different kinds of animals different kinds of animals created by Antonio

different kinds of animals

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different kinds of animals. different kinds of animals created by Antonio . Anteaters have very long tongues. a is for anteater. Bucks live in the forest. b is for buck. Cheetah’s are the fastest animals in the world. c is for cheetah. Dingoes live in Australia. d is for dingo. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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different kinds of animals

different kinds of animalsdifferent kinds of animalscreated by Antonio

1a is for anteaterAnteaters have very long tongues.

2b is for buckBucks live in the forest.

c is for cheetahCheetahs are the fastest animals in the world.

d is for dingoDingoes live in Australia.

e is for elephant Elephants are one of the most strongest animals.

f is for frogFrogs can jump really far.

g is for goat

Goats live on farms.

h is for horseHorses are used to race in horse races.

I is for iguanaIguanas are green.

j is for jaguarJaguars are covered in spots.

k is for kangarooKangaroos are very good boxers.

l is for leoprd

There many different kinds of leopards.

m is for monkey Monkeys are great climbers.

n is for night hawkA nighthawk is a type of a bird.

o is for ostrichOstriches are the fastest birds in the world.

p is for parrotParrots can talk.

q is for quailQuails have a weird thing on there head.

r is for rabbitRabbits are furry.

s is for shark

Sharks are carnivores.

t is for turtleTurtles hide in there shells when in danger.

u is for unicornUnicorns are mythical creatures.

v is vampire batVampire bats only come out at night.

w is for whale Whales are the largest mammals in the world.

x is for x ray fishX-ray fish are cool.

y is for yakA wild yak doesnt reach full size until six to eight years. .

z is for zebraWhen in danger zebras hit their enemies with their hooves.