonia. Her husband, a graduateof St. Michael's CollegeWinooski Vt, is taking grad-uate studies at the Universit;of Southern California. Hipresently is employed by tti<Department of the Army at thBrooklyn Army TerminalBrooklyn, N. Y.

with a career Ical and Jthe director ol


will hold a danlng in Our |Hall from 8band will fldancing. Ha|dogs will bethe kitclienbe charRud fl



















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IM Main 81. !t» **l)i>J *«•• Ntxl

Page 4: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

January 3, 4, IMSIL-EB-cp


ISELIN PERSONALS-Leo Thomas. Trieste Bt.-erleaf Chapter, of helm, will

to a patient at Forth Amboy meet Monday. 8:30 p.m. to Our;L*& «" ™ l m a « • " 8 t C e 'Ganeral Hospital.

—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tur-»lr and children, Valrica. Fin


«•"• 8 t' C e '

-The Home and School As-

to.'mrr rnsidrnts nr<> In Iielln soclntirm of School 8 will meetvl.iltinf? their families for th^ Wednesday January 9, at 8holidays. 'p.m., at

^-Isellnites who wore guests street.of Mr. and Mrs. Otis R. DouRh- _ T h e i s e i l n p|fe ftn<j Drum

the school on Green

0, at 1 p.m, with Mrs. HerberB. Williams, Chain O'Hllta RdThe flr«t regular membershipmeeting of the year will beJanuary 16 with Mrs. CecilBIIM. Mldwood War, Colonla.

—The Nursery and Kinder-garten teachers of the FirstPresbyterian Church Sundayare scheduled to meet MondnyJanuary 7, 8 p.nt., at tliechurch.

—The Ladles Auxiliary of theVFW Post 2636 will meet to-night at 8:30 at Post Headqaurters. Members are asked to

(/I mi. nnu mi... « >-- i _ HI) 1BCIIM n i l »nu uiuui | , .

erty, M'nlo Park, during the,C o r p s s))Onsored by the Chem-Ibring a "covered dish lor ineiwe:k were: Mr. and Mrs. R. l e a , M,.ok g n ( 1 udder Co., Dl»-!i>uf«et to be served after inejChristopher Dougherty. Trento! lrlct n_ wl]] m e e t with themeetlnu. A birthday party will,£ rrt; Mrs. Harry Evans and.director, Robert Painter, forlbe held for members who hadjMlldren. Harry, and Dorothy, r e p l l l ( l r p r t c t l c ( l o n W o n d a y

Kennedy Place; Mr. and Mrs a n d W r r i n e s ( , 8y evenifig, 7:50l l hild

birthdays In October, Novem-|ber, and December. The Junior]

S t dMaxwell aivl childrenOrorm. Jr., Rulh Ann, Fnltli p i r ( ,h o t l s e

and Hope. Charlts Street; Mr.I ' .and Mrs. Robert C. Scank, Lin-1 ~™ e

r g r i s t scoin Hlehway; and Mr. a n d " . mMri«. Alexander Cutlibcrtson!cllu"' L " ' T 'C'"~11-V.JLJ ».,H evening at the church onand children, RlclMaureen. Oak Tree Road.


p.m., at the Harding Avenue'Ghis' Unit will meet Saturday10 am, at the Post Hall.

—St. Cecelia's Church willsponsor a family party, Janu-ary 13, the Feast of the HolyFamily, from 2 to 5 P.M. in

—Mr. and Mis. Martin Ma-

corner of Berkeley Boulevardiaiid Cooper Avenue,

BarbarR, Correja Avenue, were "dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Calvin Rosenkran*, ElmhurstAve.

—Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreCallendo, East James Place,were hosts Sunday to Mr. andMrs. Louis Barella and sons,Louis and Anthony, Beth Page,Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Sal-vatore Outtadora, Bronx, N.Y..were dinner guests on Christ-mas, at the Callendo home. OnWednesday evening, guests*ew Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kro-

*nert.»nd children, Walter andCarol, Iseiln.

—Mr. and Mrs. Robert c.fleank, Lincoln Highway werehosts on Wednesday to Mr. andMrs. Harold Maul and children,Glen and Diane, Cheesequake,and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mau-cerl, Hopelawn.

—Th« leaders of Cub Pack48, Including the den mothers,

• committee, Cubmaster and of-ficers, will meet Monday 8 p.m.,January 7, with Mrs. Cather-ine Young, Cabot Place. Planswill be made for the JanuaryPMkmeeting January 24, 7:30p,m., at Pershlng AvenueSchool. Preliminary plans willbe made for the annual Blueand Gold dinner In February.

—The Honorettes 4-H Clubwill resume their regular meet-Ings Monday January 7, from3:30 to 5:30 p.m, at the homeof the leader, Mrs, WallyBowen, Correja Avenue.

—The Women's Missionary• Council of the Iseiln Assembly

of Qod Church tancelled reg-ular meeting tonight until!

' January 10. Election of of-', fleers will take place. Plans• will be made for mission pro-|" Jects for the coming year, and,', new "prayer pals" will be se-!- lected. :

—The Hearthstone Man Jong• Club will meet Tuesday eve-

ning, Hostess will be Mrs.Wayne Travis, Benjamin Ave.

—Mrs. Herbert Gunthner Jr.,_ publicity chairman of the I ad-

ieu' Auxilary of Volunteer FireCo. 1, District 9, announced thefirst semi-monthly meeting ofthe new year will be field Jan-uary 8, at the Green StreetFirehouse. The newly-electedslate of officers will be installedIn conjunction with the FireCompany installation Saturday

^evening, 7anuary 19.—The Sweet Adelines, Clov-

only ONEThere is

only oneWELCOME


resume meetings January

Our Lady of Lourdes Hall.—St. Cecelia's Altar Boy,

candidates class is scheduledfor Saturday January 5, at 11a.m. In the church.


It rears of experience fottertni |<KMJ wll) In buslnew

community Ufe.

tor .nforaatton ODWelcflmf Wagon d>



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the shoe with the beautiful fit

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P E R T H A M B O Y SAVINGS INSTITUTIONYour local bank. t. conveniently

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Cash and Due^rom Banks _ $ 2,401,564.71U. S. Government Bonds 16,776,070.25Other Securities 7,968,702.33Mortgage Loans (Regular) 21,953,196.89Veterans Home Loans 14,422,296.33F. H. A. Mortgage Loans 11,421,385.41Collateral Loans 206,888.08Banking House 200,000.00Income Earned, Not Collected 206,283.77Other Assets 11,488,71

TOTAL ASSETS ,.. $75,567,876.48


DOT 29,276 Depositors,. : $68,876,442.24Due Christmas and Other Clubs 100,211.50Escrow Accounts '. 303,714.50Unearned Discount 366,058.71Accrued Dividend to Depositors 209,562.06Other liabilities 42,844,64SURPLUS AND RESERVES 5,669,042.83

TOTAL LIABILITIES $75,567,876.48

OFFICERSHARVEY EMMONS •• > • IVralrtr i - i t i

ERNEST R. HANSENExecutive Vice President i

GERALD^. FURMANComptroller


JOHN J. KELLYSecretary ,

JOSEPH B. FUHOAuditor j ,



_ . .

i i 1








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Savings InstitutionPERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY


Safety For Savings Since 1869

BAMUtWMltftng : Monday - Thursday 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. Friday 8 AM • 6 P.M.

Page 5: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

January 3,4,1965

Debutante Ball Proves Year's Most Glamorous Affa

I RECEIVING I INK: HI'W nfr|P1.rH and the 24 dobiitanU-s arp ihnwn llnrrt up tn rrrclvrfutst* at I lie sixiinri Annual Holly Dehutantr Ball. Klcht to left are seen, Minx Itiith

Deb null chairman; Miss Clalrr Suteh, president, Miss Agatha Graham, second»k>e president, llonnir Driiyn, t»rb chairman and (.'arid Mallns, Deb vice ehairman.

CHAIRMAN MAKES HER BOW: Bonnie Oayle Denys.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Denys, Wondhridgr,

Debutante Chairman, Is shown with her escort, NnrmanI'roteau. Avenel. She wan the first deb to make her bow.

SANTA MARKS APPEARANCE: Santa Clans, in the per-son of Paul Ablonozy, Jr., Avenel, Is shown presentingeach Deb with a bag of Rifts after thp, presentation cere-mony. The Debs were also presented with sterling silver


|K)NG THE COMMITTEE: Abov* arc tome of Hie members of the Harness and Profes-||Ml Wonirn'i (In I) uhu worked on the Deb Ball Commitlei'. l i f t to riKht, Mrs. Kolicrt, Voifi-I. Mtt* Hutli Hoik, chairman: Miss Anatliu Graham, WCIMKI vice president; Mrs.~«ph Swart/. Miss Claire Sutch, president; Miss Anne Siilch, ticket rhairman; Mrs,

William llrriinan, first vice president, rould nut be present due to illness,


WALKING THROUGH (iUAKI) OF HO>the Men's Committee, who served asshnwn in the harkirrnunrt of this pir(tir<|Mallas, Itphutantr Vice Chairman, dangMr*. Paul Mallas, ('nlnnia, is wen walkijto make her curtsy. She. is beinj escortof Colnnia.

PETITE AND CHARMING; Miss Mary Ann Campion,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F, Campion, Wood-bridge, is shown on the arm of her escort, Robert Goehr-Ing, Carteret, walking down the aisle to make her bow.

REGAL: Donna Novak, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, SamuelNovak, of Kcasbcy, made a very pretty picture as shewalked through an archway decorated in Christmas greensand poinsettias. Her escort was Peter Szafir, Perth Amboy.

BPW-Sponsored Deb Ball ProvesOutstanding '62 Social Affair

2 i Pretty Debutantes.*™ ,<'* 1™a '" l u Sct""«i"j shiQ-Llbrarv Fund.

Are Presented BeforeA Croud of Over 300

HAVE PART, TOO: Herman Stern, chairman of the Men's Committee, is shown at theBpbunr Hiving" «rrrlJiig«. Looking on, left to right arc Miss Ruth Wolk, chairman;

emblym-in Norman Taiuman. who made the presentations; Miss Claire Sutch, presidentand Cmnni!tteeiii»n Robert I.. Jacks, who represented Mayor Walter Zirpolo who

wai out of the country on business. ,

Company To BuildPlant in Woodbridge

happy to welcome the Heil Cor-porutlon to Wuodbiidge Town-ship.

"The corporation, one oftho major producers of' truck

3DBRIIX1K • - "in el»ht-Iris Construction Company, of bodies in the country, will in-. . d e c d b e a f l n e a d d l t i o n t 0 t n e

that is al-industiiBl tiact on Oreen.UlU0";, just of! the Route 1will be improved with a

On Route,

( h n ^ K W a k r e a l t y | "Thel i i C o r p o r a

here,decision of the HeU


gowns, long white gloves andwhite evening slippers and car-rying bouquets of red roses tiedwith huge American Beautybows and streamers, 24 Town-ship young beauties made their

night at theCountry Club.

National UnitAppoints HaneyNEWARK —

^ ( h n ^ K W a k r e a l t y |sq. ft. plant to be built;(lrm t0 tJ,e K a ise r AluminumiCorporation to build a one-half

nof f t&^t parti» pjs,-reported by J. I. Klslak.!ComuleU, occupancy by Kaiser to bring Industry to Wood-

Realtors, who negotlated|ln Hillside will await Hftirs;brW«e Township,lie of the land, and leasej^yg w t n e new plant In Wood "We are confident that

debut FridayScotch PlainsThe ball rdom was fllltkl to ca-pacity as the young ladies werepresented.

an-nually by the WoodbridgeTownship Business and Profes-sional Women's Club for thebenefit of Its Nursing Scholar-ship Fund and for continuingaid to Township Libraries.

Before the presentation, Miss

ship-Library Fund.Santa Claus, in the person

of Paul Ablonczy Jr., Colonia,entered^he wjom to the tuneof jingle vbells-aiid presentedgifts to each Deb. Then Miss;Sutch and Miss Wolk In turnpresented sterling silver discs Haney., Directorin behalf of BPW to each deb- se* Operationsutante as a momenta of the oc- p a r k e r & R e d P a t h . a n d S e c r « -

tary of the New Jersey Region,_ ., . . . , National Conference of Christ-Durlng the evening the Deb- j i m s a n d J e w S | n a s b e e n n a m e d

utantea presented the cotillion C n a l r m t t n o f t h e A d v i s o r yfigures which were taught them B o a r d On P o l i c e T r a l n i n g . T h eby Miss Ruth of Miss Ruth's rBCOmmendation to form this

George J.of New Jer-Auchincloss.

School of Dance, Fords.Each person attending

Board was adopted at the No-the vember Annual Meeting of the

i occupancy by The Helliand chemical Sales Division orlmMUm dollar plant here onfi(jlalre S u t c h | B P W pregtdent,' i p a n y , manufacturer of!lne Kaiser company, which is 40.000 square feet is another

bodies. The development:noW taktaK parWl pJsst'ssionJsteP l n o u r constant attempt

new building to Hell.1

is currently located Inithis spring. construction of the plant

was the Route » near the Green


congratulationshe community

teeman Robert

amnbrldge Realty CompanyjCirele will enhance our newlytruotlon of the new plant l n v e a t i l l g client of rilslak:!emergli<g Image of a communi-s t Immediately, accord- 8 e l l e r W M l h e Hahsen ii Yorkefy that'ls friendly to industry.

the realty firm, with C o r a U a n y i industrial suppliers, "We iare hopeful that in thejletkm scheduled for June. w n o o p e m t e a plant on the ad- near future we will be able to

It will be a oni'-stpry., masonry, and steel struc-Bpeciflcally designed for

upany operations by theetural firm of Rotweln

Sake, ut Union.industrial building will

: 4,000 »q tt. of air-con-offte*will have

property j announce- new plant locationsNewark law firm of Lum,.to «*h »"«• as the 1.000 acre

and"TompkJM acted for;»«11 Oil Tract and.the Freeill Company. Attorneys S c n o 0 ' Land*.

Newark,> n j Jrepresented Oreenbrldge..

._„ Mayor Walter Zirpolo andThe Leo Pacent. chaU-man .Of the

more thanrail siilint

75 cars,leading

week toued aCom-


Ing of the Town Committee lastDecent Literaturewas placed under


I of way,literal

statement welcoming the Hell the Health and Welfare Com-d Corporation to Woodbridge. It mittee. TBhe Decent Literature

tn e '-'fads as follows: commUtec was appointed Newihe' "We are Indeed extremely Year's Day. •

p ,welcomed the guests. Offering

on behalf, ofwas Commlt-E. Jacks who

Ball was given an outstanding New Jersey Region of NCCJ.souvenir program containing The Advi&ory Board willthe pictures of each of the study and evaluate NCCJ's roleDebutantes. \n community relations training

A midnight supper was for police In New Jersey. Theserved and dancing, to the mu- organization has been engagedsic of Marty Ames Orchestra, '» this trBifling since April 1555continued until 2 A.M. At the when the first Institute wasbeginning of the evening, the!held «* Se^on Hall University.girls stood ln a receiving line T n e 23'"d institute was recentlyfor a half hour, greeting the'sponsored for the Linden Policeguest* aa they arrived,


substituted for Mayor WalterZirpolo who was out of thecountry on business. HermanStern, chairman of the Men'sCommittee, which also servedas guard of honor, congratu-lated the girls on behalf of hisgroup.

were?Bonnie Qayli

tante chairmanlas, debutanteMarilyn Lee BrlBryan, Mary


A'V«ry Pretty PictureThe glrlB made a pretty pic-

ture as they entered the ball-room on the arms of their es-corts. Assemblyman NormanTantman made the presenta-tions.

After the presentation, Miss

MarjeQamboy.f Linda Claire Fomen-ko, tfancy Ann Goehring, Caro-

, Department.It will also study the


Denyu, debu-M. Carol Mal-

cour-ses for police and other govern-ment employees to be sponsoredby H University or College with

»loe chairman ; j N C C J c o o p e r B t i o n . Another^ S R o s e ManeAgan


ose M a n e | c ( ) n s l d e l . a t i o n

Cara,pion,!sorSnlp o { a

l A

b e t n e

s e r i e s o f two-days o r S n l p o { a s e r i e s o f t w o d aClcclu, A n n ; i l l s t l t u t e 8 o n . ' T n e Effects of

Diane Marie,community Change Upon- theAltitude of Youth Toward Lawimd Authority."

line Barbara Jablowski, Mar-] Mr.'Haney is an attorney-atguerlte Theresa Jardot, CarolAnn Kath, Patricia ElaineMarl, J. Donna Novak, ParylLynn Pataksi. Sandra JeanSchneider, Evelyn Qayle Sitarz,JoAnn Theresa Swalllck, San-dra Swenson, Ellen Marie

Bonnie G*yle Denys, Oebutanto Thorsen, Sheila Ann Tiger,Leona Mary Ann Tlmar, MarieAnne Wllfong.

chairman, presented gifts toMiss Ruth Walk, Deb Balehairman and Miss Butch. She;also presented a check for $25, Nasser names AH Sabryalso on behalf of the Debs, ^Premiership,

law, having received his pre-lawtraining at Georgetown Unlverslty and his law degree fromRutgers University Hehool «{Law. He was an allied memberof the New York Stock Ex-change and as associate menvber of the American Stock Ex<change. He served as Chair

A PICTURE IN WHITE: Marilyn LeeMr, and Mrs. Edward T. Bridie, Iseli

escorted by Howard C. Peterson,

|dent of the Arthritis and Rheu-matism Foundation in New Jer-sey arid a Director of the U. S.Home and Development Cor-oration. He is . active in therork of the Friends of St.ames Hospital ln Newark.The Advisory Board consists

if two police chiefs, two attor-leys, two businessmen, two edu-:ators, one representative ofate government and one

epresentative of m u n 1 <1 -al government. Appointed to

erve on the Board for a termif two years are: Chief William

Mulkeen, Elizabeth; Chiefouis J. Rlsacher, Jr., Fair

Lawn; Joseph A. Rafferty, Esq.,Trust Company Building, Glen

idge; Joseph L. Steinberg,Esq., Lowensteln & Splcer Lawlira, Newark; Edward A. Jes-

ier, Jr.. President, People TrustCompany of Bergen County,Hackensack; Charles D. StappExecutive Vice President, KoosBrothers, Rahway.

Abo, The Reverend EdwardJ."Flemlng, Pn. D., ExecutiveVice President, Seton Hall Unt-ersity, 8outh Orange; Dr.

James E, Whaeler, Chairman,Department -of Social & Philo-sophical Foundations, GraduateSchool of Education* Rutgers —The StateBrunswick;

University, NewThe Honorable

John A. Kervlck, State Treasur-er of New Jersey, Trenton; andthe Honorable Ralph Conte.,Councilman and Mayor-elect,Bloomfleld.

Serving as consultants to theAdvisory Board will be Prs.

A VERY PRETTY DEU: On her wayls Mis* Kuse Marie Bryan, daughter ufChanning of Colonia, escorted by 1


Advisory Board will bo held onJanuary 3rd at the 111 BroadStreet Club in Newark.. A re-port of its findings will besubmitted t« . the RegionalBoard of Directors in June 1863.

LouisA. Letlk Radelet and Harold

National office ol

man of the Speaker's Bureau•if NCCJ before bping elected

to secretary in November,' Mr. Haney Is also Vice Fresi-

NCCJ; chief Joseph L. Oorsky,Fanwood; Detective CaptainThomas Smith, Asbury Parkand Captain William Burn,Trenton.

Howard J. Devaney, RegionalDirector will serve as Secretary.

The Fust meeting of Uu\


v u nhod |C0 on a theft chfU'tJOB Lewis wrote a check forthat amount and left court.I A tew hours later he was backh custody, charged with issu-Iig a forged check to pay theInns.

w o o lbridge85.518 0taxes —027, accuMichaelslightlywhen 05lecttd or

ONE W4The ci

got hlglnaU

Page 6: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

IL -ERJanuary 3. 4. 1!KW


New Sisterhood MembersHonored at Oneg Shabot

Shabot Mrs. Stanley Svhuman rr-!Fvidaysports member,m.y con«.ct her;

Mis. Julius Romanoff,bmhtp

arc Mr? Albert Benson, Mrs.:" M. Bloom. Mrs Albert Miller.;* Mrs. Bernard Welnsteln, and;

corned the new members: Mrs. ---Mrs. Gerald ™rs- HyRownbrrft reports Mrs

R b t P i m n n chnirrrmnMrs- R^enbers.a™1" chairman announced't h ( u t i f t h B l l d M X t h P r n d p ! '» d

Jerome Albeit, .vim. vc....«Fendlpr. Mrs. Seymour Fran- R o b f i r t Firman, chnirrrmn.khf. Mrs. Ronald Fishbein, Mrs, M i s - Rwcnberg. VouthOeorer FlasRROd, Mrs. Han-pyOrau, Mr*. Fred Levy, Mrs.Oerald Lilt Mrs. Carl Often. a n "Wyable Chanukah partyMrs. Morris Pwkrrman. Mrs. * i t h 9 « l f t exchange and re-

'Melvln Polack, Mrs. F r a n K freshment* snved. The ohil-iPine. Mrs. L. Rosenberg, Mrs. d r e " deeorawd ttie Synagogue; J F A N

and Mrs Sam lobb>' a lKl M r s * ' e x O n l b e r -Mrs, Charles Bobkier. Mrs.

_ . Paul Hoffman decora»«J theBinder, pro- ^

The, Youth Groups and He-


•Chwles Thaw,Zitterer.

'.•_ tfivs. Bernardgram vice-eresldent reported»n original skit, "Sing AlongWith Kvetch." will be prp.sent- "o't inged at the open meeting sthed- snor-, ]v a,1(]Uled for Jan 8. Rehearsals a r e ' mA ff ^ h f

te(l0' the **" of spices and condiments. ••fctah Mr. Binder « author , M r s , M p h u^r.VS.Y.

Member, of cast includeMrs d t h n e w U S Y .Strauss, Mrs. Leo P r t a , ^ ^ Mm wftS v l c t o r i o u s

g rondlment

MM. Monroe Berger, Mrs.'Carjdlord Brody: all Sisterhood1

members. Also Oil Kasdln, Da-vid Abrams, Jerry Harrison,SUpi Schumarr. Saul Strauss,and Mr. Binder of Mens Club.

JTie winner of a special raf-fle for a lox collared cashmeresweater will be drawn.

their first gameHighland Park. She notedchaperones are urgently need-ed — due to the lack of a chap-erone, the seventh and eighthgroup forfeited their first game.

Reservations are still avail-ableJan.

for the Pines weekend,25-27, call Mrs. Martin,

Saul Smith, listed her commit-tee M follows: Mrs. MurrayKolpan, Mrs. Strauss, M i l TedMagmhsim and alternate, Mrs.Irving Witt from membership;Mrs. Morton Klein, Mrs. DavidAbrams, Mrs. Edward Green-blatt, and alternate Mrs. Wil-liam Dlstel from board.

At the request of Mrs.Abrams, green stamp chair-man, stamps previously savedfor folding doors for Main

- room will go towards neededkitchen equipment. The foldingdoors will be purchased in neariuture.


m i t '

Printed Pattern'5P

ther information.

BRIDE-TO-BE: Mr. and Mm.R. C. Schlllinjr. 100 HillsideAvenue, WoodbridRp. an-nounce the engagement »ftheir daughter, J"»n Marie,to Thomas W. Ternay Jr.,ton of Mrs. Thomas W. Ter-n«j,'3"2 W. Haielwood Ave-not, Rah way. and thr lateMr, Tfrnajr.

Miss Schilling is a gradu-ate of Woodbridtf SeniorHigh School, class of 1961.She is employed by J. A T.Ternay, Inc.

Mr. Ternay U a graduateof Rahway High School, classof 1955 and is manager ofJ. & T. Ternay. Inc., BlairRoad, Carteret. No date hasbeen set for the wedding.


1606 Oak Tree Roadbelln, Ne* Jersey

TeL U 8-M89

—Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Aiel-lo, Jersey City, were guests forseveral days of Mr. and Mrs.1

George Beveridge, Worth St.Guests on Christmas Day atthe Beverldges were Mr. andMrs. Aiello, Mrs, Ann Beveridgeand son, William, and Mrs.Gertrude Hassett, Jersey City;and Mr. and Mrs. WilliamHassett and children, Janettnd William. Westbury Road.

—Mrs. Gertrude Hassett, Jer-sey City, was a weekend guestof Mr. and Mrs. Hassett, West-bury Road.'

Mr, and Mrs, George Huney-cutt and daughters, GeorgeannAndrea, Olympla, and Laura,Worth Street, were guests Tues.day of Mr. and Mrs. John;Mazzeo, Brooklyn.

—Dinner guests of Mr. and[Mrs. Frank Tagllareni, Worth| Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Nl-jcholas Tagliarenl and daugh-ter, Millie, and Mr. and Mrs.Jack Manzella and childrenNicholas and Donald, all ofBayonne.


\ To all who share the boon ofiContinuing life. God grants an-other year, but man alone hasithe power to determine whether]the time thus supplied is to be jjust another old year or a yearthat is genuinely new.

Most of us look back upon the jold year as one which fre-

uently fell short of the hopesith which we greeted it. Each

us can build the long-dieamed-of, truly new year ifie efficaciously wills to keep iti

rree of all the controllable de-;ects and inadequacies thatspring from disregard or neglectif high personal standards ofihyslcal, mental, social, and Iplritual life.A new and better year must

inevitably be the personal crea-ion of a newjnd better man.

Were each of us to do his part,he year now dawning could be

new and better year for all.Another year is ours to work,

ipon. Let us make personal andiatlonal history by making it

new year of unprecedentedsatisfaction and distinction.

Michael S, Newjohn, M.D.


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^ ^ Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk'and AlcoholicB * v Beverages exempt from Plaid Stamp otfer.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.'

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Pascal Celery d Cp : 19e

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Fresh Carrots ndrfirm

9 2 8 7 WAIST 24"-32"

Pr in ted Pat tern 9287:MUses1 Siies 24,25, 26, 28,30,S2 Inches. All Bizes require 1yard 64-Inch fabric.

Send FIFTY CENTS in coins forthis pattern—add 10 cents foreach'pattern for first ckss mailing.

• Sgend to 170 Newspaper PatternDept, 232'West 18th St, NewYork H. N.Y. Our New Fall-Winter Pattern C»talo)t. Fashionsin ill size ranges. Send 35f today.

RFK IN BRAZILAttorney General Robert

Kennedy's recent trip to Brazilhas underlined sharp UnitedStates concern over that coun-try's deep economic and polit-ical problems.

President Kennedy has sig-naled his concern over theproblems of Brazil — a key na-tion in South America becauseof its size and influence. Henoted that Brazil's inflation"eats up our aid."

NUCLEAR-FUEL RESERVESGeologists have found, in the

White Mountains of New Hamp.shire a source of tens of mil-lions of tons of thorium. Thisdoubles the estimated reservesof nuclear fuel.

The thorium deposit wilf noibe mined now, but it means:that an Important supply willbe available in the long-termfuture, when more accessiblenuclear fuels are exhausted.



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6«l 25 Extra Pltld Stamps with tirchm il


Silly QuestionScene: Courtroom. Prosecutor

;ums to defendant. "Madam,in the day of the crime, while

walking your dog, did you stopnywhere?"The spectators sat tensely

while she replied: "S^r, did youiver walk a dog?"

Dairy Center Buys !M • Mi Fancy Dom»lh«Swiss Cheese ^-^. 69 ib.Piftiuriud



91 Main Street, Woodbridie

Pinnacle Cottage CheeseVictory Cream Cheese p

Damon Yogurt Ht ^;Sliced Muenster CheeseKraft Party Snacks 'Borden's Fresh Milk '


2 quirt


Breakfast to Bed-time Coffee.'


A&P INSTANT COFFEEA hnr, flavuiful instant. . . with the Coflir 5 IZ.goodllfij ill, 97^0 111 .the nilein is t»ktn out. I " ' 79





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GREEN BEANSLIBBY'S CORNCorned Beef Hash •; 3 • 79C Bartlett PearsMott Apple Juice 2 65C SpaghettiPeanut Butter <-Z'Z- 1,'.'59C

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Tubacto Prujuil i , Fftsh Milk will AkulujliBtverjges exrnipl (rotn Pljid Sld'ilp ufle

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113 MAIN STREET WOOOBRIDGE, N. J.Open TU1 8 P.M. Mqn., Tuei., Wed., Tbura. — Krld.y j til lu I'M. — 8»t. 8 - « f.M. - Upen Sund»r» » - « P.M.

833 ROOSEVELT A) KNUE, CARTERET, N. J.Open Till • r.M. Mun., TUM., Wed., Tbun. - Friday Till 19 P.M. - 8»turd»y I A.M. to « P.M.

306 INMAN AV )NUE, COLONIA, N. J. <Open TIU t P.M. Mon, Tuet., Wed.. Thurt. - KrUU> Till 10 P.M. — HutunUy | . f P.M. - Open 8uiuUy » • I P.M.

Page 7: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

We agree...in '63



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12 iz.

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18 or. pkg. J J c


ALL 4 REG. fcARS 3 U

INSTANT FEU10c OFF S3oz.ilz« 711

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suii15e OFF U N j l




3 S. 31'2 £ 31 c



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36 oz. tizs

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12 oz. ttzt








2 be, 35c


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LI92 oz.



Page 8: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

PAGE EIGHTJanuary 3, 4, 196$

IL - EB - CP

Tne Crows Nesl

Here and There:A reception will be hrlri in

honor of Conurfssman-rlfrt, Ed-ward J. Patton on Wednesday,January 9 from noon to 4 P.M..In Room 1202 of thi> SfiiHt*Office BuUding, Wasluneton.'D. C. Four hundred and thirty-flve representative.1! will besworn in at the ceremonies.Edison Mayor Anthony M YPI-,tncsics is chairman of the r6-cjptldn committee . . . FrancisJ, Blasji, 133 Demurest Avenue.Avenel, has celebrated his 20thservice anniversary with EssoResearch and EngineerinR Co..Mr, Blash 'is a senior researchtechnician . . . Mr. and Mrs.^tobert Bakker, Hyde Avenue,Iselin, are the parents of a son,born1 Christmas Day, at Memo-rial General Hospital, Union.The ipfant weighed in at 10

. pounds, 9 ounces . . .

In the Mailbag:Congratulations to Mr, and

Mrs. Vincent W, Renz, 57 Jilbe-marle Road, Colonia, on thebirth of a son, James Francis:December 27 at MuhlenbergHospital, Plalnfleld. . . . Rlch-4rd H. Breltwieser, aviationtiachlnlst's mate third class,TON, son of Mrs. Edna Rlccardi,20 Brookfleld Avenue, Wood-ibridge, certainly had a "White'Christmas." He is stationedWith nearly 300 men of the AirDevelopment Squadron Six injAntarctica. The squadron is:part of th,e Operation DeepFreeze 63 support forces. . . .Marine Private First Class JohnO. Lesko, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Girl Scouts Pay Holiday SOCIAL

Visit to Nursing Home Instim

band and I adopted a child

SECURITY *an not related to us inway. Recently, Bomeoix

r* \ !nie th»t 111 the event mv iIII MlWITI band dlfd before this ,•

•::-.ir:v_ rpBfhed 18. the child

COLOfTIA ~ Mrs. 8. M. Za-restky. chairman of the ServiceProject Committee announcedthnt "a very successful andrewarding trip" was made tothe Edgar Hill Nursing Home,by the Oirl Scout* of Colonia1. District 4.

The participatingwere: 74, Mrs. S.

B U M PERSONALS- T h e Society for HIP **«-•.„.

nervation and Encouragementtroops 0 [ Barbrr Shop Quartet Slnn-

in America will meet Tues-

bp whle to draw 8<PIH1 R-Bv A1XAN A. BASS, .payments on my hn.i

Dhtrlrt Manager record because hr Is n,

Q., p^bly couple for^trS?" h thta ln'Social Security Benefits any- '""time now. but I'm still trying to A.

a birth certificate. What do

therequired and they don't have

A. A lot of people worry•bout provlnr that they are

Zarrstky. Mr*. WaHer Wysiln- d B y 9 p m . a t t h f veteran of o l dH « ? * ^ ' l ^ ' i o D k

ski: 108, Mr,. Frederick U n - f t l r J W l n P o s , Headquar- « J J * " J J ^ ^wndorf: 167. Mr. Edwin Van- ,ers, Lincoln Hishway. t h i n k a h l r t b m t l n r " I r

dewater. Mrs. Richard JoM;21fl. Mr*. Walter Maser: 5.Mrs. Mort Olni^r: 16. Mrs. D. m mm M m ) ( ) R y 6 ; 3 O

B"i!M . . , in the church.T V Ktrls sHtv their carols _ ,

and presented cal l resident of " l h p P T A of S l

tiir hnnv with a box of Oirl S o l l ° 0 ' * m sp011fr a,Scout cookie*. E»ch woman wta.S l i n d a-T « ^ r all Masses (orKlvi-n ear tines and pins and t h f **"m nl P T A pioJ(H'tR

the men received tie bars and Mother* of student* in the classn i f f | i n k s of Mrs. stannler. will supply

The wrvice project will con- a » d st>" »1(> c « k p s ' M r s : J E

linue throughout the yt'ar. with E s s e x '* '"different troops visiting each s l s tp ( i b y J ^month bearing little gifts and . •present inn entertaining pro- Public Property.•rams. In addition, each fe«i- A soldi(>r P a r k e d a n g r m y i f p p

will become a pen pal to

although the bestt)-m proof of tit I* a birth certi-

ficate many kind* of dof.u-Cecelia's menu ean bf imd a* proof

nf your age, Don't deta? (H-ini your claim brraunr youdon't havr a birth rrrtlflcalf.

Vour dale of birth cart r*proTrd from ,an old familyBible, Insurance pollcirK you

cliarer to be as- have had for itomr time, andWaltsi Gibson, thlldrrn'i birth certlfiratM,

', showing parrnU' agf« at timeol child's birth. World WarI draft r»cords or Cfnsun re«>ordt or voter'i reglut rationcan be uwd aim.

'Hey, buddy, drop a Q Both my wife and myselfan individual troop, which will s t w t - A policeman calledwrite cards and letters all year.1*1' W m ; H e y ' b d d y ' d * -

nickel in that parking meter. |*ork for the state and earnScotch I "Put It In yourself." the GI over $4800 each When we re-

McTavish: "Can you let me yelled back "That Jeep be-ltlre, will my wife be entitled tohave an empty bottle?" {longs to you as much a» It doesiher own it


No. A legally ad<>j>|.,tchild may become enMUrd i„monthly Social Secnrllv |,:l,mrntK hawd on thf •dnninfather'* earnlrifn r-d,,,iStep-ch'ldren »l«o mav i,

rnCtird tn hrnrn! ,iof the itiMi.

and.thr child's pur, i itook place one year hr-u,.the Insured penton'n drnhBoth the child and you m>,Itr eligible Tor benefit p ,ment unlll the child read, ,his IXth birthday.

Oo yoil have H pi'r ,.problem 'conrernlnn s*,,

1 Scciivlty? Write Xll,ui \Bass District Matiayfi sciiil Security A^miniRtvin.313 State Street. Perth Aboy, and you may be as^i:of a confidential retUy.

To underntand a no1;problem approach them thl« circumstance*, not your

REWARDING: A visit by Girl Scouts of Colonia 1. District4, above, to the Krlpar Kill Nursing: Home, Wondhridcc w,iscalled "very successful and rewardinc trip " by Mrs, S. M.

/..irctskj. rhairman of the Service Project Committee.Tin' service project will continue throughout the year with:i different troop visiting the home each month.

Chemist: "Yes. for 5 cent*, to me"but it will cost you nothing If]you have something In it."

McTavish: "Guid. Put a corkin it."


Iselin, New J"sejTel LI 8-8469

and Mrs. Brady for dinner• Visitors during the day wereMr. and Mrs. Anthony Vardiand children, Barbara and An,

:in\ In i!ie evening the Hamills'beth's Convent,, 14nden. | School Boand their children, Mary. Mi-, -Fr iday aftefrnobn guesta at t J J ?™w

chad, and Melissa, were guests the Cuthbertson home were p

of Mr and Mrs. J. Babish, Rah- Mrs. O. T. Catlln and children,]/wa>' ^ u g l a s and Christopher Lee.i

—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hap-;iseijn. Mr, and Mrs. Cuthbert-1'pel and children, Gary,

^and Bnice. Adams St.,

He KnowiJicgs: "Many a man has a

talent for conversation whichn .a .m 'n? n»s had no opportunity ofDefinition :t m t() a c c o u n t ! . .

high mounUin; J l n k R . . U r a . f r . v e s ; , a m

married myself."

Social Security andIhalf of mine?| A. Ea«h of yoa will be en-! titled to benefit! baaed on

your own wage record. Be-came jour wife'* benefit onher own account win be Urcerthan one-half y<mt benefit*,•he will get only that.Q Five years ago my hus-

a n d children. Richard and,were Maureen, were guests Sunda'y

dBuests Wednesday of Mr. and at dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Louis(Mrs. Joseph'De Sena, Wegt|schtnitt, Rahway.

mie, Woodbridge, is servinpaboard the heavy cruiser USSNewport News, part of the re-cent United States quarantineforces in the Caribbean. . , ,

Re: Deb Ball

'Janet. Wood A-ve.. were guests —Jhe

- M r and Mrs Richard Har-B '1 U t m ' u ' c "; D U 'u"'n """'"'•|Warrcn Street. On Saturday!' t u 1 Mrs. Emll caliendo.;e v p n i n ! : ] t h c H a p p e l s W(!re,

Kronem and their g u e s t , s of Mr, and Mrs. Walter,at >Sunday dinner of Mr. and children, -Walter and CarolJMewlohn, Keansburg.Mrs Andrew PalUzzo, New- WI'E Kues t s Sunday uf Mi. and; Happy ioth anniversary toburgh New York

Walter Kro-

M r s 'a n d

ppyH e ™a"- Livingston. M r a n c i Mrs. Happel who were

v i s i t e d M r 5 ' Elizabeth;mamed on New Year's Eve,

" ^The Debutantes looked so'weekend. On Saturday evening,beautiful during the presenta-:guests were Ralph Caliendo, Sr.tlon ceremony Friday night'Newark; Mr. and Mrs. Louisthat there was many a tear ofiBarrella and children, Louisjoy ^ d . . . . Assemblyman! and Anthony. Beth Paige, Long Mrs. Herbert Hamill. Avon Tei•-Norman Taraman, as usual, didllsland: Mr. and Mrs. Norman r a c e- entertained Mr. and Mrsa wonderful job^ of presentingJMinieri. Raritan Borough; Mr Abe Fischer, Brooklyn, for din-the Debs. . . . It was nice to'and Mrs. Walter Brady. Co-see so many of last year's Debsilonia: Mr. and Mrs. Theororc

<tn attendance and they sureicaliendo arid Mrs. Emil Cali-^id look lovely. . . . Bonnyjendo, Iselin. On Christmas DayDenys, this year's Deb chaii-*"'"1. planning an organization!of Past Debs. They wilMiavei|•• mrt in future Deb Balls^ All1()61 and 1962 Debs interestedin joining are asked to get intouch with Miss Drnys at MK--

Q . L f ^ M l s ™ e hosts on Friday toO l n e r ' N e t t a l k - Jane Fiance^ OP. of St. Eliza-

- O n Christmas Day, Mr. and


4-3535. . . . Miss Claire Sutch.BPW president, was deeplytouched when the "Debs pre-sented her with a check for theBPW Fond for Nurses Scholar-ships , and continuing aid toTownship libraries . . . . Thecotillion figures were outstand-ing and drew much applause. . . . As one pretty deb said tothe chairman: "This was thehappiest night of my life." . . . .

Jottings iSix Township men joined thejj

Air Force during the month ofDecember, according, to S/Sgt.Loren J. Gorden, of the PerthAmboy Recruiting Office. Themen, now stationed at LacklandAPB, Texas, for basic training,are Thomas J. Meehan n i , 301Ella Avenue; Oliver J. Bach-mann, 188 Flume Avenue, Col-onia: Michael R. Viola, 76 Wor-den Avenue, Hopelawn; John Z8«abo, 62 May Street, Hope-jtown: Victor H. Diftnio, 43!Wright Street, Iselin; AndrewFrederick, 179 Main StreetWoodbridge,.. . Committeeman1

Joseph Nemyo held open house;Tuesday after being sworn into |office for a second term. Friends:kept going and coming way into!(Jieevenini? . . . Congratulationstiqns to Dick Mack, Woodbririformer newspaperman, on hisappointment ps clerk to thvBoard of Freeholders. . . . Alsoto William Warren, Fords, whowas sworn in again as a mem-ber of the Board of Freeholders

, after being re-elected last No-r vmber. . . . We were ever so' sorry to learn of the death of

j,Claire Pfelffer. She will be'•' ,80yely mLssed' by all who wtrc

fortunate enough to know herClaire did many charitablethings without any fanfare. . .

Woodbridge. N. J.


JAN. 3 - JAN. 8

Walt Disney's


Starts Wed. Jan. 9th

Tony Curtis - Yul Brynner




HI 2-0341


" G I G O T "With—Jackie Gleason


Saturday Matinee"YOUNG GUNS



"THE HUNS"also


"Hvngariai Show"

RITZ Theatreirtcret. S. KI 1-596*



Every NlfhtExcept Monday7:31 t« 11 P. M. 85'


JAMARV 2 - 7tlen <i.tzzara - Stuart WhitmanRay Wahlun - Sammy Davis Jr.

"CONVICTS 4 "Glenn forbrtl - Maria t.iiidl






Walt Disney's


Flu]James Craig - Martha Vtcktn

James Buchanan

"Four Fast Guns"Clildrm s Admission 50c

Kiddie Matinee Saturdayand Sunday at 1 FM.

Evening Shows 7:00

tM P.M. U S P~M.

SOUTH AMBOY ARENAStarem * tth. Sotjth Ambc;


'Period of Adjustient'lion Mumj

ChriMinp Kiufnua

"Escape f r o iEast Berlli"

Special Kiddir MatineeSaturday & Sunday


Starts Wedntftdftf, Juaarr 4t


NOW THHt1 S*Tt'RnAY!Walt HiMifi Pirsrntt

Maurirr ( hftallfr - HiTlry Mill

" I N SEARCH OFTHE CASTAWAYS"Tony Inrtii - Jintt l.Mjh


SUN. • MON. . TIES.Two (ilant Action Hits!

"THE HUNS"— plus —

" T H E C E N T U R I O N S "





add DINNERSServe* Dalit

II * M. tin I'lotini. UtU k M

8and»j from J:0« P M it(MMnlgbt)


HOME-MADE SPAGHETTIUsaipia. Rarloll, rtexa Plr

Hot or Cold Saadwichf,




Sfrrc* in Out OlnnPally rrom *M k. U.

VILLAGE INNHOT & Restaurant! Grr*n St., Woodbridn

(Cor Kahwi) art.)

Woodbridge National BankCondensed Statement of Condition

At the Close of Business December 31, 1962



7 to VI V, M.

The Driftwood*Admiss ion Kfi

Coining trbruury 2nd




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1963 BUICK¥\lll SIZE



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Anthony J. OrdniAssistant Vice-Presldent

Robert F. NkkonAssistant Cashier -

Jamet HaneyAssistant Branch Manager


Fred P. Bvntenbach

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Edward J. Patten

Frank Van Syeklf

Harold Van Byekle

POLKOWITZ MOTORSCentral Jersey's Largest Volume Buick Dealer

Serving the Public for Over .45 Years

RESOURCESCash on Hand \

and in fianks $4,281,961.12 ;

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Other Bonds and Securities „ 5,136,184.29

Loans and Discounts - 8,164,877.20

Furniture and Fixtures _ „ „ 130,131.07

Other Assets '. 1,610.90

TOTAL- $28,579,529.52


Oommon f $ 500,000.00 '

Surplus : 1,000,000.00Undivided ProtiU and Reserves 261,543.42

\ | $1,761,94^.42 ;

Deposits: MU. S. Oovernxnent 373,835.78Others ...J... 20,617,289.54

Other Liabilities 826,880.78

TOTAL • $23,579,529.52

Woodbridge National Bank3 locations For Your Convenience


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Berry St, tt Moore Ave.


ISELIN OFFK-E1412 Oak Tret Row)


Member Federal Reserve System-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Page 9: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday





From Allthe Community

Independent-Leader Carteret PressEDISON-FORDS BEACON

k Nempftpet Dedicated to the BestIntemrto of the Resident* of the

Communities We Serve.

II, KD-CP January 3,4,1963 PAGE NINE

WINDOWOn Greert Street

• 'Mill'

\ ||l;i

, n,!v'

_ „ By the Stall I, r , fun now REFUSE TO ACCEPT lurid and1,'niifins 'State Lawi. No more excuses — and,

this irash should De eliminated from their!

Mayor NamesJnstaHrtllori Set Funeral Rites TomorrowBy De Molay Group

CommitteesWOODBRIDOE - Standing

committees for 1963 were an-nounced at the New Year's Day

of the Town Commit-too. Each commltteemnn has

headline oi theiittt 'm'rVurVrPadliiVf c h R l r m » n R h | P . a n d l s \ r a e m

.lionld rrad •IMMATURE -Adult* ONLY" ^L°[ ^ I T . o t h ( ; r ««nmlttew.

iHiiifimr Untiles signed a bill thin week which al-Hn IHIIIIIMB of two elective Jobs• at the Mime time.I In MW law would Allow (for instance) Freeholder

i\Mlii.ini U;itrin. who carried Woodbridire la»t November, ,,lni :ilitv cif 8,000. the larnrst in the history nf the

,,invlii|), l« continue a* Freeholder and also run for aii Miiniiin:il position in thh vcsr'n Primary and Gen-

ii rlertimi.t • 4 *

Atinrncy General David T, Wllentz who has a

"ach wind lias one man on each'committee.j Thc.jcotnmit.tri

WOODBRIDGE — AmerlcusChapter, Order of Demoley willhold installation of officers, onSaturday.

Installed will be John Elek,master ' councilor; Bernard1

Christcnsen, senior councilor;'Jeffrey Kravltz, Junior council-or; James Brown, senior dea?con; Robert Baldwin, Junior[deacon; Robert Safford, senior

WoaDBRIDQE — Furferal visor of the YMCA's Triangleservices for Miss Claire 3. Pfelf- Girls.

[ol - j s t e w f t r d : Robert Schaffhauser,Junior steward', Albert Plrigyl.

Tmc \<i thf 8taU' House at Trenlon promises that

Administration: Robert Jacks,|chiiirman: Joseph Nemyo,[Tliomflfi Costello. Robert Vogfil,'Oron:« Emery: Public Works,Mr Nemyo, chairman; Mr.JEmt-ry. Dr. Ralph .Barorre, Har-jold" MorU'nfien, Mr. Jnckfi

Police. Mr. COstello, chair-man; Mr. Nemyo, Mr. Vogel,

•: V l <

will attend the testimonial dinner In honpr|J°sriPli Mnnzlone. John Fay,February 21st, at the Pines.

I ilu.irii Kiith. former First Ward Commlttremtn. nowltu in hist Brunswick, ordered a 1963 Corvette Stlnit-

i ( hmtmas prr«ent for his daughter — Santain (trl.it delivery however — He did net have the rirht

ii ,III Murphy, and .several members of her•nl ihri'r rooms on the Queen of Bermuda' .'Huh

! Finance. Mr. VOKCI. chalr-chflliiiiiin; Herman Fallon, Mr.'Emery, Dr. Barotie. Mr. Jacks! Sanitation: Dr. Barone ,Ichairman: Messrs. Nemyo,Moilensen, Jacks and Fay., PlaiulmR and Development,Mr. Manzione, chairman;

For Claire S. Pfeiffer


dator; Robert Clchockly, sen-tinel; Jftme.i Laddie, chaplain;jEdwin Kronseder, marshal;Richard Farroll, standard bear-er; Warren YUnkes, Almoner;and Nei« Laurltzen, RonaldProas, Philip Rice, Andrew Mi-tro, Allan Foytlin, WilliamReynolds, and Martin Stanleyas preceptors.

The chapter announced re-tiring Master Councilor Rich-ard Base is to remain anscribe. , ,

The installation will be doneby Albert Aymer, Robert 8eel,William Castagno, Charles Si-mon, and Gary Coon of UnionChapter. The public Is invited

. Pay, VonelJto a U e n d at 8 P.M. at the•mid Cnstclto. I temple, 94 Green Street.

!er, 207 Main Street, who diedMonday at thn Perth AmboyGeneral Hospital, will be heldtomorrow, 3 P. M., at-the FlintPrenbytorian Church with RevAlex N. Nemeth, pastor, offi-clatlriK. • Burial will be in Al-pine Cemetery, Perth Amboy.

Friends may tfelt from 2 to'5 and 7 to tfl % U. today atthe Oreiner Bfaaer&l Home, 44Qreeh Street. Contributions tothe First Presbyterian Churchorgan fund are requested ln-

of flowers.

The deceased-< known forher charitable 'wotka through-out the years. A graduate ofPerth Amboy 'High School andTrenton State Teachers College,she was a member ofMhe PerthAmboy School system', teaching

A member of the First Pres-byterian Church of Wood-bridge, she was superintendentof its Sunday School, membernf the church choir, vice presi-dent of its Women's Associa-tion, director of the Daily Vaca-tion Bible School, advisor of ItsJunior Christian Endeavor So-ciety > and a former deacon ofthe church.

She was also H member of theinternational Society of Chris-tian Endeavor, tlnited ChurchWomen's Organization ofWoodbrldge, the advisory boardof the New Jersey ChristianEndeavor Union, the board ofdirectors of the Interdenomina-tional Young People's Confer-ence of Pocono Mountains andhonorary members of the Board

Few New Faces SeenM Town Hall Desks

at School 7. She had been ateacher since 1916,

Miss Pfeifler was president ofthe Perth Amboy Teachers' As-sociation, member of the PerthAmboy Women's Club andChoral Group, the Perth Am-

YMCA and a former ad-

of Ecumenical Missions.She was the daughter of the

late Mr. and Mrs. John Pfeiffer,Surviving are two sisters, MrsGertrude Brodhead'and HelenPfeiffer. both of Woodbridgeand a brother, Edward L. Pfeif-fer, Woodbrldge.

Health and Welfare, George I Also at this meeting will be

•, IIIIIK lu our good friend, (jrorgr Molnar, Kordi,,.,. uiilii-r, "progrnMlvr" partly »n Nf* Year'* Kvei.uiminx quitr the thiitf. And. Gcorie and, hk wife,

i, niichl to knot*, A* thf> were amonjt ten couple*, p ii in i|iiifd In one,

i tn-i .ill sUrted out for the William Hornfib>' homr, mikt^lli and horn d'ouevrm wrrr wrved. Then on

il,, immr nf Mr. and Mrs, J»me* llarkaj, whrrr thrir! nintrihulrd thr fruit enp and wine. It wan soup atriniui- nf Mr. and Mn. Frank Paytl; ulad to the Brrt

iiimskK: followed by thr main eourv n( Hawaiian, k,-,i Mini iiuftrd mbbain at the Chtttft HctiiVikiii,

mill IIIVMTI and roffi* itt thr Ed Wlnilffwi. The? madeI, , List tl(i|i at thr homr of Mr. and Mn. Mitch ErrrK

II tlii'.v rnjnyrd undwifhnt and roffre, and playedi x . VII thr homn wrrr in the Fords area. Mm. B»iln-

I>I inil Mrs. Wlniilow wrrr co-rhairmrn. Mn. Molnari ! Miv K.irl (aritmjfn ajulited in making thr iand-

Mnrtenspii. ,David Hoaglandi Parks and Public Property, Chapter.:Mr, Mortrnsrn. chairman;! ->l»'ssrs. Nemyo, Mapzione, Cos-!lello »nd Emery.

Education and Libraries. Mr.Fallon. chairman: Messrs .VoKfl. Jack's and Barone.

of Union |

Smith -Knudsen NuptialsPerformed on Saturday


GLENN W. SLATER JR,NEW POST: Airman BasicGlenn W. Slater Jr., ton ofMr, and Mn, Glenn W. Slaterof 44 Tappan Street, Avenel,it being reassigned to Laugh-Hn AFB. Tex,', for trainingand duty aa a roads andgrounds specialist.

Airman Slater recentlycompleted United States AirForce basic military at Lack-land AFB, Tex. He is a 1962graduate of Woodbridge Sen-ior High School.

WOODBRIDGE — There will;

>e a few new faces In and

around the municipal building


Five InjuredAs Car Skids

Joseph V. Valenti, took overMs duties fld Township Clerkfcsterday morning on the r»-Irement of B. Joseph Dunigan.

Mr .Valenti Is not certain ]ustwhere his desk will be becausepart bf his already oveforowdedoffice will be taken over as of-fice space for the magistrate,The office formerly used by themagistrate will boused by thenew police director until the[new police headquarters Is coh-structed.

Magistrate Andrew D. De*mond Is not exactly a hew faceas lie served as magistrate.from1947 to 1959. He held his firstcourt session under his newappointment yesterday morn-ng.

At the New Year's Day meet-ing the appointment of Joseph1

Galassi, New Market, as policedirector for a three year termwas confirmed, CommltteemanHerman Fallon voted no andCommitteeman George Emeryabstained. Mr. Galassi wasalso named deputy director ofCivil Defense and Disaster Con-

seph A Manzione, member ofthe Planning Board, to take theplace of former CommitteemanJohn Kvanko; Gordon Mallon,member of the Zoning Board of[Adjustment for five years;Charles Beagle 'reappointed^Township Engineer for threeyears.

Other* tn ServeNamed members of the ad-

visory committee for the im-provement of the Woodbridgebusiness district to one yearwere George Van Tassel, JosephOstrower, Herman Stem, PrankBopp. Charles Wllley, Hoy DOc-tofsky. j

Appointed to the Citizens Re-development Committee for two

WOODBRIDGE — Five per-

PORDS — St. Stephen's Ev-,pearls and she carried red roses'sons were Injured in a New

To Fete Chiefi angelical .Lutheran C h u r c h .1:Edison, was the scene

iilics-of-the-valley. \Yeai.,s

years were:Woobrl&ge;



w h e n o n e

trol for one year, Messrs.iFallon and Emery east theisame vote.

:; ;>iu football fans were lunonn the irony from'Ye!i,i i:a\i'led "(real distances Sunday U) see the Puckerii-

.•.iiiii- on television. Tlir uroup including Freddie1* Gilbert

Cyclist HitsCar; Is Hurt

WoonBRinnF A motor-WOODBRIDGE A moto - co-chairmen, Daniel

eve i.st wns admitted to Perth. , . . . . , , , ,„; . „ , „ ,. , „ Pancom and Mrs, Joseph Mc-Amboy General Hosp ta New,, , , , , ,,, K

t h o

„ for the wadding of Miss1

»it Kaae Knudsen and Wal-ker James Smith, Jr. Rev. Kirk

of the bride,was matron of honor. Servingas best man was Robert Sutter,Parlin. Ushers were Alfred

WOODBRIDGE — The'com-iKirkeRaard • Jensep performed Brown and George Place, both:millet1 preparing for the testi-jmonial dinner to Chief NelsjLaurltzcn of the Woobridge; Police Department will meetSunday afternoon at 2 o'clock

the Municipal Building.

the double ring cfcrecony.The bride, who has been liv-

ing with her uncle and aunt,

uf Parlin.The bride chose a beige wool

dress with brown accessories]Mr. and Mrs. Anton Andersen,ifor a trip to New York City.

005 Main Street, is the daugh- j Mrs. Smith, a graduate of;er of Mr. and tyrs. Einar;Meddelfart School, Fuen, Den-Knudsen, Randers, Denmark.'itnark, is employed by Rooseveltjljarch Street. Port Reading,

;iii:;.» Siu'cdfit, Bob Mueller. Johnny Roylc. Terry Strict, Colonla.and Windsor I-Hkls. The Ramc was en-]

into u cm operated byWok. IB. 151 West for the

iwill be held on February 21 atthe Pines in Edison.

Her husband Is the son of Mrs. j Hospital >*"n!o Park. Her hus-Lorraine Davison, 232 Southland, a graduate of HoffmanBroadway, South''Amboy, iHigh School, South Amboy

Given In tnarlage by Mr. An-1served five years in the U. Sdersen the bride was attired in Navy including duty in Korea

• Fnur Guy*" m Mount Holly, thf. ' I l l



.same spot ,-nson, 28. 881 10th Street. New ticket" comniittef,•i.t weni W iwu years auo when another <h»m- Voik City•*n* not U'leviw'd in this urea.

Hospitalized was Robert flor- josi.ph's"ipos. clialiman of thehas tickets

available and will allocate themAcordnix to the police report, ut the meeting.

tin- South Jersey a n * did » land-office l)Uf- iWdl s M S juu-nipting to turni: their rooms by Uw day with TV. net* »v»n-,,n t0 ^ M t , a I T ra ) I ( , , . C o u r t o n

•oom. Taking idvanUife of this was a g roup I H a n w n y A v e n u P i Av,,n,.|, w h f , n | .Township resident.^ BH1 Burn*, Gil Smith,

Joseph Grteo, wno hefcdn thecommittee, has prom-

Dick Brciman, CUffPHiinderhan, GeorKe Wai- S1JI1S motocyclell.il Kik-iilloM, John Friz, Bill Leahy and Frank Ftiloy.'"

I.I;I viewed the game from the Town House Motel,• Hi,.'h'.Mowri exit of tin- N J Turnpike,

;ar skidded on the ice on WestAvenue, Sewaren and crashedinto another vehicle.

According to PatrolmenJames Egan and Walter Mar-sinlak, Joseph Zagjewskt, 34,Parlin, was1 driving south onWest Avenue, when he lostcontrol of his vehicle and car-eened into a car owned and op-erated by Matteo Pelligrino, 120

traveling In the opposite direc-tion.

Taken to the Perth AmboyGeneral Hospital by Wood-bridge Emergency Squad and

HOOT S g t h gowfl'oF peau de during the Korean conflict. Hejadmltted for further treatmentiP trimmed with Alencon lace attended FaiiieiKh Dickinsomwere both dilvers and Jenniesoie trimmed with Alencon lace attended Faiiieigh Dickinsonj

and designed with a Sabrlna University and is employed byneckline and oWeep train. HerJE. I, duPont deNemours & Com-

fromlenuth veia coroip


', illusion fell party. Inc., photolace and plant. Parlin.


Pellegrino, 44, and JosephPellegrino, 46, of 120 LarchStreet, and Michael Pellegrino12 Larch Street.

Hlulr many fan*, u we s»U before, traveled irrati.mrev Palny ManUtto, Urtender i t thr Center BarI'nrt Readinc, uld Uut P»ul DtSunth. the owner.l>d ulwut 150 GUnt rootfrt at hi* p'we of bu-ilnew,

. UtSantls. It wttme, went to additional eipenv toi up a itprrlal antenna for the

ised that many dignitaries will•hi,s ear wan struck by Soren- ))e „„ n a l l d i \wail^ b y Gov

Richard P. Hughes.SoionMin was taken to the Mrs. Laura Berman. chair-j

hospital by Avt-nel First Aid|man of the reservftion «om-jSquad nnd treated for couruii-jmtUee will h»ve reserved tableslion. •* -set up for eight.


iMu Sk|)hen SkiUit, Carttrrt, who rulmquifilied hi«!MI Nea Year's Day, performed hLs last OfBcial ail onl'Jl••. Kvc, when he murrifd a youiiK couple in ihcMl Building at 7 o'clock tiiai nuht. Slu1 Is from Elu-,.i:.ii the groom I* an Ittlin resident.

the Siiell ChrlnUiuK part; held In Sewaren for thetutu- thik year wait reported to be a highly sufcessful

lenlun with about VI youngitrr* Ukini part. Mn>. J.Vi'll <*d\ cluirman with thr backlnc of the Sewarenpur ^MH'Ution . . . Incident!) thf Snelli have opened

iMiiM-r* whiwl in that community. Our conjfratulatloM.

Knights of PythiasChange Meeting Place

Peace Corps'Talk Subject

W(K)DBHID(iE • ParkwayLodi-e 174. Kniihts of Pythias'

iced ,i change ofplace from the American Le-j

li;i<m hall to Coimretjation Beth[,si(0lom Temple. 90 CooperAvi;nue. l.vlm. The rtr.si meet-

ai tlie new headquartersWOODBRIDGE — Dr. Ja,mes

H. Street, professor of Econo-will tH' held. Tuesday, 8:30imics at Rutgers University, ad-P.M , featurimt. installation of Pressed the Woodbridge Lions

'new officers. Club at its annual father —chil-Simnund Wolf*on and slaffjdren's dinner at Kenny Acres,

• • • of PliiinfU'ld illl install tin? foljhls subject was "The Peace'il tin- iR'Wspapei- ri'iMh'i-s in Uus country take;iOwiiii;: Dr. Meyer Friedman, Corps".

II: tin- press" for miintwl but tins newspaper andjchancellor <iommandtwr; • Nor- About 50 lions and a like-numbers of thf N J. Pre.w are ever vliiilcnt to'man Wolf, vice chamellor; Ar-jnumber of boys and Kills pri-

:.v ei^ioii of that freedom. One of the most idiotjc'tiiur Roscnthal, prelaU-: Jer- marily of Junior High School,•iiui there Imvc bt*!! aome besul*. was recently ome Solomon, mastrr-at-ai'ms; High School and College age

, - < i . . . . . . . . . . ' i

< JtOtyOND


Romond, 53, 84 Albert Street,

the widow of the late John HERBERT DIEFENBACHER

Surviving are a daughter',Mrs. Catherine Jamison, Sha-Mrs. Catherine Jamison, S

died suddenly yesterday a t ; r o n H i l l ? P a . a s o n J o h n

Perth Amboy General Hospital. Kellner. Woodbridge; eightHe Ls survived by his widow, jgrandrhildren. and 11 great-

iffandhildrenMargaret Brennan Romond; adaughter, Catherine: three sons,Thomas, Joseph and Edwin,and a sister, Mrs. MargaretPlunkett, Lodi.

The late Mr, Romond was the!son of the late police Sgt. andMrs. Harvey Romond. He wasa member of St. James HolyName Society, Woodmen of theWorld, International Brother-!hood of Teamsters Union, Local


\!ii\Mich3.M'lW> which would prohibit David, Unelt. muster of wdrk:i ' i v comment or criticism of an appointed or e l c o ' w a i t e r Alina, inner sward;

al decision or motivation" unless a $50,(100 bond Murray Schu'art/, outer guard;:ili-d with the .IUUV And, uues* who would enforceJirvim; PuriU, secretary; Jer-

'"•-.il amoiiit others, H bonid uf elected or appointediome Goldberg, financial secre-

Itary and ChesU-r Willis, trea-iiu'w ,i bill sponsored uy the i|e\v.spui>ers in New ^urrr.

'i:iiantc.-i»K the public's riKht to know is havlnvl The meeting will bu optm to".iiM Hill A-580 titled "Access to Public R«oidii"|m t .m 'bers, wives and friends'• • uii-ft ol pa&siive until two recommendations came jand Refreshments will be served::n' Kenan- Rcpublk'Mii rauciw. <1» A. charge of SO j t -• iM-ic for pli(iU)uraphln« public records. «2> In.sptt-jUANCE PLANNfcl)

iccorriK be coufVncd to new.spapt'M only. ex- | WOODBRIDGE The sec-, „ „ „ , „ , When the sponsors related the« «»id annual scholarship dance,

'•'•••'U-. thf bill wan returned w Uu- tlk* over the strong spwuored by the Woodbrldge'• «i Its Senate spoiuorH and newspaper repre*ntaUvc. Teachers' Orga.nzatlon will be•'1'iiilv die unless It It released for a floor vote ori lifW. January 26, 9 P.M. to 1,:Vnrii ; A.M. at St. Demetrius Commu-

nity Center, Roosevelt Avenue,

...ul> In Ubtre.'; Anyone U1u W * "Ate ^ L ^ i S . ^ ^I-'"'11 a Pamphlft wrltlfB by Dr. DeUny in conjunction l l l s n e d b y m L f t d d b

" M.iih Iniitltute they no longer need, or Informationpure .i ropy ran be purchased, pl«a«« contact Mrs.i'uni Balderston. »etln« principal, School 17, Colonia.

saw a recently i-eleased film onthe work of the Peace Corpsnarrated by Dave Garrowayand participated by R. Shriber,Peace Corps Director.

Dr. Street has been a news-paper reporter, in the U. 8.Bureau of Agricultural Econ-omics and has served as a visit-ing lecturer in Paraguay andjsix leading Argentine unlverslt-

Because of his Interest in theeconomical development of La-tin America, Dr. Street hastraveled extensively in the re-gion and gave the Lions someidea of the problems facing thepeoples of those nations andthose who are attempting toaid them.

tired after 24 years as owner!of the Romond Trucking Com-pany,

Funeral service will be heldSaturday at 8:30 A. M., fromthe Leon Gerity Funeral Home,

mboy Avenue, and a t 9 o'clockt St. James Church, where a

high Mass wil be sun?. Buriaill be in St. James Cemetery.

Africans vote first LimeNorth Rhodesia.

In' Scientists expected to servei as space fliers.

• • i!<t.Lv ilworatiom have taken many forms this year!"'•'• in Sal's Colonla Barber Shop serve a two-fold pur- jHii'liienmtt the shop and creating a holidtJy air, murals11 mi the mirrors depict ixtim like Tom and _ Jerry j |''"in ii Christmas tree and oth(U% favorites anfif* the1! *IIMV they are getting ttwlr-tutlr out. ArHsW» Sat•'• tltuncl. who l.s Just as artistic with the

STOBV: The »tory of DenMtrlon Sotirhonf I.reef« who arrived In America to undergo life Mtv

'"•art hrgery »t Deborah Hoipltal. Brown. ¥lll»,-ln-ii tlie heart of a *tran«er, a grandrnQtlier ' " "»"ii.i who milt him wordi of enc»ur»|emtnt *»d »f»< Christina*, l^rs. Wm. Hooper Jr., prwideut »f

»ruii League of I'olonlt, and Demetrto»' counln reporUh.i» undrr(on« s »erl« of te»U and mrgery l» whed-

i" the New Year, meanwhile fte hospital rdMMdi« w i l d the Uullojy* nurroundud by hi» ttmtiy »ud

jr«Mlt.. Mis. Hooper requeiti u* to mention that Pemr-p In nut in ur«d of fund* and thoie people who e»-

fd u d«ire to aid him »re urged to doimtr th*fy tu hrburuh. Sht- adds he will be dplllhted to rr-

rwd. from well wUh«rK while he is »t tbt honplUl.




Phone VA 8-B661

CSIPO Travel BureauS«S Maplt Street




ervices for Mrs. Mary Kellnerdied yesterday at 1015

Coate Street, Sharon Hill, Pa.,rill be held Saturday morning:30 at the Drainer Funeral

Home, with a solemn Mass olrequiem, 9:00 at St. JameChurch, Burial will be in StMary's Cemetery, Perth Amjoy. Friends may call beginling tonight, 7:00. Visitinglours are 2 to 5 and 1 to 1(.M.The deceased was a forme:

esident of Perth Amboy andad resided at Sharon Hill foi

the past four years. She was



services for Mrs. Mary (Cher-

vanok» Varsky, 53 Fifth Ave-

nue, who died last .Wednesday

at her home, were held Satur-

day at the Gustav J. Novak

Funeral Home, 419 Barclay

Street, Perth Amboy, with a

Mass of requiem at St.

Nicholas Church, Perth Amboy.

Burial was in Holy Trinity

!Cemetery, Hopel&wn.

The deceased was a parish-ioner of St. Nicholas CatholicChurch of Byzantine Rite, PerthAmboy. and a member of Itschurch society. Born in Aus-tria-Hungary, she had residedin the Perth Amboy-Wood-bridge area 60 years.

Surviving are two daughters,Mrs. Mary Janucci, Woodbridgeand Mrs. Elizabeth Kostick,Port Reading; and a son,Michael, Bayonne; eight grand-children and eight great-grand-children.

'or Herbert G. DiefenbacherijoT Assistance iw one -yew;. Jtu59, 90 Inwood Avenue, who diedFriday at Rahway General Hos-pital where he was a patient]or three weeks, were held Mon-

day at the Lehrer FuneralHome, 275 West Milton Avenue,Rahway, with cremation at theRosehill Crematorium, Linden.

Born to Germany, the de-ceased lived in Elizabeth after1

coming to this country in 1929and moved to Colonia IT yearsago. He was a production fore-

One Dollar EarnedIS NOT

One Dollar SavedUNLESS

It Is Earning Difldends


MercuryFEDERAL SAVINGS117 Main Street


ME 6-0100

COLONIA — Funeral service:

Najne SwindiehurstOn the resignation of Joseph

.. Dambach, Sr., as director ofCivil Defense. Thomas Swindle-hurst, 114 Maryknoll Road,Menlo Park Terace, was namedIn his place, In » special res-olution the Town committee ex-pressed regret at the loss of Mr.Dambach's services and ex-pressed "its appreciation andthanks for many years of aerv-ce to the Township as Director

of Civil Defense and DisaateiControl, in which position thiwelfare of the Township and itsresidents have capably andcarefully been protected.

Other appointments were asfollows:

Louis Cyktor, Fords, Commlssioner and member of thiBoard' of tVoodbrldge Redeye!opment Agency for a term o:five years; Norman Gardnermember of the Housing Auth-ority for flye years; NormanBobbins, reanointed AssistanTownship Attorney; George EEmery, member of the Board ofHealth for one year; Jo AnrKreiss, member of Local Boari

Woodbrldge; Frank Soos, Hope-lawn; Melvin Klein, Colonia;Joan Perioone. Colonia,

Appointed as members ofthe Township Industrial Coun-

were J. D. Barnickel, Iselln;J. J. Belz, W. C. Cramer, L, Q.Pacent and E. Trio, Colonla;Ralph P. Barone, M«nlo Par*Terace and Fred P. Buntenbuch,Woodbrldge. Joseph Ostrower:endered his resignation M amember "of th.e Industrial Coun-

il and It was accepted with«gret.

Named to the committee forDecent Literature were: Martinflinkler, William Hansen, Wil-am Lebeda, Anthony Ruyak,ohn J. Fuery, Dr. George Fred-irick, Woodbrldge; Caesar J.Landaeta, Port Reading, Mariontfatlack, Sewaren, James Kis-iane, Colonia; Mrs. L. W..Llv-ngston, Fords; Rev. RogerSeidner, Rabbi Bernard Frankeland George O'Brine, Iselin;Kenneth J. Becker, Menlo ParkiTerrace and Chief Nels Laurlt-

and Polite Director JosephGalassi. '

Appointed to the RecrationCommittee at $600 a year forone year were: James Morey,[First Ward, Stanley Zaremba,Second Ward; Patsy Margiotto,Third Ward; James Bundrlck,Fourth Ward; Calvin Donnelly,Fifth Ward.

Frank Maklary, Fords, was,reappointed constable for aterm of two years. He will, ac-cording to law, file a $1,000h#ndwith the Township Clerk

ifflSor J. Lakls was desig-natedrolice-Photographer for aterm of one year,

Joseph J. Seaman was re-ap-pointed municipal auditor.

Rt. Rev, A If red L. BanyardTo Visit Trinity Church


Alfred L. Banyard, DB,, S.T.D.,|

Bishop of the Episcopal Dio-

|cese of New Jersey, will make

his annual visitation to Trinity

Company, Elizabeth and «£e iebnmUt the 8:00 AJVI 'member of the plant's foremen'sclub. ,

Surviving are his widow,Mary; a daughter, Mrs.. MaryLou Kucsera; two granddaugh-ters, and a sister, Mrs. JohannaKlein, all of Colonia.


Shults, pastor of the UnitedChurch of Christ, announcedhis sermon topic for Sundaywill be, "Who Are the WiseMen?" Epiphany Sunday willIbe celebrated with the first IIHoly Communion of the New |Year at the 11 AM. morning |worship. At 9:45 KM. ChurchSchool will be conducted for allages. '

Magnificat, Noble; Processionalhymn, "From the EasternMountains," *'""'"

The order of confirmation:Sermon hymn, "Brightest andBest of the Sons of the Morn-

icomnlunlon and visit the Sun-day Schol at 9:30 A.M. Con-firmation will be conducted at11:00 A.M.

Rev. William H. Schmaus,

service as follows: Prelude,Journey of the Magi," The

yard; Offertory Anthem, "OSing to God"; closing prayersand the blessing by BishopBanyard; hymn, "Saw YouNever In the Twilight"; reces-sional hymn, "O Come All Ye

pastor, announced the order of Faithful"; Postlude, "In excel-sls Gloria," "When Christ W «Born of Mary Free."


a J4alf- Century

f^erional Service

Do Jll 3aULThroughout

i ni'tddieiex County


Est. 1904 — AUGUST V. GREINER, Director

44 Green StreetWoodbrldge

As we welcomed

the arrival of the New Year

our thoughts reverted gratefully to those

whose loyalty and good will

have made possible our steady progress.

A Happy New Year to all.


603 Amboy Ave.FORDS

14, ID 3-UHM

565 Iiunan AvenueCOLONIA

Tel. 382-0100

Page 10: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

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Page 11: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

,1. KB January 3, 4,



liilay Party(,jven by Post

( i I ,,N]A Animal holiday' ,|M Hilldren twelve years

,„ younger was held byPost 24 B at

r,, i Home.,1. iimmlod bv the Post,,. nihiitrribvSnntaClaus,,1,1,. i,onls Kiinte. chalr-

,',' ,,f siffnlr. Assisting In dls-,,,1(l!1 ,,r Rifts was his dangh-iM l r l c ln .

..lu, icorr.7!. co-chairman re-', ,hl. rhllriren especially en-,l ..imaiiR Christmas carols

"M(V;i'rol Sons Hooks Rivenp.iTivi.rl from Prudential

,n;inrr On.I,,, inn •rlinent centerod

,,,„! ., Christmas tree don-(1 ; inf| decorated by the

The men of the' decorated

Mill fnr the season.i M , m - smMl donations were

,,l to defray the cost,,.,,-iv including a-check

B r nu.nty-flve dollars fromMolnar reports .Mr.

nl?Commander aerald

l , ^ , , nnd his wire were ona k, nld In keepltm children,,,,i mid along with follow-

^..liihutcd refreshments;,,,,,1 Mrs. Tom Steven*. Mr.Mrs Edward Ott, Mrs. ,H.iv|, MIS. Kortz, Mrs, Fred,,,1,,'as and Mrs. J. ttnney.


B'nai B'rith juniors to BringJoy to Children's Home, Today

IN THE SPIRIT Of THE HOLIDAY: During Ihr Christ-mas vacation the Kuturr Nurses Club of the Isclln JuniorUlRh School visited (he patlrnl* nt Koosevrlt Hospital anddlstribulril nlfls madr by tlir members of the Club. Repre-srlillnn (he total membership of 137 Ifirls werr: Sherry('owrll. Dorothy Evans, Thrresa Gnrlty, Ann Hoehle, Ar-Irne Klsb, Kathlrrn Kramer, Virginia Kodilla. Janet Lech-

nor. Myra Lemherg, Linda McCafferty, Gall Nesblt, MarginRosenfeld, Josephine RUSK man, Patricia Rowland, ElaineSchmidt, Ellen Schublger, Mnda Strand, Patricia Southard,Margie Wood, Mnda Ziellnskl and Clara Zlkxewski; ac-companied by Mrs. M. Lehrffld, teacher and Mrs. LloydRubin, R.N. sclioOt nurse tit the Iselin Junior High School,

Two Big League Players [Savings & LoanFeature of Dad-Son Fete

, COLONIA — franklin SocietyCOLONIA— Big league base-jMlke Sablosky, anti-defamationjpederal Savings and Loan As-

N&mes McColgan

'tic to Install\n<> Slate

| i s i 11N • IiwtaltBtlon tff of-'nll t.vkr place at the

liirimiiVof the Sons and'M s nMUbttty, Llbaxtyninril, oji Tuesday. 8p,m.

ana Mrs,ste Street.

i .iffin-i's arc: Mrs.;:, rounctlor;

viri'-rouncUor; Mrs.i :u'c Clancy, BUlde; Mrs.

ball players, Qeorge Alusak ofjleanuc chairmiin and a upeakorKansas City Athletics and Jake from Regional S'nal B'rlth willWoods of Detroit Tigers, were be featured at breakfast meet-the center of attention aUng ot Avcnel-Colonla Jewish'Father and Son" night of Col-tcommunlty Center Men's Clubonla Rahway B'nal B'rlth Lodgejon January 6. Their programheld at Temple Beth Am, Jew-will Include a discussion of re-Ish Community Center. Cleve-:cent desecration of Temple

kV ("'in'It: Mi

land Avn\w.The boys

»ekh Am. Mr, lUhn report* Iwthrilled

*"> r P s l d l n R l n Wood-•«« d r l v l n « » t r U ( * l n



Mrs. Qrcien, record-William Woeltz,iary;

film' for January 10 meeting.m. at Temple Beth Am.

... Peckerman, ln charge of'induction of new members an-

sociation. New York, has electedEdward J. McColgan, Colonia,as vice president and treasurer

His elevation from the postof treasurer was announced today by William J. Dwyer, Chalr-jman of the Society's Board.

A native of N. J.. McCologanIs B graduate of Bscrwl HeartHl(?h School and Seton Hall]

I m m c dla t C ly upon graduationfrom high school, McColgan en-

Woods regaledJapan


ftred a r m y a n d tw0ftred ^ a r m y a n d ^ t w 0

3K I " l n g t ° n years as an Infantryman ind u c t l o n o f .

«pent the past summer as the!Detroit TiRers played Japanese!teams. He also explained how

-.mi: fr-

aud MrsJapanese baseball differs from•he baseball we know

meeting and so- Ray Haftcl, president com-•ld after the cere-;mended Ionpl Knhn. program

(chairman tor this and other'

Alpha Sigma Phi

Italy. He was a staff sergeant.Mustered outJn 1947, he matri-culated at Seton Hall and, with

. i t s bachelor of science degreeand a major In accounting, he I TO WED SOON: — Mr. andtook a position with the New; Mrs. Philip Knobel, Trafalgar

COIDNIA — Today, the Chll-,[(Iron's Country Home In Moun-tainside will be filled withmerriment: the gleeful shouts;of happy children shall minglewith laughter and we suspect

few tears as colorful, comicclowns personifying the tradl-tlrins of B'nal B'rith distribute!toys.

Junior edition clowns, manyof thorn teenagers, all membersof B'nai B'rlth Girls will ac-company Mrs. Arthur Bergen-fnld and Mrs. Donald Liebes-klnd, Colonia'a renowned clownsinf Sinai Chapter B'nal B'rlth:Women to the Horns and aid Iin the cementing and develop-ing of lnterfalth relations—a.literal example of the way B'nalB'rith follows in the footsteps ofts Mother organization.

Toys being distributed ln-ilude dolls, stuffed animals,bean bans, and puzzles "made ata recent workshop planned byMrs. S. Drucker. proRram chair-man at the direction of Mrs.Jules Bluestone, president,!Women of Sinai Chapter usingdonated materials and patternssupplied by Mrs. David Cohen,1,home economics teacher atjColonia Junior High, spent,.many hours in a latter of love.j

Finished toys were collectedby B'nai B'rith Girls, reportsMiss Marilyn Scldner, presidentnnd arrangements made forlheir»dlstributlon. Queried asjIn how the girls felt about cov-ering their pretty faces withinreuse paint, she answered, "Itfeels funny, but we don't reallymind, when we all work to-!

ther it is fun."

BRINGING JOY TO YOUNGSTERS: Junior edition clowns join Colonia's B'nai Brith.clowns to bring joy and toys to youngsters at Children's Country Home, Mountainside.Left to right: Mrs. Donald Mebeskiml. Miss Marilyn Stidnrr. president of B'nai B'rith

(iirlis, and Mrs. Arthur Ifcrgenfeld.

comprised of 69 chapters, re-Hlnai Chapter's B'nai B'rlthjpoi-ts Mrs. Leo Grossman, B'nai

Girls was founded during theJB'rith Youth Organization


COLONIA Induction of

this, Jr.. Electedfly Lafayette

C O I A ducioutstanding programs he had m , w members by Miss Sandyu r a i r e d this year Werner, president was held at!

York bank of the Federal Re-^ 1 ^ w n « l p h e s t a v e d f o t f l v e

years. He then joined the ac-counting firm of S. D. Leides-dorf & Co.

Drive, Colonia, announce theengagement of their daugh-ter, Roslyn F. to Marvin A.Ornstein, - son of Mrs. RuthOrnstein, Orange, and the

term of Mrs. Leonard Chakrin,first president who pioneeredin youth activities, and Is cur-rently chairman of regionalboard of B'nai B'rith Youth Or-ganizations. Instrumental lnorganizing the group was Mrs.Leonard Buechler, the firstchairman and Miss Judy Peck-erman was first president.

Colonia's B'nai B'rlths be-


Typical ball name fare of December meeting of Alpha'as chief acountant ln Marchsoda "pop" and hot "doRs" Bluma Phi Sorority with Maryil959 and was elected treasurer

>N, PA - Windsor J . '* 're refreshments avnmged^n,.,, Apostle,340 Renwen Ave-|ln 1960WoodbridKP, has been bV Howard Mlnkoff and Mich '„„<,, Avcnel. ' i Married. McColnan lives with

\iri-- president of the! ne[ I^rn^rman^ co-chairman ^ <pnc g r o u l ) inducted washis wife and four children.ident of t h e ) . ( j Hrw indu . i ,at LnfayetU" >*r. Mlnkoff reported 191 comprised of Miss Carol O'-Sharon. 7; Arleen, 5; Colleen, 5,

.profit from Turkey Shoot held Donni'll. Miss Pat Kaminski. and Edward. 2, at 72 Callfond l O M t Al ^W> graduate of;it

:(ii:i Si-Mor High School,fit he was president of his

D n n l . M t K n . dBowl-O-Mat Along M l s s ^h ( . r | .y C o s l , .u 0 | M i s & K a y Drive. Colonia.

vrtlh the proceeds from the \ia«lowski. Miss Cuthy Bal-lolntly sponsored Harlem Globe M ,m r ) MJS.S i a u r i Klrsclmer.l

,-d a memWr of "the Trotters game the proceeds are M U s K a W l Appu.by, Mlss^PtC Officer* Named(1,.,,| r i ) u m i l 'for National B'nal B'rith Pack- K a l h v capralro and Miss Pat'

•!,<• son of Mr and <«e Plan, which supports Uw'B l . , ,v

J Lakn. 240!A"tl-dffamatlon U'ftgue, Hlllel M l N S wnuer reported two

He went to Franklin Society; late Mr. Sammud Ornstein.Miss Knobel. a commercial

artist, Is a graduate of Wood-bridge High School, and hasstudied under Ronald Stein,abstract expressionist, of NewYork, and Joel Ortega, LongBranch. Currently, Miss Kno-bel is studying at the Schoolof Visual Arts in New York,and is Assistant Art Director,at the Gotesmann, Baader,

chairman of Northern N. J.Council and past-president ofSinai Chapter. She added theB'nai B'rith aims stated simplyare, "Living democratically,learning Judaism, and lovingour fellowmen."

While the children at thejCountry Home are too young to

Rabbi and WifePlan Open HouseCOLONIA — Rabbi and Mrs.

Herbert Witkin of Temple BethAm announce open house will

terhood and Mens Club of theTemple.

Co-hostesses will include Mrs,Murray Heller, president; andMrs. Julius Romanoff, Mrs.Stanley Schuman, Mrs. BernardBinder, vice-presidents; and

be held in their newly completedJMrs. David Chick, Mrs. Josephhome at 228 Cleveland Ave- Herskowltz and Mrs. Louisnue from 2 to 5 p.m. on Jan-

comprehend these Ideals they|uar-v J3-are not too young to understand] Guests will include members

lone to the suburban districtllove and to benefit from it, ]of consrecation as well as Sls-'the affair.

tevin of Sisterhood.Mens Club members will aid

in arrangements and serving a t

HUM _Die ->:•(•«'. Woodbrldge. Mr>oundaUon.i vocational ""M-.Thanksgiving baskets complete flcf<rs " "I, ,.s ,i photographer w l t h W and adult education » l t h T u r l K y s h a d b m l d l s t r l b - . ^ 1 8 «

i d - Publishing Co.! At a cocktail party for pros- 1 | t (,d b y t l ) e S o r o I l t y 54, at a holiday party Frtaay• held at home A C h r l s t n i M p r a j ( V t of cre-| i l t Pw*l»nB

n w i v , ' and Frank A d v e r t i s i n g

By Lady Foresters A|tencyi in Neyfark.ISELIN - A new' slate of of-l M r < OtmUiR a m d u a t c Q,


Trouble 1 . Here| I[ v,u i»lf^. ma'am," be-

and « „ , „ , ((l,t sUK.klnM| M.S. Carl McQhee m « d -!nf D»ve Cohen. Sterlliif Drive, >n_ .,._ „.

two new members joiiw<J_ They.appiiqued wltii""santas. angel»'MK • ^ r e t a ^ ; _ M , 1 S ; F r a . n k ^ ? s . : ! Deposit Insurance Corpora-

Orange High School and Up-sala College, served in theU. S. Army as a First Lieut-enant. He is a Senior BankExaminer with the Federal

tlic'ne* maid, - thue ' i »|are Al Uzaro» and Howard ;",d"c"h7is['mas uws" 'wa7'7e- ;^ r t > l l i : . flnan^al secretary;•„!,• woman downstairs. BheJFlorman.presidrtvrempleBrth-^, .^

Kivr her nam«. but she'lltiff rn-c ' int '-mnt-twrtr

| i : 'd two cupboards, rubbedlingers over the piano and;>'.amed about the dust, and

1 li-ft her she was— 'Dli dear," exclaimed Mrs.wnson, "I didn't expect mybund's mother until tomor-

Am. reporU-d Mr. Cohen, chair- gomg"into Vreasiiry.

tion.fundsMrs- Vincent Magno Sr., left

KUide; Mrs. Michael Wachtev, u a r y y,tmnsMembers participating in i S r - r i R h t « u i d e : M r s - J o s e P h -

A party for all new members vtQjKi M follows: Miss Wfin- i B | s l l 0 P l o u t s l d e Buwd; Mrs. B.

The couple plan a late Jan-

was'hfld _with Mr Haftrt. 5 3 ^ " ' ^ joai7zak."M)ss'joanClairidge PI Piscatello, Miss Susan Lord,

Harold Blacker, chairman of M l M J a m , ^ M l E1,road-side placque commlttee,;p a i ) d M b g

T ^ , B n vBdlT l li Names for new pledges willlcomes You To , ^

That'i Floatly uife is the most wonder*

[ woman in the woild Andis not just my opinion —

.s too!"

£ Welcomes You ToColonia. has been purchased;l»nd final arransemenU are be-! ^Ing made to Install it at the Sliterhood Lifts

h b d l i ;

;. St. Pierre, inside guard; Mrs.Thomas Krawiec, first, yeartrustee; Mrs. Joseph Rathsam,[second year trustee; Mrs. Rob-ect C. Scank, thii-d year trus-,tee; and Mrs. James Morvissey,|,ay

Howling Standingsjcoionla Rahway boundary line

j T d ^ r c h a l r m a n . ! COU)N1A - Mr, HanenI Morris Peckerman along with l«aac, chairman reporU Sister-

•-ihood of Temple Beth Am's

Altar-RosaryPlans Theatre Party

ISELIN — St. Cecelia's Altai-ill meet Mon-

lecturer.A buffet luncheon was

served, gifts exchanged, andsecret pals revealed.

Plans were made for a bustrip to see the "Ice Follies of'83" in Madison Square Gar-

for Recitation of the Rosaryand Benediction. A meeting andsocial will then be held in theSchool cafeteria.

Special speaker will be Moth-er Mary Cornelia, O.S. B.,Mother-General of the Eastern


COSTELLOFuneral Hornet

Green St & Cooper Ave state & Center Sts.Iselin, N J. Perth Amboy, N. J.

Tel LI 8-4641 HI 2-0075

Multiple listing Services Seller'slest Because It Serves Buyers Bestlultiple Listing delivers sales results because

home buyers are quick to realize that MiddlesexCounty MLS Realtors offer the largest selec-tion of homes in Middlesex County. They rec-

ze that they save time and effort by visit-just one of over 80 Multiple Listing officesec the complete listings of all. They appro-

bate the convenience and the service.

these reasons more and more buyers aremt,' with MLS Realtors who display the

lultiple Listing emblem: As a home seller, take'jvantage of listing with a Middlesex Countyeultor. You'll get fast sales, action, service

individual attention.lor Further Information Write or Call

lultiple Listing System133 Smith St., Perth Ajnboy

VA 6-1S1B

\tan. Tickets"' -' PridaT Janu-lPr°vi"^ "L*'!!?.-*!™ ^ 1 *bowling league standings asia i.y 1 8 w l l i \M\x^e transpor-followp: itation, dinner, and the Ice

First place team: Nudnlx;!g h o wMrs. Sol Strauss, Mrs. AlbertGoldmln, Mrs, Oil Kasdln.

High team, single game, Nud-nix.

High team, three games: TheAstros; Mrs. Sam ZLttrer, Mrs.Frederick Swanekamp,Stephen HarUstein.

The next meeting wijlJanuary 14, at Pershlng /nue School.

It waS announced that a de-of five dollars is required

""' to be paid at the meeting totu.ihold reservations for the an-

ticket will include transporta-tion, supper, and a theaterticket to "How to Succeed inCORRECTION

ISEUN—The Ladies Aid So-:Business Without Really Try-Mrs.'ciety of the First Presbyterian!ing" or "A Man For All Sea-

[Church of, Iselin will hold its!sons.''High individual siiiRle game:!Installation of officer on Mon-

MIB. Kasdin. 'day evening, January 14, in-HlRh individual three game|stead of Tuesday evening, Jan-

and high average: Mrs. J. J.Zak.

uary 8. as previously an-nounced.

Members of the Rosary So-ciety will attend a weekend re-treat at Cenacle, New Bruns-wick, starting Friday, January



Looking F o r w a r d . . .With Confidence!

Bank standing (with a full-service bunk like

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Dresses - Sportswear - Swimwear - HosieryAll gift certificates and credit slips must be used before January 20th,I!)(i3. All luy-ttwuys must be picked up by same date.

MARY DONNA'S95 E. Cherry Street, Rahway



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interest will be paid on full amount left on deposit in our Savings

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V->% interest will be paSd on full amount left on deposit in our Savings

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0 COLONIYFirst in Service First ir Security

Located on Inman Avenue at Amherst In The


Page 12: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

PAGE TWELVEJanuary 8,4,1963


• Continued trom Mn Pn«e>flneers responsible for improv-ing airport facilities in their

, native countries . . . GovernorHughes has signed two mea-sures adopted by the Legislaturedesigned to curtail the promis-cuous use of narcotics In NewJersey . . The cost of matern-ity hospitallzatlon In New Jer-sey nowadays Is actually 24per 'Cent less than It was ,20years ago. claims the New Jer-sey Blue Cross . . An acceler-ated program for the posting ofshelter signs on qualified bull-

'(fings has gone Into effect, ac-cording to the State Depart-ment of Defense . . . New Jer-sey's vegetable production Is up11 per cent in 1962 but' thevalue Is down one per cent , . .Both Governor Hughes andU . S . Senator Harrison A, Wil-liams, Jr, have asked the Navyto make the battleship US8


T h e Capitol Dome J th aardfn 8tttrt 3ooth \™m*** «« w*mln Newiplrthdav celebration . . . The,Jewry Unemploymen corner,-:

'New J e w Farm Bureau is »thm office, r m l n g fromoDDosed to attacks through the Armenian to Yiddish . . . rnemuTu to reanportlnn the S t a t e d difference between the K R 0 M T H E MAILBAGSenate on the basis of popuia-; school! of today and those of M a n y gardeners ait using the;tion State Police have is-'50 years ago Is that today cmi- l n d o o r gardening season to getsued 102048 summonses to er-'dren. by and large, like jchool. a n s w e r s t/> questions that have

If you object to spraylni, Is topoke a wire into every borerhole.

SICKLY MATLE TREEMrs, T. W. MaUwan — Sends


sued 102.048 summonses to er- dren. bv«nd large, hke sc a n s w e r s to querins motorist* charged with claim* the Ne« Je.sey Educa b o l n e r e d them.

J 1 1959tlon Association The men anspeeding since January 1, 19M tlon Association.. . jovial Jim Delehanty.Tren-l -TTZ,

ton druRKist, is now a member! Short Tim«

The men »nd women b e l o w i ^ ™ 0

have received personal letter!to help them solve their garden••" tU IlCip WICIU *vmc ureu BBIUWI

of the "state Board of Phar-I A social observer says that to p r o b i e m g a n ( i what helped themmacv 1963 hunting andibe a caddy Is bad for a youn.Rimay b e useful to you, too:fishing licenses may now bejman because caddies get their

d ,

l n t h e s e c o n d w e e k

it cold to avoid dlua-ivlng.

LIVING TREEm't waste your livingler. he;adds.

,br«ak off tender root*. And by1*11 means, screen It from windand sun.

M«yb« you a n borrow a uswcut tree from your neighbor who

m he*has noted llvlnghas no shrubbery worries.ling taken from a warm| —

housd to a coW and windy location butslde, left to di or die

h d imally. then it* growth seemed un(fcJ! , mghit% o { haftftcaps.

t b t a i n e d from authorizedi?ents through out the State

of Round Val-

money easily. UNWANTED PEAtHCA caddy of our acquaintance; C. H. H., J*ney City - A

denies this: Hepeach tree planted tour yearsof the ago has something

n Hunterdon County, are n«rlpeo|>le he had gone .round with owtag out of Us b a * and uppereight months ahead of schedulers undoubtedly shortened h» ! » £ What J M J O T ^ ^

CAPITOL CAPERS: — At-,torney General Arthur J. 8111s jdeclared today the automobile ihas replaced the gun M an ln-;stniment of death ln New Jer-1

Too Bad

, That old pest, peach treeborer, has been at It again. He'sfairly easy to control, using

My wife has been nursing a suRRestlons in the Rutgerslprlate time to put the mulcn• .. ... ,... ; f t n r a , pnif,nrtar -.ppgt contro lW The soli is now frozen, and

jand turned brown almost over-sight. In early spring a ditchwas dug to within S feet ot theItree.

Branches are useful, too. lnperennial beds. First put downyour salt hay or jtraw to coveryour perennials and then usetree limbs to hold these mul-ches ln place

Lacey says this is an tpproprlate time to put the mulch


Lack's first choice tot talk-the living tlte is

It m its ball of fodto in|a shaded and sheltered placeuntil late March An unheeded| (trait li fine.

This Miunws that you donihave your hole dug already andhave made other preparationto keep your tree alive.

If you have th« hole read/—and filled with leaves to Itwont get full of ice and snow—you can plant your new treeRemember to water it wen.

JFK AIDS RUtKS FIGHTLeaders of a drive to head

off conservative control of thej House RuWs commitUe thinkpresident Kennedy h«| liventhem the ammunition *to winthe battle.

In a recent television j radioInterview Kennedy » « his"whole program . . . wolld bt


JIM (or 154e eaeh ai*l«os»lParable In advance

Di-adllne for ads: TIH-S,I ,

10 A. M. for ihr samr «(.,.|publication


! • • ( )


Telephone MErcury 4-1 HI

"wnoie program . . . » w » "Iwith your own busmessi ran; wacnn. AH »uujr(

emasculated" if the comlnltt«e| o | m U m e l I t ta euy to 3 to 8. Call 548-2545\s not increased from twelve t o ' with AVON COS-pM.



START THE NtW YEAR 'tUTORINO by publiyour own business! Plan! teacher. All subject,

I ta asy toIVMl unit • - -

nuke money with AVON COS-p MwluiMETIC8. Call Mrs. Oray MW-:—

1'fifteen members

The liberals believe th* wlll|™";*r- " 7 , .- . .._

l re them th, control? they "fi&£t££ #

tlve NO*r.



BU8INE88 OPK)RTI :t The Sinclair Reflnlim cv,.

haJ a modern 3-b«y, :Be sure to stake It securely tj. S. KEEPS AIR STREHOTHj^ — . ....... v . _ ._ , — . . ~-w u . * A , T h e U n i u , d auM l s j r o » l n - ! H O T P O I j r r FRgKBER, 11 cu.,»ervlce station for len

talnlng the air defense |*Bteni| f { g ^ j ^ m CondlUon. *100 ,Woodbrldge area


Mining mr • " uv.-m.™ r,- 1 JI Brceiirill cunuiwun. »•»» 1 . -•--In Uie fioutheMtern 8Ute* a t ' . , n , m i %ttcr 5:00 P.Miunder operationsvirtually the pert strength, 1/3 gallonage. Call HUnt.'i

''mustered In the first dayl o( the, . — ^or deUllt.C u b a n Crifils. • •.- • ~ l r i_

Whlfr the guard »g»lnst airor missile strike i» being keptup. Army ground forces wfil«hwere moved to forward posi-tions ln Florida, Georgia »nd

Wbo'i M l . 1(In. lruane-uylum):,

••There li » m»n ouUidVwho'

, tnrioui"Any questions about••There li » m»n ouUidVwho Any q

waati to know 11 we have tot'taiton?" asked the' I "Ves'm" replied H

olhfl- neighboring areai to beready for a defensive operation]have been sent back to home

iI " V e s ' m , " r e p l i e d H I P li'

I S "Whyr" 'with freckle, "Dldth, , ;, H e M y B t h t t M m , 0 M let the camera boys tnk<- i

^ I t h l d d l f iljba^es. I

his wife."

Adding Machines •- Coal & Fie! Oil

ADDING MACHINES; 39.50 upi Afent for



WOQl'BRIDGEl j i Machines

!M Ami Vj \y*., Woodbrldgt(Nit 4 Turnpike)

SAL S 1 id SERVICEME 6-0010

BarberHAIR STYLINGTo Suit YourPersonality!


BONCILLA FACIALAppointtients will be Ttken

Anytime Rrfore1 2:00 P.M.

Exchiding Salurdiysrtpne S1C-93SS

Edgar A Barber Shop831 lahway Ave.

V^odbridgePltntj W Free Parking


Le t us solve yourheating problem fromservice to completeheating installations.





lit Rihwij Arena*, Afentl

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and SON

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Many PhotographicCtmeru and

SUPPIIM At »»d Below CortMond.y Thru rrtdi) 1*1

SitnnUj 1»«


GALIARD'S PHOTO547 Amboy AvenueWoodbridge, N. J.

ME 4-J651

TOWNE GARAGEI, r, Gardner A Ion

485 AMBOY AVRMJEWoodbridge

MErearr 4-IS4*



, !! Never offer advice: unioll-cited., it IONunheeded

Western planner! iplit

ture In thejnlddle of il,,ware?'

on "And WM that real M.oonfettl?"

rREVIEWOF THE YEAR-By Alan Maver$ E T f t l B E X '



). fX T»


U)ll! P«rt0*it«]l7 M H *wr tnm * • Ai<lt BirMt M

Plinbiig & Heatlig

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Call Now for InformationIII 2-6948

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467 New Brunswick AvenueFORDS, N. J.

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h Job Too Largeor loo Small


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Juit as a batik ttanintr In*•p«et* th* books and Mttti oljwur bank, •« th* AB.C. tudl-ter *xamlnM all rtcordi tatrtporii n*c**wi7 (or a eam-plet* and accuraU audit ol ourcirculation.

And when th* auditor is Bn-Uhtd, th* AJ3.C publlfh** 1rtfwrt of th* auditor's (tndtnp—known bets on whieh adwf-Us*rs tan plac* a valu*.

Ask m for a cop/ U t wlatMt A3.C. nperi



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6AMif.\ JACKKlCKLMt wm x •


Ceramic Tile


CONTRACTORIncludiri); Mfimc tiles

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WOODBRIDGELJqnor Store, l i e .


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418 Rabway Aveuu*Woodbrtdfe

OPEN DAILY l»-9 - KAT. 1 M

Henry Jaisei & S MTlnnlni utd

Sheet Mttal Work

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588 Alden Street

Woodbridft N. J.

Telephon* Ubtmn •-•*••


Complete Interior,Exterior Painting

Paperhanging•sumaui CuwrfvU)

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7 AJtt to I»;M P J iDING Bl^NDATS

Clo«l<J Wcdn«id»| Ad On

ClassifiedsBring Results



Latile airi Patternm t-7iu

T. R. STEVENSKooflDl ta< I b M t MMai M




16 20 Green StreetWoodbridgc

Talk about growth potential... you're looking at It I

Air-CoatfilMMuagW i n Sii ilMt

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BusinessIn ThisSpace

for Only

a Month

Wwds , . . 1ox t a i l s . . . t h t n are plenty ulthem |D the "Jersey Meadow*"! But they ar»disappearing . . . and as they disappear In-dustry is bursting forth here into full bloom.Located right in the middle of the world'srichest market, just a bird's eye view fromNew ,York City, and adjacent to deep waterports, overland transportation and severalmajor airports, this former wasteland is des-tined to become one of Amtrlca's great in-dustrial concentration*. Tha shaded areatin the photo Indicate where Industrial parkstra completed, or art In the planning stage.

iliu), diversified gtowth ioniums <:> ••Jersey. This kind ol farsighteti, pi-growth hds becoint) a phitosiuihy in n»' - 'It is also the philosophy of Public '.«'•Electric and GJS Company, It calls l ji 'increasing expansion of our servicesbillion dollars' worth in the last ten y e ^to it iy ahead of the demand.

With the responsibility of serving "thin 8 0 % of New Jersey's populat,Public Service sees no reason whystate's remarkable growth trend 6>!

change in 1963.


Page 13: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

TT R B - OP January 3, 4, 1983 PAGE THIRTEEN

fords Girl Weds Ensign\ i Dou hie Ring Ceremony

,|.|),s A.I a double lint! Alter « lilp through theii(1liy mid mipllnl Mass Southern States onrouto to NPW

'. I ' , ' , !^ iiioiniiiM HI Uur Lady.OilcaiiB. »>., mid Potisawihi.,,,;,,• chuivh, Miss Nonnn Fla , the couplr will irmko thplv

! l-.diii'. dmmliUT (>f Mr. liomr at 105A Cnthciiiw Ave-\' \]V; Wilbur F. Fischer,imio, Elllrnr villiige, Pcnsncnln

r~:,«$ Mill Hoiid, bccnrnV For traveling HIP biirio worn, n,." i,. ,,|,.Hi Kiislun DPHII Ed-brown two-plw knit suit, with

.,i'Mmt'ison. U. S. Nnvy Re- tnn accessories and a wlilt<-,,„, n( Mr. i\nd Mrs. Har-;orohld,

Mnii-isim, Mnricttn. Ohio,ChrUtoplwr Rrllly

The bride graduated fromoffl-JWoodbrldKe HlRh School and

from Katherlne Qtbbs School,

c wnlstnf ii cmbroldfrpd Alfti-

., i.ii-c. mid foBturlna a skirt• i, a flat front with horj-,,•,! iiifks find a bouffant., , M ! bnrk which rnscadcd• ,, ;i wide cathedral train.. ilk illusion veil was held

• i ) >, • t :i 1 rnp of pfau dfl soln

2 Fords Youths Club Announces WinnersEnlist in Navypf Decorations Contest

TrslnliiR Command. Pensacoln,Rraduated from St; Mary's HighSchool, Marietta, nnd receiveda bachelor of /clehce (!wr> InImathematlca from •> Marietta

,1 ;i. nnd she car-IForr/u fire Comimny

Plans Venison Dinnera^cadr- bouquet of white |

niul orchids..., Curol Ii.vnn Fischer was

nf honor for her Mater•sninld1! were

Ff>rd.<. cousinLaora

FORDS — The Porte FireCompany plans a venison dinner on Saturday, January 12,'

RKASHIONEI): Airman 3rdClass James V. Grace, tonnf Mr. and Mrs. Janifj J.Orace, 14 Jonquil Circle,Fords, Is beliiK reasslcned toWalker AFB, N.M., for train-Ing, and duty as a roads andgrounds specialist,• Airman Grace recentlycompleted United State* Air

FORDS Two young Town-ship people enlisted In the U. 8.Navy during the month Of De-cember. Philip J. Boyle, Mach-inist's Mate First Class, of the| Per tli Amboy reorultlng officereported today.

The young men, both of Fordjare, Peter L. Peterwn, 1043King George Road and Ken-neth J. Yusko, 446 Crows MillRond.

The pplUteei are ndw under-going- nine weeks of recruittraining nt V. 8. Naval TrainingCenter, Great Lakesj Illinois

at Lackland A<r Foroc Bate.He Is a 1962 graduate of

Woodbridg-e Senior HlfbSchool.

Avenel Church SetsNew Sermon Series

AVENEL -" Th« inlBlitern ofjthe First Presbyterian Churchwill begin a new series ot &er-,i«>ns on "the EptoUe of. Rope,'1[the first epistle of Peter Rev!T^_ r*\ t— a ijrnMTannta willDr. Charles 8,

i ,!,

of thei'n the flrehouso on Corlelfe StjForfi" Womarf* ClllbMiss Karen Ann Morrl-jTIckets may be obtained at the; j Q y p f l r f ) f m j e (

Marietta, sister of theinren°UM or from any member'FORDS— Daniel Llernl, Me-

Chlef John Burke asks Fordsi tuchen, will be the main speak-

. h ynnd Miss Franceslof the fire company.

aknvi, Perth Amboy,as best man was Predji'Mldenti to cooperate wILhthcjer at the regular meeting of

,!.i>!i. Miirietta. Ushers were: :i Daniel Kimfman, Read-!M : Ensign Ernest Ficht-Scmnton. Pa : nnd Michael

iiimiiiK, Mar te t tB . .

willD .preach Sunday at B, 10 and 1A.M.

Mr. Dieter Harte will preactat 8 A.M.' Mrs. Walter R. Gosi,soloist will sing "0 Rest in tbLord" by Mendelssohn at thi9 AM. service. The Wegtmlnster Choir sings "MarchKings" by Rlngwald atA.M. The Chancel Choir rendera "O Sing unto the Lord'

fire company by clearing snow I the Woman's Club of Fords on|by Purcell at 11 A.M.away from the fire plugs In theevent of a heavy storm in or-der that they may be accessibleIn case of ah emergency.

Wednesday, January 9, at 8:15p.m. In the Fords Library. The editor realizes that yoi

Mr.'uernrs topic "will" be "A! often think these wordsVlalt to Pltcalrn Island." trite, and he agrees.

WISE SAVERSSet Their Goals



FORDS — Winners selected,and Mr. and Mis.Emll Springthe American Home Depart- « . Main Street,

lent of the Woman's Club of W l n n e r o f t h f i o v e r a 1 1 d r c ( -

ords in its annual outdoorIifUtmas home decorationintest In three different cate-

orles received gift certificates:; the Fords Flower Shop,The window painting at the

ome of Mrs, Adele Aaron, 235rllngton Drive rated first prize


category, Honorablegoes to the painting

!rations was the home of Mrand Mrs. Emery Ferersik, 427Ford Avenue. Receiving honor.

o:Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Over-Kaard, 8 Main Street; Mr. and

rs. Joseph Melder, 39 Pitmaivenue, and Mrs. Harold Dun

iam, King George Road.The most unique religious1

if a snowman and woman onhe window of the home of Mr.,nd Mrs. Prank Wolzangkl, Jr.41 Ford Avenue. The paintingms done by Mrs, Wolzanfkl'sitater, Miss Patricia Larsen, 109'Airfield Avenue, who is train-ing to B'<e K medical secretarynd is working part time for

Dr. George, Urban.Alao receiving honorabl

mention was a Madonna and'htld painted by Mrs. Evereti

Erlckson o n W picture window at 9 Eberley Drlw »rtd apainting at the home of Mrand \Irs. Andrew Kmlec, KingGeorge Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jacob-sen, 11 Erik Drive, were award-ed first prize for best decorateddorway. Recevllng honorablemention were the doorway dec-orations of Mr. and Mrs. John

scene was at the home ofand Mrs. Edward Haydon, 60Brnndywinc Avenue.

Judges were Mrs. ChesterBaglnskl, president;1 Mrs. Ber-nard Sclblenskl, art chairman;Mrs. Herman Christensen. con-test chairman, and Mrs. KarenAnderson,

Bfiskelhall Practice

To Be Held tonightFORDS — Basketball prac-

tice lor boys only will be heldSt School 7 tonight at 7:00'p.m. for those boys whp areregistered with the Fords YouthAssociation. .. ,

The first regular game is setfor Saturday. January 12, at1

the Fords Junior High Bchool.

Properly advertised a goodproduct will sell;* un^dvertised

Sabo, King George Road'it may or may not sell,




of Wesleywill attend the Christmas showat Radio City Music HallSaturday, January 5.

- Youth FellowshipMethodist Church

Those planing to attend are|et rfltnerles.

asked to contact Donna MMiller In order that propertransportation arrangementscan be made. .

Plans MadeFor BurningYule Trees

FORDS - An EpiphnnvIniiristnins tree burning will beiln-ld. Tuesday, January R, 7

M. on the open field just be-yond the Little Lanue ball parkHi Fords Park, sponsored byOur Redeemer LutheranChurch, Rev., Eldon R. Stohs,pastor, announced. The burn-ui!: will be supervlsrd by the

; Km ils Fire Company.

Hcv. Stohs commented,"Them Is no real spiritual slg-niflimncp. to the Christmas trreburning except that this Is ajflne way of disposing of treeswhich have been used to glorifyGod and this also keeps thetrees from flying all over thestreets."

Our Redeemer Church en-courages all people t)f the com-munity to deposit their treesat the placo so designated.

In the past the tree burninnhad bew, held on the play fieldat Fifth Street and WoodlandAvenue, but because, of triemany homes, it Is beingchanged to Fords Park.

Cuban sugar helps feed Sovl-

TO RESUME DANCESFORDS — The weekly teen-

age dances sponsored by theC.Y.O. of Our Lady of PeaceChurch resume Saturday,January 5, in the annex.




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Mn . John Drury, 342 Livingslon A»«., Nsw Brunswick, N J .

' Anlra Bellinger, 19 Jacquis St., Elizabeth, N J .

Mn. T. Wachowitz, 59 Lincoln Ay. . , Totowa, N J .

Mrs. P. Hart.niY.W, 350 N. 7lh St., Pattrson 2, N J .

Mrs. Ronald Carr, Blalntown, N J .

Mrs. R.C. Kraust, 5o Marvin Av*,, Sonnntt, N J .

Mr. Eugtnt Ecklund, 1S3 Balsam, Rd., Waynt , N J .

Dorothy A. i v n f y k , 807 Smith St., Linden, N J .

Agnts Rawsthonw, 4 Batch Avi . , Madison, N J .

Mrs. Arthur Baktr, 1054 Brighton St., Union, N.J.

M n . Wm. H. Hauck, 75 Parker A n . , Manasquan, N.J.

Rosemary Aufierl, 44 Normandy Rd., Upper Montdoir, N J.

M n . Hilda Nigro. 400 W. Concourse St., Neptune, N J .

Mrs. Ann Wenlgart, Skyline Lakes, Wanaque, N J .

Stella Roiyckl, RRI Box 9, Coin Neck, N J .

Jane Butehko, 300 McCandleis St., Linden, N J .

Mn. A juei Eager, 74 Fairfield Rd., Caldwell Twp., N J .

Charlei E. Chatfeild. 4 Continental Rd., Somenet, N J .

Rota Iflweiky, 41 Lincoln Aye., Livingston, N J .

M n . L.H. Tanner, 102 Filliwood Dr., Livingston, N.J.

Mri . Edith Heyne, 5 Linwood Ter., Clifton, N J .

M n . Julia Froit,, 45 Nehon St., Clifton, N.J.

M n . W.R. Wood, 23 Eton Pi.,, Catonlown, N J .

Emily A. McGiath, 10 loveland St., Madiion, N J .

Eliiabith Capilolik, 59 Cobb St., Rockaway. N J .

Mr i . Margaret Cranmer, 422 Gerard Ays,, Long Branch, N J .

Mri. Joitphine Shotel, ,177 Littleton Rd., Morril Plaint, N J .

Nancy L Bowlby, 28 Woodcreil Rd,, Rd # 1 , Boonton,, N J .

Olga McMillan, 107 Armstrong Dr., Clork, N.J.

Bridget Fine, 121 Mercer St., Somenllle, N.J.

Elaine Sons. 440 Elwood Rd., Verona, N.J.

Mrs. Wm. T. Roberts, Sterling Hill, Ogdemburg, N J .

Kothryn Dilg, 7 Bassett Aye., Dover, N.J.

Roialee Gray, RFD Box 27, Ealontown, N.J.

Allen Loitll, 141 E. Main St., Potenbn, N J .

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Page 14: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

PAGE FOURTEEN January li, 4, 1963IL-EB ( ' I '

Barrons Defeat Edison in Festival Tourney+••***** ••#***•***•* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * •>


THISby Johnnie Doyle

Pirates DefeatHoy as 67 to 26

During the past three days, the VIPS Asso-ciation has been a busy group preparing for thearrival of the United States Bobsled team Which

. 'is scheduled to arrive in Woodbridge Saturdayafternoon to prepare for the dinner-dance beingheld in their honor the same night at the BelAire in Perth Amboy. The team from SaranacLake Is scheduled to appear on television Fridaynight and will embark the next morning for ourtown where they will rendezvous at Heard?Square at two o'clock to meet and converse withour local citizens. The holders of the world'srecord are looking forward to their trip to Wood-bridge to become acquainted with those whohave taken a deep* interest in their quest to gaulthe world's championships for the United States.

South Amboy, the home town of MikeBaumgartner the No. 2 man on the four mansled, has become enthused with the appearance

, ,of United States team and will be representedat Saturday night's affair by Mayor Joe Char-mello, members of the town council and friendsof Mr. Baumgartner. Our friends from acrossthe Raritan River are mystified at the endeavorsof Woodbridge to raise funds for the bobsledteam because they feel South Amboy shouldhave spearheaded the drive due to the fact thatMr. Baumgartner was one of its most populartownsmen before moving to Saranac Lake.

When Captain Terry Dunroe visited SouthAmboy last week to dispatch tickets for the din-ner-dance, he was given the utmost cooperationby the local citizens. In fact, he was told if hehad appeared on the scene two weeks earlier,the VIPS Association would have been quaran-teed of a sell out and a considerable amount ofcash through contributions, At first the Cap-tain could not understand Mr. Baumgartner'spopularity, but in a conversation with his friend,Al Sorrentino, the story unfolded. At the con-clusion of World War II, Mike developed a seri-ous calse of tuberculosis and spent almost two•years at Roosevelt Hospital in Edison. When

. finally released, he was told to seek a suitableClimate to cure his ailment and the spot hepicked was Saranac Lake. As his health im-proved, he became a member of the SaranacLake Bobsled Club and after ..diligent practice,he became a member of the club's four manteam which last year broke the world's recordand will represent the United States in Austrialater this month. This is the type of man weare fortunate to have in this country — one whoovercame handicap to represent us in world com-petition. When you shake his hand at HeardsSquare on Saturday, his grip will be firm andyou will be aware that you are facing a topathlete.

During the past week, contributions for theU. S. Bobsled Fund arrived from Mayor WalterZirpolo, Forge Inn, Ken Kinsey, Jack Keating,Leffler Plumbing, Mike Amodio, Larry Rossi, BenWeinstein, Gil Obst, David Kindred, Bill Croak-

: er, Jim Havrilla, Dick Minor, Cal Lee, WilliamVorhees, Joseph Dolan, Walter Place, Ken O'Con-nor, Jackie Dwyer, Ray Eckert, Jody Elliott, Don-na Marie Elliott.Barrons Win First Basketball Title in History

I * Approximately three years ago when JimLake was appointed varsity basketball coach bythe Board of Education, he modestly stated, "Ihope they don't expect a miracle during my

' first season because it will take at least three1 yeajrs to rebulid the Barrons into a winning con-i tender." This is Lake's third campaign as thej Woodbridge skipper and it looks as though he is'•off to a. running start with five straight vic-

tories and the Holiday Festival Tournamentchampionship in his hip pocket. No matter whathappens in the future, the former Manhattanstar will always hold the distinction of bringingto Woodbridge its first scholastic basketball titlesince the inauguration of the court game hereyears ago.

There were broad smiles throughout thetownship after the Barrons tripped Edison intl e finals to garner the big,title, but the widestspread over the face of Jim Mullen, a formermember of the Board of Education. He had rea-sons to show signs of contentment because itwas Jim who was responsible for acquiring theservices of Lake, a teacher in one of the gram-mar schools. Mullen liked his dedication to bask-etball, his personality, his experience as captain,of Manhattan University's basketball team andhis desire to produce a winning team.

This year's Barron club appears as though(Oootinued oo Bag* tl)

Team standings:IHsli School Intra-Mural

W. L.Rams 2 0Plrntfs 2 0Bonnies • . 2 1Crusaders 1 1Jaspers 1 1Gaels 1 2HOVBR 0 2

Terrors '• 0 2

Grammar SchoolW.

Boston College 3La Salle 38t. Boneventure 2Seton Hall 2Manhattan 1Niagara 1Canlsius ' 0Fordham 0

Junior School

Holy CrossSt. FrancisVillanovaLoyolaNotre DameSt. John'sSt. Peter'sDuquesneSt. Joseph'sSt. Louis




, 11100






COLONIA — A splash of 34points in the fourth periodpaved the way for the Pirates'7-26 victory over the Hoyas in

the High School Intra MuralBasketball League which issponsored by the St. John Vi-inney CYO. The win was thesecond straight for the Piratessince the start of the currentseason.

Paul Skula, the Pirates' scor-ing ace, reaped the game's indi-vidual scoring honors when heracked up a total of 26 points.He was followed down the linein the scoring column by histeammates Chet Suaent andGerry Thorn, who came up withclusters of 16 and 12, respec-tively. The Hoyas' sharp-shooters on he floor were MikeRlppa, 13, and Tommy Cook.10.

The Rams kept pace with theMrates at the top of the league

by taking the measure of theCrusaders. 62-55 after comingfrom behind in the final periodwith a n-point rally.

Bob Woods was the Rams'mainstay offensively with 23counters, while Bill DePoe andDenny Parry followed with to-tals of 11 and 10. The Cru-saders' offensive laurels weresplit evenly between Nkk Sar-lone and Chet KotlQwski asach eager tossed ln 22 points.An aggressive Bonnie club

remained in the thick of thetussle for first place with a 2-1•eoord after hanging a 51-36lefeat on the Gaels.

One of the reasons for theBonnie triumph was the allaround play of Greg San Gia-:oma, who netted 25 counterso finish ahead of his teammateJohnny Montazolia, who slippedin 11.' The chief jpoint pro-ducers for the Gaels were AllanHolland. 13, and Bill Donovan,eight.

Over in

a 24-12 decision over St. John's.Mike McGuinness' staRf-ri a

one man show when he scored i18 of the St. Francis' point to-tal. Bob Cllento tossed In eight!markers for St. John's.

A versatile Villanova trambecame the third team in thejloop to, tack up three straighttriumphs after sttbdulni:' Du-quesne with ease by a 27-5 tally.

Villanova's sharpshooters wereRay Anton and Bob Johmannwith clusters of 10 and eight.Eddie Baureis sank' four pointsfor Duquesne.

St. Peter's hit the win columnfor the first time this seasonwith » 30-6 triumph over St.Joseph's. Peter Cecere washigh man on the floor boardsfor the winners with 10 coun-ters.

With Gary LaPrano and BobProngay each scoring 10 points,Notre Dame encountered littledifficulty trouncing St. LouisI by a wide 22-3 margin.

Newark A. C.! Awards Given

NEWARK — Lake Telemarkski jumper Art Tokle and NewYork Giant center Ray Wietedha, to whom trophies and,accolades are nothing new, eachreceived another award yester-day when the Newark AthleticClub named them New Jersey'soutstanding amateur and pro-fessional athletes.

The two vets will be honoredat the club's All Sports DinnerJanuary 17 along withTenafly'sKen Miller and Penn State'sDave Robinson of Moorestown,who were named last week asthe outstanding scholastic andcollegiate performers.

The selection of Tokle andWietecha brings together two ofthe "Old Pros" in Jersey. Be-tween them, they have ap-peared on the sports pages fornearly half a century.

Now 40 years old, Tokle hasretired to devote his time topreparing the U. S. team for the'64 Olympics, but fortunatelyfor the Giants, Ray is still ac-

First Court ChampionshipIn School's Long H



WoodbridKo took a 3-0 ,iThe scoring was so sin

0-0 Hfter 4:33 Imd

Coacli Jim Lake's WoorihrWIuSchool ciifcrs had nood reason to celebrate the New Yr;il

dele itinK Edison BlJ-39 to win the sixth annual Holiday Y-.TniirniimiMit The championship was the first InIUMITY of th<> Mcnl .school.

' Thr victory over Edison was the Barrons' fifthMine- I he su i t of the sc-n.son,iiiid it looks JI.S though Lake'si-luh will hnvc the opportunity in ninkc it six In «r,,u in hi '.'hen tintli,. cmmtv Scat U) meet a N e w : ^ ^ b , g 3 . 0 ,,d(((l A p

Hinii-\xirk combine, which h " ' ^ p ^ t streaks nave I,„„!>-uoiiMiH-ctf livp names t h u s ; i c a d s ,„ th(1 flm a m ]

l;ir. on Tin'sdny the Bfttrotisjpol,,0(ts ^ one point, a ,will o|)in their homo s e a s o n ^ , . , Birds * w ahead i,-.iii:i\m.-i ;i formidable Cnrterrt polnl_<;

'1: | l ) Woodbridge finally can .Almond) Ni;w Biiinswlck has ' l n t n P final minute on H.

a IMIOI u'coici. tin- Wood5rld((c|fRSl break ltiyup and Wai!t,,im is not looktiw-tei'ward to. :M j a 'B t ap . In at thr on//,i, .uii touch with Bill PltimaiK wri«st thr lead for good,, | , , ,h M'.Minu performer, In L u h r s VM yh(,\]f( , u,-I,,- inn-lip Tin- Zebras » l s 0 uM. Barrens 'and Cappeii,h.i-.r 1,0 Haskm. U n y Stnnko-,A ] Meszaros. for the v..u,.

it,. ,,:,(! w 1. Gftbifi, w h o a r e ! l h ( , fl,.Jt ^ . j ^ T h | .

„ i i c i I h i m a v e r a g e m a r k s m e n . ' B c ( , p ( l t l n t h p flrgt t h l | 1

IT'S MINE: Edison's Richie Davis U4l has that expression as WimdhridRc's Curt ( arlisle(13) gets set to put his claim in (or the loose hall in fhampinnUiln it.uur in sixth minimiHoliday Festival. Edison's I.ou Cappclla i'2'!i and Barron's John Simknvirh ilii and WarrenLuhrs (10) were in on play also, Barrons romped 62-39 for first basketball championship.

I* rulniL to Woodbi>d«e to pdia 's one hander at 1 (i7 -\ Himv over Ktlisun in the big \i 32 but J»uhrs hit on « ruainr WHS thr vrtrmn Warren fOr „ 5.3 thriller, ln tlirI.uhi'. who WHS hit.h man in n[ seconds, the Eagles WIT1 In name with 19 points. The17.5 w h r n Cappella drove !ti ;i Ritnon senior kept h i v g o a i Ml\ Mcszaros tali.,team :n the game during th^thfrH-polhUff. Parvln'n fneiirlv sta.:es of the fracas wiUi 10 03 changed the scon- trnine iHunts He was also a trc- Edison pushed It to 11-7 Jmentions asset \n the Wood- cappella and Ron Hut,bntliie team with his consistent nrctfd at the start of tli.rebounding. ' j s , 1 ( | period. The Barrens ,

As usual with this well bal-jtcred with six of theiranoed Bai'ron team, it was far thank to Luhrs. on a dnv

Stmkovlch, on two foulsJump shot. Ron Haas

holes for runners.

Tokle, who made his firstjump in Norway when he was18 months old, has won over400 trophies since coming toAmerica in 1947. He is theyoungest of three brothers,'Toger, killed in World War II,and Kyrre, 57) who have ruledAmerican ski jumping competi-tion since 1939.

While last year may havebeen Art's greatest with 11firsts out of a possible 13, RayIs withholding comment on re-tiring until after the Packerissue is settled.

Wietecha, who set a -Giantrecord playing in 122 consecu-tive games, was. on a champion-ship team when the Giants de-feated the Chicago Bears in1956. But, he added, "This isthe one I want to win to makeit a successful career."

Earlier in the year a groupof Cranford friends honoredhim with a "Ray WietechaM e t r o M o t o r s

the Senior League,Boston College made it threestraight with a one-sided ver-llct, 48-19, over Niagara.

The big guns for Boston Col-lege were Joe Karcich, 16, Ray[Jitz, 14, and Tom Powers, 10,while Dennis Sedor and PrankColaccarro each hit the rimsfor six markers to lead the Ni-tgara club.

La Salle also racked up itsthird straight decision of theearly campaign by conqueringCanisus by a 41-23 count.

Paving the way for the I A -Salle win wete Tom Mclntyre,15, John LaCaonata, 12, andJlme Henderson 10. TomLeonardU and Ernie Shaaf eachrecorded eight digits Jor theosing Canlsius club.

Dennis Schoeppner's?oal with eight seconds remain-ing in the game handed SetonHall a well earned 24-23 con-quest over Fordham.

Schqeppner finished the ex-citing game with 13 points,while Pordham's most consla-

nt shooters were Gene Don-

Day" at the Stadium and wasnamed to the all pro secondteam.Tokle has not been given any"Days", but has made a great Witting Machine Tool

wily and Greg Drozd with:otals of 12 and seven.

In one of the lowest scoringsames of the day, St. Bonaven-;ure edged Manhattan 14-11.John Lasco tallied six pointsfor 4the victors and JamesGolden, six, for the vanquishedclub.

A three way tie for first placeto the Junior League developed h»ve becnVble to move him.when Holy Cross romped to a

-fl win over LOyola. Theffensive threat* for the victors j n

were Tommy Dugan and J hParvin with productions of 13nd seven ^

victory lnteet by pottim i i

from a one man show. CurtCarlisle finished with 11 buttin- co-captain again came score at 12-12 al 4:03 wthrough with clutch points as ;Stmkovich's tap-in putshown by seven tallies ln the'Barrons ahead at 16-14, K<!bivak-away third period, ran up five again and a 1'

Jackie Burke, the junior^ i" Df tv l* h f t d » fol) ;

pL.ymaker. warmed up late in Haas ft jump shot and two ?••the second period. Besides hisbull handling tactics, he scored10. Dennis Parvin. the otherplaymaker. came In with sevenwith tlio fifth starter John Sim-kovich, netting six.

A combination of possessionball by Edison and a shaky coldstart by Woodbridge led to thehighly unexpected first halfscore. The Eagles were infront most ol the way after

That was the last of the

RutgersTeamPlay Saturday

NKW BRUNSWICK — Rut-i'i'.s University teams open 1963

jcomiJi'titum next Saturday with'six events listed.

Rutgers basketball t,eam. the-

son lead.The Barrons were no ft:-.

for the Eagles in the si ,•half. 8hooting with acci.:working picture plays andting off some sharp passe-Barrons racked up 19 pom'the third period and 23 mi'•the fourth for a 42-40 at:tage.

Burkes push shot n&\<club a 22-19 tally to ope:second half. Davis' deuc<balanced by fouls by Luhi -Carlisle. Cappella's foulj the ' score at 24-22 whenBarrons went on a ramiiap13 straight.

Carlisle weighed tn wl'l:points, starting and endur,spree-with a goal in beivThe Colonia senior had ahand from the comer •*:••one hander. Burke, Luh: •

Teddy's Sunoco 35 13Slsko and Fedor Trans... 33 15Mauro Motors 31

31Oerlty Funeral Home 30 18 games from Witting Machine

many for himself, including ahOlympic appearance in 1952;winning two National titles, theMasters and finishing in thetop 20 on two occasions in theFederal International ski cham-pionships.

The records seem to substan-tiate the fact that both Wie-

Ryan's Plumbing 24 24Bob's Color TV 24 24


Woodbridge LiquorState JewelersSomers Flower House

Sunoco won two games fromSUko and Fedor Transporta-tion and became the winnersof the first half title of theKnights of Columbus Bowling

techa and Tokle have improved I*ague.with age. Last year Art h a d M e l Qioffre, captain of thethe national title in his reachand second almost clinched un-til ha (ell on his last jump.

Wietecha got around to cen-tering after discovering that hecould not get around on curveballs. After being graduatedfrom Northwestern University

fle^in.l952, he signed a Washing-ton Senator contract as catcherand was assigned to Chatta-nooga in the Southern Associa-tion.

He hits the long ball but his

of his weight and decided on a

Giants, who had drafted him in'52, talked him into trying outand then had to talk him outof quitting after a short stayln camp.

But after a year of running

teams, Wietecha found a spotwith the OianU. Since then,

.Two and two »U11 make (our.

St. Francis kept their three bad luck may be specializing in set along with help from Joe

MAKING CONTRIBI'TION — Mayor Walter Zirpolo is pictured above handinc over adonation for the V. S. Bobsled Fund to Windsor J. Lukis, chairman of the drive, sponsoredby the Vips Association to raise funds for the team's trip to Innsbruck, Austria, later thismonth. Committeeman Herman halloa, a member of the committee looks on, The Vips willhonor the bobsledders at a dinner-dance Saturday night- at the Bel-Aire, Perth Amboy.

Teddy's Wins 1st HalfTitle in County Tourney

Team Standings land a 483 set. For the Plumbers Liquor and found themselvesW L the high men were John Arva

set and,Joe Ryan who had a17l513 set.17 Bob's Color

in sixth place in the standings.

John Welter was high man for

the Foodtowners with a 507 set.TV won two ?°r ' n e LiQiior team, it was Ray

Alexander's Foodtown 2u1918158

Tool and wound up in a tie forfifth place with Ryan's Plumb-ing. Joe Ciliberto had a 609 setconsisting of 203, 102 and 224.|hi» evening's bowling commRlJohn PSllnsky had a 515 set'"P w l l h t h r e e 1 3 1 R»mes i

State Jewelers took thr^e,games from Somers Flowers'House. Petner paced the Jewel-ers wtih g 222 clean game and

for the TV team. Joe Geis was40 the top man for the Machine

WOODBRIDGE T- Teddy's Toolers as he had a 227 game,

and a 533 set.Alexander's, Foodtown

Sunoco team, led his teammatesto victory with a 21V game anda 561 set.

Contributing to the win wereArt Delaney with,a 192 and a552 set, and John Szurko witha 201 game and » 540 set. Forthe Transporters, Frank Zllalwas high with a 208 game anda 540 set. For the Transporters,Frank ZUsi was high with a208 game and a 550 set followedby Joe Sisko, Sr. with a 547 setand Tony Russo with a 536 set.

Barron Wrestlers PlaceSixth in County TourneyPISCATAWAY TOWNSHIP —Woodbridge held a firm uripA new champion was crowned!0" l l l e 8 l x t h position w|th

average was quite a Wt short The first game was won by theGaspumpers by six pins and the

Job in a Chicago factory. The total of three games onlyshowed a difference of 36 pins.

Mauro Motors won two gamesfrom Gerlty Funeral Home andwound up in a tye lox thirdplace. Leading the Car DealersU. their two game win was Vln-

with the kickoff and punt cent Louge with a 208 gameand a 537 set. Teammate AlMarci had a 208 game and a 514

neither opponents or rookie* set and John Papp bad a 606set. For the Funeral Hometeam, Marty Mlnkler had a 513set. Metro Motors took a clean

of progreu In other sweep from Ryan's Plumbingand got into n tie for thirdpltce with Mauro Motors. Frank

The person who always has Rudolph led Metro with a 506 w l t n 4 8 makers.

andJoe Andrasclk with a 508 set.Bob Muchanic of the Foodtown-earned a triplicate patch

only squad active over the holi-days, having participated in theAlbright Tournament, will openits bid for the Middle Threetitle in a game at Lafayette.Also playing the Leopards inEaston, Pa,, will be the froshbasketball team.

The wrestlers, who have de-feated Yale and Prtnceton, willmeet New York University aswill the swimmers, unbeaten inthree starts. The frosh swim-mers also will meet NYU.

Looking for their first victoryunder Coach Charles Pesthy,the fencers will face Haverford. Miller

Rutgers holds commanding Bernsteinedges over NYU in wrestling simkovichand swimming. The wrestlers 8mlnkare undefeated in 15 meets OavaleUagainst the Violets, while the;parVinswimmers have won 17 of 23 Buglovsky

Parvin also scored sn th.was 37-22 by the time Iscored again with 1:24 tn

That bombing was justmuch for the Eagles, ju.-tit was for the South Ambo\Mary's Eagles who were blby 16 straight Wednesday :in a 59-44 defeat at the I-,..of the same Barrons.

The box-Kor»:Woodbridgr 16! 1

O FLuhrsHalu&kaCarlisle

meets. Burke

fiveRutgers has lost the last fivi-KurwJa

t th b k b l !gameswith

tn the basketball!


which was high for the evening.

two games from Woodbridge game

a 541 set: Nick Ballo had a 5401won set and John Boyle had a 214 <

19moter Willie Qllzenberg wi)|lW>DB'DrOE 6 141 lEDlSOIf 7 12 7

Offlclftb: Mahon. O Presume wrestling operations in

In-vitation Wrestling Tournament^when Middlesex High Schoolcopped the crown by a scantsix points. ' •

counters. Also in the

Carteret and SayreviUe.Woodbridge scored Its point

total in the early playoffs whenSabin Kursman posted a deci-

Middlesex won the title by;glon o v e r J o e T o o r e o f carteretf t i E t B i c k i th

; g l o n o v e r J

defeating East Brunswick in the | l n t h e 1 3 5

f i l D i th f thd i v i s i o n J e f ,| l n t h e 1 3 5 ^ ^ d i v i s i o n J e f ,

finals. During the course of the l S c n i m ( l l e r . D l n n e d P a t W r l s t e r

t o a m e n t th Blu Jay

Temple Hall, Friday nightJan. 11.

Gllzentyrji announced thatthe first show of the new yeariwill feature two tag teamjmatches and a pair of 30 mln-jute time limit frays.

Sailor Art Thomas, one oithe game's most popular per-formers, will be returning here:after a lengthy absence as apartner of the IncomparableAntonlno Rocca in one of the

dtournament, the Blue Escored a total of 82 points. ! D l c k

'Eas t Brunswick and captain

Middlesex's Andy Hudafc wasnamed the outstanding wrestlerin the competition to handMiddlesex a string of the toptrophies. Hudak won the 140pound division.

Plscataway was a contenderfpr top honors before finishingwith 26 point*. The Chiefs werewell out in front of the fourthplace Edison team which fin-ished with 26 points. The Chiefswere well out In front of thefourth place Edison team whichfinished back in fourth place

Gallo of Carteret in the heavy-weight ranks.

Qougeap who htd » 21 | m m fifth place with 11 poinU, wfalle bragging about tahei Mooad.

w o n o v e r

No ValneEmployer: 'Have, you any ref-

erences?"Applicant: "No, air, I tore

them up."Employer: "That was a fool-

ish thing to do."Applicant: "You wouldn't

think so if you had read them.

A DefinitionBuried Treasure: The first

South Plainfield captured husband a woman is alwayi

Program Set

ForWrestlingHIGHLAND PARK - Pro-



27EdUon 1191


Score by periods

tandem tilts. They will takeon Johnny Barend and TheMagnificent Maurice.

The o^her team event willsen.d PedTO Morales and MlsuelPejfer against Skull Murphyand Karl Von Hess, Both willbe over the best of three fallsroute, limited to one-hour.

The other matches will btcompleted < shortly. The showwill start at 8:80.

There U no way to accuratelypredict what people will do.

And then there was the youngoouple who oould live an love.

Money Isn't everything but' j to have enough toit's

JustFor Your

C o n * c n i e 11 <• <•* Snack Barit Cocktail IAHIIIKI

if 34 Lanesit Air Conditioned

JOE SCHIAVONtFormerly of

Fordi Becreatlon O u tNow l u i i t i n i »t Knul

Reduced tlutct FurHaturday M


346 Main Sir*«tWoodbridgcTel. 634-4520


Page 15: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

RB - CP January 3, 4, 1963 PAGE FIFTEEN

dins; Tonight)n Y Expansion

L I Krn(7HKN-Plan»'ortheLnnn Metuchcn - EdisonL,.A ntiildlng Fund will be

•;:(,(1 toniRht ht a meetingI ,i,P rflmpnlw steering com-

,,,. nt. the Young Men'a,,;.,„ Association of M«-,.„. Tho meeting will be atn'clork.

,,v tiinn 65 volunteer lead-i,,iiTrMrd In the expansion' ,,f the Metuchen 'Y' have

rkcA to serve on the com-',',.' whim will prepare for

,,1,111. fund raining effortrinlcd for the months of

t .,]nrv nnd March.„,,,, A riiamberlain, presl-',',f the YMCA board Of dl-,,-, announced tonlght'i, ' ; ! r conference of thi,:.. committee and stressed

the urgent need for Immediate

action to forward the 'YV

lulldlng expansion program to

meet the needs of residents of

lie Borough of Metuchen and

he Township of Edison.

The program consists of con-structing an addition to thepresent 'Y' building on HighStreet to provide a new Olym-

lxe swimming pool and allrelated facilities. Completionof the new structure will allowexpansion of present facilitiesn the 42-year-old main build-ing.

0, H. Yox.ilmer. general man-ager Of the Westlnghouae Tele-vlslon-ftadlo Division, Is sen-Ing as general chairman of thebuilding fund campaign.

Orders for steel continue toIncrease,

Cairo pouring technical helpInto Yemen.

[Sow Hoar Thisfrom Sport Pa««>

it may RO a long way in the Central Jersey Con-fpiTiice chic to the. fact that it is far from a oneman team and Is not built around" any singleindividual. A quick glance at the recent box

shows that four players have shared tophonors, while the same number has con-

sistently hit double figures. This indicates thatthr Woodbridge team has good balance and anof! night by one player will not hurt the team,<\nce there will be a teammate on the floor topick up the slack. And of utmost importance

• is the fact that the present Barron club is loadedwith confidence and has proved it by comingfmm behind in three of their ftve victories this-rason.

It is a little early to single out a Woodbridgeo r simply because they all have In some waycontributed to the current single victories. The

[ present Red and Black starting group lines upwith Warren Luhrs, veteran who is a consistentshooter from Inside and a terrific rebounder;Curt Carlisle, although he weighs only 160jvnnids, is a good rebounder and a better thanaverage marksman from the corners or outsidethr hoops; Jack Burke, a junior who excels as aball handler and a fine outside shooter; DennyPan-in, stands only 5'7" but is the team's ver-satile play maker with the ability to get thehall into the big men under the backboards;John Slmkovlcta, a former Jayvee who Is improv-ing with experience aa a rebounder and shooter,and Walt Kurzeja, a veteran eager destined toscore in double figures consistently once he hitshis stride.



Man's Inseparable relatlon-ilp to his creator will be em-

at Christian Sciencehurch services Sunday. Sub-•ct of the Lesson-Sermon IsGod."Oolden Text: "Behold, the

brtdf»"to be" held on["miruM?IS/JTARY" SEBVIci'oR "PATiKNTO JWiTowBiMp of Woodbridge to be held


Met of tht To*n«hlp_ of wood-,

flbomacle of God Is with men,hn will dwell with them,

nd they shall be his people,nd God himself shall be withhrm, and be their God." (Rev.1-3).

Readings will Include thisIrom "Science and

health with Key to the Scrlp-urrs" by Mary Baker Eddyp.3): "The Divine Being must

3ft reflected by man, — else mans not the image and likenessif the patient, tender, and true,hr one 'altogether lovely;' but;o understand God Is the workor eternity, and demands ab-solute consecration of thought,

and desire."

1M3 kindly writ* or apply ln personto thi undersigned at once, requeu-ing that a civilian absentee ballotM forwarded to you. Bnch requestmust state your home address, andthe adrtrwu to which sucb ballotshould tie sent, and must be signedWith your signature, and state thereason why you will not be ableto vote at four usual pollingHo clTlllftn abaentM ballot

VETERANS' HOSPITAli" AND TO on February 16, 1M3, "kindly write] 8BCTION "l. Auy pifeon, persons.. . . ,._ .. _ flnni, putntrthipi or corporsttonii

furnished or forwarded toll l th




election In Fire District No. 1 of the

HEnVRKi .ATrvraAND F R l i » D 8 . ! ' o the undersigned"it once muklnn_ . i application for military mnrtce 1>U-

ir you are in the military service! ™ tt) b , „ „ , „ , 7 d „ „V , " *^piLtl5IIlt '" * ' • w r M 1 » , h o l J b e forwarded to you, If you are Inpltal and desire to vote or If you , h , military «rUi... ,„ „ , . . . , n . . , .

; ppllcant .unless request therefor In,receiwi! not lean than eight riayeprior to the election, and contain*the foregoing Information,Dated: January 3, IMS

HEtEN H. A5DIHS0NSecretaryWoodbtld^e TownshipBoard of Educationfii-hool 8tr»et,Woodbridge, New Jersey;are stationed or r»n be found, or

I-L 1/3/(3 |9 90i(t y°" desire the military eervlceI ballot for a rrtntWo or friend then

Berlin lane.Russians shifting away from

are a relative or a friend of a per-»on who l» In the military nervlcsor I) a patient In a veterans' hos-pital who. you believe, will desireto vntu in the annual Fire Com-mlutonera election In Tire DistrictNo. 9 of the Township of Wood-bridge to be held on February 16,1963, kindly write to the under-signed st once, making applicationfor military «ervlc« ballot to bevoted in aald election to be for-warded to you, If you are In themilitary service or are a patient Ina veterans' hmultnl, atatlng yourname, age, aerial number, home ad-dress and the address at which "on

dress anil the addreM at which yrmiflEOTION 3 Thlf Ordinance shallare stationed or ciin he f u d If



Mundy ReturnsTo WoodbridgeWOODBRIDGE — A. M

Mundy, a member of the orlglnal WoodbrldRe family, has re>turned to his native town afte;srrvlnK in various sections o;the country for the HollamFurnace Company during thipast three yeans.

Mr. Mundy has acceptedHolland dealership in this are;so he may call on and serviathe hundreds of friends he hatmade during his 17 years wit±the firm.

In addition to the Hollanddealership, Mr. Mundy has as-sociated . himself with LennoxIndustries, anothqj-^wt name1

in heating and air-condition-ing.

A. M. Mundy, Inc., and itsaflilllation with Lennox and

'Holland, is now able to offeran unique service to.the Wood- g ^ g ^ fbridge area. Complete sales and | advised' of overall costs and data.service on heating, alr-condl- ,,,,tJItlonlng and furnace cleaning I „ _ _ _ ..will be available 21 hours a day.


If you are In the military serviceOr are a patient In a veterans' hos-pital and desire to vflte or If youare a relative or a friend of a per-son who Is iri the military ajrvlceor Is a patient ln a veterans' hos-pltBl who, you believe, will desireto vote ln th* annual Fir* Com-missioners election ln Fire DbitrlttNo. 5 of the Township of Wood-bridge to be held on February 18,1063. kindly write to the under'signed lit once, irjftklnf! application

he military service or are a patientii a veterinC hospital, stating ynurname, age, serial number, homn »tl-


pertaining to U>t WoodbrMfiUt all, are Defendants, writ of l i -Tawnihlp Polios Department. " - "~ -'" * - " * — 'ecutlon (or th* Ml* of

premises dated November nth. IMS.By virtue of the sbove ttsted Writ,

yare stationed or ciin he found, or Ifyou desire the military service ballot I'or a reUtlve or frletul then make',in application under oath for »military service hsllot to be for-warded to him, staling In your ip-pllcatlon that lie Is over Die age _ . , — —of twenty-one years and stating his J 0 f l B p n v vAlENTT

effect Immediately upon xioptlon and publication according t



who violate any provisions of this to me directed nod delivered I wiiordinance shall, upon conviction «tw»»Jtj_s»l( at public vendtie onthereof, be punllhed by a fine noteioeedlnn $30000 or by lnprton-ratnt for a term not exceeding SOdays or both.

military service ballbt to be forwarded to him, staling In your ap-plication thnt he I thof twenty-one A


name, wrlnl number, home addressand the addresa At which he Is sta-tioned or can be found.

Forms of appllratlmi can be. Obtallied from th* midet»l|ined.

Dated: January 3, 1963.WARREN P. HARNKD, SecretaryBoard of Flrn CommissionersDistrict No. 1418 School UtreetWoodbridge, N. J.

I.-L. 1/3/63 |».

Township Clerk

g yover the aee

y y and stating hisname, wrlnl number, home addressand the address at which he isstationed or can be found.

Forms fit application can bs ob-tained, from the undersigned.

Dated: January 3, 1943.RONALD OSBORNE, BecreUryBoard of Fire ComnilMilonersDistrict No. SFire House, Green StreetI , N, J.


it the hour of two o'clock by th»than prevailing (Standard or D»y-llght Saving! time, in the afternoonof the Mid day. at the Sheriffs 01-flr* la thi City of New BruB«wl< V.

•N. J.

, . ™ ~ . . . . . . . I *" t t l a t l r E f t "r PW'l "' 1>r"1

WALTXB ZIRPOLO, , n d premises, hereinafter more p»r-Comtoltteeman-at-Large tlculsrly dnerlhed, altuata In nm

,To»nshlp of WoodbrMgr In theCounty of Mlrtdlenex. Rtnte of Nfw


N0T1CSNotice li b«r»by liven that

I.-L. 1/3/63 •t.W

Notice Is hereby given, by theBoard of Assessors of the Township

f Woodbridge that the 18th dayJanuary, 1993, af 7:00 o'clock

Is hereby fixed as the time, andCommittee Chambers, MunicipalBulldln?, In the Toirniihlp of Wood-bridge, as thr place for the hearing

for military service hallot to bejvoted In Mid election to be for-warded to you, If you are In themilitary service or are a patient Ina veteran*1 hospital, ntatlni? vourname, age, nerlal number, home ad-dreas arm the address at which youare stationed or can be found, orIf you desire the military serviceballot for a relative or friend therjmake an application under oath for

of Ml persons Interested In the mat-|a military service ballot to be for-ter of an assessment for benefitsand damages by reason of the un-dertakingof the

V local improvement

HlnhUnd Road & South H1I1 RoadArea, Colonla. Sanitary Sewer

drove Avenue. Hopelawn, Sanltnry

Acres, IMIIH, SanitarySnwer


Please be advised that the pur-[poae of this hearing Is to obtainfact* and Information to enable theBoard to make a proper, fair Andequitable assessment ln accordancewith law.


NOTICENotice Is hereby ilreh that the

warded ot him, stating In your ap-plication that he U over ttie useof twenty-one years and stating htaname, aerial number, home addressand the address at which he Isstationed or can be found.

Forms of application can be ob-tained from tn* undersigned,

Dated: January 3, 1063.MICHAEL HRABAR, SecretaryBoard of Fire CommissionersDistrict No. SFire House, Avenel StreetArenel. N. J.

following ordinance* was T«gul»rlyl".-t. 1/3/83passed and adopted at a regularmeeting of the Township Committeeof the TdwnRhlp of 'Woodbrldge. lnthe Countv nf Middlesex, New Jer-mv, held on the 2nd day of January,

JOSEPH V. VALENTI.Township Clerk


NOTICEThe annual meeting of the mem-

bers of Mercury Fedaral Savings andLoan Association of Woodbridge,N. J. will be held on the nth dayf January, 1M1 at 1:00 o'clock lahe evening, EST at tb« offices of,h Association, m Mjtln street.Woodbridge, N. J. to elect directors,and to transact any other businesshat may properly come before the



WAITER ZIRPOLO,CommltteemBn-at-Large

gor IN-


To be advertised in The Ittde- Being known andpendent-Leader on January 3rd. Lot 14 ln Block 339-K on map en-1M3, with N»tlo» O( Public H««ringltitled "Revineri map nt Rooseveltfor final adoption 0B Jsnutry ISth Park Estates, situated In Woodhrl'lfe1963. iTownshlp, MlddlfMI Countv. N J ,I I. I / I /O 1 i l i M 8 ' 0 1 1 " " No- J' B'Pt«mher 10. 1051.L L i l/2m ' ' ^ L o u l a P. Boo*, Civil in imeer A/, fl'ir-

iveyor" and fllrd In the Mldrtleiej* ~ " ' e January 17,

le 6(14.

sa.M'StSsss:;::dlese* New Jersey held on the 2nd'j ,^ 0 ( N l r M w l l Thousand,day of January, 1983, and that ;ald n r e Hundred. Seventy-all Hl».-ordihance will bt taken up for fur. : 5 1 < M l l D o U s r , ranr, nr , „ , Wjfthfrther consideration and final pav w l t h t h e r 0 8 t s of t h l , m l t -stg« at a meeting of aald Township Together with all and singular theCommittee to be held at Its mMt.i r i | ( h t , i priTllrajra. hereditaments and

r l | ( h t , i privileges, hereditaments andIng room In the Memorial Munl-|ippurtenanc'j thereunto belongingclpal B\illdln(f In Woodbridge. NewJersey, on the 15th day of January,

or' In snywlse appertaining. Thesubscriber reserves th* right to ad-


NOTICENotice is hereby iglven that tbe

following proposed ordinance wasIntroduced and passed on first read-friaat a meeting of the TownshipCommittee of the Township ofWoodbridge, ln the County of Mid-dlesex, New Jersey, held on the andday of January, 1963, and that said

IM3,' at 8^0 P.M. (EflT), Ijr as fo'um said snle from tltfle to tltnesoon thereafter as sal* matter can|n,Dject only to such limitations orbe reached, at which time and;restrlrtlons upon the exercise ofplace all persons who may be In-jsuch power ss rosy be specially pro-t e c t e d therein will be given an' tided by law or rules of Court.opportunity to be heard concerning

itECHJLATt" Tmlordtaanoe wlfl'be taken up ior fur-ther consideration and final pas-

i f id T h i




ANTownship Clerk i Attorneys


BE IT ORDAINED, by the Town-ship Committee of the Townjhlp of,jtrM,'if0^"o{"Wopdbrtdw, puriuant to R . 8 . « : !JJJJ ^f the'

sag« at a meeting of (aid TownahlpCommittee to be held at Its meet-ing room ln the Memorial Muni-cipal Building ln Woodbridge, New

Mr. Mundy said he and his

I.-L. 1/3/63 »t>.46

NOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRINGABSENTED BALLOTS (Civilian^ 'If you are a qualified nnd regis-

tered voter of the SUto who expectsto be absent ountlde of the State on

".^February 16, 1963, or iv nunllfled andNOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRrN.0ABSENTEE BALLOTS (Civilians)If you are a qunlUled and regls-

ramlly are glad to be back in:*•'"* v°ter of the state who expect.t h b t Uld f th S t t

ilntfnd to stay.

o,,^ H I. lima »K«»

and this time they

: ° t r of the state who expect.t o h" »b*i>t ouUlde of the State on

i r r t n , , r y 1(( 1 M 3 o r K auniifled and• •

R voter who will be withinthe State on February 16, 1963, butbecause of Illness or physical dis-ability will be unable to nut your1

ballot at the polling place In yourdistrict on fnld date, (tnd you desire

Attest- " Je'rsey, on thi isth day of January,JOfJBPH V. VALENTI, 1M3. »t *M P.M. <EST), or as|

Township Clerk »oon thereafter as said matter canTo be advertised as adopted In In- be teached, at which time and

dependent-Leader on January 3rd, place all person* who may be in1083 terested therein will be given anI. L. 1/3/63 13.73 opportunity to be heard concerning

„ the same.NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING JOSEPH V. VALENTI,To the Stockholders of the First Township Clerk

lank and TruBt Company: AN ORDINANCE TO FURTHERThe regular annual meeting of AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTI-

ho stockholders of the First Bank TLED "AN ORDINANCE TO BS.nd Trust Company will be held at TABLISH, REGULATE AND CON-ifte of Its offices, at 214 Smith TROL THE POLICE DEPARTMENTItreet, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WOOD-

Tuesday. January 22, 1993, at 13 BRIDGE: REGULATING AND DE-

Middle™* County Surrogate1! CmrtNOTICE TO CREDITORS

Katberlne D. Madea, AdmLnUtra-Mades, i"er E. Br

S5-30 et. *q.' and the a m e n d m e n t e | ^ b y ' , ; ^ ro*"P',t7u)Othe*"w»diSr»thereof and supplements thereto u - • ' " - . - - . . . . . .- ^-.-_f allows:SECTION 1. "Schedule of Area, Yard

and Building Requirements Zon-ing Ordinance of the Townshipof Woojlbrlclgf, New Jeney," « •tened to ln Article VI shall be

amended as followi:

. i. to brlnnIn their debts, demands and claimsagainst the eitate of the said de-ceased, under oath or affirmation,within six months from this dataot they will be forevef tlwrrM of sayaction therefor against the Mid

noon, prevailing time, forpurpose of:

Uganda bars ties with South;^^.w^, f , J!in^nhT.Africa, Rhodeslas.

' New Soviet jets stationed|use of coal.


re(;Wfreil"voteV"wh'o wiir"b»"w'ithinit° TOt« '" « } • annual Fire Commls-jthe State on-February II, 1963. but!? '™" 1 !1 '^ lon in Fin. Dl.tr ct No,

• -- ' 12 of the Township of Woodhrldee tobe held on February 16, 1963, kindlywrite or apply In person to the un-derpinned at once, requesting that acivilian absentee ballot be forwardedto you. Such request must stateyour home address, and the addressto which such br'lot should besent and must b« signed with you:signature and state the reason wh;

inblllty will b* unable to cut y.vurballot at the polling place ln yourdistrict on said dnte, tnd you deilreto vote In the annual Plre Cnm-

. mission"* election In Fire DistrictNo. 5 of the Township of Wood-brldnf to be held on February 16,

1196.1. kindly writ* or apply ln person- to the undersigned at onee, remif »t-inn that a civilian absentee ballot ibe forwarded to you. Such request!u.'Il

1".1.pJ.1,"i: 5li?eV?°. l:!l l.I- l!ul.*blv o u * » ' n n t >* >bl« t o rot*

mmt »tat» your home address.* and I J*nt*«ithe address to which such oa'lnt

S P a.sk.H' Did Freeholder 'should be sent and must be s'.gned

PM ivilian ab»"' >>• fnrnlshpd od oi

forwaTded to any applicant unless

Administratrix.Footnote (7) shall be added next Dated December Utb, 1982.to tbe (Inures of M%-3S% respec.tlvely for M-l and M-2 Zones, be-ing the percent maximum lot cov-erage, and tbe^xplanatlon In thefootnote below the table shall readi s follows:

"(7)) Maximum Lot c-overige


ID Fixing the exact number o^MOVAL THEREFROM: AND OUT-dlrectars to constitute the Board of LINING THE DUTIE3 OP OFFI-Directors for the ensuing year or CER8, PERSONNEL AND DIVIuntll changed by action of the OF HE POLICE DEPARTstockholders, '

12)rtll p

(JeslBnated bv the stockholders.


BJO O THolders, ' • • WENT"; Adopted May 17, I860.The election of directors U WHEREAS, the Township C

lWHEREAS, the Tow

complete the full number m l U e 0 w l s h e 8 t 0 m l k lt d bv the stockholders t h a msectot oi n a a

thatc o t l

13) T o cons ider a n d pasfi u p o n {™, ~ j ' t h e ' d e p u r t m e n t ' w i t h o u t "anye acts of t h e B o a r d o t Directors d M l i b t h T h i

) p p { , jhe acts of the Board ot Directors u n d u e

i? ££(4) aid? £ £ " buslne* u may

may be

yby the Township

t h

yC o m I t t^ r

f t^S t hBKsaid meeting,

N n wTOWNSH ff


t h e r c ' n r is n o t less

jWllllam Warren of Ford, ^ ^ r ^ r L Vj participate In SOprtS at WOOd-jto vote at your usual pollingbridge Hinh?

AM: UP played both foot-ball ind baitcball.

RJj. Inaulies: Can you (elme whether or not Lee Straube

No cWlItan" absentee ballot will befiirnlshed or forwarded to anv ap-plicant unless request theiefor Isreceived not lesi than eUht days

I prior to the election, and containskt fonqrotnir-tnrsnnaflon.

than eight days prior to U.e elec-tion. Mid contains the foregoing In-formation.

Dated; Jamtarr 3,

ers of record at the close of business!on December 11, 1M2, will be en-titled to vote at the meeting,

i b f

(Irms, partnerships orshall directly or lndireclty corruptly Influence or attempt to

ProclamationJinuiry 1M3 m*rkj the 25th-Annlver-

|»ary of The N»tlon»l Foundatlon-Marrh of Dimes suc-

flght agalrut dlwa** which haa materially ad-

Ivancod the health it*ndards of our nation.

WHEREAS partnership of the American people and

I*-i»nee thru the March of Dimes haj produced the Salk

ar.rt. Ssbln polio vaccine* ajid,

WHEREAS The March of Dimea wpporta scientific

lr-.va:c!' devoud to the protection of human life thru

I t v s.ufly of the causes and meani of preventing dli-

\r and

WHEREAS the March of Dimes aupporU medical

|c i :c for the community thru a nation-wide network

t>f treatment wnteri — more than 60 now ln operation-

[for victims of birth defect*. arthritU and polio and

WHEREAS the M««h of Dlmei itipporto public andno regional c<Juc»llon to lncre»« general twareneas"^ imderstandlng of the problems of chronic crippling

d: va.se* nnd make* ml i tb le the most advanced knowl-K' concerning effective care and treatment and,

WllEHKAS more than 250,000 American infants are

:: ciu'h ye«r with a algnlfKant birth delect; thouwnds"' mir children aro disabled by arthritis and rheiimatlp

-;i^; millions of dollars must still be spent an»ually

to H'.II the thousands stricken by polio.

THEREFORE I, Walter Zlrpolo, mayor of Wootf-b:'it«f, N. J., do hereby proclaim January 1683 as 25th

March of Dime* Month and urge all citl-'•!!.•. to support thl* campaign to "GIVE FOR THE.IFF OF A CHILD"



J Dl'NIGAN'o»-iishlp Clerk

nd Jim Lake ever played on,he same basketball Kttml *

Am: They paced the Bar-rons to a wlnnlnc seasonduring tbe rarly '5O'i.

C.T. asks: Did Carteret apiear on Woodbridge HlRh '

School's football schedule in!938?

Am; No.

Hoard of Fire ComrelwloneriDistrict No. 5Fire Home, Aventl StreetAvenel, N. J.

I.-I,. 1/3/83 M.M


SinfaNBR. SecretaryEoifd a? Wr» Cnmmlsslonere

13n»n Ajejue

P. O. Box 182,Bnh»ay, N. J>


'The '^oilWTll 'be o'rItn'Tram 12 corruptly Influence the Director— of Police In regard to any of his

official duties and responsibilities

pnoon to 1 P.M.Dated: January 3, 1963

B O d

KATHERINE D. MADIS,Administratrix

A- D. GLASS. Esq.«13 Hoosetelt AvenueCarteret. New Jersey

may be increased to 90% or moreupon application to the Boardof Adjustment under ArticleXXII, Sec. S(c) (3).

SECTION J, This ordinance ehaH"take effect immediately upon finaladoption and publication as re-quired by law.

WALTER ZIRPOLO,Cornmltt«men-it-Lar|e

AttorneyI.-L. 12/37; l/J-10-n/H tl«.0A

Attest:JOSEPH V. VAUNTITownship Clerk

To be advertised ln The Inde-pendent-Leader on January 3rd,1963, Witt Notlc* of Public Hearingfor final adoption on January 15th,

»15.18W3.I. L, 1/3/63



West orinse Savings and Loan As.sociatlon, a New Jersey corporationIs Plaintiff, and Samuel aiancater

lina and Eve Olancaterina, hU wife,

Snow BlowersImmediate Delivery!!






nruniwlckAX 1-2414

I.-t,. 1/3/63

y ,By Order of theBoard of Directors,OTTO SCHUSTIR,Secretary





If you are ln tht military serviceor are a patient In a veterans' hos-pital and desire to vote or if youare a relative or a friend of a per-wn who Is ln the military service

If you are In the military a*rvlre;or Is apat ient In a veternns'hos-IT are a patient In a veterans' hos-

' pltal and desire to vote or If you_ ¥ ,' "."' , . , . , , 'are a relative or a friend of a ner-S.L. inquires: Who was elrct- w n w h 0 „ l n t h , m l l l t B r y MrV1(.,

•d the first presldPflt of the tor Is a patient In a veterans' hoe-| t l h ' " " ) 1Little

Am: Jim Keating.O. M asks: Where did

Kulnwskl play Jils college foot-ball?

jpltal who. you believe, win desire;to vote In the annual school meet-iIng and election of the school dis-trict of the Township, of Wood-bridge to be held on February 13.1M3 kindly write to the undersignedat once making application for amilitary service ballot to be votedIn said election to be forwardedAM: Albright College.

Archdeacon, the former Wood- eran»" hospital. BtMlnit your nam«.brlditt quarterback considered a M«. urt*! number, home address

_ , - ' snd the address st Which you ireP U I W r ' stationed or can be found, or It

Ana: He wa, better than R u d j - ~ thj .»mty «rvic. bal-make an appllcotlon under oathfor a military service ballot to beforwarded to him, stating In yourapplication that he is over the ageof twenty-one yeaj» and stating his'name, serial number, home addressand the addreu at which he is,stationed or can be found.

Forms of application can be ob-talnef from the undersigned.Paled: January 3, 1H3

HELEN H. ANDERSONSecretaryWoodbMdge TownshipBoard of EducationSchool Street,

RB. asks; What number didth« Barrons' speedster LeroyAlexander wenr on his footballIprsey?

Ans: No. 60.K.3. Inquires: Did George


Derek play football analnst theformer professional Brooklynteam as a member of the Met-ropolitan All Stars ln the '30's?

Am: He did after complet-ing an outstanding collegecareer at Manhattan.S.R. asks: Where did Jim

HlBhberger play college basket-ball?

Aru: St. Peter'i.E.L. Inquires: Can you tell

me of any records Bud Camp-bell, one of Woodbridge High'sall-time greats, set while a:ourt star at Brown University?

Ami lie aet a single gamescoring record at West Point

hlch stood for quite someime.

pltal who, you believe, will desireto vote In the aanual Plre Com-missioned Plect!o7i In Plre DistrictNo, 13 of the Township of Wood,bridge to be held on February 16.1983, klndlv write to the under-•slened at once, making applicationfor military service ballot to hetoted ln said election to be for-warded to you, If you are In themilitary service or are a patient lna veterans' hospital, stating yourname, age, serial number, home ad-dress and the address at which youare stationed or can be found, orIf you desire the military serviceballot for s relative or friend thenmake an application under oath forI military service ballot to be for-warded ot him, stating In your ap-plication that he Is over the weof twenty-one years and Ratine hisname, serial numbkr, home addressand the address st which he 1Estationed or can be found.

Forms of application can be ob-tained from the undersigned.

Dated: January 3, 1963.JERRY SEIDNER, SecretaryBoard of Fire OommlsslonersDistrict No. 12Fire House, Inman AvenueColonla, N. J.

(Mall: P. O. Boi 182,


If you are a qualified and register-ed voter of the State wbo eipoctsto be absent outside of the State onFebruary 16, W63, or a qualified andregistered voter who will be withinthe state on February 16, 1963, butbecause of Illness or physical dis-ability will be unable to cast yourballot at the polling place la yourdistrict on said date, and you desireto vote In the annual Fire Commis-sioners election ln Fire District No.1 o! the Township of Woodbrldge tobe held February 16, 1963, kindlywrite or apply ln person to the un-dersigned at once. requestlnR that acivilian absentee ballot be forwardedto you. Such request must stateyour home address, and the address Ito which said ballot should be sentand must be signed with your sig-nature and state the reason why youwill not be able to vote st yourusual polling place. No civilian ab-

sentee ballot will be furnished orforwarded to any applicant unlessrequest therefor Is received not less'than eight days prior to the elec-tion, and contains the foregoing In-formation.

Dated: January 3, 1963

WARREN P. HAHNED, Secretary jBoard of Fire CommissionersDistrict No. 1418 School StreetWoodbridge, H. J.

I.-L. 1/3/63

l.-L. 1/3/83Woodbridge, New Jersey


When it's a

matter of

form, set us

When it com*! to dtvlting o form l*f

•omul le «xp«dii« vow ofAc* op«ra-

lioni, >•• ui, W* hov« th* "know

how" to cpn« up with suggaitlofli

(hot wilt iov*Jin« and money. You'll

Ilk* th« quality and ipt«d of our work

. . . and our OTICMI ~

MIDDLESEX PRESSIS Gmn 8imt, Woodbrldcc


Ut vi quota «Ayour MJtf jobl


NOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRINGABBINTEE BALLOTS (Civilian!)It you are a qualified and regis-

tered voter ot the state who ex-pects to be absent outside the Stateon February 11, 1M3 or a qualifiedand registered Toter who will bewithin the State on February 13.1M3 but because of Illness or physi-cal disability, or because of the ob-servance of a religious holiday pur-suant to the tenets of your reli-gion, or because of resident attend-ance at a school, college or univer-sity, will be unable to cast yourballot at the polling place ln yourdistrict on said date, and you desireto vote ln the annual school meet-Ing a&d election of the School Dls-

Railway, N. J)•9.90

I.-L. 1/3/63 WJ8

EDISDN TOWNSHIP TAX NOTICEThe tax.assessment books for the Township

of Edison for the year 1963 will be open to the

public for inspection on Saturday, January 5;

1963 between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 4U)0

P.M. at the assessors office in the Municipal


Board of AsseuorsCtoorgp E. HolllngsheadSteven J. MadderJohnW. Mooney

NOTICE TO PERSONS DESIRINdABSENTEE BALLOTS (Civilians)If you are a qualified and regis-

tered voter of the SUM who expectsto be absent outside ot the State onFebruary 10. 19413, or a qualified andregistered voter who will be withinthe State on February 16. 1983, butbecause of Illness or physical dis-ability will be unable to cast yourballot at the polling place ln yourdistrict on aald date, and vmi desireto vote In the annual Fire Com-missioners election ln Fire DistrictNo, B of the Township of Wood-bridge to be held on February 1«,1963, kindly write or apply ln personto the undersigned at once, request-ing that a civilian absentee ballotbe forwarded to you. Such requestmust state your homo address, andthe address to which such ballutshould be aent and must be s i n dwith your signature and state thereason why you will not be ableto vote at your usual polling place.No civilian absentee ballot will befurnished or forwarded to any ap-plicant unless request therefor Isreceived not less than eight di ysprior to the election, and containsthe foregoing Information.

Dated: January 3, 1903.RONALD O8HOBNE, SecretaryBoard of Fire OointnlajlouersDistrict No. 9Fire House. Green StreetI5«lln, N. J. i

I.-L, 1/3/63 '; $a.M


If you are ln the military serviceor are a patient ln & veterans' hos-pital and desire to vote or If you

re a relative or a friend of a personho Is ln the military service or Is

patient ln a veterans' hospitalho. }ou believe, will desire to vote) the annual File Commissioners

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Page 16: Director Tentatively O.I 733.743 Bud€¦ · "Happily I citn Miy Unit this black m an ton liti.> been QUilt"jrt|.ntlflcsUon. Uui'lim the past year chief Laurltzen praised his Monday

PAGE SIXTEENJanuary 3, 4,

IL - KB - cr>

Report from Waskinjto*

Kennedy Mwistrafon PIFight For Foteral Aid to

thai . and Pw Jahriap of Txfsaia to ro «c ^ - - .fc) oa wnst UK- fi?.W augtot'Ux « * easnp and Owtfta't f m)d in a* proomp<*uP M ° *

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Outstanding ValuesTHROUGHOUT


MARKS HARRISMain MirH „ " ' Rahway


DM |C 1.in Orc* &bat I a s ir_*::-j •* !a «%ta, a

BM BOTbe cartel a «» 3; li

fmbeals and a JJOW »: :'•bfk dsctT! :*, H*'ETT goz\ ar

zs oat a1, 'JMfoodi 0.' toe speeds. TSJ*

a a ]ra-rang^if b -dbtq-JELSiziz \t& ircurid.

aad bwiiinvi S^chare giso uses a 3t.-ui£

Tie tLsmr'n* c?fts isol beiag *.-rr*« 0: b»-

at will, aci :.-•? >'..r.r. cr.flf the tart 1 prrc -4: etarac-

if ei?-2.


Somethai of i * Caro^:j "»":?.-. ouithe lartfr *h3e rT'iRT ?t:-

In VoLt, ~jt 6fi;»e:ed n:-jchpufty. A". s=y raw, -±te

evdinai is orst oi thof ti» w^:::

to a t^=£ & geiierv fi

The njocimgbird 14 ano'ije:. 0! ccorw. bu: :'. hi;

o! uie bri^aact oi p!uai-

t. th-Att arid draiwHi looks la', vocal attaill apEUely asother iMiittbe moci^: excels

]'j .-w-r.-.Jic r^mt of

Yc_ *i::td :o! .'. You waiched or

.; H-:re :; ii: The years greats:

opr/.numty :o: b:g savir.gs or. suite

ss.i :opc-Oals, Ou: entire stock is

recu;;-d .or

Itae mockiT


p tiie wJjerr.tkns of Mcb sUi4-' as N| n m . UUnou &&d Ir.di&na s:ihindtcauons of further per.ti.-a-thm In ih* Mid*«i la ih* eit;it hat occuirtd :r. J*es Yorkand Maisachu!*::' ar.d can nolooffn; be rega-'dwi ai an "at-cttfrata!" m either wale

Tbe vocal [»»rrs 0! 'htmocker are hirfi y > H '.r.afjnbraomenal in '.h- -eairn olmlmiQT and anyone ir.'tn-itTti•n bird fonj should cfru::J>l i r e Ite rtohd ca'.itd A Mock--'O| Wrd BUif! I: it 1 rrcc.'d-in | of k bud at hotUiv, ani L.Sirtflab'.e in mar.y record shoptor • ( eoyxt*. m the



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