Advantage digital marketing Websites, email campaigns, app development and social media www.synseal.com

Digital Marketing Brochure from Synseal

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A look at the digital marketing offerings from Synseal Extrusions Ltd

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Page 1: Digital Marketing Brochure from Synseal

Advantagedigital marketing

Websites, email campaigns, app development and social media


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At the end of 2010, there were 255 million websites.

There are 1.97 billion Internet users.

Each day 2 billion videos are watched on YouTube.

At the current rate 36 billion photos will be uploaded to Facebook each year.

Reference: http://blog.hubspot.com

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Advantagedigital marketing

Take advantage of modern technology to forward your business.

At Synseal we have our very own in-house design team and digital marketing knowledge that we use to push our own marketing to the boundaries of technology.

To help you drive your business we are offering access to these assets, we can utilise our skills and knowledge to ensure any potential customers online land at your online marketing allowing you to target them in the most effective way possible.

Our expertise crosses boundaries of website builds, mobile and email marketing, app building and distribution as well as search engine marketing. This expertise is at your disposal and we would like to work with you increase the benefit of your current marketing assets.

Talk to us about digital assets and you too can be ahead of the game.

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What is available for your business?The digital options available to you from Synseal are shown below. More detail on each option is available on the next few pages.

Website build Email campaigns

Socia l media App development

Synseal offer three options from which you can select

the ideal solution for your business.

Synseal offer social media assistance, we can help with account set up to

campaign ideas.

Synseal offer bespoke email campaigns tailored to your

products, services and offers.

Synseal have developed an app for homeowners to

visualise your products on their home before buying.

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WebsitesWe have opted for a three tier menu for our websites, silver, gold and platinum.

• Customdesignedandbuiltwebsite for your company by Synseal in-house

• Pickyourowndomainname

• Hostingincluded

• Websitepresencewithcontactform and SMS alert

• Anumberoffreemodules;news,image gallery,casestudies&socialmedia, additional modules such as SMS messaging canbeadded-POA

• ContentManagementSystem(CMS)using a dashboard enabling you to update your ownsite,Synsealwilladdtheinitialcontent

• Premiumlistingonourhomeowner site as a preferred partner

• Cost=£300peryear.

Silver package

jwcwindows.co.uk crowntreeinvestments.co.uk

Below are two examples of silver package websites:

The ideal choice for a first step

web presence for your business.

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• Websitebuiltin-houseinpartnership with external developers

• Domainnameincluded

• Hostingincludedforoneyear,thehosting costs will be yours from year two (approximately£150)

• Contactformincluded

• Emailaddresscreatedusingdomainname ie: [email protected]

• Contentmanagementsystem(CMS) included allowing you to amend your website or add new pages

• Deliveryandmaintenanceschedulesonline for fabricator to run his business through &abilitytoprovideinstallerswithalogin to view when their products will be fabricated/delivered

• Cost=£1500+VAT.madefortrade.co

Gold package

A great solution giving you customer contact and hands

on control of your content.

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• Websitebuiltin-houseinpartnership with external developers

• Bespokedesigntoclientspecification

• Domainnameincluded

• Hostingincludedforoneyear, the hosting costs will be yours fromyeartwo(approximately£150)

• Websitepresencewithcontactform

• Emailaddresscreatedusingdomain name ie: [email protected]

• Contentmanagementsystem(CMS) included allowing you to amend your website or add new pages

• Potentialtoincludeonlineselling

• Costs=Determinedbyclient specification+VAT.

Platinum package

A totally bespoke option, tailored

to enhance your business.

Scrolling banner or video

Your logo

Search box and/or drop down

Product images or gallery of latest work

Latest offer

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Email campaign designs

Ensureyougetoffthegroundquicklyandtakeadvantageofdigitaltechnologieswhicharetraditionallymoreeffectiveandcheaperthanothermethods,youcantakeadvantageofourexpertise in email campaign designs.

Targeted email campaigns designed and proven to generate leads for your business.

• Oneemailcampaigndesignpermonth

• Wewilldesigntheemailerforyourapproval

• Addthecontentforyourapproval

• Ifyouhaveatargetdatabase,wecanmap intoouremailclientDotmaileron your behalf to action the email

• Ifyoudonothaveatargetdatabase,wecan recommend specialist data providers who willbeabletotailorinformation,basedon your target region

• Cost£0for1monthtrialcampaign -£99permonththereafterviawebpartner (assumes the target database is provided by you)

What’s included?

A cost effective way to target

customers with your individual

offers and services.

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WehavedevelopedanAppforbrowsers(InternetExplorer,Firefox,Chrome)withtheaim of allowing the homeowner to take a picture of their own home and then placing representations of Synseal products over itie:-verticalsliders,bi-fold,ninestylesofconservatory including the orangery.

Users get a good view of what these types of products look like in-situ. The user can colour them, add finials and then print off a copy or download a pdf of their “NEW” home.

The pdf the user downloads is branded Synseal and with your logo/details.

App developmentGive your customers a great view of what your products will look like in-situ.

How can you use it ?• Helpsyouprovideanextraserviceto yourcustomers,setsyouapartfrom your competitors

• Wecansetituponyourbehalf on a domain of your choice

• Brandedtoyourcompany

• Cost=approximately£60perdomain.

The homeowner must enter their contact

details which come to you before they see the

finished impression.

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Social mediaWe’ve become very good at social media and currently possess the biggest following of an extrusion firm in the industry, we can share our expertise with you.

Social media is a natural progression from havingawebsitelive.Itcangetyourcompanynameoutthere,drawtraffictoyoursiteand is a fantastic tool to see what’s happening in the industry.

More and more people are using social media everyday and if you’re not using it, your’re competitors will be and you’re probably missing a trick.

Synseal can help you get set up and running in no time.

How will it work?• WecansetupFacebook,Twitterand Linkedin accounts for your business

• Wecangetyouronlineprofilesupand running for each social network ready for you to develop or alternatively our web agency can develop on your behalf

• Cost£0forsetup,contactusforpricing to maintain on a monthly basis.

Social media is a cost effective method

of quickly and effectively targeting

your customers.

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Search Engine Optimisation and Pay-Per-Click.

Additional services

Websiterankingsareahottopicatthemoment.Ifyouneedhelpwithrankingyourwebsite(SearchEngineOptimisation)orsponsoredonlineadverts(GoogleAdWordsPay-Per-Click)wehavetheknowledgeandexperience to advise you on these areas.

If you to any of the topics we can advise you on the costs, what’s involved and how to make the most of SEO and PPC. We can also advise an agency to get you on route.

This advice carries no cost, we are happy to help.

To discuss your digital marketing

requirements, contact marketing today,

call 01623 443200.

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Advantagedigital marketing


Tel: 01623 443200 www.synseal.com

Synseal Extrusions Ltd. Common Road,Huthwaite, Nottinghamshire, NG17 6AD