Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

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Page 1: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria

Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Page 2: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Get Caught Being a LEADER• Be SAFE

– Keep fingers out from in-between the tables– Let adults know of any spills– Keep hands and feet to yourself

• Be KIND– Quietly talk to those beside you or across the

table from you– Offer help if someone is in need– Use kind words toward adults and each other

• Be RESPONSIBLE– Use inside voice– Eat and use good manners– Clean up your area– Walk to wait quietly in line for your teacher

Page 3: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Recipe for SuccessIngredients:1 Cup Manners½ Cup Kind Words 2 Large Smiles1 teaspoon Safety 1 teaspoon Responsibility

- Mix “please” and “thank you” together- Add kind words in separately - Stir in smiles - Fold in safety and responsibility - Bake with a warm heart and serve often

Page 4: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Work Together- You are a TEAM3 steps:

• Step 1: Follow cafeteria expectations.• Step 2: Receive your Oscar from Mrs.

Babcock or Mrs. Brinker and put on classroom door.

• Step 3: Earn the most Oscars for your grade level by the end of the month.

• Step 4: Work with your teacher and classmates to choose your reward!

Page 5: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Walk the Red Carpet

Page 6: Dining with Dignity Welcome to the Rowan Elementary Cafeteria Did your class earn an Oscar today?

Overall Winners RewardThe two classrooms that receive the most Oscars by the end of the year will earn the opportunity to make pizzas and tour the kitchen!