this issue Message from the CE P.1 AGM 2012 P.2 Volunteer Open Day P.3 New PR Officer P.4 Other News P.5 DIAL News Supporting the People of Doncaster for over 29 Years ISSUE 03 DIAL Volunteers thanked .... To celebrate Volunteers Week Doncaster CVS hosted an event at the Mansion House. DIAL Volunteers were personally thanked for their contribution to the Doncaster community by Mayor Peter Davies. DIAL Touch Screen Kiosks to be withdrawn..... DIAL is to withdraw two of the Touch Screen Kiosks that are currently placed within Bawtry and Bentley Health Centres. Funding for this project from NHS Doncaster ceased in March 2011 and as replacement parts are now obsolete the kiosks are non repairable. For details and locations of our other kiosks contact our Helpline on: 01302 327800. Welcome to the third edition of DIAL News. It is with great sadness that I have to announce the recent death of Jenny Gill, DIAL’s former Chairperson. Jenny first began volunteering at DIAL when the organisation was based in St Catherine’s grounds and became DIAL’s first Welfare Rights Adviser. She then went on the become Office Manager. Following her retirement she continued to support DIAL and became Chairperson in 1999 and held that post for five years. Her contribution to the organisation was second to none, helping to make DIAL the professional and caring organisation it is today. She will be greatly missed. On a happier note DIAL was once again assessed for Investors in People in March. The Assessor’s report was very good and stated that feedback against the IIP objectives reflects excellent, inclusive approaches to planning and performance management at Pamela Arrand Chief Executive Giveacar is a UK based fundraising organisation that specialises in auctioning and scrapping old cars for charitable causes throughout the world, including DIAL Doncaster. Scrap donations raise an average of £100 for the charity, with auction cars often raising much more. To arrange collection of a car, visit www.giveacar.co.uk or call 020 0011 1664, quoting DIAL Doncaster as your preferred charity. all levels. He also stated that DIAL’s staff regard it as a great place to work and have a sense of commitment and pride in what they do. Well done everyone! DIAL has recently held a one day workshop in which all staff, volunteers and trustees were invited. We identified what our service users wanted, or might want, what we already did well and where we could either improve or develop new services. From this workshop DIAL now has an updated three-year Business Plan which will, hopefully, lead to desirable outcomes for the organisation and the people who require our service.

DIAL Doncaster Summer News

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Page 1: DIAL Doncaster Summer News

this issue Message from the CE P.1

AGM 2012 P.2

Volunteer Open Day P.3

New PR Officer P.4

Other NewsP.5


Supporting the People of Doncaster for over

29 Years



DIAL Volunteers

thanked ....

To celebrate

Volunteers Week

Doncaster CVS

hosted an event at the

Mansion House. DIAL

Volunteers were

personally thanked for

their contribution to

the Doncaster

community by Mayor

Peter Davies.

DIAL Touch Screen

Kiosks to be


DIAL is to withdraw two

of the Touch Screen

Kiosks that are currently

placed within Bawtry and

Bentley Health Centres.

Funding for this project

from NHS Doncaster

ceased in March 2011

and as replacement

parts are now obsolete

the kiosks are non

repairable. For details

and locations of our

other kiosks contact our

Helpline on: 01302


Welcome to the third edition of DIAL News.

It is with great sadness that I have to announce the recent death of Jenny Gil l , DIAL’s former Chairperson. Jenny first began volunteering at DIAL when the organisation was based in St Catherine’s grounds and became DIAL’s first Welfare Rights Adviser. She then went on the b e co m e Of f i ce Ma n a ge r . Following her retirement she continued to support DIAL and became Chairperson in 1999 and held that post for five years. Her contribution to the organisation was second to none, helping to make DIAL the professional and caring organisation it is today. She will be greatly missed.

On a happier note DIAL was once again assessed for Investors in People in March. The Assessor’s report was very good and stated that feedback against the IIP objectives reflects excellent, inclusive approaches to planning and performance management at

Pamela Arrand Chief Executive

Giveacar is a UK based fundraising organisation that specialises in auctioning and scrapping old cars for charitable causes throughout the world, including DIAL Doncaster. Scrap donations raise an average of £100 for the charity, with auction cars often raising much more. To arrange collection of a car, visit www.giveacar.co.uk or call 020 0011 1664, quoting DIAL Doncaster as your preferred charity.

all levels. He also stated that DIAL’s staff regard it as a great place to work and have a sense of commitment and pride in what they do. Well done everyone!

DIAL has recently held a one day workshop in which all staff, volunteers and trustees were invited. We identified what our service users wanted, or might want, what we already did well and where we could either improve or develop new services. From this workshop DIAL now has an updated three-year Business Plan which will, hopefully, lead to desirable outcomes for the organisation and the people who require our service.

Page 2: DIAL Doncaster Summer News

a monthly basis. Access

to our website is also

available via mobile

devices. Our advertising

model is simple and cost

effective. If you are a


who would like to have

more information about

advertising with DIAL or

costs involved contact

Linda Lee on 01302



Advertise with DIAL

Our AGM will take place on Friday 2nd November at 10am at the Doncaster Rugby Club, Armthorpe. Following the AGM we are holding a Fashion Show to promote DIAL’s four charity shops and the benefits of recycling. Staff and volunteers have kindly volunteered to be models for the event. We are looking for donations of evening wear, shoes, handbags and costume jewellery. We offer a collection service or you can drop donations off at any of the shops. If you would like to make a donation please contact June on 01302 360650. We will be selling the items that are modelled on the day. We are also having a tombola and a raffle so come along and support the event. Everyone is welcome.

Did you know...... Doncaster Partnership for Carers have moved to new premises...... The Carers House 2 Regent Terrace South Parade Doncaster, DN1 2EE Tel: 01302 637566 DIAL’s Benefit Officers recen t l y a t tended training on Welfare Reform and Universal Credit in preparation for t h e f o r t h c o m i n g changes to the benefits system. This will ensure that we continue to deliver a quality up to date benefits service within the Doncaster Borough.

You may have noticed a new type of code on our leaflets. This is known as a QR Code. If you have a smart phone that has an application that can read bar codes you will be able to scan our QR Code and link directly to our website to access information on the move.

We can now provide a

facility for commercial

advertising on our website

and in our e-newsletter.

Revenue generated from

this initiative will be used to

support our charitable

activities. We now have a

w e l l e s t a b l i s h e d

subscription base to our e-

newsletter and over 9,000

people visit our website on

We present

‘Fashion on

a Budget’

- all outfit

s have bee

n donated

to our cha

rity shops

and will be

modelled by

our staff




Please note that any

adverts would have

to fully comply with

our Adve r t is ing


Advertise here

for as little as


Forthcoming Awareness Workshops are to include: Parkinson’s Disease Anaemia The Menopause

Dates to be confirmed. The workshops are free. If you

would like to attend a workshop or would like more information contact:

Sobya - 01302 327800

Ethnic Minorities Project-Awareness Workshops

Page 3: DIAL Doncaster Summer News

‘Make a Difference’ - DIAL’s Volunteer Open Day

DIAL’s volunteers are an integral part of the DIAL team. Volunteering can give you the chance to meet new people and gain new skills and experiences. We currently have over 40 volunteers. DIAL is hosting a volunteering opportunities afternoon on Tuesday 24th July at St Peter in Chains, Chequer Road, Doncaster. Join us for a cake and a cuppa and chat to some of our volunteers about their roles within the organisation. You can find out more about our current volunteering opportunities too. Packs will be available to take away on the day.

Autism Information Centre....... A free Information and Advice service for adults with Autism is now available at the new Autism Information Centre, St James Court, Milton Walk, Doncaster . DIAL is currently supporting the centre by offering a Welfare Benefits Advice Surgery once a month. This is by appointment only. For more information or to book an appointment please contact: 01302 737493.

DIAL’s Web Access

on the move..... Since March this year we have had 4,134 people access our website via a mobile device. Accessible technology has enabled us to deliver information instantly, when and where it is most needed.


Helpline Adviser

Disability Awarene




& D


Comment on our Services

Have you or a family member used any of our services? We want to ensure that we are providing a quality service that is accessible to our clients. We value your comments and getting your feedback , good or bad, helps us to monitor and improve our services and your service experience. Your feedback will help us to identify where changes in the service should be considered to improve it. Your feedback also lets us know if we are doing a good job too. You can contact us in a number of ways, either via our website, letter or you can telephone us. Contact details are located on the back page.

Charity Shop Assistant





The Personal Health Budgets fifth Interim Independent Evaluation Report about the pilot programme has now been published. 52 budget holders with long term health conditions were interviewed (as were 13 carers of budge t ho lde rs ) abou t t he i r experiences of Personal Health Budgets after nine months. To view, or to download the report vis it : www.personalhealthbudgets.dh.gov.uk/topics

Did you know? You may be able to get help from Access to Work if you have a mental health condition and need support in work. If you are eligible you will be offered an assessment to find out your needs at work or when you are starting new employment and will help you to develop a support plan. For more information contact the Access to Work Contact Centre (for Yorkshire and Humber) on 0141 950 5327 or visit www.direct.gov.uk.

Page 4: DIAL Doncaster Summer News

Mere is fully accessible with facilities such as a ramped access, a wet room, electric beds and low level kitchen facilities. The caravan at Mablethorpe that was gifted by Aiming High is not accessible for wheelchair users but offers a high standard of accommodation. For more information or to book your holiday contact our Helpline on 01302 327800.

Once again it is that time of year when you might be thinking of having a much needed break with the family. Why not take a look at our holiday accommodation. We offer reasonably priced holidays at Marton Mere, near Blackpool and Golden Sands, Mablethorpe. Our purpose built lodge at Marton

DIAL’s New Public Relations Officer

Due to the expansion of our Charity Shops we now require more volunteer driver’s mates to support our collection and delivery service. This volunteering role would require you to be able to lift items of

Motability ‘One Big Day’ Events and DIAL’s High Dependency Changing Place Our HDU will be making an appearance at the following Motability Road Show Events at:

Reebok Stadium, Bolton, Thursday 26th July Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Thursday 16th August

We have had some very positive feedback from users of our HDU, that was situated at Stoneleigh Park and Chepstow Racecourse in June and early July this year, supporting Motability to be able to provide an additional accessible facility for their events.

furniture. If you are interested and have time to spare please contact our helpline on 01302 327800 or you can view the role description on our website at: www.dialdoncaster.co.uk

For more information and internal photos of our holiday accommodation visit our website www.dialdoncaster.co.uk

Could you be a


We are currently seeking volunteers for our Board of Trustees. If you are a motivated person with time to spare and have an interest in, or have experience of disability we would like to hear from you.

Contact: Pam Arrand,

Chief Executive on

01302 327800

Need a Holiday?

John Burke, formerly our Community Development Manager has now taken on a new role at DIAL. He is now DIAL’s Public Relations Officer. He will be looking to establish corporate links and partnerships with local businesses and how we can work together. He is currently working to create links with the local media to

promote our charity shops and look at innovative ways of marketing our newer services. He was recently featured on Trax FM. John’s vast knowledge of the local community has enabled him to establish useful partnerships already and he is keen to take on the challenge. If you have

any ideas or useful links that John may find useful you can contact him on 01302 327800.

Buy this


Space for as

little as


For more


contact Linda

01302 327800

Page 5: DIAL Doncaster Summer News

DIAL News Issue 03 Summer 2012

Volunteering at DIAL

Do you have some

time to spare? We

currently have


opportunities as



Helpline Advisers

Charity Shop


Volunteer Drivers

and Driver’s

Mates to assist

our Charity Shops

deliver and pick

up donated items

If you visit our

website you can view

the role descriptions.

If you are interested

in volunteering with

our organisation

please call our


Recruitment Team


01302 327800

How you can contact us:

Unit 9

Shaw Wood Business Park

Shaw Wood Way



Tel: 01302 327800 Fax: 01302 327205 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dialdoncaster.co.uk

A Company Registered by Guarantee

Company Registration Number: 4436063

Charity Registration Number: 1103621

Can You Help We urgently need your donations of furniture, electrical items and bric-a-brac for our charity shops. We offer a free pick up service. Donations help us to raise much needed funds to support our charity to continue the work that we do.

We hope to produce the DIAL e-newsletter on a quarterly basis. If you would like to include any

information contact: editor: Linda Lee

email: [email protected] telephone: 01302 327800

Disclaimer: Articles printed in the DIAL newsletter do not necessarily reflect the view of DIAL Doncaster. Whilst every care has been taken to provide accurate and up to date information, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions within this issue.

Our charity shop in Intake is trialling Saturday opening. The current opening times on a Saturday are 10am-4pm. We are happy to take donations but cannot offer a pick up and delivery service on this day. For more information please contact June, the Shop Manager on 01302 360650.

Our Intake Charity Shop now

opens Saturdays.....




Do you know of an existing or new

support group in Doncaster that is not

listed on our useful contacts page on

our website?

Please contact us with the details so

that we can include the information.

You can visit our website to access the

useful contacts page at


A member of DIAL staff has taken on a mighty fundraising challenge. She is aiming to lose 5 stone in weight by December 2012 whilst raising much needed funds for DIAL. If you would like to sponsor her please contact Bev on: 01302 327800. Your support is much appreciated.

DIAL Fundraiser