Digital Commerce 2011

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  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011


    March 2011


  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011


    IAMAI, 2011All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced,

    either in part or in full, without the prior permission ofInternet & Mobile Associaon of India

  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011




    Execuve Summary..................................................................................... 4

    Methodology ............................................................................................. 5

    Glossary of Terms........................................................................................ 6

    Introducon .............................................................................................. 6

    Market Size of Product Categories ............................................................. 9

    Online Travel ............................................................................................. 9

    E-tailing .................................................................................................. 10

    Financial Services ..................................................................................... 11

    Digital / Mobile downloads ...................................................................... 12

    Other Online Services .............................................................................. 13

    Indian Online Shoppers ........................................................................... 14

    Mode of payment .................................................................................. 15

    Reasons for not shopping online ........................................................... 16

    Promising Future .................................................................................... 18

  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011



    Net commerce on India has evolved over the past decade in terms of magnitude. Total net

    commerce market of India is esmated to be INR 19,688 crores in year 2009 and is expected

    to grow to INR 31,598 crores by year 2010. It has come a long way since 2007 when the mar-

    ket size was just INR 8,146 Crores. The detailed usage paern, however, has remained quite

    uniform and skewed over the years. Certain services connue to dominate the overall market

    while other sll lag behind.

    As of 2009, among Internet users, online travel leads the pack with 76% share in Net

    Commerce (INR 14,953 crores) while eTailing takes second posion with 7.82% share (INR1,550 crores). In eTailing, computers and computer peripherals account for INR 560.52

    crores while cameras, mobiles and MP3 players contribute INR 389 crores. Other major con-

    tributors to net commerce include online classifieds (jobs, online matrimonial, cars, real es-

    tate and others), buying movie ckets, food delivery and gaming subscripon is esmated to

    be INR 1,210 crores. Financial service transacons over the Internet comprise nearly 7.8%

    of the market size (i.e. 1,540 crores).

    Online users in India have exhibited willingness to make purchases over the Internet; this is

    quite evident from the growing net commerce industry. In the last few years, the interacons

    have been skewed towards specific categories such as travel or certain products in eTailing.

    Executive summary


    Year Dec 2007 Dec 2008 Dec 2009 Dec 2010+ Dec 2011+

    Total market size 8,146 14,030 19,688 31,598 46,520

    Online travel 6,250 10,500 14,953 25,258 37,890

    industry (77%) (75%) (76%) (80%) (81%)

    Online non-travel 1,896 3,530 4,735 6,340 8,630

    industry (23%) (25%) (24%) (20%) (19%)

    (Figures in crores. Percentages indicate share of the overall market size)

    *Financial aervices were not calculated in the years prior to 2008. + Esmated figures

    e-Tailing 978 1,120 1,550 2,050 2,700Digital downloads

    or paid content 238 290 435 680 1,100


    Financial services * 1,200 1,540 2,000 2,680

    Other services

    incl. classifieds 680 920 1,210 1,610 2,150

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    The results of the report have been arrived at by conducng primary research among Inter-

    net users in 15 cies as well as secondary research for triangulang the findings from exter-nal sources.

    Primary Research: Primary informaon about net commerce was collected by 800 individu-

    als through face-to-face interviews during I Cube 2009, a syndicated product of eTech, IMRB

    Internaonal. These individuals were interviewed in 15 cies across India.

    Secondary research was done to understand the structure and dynamics of the net com-

    merce market in India. Informaon from various published resources was used to perform a

    data validaon check. Informaon collected from secondary as well as primary research was

    thoroughly analyzed in preparing the report.



    Top 4 Metros Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata

    Other 4 Metros Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune

    Small Metros Patna, Cochin, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Indore

    (More than 1 million pop.)

    Non Metros Guwaha, Bhubaneshwar

    (Between 0.5 and 1 million pop.)

    This behavior has evolved recently and is expected to blanket different kinds of products

    and services purchased over the Internet and mobile networks. Given the increasing aware-

    ness and acknowledgement, the overall industry is slated to experience a high growth in thenext couple of years. While online travel will connue to comprise a major proporon of the

    overall market, e-Tailing and digital downloads could experience a high growth. Mobile/Digi-

    tal downloads are expected to grow given the high proliferaon of mobile devices in the

    country among different users as well as introducon of interacve content over the Inter-


    E-Tailing which has experienced growth in few select products ll now; is another area for

    growth. Recently, a lot of ecommerce iniaves have started to garner decent aracon from

    Internet users (albeit in limited categories such as books and digital products). There has

    also been an increase in funding for such iniaves. Further, famous retail chains are also

    opening up to embrace the medium to ensure there are sales over the Internet. If this mo-

    mentum connues, ecommerce is expected to be an important acvity among regular Inter-

    net users.

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    I ACTIVE USER: An individual who has used the Internet at least once in the last 1 month.

    I CLAIMED INTERNET USER: An individual who has used the Internet at any point in me

    in the past. This gives us a clear indicaon as to how many Indians have experienced Internet

    at least once in their lifeme.

    I INTERNET NONOWNER: An individual who belong to a household which does not own

    Internet connecon.

    I INTERNET NONUSER: An individual who has not accessed Internet at any point in me.

    I PC LITERATE: An individual who knows how to use a PC. While this term does not signify

    the extent of PC usage, it means that a computer literate is able to work on a PC without as-


    I LFI: Internet users who Look for Informaon (LFI) for a product or a service they want to


    I ONLINE SHOPPERS: Internet users who look for informaon and eventually buy a prod-uct or a service over the Internet.

    Glossary of terms


    In India, Internet has primarily been used for enabling communicaons between individu-

    als through various modes such as emailing, messaging or even social networking. However,

    a digital interacve media is only so much successful if it fails to pervade every single acvity

    an individual indulges into in their daily life. In India, iniaves over the Internet have sll

    not been able to make users buy products and transact monies.

    The I-Cube 2009 study clearly reflects on the limited penetraon of eCommerce among In-

    ternet users. In the survey conducted in top 15 cies in the country among 17.5 Acve In-

    ternet Users, who access Internet at least once in a month, there are 13.6 million users who

    look for informaon regarding products. Of these, there are merely 7.4 million (40%) have

    bought any product over the Internet.

  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011



    The figure, below, illustrates the growth in the market size since 2007.


    Year Dec 2007 Dec 2008 Dec 2009 Dec 2010+ Dec 2011+

    Total market size 8,146 14,030 19,688 31,598 46,520

    Online travel 6,250 10,500 14,953 25,258 37,890

    industry (77%) (75%) (76%) (80%) (81%)

    Online non-travel 1,896 3,530 4,735 6,340 8,630

    industry (23%) (25%) (24%) (20%) (19%)

    (Figures in crores. Percentages indicate share of the overall market size)

    *Financial aervices were not calculated in the years prior to 2008. + Esmated figures

    e-Tailing 978 1,120 1,550 2,050 2,700

    Digital downloads

    or paid content 238 290 435 680 1,100


    Financial services * 1,200 1,540 2,000 2,680

    Other services

    incl. classifieds 680 920 1,210 1,610 2,150


    Acve Internet Users

    Shop Online

    Look For Informaon17.5million



    Those whohave usedthe Internetfor at leastonce in amonth

    Accessingthe Net fordetails onany product

    Who have boughtany product/serviceon the Internet

  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011



    Net commerce industry has grown from INR 8,146 crores in the year 2007 to INR 19,688

    crores in 2009. This growth is primarily driven by online travel industry which contributes

    76% to total net commerce industry in India today. Next year the market is expected to growand reach INR 31,598 crores. This strong growth is expected to connue due to the support

    of service providers and regulators it has started to garner and is expected to reach INR

    46,520 crores by the year 2011.

    Of the market size of INR 19,688 crores; online travel, which includes booking rail and air ck-

    ets, hotel accommodaons and tour packages comprised 76% of the whole pie. E-Tailing

    which includes purchases of

    durable products such as elec-

    tronic items, home and kitchen

    appliances as well as personal

    items apparels and jewellery

    constuted 8% of the overall

    share. Conducng transacons

    to different types of financial

    services such as insurance pay-

    ments and renewals, as well as

    transacons through trading

    accounts amounted to 8% of

    the overall share. Downloading

    mobile and digital content

    comprised 2% of the overall

    share. Whereas other online

    services such as classifieds (jobs, matrimonial, cars real estate and others), online food deliv-

    ery as well as buying movie ckets and DVD rentals comprise 6% of the overall market.


    THE YEARS (Figures in INR crores)


    MARKET 2009 (INR 19,688 crores)

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    Online travel industry has grown from INR 6,250 crores in year 2007 to INR 14,953 in the

    year 2009. The restrained growth in 2009 was due to the overall slowdown in the industry.

    Due to conveniences of paying online as well as the facilitaon from the regulators the

    growth is expected to grow at a much higher rate in the next few years.

    At present, out of total INR 14,953 Crores Online Travel market, domesc air travel con-

    tributes 63% i.e. INR 9,482 crores followed by Railway ckets contribung 28% (INR 4,184

    crores) others such as internaonal air travel (INR 548 crores), Hotel bookings (INR 308

    crores), Bus ckets (INR 294 crores), Tour packages (INR 86 crores) & travel insurance (INR

    52 crores) contribute balance 9% to the total online travel market.

    Market size of product categoriesONLINE TRAVEL


    Component Percentage Market Size (INR in crores)

    Domesc Air Tickets 63 9,482

    Railway Tickets 28 4,184

    Internaonal Air Tickets 4 548

    Hotel Bookings 2 308

    Bus Tickets 2 294

    Tour Packages/Travel Insurance 1 138

    (Figures in INR crores)

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    Component Percentage Market Size (INR in crores)

    Computers, Accessories & Peripherals 36 560

    Cameras & Mobiles 25 389

    Personal Items (Apparels, Jewellery & others) 19 296

    Electronic Durables 13 203

    Home & Kitchen Appliances 4 62

    Other Products (Toys, Gis, Flowers) 3 40

    E-Tailing comprises of buying consumer items such as cameras, computers, home & kitchen

    appliances, flowers and toys, gis online. This category has grown from INR 978 crores in

    year 2007 to INR 1,550 in year 2009.

    At present, PCs, laptops, computer peripherals, accessories and storage, contribute the most

    36% (INR 560 crores) to e-tailing followed by cameras & mobiles contribung 25% (INR 389

    crores). Personal items such as jewellery, apparels, cosmecs, apparels, shoes and watches

    contribute 19% (INR 296 crores) whereas Electronic items like TV, Audio systems & other ac-

    cessories account for 13% (INR 203 crores) Balance 7% is contributed by Home & kitchen ap-

    pliances (4%) and other online buying (toys, gis, flowers etc.)


    (Figures in INR crores)

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    Financial services market is esmated to be INR 1,540 crores and is expected to grow to INR

    2,000 crores in the year 2010. Prior to 2008, there were no accurate esmates of the online

    financial services. The online financial services include Insurance and related services (INR

    585 crores), online transacons for financial services (INR 527 crores) and other fund-

    based transacons (INR 426 crores) such as paying ulity bills.


    Component Percentage Market Size (INR in crores)

    Insurance and related services 38 586

    Fund-based transacons (such as ulity bills) 34 527

    Online transacons for financial services 28 426

    (Figures in INR crores)

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    Digital downloads as a category has increased from INR 238 crores in 2007 to INR 435 crores

    in year 2009. Given the proliferaon of mobile devices and the services available over the

    Internet, the growth rate is expected to be higher in the next years.

    Majority of mobile downloads is aributed to ringtone, wallpapers or pictures download

    (INR 148 crores) and mobile recharges as well as bill payment (INR 148 crores) Soware &ulity applicaons for mobile account for 18% of Digital downloads (INR 78 crores), paid

    music/video downloads contribute 7% (INR 30 crores) while balance 6% is contributed by

    mobile games downloads.

    (Figures in INR crores)


    Component Percentage Market Size (INR in crores)

    Ringtone/ Wallpapers /Pictures download 34 148

    Pre-paid Recharge/ Post-paid Bill Payment 34 148

    Sowares and Ulity Applicaons for mobiles 18 78

    Paid Music/Video Downloads 7 30

    Mobile Games Download 6 26

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    Online classifieds includes services such as online dang, matrimonial and jobs. It is es-

    mated that online classifieds together is INR 1,210 crores. In the classifieds, online jobs con-

    stute major share of INR 484 crores. Online matrimonial/dang services form a share of

    15% i.e. 182 crores.


    (Figures in INR crores)


    Component Percentage Market Size (INR in crores)

    Online Jobs 40 484

    Movie Hall Tickets and CD/DVD Rentals 35 424

    Online Matrimonial/Dang 15 182

    Other B2C classifieds (Cars, Real Estate) 9 109

    Online Food Delivery 0.5 7

    Online Gaming Subscripon 0.3 4

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    Barring few services such as online ckeng, broadly speaking, Indian consumers aren't shop-

    ping online. Large numbers of surfers use Internet to look for informaon about the prod-

    uct or service they want to buy followed by physical visit to shop for buying.

    According to I Cube 2009, 13.6 mn In-

    ternet users looked for informaon (LFI)

    for purchasing product or services on-

    line. Of these, 7.47 mn purchased prod-uct or services online. This indicates that

    almost each alternate Internet users

    who looks for informaon on products

    and services on Internet, ends up buying

    them online.

    LFI indicates users who access internet

    to search for products or services. They

    may or may not buy them online.

    ONLINE SHOPPER indicates users whoaccess internet to purchase product or

    services. These are internet users who

    transacted online and purchased prod-

    uct or services over internet.

    Indian online shoppers





    AMONG INTERNET USERS(Base: 17.5 million

    Acve Internet Usersin 15 cies surveyed

    in I-Cube 2009)

    NONONLINE SHOPPERS ONLY LFI(Base: 13.6 million Acve Internet Users who look for informaon)

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    ONLY LFI indicates those users who access Internet to look for informaon on product or

    services, however, didnt purchase it over internet.

    AMONG ONLY LFI, 61% access internet to look for informaon on Online Travel (such as ck-

    ets and hotel bookings); of these 42% end up buying travel services through offline route.

    Cameras and mobile is the second most looked for informaon category. 60% of Only LFIs ac-

    cessed Internet to look for informaon on cameras and mobiles while 17% of them bought

    the product through convenonal shops.

    AMONG ONLINE SHOPPERS, 89% accessed internet to look for informaon on Online travel

    services and 80% actually purchased product or services belonging to online travel using in-


    Cameras and Mobiles was looked for informaon by 62% of online shoppers, however only

    12% actually bought it over Internet. This indicates that even online shoppers access internet

    to know more about products, but only handful of them actually use internet to purchase


    Mobile downloads and personal items were purchased by 22% and 20% of online shoppers



    Online shoppers use Debit cards/Internet banking as mode of payment for shopping online.

    Credit cards follow closely at second posion. Paying against delivery comes at third posionwhereas demand dra and mobile payment is almost negligible.

    MODE OF PAYMENTS(Base: 7.5 million Acve Internet Users who have made online purchases)

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    Lack of trust is the prime reason for not shopping online. According I-Cube 2009, various

    reasons for not shopping online as menoned by internet users include:


    Most of non-shoppers do not shop online due to lack of trust in transacons. This includes

    reasons such as worried about personal security and distrust with quality. In other words, this

    lack of trust primarily leads to security concerns one has while transacng over Internet.


    Most Net commerce shopping happens through credit or debit cards. Indians, however are

    sll concerned about their personal security and prefer to transact in person.


    Unlike convenonal shopping, buyers worry about online shopping. They arent sure if they

    will get good quality products online.


    When person is transacng over Internet, they are not sure who is sing across the table.They are worried about delivery of goods. It includes issues such as delay in or non delivery

    of goods.

    Non delivery of goods: Apart from shopping experience and convenience, one of the major

    factors for net commerce not taking off in India is due to the on-me dispatch of goods. De-

    livery delays invariably have le people wondering if their money was lost in the transacon

    and are averse to conducng future online transacons. Merchants start order processing

    and shipping only aer the receipt of money through credit card or online banking payment.

    Reasons for not shopping online

    (Base: 6.1 million Acve Internet Users who do not purchase online)

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    Buying a product or service is many mes associated with shopping experience. It includes

    shopping experience includes fun, entertainment and the sasfacon derived from shoppingof product or service. While transacng online, most users lack this experience and it has re-

    sulted in people refraining from shopping online.

    Lack of touch & feel: Touch & feel of product being purchased lacks while shopping online.

    Online shopping is best suitable for products and services that do not require touch & feel ex-

    perience by buyer. Probably thats one of the reasons for books & ckeng being more suc-

    cessful than apparels while shopping online.

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    Promising futureThe online users in India have evolved and are acvely seeking to include their digital in-

    teracons into their daily acvies making purchases and indulging in transacons being

    one of them. Although the behaviour in online transacons has been a lile skewed in the

    past wherein travel comprised the majority of the market; this has changed since 2009.

    As per the primary research, e-Tailing is one the primary growth driver and will remain so

    in the near future. A major reason for such growth is the connuing niche and generalized

    websites that are being introduced over the Internet. These websites serve certain seg-

    ments that are willing to transact monies for the products such as high-end Fashion and per-sonalized products, due to the convenience and range of products it offers. There have also

    been certain iniaves that include mass market; for instance, certain aggregators and

    traders are offering their products over the Internet to reach wider audience in the non-

    metro markets. As Internet seeps more into the Tier-II and Tier-III cies there is bound to be

    increase in the number of online users that would be willing to indulge in online purchases.

    Financial services over the Internet is another area that holds promising growth. Al-

    though there were no esmates prior to 2008, the online financial services amounts to a

    sizeable proporon of the non-travel online interacons. Given the characterisc of the fi-

    nancial services, it is very bound to experience a high growth. Instead of indulging in beau-

    rocrac methods of compleng financial transacons, online modes of obtaining such

    services will always be beneficial. There is no inherent need of transactors to be present in-

    person to get financial services as there is no need for a touch-and-feel experience. Con-

    sequently, most of the transacons involving financial services such as renewing insurance

    or paying ulity bills can be completed over the Internet.

    An important aspect in ensuring connuous growth of the net commerce industry is the

    increasing awareness of exchanging money over the Internet by all the stakeholders as well

    as the acknowledgement of such possibility by the regulators. As the online and mobile

    medium grows, the regulators are in the process of formulang guidelines to make opons

    available to the users as there are substanve benefits in transacng money over the Inter-net. Not only providing convenience, online transacons also reduce personnel and re-

    source overheads that organizaons and the government have to bear. As the issue of

    security minimizes due to stringent methods adopted by banks and financial instuons;

    large numbers of retailers and online aggregators are providing services to Internet users

    for their varied purchases they make on a daily basis.

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  • 8/2/2019 Digital Commerce 2011


    IMRB Internaonal

    e-Tech Group | IMRB Internaonal (a specialist unit of IMRB Internaonal) is a re-search based consultancy offering insights into IT, Internet, Telecom & emerging

    technology space.

    Our connuous link with industry and a constant eye on the pulse of the consumer

    ensures that we can decode the movements of technology markets & consumers.

    To our clients we offer an understanding of the present market environment and a

    roadmap for the future.

    Internet and Mobile Associaon of India (IAMAI)

    The Internet and Mobile Associaon of India is a not-for-profit industry body regis-

    tered under the Sociees Act, 1896. Its mandate is to expand and enhance the on-

    line and mobile value added services sectors. It is dedicated to presenng a unified

    voice of the businesses it represents to the government, investors, consumers and

    other stakeholders. The associaon addresses the issues, concerns and challenges

    of the Internet and Mobile economy and takes a leading role in its development.

    The associaons acvies include promong the inherent strengths of the digital

    economy, evaluang and recommending standards and pracces to the industry,

    conducng research, creang plaorms for its members, communicang on behalf

    of the industry and creang a favorable business environment for the industry.

    Founded in January 2004 by leading portals in India, IAMAI in the only specializedindustry body in India represenng the interests of online and mobile value added

    services industry.

    Contact details

    Dr. Subho Ray, President, IAMAI

    406, Ready Money Terrace, 167, Dr Annie Besant Road, Mumbai - 400 018

    Tel: +91-22-24954574 | Fax: +91-22-24935945 | hp://

    Published By: Dr Subho Ray, President, on behalf of Internet and Mobile Associaon of India

    406 Ready Money Terrace, 167, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli. Mumbai 400018.

    Contact details

    eTech Group | IMRBIMRB Internaonal

    A Wing, Mhatre Pen Building

    Senapa Bapat Marg, Mumbai

    Research team for this report

    Balendu Shrivastava, Group Business Director([email protected])

    Tarun Abhichandani, Insights Director

    Ashwin Godbole, Insights Director