Developing the Graduate Education Message Stephen Allen SalientPoint , LLC July 2018

Developing the Graduate Education Message SW/2018 SW... · •New engineering bldg for classrooms, labs • $65M total/ $5M per year bonds • Building is ready for construction ---

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Page 1: Developing the Graduate Education Message SW/2018 SW... · •New engineering bldg for classrooms, labs • $65M total/ $5M per year bonds • Building is ready for construction ---

Developing the Graduate Education Message

Stephen AllenSalientPoint, LLC

July 2018

Page 2: Developing the Graduate Education Message SW/2018 SW... · •New engineering bldg for classrooms, labs • $65M total/ $5M per year bonds • Building is ready for construction ---

Some Key Reminders About Messaging & Delivery for Media & PowerPoint Presentations

• Less is more: messaging has to be concise, limited and organized so that it can be delivered conversationally and concisely. To be most effective it has to be immediately credible and understandable. Key words and message enhancers are essential for the audience to pick up and retain information.

• The Seven Deadly Sins of PowerPoint/Business Communications are easily and totally avoidable: preparation, instincts and techniques (in addition to messaging) combine to be a powerful compass for the presenter (not all are covered in presentation)

• How you look and sound really matters: powerful words/messages won’t resonate without a credible and convincing messenger ---85% of what an audience remembers is visually related. Likewise, visual metrics drive vocal metrics. 2

Page 3: Developing the Graduate Education Message SW/2018 SW... · •New engineering bldg for classrooms, labs • $65M total/ $5M per year bonds • Building is ready for construction ---

The 3 Vs Govern Speaker Performance in All Venues and Under All Circumstances

Verbal• messages• enhancers• saliency• PowerPoint

Vocal• pausing• pace• inflection• volume

Visual• hands• head• eyes• posture

Presentation Notes
STATE: To illustrate a few examples of effective and less than effective presentations, I’m going to show you a few video clips of different people in different presentation situations. See if you can pick out the opportunities. As you see on the ppt. we will focus on what we call ‘The 3 Vs’, which is a way to categorize how we measure presentation effectiveness. I’ll explain these in more detail in a moment. SHOW: Video Clip 1 – Robert Dire ASK: What did he do that was ineffective and why? Instructor to solicit audience response. Video Clip 2 – Peter Wild (leaning on the podium) ASK: What did he do that was ineffective and why? Instructor to solicit audience response. DISTRIBUTE HANDOUT #4 (Delivering the Three Vs) REVIEW: Instructor to review 3Vs handout at a very high level. More detailed explanation of each sub-component to follow.
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Messaging … Overcomes Organizational & Individual Communication Barriers


• Staying on the “same sheet of music”

• Punching through 21st Century clutter

• Not being defensive and falling into quicksand

• Moving beyond the “Silver Bullet”

• Deflating difficult situations

• Having something to say … instead of “ooops”

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Messages Are Either a 3-Legged Stool or a 4-Legged Chair


The Information in Talking Points Usually Exceeds the Audience Absorption Capacity



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Talking Points Have Several Fatal Flaws that Decrease a Speaker’s Effectiveness

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The “Triangle & Box” Messaging Strategy Assures Equality, Non-linearity AND Focus

≤ 7 word conclusion

≤ 12 word message

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Domino’s Pizza Messages For You Tube Response

Sincerely Apologize for You Tube “Prank” by Two Employees

Customers Trust Is Most


Tremendous Pride in Serving Customers

An Isolated Incidentin North Carolina

Taking It Incredibly Seriouslyand Took Immediate Action

• Thank members of on-line community• Store owner has been financially hurt

• Damage to brand – Dominos hurt• “Sickens me”

• Looking at all hiring practices• Make sure it won’t happen again• Auditors in stores

• 125,000 people in 60 countries• Messages and support• High quality “day in and day out”

• Two team members dismissed, felony warrants for their arrest

• Store “shut down and sanitized” from “top to bottom”

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Using The Strategic Box/Triangle Messaging Under Q&A Requires The ATM Technique



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Secretary Hermann Used a Triangle to Discuss a “Saver Summit” & Answer Tough Questions



Retirement Security is a“3 Legged Stool”

We All Need to StartSaving NOW

Committed to the Solvency of Social Security





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A Policy that’s Beneficial, Workable & Sustainable

Statewide Indoor Smoke-free Policy Protects Everyone’s Right to Clean Air

Vast Majority of Kansans Recognize 2nd Hand Smoke

Danger & Support Action

• Cigarette smoke contains 4,000 toxins and is a known carcinogen• 290 deaths/yr in Kansas attributable to 2nd hand smoke• Leads to >2,000 heart attacks and >$21 M in hospital costs• Medicaid costs to tax payers is >$20 M each year• 25% of indoor workers are not protected

• Uniformly prohibit smoking in most places that the public can gather• When private property involves a public business, health and safety

standards are everyone’s right• Create a level playing field across KS ---now a patchwork of unequal


• Surgeon General : smoke free policies don’t impact on hospitality industry

• >36 states --- including neighboring ones --- have smoking restrictions

• Studies of policies in CO,OH, KY and MT show reduced heart attack hospital admissions and less smoking

• Zagat survey: only 3% would dine out less because of smoking restrictions

• 94% believe 2nd hand smoke harmful• 73% of adults support some type of

indoor smoke-free policy• > 33 cities and 2 counties have or are

considering indoor air ordinances• Legislators have predicted eventual

passage --- what are we waiting for?• 80% of population doesn’t smoke

2nd Hand Smoke Kills Hundreds of Kansans & Costs Taxpayers $$ Millions /Year

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One Building,1000s of Jobs,$10s M in Tax


Leveraging a Small State Bond for a New Building with $100sM in Private Funding (Donations/Tuition)• New engineering bldg for classrooms, labs• $65M total/ $5M per year bonds• Building is ready for construction --- open in

spring ’14 (Phase I already underway)• Private donations stepping up to support the

buildings operation• Normal tuition will foot most of the bill for

growth of program

• State has tangible investment atfavorable costs

Capturing a Unique Opportunity to Retain, Attract and Create Jobs• Engineering intensive industries are the economic engine of XX• $40B/year in payroll, 2/3rds of exports• Industry has been moving from state because not enough eng graduates

o Companies are outsourcing to other states/movingo Must start producing 50 to 100% more engineers every yearo XX is fueling its own brain drain

• Industry expands where grads are --- grads go where jobs are • Key resources are now converging to reverse

the situation

Generating Immediate Payout to XXXXXX Government & Economy• Construction creates hundreds of jobs• Purchasing local goods and services• This is money coming in the door not out

the door for the state • Benefit is now --- companies need

graduated NOW

Expanding Engineering Programs Means Recruiting Students, Faculty & Staff as Well as a New Building

• 60% expansion in students --- 75% from XX (we can’t accept all qualified students now)

• Hiring dozens of professors and staff• Able to attract $ Millions more in research grants (feds/private)• Detailed plan --- “because a goal without a plan is just a wish”• Already expanding within our current footprint• If building not funded for construction then we have to shed students

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Access to and Support for

Graduate Education An Imperative for



Compelling Proof that It is Life Changing and Career Driving

• Unemployment rate is low: doctoral degrees is 2.5% and master’s degrees is 3.6%

• Over career, doc holder makes 45% & master’s holder 18% more than bachelors

• In many fields, having graduate degree allows person to come in a higher level then they otherwise would

• People with graduate degrees are more likely to vote,be involved in community activities & involve their familiesin those activities.

• 30 years ago a bachelor’s degree was enough for many jobs --- but bar keeps rising

Undeniable Payoff in Economic Growth, Innovation & Job Creation• Holders support research that is

critical to innovation --- that dramatically increases resources for health, security, and energy

• Economy needs high-level skills to compete with other nations, like China and India

• Other nations are investing moreinto graduate education while U.S. is cutting back

• BLS number of fastest growing occupations (’08-’18) require advanced degree:

• Holders create jobs through leadership & innovation

Immediate & Consequential RisksAcross Country if Pipeline Falters

• Student loan debt crisis preventing Americans from beginning and completing --- only getting worse

• Fewer qualified Americans enrolling – yet interest is still high

• Fewer research $ making it harder for top-notch institutions to take research from bench top to the market

• American companies already looking to other countries to recruit top talent and skills

• U.S. institutions may become less attractive for best and brightest

Impressive & Diverse Coalition Calling for

Continued Federal Investment• National Academies: Research universities

key to innovation & a high standard of living

• The Path Forward and Pathways through Graduate Education and into Careers: CGS-led coalitions of university/ business leaders calling for continued federal support.

• America COMPETES Act supporting graduate traineeships to enhance innovation and competitiveness.

• COC : value of graduate degree holders in STEM fields to economy

• APLU’s Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness and Economic Prosperity

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Lawrence – Currently Largest School In MA Was Successful Heery Project 20 Years In MA

Award-winning (Local And National), Including Worcester Best Project In Nation (Managing Excellence) National Expertise

100 High Schools Nationwide Have Provided OPM /Services For 40 Years

Experience In Community Relations Successful Working Relationship With NSBA

Knowledge Of Subcontractor & Materials Markets Recognized For Exceptional Performance Of The

MA Secretary Of The Treasury (Cahill) Trusted To Provide Objective And Complete Advice Know Operational Implications Of Capital Decisions

6 High Schools Built In MA Over 15 Years MA State Housing Project In 1980s

DemonstratedExpertise to

Safely and SecurelyMaintain


Local Team Backed Up By National Resources In All Disciplines

Staying Power

Capability To Tailor Talent

Virtually Unlimited Staff Flexibility As Needed

Special One On One Counsel To Superintendent

Centralized Accountability With In-house Capabilities

Complete Team Provides Synergy And Efficiency

Financial Stability To Take On Long-term Challenging Projects

- 56 Years In Business- Huge Bonding Capacity- Substantial Insurance- Strong Financial Sheets

We Stand Beside Our Clients.

We Stand Behind Our Projects.

Wrote The Book On OPM Nationally; Applied OPM With Success Locally

“LEED”ershipin building sustainability across the nation Long-standing Experience With Energy ConservationDating From Early 1970s

Work With The Massachusetts Technology Council (MTC) On Beverly And Fall River Projects

Heery Staff Is MTC Trained

Commitment / Focused Philosophy On Sustainability

Have Been Involved In LEED & CHPS Schools Throughout The Country, I.E., Oak Ridge HS Targeted For LEED Silver

Legacy Of “LEEd”ership Firsts- GA Power Bldgs – 1970s – 1/2 Energy Use Of Conv.Office Bldgs

- ORNL Labs – First DOE LEED Project- Medical Center Of The Rockies- First LEED Schools In SC And Houston- Atlanta Fire Station – 1st LEED Project For The City- Early Childhood Center In NJ

In-house Commissioning Group

Experience In Commissioning Some Of The Most Intense And Challenging Projects (Hospitals, Data Centers, Labs)

Have Undertaken Massive School Additions / Renovations In Occupied Facilities (Oak Ridge, Seattle)

Massachusetts Team with Proven Capability to Deliver

Excellence in Project Management

Tested TeamExperienced With One AnotherOn-the-ground / Ready-to-go Accredited By MCPPO Well-rounded Team

All Team Members Have Direct Experience With MSBA 50 Years Of Combined Experience In MA

Advocates In All Arenas Understand Fabric Of Area And Appreciate Local Trends

Recognized By Clients For Quality Work Award-winning Team

All Team Members Have Worked In Lawrence & Worcester, Which Both Won Awards (Excellence In Project Management)

Experienced Project Director With All Qualifications Required – Has Been With Heery More Than 10 Years

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Lockheed Martin Messaging Structure … Focused But Flexible for a Diverse Organization

Disciplined Performance

We Never Forget Who We’re

Working ForPassion for InnovationWhole-System Thinking

Defining Moment

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Seeing The Question: 5 Types

Direct (Factual) StayAttack (Against Facts/ Interpretation of Events/Actions) Jab & Go

Emotional (Concerning/Implying Injuries, Fatalities, Families, etc.)

Quicksand (Attacking Off Topic, Speculating, Guaranties) Touch & Go

Irrational / Irrelevant (Off topic pontification) Pick & Go

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• Avoiding several fundamental and instinctive barriers ---without sacrificing credibility & personality

• By-passing “talking points” (and over scripting) which have hidden and fatal flaws

• Using a geometric message strategy that achieves content focus, organization and parity

• Adopting the “ATM” approach in responding to questions


Successfully Creating Messages is an Art as Well as a Science