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Adulthood and Midlife: The Morning and Afternoon of Life

Adulthood and Midlife: The Morning and Afternoon of LifeA Report on Developmental PsychologyBy: Jacqueline Fragata SimeonMAED Major in Educational AdministrationTopicsI. Becoming an AdultTransitionCognitive DevelopmentCareer and WorkII. Being with OthersStability and Change Attraction, Love, and Close RelationshipGender, Relationship, and Self-DevelopmentIII. Making it in MidlifeThe Nature of Middle AdulthoodCognitive DevelopmentCareers, Work, LeisureMeaning in Life Becoming an Adult: TransitionTransition: From childhood to adolescence begins with the onset of pubertal maturation; from adolescence to adulthood is determined by cultural standards and experiencesEmerging adulthood- the term given to the transition from adolescence to adulthood; age range: approximately 18-25 years oldBecoming an Adult: TransitionFeatures of Emerging Adulthood (Jeffrey Arnett, 2006):Identity explorationInstabilitySelf-focusedFeeling in-betweenThe age of possibilities and life transformationBecoming an Adult: TransitionIs there a specific age at which individuals become adults?Becoming an Adult: TransitionHow or when can we say an individual has reached adulthood?Becoming an Adult: TransitionDifferent studies say that the following factors are markers if one is already an adult:Social Status factorsCognitive factors Full-time employment/ economic independenceTaking responsibility for oneselfMarriage

Becoming an Adult: TransitionWhat determines an individuals well-being in the transition to adulthood?Becoming an Adult: TransitionIntellectualAcademic success, planfulness, and good decision-making skillsPsychologicalMental health, mastery motivation, confidence in ones competence, identity, values, and community contributions)SocialConnectedness to others through friendship and positive peer relationsDevelopmental tasks such as work, romantic involvement, and citizenshipBecoming an Adult: TransitionThe Transition from High School to CollegeStressHappinessEducationBecoming an Adult: Cognitive DevelopmentCognitive StagesFormal Operational ThinkingRealistic and Pragmatic ThinkingReflective and Relativistic ThinkingPost Formal ThinkingCreativityPeaks in adulthood and then declines; peak often occurs in the fortiesQualifying any conclusion about age and creative accomplishments are (1) magnitude of the decline in productivity, (2) contrasts across creative domains, and (3) individual differences in lifetime outputs.Becoming an Adult: Cognitive DevelopmentThe first step toward a more creative life is: Cultivating curiosity and interest. How to do this?Try to be surprised by something everydayTry to surprise at least one person everydayWrite down each day what surprised you and how you surprised othersWhen something sparks your interest, follow itWake up in the morning with a specific goal to look forward toSpend time in settings that stimulate your creativityBecoming an Adult:Careers and WorkDevelopmental ChangesIdealization of a career as childrenLess idealization in high school yearsZeroing-in on a specific career in late twenties to early twentiesChoosing a major or specialization in collegeCompletion of education or training and entering a full-time occupation in early and mid-twentiesEstablishing an emerging career in a particular field in mid-twenties through the remainder of early adulthoodBecoming an Adult:Careers and WorkPersonality Types

Becoming an Adult:Careers and WorkValues and CareerWhen people know what they value most- what is important to them in life- they can refine their career choice more effectively.Monitoring the Occupational OutlookIt is important to be knowledgeable about different fields and companies as you explore the type of work you are likely to enjoy and succeed in.Becoming an Adult:Careers and WorkThe Impact of WorkWork During CollegeUnemploymentDual-Career CouplesDiversity in the WorkplaceBeing with Others: Stability and Change from Childhood to AdulthoodTemperamentStudies show that a childs temperament shows links or continuity to his/her adult personality and adjustmentAttachmentSecurely attached individuals may count on their romantic partners to be a secure base to which they can return and obtain comfort and security in stressful times, like they were to their parents/caregiver as a child.Being with Others: Attraction, Love, and Close RelationshipAttractionFamiliarity and similarityPhysical AttractivenessThe Faces of LoveIntimacy (Intimacy vs. Isolation; Intimacy and Independence)Friendship (Gender differences; Cross-gender friendships; Friends and lovers)Romantic LoveAffectionate LoveConsummate LoveFalling out of Love

Being with Others: Attraction, Love, and Close RelationshipPersonal growth after a romantic relationship break-up

LonelinessBeing with Others: Gender, Relationships, and Self-developmentGender and CommunicationRapport TalkReport Talk

Womens Development

Mens Development

Making it in Midlife: The Nature of Middle AdulthoodChanging MidlifeMidlife is the afternoon of life. It serves as an important preparation for late adulthood, the evening of life.

Defining Middle AdulthoodIt begins at approximately 40 to 60-65 years of age.Gains (growth) and losses (decline) balance each other.

Making it in Midlife: Cognitive DevelopmentIntelligenceFluid (information and verbal skills) and Crystallized Intelligence (abstract skills; spatial orientation and inductive reasoning)The Seattle Longitudinal Study (focus was individual change and stability in intelligence)Information ProcessingSpeed of Information ProcessingMemoryExpertisePractical Problem SolvingMetacognition

Making it in Midlife: Careers, Work, and LeisureWork in Midlife

Career Challenges and Changes


Making it in Midlife: Meaning in LifeFour main needs for meaning that guide how people try to make sense of their lives:

Need for purposeNeed for valuesNeed for a sense of efficacyNeed for self-worthMaking it in Midlife: Meaning in LifeWhy do you exist?

What do you want from life?

What is the meaning of your life?

The End