Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012 www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk 01280702441 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new mayor Blooming Brackley Let yourself grow! Photograph by John Swannell, Camera Press London TownTalk_Summer_2012_V4.indd 1 01/05/2012 13:13

Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where...Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012 01280 702441 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new

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Page 1: Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where...Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012 01280 702441 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new

Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012

www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk� �01280�702441

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where

Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new mayor

Blooming BrackleyLet yourself grow!

Photograph by John Swannell, Cam

era Press London

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Page 2: Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where...Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012 01280 702441 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new

Log-on�to�some�exciting�changesBrackley Town Council’s new, dynamic and exciting website went live during the Mayor Making Ceremony held at the Town Hall on Saturday May 12th, 2012. The new website contains all of the information that users have become accustomed to across the old site, but with a new dynamic search facility, crisp, fresh design and clearer navigation, it offers Brackley residents so much more than before. The Mayor, Cllr Cartmell who is also chair of the Website Working Party, commented: “We are very excited about our new website. With a fantastic use of colour, easier site layout and a wider range of information, we believe we have a website built for the future.”With additional functionality such as online room bookings, polls, maps and a new business section, the new website is already finding favour with users.In the next issue of Town Talk there will be an in-depth look at the new site with all of its features. Adds Cllr Cartmell, “With this website, we are sending out a clear signal that Brackley is a town on the up and open for business. So log on and take a look for yourself and leave your thoughts on our new poll!”www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk

Towntalk Summer 2012



40th�Anniversary�of�Town�TwinningIn May, the Town Council and Brackley European Association will be hosting visitors from Pavillons-sous-Bois, our French twin town. Marking our 40th anniversary (1972 – 2012), a weekend of celebrations has been planned, including a welcome reception of Afternoon Tea, a barbeque and bowls at the Bowls Club, a guided tour around the town by the History Society, a Civic Lunch in the Town Hall and a re-dedication of the twinning charter with an exchange of anniversary gifts.The long-standing twinning with this Parisian suburb arose from a suggestion by former Councillor Jack Yates and a young French language assistant, Annie Dumas, in the 1970s. By May 1972, the Mayors of Brackley and Pavillons-sous-Bois had formally signed a twinning charter agreement between the two towns.It wasn’t until 1975, however, that the Brackley European Association was founded to look after and foster twinning activities on behalf of the Town Council, with the Mayor appointed as ongoing President of the Association.

A sneak peak at the new website

Local groups or organisations that wish to apply for funding from Brackley Town Council for activities in 2013/14, should submit applications by the end of August 2012. Application forms are available from the Town Hall or via our website, together with information on eligibility.

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Keeping�WatchThanks to the support of a grant from Brackley Town Council, Brackley Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) will re-launch in June with the distribution of a new leaflet to every household in the town. The Brackley-specific information will expand the scope of NHW from traditional crime-related issues, to residents’ broader quality of life. These new considerations will include such things as the loss of amenity through environmental pollution and the establishment of ward-based neighbourhood action groups (NAG), with co-ordinators attending councillors’ surgeries at the Town Hall. For serious issues, NHW/NAG will host public meetings at the Town Hall for all to attend.In addition to this, the group will also ensure outdoor community safety and report on the state of roads, footpaths, public facilities, recreational areas and fly tipping. The introduction of Dog Watch, where dog walkers report any suspicious activity on their regular walks, will also help.Home, property and personal security will remain the top priorities for Brackley NHW but, with the support of residents, other important issues can be addressed for the benefit of local areas and the town as a whole.

www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk� 01280�702441 3

Recently, a resident wrote to the Town Council praising the flower-filled planters across the town and suggested we could extend this to include private homes and possibly schools. As a result, councillors agreed that a ‘Blooming Brackley’ competition would be held again this year.There are four categories – front garden, rear garden, window box and hanging baskets.To participate, all you need do is complete an application form, which must be submitted to the Town Clerk by 14th June 2012 at the latest.Judging will take place between 8th and 14th July by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor.Schools are encouraged to take part, as the winners will be announced before schools break up for their summer holidays.Entry is free and prizes will be awarded to the winners and runners-up in all categories. Individuals are asked to enter for one category only. The judges’ decision will be final.If you would like an application form, please contact the Town Hall on 01280 702441. Alternatively, e-mail the Town Clerk on [email protected] or download it from the Town Council Website.


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Page 4: Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where...Jubilee Edition, Summer 2012 01280 702441 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee What’s on and where Say hello, wave goodbye Greetings from your new

Message�from�last��year’s�Mayor“Turn, turn, turn”, as the song goes, “to every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven”. I have enjoyed a wonderful twelve-month season of so many different visits and invitations, from meeting the children in the Junior Schools to sharing the activities of the older generation in their own particular venues. I have had the chance to get to know the fast expanding University of Northampton and life for the American Air force personnel based at RAF Croughton.Has every purpose I visualised twelve months ago been achieved? I can only hope that all those who have shared in the happy occasions felt their spirits rise and had reasons to be cheerful! Events such as the Civic Service celebrating the life we share as a community, the Theatre of One-Act plays brought in to the Town Hall, switching on the Lights with the Christmas Fairy and her entourage of little dancers, the feast and fun of the Civic Ball. Last, but not least, the unexpected magic of Strictly Brackley where people

were surprised by their skills and the delights of dancing with a partner, and the truly generous sponsorship which has enabled the purpose of bringing Mind into Brackley to materialise.How quickly my time as Mayor has passed by! Now it is the turn of the next Mayor to don the red robe and jabot and enjoy the great variety the coming seasons bring.

Cllr Theo HaywardMayor 2011/12

Towntalk Summer 20124

You may often wonder what goes on in the Town Hall every Monday night. You can, of course, come down and see for yourself! As a member of the public you are welcome to attend all public parts of every council meeting.

One of the great chunks of work undertaken recently by the Direct Responsibilities and General Purposes Committee is to deliver a Skate Park to the town. To that end, negotiations with South Northants Council are well underway to make

this aspiration a reality. This has been long awaited by all those who are passionate about boarding, and we are using the skills and expertise of local skating enthusiasts to advise on the type of project most suitable.


Gathering together before the Civic ServicePhoto: Brackley Photographic

Brackley Photographic

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Message�from�your�new�MayorHaving served as Mayor of Brackley in 1997/98, I am delighted to once again receive the unanimous support of my fellow councillors in being elected Mayor for the Civic Year 2012/13. It is a great honour to serve the town and I look forward to renewing old acquaintances and also making new ones.I will do my utmost to promote the town in every way possible. In the coming year we are going to see many events being celebrated here in Brackley:

The next 12 months will, no doubt, offer us new challenges and I look forward to representing the town as your Mayor. Rest assured that together with my fellow councillors, I will serve you to the best of my abilities to get the very best for our community.I have decided that my main Mayoral Charity for 2012/13 will be Northamptonshire & Warwickshire Air Ambulance, which does sterling work both here around the Brackley area and further afield. Through the year I will also donate funds raised at specific events to various clubs and organisations in the Town.I look forward to meeting as many residents and groups as possible during the year.

Cllr Chris CartmellMayor 2012/13

www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk� 01280�702441

The Town Council has spent many months negotiating with the National Trust over the future use of the old fire station and the surrounding land. In view of the condition of the property and the walls in the park, Brackley Town

Council has asked the National Trust to review the sale price of the station and land. Assuming we are able to find a mutually satisfactory price, we can then kick-start the tendering process, inviting community and commercial organisations

to present their plans for the management and proposed use of the building.


• 40th Anniversary of Town Twinning with Pavillons-sous-Bois

• Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Weekend (inc. Carnival, Soap Box Derby)

• Brackley Music Festival

• Brackley Beer Festival

• Brackley Festival of Motorcycling

• Brackley FairNot to mention the many events organised by local clubs and organisations!

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Towntalk Summer 20126

The Ward is edged to the south by a disused train line and surrounded by farmers’ fields, giving the area a truly rural feel.The ward is notable for its historic road names. Named after former Town Council Mayors (Alderman Beatrice Anna Cartwright, Cllr Charles Pether), Magdalen College School headmasters (Eric Forrester, Thomas Godwin) and after Flora Thompson’s book Lark Rise to Candleford. Published in

1945, it was made famous in the late 1970s as a play and more recently when it was adapted for television. Originally a trilogy of semi-autobiographical novels about the countryside of north-east Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire at the end of the 19th century, the street names reflect this, with Flora Thompson Drive and Candleford Close to name but a few. Our twin town of Pavillons-Sous-Bois is also healthily represented, giving us

such notable names as Pavillons Way and Clement Bois. Sport features strongly in the West Ward too. It is home to the town’s leisure centre and also the popular rugby club. The rugby club started life in the early 1970s and operated from land that is now home to the leisure centre. In 1999 it relocated to its impressive purpose built clubhouse and grounds on the fringe of the town’s boundary.


The West Ward in Brackley is a comparative stripling, when set alongside the historic heart of Brackley’s ancient town centre. The great swathes of housing that now dominate the west of the town only arrived from the 1980s and into the 1990s. The staggered expansion increased the size of the town considerably and is now the most populated part of the town with nearly 5,000 inhabitants.

The rolling fields of the West Ward

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Jim BroomfieldT: 01280 700348 (business) 07939 574560 (mobile) E: [email protected]

What�do�you�enjoy�most�about�being�a�councillor? Sorting out people’s problems, especially with petty bureaucratsFavourite�Actor? Sid JamesFavourite�book? How to win friends and influence people by Dale CarnegieFavourite�Holiday�destination? CornwallRole�model�growing�up? My Dad

Kath Bonner DunhamT: 07855 382962 (mobile) E: [email protected]�did�you�become�a�councillor? Getting involved with decision making, influencing the District Council and making a differenceUltimate�holiday�destination? Desert Island in the GrenadinesFootball�or�rugby? Football, I come from Portsmouth and still support themShakespeare�or�Dickens? Dickens! Remember he was born in PortsmouthCheeseboard�or�Sweet�trolley? Can I have

both please?

Theo HaywardT: 01280 701162 E: [email protected]�did�you�become�a�

councillor? So I could hear information at first handYour�ideal�Sunday? English Breakfast, friends, fresh air and good evening tellyThe�one�song�you’d�take�to�a�desert�island? Every time you say goodbye - Ella FitzgeraldFavourite�meal? Afternoon TeaWine�or�beer? WineFavourite�Actor? Robert Downey Jnr.

Chris CartmellT: 01280 703032 E: [email protected]

What�do�you�enjoy�most�about�being�a�councillor? Influence the development of the town for the good of everyone

Favourite�TV�show? Countryfile, Newsnight

Your�ideal�Sunday? In the summer, take my

1939 Rover 14 to a Classic Car Event. In the winter, a walk in the country with the dog

First�car? Land Rover - 1955

Favourite�meal? Liver/bacon, onions & mash

Football�or�rugby? Rugby

Mark SinclairT: 01280 840502 E: [email protected]�did�you�become�a�

councillor? To make the town a better place for everyoneFavourite�Holiday�destination? USA or GreeceFootball�or�rugby? BothSunday�Roast�or�Curry? Curry


www.brackleynorthants-tc.gov.uk 7


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Town�Clerk,�Sue�Crouch�(01280�702441)��[email protected]�Town�Clerk,�Irene�Bennett�(01280�702441)�Brackley Town Council, The Town Hall, Market Place, Brackley NN13 7AB Brackley Town Council makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in this publication. However, the Council makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaims all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of Brackley Town Council.8

QUEEn’S�DIAMOnD�JUBILEE�CELEBRATIOnSEvents marked * are organized by Brackley Town Council. For more information, to reserve tickets and to purchase Commemorative Medals visit www.brackley-tc-qdj.co.ukDATE EVENT VENUE TIME

1 June Jubilee ExhibitionBrackley and District History Society

space 3 Market Place TBA

2 June Brackley Community CarnivalStarts with procession in the town (11am)www.brackleycommunitycarnival.org.uk

Magdalen School(St John’s Site)


2 June *Diamond Jubilee Dinner Winchester HouseSchool


3 June F1 Chicken Run10k circular route via Turweston airfieldwww.f1chickenrun.co.uk

Brackley Park 9:30am

3 June Community Church ServiceA short inter-denominational service of celebration

Piazza 11am

3 June Annual Soap Box Derbywww.brackleysoapbox.org

Town Centre from 1pm

3 June *Queen Tribute Concert with Firework Finale Magdalen School(St John’s Site)

7pm -11pm

4 June St Peter’s Church Jubilee Peal of Bells St Peter’s Church 9am – 12pm

4 June *Classic Vehicle Show Magdalen School(St John’s Site)

11am – 4pm

4 June Celebration Concert and PicnicBrackley Male Voice Choirwww.brackleymalevoicechoir.org.uk

Magdalen School Fields


5 June *Gruffalo Picnic and Treasure Hunt Tudor Way Park 2pm – 5pm


7-9 June Brackley PlayersAlan Ayckbourn’s “RolePlay”www.brackleyplayers.org.uk

Southfields School 7.30pm(Sat 2.30pm)

15 June Mayor’s Coffee Morning Town Hall 10.30 - 12noon

29 June – 14 July

Music Festivalwww.brackleymusicfestival.co.uk

Various Various

28 July Beer Festivalwww.brackley.roundtable.co.uk

Town Centre 12noon – 8pm

19 August Festival of Motorcyclingwww.bfomc.org.uk

Town Centre 10am – 5pm

Jubilee limited edition commemorative medals available (£5 each)www.brackley-tc-qdj.co.uk/medal-.html

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