DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards

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Page 1: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards



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Thursday, May 17, 2018

3:00 p.m.


1301 Third Street


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3 EVA GARZA DEWAELSCHE, At-Large, Acting Chairperson

4 WILLIE E. BELL, Commissioner, (Dist. 4)

5 DARYL D. BROWN, Commissioner, (Dist. 1)

6 WILLIE E. BURTON, Commissioner, (Dist. 5)

7 JIM HOLLEY, Commissioner At-large

8 ELIZABETH BROOKS, Commissioner At-Large

9 SHIRLEY A. BURCH, (Dist. 3)

10 WILLIAM M. DAVIS, (Dist. 7)

11 CONRAD MALLETT, JR., (Dist. 2)


13 GREGORY HICKS, Secretary to the Board

14 ROBERT BROWN, Executive Manager












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1 Detroit, Michigan

2 May 17, 2018

3 3:00 p.m.


5 board of police commissioners meeting. I'm Eva Garza

6 Dewaelsche, vice chairperson of the board, and I'm

7 taking the place of Lisa Carter, the chairperson, who

8 is out of town and unable to attend tonight -- today.

9 On behalf of the board, for those in the audience

10 attending, thank you for joining us for the meeting,

11 and for people viewing this meeting on your government

12 cable channel, thank you for viewing our meeting this

13 afternoon.

14 For the invocation we have invited the

15 Detroit Police Chaplain Corps, and we have Chaplain

16 Devan Myatt, who will be giving the invocation. Thank

17 you.

18 (Invocation given at 3:00 p.m.)


20 Board, you have before you the May 17th agenda. Is

21 there a motion to approve?




25 and seconded. Any questions? All those in favor

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1 indicate by saying aye.



4 you. Motion carries.

5 Board, you also have before you the minutes

6 of May 10th. Is there a motion to approve?




10 and seconded. Are there any questions or comments?

11 Hearing none. Then all those in favor indicate by

12 saying aye.

13 THE BOARD: Aye.


15 carries. Thank you.

16 And now I'd like to take a moment, if we

17 can, before we start the meeting to introduce the

18 board members, starting from my right.


20 District 7.


22 District 3.

23 COMMISSIONER BROOKS: Elizabeth Brooks,

24 at-large.


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1 District 4.

2 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Jim Holley, at-large.


4 District 1.


6 District 2.

7 COMMISSIONER BURTON: Commissioner Willie

8 Burton, District 5.


10 like to ask if there are any elected officials that

11 have joined us this afternoon. Elected officials or

12 their representatives? Hearing none. Are there any

13 civic leaders in the audience that would like to

14 introduce themselves, please? And we have our union

15 leader LSA. Yes.

16 MR. YOUNG: Mark Young.


18 much. And also I'd like to ask the chief -- we have

19 assistant chief joining us today for Chief Craig. If

20 you could please introduce your staff.


22 Chair. At this time I'll start off by introducing our

23 uniformed officers and all members who are also in the

24 department in a nonuniform capacity -- introduce

25 yourself as well.

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1 (Inaudible introductions made by the

2 staff.)


4 Chief? Is that it? Okay.

5 And we have just been joined by Chief

6 Craig.

7 Thank you for being here.

8 On behalf of the board I want to express

9 our concern and support for fallen and injured

10 officers as we do at the beginning of all of our

11 meetings. Our board receives a weekly report from the

12 department listing injured officers, and this week is

13 National Police Week, and it is fitting -- is it still

14 National Police Week? It is fitting that we add an

15 extra measure of care and concern and reflecting on

16 the service and sacrifice that is part of law

17 enforcement.

18 I would like to ask the chief during his

19 remarks to provide us with any additional information

20 related to injured and fallen officers and any

21 activities sponsored by the Detroit Police Department

22 in connection with National Police Week. We've had a

23 lot of activities. The board of police commissioners

24 meets every week except for the Thanksgiving and

25 Christmas holiday periods.

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1 We meet here at headquarters in regular

2 session three weeks out of the month and on Thursdays

3 at 3:00 p.m. We also meet in the community every

4 second Thursday of the month at 6:30. The board

5 exists to provide civilian oversight for the work of

6 the Detroit Police Department, and as a board, we

7 receive and investigate noncriminal citizens'

8 complaints, monitor the operations of the department,

9 and work with the mayor and the chief to make or

10 modify police policy.

11 Our objective is the same as the City of

12 Detroit, to provide for the best use of our tax

13 dollars, to improve on the quality of life within our

14 city. As a board, we bring a unique perspective to

15 policing the eye and the viewpoint of civilians. The

16 principle of civilian oversight is as old and as

17 important as all of the founding principles in our

18 democracy. Separation of powers between and within

19 government allows for accountability, transparency,

20 rights to appeal, and citizen control. These

21 principles are important nationally as well as

22 locally.

23 I would like to call to the attention of

24 the board several important items. On Friday, June

25 8th, and Saturday, June 9th, the board will convene

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1 its annual training session. This session is an

2 opportunity for the board to fellowship, address

3 operational issues, and measure our progress over the

4 year. The session will be focused on the board's

5 charter-mandated responsibility and how they intersect

6 with the police department. We will start at 12:00

7 noon on June 8th and have a half-day session. We'll

8 also have a full-day session on Saturday, the

9 following day.

10 I would like to ask each member of the

11 board to mark your calendar and plan on attending.

12 I'm sure that the session will be productive and

13 informative as the session of the previous year. I

14 also want to call to your attention elections for the

15 board of police commissioners officers' positions.

16 Our bylaws require that in the second meeting in June,

17 June 14, 2018, elections for new officers will occur.

18 I also want to call an important business

19 matter to the attention of the board. Ms. Faye

20 Johnson, BOPC executive manager for fiscal operations,

21 will read a report from the budget subcommittee

22 designed to transfer the board of police commissioners

23 from the police department budget to the

24 nondepartmental budget. The nondepartmental budget in

25 part is the area of the city's budget that houses

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1 functional entities of the city that are governed by

2 boards and commissions like the board of ethics, the

3 building authority -- and the building authority.

4 As a board and elected appointed members --

5 with elected and appointed members, we believe that

6 the inclusion of our budget and operations within the

7 nondepartmental section of the city's budget is

8 consistent with the aims and objectives of an

9 independent oversight board. The transfer will not

10 impact our oversight and monitoring of the police

11 department. The change will not impact our

12 appropriations levels, and should we approve the

13 action, it will become effective in the new fiscal

14 year starting July 1st, 2018. The report will be

15 taken up under subcommittee reports.

16 We will also have a resolution honoring the

17 retirement of Inspector Daniel Allen. Inspector Allen

18 is retiring from communication operations after a

19 career lasting 30 years. Also on the agenda today is

20 a presentation from communications 911 dispatch. In

21 several of our meetings we have heard from citizens

22 about our dispatch operations. The section is of

23 critical importance to police operations. Not only

24 does dispatch help deploy police services in a timely

25 fashion, it is also the face of the department.

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1 Aside from police patrols, I would think

2 that the contact that citizens and visitors have with

3 the department is overwhelmingly through our

4 communications and dispatch operations. Hopefully,

5 today's presentation will provide us with a

6 comprehensive understanding of the communications and

7 dispatch operations. The department in the recent

8 past has introduced new technologies and practices in

9 these areas. A report on the integration and

10 operational effectiveness is timely.

11 Also, given recent storms and rapidly

12 changing weather, we have noticed several power

13 outages in precincts and other operations impacting

14 communications. I hope the report will also cover

15 some of the reasons for the power outages and our

16 plans to resolve these issues.

17 Finally, the introduction of new

18 technologies in policing is a new weave in police

19 practices. I would ask that the department share with

20 the board and the general public any future

21 innovations and initiatives in this area. Later in

22 the meeting we will have committee reports and oral

23 communications from the audience, and I remind you

24 that if you would like to speak to the board, please

25 make sure you print your name on a card, a speaker's

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1 card. They're located at the back table, and also

2 Mr. Brown has copies, and Mr. Brown will need to

3 receive your card before the beginning of public

4 comment. And I will also caution everybody. We will

5 be enforcing the two-minute speaking privilege. Our

6 cutoff for secured cards will start with oral

7 communications. And now we have a resolution that I

8 have asked Commissioner Bell to read for us.

9 COMMISSIONER BELL: Madam Chair, I'm going

10 to ask retired Inspector Daniel Allen to join me at

11 the podium.

12 Good to see you.

13 It is my honor to read the resolution

14 honoring retired Inspector Daniel L. Allen.

15 Whereas Daniel L. Allen was appointed to

16 the department on October the 14th, 1985. Upon

17 graduating from the Detroit Metropolitan Police

18 Academy, Officer Allen began his career at the 6th

19 Precinct; and

20 Whereas he dutifully served the 6th

21 Precinct, the Executive Protection Division, the Law

22 Department, and on September 2nd, 1993, he was

23 promoted to the rank of sergeant and assigned to the

24 4th Precinct as well as Internal Control Division; and

25 Whereas Sergeant Allen displayed tremendous

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1 diligence and aptitude in his assignments and was

2 promoted to the rank of lieutenant on

3 August 23rd, 1999. Lieutenant Allen was reassigned to

4 the 4th Precinct, Tactical Operations Section,

5 reassigned to the 4th Precinct, Court Unit,

6 Northwestern District, Office of the Chief

7 Investigator, at which time he was promoted to rank of

8 inspector on September 22nd, 2011. Inspector Allen

9 was then assigned to Communication Operations,

10 Investigative Operations, then reassigned to

11 Communication Operations, where he remained until his

12 retirement; and

13 Whereas during his law enforcement career,

14 Inspector Allen was the deserving recipient of three

15 Chief's Merit awards, one Lifesaving Citations and

16 Medal award, three Perfect Attendance awards, two

17 Conclusion of Condition of the Confinement Consent

18 Judgment award, the Fireworks Celebration award, the

19 Major League Baseball All-Star Recognition award, the

20 Rosa Parks Funeral Recognition award, and Super Bowl

21 XL Recognition award, as well as commendations from

22 supervisors and numerous letters of appreciation from

23 the community; and

24 Whereas Inspector Allen has tirelessly

25 served the Detroit Police Department, the citizens of

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1 Detroit, and its neighboring communities for 30 years.

2 His professionalism, commitment to public service,

3 integrity, and dedication has been a credit to the

4 Detroit Police Department. He is highly respected as

5 a consummate professional.

6 Now, therefore, be it resolved that the

7 Detroit Board of Police Commissioners, speaking for

8 the citizens of Detroit and the Detroit Police

9 Department, award this resolution in recognition and

10 honor of the lifelong devotion of Inspector Allen for

11 years of dedicated and diligent public service. His

12 professionalism, integrity, and standard to the city

13 of Detroit and its citizens merit our highest regards.

14 We thank and congratulate you, Inspector

15 Daniel L. Allen.

16 (Applause.)

17 Have your father join us. Come on up.


19 please.

20 INSPECTOR ALLEN: It's an honor to

21 introduce my father, retired Deputy Chief Francis

22 Allen. Tomorrow marks a milestone in that it will be

23 his 65th anniversary of joining the Detroit Police

24 Department.


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1 wonderful.

2 INSPECTOR ALLEN: I think that makes you

3 the senior man.


5 Mr. Allen, would you come up for a picture with your

6 son, please? Thank you.

7 INSPECTOR ALLEN: I'd like to thank the

8 board, too, for bestowing this great honor on me. And

9 it was an honor to serve the board, actually, at one

10 time during my career at the Office of the Chief

11 Investigator.

12 And, Chief Craig, I'd like to personally

13 thank you. You're the best I served under.

14 CHIEF CRAIG: Thank you.

15 (Applause.)

16 COMMISSIONER BELL: You didn't serve under

17 your father, did you?

18 INSPECTOR ALLEN: I did. I did at one

19 time. He was the deputy chief on the west side.

20 COMMISSIONER BELL: I know. I know. He's

21 a legendary, great man -- professional. I had no

22 interactions with him. Maybe that was good.

23 (Laughter.)

24 But he was outstanding. So what year did

25 your father serve the department? What year did he

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1 retire?



4 Could both of you come up here so that we could

5 have --

6 COMMISSIONER BELL: I think his father

7 wants to make some remarks.

8 Are you okay?

9 Thank you, ma'am.


11 Come up and --

12 Chief, could you also join them for the

13 picture? We would like to have a picture for our

14 record as well. Right up front near the sign here.

15 Right here.

16 Congratulations.

17 (Picture taken.)


19 much, and thanks to both of you for your many years.

20 A hundred years, isn't it? Sixty-five and thirty.

21 Almost a hundred years of service. Thank you very

22 much.

23 Thank you, Commissioner Bell.

24 Is there a motion to approve?


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2 and seconded. All those in favor indicate by saying

3 aye.



6 motion carries. Next on the agenda is the chief of

7 police report.

8 CHIEF CRAIG: Thank you, Madam Chair.

9 Honorable Board. Start off with crime, as

10 always. As relates to violent -- overall violent

11 crime we're down, year to date, 6 percent; down

12 property crime 14 percent; and overall part 1, which

13 is violent crime and property, were down 12 percent.

14 So we exceeded our stated goal of a 5 percent

15 reduction. In terms of specific areas, down 15

16 percent homicide; up 36 percent sexual assault; and I

17 know you had a presentation last week or the week

18 before in reference to sexual assault crimes.

19 Robbery -- we're down 17 percent; carjacking -- we're

20 down 2 percent; aggravated assault's down 4 percent,

21 and down 22 percent nonfatal shootings. As it relates

22 to burglaries, we're down 25 percent. Larceny's down

23 1 percent. Stolen vehicles -- we're down 23 percent,

24 and, again, overall property offenses -- we're down 14

25 percent.

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1 So what I'll do is I'm going to just jump

2 around a little bit. Last week I had a chance to

3 attend the mayor's retreat, and one of the

4 takeaways -- and I thought it was a great retreat

5 because it was focused on neighborhood residents. And

6 so the mayor's staff were in different groups.

7 Certainly, I was in the health and safety breakout

8 group, but the -- each group was led by department

9 neighborhood managers, and what was unique about this

10 work was the fact that these neighborhood managers

11 were basically speaking on behalf of the residents in

12 the city.

13 So as it relates specifically to law

14 enforcement policing in the city, one of the things

15 that we came up -- in terms of how we should be

16 measured -- you know, I talk a lot about, you know,

17 violent crime and property crime reductions that we've

18 seen, but really what's the thing that really drives

19 it is quality of life in the neighborhoods. I know as

20 police chief, and I'm certainly speaking on behalf of

21 our staff, many times we go into neighborhood

22 meetings. There's very little conversation about

23 shootings or murders because we know statistically the

24 vast majority of those crimes involve some kind of an

25 acquaintance-relationship, whether it's two

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1 individuals involved in criminal activity, and the

2 vast majority of Detroiters are not involved in crime.

3 They might live in neighborhoods where they have some

4 challenges, but they're not victimized in that way.

5 But the complaints you always hear -- and

6 it's several. Of course, we all know one -- larceny

7 for vehicles, where people come out and find their

8 car's been either stolen or wheels and tires are

9 removed, and that makes them feel unsafe and makes

10 them say, "Well, do I want to move outside of the

11 city? Because I'm tired of my vehicle being stolen."

12 So auto theft and larceny from vehicles was

13 kind of the dominant issue. Home invasion,

14 burglary -- certainly some neighborhoods where people

15 have experienced being a victim of a home invasion,

16 that also affects this quality of life. And then

17 lastly, but not to underestimate because I've heard it

18 at this meeting, is traffic complaints. I'm talking

19 about those complaints where people are speeding

20 through neighborhood streets.

21 So what we're in the process of doing out

22 of this retreat -- we're going to put -- not to

23 diminish the violent crime. We're still going to

24 continue to work hard through our initiatives, like

25 Ceasefire and Green Light work, but we're also going

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1 to focus on what we call these "quality of life" type

2 crimes that really wreak havoc. So in the coming

3 weeks you'll hear more about how we measure. I'll

4 report out.

5 I mean, as you can see, as I'm indicating

6 today, we are down larcenies by a small amount.

7 Stolen vehicles, we're down, but as you go about your

8 work, and your constituents talk to you, they're

9 complaining about "Hey, my vehicle got stolen. My

10 wheels were taken off." And so we want to address

11 that issue in a very public way and see if together,

12 with the community, we can make a difference.

13 Along those lines I attended an event last

14 week that I'm very excited about, which is -- I call

15 it a companion piece to our Ceasefire work. But last

16 week I attended at Cobo Hall something that was called

17 a brotherhood event. Some of you may have been

18 briefed out on it. Why I'm very excited about it --

19 so we got five DPS schools where roughly 25, 30 young

20 men came in and were identified by the school as at

21 risk. These young men came in, were very committed,

22 energized, and, really, it was an all-day session,

23 like a mentoring session. And out of the 9th Precinct

24 they've been doing this work on a much smaller scale

25 every Thursday.

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1 I'll tell you a short story about one of

2 the -- what -- the supervisor who runs the program in

3 the 9th Precinct. So word started getting out that

4 police officers were doing this mentoring, and it's

5 really -- it's much like Ceasefire. It's just getting

6 in a room and talking to young men about making better

7 choices, creating opportunities, and how to dress for

8 success -- some things that we take for granted.

9 But it's been an overwhelming success on

10 Thursdays. So much so that one young man who lives on

11 the west side of Detroit boarded a bus and went to the

12 east side just so that he could attend this session

13 that he heard about. So, again, we went into a larger

14 summit last week. Well attended. We're working very

15 closely with DPS -- DPS, the police department. And

16 so I'm excited about the future.

17 From this event I suggested let's look at

18 the young ladies in the same age group, 'cause the age

19 group that we're focusing on is 14 to 18. So we

20 thought we would do something for young women in the

21 same age group because what I'm told is in the schools

22 there is a lot of violence between young women. So we

23 figured it might be an opportunity to identify some

24 female officers who want to volunteer to do this work

25 and kind of replicate what we're doing with the young

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1 men. We plan to have another session in the fall for

2 the young men as school starts up, so you'll hear more

3 about that.

4 And then, lastly, I attended -- in response

5 to National Police Week -- attended the Wayne County's

6 memorial service. I think it was Hines Park. I'm not

7 certain. This memorial service was both for police

8 and fire throughout the county of Wayne.

9 Well-attended service. And so with that, I'll

10 conclude and take any questions.

11 Ms. Lamar, if you could give the update on

12 the critically injured.

13 MS. LAMAR: Good afternoon, Honorable

14 Board, Chief Craig, and DPD staff. Bridget Lamar,

15 interpersonal director, for the record.

16 Through the chair, reporting on our

17 critically injured officers. We have Officers James

18 Kisselburg and Officer Rick Smith, who were both shot

19 in the line of duty. Both are at home recuperating.

20 We have Officer Anthony Brown and Officer Robert

21 Kovac, who were both injured in the line of duty due

22 to a motor vehicle accident. Both are at home

23 recuperating. We have Sergeant Eric Bucy, who injured

24 his left ankle. He is at home recuperating. Officer

25 (inaudible), who received blunt force trauma to the

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1 head, and he is at home recuperating. Officer

2 Christopher Bush, who was injured late Tuesday night,

3 received multiple stitches to his hand. He is at home

4 recuperating and will follow up and possibly undergo

5 some additional treatment. And last but not least we

6 have Officer Paul (inaudible) Johnson, who is in a

7 long-term care facility. Officer Johnson was shot in

8 the line of duty.

9 The department respectfully asks you keep

10 these officers in your thoughts and prayers.

11 CHIEF CRAIG: You know, I wanted to also

12 add, Madam Chair, as you might have saw in some of the

13 recent reporting, we had the good fortune of being

14 visited by the eight-year-old little girl who's been

15 traveling around the country. Really an honor, to be

16 candid. As things go, before arriving here to

17 Detroit, she had just left Cincinnati. Her name is

18 Rosalyn Baldwin. They must have been now -- probably

19 24 different cities across America, and talking to the

20 little girl as well as her mom -- she's touched by

21 God, as she describes her reasons for going to select

22 cities. In fact, she told me that, as she began to

23 give us all hugs -- is that, you know, about a year

24 ago Detroit was very dominant in her heart because of

25 the things that we were experiencing here with

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1 officers who were shot, some who were killed, and she

2 knew that she was coming to Detroit.

3 And so she did come to Detroit. It's

4 ironic she comes during National Police Week. But it

5 left a great impression on our officers. Really it

6 was a joy to meet her for that day, and I don't know

7 what her next city -- she said she's going off to

8 California, and all she could say is "I think it

9 starts with the letter S. I asked her, "Los Angeles?"

10 of course, and she didn't want anything to do with Los

11 Angeles. Don't know why. Must have talked to Willie

12 Bell.

13 (Audience laughter.)

14 It might have been Sacramento or San Diego.

15 But really a treat. So, with that, I open up for any

16 questions you might have.


18 we go to questions, there's a very nice article on her

19 visit to the department in today's paper. I can't

20 remember which one 'cause I get them both, but it

21 is -- what is it? Yes. Maybe yesterday's. But a

22 very nice picture as well.

23 Are there any questions from the

24 commissioners?

25 Commissioner Davis.

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2 question. It's unrelated to crime. I was in a

3 meeting earlier this week with the mayor, and we was

4 talking about ALPACT. For those who don't know,

5 ALPACT is Advocates and Leaders for Police and

6 Community Trust. I know the department used to

7 have -- was the material -- a white guy, who was a

8 deputy chief or assistant chief. They used to go to

9 him. I know that since he's retired, nobody's been

10 going for quite some time. I was wondering -- is the

11 department going to start sending someone back to

12 those meetings?

13 CHIEF CRAIG: We can. This is the first --

14 at least during my administration. I don't know if

15 anybody on my staff can talk to any degree about


17 Do you know? In fact, is Todd Bettison --

18 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: He's in another

19 meeting.

20 COMMISSIONER DAVIS: 'Cause it's normally

21 well represented by, like, state congress, law

22 enforcement, and community leaders.

23 CHIEF CRAIG: Well, I'll look into that.

24 COMMISSIONER DAVIS: And Detroit used to,

25 you know, send someone there regularly since you've

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1 been here.


3 chair, AC Williams. I'll get with Commissioner Davis

4 afterwards, and I'll make sure we have representation.

5 It'll either be myself or another deputy chief.


7 Any other comments or questions?

8 Commissioner Bell.

9 COMMISSIONER BELL: Thank you, Madam Chair.

10 Chief, thank you for reporting out, and I

11 really appreciate the mentoring program, especially

12 with young brothers, and I don't know if you're aware,

13 but I was assigned out for about ten years along with

14 a couple of other officers, and one of the things we

15 were able to do was to with the (inaudible) is to work

16 with young middle school and high school -- mostly

17 middle schools, 'cause the teachers could identify,

18 like you said, at-risk young people. I think it's

19 even greater today when you talk about interaction,

20 trying to encourage them, and so I just want to

21 commend you in terms of taking that initiative.

22 And the other area that -- NBC, I think,

23 did a national profile on national news concerning the

24 chief of police in Chicago.

25 CHIEF CRAIG: It's the one about the

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1 ShotSpotter.

2 COMMISSIONER BELL: ShotSpotter, yeah. I

3 think that was a program targeted on the east side at

4 one time in the 9th Precinct. I think Councilman

5 Scotty Benson and -- perhaps we can -- it was -- he

6 was saying it was very effective. I assume that you

7 might have some interaction to monitor and see if

8 that's something that we might want to look at or just

9 get an idea of what that's all about.

10 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair. Yes.

11 I'll be starting off -- first, we did run a pilot in

12 the 9th Precinct. Candidly, I was underimpressed with

13 ShotSpotter, and I'm a tech guy. I mean, I love

14 technology. What I'm not -- what I am impressed with

15 is the ability for, say, ShotSpotter -- and for those

16 who don't know, ShotSpotter is technology that when

17 there's a gunshot heard, it -- the microphones pick it

18 up, and through technology, the police department's

19 notified, and they go in and respond to wherever the

20 shot was fired. Not very specifically to the

21 location, but in the general area.

22 The idea is to locate and apprehend the

23 suspect. What we found with ShotSpotter -- and feel

24 free -- if any of my staff disagrees, because I know a

25 lot -- some of my staff were mixed with it. It's a

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1 great investigative tool because when the shot is

2 fired, generally the suspect's gone. You get to the

3 location, you might see shell casing, and there may be

4 a subsequent identification of a perpetrator,

5 particularly if there's a violent crime committed.

6 Underimpressed with it because that was the

7 extent of it. A lot of money -- now, what I did say

8 in as recent as probably in the last month -- I said

9 if we could tie a ShotSpotter into our real-time crime

10 center, and with a camera that pans in a direction of

11 wherever the shot is originating from, to me that's

12 value added. And imagine in real-time crime if a

13 shot's fired, and this camera and the microphones pick

14 it up, it pans in the direction of where the shot was

15 fired, it sees the shooting incident in real time, it

16 notifies our real-time crime center, that's value

17 added.

18 And so we're looking -- I got to believe --

19 I've not heard of anybody having the technology used

20 that way, but I would like to pursue it because I

21 think if we could have it just like Green Light when

22 there's a Green Light alert at a location, it notifies

23 everyone in the crime center that there's some

24 activity going on in the Green Light location.

25 Imagine a shot being fired. An alert comes up,

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1 saying, "Shots fired." It goes to the location.

2 There's a video feed showing the activity in real

3 time. I think that would have a tremendous impact.


5 from that topic, what was the response or what was the

6 story on the Chicago -- were they use -- utilizing it

7 or --

8 COMMISSIONER BELL: I don't know all the

9 technology, but the chief stated -- the chief of the

10 Chicago PD was citing that this -- addressing the

11 issue. As you all know, they have a whole lot of

12 shooting in Chicago. They have a profile -- I think

13 it was on NBC National News, which it might have

14 briefed. Maybe we need to just probably Google and

15 find out a little bit more detail, what you indicated.

16 But they highlighted that as one of the instruments

17 they're utilizing in Chicago to drive down -- tracking

18 shooting and come up with some of the perpetrators. I

19 don't know all the other details that you outlined.

20 CHIEF CRAIG: Right. What I talked about

21 is a vision I have for the technology taking it to the

22 next level, because this ShotSpotter alone is just the

23 microphones. I mean -- so you hear shots fired. You

24 go to a location. You might recover some casings, and

25 if you're lucky -- I don't think when we were doing

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1 it -- the biggest compliment that was routinely given

2 was just for investigative purposes.

3 Not one time did we roll up on a situation

4 where we actually had someone find a weapon in real

5 time, and so that was -- I think our investment in the

6 real-time crime center and, you know -- and certainly

7 its connectivity to Green Light really is paying some

8 big dividends and really reducing violence. I'm not

9 saying that's the only thing. That's just one

10 strategy that I think we're seeing that's working.

11 I also think other community-based

12 strategies like talking about the brotherhood

13 effort -- I believe that what's going on in the

14 9th Precinct with us intervening with these young men,

15 who are likely to get involved in violence -- that's

16 having an impact, too.


18 ahead, commissioner.


20 Hello, Chief Craig. How are you?


22 COMMISSIONER BURCH: I just want to go back

23 to the retreat you were speaking about. Could you

24 explain more about -- how do you select these what you

25 call managers, neighborhood managers? Are they

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1 different than our district managers?

2 CHIEF CRAIG: It's district managers. I'm

3 sorry. I misspoke. It's district managers, and

4 that's out of the mayor's office, and that's -- that's

5 the mayor's -- in fact, as you probably know, the

6 district managers and our NPOs are kind of wed. One

7 of the things that came up -- and this was another

8 issue. And this is the thing you always -- I'm sure

9 many of you, if not all of you, have heard this

10 complaint. So a lot of times people will say, "Well,

11 we haven't seen a police car in the neighborhood."

12 And so one of the district managers said, "Well, is

13 there a way that we can report out of the community

14 how many police officers have or how many times a car

15 has been in the given neighborhood?" So I started to

16 think about it. I said, well, we have our

17 neighborhood police officers, and the idea of the work

18 that they do -- they're working in their geographic

19 area every single day they're working. And so they're

20 attending meetings and doing the other things, going

21 by Green Light locations in the neighborhood. I'm

22 certain there's a way we can track that.

23 The other suggestion that came from the

24 managers was expanding the neighborhood police officer

25 program, and, you know, we did do an expansion because

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1 the idea was to reduce the footprint in a neighborhood

2 so they could concentrate more on what's going on in

3 terms of quality of life issues, 'cause primarily,

4 that's their sole purpose, is to address quality of

5 life and certainly work closely with the community. I

6 like the idea of increasing the number of neighborhood

7 police officers 'cause it gives us an opportunity to

8 even further reduce the geographic footprint that

9 they're working in.

10 And so there's -- that's the other -- I'm

11 glad you brought that up because that's the big issue

12 that I've heard, and we've heard it in these meetings

13 from some of the residents. Say, "Well, I know you're

14 out. We see police officers, but not on my street."

15 COMMISSIONER BURCH: Thank you. Yes.

16 CHIEF CRAIG: Not on my street. I want to

17 see them on my street because on my street there's

18 complaints of speed. And so one way to address that

19 issue is that we have the neighborhood police officers

20 expand the program so that, you know, residents can

21 see them. The other thing we're trying to do is make

22 sure that each neighborhood police officer has an

23 assigned vehicle, and that would make a lot of

24 difference.

25 I'll tell you this sort story. So when I

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1 first got the job in Cincinnati, I was amazed.

2 Everywhere I looked I would see a police car. I said,

3 "Wow, they must have a lot of police officers in

4 Cincinnati." Well, as things go, it wasn't that they

5 had a lot of police officers. Certainly, Cincinnati's

6 a much smaller city, but what Cincinnati does is they

7 deploy only one-person cars, so a lot of times you go

8 into some of our suburban neighborhood communities --

9 maybe Southfield's not a good example. Maybe Novi --

10 and you see a lot of police. Well, if there's an

11 incident, and you see a lot of police cars, well,

12 they're running one-person cars, so it gives this

13 illusion that there are a lot of police. And we don't

14 run one-person cars except -- you'll see our

15 neighborhood police officers, and you'll see traffic

16 officers deployed in a one-person car, but generally,

17 like most major cities like Los Angeles, Chicago -- we

18 run two-person cars, and so you don't have as many

19 cars deployed.

20 COMMISSIONER BURCH: Sir, I'd just like to

21 ask you this because I get a lot of complaints in

22 District 3. Around the area of the neighborhoods,

23 say, from Outer Drive over to Eight Mile, there are

24 different neighborhoods that -- are officers actually

25 assigned right in the neighborhood when -- we are

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1 speaking about speeding. So I'm wondering -- their

2 time spent there on a one-way street where a driver

3 may be going down a one-way -- is that more important

4 than the speeding going down Seven Mile or Dequindre

5 or Outer Drive where that officer is sitting in the

6 neighborhood? Couldn't his time be better spent on

7 the more -- roads that traffic have more traffic on

8 it? Could you explain how are they assigned?

9 CHIEF CRAIG: Well, through the chair --

10 and as we move into this quality of life, if you will,

11 what I'm hopeful for is that the community, not the

12 police -- that as we continue our relationship, as the

13 neighborhood police officers are in the neighborhoods,

14 they say, "Look, we have a speeding problem on these

15 four streets." The community is the eyes and ears for

16 us, and so if they're communicating to us to say,

17 "Well, here's where we're having a speeding problem

18 with someone driving routinely the wrong way down a

19 one-way street," that should drive our response.

20 Each precinct has a traffic car, and I

21 don't know how many know that. I mean, we have a

22 traffic enforcement unit that does citywide traffic,

23 but each precinct deploys a traffic car, and they

24 should be responding and addressing traffic

25 complaints, complaints generated by the residents in

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1 the neighborhoods. So we want to make sure that the

2 community is educated so they can communicate to us,

3 and then the commanders and captains in those

4 precincts can address those community complaints.

5 So we're in the process of retooling what

6 that looks like so our neighborhood police officers

7 can play an active role in it, so the commanders and

8 captains can play an active role. And even if the

9 complaints are, say, occurring on -- I don't know.

10 Let's say -- well, we know drag racing occurs during

11 the Platoon 1 hours, which -- during the midnight

12 hours, so as we get those complaints, we respond. We

13 put lots of officers to address those kinds of issues,

14 but they move around the city. So they might be on

15 the east side one minute, and then they're on the far

16 west.

17 So we're looking at help from the

18 commission, help from the neighborhood residents to

19 communicate to us. Where are these complaints so that

20 we can address them?



23 Commissioner Mallett.

24 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: So, Chief, thank you

25 very much. I appreciate all of the community work

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1 that you're doing, and I appreciate the presence of

2 your officers. Your D.L.I.V.E officers connected with

3 my kids up at Sinai Grace. Let me ask you a

4 procedural question, and I'm wondering if the chief

5 investigator could help us out.

6 I get the copies of the citizen complaints,

7 and increasingly, Chief -- and I've brought this up

8 before -- we are getting lots and lots of findings by

9 the office of the chief investigator of demeanor

10 issues, and the analogy back to the hospital I think

11 is pretty simple. You have the crime report here,

12 which shows that statistically the department is doing

13 really, really, really great work, and I would

14 analogize that the Sinai Grace is -- the high quality

15 of the medical service that we provide.

16 The difficulty for Sinai Grace, and some of

17 the men and women in this audience know it, is that we

18 get a C when it comes to customer service. We have

19 average at best. In the police/community relationship

20 all of the things that you are doing are terrifically

21 important but have the potential to be wiped away by

22 an untoward encounter between a citizen and a police

23 officer.

24 So part of what I have asked for before --

25 and I was gonna ask Chief Investigator McCalister --

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1 when we get the recommendation sent to -- back to the

2 precincts or to your office, it is recommended that

3 the officer be -- I don't know -- whatever -- not

4 punishment, but the -- the --


6 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: -- the disciplinary

7 action -- is there a record of that? And then to the

8 chief investigator -- do you get that back to see that

9 the complication or whatever it is has occurred?

10 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair. And those

11 are all great points, and, in fact, I've been pushing

12 very hard, certainly working with Assistant Chief

13 Williams. I don't know if he's still here. Yeah.

14 Assistant Chief Williams, we've been

15 pushing very hard to address the issue of demeanor,

16 and this was out of a presentation you gave probably

17 three weeks ago concerning the use of profanity, as an

18 example. D.L.I.V.E was created on the police end out

19 of this concern that you had when you talk about just

20 the -- we talk about service excellence, but if we're

21 going into a hospital setting, and there's someone

22 with a gunshot wound, and our approach is simply "What

23 are you involved in?" well, what's the victim of that

24 crime going to do? They're going to shut down. We're

25 not going to be able to solve the crime because we've

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1 offended the victim. They don't know if they're going

2 to live or die. And our bedside manners are poor.

3 So D.L.I.V.E came about -- not the

4 D.L.I.V.E the way it originally existed, but our

5 involvement is that we have two youthful officers who

6 can relate to the young victims and -- and the whole

7 idea is to build this rapport so that we don't turn

8 the victim off and have a better conversation, and

9 that's why we're glad we're piloting at one of your

10 hospitals.

11 I am optimistic that we're going to expand

12 that citywide, but more important than just that, we

13 have to institutionalize the right behavior. We have

14 to institutionalize the right behavior, and as I

15 oftentimes say, you inspect what you expect. I do pop

16 calls routinely at police stations. I went, for

17 example -- I pop-called in the 7th Precinct, and as I

18 walked in, there was a lady who was seated, waiting.

19 She casually walked up to me, and she said, "Chief,

20 I'm sorry to bother you, but my son was involved in a

21 shooting incident, discharge of my weapon, and my

22 weapon was" -- you know -- "taken into custody. I

23 just need somebody to tell me how long -- what's going

24 on." I said, "How long have you been waiting?"

25 "Hour and a half, and I had to take time

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1 off."

2 Well, that's not service. And I said,

3 "Well, did you not talk to a detective?" So the

4 detective said, "Just wait," and she felt like the

5 service rendered was inappropriate. I agreed with

6 her. There was a sergeant on the desk, so, of course,

7 it didn't take much for me to say, "Sergeant, I need

8 something to happen right now." But it shouldn't take

9 me walking through the door. It should be

10 institutionalized. So I had the assistant chief

11 follow up with the commander of the precinct.

12 So I'm going to be doing these what I call

13 pop-ups. When I do pop-ups, they don't know when I'm

14 coming, and as you point out, the vast majority of the

15 work we do is great work, but all it takes is one

16 incident.

17 COMMISSIONER BURCH: That's right. To

18 spoil --

19 CHIEF CRAIG: They forget about all the

20 great things we do, and they focus on that one bad

21 thing or two bad things, and so we're really pushing

22 this service excellence piece, whether it's demeanor,

23 what we're capturing in the body cameras. One thing

24 that came up today, and Mr. Hicks was in our

25 meeting -- one thing was noted during the meeting --

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1 and so someone from my staff will be talking to

2 Mr. McCalister about how information is communicated.

3 Some say, well, once it comes to you, there are

4 instances where it may not be communicated to our mass

5 database, our management profile. Well, that's not a

6 good thing because if we're missing out on certain

7 complaints, we can't do or put the rigor to intervene

8 early on with a problem employed. Because during our

9 CompStat process, what we evaluate is the complaints.

10 Whatever precinct is up for the day --

11 today it was the 4th and 7th Precinct. So we go

12 through and we look for anomalies and -- as it relates

13 to complaints, and what action has the captain or

14 commander taken to address that. So we recognize it's

15 a serious issue. And it's an issue that can really

16 undermine all the great work that we're doing, and so

17 we want to make sure that our communication with the

18 chief investigator's office is seamless so that our

19 commands officer can address these complaints as

20 they're coming up.

21 But not just that. But what about how

22 people are being treated in a police station? I know

23 I've heard some of the complaints, but I want to know

24 about the complaints because as soon as I hear them, I

25 want them addressed. And I use that one example of

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1 the lady waiting for -- in excess of an hour when,

2 frankly, it was only her and one other person. So why

3 is she waiting? And how long does it take for the

4 detective to come out with a five-minute conversation

5 simply to say, "We're going to probably have your gun

6 for another" -- I don't know. Just say something.


8 Service.

9 CHIEF CRAIG: We wouldn't take it if we

10 were going into water and power to pay a bill. And so

11 we want our police stations to be places where people

12 feel -- and I'm not saying this should reflect them,

13 'cause I do know a lot of them are doing good work. I

14 did a pop-up in the 5th Precinct, and people were

15 moving in and out of there rather quickly. So as you

16 hear things from your neighborhood precincts, I

17 personally would like to know so that either I or the

18 assistant chief can do a couple pop-ups.


20 conclude with this: Maybe the chief inspector or

21 someone -- chief from your staff and Mr. Hicks -- I

22 think it will be helpful for the board, 'cause the

23 only reports that I get, the only reports that I ask

24 for are the reports, Chief, where the officer

25 involved -- this is their second or third complaint.

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1 So I wonder if, Mr. Hicks, you and the

2 office and the chief inspector could get with someone

3 from the chief's staff and figure out -- would it be

4 helpful if there's a report that comes from the chief

5 inspector that says "These are the officers against

6 whom" -- three, four, whatever the number is you all

7 agree on -- "demeanor or other complaints have been

8 filed, and here was the disposition"?

9 I do -- that is part, Chief, what I require

10 from my manager. It is just not enough to get a

11 complaint. I want to know what the manager did, and

12 then we have a running tally, and if it keeps on

13 happening, then obviously this person is, through

14 their activities, suggesting that, "You know what? I

15 don't like working at Sinai Grace, and I really wish

16 you all would move me along." And so I think that a

17 report like that would be enlightening, because

18 demeanor issues not checked -- believe me -- escalate,

19 and I just think that it would be interesting and

20 maybe even educational, Chief Craig.

21 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, we can

22 give you, certainly, board --

23 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We can provide that.

24 CHIEF CRAIG: Yeah, because we've had some

25 conversations, because there may be some systems

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1 issues, but we can certainly, you know -- one thing

2 that we do do and what I hold the captains and

3 commanders accountable for is certainly progressive

4 discipline. I mean, if it's a one-time incident and

5 the commander made a decision to administer

6 counseling, that's fine. If it happens again in a

7 week, then maybe we bump it up to something a little

8 more significant like a reprimand, and from a

9 reprimand to a day. So we want to make sure that our

10 staff is -- or -- command staff is administering

11 progressive discipline.

12 The other thing that came up today, which

13 is very telling -- and this came up in our CompStat,

14 and I've directed a very intense audit over the next

15 week is -- I'm talking about body-worn cameras. And

16 so we have body-worn cameras, and the expectation is

17 you turn them on. So what we've found in two of our

18 precincts today on our Platoon 4 -- that's our special

19 ops -- that we might see 100 percent compliance on the

20 first and second shift, maybe an 85 percent compliance

21 on afternoon, and then it drops off for the special

22 operations. And so I'm holding the captains and

23 commanders accountable. So I'm not worried about the

24 police officers.

25 Again, with that whole idea "you inspect

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1 what you expect" -- and so my direction as of today is

2 do an intense audit starting from Friday through the

3 next week, and I want to look at where we are with

4 compliance to making sure these body-worn cameras are

5 utilized to 100 percent. I get there's sometimes

6 mechanical issues, batteries die, but it was clear to

7 me today that we are starting to see a slight trend.

8 I don't want to -- and some areas have 100 percent

9 compliance across the board. And the question I

10 asked -- I said, "Why is it working, say, in the 12th

11 and the 8th Precinct, but we're struggling over in the

12 9th Precinct?" And so that's something we're looking

13 to because that will go a long way at reducing some of

14 these demeanor complaints.


16 thank you both. To -- one second. I just wanted to

17 make a comment. Our former commissioner, Reginald

18 Crawford, had requested something similar. I recall a

19 report-back or some feedback from the department of

20 what resulted, you know, after someone was found to

21 have, you know -- a complaint was sustained. So that,

22 I do recall.

23 And then the other thing is with the body

24 cameras. I'm -- I'm reading a lot of citizens'

25 complaints, and the officers are being exonerated

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1 because of the body cameras, so, you know, you're

2 absolutely right. We do need to look at that because

3 it's helping the officers as well. It's amazing how

4 many complaints are being, you know, unsustained

5 because of that, the body cameras.

6 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, you're

7 absolutely right. That's something that I'm pressing.

8 A lot of officers are being exonerated. In fact, the

9 one that comes to mind is the lady who made a false

10 allegation against a Detroit police officer, that he

11 committed sexual assault against her in the back seat

12 of a police car. The in-car camera refuted that

13 allegation. She was charged. Unfortunately, I

14 learned today that she was charged, went to court, the

15 jury found her guilty, and for some unknown reason,

16 the judge decided and kicked it. I'm troubled by it.

17 It's premature. I'm not going to let it go, because

18 this is wrong.


20 CHIEF CRAIG: And, preliminarily, I can

21 tell you that it's wrong, and so I think the

22 prosecutor's gonna appeal it because it needs to be.

23 But a serious allegation like that -- she makes a

24 false allegation. She's not held accountable, but

25 certainly if that allegation was shown to be true, he

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1 would certainly hold the officer accountable. And so

2 we want the message to be clear: If you lie, you make

3 a false allegation against a police officer, you're

4 going to be held accountable.


6 you. Please keep us posted on that, Chief.

7 MR. HICKS: Madam Chair, just as a quick

8 follow-up: The board needs to know that DC Bettison

9 has already approached the board about setting up a

10 meeting so that we make sure the disciplinary reports

11 and so forth get returned to us. There was a time

12 they were coming in. It then became a little bit more

13 sporadic. He's committed and said the department is

14 committed toward finding out, first of all, why

15 they're not coming on a regular basis and then

16 plugging whatever that particular problem is so that

17 we would have the information. So all we're waiting

18 on now is just for a time to sit down with him.


20 you.

21 COMMISSIONER BROWN: Chief, glad to have

22 you back.

23 CHIEF CRAIG: I didn't go anywhere. I

24 haven't been on vacation.

25 COMMISSIONER BROWN: You still haven't

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1 taken a vacation.

2 A couple things. One, when I started

3 reading the citizens' complaints, I noticed that the

4 8th Precinct was basically leading the charge in

5 demeanor and procedure, and I went over there in

6 person and spoke to Commander Pritchett, who's done a

7 wonderful job of talking with the officers, you know,

8 visually talking with them, and I've seen the numbers

9 come down. So whatever she said was working.

10 And also I just want to commend you on the

11 NPO program, and I know that you brought that model

12 from Los Angeles, but I saw a special that I was

13 watching on the neighborhood policing program in

14 Elgin, Illinois. They had some really good components

15 on community policing. It's called the ROPE program,

16 the resident/officer program, and what I would like to

17 do with two of the officers of your choosing -- I

18 would like to take a road trip to go and see just so

19 we can take a look at what they're doing in their

20 program. And they haven't had any problems in over 20

21 years. Then they had that one incident.

22 So the thing I would be interested in

23 looking at is -- okay, what were the lessons learned

24 from the incident? How did they recover from it? How

25 did they regain the trust from the community and

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1 different things like that? And to really look at the

2 resident-officer program and to see if there is

3 something we can pull out of there to add to what

4 we're already doing.

5 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, certainly,

6 I'm more than willing to look at it and fine-tune what

7 we're doing. You know, this came before your time on

8 board. You may be aware -- one of the things that I

9 instituted that those neighborhood police officers

10 that live in the city of Detroit will be allowed to

11 take a police car home and park the police car at

12 their homes. And some initially thought that was kind

13 of a wild idea. DC Cohen out of No. 8 was the first,

14 and it's worked. It's been a great, great tool. And

15 so we've expanded that.

16 Unfortunately, again, we go back to the car

17 issue, and so the other part of it, taking it to the

18 next step, is even when we did this one with one of

19 our officers over in the 7th Precinct, who lives in

20 the city -- but that she would be a neighborhood

21 police officer in a neighborhood that she lives in.

22 Now, you want to talk about ownership.


24 CHIEF CRAIG: And it's worked well because

25 initially, when she first got her car, she lived in

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1 the 7th Precinct, but she was the NPO out of No. 12.

2 But she was doing NPO work in the 7th Precinct,

3 because the residents -- they see the police car, and

4 they're going to do what?


6 CHIEF CRAIG: But they're going to knock on

7 their door. "Look, I got a problem." And so you

8 can't, you know -- and so I said it would be nice if

9 we could do it if you live in a certain neighborhood.

10 Like I'm the NPO for my neighborhood.

11 (Laughter.)

12 I'm truly the NPO. I know the NPO. I

13 should just get out and get me a patch with a star on

14 it.

15 COMMISSIONER BROWN: Chief, that's exactly

16 one of the components that they're doing in the

17 program. They are providing housing for officers in

18 the neighborhoods and -- with a car -- and encouraging

19 them to really -- to just live in the communities.

20 From what I've gathered, I would just like to go

21 there, really. You know, I know there's probably --

22 you know, we got to peel back that onion, see what's

23 beneath it.

24 But I would like to go there and just

25 really get a feel of what they're really doing, what's

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1 working well for them and just -- I know we have a

2 good program. We have great NPOs here, but how can we

3 make it better? What can we do better?

4 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, the idea

5 of a take-home car for those who live in the city of

6 Detroit -- like one NPO came to me, said, "I'm only a

7 block outside of the city of Detroit." I said, "That

8 doesn't count. You can't take the car home." But I

9 was in D.C. and -- with the idea that you were talking

10 about in Elgin -- in D.C. -- I was there for a

11 conference, and I saw this marked police car just

12 parked out in front of a condominium development.

13 Then I saw an officer walking a footbeat, and I asked

14 the officer -- I said, "Is that your car?" He said,

15 "Oh, yeah. I live there, too." I said, "So what do

16 you do?" He said, "I work the neighborhood, the

17 neighborhood that I live in." That was the birth of

18 the idea of giving our neighborhood police officers

19 take-home cars.

20 I think right now -- I know Todd's not

21 here. I think we might have four, 'cause as you also

22 know, roughly 65 percent of our officers live outside

23 the city of Detroit, and so for those who do live in

24 the city of Detroit, we certainly want to give them

25 the opportunity to take a car home.

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2 CHIEF CRAIG: And a house.


4 I think -- also, I just wanted to make a comment that

5 I thought the mayor also had a program for officers

6 and city workers to get some kind of a grant to

7 purchase a home in the city or some kind of funding.

8 CHIEF CRAIG: They had that going during

9 the last administration. I think in this

10 administration; so -- oh.

11 COMMISSIONER BURCH: The man of the hour.

12 CHIEF CRAIG: I've been talking about you

13 so much. How many NPOs do we have across the city

14 with the take-home -- the car -- the take-home car?

15 DC BETTISON: Now, currently, we have

16 three -- four.

17 CHIEF CRAIG: Four. That's what I thought.

18 Four. And are we looking to expand, or is it just

19 that we have more NPOs that live outside the city?

20 DC BETTISON: We are looking to expand

21 that. Approximately half of our NPOs live inside the

22 city. I don't have that exact number, but it's

23 roughly about half, and with the take-home cars --

24 we're outbidding them now with the Penske cars, so

25 they're in the process of getting newer cars. I can't

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1 say brand new, but newer cars that will look good.

2 So fleet control notified the precincts. I

3 know No. 10 has been outfitted. The NPOs have their

4 newer cars, and they look good. The 9th Precinct has

5 been upgraded. They have their cars now, and within

6 the next two weeks, all of them should have their

7 cars, and then the NPOs that live inside the city will

8 all have take-home cars.


10 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, just so

11 you know, and I know it was mentioned. It was an

12 idea. I was a -- we call them senior leader officers.

13 I was a senior leader officer in Los Angeles at one

14 point in my career, so I'm a big believer in it, but

15 what we're doing here far exceeds what's going on in

16 L.A., and I can say that. And I will tell you one of

17 the successes of this program, and I just had this

18 conversation with Deputy Chief Bettison. You know, my

19 phone is not ringing off the hook about complaints

20 about NPOs. The mayor's office is not getting it, the

21 district managers, so what that tells us is we've

22 selected the right people, and so this program far

23 exceeds.

24 We did something similar in Cincinnati.

25 This is by far the best, and so people want to know

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1 what the magic is, and it's simple. The magic is

2 putting the right people who are really committed to

3 working in the neighborhoods.


5 Great. Thank you.

6 COMMISSIONER BELL: Yeah. Madam Chair, I

7 just want to remind us, all of us -- sometimes we have

8 a tendency to forget -- when we all live in the city

9 of Detroit, we can all make good police officers for

10 our neighborhoods. You remember that? We were all

11 living in the city of Detroit; we were all

12 neighborhood police officers. So that's why we had

13 equality -- officers and firefighters live in the

14 city. We all were engaged in our community.

15 That is not the case now. You don't have

16 to travel out to know that if you have that type of

17 interaction, it would make a difference, you know.

18 So, basically, that's why it's difficult to find more

19 NPOs that live in the city that could take cars home.

20 So that's the criteria, which is good. I appreciate

21 that, but at one time we were all neighborhood police

22 officers for every aspect of 24/7.

23 So that is the trend that we are fighting

24 against. So I applaud those officers who live in the

25 city and working in that capacity -- NPO -- because we

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1 know taking a car home is not unique. Memphis --

2 they've been doing that for years. Other states --

3 but, basically, I commend the chief for doing all

4 that, but if we can encourage -- there's one officer I

5 know who lives in the 5th Precinct. He bought a house

6 under that program you spoke about. I don't know how

7 many -- most of them did not take advantage of that.

8 We know why. We don't have to discuss that, but

9 that's why we're encouraging it. We can gain more

10 officers to the city of Detroit.

11 This class that's graduating next week --

12 ten officers raised their hand that they live in the

13 city, so I would encourage you to look at those

14 officers, being recruiters and advocates for the

15 police, because they are right here. They could be

16 the poster boy, poster girl, poster officer for --


18 COMMISSIONER BELL: Yeah, there you go.

19 And that's sense because they're right here, and

20 that's why when these commissioners came out and spoke

21 to that 40 class, that was impressive. And we shared

22 his demeanor tape with those officers, and they was

23 amazed. It was a tremendous impact. So I just

24 encourage that. I understand the metropolitan

25 concept, but, basically, we had more involvement when

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1 we actually lived in the city of Detroit. And all our

2 commissioners live in the city of Detroit.

3 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, I want to

4 address this, and I know those on the board who are

5 active in recruitment. So, for example, I met a young

6 lady a couple of weeks ago. She approached one of my

7 APU and -- a resident of Detroit. Very concerned

8 because she was disqualified from the -- she wanted to

9 be a police officer. And so I took the information,

10 had our folks look into it, and when she was fourteen

11 years old, she got, like, a misdemeanor ticket for

12 something. Fourteen. And because she didn't quite

13 understand the question, she was disqualified for

14 integrity.

15 So I took a deeper dive into this thing,

16 and I said I want her re-interviewed, and, as I kind

17 of figured out, it wasn't a matter of integrity. She

18 just didn't understand the question. She got a

19 ticket, and while it was a misdemeanor ticket, they

20 asked, "Have you ever been arrested?" Well, in her

21 mind arrest meant go to jail. She was never taken

22 into custody.

23 And so I've asked our background to do a

24 deeper dive into those people disqualified for

25 integrity, and I got to believe that we are

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1 disqualifying most of which who live in Detroit for

2 matters such as that. Fourteen years old.


4 CHIEF CRAIG: And so, what, we're going to

5 hold a person like that back because they didn't

6 understand a question? And even at fourteen years old

7 if they had been handcuffed and taken into custody,

8 say, for some school incident, I mean, it's fourteen

9 years old. And they're 21 years old, and they want to

10 be a police officer, and they want to give back to the

11 community and have not been in trouble. Why shouldn't

12 we take another look? So we're -- if you hear those

13 things, I would just ask that you let me know so that

14 I can -- obviously -- looking at the heads shaking.


16 to that.

17 CHIEF CRAIG: Yes. I'm really troubled by

18 it, and our background investigators cannot look at

19 backgrounds black and white.


21 actually just met with the recruitment officers

22 recently.



25 weeks ago. And those questions -- we brought up those

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1 questions. It's, like, they don't -- some people do

2 not understand the question. It doesn't mean that

3 they're not excellent applicants to be excellent

4 officers. So we have to look at that, and, I mean,

5 there were several questions we brought up that we

6 thought, "We need to take a deeper dive." And I'm so

7 glad, because it does come from the top, and it has to

8 be ordered from the top.

9 CHIEF CRAIG: I wish I had known.


11 CHIEF CRAIG: I think the problem's a

12 little more than what I'm stating here.


14 CHIEF CRAIG: I just happened to find it,

15 and as things go, because of my direction to have her

16 reevaluated and interviewed, guess what? She's back

17 in the process.

18 (Applause.)


20 probably have so many more that could be back in the

21 process, and we ask that question every time we get

22 our report from recruitment from Ms. Lamar. We ask,

23 "What happened to those 2,000 people that are not

24 making it through the process?" So that's a deep

25 dive. Thank you.

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1 CHIEF CRAIG: That's part of it. Well,

2 I'll tell you. Here's a statistic, and this is what

3 I'm going to personally look at. I am told by one of

4 the recruiters, and you know Starr Gonzales. She's

5 committed and excited about her work. She says 50

6 percent -- especially the ones in Detroit -- 50

7 percent are rejected because of integrity.

8 COMMISSIONER BROOKS: That's what she told

9 us.

10 CHIEF CRAIG: 50 percent. So what does

11 integrity look like?


13 definition? Exactly. How are they interpreting it?

14 CHIEF CRAIG: So I'll be personally putting

15 my touch on it.


17 CHIEF CRAIG: Because I see that as a

18 concern.


20 would like to ask for a meeting with the recruitment

21 committee so that we can talk to you about some of the

22 questions we have as well.

23 CHIEF CRAIG: I would like that.

24 COMMISSIONER BELL: I just want to say I

25 can't -- I just really commend the chief speaking to

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1 the issue, because we've been through this process in

2 the '70s and '80s.


4 COMMISSIONER BELL: My investigator, the

5 late Commander Reggie Robinson, you know, was from the

6 community, and, you know, I had really no interest in

7 terms of DPD, getting out of the military, but, you

8 know, my family -- that type of dialogue. And he

9 explained some of the issues that you're going to

10 encounter going down recruiting, so that was very

11 helpful, and now you're taking a dive, but it's good

12 to hear the chief understanding that.


14 from the top.

15 COMMISSIONER BELL: We don't have to

16 reinvent the wheel. We went through this in the '70s

17 and '80s, and I witnessed that, and, you know -- and

18 we had great officers serve this department 25, 30 --

19 went through all the way to the top because of that

20 issue. I remember Deputy Chief Dungy. He had a hard

21 time with recruiting, and that was another classic --

22 that didn't come out until his memorial, his funeral,

23 that we shared -- I mean, his family shared some of

24 the things, and he had a great career. But if he had

25 have just said, "I'm backing off," then we would not

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1 have that caliber of a person on this job.

2 CHIEF CRAIG: And, through the chair, I

3 would not be sitting here today myself, because when I

4 first went in as a -- I was 19 years old. The

5 recruiter looked at me and said, "You don't weigh

6 enough." And I said, "Well, what's the weight?" He

7 says -- he said, "Well, I recommend you go home and

8 eat some bananas."

9 (Laughter.)

10 It's a true story. So I went back, I ate a

11 few bananas, and, actually, to be candid, I put some

12 small bricks in my pocket. I did. He found out about

13 it, but I guess the bananas helped me. I was able to

14 get in, but, you know, I got deselected because I

15 didn't weigh enough. And here I was, an athlete in

16 high school. And so -- but I understand the

17 challenges that -- but that, today, shouldn't be

18 happening.


20 Commissioner.

21 COMMISSIONER BROOKS: Yes. I know we've

22 talked about this a long time, but I just wanted to

23 say I'm in the process of meeting with each district

24 manager, the seven, so that they can help us to

25 recruit in their district. So I'm in the process of

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1 setting that up. I had a lunch meeting set up with

2 one who had to call it off. And so I think that's

3 gonna help our recruiting, but it will be so much

4 better if you could go in and help us in the process

5 of what we're doing.

6 CHIEF CRAIG: Well, through the chair, I'd

7 be more than happy, and in addition to being a

8 neighborhood police officer, I'm also a recruiter. In

9 fact, I found a young man just last week, and he's in

10 the process now, so very excited. But also the

11 district manager's daughter is working over at Sinai

12 Hospital, and she's only been on a couple of years,

13 and she's just doing phenomenal work.


15 you. Thank you. Good. It was a very good dialogue.

16 Very important to the department.

17 MR. HICKS: Excuse me, Madam Chair. You've

18 had over the past at least year or two in excess of

19 ten or better disqualification appeals that have come

20 to the board. If it will be helpful for the chief, we

21 can go back into our files and just kind of summarize

22 what those disqualifications were, because these were

23 situations where a citizen would write us and ask for

24 the board to intervene.

25 Not in all cases did the board turn that

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1 decision around, but maybe in those cases where the

2 board did turn that decision around and allow for the

3 person to reapply, that that might give some insight

4 into those specific instances where a typed reading of

5 the rules may not have been in the best interest at

6 that particular time. But we can supply you with a

7 summary of those disqualifications that we've reviewed

8 and the board has acted on in the last, I think, year

9 and a half, and there's probably about ten or so in

10 that category.

11 CHIEF CRAIG: Well, through the chair --

12 and there is one challenge. There are certain things

13 that I can't overturn. If it's the MCOLES --


15 told that.

16 CHIEF CRAIG: And so those things -- but

17 when you talk about these issues of integrity --


19 CHIEF CRAIG: -- when it's not really

20 integrity. It's "I don't understand your question."

21 And if you're doing it over the computer, and they

22 say, "Have you ever been arrested?" "Well, no." And

23 the person's saying, "Well, I've never been in jail,

24 so I'm okay." Then you go into an interview and say,

25 "Well, the person lied," and, in fact, they didn't

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1 lie. They just misunderstood the question.

2 MR. HICKS: And, Madam Chair, that is the

3 nature of those. The only other broad clustering

4 would be where an individual would say that they were

5 in high school, and they smoked a joint in high

6 school, and the other person is sitting -- 35 years

7 old and, of course, indicates to us that since that

8 period they have not imparted on any marijuana. And

9 the question is really what do you believe and whether

10 or not you would allow for a chance from an infraction

11 that occurred when the person was 18 or 19, and now

12 they're 35.

13 So it's that kind of summary. They are

14 never violations of MCOLES standards in that hard

15 sense, and the thing that the board has stayed away

16 from is, of course, any re-examination on any of the

17 psychological items. The board has stayed away from

18 those things. So it would not -- it would be all

19 those other kinds of soft things that may give you

20 some indication as to what we're seeing on our side

21 that could help you as you look.


23 Secretary Hicks, if you could get some of that

24 information together for us. We will try to set up a

25 meeting directly with the chief, and I would also ask

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1 Ms. Lamar, because she's also been involved in some of

2 the meetings we've had to talk about those things,

3 that we could at least take a look at and see if

4 there's something that we could do to help the person

5 along the process. So we'll get -- prepare that, and

6 maybe in the next couple -- two or three weeks we can

7 try to set something up.

8 CHIEF CRAIG: That works.

9 COMMISSIONER BURCH: Madam Chair, can I say

10 something?


12 We still have a presentation.

13 COMMISSIONER BURCH: Chief Craig, I just

14 wanted to say that we were a part of the -- going to

15 the academy with Investigator McCalister and Calvin.

16 That was so interesting to see those young people not

17 yet going out into the real world -- in the real, real

18 world. So what the questions -- when she showed the

19 video of exactly what can happen in a police car with

20 a citizen and the police, those -- the first

21 questions -- they said, "What happened to that

22 officer?" So there are many things that we say

23 that -- at least I said, "Do not be intimidated by

24 what you see," and you always say at the graduations

25 to the officers -- you say, "Do the right thing."

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1 So no matter what -- say you got a seasoned

2 officer with you. They may kind of sway you to do

3 something that may not be policy. You got to stand up

4 for your yourself, like you said, and do the right

5 thing, so please stress that to those young men going

6 out into the world.



9 That's all.


11 we did take a little long here, but this was excellent

12 dialogue and something that we're always talking about

13 at our meetings, so thank you very much.

14 Our next item on the agenda is going to be

15 a presentation by communications 911 dispatch.

16 MR. FLEMING: Good afternoon to the board.

17 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

18 MR. FLEMING: Chief Craig, citizens. My

19 name is James Fleming. I'm the director of

20 communications. I'm the director responsible for our

21 911 call center, our dispatch notification and

22 control, our telephone crime reporting unit, and our

23 keeper of records, and also our message center.

24 I'd like to introduce my coworkers with the

25 board's permission. We have Sergeant Shelley

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1 Holderbaum, who's in charge of our telephone crime

2 reporting; Administrator Crystal Watkins, who is our

3 911 administrator, Sergeant Jamar Rickett, who is our

4 officer in charge of communications -- correction --

5 lieutenant. And also Deputy Chief George Chester, who

6 is our critical incident manager.

7 Administrator Watkins will explain some of

8 the intricacies of our 911 center.

9 MS. WATKINS: Good morning, everyone.

10 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

11 MS. WATKINS: Good afternoon. Sorry. Been

12 a long day. Our 911 call center is comprised of one

13 administrative supervisor. I also have 12 senior

14 emergency services deployment operators. I also have

15 97 emergency service deployment operators assigned to

16 call-taking. The call-takers answer all incoming 911

17 calls for service. They interview and assist the

18 callers. They also provide emergency medical

19 pre-arrival instructions. They create what we call

20 computer-aided dispatch tickets for police, fire, and

21 EMS. From January 1, 2018, through May 10, 2018,

22 Detroit's 911 public safety answering point processed

23 347,933 calls for service.

24 Now I'm going to give it over to Lieutenant

25 Rickett.

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1 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Good afternoon.

2 Lieutenant Rickett. Well, maybe sergeant.

3 (Laughter.)

4 See how this goes today. Police dispatch

5 comprised of four police lieutenants, ten police

6 sergeants, three police corporals, and ten police

7 officers. With regards to the police officers, I must

8 emphasize through civilianization for the division of

9 the chief as well as this honorable board, we are down

10 from where we were at previously, where we had 48

11 police officers assigned to a police dispatch, down to

12 where we have ten now. We also, through the

13 civilianization, have beefed-up numbers. We now have

14 49 emergency service deployment operators who have now

15 taken on the role of police dispatch functions within

16 the Detroit Police Department.

17 (Inaudible.) The police dispatch -- the

18 personnel, our task of keeping track of units under

19 their direction, they dispatch police units to --

20 police runs to available units. They request the aid

21 of specialized units such as K-9, evidence, homicide,

22 as well as outside entities, DTE Public Water Board,

23 et cetera. They relay pertinent information to the

24 scouts in the field such as wanted and missing persons

25 and/or wanted vehicles, subjects. From January 1,

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1 2018, to May 10, 2018, the Detroit Police Department

2 processed a total of 86,849 police cars for service.

3 Do you have any questions?

4 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: So once a run is

5 placed, and the police officer is on his or her way,

6 are the lieutenants and sergeants then electronically

7 supervising? Is that -- is that the function of

8 the -- those personnel there to -- to -- they're the

9 electronic supervisors of the officers that are in the

10 squad car?

11 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Well, actually, the

12 supervisors play a dual role in a later slide upon

13 notification and the control. That will touch on one

14 of the roles, but the supervisors that are embedded

15 within our police communications are actually

16 supervising the dispatchers. So one of the things

17 they need to do is make sure that the calls for

18 service are efficiently and effectively handled. So,

19 you know, we've had times when we've had calls sitting

20 on a board for hours on end, you know, not being

21 serviced in a timely fashion. They are to ensure that

22 the calls for service that are coming in from our

23 citizens and visitors in the city of Detroit are

24 promptly and efficiently handled.

25 They've managed, these dispatchers that are

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1 there -- they provide guidance not only to the

2 dispatchers within the dispatch center, but they also

3 provide guidance to the officers on patrol, whether

4 they're a patrol officer or a patrol supervisor. They

5 provide timely information; they provide executive

6 notifications; and they will touch more on that upon

7 the notification piece, but they're actually managing

8 the supervisor personnel within the center.

9 And I also must note, from the ten police

10 officers that we currently have, I believe we're

11 budgeted for 20, and I know some say, "Why do we still

12 have these ten?" These officers still provide a -- I

13 mean, insurmountable amount of instruction. From them

14 being -- from them being officers, they understand the

15 role of the police officer, so they provide guidance;

16 they provide instruction; they provide wisdom to the

17 civilian personnel that we have. And so they kind of

18 are the leaders within the communications center, just

19 to, you know, provide that information and wisdom and

20 pass that knowledge along as we continue to

21 civilianize.

22 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Can I ask you -- so

23 you're telling me that in short of -- through the

24 chairperson. I'm sorry. You're telling me you're

25 short of ten -- you got ten spaces to hire, and you

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1 got super, super people that's doing it, but they're

2 not training the other ten or another ten to -- to

3 double the amount of --

4 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Well, with the use of

5 the police officers and corporals, that will bring us

6 to 13 total, so there will be a budget gap of

7 approximately seven, and they are instructing the

8 civilian personnel as they come in, and that was one

9 of the reasons, you know, for having the corporals

10 because they are --

11 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: I probably just

12 didn't do a good job, and I apologize to you. I mean,

13 I need some jobs. And so I'm just asking, you know,

14 is there any reason why we're not recruiting these --

15 these vacancies? Is that -- the reason you give me --

16 is that really the reason we're really not recruiting

17 the other ten?

18 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Well, through the

19 civilianization, officers were redeployed, so these

20 are sworn police officers; so -- sworn members that we

21 redeployed to --


23 still got ten places I want to fill. Can you tell me

24 why I'm not filling them?

25 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, I think I

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1 can help some.

2 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: It's probably me.

3 CHIEF CRAIG: No. No. It's okay. So ten

4 police officers -- he's down from 48, so what we've

5 done is civilianize the dispatcher function, and as we

6 hire -- we are hiring civilians to do what police

7 officers historically have done. My goal -- our goal

8 is that we fully civilianize. I know it's hard to

9 say, and I know my colleagues who have been here for

10 careers, they say, "Wait a minute. You can't take

11 police officers out of dispatch," and -- not totally,

12 but every city right now, civilians are dispatchers.

13 It's a more efficient way, and what it does is that we

14 put police officers back in the field.


16 CHIEF CRAIG: So those 38 police officers

17 have either been reassigned to operational field

18 assignments, some have retired, of course, but some --

19 it's allowed us to put police officers back in the

20 field. And so we're not down, but as we have

21 vacancies, we're hiring civilians to replace the

22 vacancies. So we're still actively hiring. I don't

23 know how many.

24 Do you know how many we're down as of

25 today?

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2 CHIEF CRAIG: No, that's not -- ten down

3 from 48 --

4 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: That's just a budget.

5 CHIEF CRAIG: It's a budget. So how many

6 dispatch vacancies do we feel right now?

7 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Well, actually, with

8 the police dispatch -- we were only budgeted for 50

9 ESDOs, and we have 49, so we only have one vacancy.

10 CHIEF CRAIG: So we're down on budget.


12 understand, so I'm sorry.


14 for that clarification. If we can try to summarize

15 all of the PowerPoints, and then at the end we could

16 ask a lot of these questions, and we'll have more

17 dialogue. No problem. Good clarification. We needed

18 that.

19 SERGEANT HOLDERBAUM: Good afternoon,

20 everybody. I'm Sergeant Shelley Holderbaum, officer

21 in charge of telephone crime reporting unit.

22 BOARD: Good afternoon.

23 SERGEANT HOLDERBAUM: Currently, we have

24 one sergeant, which is myself. I have an

25 administrative assistant, 6 senior communication

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1 operators, and 41 telecommunication operators. TCRU

2 is almost a whole civilianized unit. We have received

3 nonemergency -- take complete reports for nonemergency

4 and criminal for the citizens as well as for officers

5 in the streets. This decreases the overall response

6 time for those emergency runs that the officers need

7 to get to. From January 1st, 2018, through May 10th,

8 we completed 17,761 Superion reports, 1,958 supplement

9 reports for recovered stolen vehicles. We processed a

10 total of 54,635 incoming calls.

11 We also do all of the LEIN for the city,

12 the Law Enforcement Information Network, recovery --

13 entering, recovering stolen vehicles, impounded

14 vehicles, as well as license plates. We are also in

15 charge of the LPR, reading and entering license plates

16 onto the hot list. We also are trained in the backup

17 for 911, which Ms. Watkins made sure on

18 February 28th -- I got a total of 38 members trained,

19 and we utilized that in April when we had the bad

20 windstorm as well the ice storm. So we were able to

21 and well trained to get those -- information down to

22 911. And we validate over 2,000 vehicles per month in

23 the law enforcement information network for the state.



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2 to do those at the end.

3 MS. WATKINS: Hi. The message center is

4 also under my purview. We enter personal protection

5 orders into the LEIN system and maintain the personal

6 protection orders for Detroit. We also participate in

7 the MSP and FBI records validation process, and I'm

8 proud to report that we have passed the last one. We

9 enter and remove missing persons records in LIEN,

10 process criminal records for departmental personnel,

11 disseminate teletypes and administrative messages, and

12 confirm validity of criminal warrants in LIEN.

13 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Okay. So to touch

14 back on the supervisors that are assigned to

15 communications -- one of their functions is also

16 notification and control. They provide prompt

17 notifications on major events to department

18 executives. They process arrest paperwork for

19 violation of personal protection orders. They arrange

20 legal representation for police show-ups. They

21 process writs of habeas corpus served upon the

22 department. They act in an advisory capacity to the

23 patrol force of the Detroit Police Department.

24 They prepare the issuance of teletypes for

25 part-one crime offenses, receive raid notifications of

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1 entities raided within the city of Detroit, arrange to

2 provide well-being checks and death notifications

3 within the city of Detroit, serve as a liaison between

4 the Wayne County Prosecutors Office and the law

5 enforcement agencies within Wayne County after hours.

6 We keep an on-call notification sheet if we need to

7 make contact with one of the other prosecutors, not

8 only from the Detroit Police Department, but any

9 police agency within Wayne County. They go through

10 our notification and control.

11 They arrange and provide language

12 interpreters for units in the field upon request.

13 They also serve as a liaison between on-call

14 36 District magistrates and the on-call Third Circuit

15 registered judge not only for Detroit police officers,

16 but, again, for the entire county.

17 MS. WATKINS: As keeper of the records, we

18 log and process all requests for 911 and dispatch

19 voice recordings. They also troubleshoot, repair,

20 and/or advise on all Superion CAD and/or PowerPhone

21 related issues. They maintain the file maintenance

22 records in our Superion CAD. They maintain the

23 Motorola NICE police dispatching recording. They're

24 also responsible for flagging addresses for police,

25 fire, and/or medical reasons. They also assist in the

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1 training of all new hires on Superion CAD, and they

2 assist in maintaining the mapping in Superion CAD.

3 SPEAKER: I would just like to point out

4 here on the graph in 2012, the first row of 2012, the

5 blue is indicating the intake time. So it was

6 averaging two minutes and four seconds to process

7 runs. The queue time, which is in the orange, is

8 illustrating the amount of time that a call was

9 sitting on a dispatch console part of a dispatching,

10 and the green is the amount of time it took for the

11 officer to get to the run, and the total time,

12 response time in 2012 on May 10th, was, in fact, 33

13 minutes and 9 seconds.

14 As we look going forward to your far right

15 is that now you'll see that, in fact, the average

16 queue time is 3 minutes and 43 seconds, and the total

17 response time on that was 13 minutes and 86 seconds,

18 so that is a great improvement over the -- the time

19 span.

20 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: So something that we

21 did touch on earlier, citizen complaints -- so in 2017

22 from the time frame of January 1st, 2017, through

23 April 30th, 2017, the communication section had

24 approximately 44 citizen complaint records on file.

25 Fast-forward during this same time frame of

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1 January 1, 2018, to April 30th, 2018, we're down to

2 20. That's 24 less citizen complaints. This chart

3 also just shows the complaints, whether they were

4 sustained, no charge, exonerated, unfounded, or

5 administratively closed, not sustained, or some that

6 were still pending.

7 One of the things this chart doesn't show

8 is what those complaints are comprised of, so in 2017,

9 again, out of the 44 complaints, 15 arise around

10 demeanor, 20 arise around service, and the majority of

11 those were a lack of a service or slow service. And 9

12 pertain to procedure, whereas in 2018 we've declined,

13 where we only had 4 complaints during this time frame

14 that are focused around demeanor, 8 around service,

15 and 8 around procedure. And that concludes our

16 presentations; so -- any questions?

17 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, just one

18 thing. You've talked a little bit about the fact that

19 our dispatch center just recently opened, and secondly

20 that we all dispatch police runs for the cities of

21 Highland Park, and is it --


23 CHIEF CRAIG: Hamtramck.

24 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: So on March 7th of

25 2018, March of this year, communications relocated

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1 here to this facility. We had been housed since 2005

2 at the Linden facility, and we've now moved to the 4th

3 floor of Detroit Public Safety Headquarters on

4 March 7th. It was a seamless and successful move when

5 we integrated here to the building. With that move,

6 you know, we'll definitely touch on some of the

7 innovations, some of the technology upgrades. One of

8 those is our Motorola radio system, where the

9 dispatchers actually have the ability and the

10 capabilities to actually play back audio, so if a unit

11 calls out a priority, or whatever they call it over

12 the radio, wasn't clear, the dispatchers, from their

13 console, can play that back, when we did not have that

14 technology previously. That's just one of the

15 technological upgrades.

16 As the chief stated, in addition, as if we

17 didn't have enough dispatch in Detroit, we also -- we

18 also dispatch a police unit for the city of Highland

19 Park. We've done so, at least before I even came on

20 the job, so I'm not sure when that -- when that

21 collaboration became about, but we have -- we have a

22 great partnership with the city of Detroit. The fire

23 department also dispatches for Highland Park as well

24 as Hamtramck Fire.


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1 Any other questions or comments,

2 commissioners?

3 COMMISSIONER BURCH: No. I just wanted to

4 say we did have an opportunity to see the new center

5 on the 4th floor. Commissioners, it was just awesome,

6 and I'm very impressed by what we saw, and OnStar -- I

7 think, Chief, is in with us now to support, so I think

8 that's a wonderful thing, I think. One question I

9 wanted to ask: How does that work with the Green

10 Light? Are there certain things that when they call

11 you, it goes to Green Light?

12 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: Yeah. So what we have

13 built into our CAD system is all of the Green Light

14 locations are flagged, and what we mean by that -- so

15 we've put the information behind the business or the

16 Green Light location, and so it would actually

17 illuminate what's called a premise tab. It lights up,

18 so anytime that address is entered as a call for

19 service, it lights up, and it notifies the call-taker.

20 Once they hit the button, it'll show them that it is a

21 Green Light location.


23 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: That's already built

24 in. In addition, our system is also collaborated with

25 the real-time crime center. As soon as a call for

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1 service is entered by the 911, it sends an audible

2 alert to them as well so they can focus in on the

3 cameras and take proactive measures.



6 Commissioner Davis.

7 COMMISSIONER DAVIS: Question: I know you

8 said you dispatched to Highland Park and Hamtramck.

9 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: We only dispatch for

10 Highland Park.

11 COMMISSIONER DAVIS: Do we charge them a

12 fee, or do they reimburse us or anything?

13 LIEUTENANT RICKETT: They -- well, what

14 they did is -- and I'll let Admin Watkins kind of

15 speak upon that -- they do give what's called

16 surcharge funds through the state. So normally if

17 they were handling their own dispatch, they would be

18 able to take those state-divided funds, but we accept

19 those funds since we are the ones -- they turn the

20 funds over to us since we are the ones actually

21 providing the manpower and doing the dispatch. We're

22 dispatching their personnel, so it's their police

23 officers -- the city of Highland Park -- but we handle

24 the dispatching.


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1 questions?

2 Commissioner Holley.


4 wonderful what you guys are doing, but are we doing

5 anything to defend ourselves or protect ourselves from

6 criticism or if it's -- if it may be necessary in

7 terms of -- we're serving other municipalities, and if

8 I'm in Detroit, will I come to you and say, "What is

9 our -- are we -- are you hurting us? Are you not --

10 are you hurting us in terms of response time?" In

11 other words, are we prepared for defense on -- as a

12 police department in terms of serving other -- and --

13 and not -- making sure that our citizens are not

14 complaining? We could be in defense of that.

15 Secondly, when you first -- we were on

16 this -- when I was with the mayor, I -- I think that

17 this is -- can you let them know how well you're doing

18 in terms of where we are nationally in terms of

19 response time and what we're doing in Detroit and

20 what's -- what's the national standard, and let the

21 community know how well we're doing?

22 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, we're

23 doing quite well. As you probably remember, five

24 years ago reports of response times of about an hour.

25 One of the things -- it's an interesting comparison,

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1 so let's talk about L.A. L.A. touts an 11-minute

2 response time, but, to be candid, in Los Angeles they

3 only measure that window from the time the officer in

4 the police car gets the call to the time they go to

5 the door. In Detroit we measure the time that the

6 citizen picks up, dials 911. The clock starts ticking

7 to the time that you get to the door. So when you

8 look at -- we roughly average about a 12-minute

9 response time to priority-one calls.

10 We're doing really well, and I'm talk about

11 the time you call 911. So if you were to compare us

12 to L.A., the way L.A. measures, we would be on par,

13 keeping in mind that, you know, they have 10,000

14 police officers. So that's a big difference, and if

15 you look at some of the smaller communities that will

16 talk about, "Well, our response time is four to five

17 minutes," where if you're in Novi, and you are

18 handling one priority car in a 24-hour period, then

19 you should have a two-minute. I mean, but -- so it's

20 an unfair comparison.


22 relative.

23 CHIEF CRAIG: But for a major city, we're

24 really doing a good job right now. Very pleased at

25 what we're doing.

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1 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Which is to say to

2 the citizens -- where we have come from to where we

3 are now -- you got to say that, but also are we

4 protecting -- are we doing anything to make sure we

5 don't get any criticism in terms of our citizens that

6 you are serving other -- other cities, and maybe it's

7 hurting us? I'm not saying that you have to answer

8 it, but I think --

9 CHIEF CRAIG: No. I can answer it.

10 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: -- we want to make

11 sure --

12 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, it has no

13 impact on our ability -- it has no impact on our

14 ability to respond to our calls to service at all. I

15 mean, the way communications is set up, they have -- I

16 forgot what frequency Highland Park and -- they're on

17 their own frequency. It's on three. They don't have

18 a call load compared to ours. If anything --

19 advantage -- and we do this whether it's -- if an

20 officer needs help in Highland Park, we'll go in and

21 back Highland Park, but conversely, if on the border,

22 say there's a help call by a Detroit police officer

23 and, say, No. 12 --

24 What's the closest? 12 or 11? 12.


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1 CHIEF CRAIG: 12. Then they would come and

2 back our officers, so there is a benefit to that.

3 MR. FLEMING: Right. So as the chief was

4 explaining that there's no degradation of resources as

5 it comes to Detroit because Highland Park runs or

6 responds to -- by Highland Park police cars. So it's

7 just a matter of telling them where to go at what

8 time; so -- and also normally during the course of the

9 day, 911 receives about 3,500 calls, and that results

10 in maybe 767 dispatch runs, so that's a really great

11 average compared to the past.


13 Commissioner Bell.

14 COMMISSIONER BELL: Yes, Madam Chair. I

15 have two questions. First of all, inquiry from a

16 citizen through AARP that relates to your well-being

17 check, and she wanted to know, which I'm not familiar

18 with, like, a lockbox, when you're showing a house and

19 get a real estate agent to go there -- she found

20 out -- is it safe to use that in, say, an apartment

21 building? Have you had any -- are you familiar with

22 what I'm speaking of?

23 MR. FLEMING: They're called Knox Boxes for

24 fire department, not for the police department.

25 COMMISSIONER BELL: Okay. It's for a

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1 medical alert also? But you don't respond -- how that

2 works?

3 MR. FLEMING: Well, we respond. We used to

4 go into apartment buildings. If they don't have a

5 contact person in our premises alerts and in CAD and

6 on record, we go to the superintendant.

7 COMMISSIONER BELL: But they have a lockbox

8 similar to -- what do you call it?

9 MR. FLEMING: It's a Knox Box.

10 COMMISSIONER BELL: On their door? Would

11 that okay you to -- are you familiar with that? It's

12 something that --

13 MS. WATKINS: With our medical calls, they

14 have -- I forget what they call it, but it's a board

15 that lights up, so when the medical personnel gets

16 there, if the apartment is lit up, then they are to go

17 to the office to get the key.

18 COMMISSIONER BELL: Okay. But not on the

19 door?

20 MS. WATKINS: No. I've never heard of any

21 Knox Boxes on the doors.

22 COMMISSIONER BELL: I'm just not familiar

23 with that. I'll get back with her. She saw it on

24 AARP, and I guess she ordered this particular tool.

25 Second question: Are you able to break

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1 down respond time per precinct?


3 COMMISSIONER BELL: How will that work?

4 Say, No. 9 versus No. 5 -- can you share that

5 information, how --

6 MR. FLEMING: It's accessible in the GPD

7 internet, accessible to the public and to whoever

8 looks it up.


10 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, we do

11 measure response time on CompStat. If we see that one

12 area's really going up, we want to know why. Are they

13 running enough units? You know, we kind of use a

14 mathematical formula in a way to understand how many

15 cars we need to deploy during certain times, and

16 sometimes overtime goes up because -- let's say if we

17 drop a car, we have to fill that car 'cause if we

18 don't deploy enough cars, it's going to impact our

19 ability to respond to emergency calls.


21 Any other commissioners?

22 COMMISSIONER BROWN: Madam Chair, let me

23 give a point of clarification. There is a system

24 called the Knox Box, and that's what the fire

25 department uses, and when they go out and they build

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1 new buildings, the inspectors go out and encourage

2 them to be a part of the program, and this allows us

3 access to the facility. Any senior citizens

4 building -- they do have them out there, and they've

5 been out there for years.


7 questions or comments?

8 I have a question about the interpreters

9 that you use. First of all, I have one question: Do

10 you have bilingual staff in any of these hundreds of

11 people that work in your department?

12 MR. FLEMING: Not presently.


14 MR. FLEMING: We do have a multilingual

15 line that's quickly assessed within about 10 to 15

16 seconds that speaks about 257 dialects; so. . .


18 tell me how that works, though, when you say that

19 there's a line?

20 MR. FLEMING: It's a language service.

21 It's a paid interpretation service.

22 MS. WATKINS: Yes. We contracted with

23 CyraCom language services, so when a caller calls in,

24 as soon as the call-taker's able to recognize that

25 there is a language barrier, they -- it's a button on

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1 the phone that they push, and because of the way we

2 have it set up with our technology, the language line

3 company recognizes our number as a 911 number, and so

4 we go ahead of everyone else that's waiting, and we're

5 instantaneously connected to an interpreter. And

6 through a series of questions, the interpreter would

7 determine the language that the caller speaks and then

8 start -- then we start talking to the interpreter, and

9 the interpreter starts talking to the caller. So it's

10 instantaneously.


12 would just comment -- like to make a comment that it's

13 always better to have a human being that knows the

14 language than to do it online, but I understand that

15 this is one way.

16 CHIEF CRAIG: Through the chair, you know,

17 my position has been, you know -- we have a very

18 significant Hispanic population here in Detroit.


20 CHIEF CRAIG: But if you were to do an

21 audit of the Hispanic officers and who can speak

22 Spanish, I probably speak a little bit more Spanish.

23 (Speaking foreign language.)


25 language.)

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1 SERGEANT HOLDERBAUM: (Speaking foreign

2 language.)


4 language.)

5 CHIEF CRAIG: It would be nice if we could

6 do like what they do in L.A. is get a financial

7 incentive to those who speak another language.


9 CHIEF CRAIG: I know in L.A. if you were

10 Spanish speaking, you got -- I think it was a percent

11 more, two and a half percent. Very diverse city. I

12 mean, and it goes a long way. So just by being there,

13 you learn to speak Spanish. I'm not as fluent --

14 But you -- you're the first person I

15 heard. . .


17 officers that speak the language. Definitely. You

18 know, your recruiter, Starr Gonzales, speaks Spanish.

19 CHIEF CRAIG: And I know she speaks

20 Spanish. And, you know, it should be a way -- as

21 we're talking through this -- it should be a way for

22 us to flag those officers when they're in the field,

23 that someone knows that there's a Spanish-speaking

24 officer deployed. So if there's something, say, in

25 the 4th Precinct and no Spanish-speaking officers, and

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1 there is one in, say, the 9th Precinct, they could go

2 in and do that.


4 I'm sorry. Not to belabor this, but it is an

5 important issue for our Latino community, and that is,

6 you know, we can offer Spanish classes to officers. I

7 know two or three decades ago there was an effort to

8 teach Spanish to some of the officers of the 4th

9 Precinct, but yeah, there are a lot of ways that we

10 can improve the situation, but I just think having

11 people there is the best. So thank you very much for

12 what you're doing. That's why I'm here. Thank you,

13 and thank you for your presentation.

14 Our next item --

15 It was very good. Thank you.

16 Our next item is standing and ad hoc

17 committee reports. Are there any commissioners to

18 present? I believe we have the budget committee

19 report.

20 Thank you.

21 MS. JOHNSON: Good afternoon,

22 commissioners.

23 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

24 MS. JOHNSON: Faye Johnson, fiscal manager

25 for the board of police commissioners. I meet with

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Page 90

1 the budget subcommittee at least quarterly at a

2 minimum, and at the last meeting -- due to our

3 discussions over the past year and a half that I've

4 been with the department, I just wanted to read the

5 transfer we decided --


7 just a little closer?

8 MS. JOHNSON: We discussed the transfer of

9 the BOPC budget to nondepartmental, so on behalf of

10 the budget chair, Ms. Dewaelsche, Chair Eva

11 Dewaelsche, I wanted to read this.

12 "The budget subcommittee addressed concerns

13 regarding the accuracy of the BOPC financial

14 information and sought to examine other avenues to

15 provide consistency and operations with other boards

16 and commissions. Currently, police expenditures are

17 being incorrectly posted to our call center, leading

18 to misrepresentation of the BOP's financial

19 information. The budget committee recommends the move

20 to another call center that should increase the

21 accuracy of the BOPC financial records.

22 "In previous budget preparation processes,

23 the committee saw a need to increase or directly

24 enhance the advocacy for our operations. This move

25 will also address that concern. Therefore, it is in

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Page 91

1 the BOPC's best interest to request this change from

2 DPD to nondepartmental."

3 If you agree, the budget subcommittee chair

4 has directed Mr. Hicks to prepare a letter requesting

5 this change. A letter to the CFO will be transmitted

6 over the signature of the board chair, Lisa Carter.

7 Do you have any questions?

8 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Madam Chair, first,

9 do you need a motion?



12 articulation letter to be signed by the chairperson

13 and delivered to the department, moving the board of

14 police commissioners' budget out of the police

15 department's budget into nondepartmental.


17 motion, and it's been seconded. Is there any

18 discussion or question? Hearing none. Then all those

19 in favor indicate by saying aye.

20 THE BOARD: Aye.


22 you. The motion carries. Thank you.

23 Thank you, Ms. Johnson. The policy

24 committee, I believe, is going to have a report as

25 well.

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Page 92

1 MR. HICKS: Yes.


3 committee.

4 MS. WHITE: Good afternoon, honorable

5 board --

6 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

7 MS. WHITE: -- Assistant Chief Williams,

8 staff, and citizens attending. My name is Melanie

9 White. I am the executive manager of policy and

10 planning for the board of police commissioners. As in

11 previous DPD policy directive submissions, the board

12 of police commissioners policy subcommittee proposes

13 the attached recommendations for inclusion in the

14 department's final version of the manual directive.

15 The board is prepared to transmit the following policy

16 recommendations: foot pursuits, Chapter 202.7, 13

17 recommendations; property control, Chapter 306.3, 6

18 recommendations; and personal cell phone use for

19 official business purposes while on duty, Section

20 102.3-6.6, 12. And if there are any questions.

21 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Madam Chairperson, I

22 just had a process question.

23 So these are going to be delivered to the

24 department for their review?

25 MR. HICKS: Yes.

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Page 93


2 MR. HICKS: And, Madam Chair, if I can also

3 add these -- all of these items have been presented

4 and discussed at the policy committee, and I think in

5 this particular set, this -- the discussions went on

6 for, I think, at least a month and a half or so in the

7 policy committee, and at the direction of the policy

8 committee, the report simply is indicating that we

9 transfer this to the department. The department then

10 would have an opportunity to look at those things and

11 then would bring back an amended policy, or would

12 engage us in an additional discussion if the

13 department did not agree with those particular items,

14 and that's the point where an agreement is reached.

15 The final comes into the full board for approval.


17 need a motion?



20 transfer -- the -- move the policy recommendations

21 from the policy committee under a letter signed by the

22 chairperson to be sent to the department for review.


24 And is there a second?


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Page 94


2 supported. Are there any questions or comments?

3 Hearing none. All those in favor indicate by saying

4 aye.



7 Abstentions? Hearing none. Thank you. The motion

8 carries.

9 Thank you, Ms. White.

10 Now we have the board secretary report.

11 MR. HICKS: Thank you, Madam Chair.

12 I do want to just indicate that if you draw

13 your attention to the items that were incoming in

14 the -- listed on the agenda, these were, again,

15 informational items. We are beginning to pick up

16 additional comments and information from area tours,

17 including today, which was distributed to the board,

18 an item that is not in front of the board for action

19 but is information from the tours. They have that as

20 of today.

21 I would also want to indicate there was an

22 interesting article that was published on the 17th of

23 this month that has to do with immigrations and what

24 is happening essentially at and around the Greyhound,

25 I believe, Station. You've asked in the past when we

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Page 95

1 had a community outreach meeting in connection with

2 that to keep the board apprised of any significant

3 information that falls within this area, so this is in

4 an effort to do that.

5 And then the last thing that I --


7 to the other topic -- so we do have a community

8 meeting that we're planning for September; correct?

9 MR. HICKS: I believe we do.


11 MR. HICKS: And I'll check that and report

12 back to the board.


14 MR. HICKS: The last thing, of course, is

15 that for commissioners who represent districts, you'll

16 have attached to your package today some of the

17 CompStat information. Typically, the entire board

18 receives a block of CompStat information. What we've

19 done is now broken that down to the precincts -- I

20 mean, to the district. To the districts.

21 And so if you are representing a district,

22 that has been attached to your package. If you are a

23 member at-large and you still want to see this

24 information, we, of course, can supply that, but what

25 we are doing right now is supplying that to the

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Page 96

1 district of representatives so that you can engage

2 people in your community on specific information that

3 relates to your district.


5 MR. HICKS: That concludes my --


7 comments or questions, commissioners? Hearing none.

8 Is there any old business to come before

9 the board? Old business? Any new business to come

10 before the board?

11 COMMISSIONER BURCH: Madam Chair, I don't

12 know if this would be new or old regarding May 19th.


14 COMMISSIONER BURCH: May I speak on that?

15 Thank you to the audience and the board and

16 Chief Craig. In District 3, the 11th Precinct, we are

17 putting on a program called Salute to Fallen Officers.

18 We're inviting you all to come on May 19th to share

19 how we feel about the loss of life from our Detroit

20 Police since the beginning of January. Please come to

21 Dad Butler Park, which is located at the Belmont

22 Shopping Center in the rear. The time will be 12:00

23 to 4:00.

24 We invite you to bring your officers, the

25 family, anyone that wishes to bring blessings upon our

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1 police department. We have -- we have a confirmation

2 from Chester Logan, who is the chief of police in

3 Highland Park. We hope that our own Chief Craig will

4 be there, and we also want to introduce you to our new

5 commander, Constance Slappey. So I thank you. We

6 have flyers in the back.

7 And one other thing is that, what I feel,

8 working with Ms. Theresa Blossom -- and I think

9 Officer DC Bettison -- the poster that you see in the

10 back -- that shows how the board goes around this

11 city. Every time we go to an event, whether it be a

12 graduation, whether it be to a program that the board

13 has held in the community, we share those pictures to

14 let the people know we are encouraging citizens to

15 attend these meetings. So that's a marketing way of

16 letting them know we don't just sit here. We go out

17 into the community to share with the people so they're

18 more informed on what a commissioner does. Thank you.


20 Commissioner?

21 COMMISSIONER BROOKS: Yes. We will have a

22 recruiting table there, so we're hopefully gonna

23 recruit quite a few people. But I do want to remind

24 you all of the Detroit Public Safety Foundation Women

25 in Blue Celebration, which is Wednesday, May the 23rd,

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1 8:00 to 9:30 a.m., at MGM Grand Detroit Grand

2 Ballroom.


4 Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,

5 May 24th, at 3:00 p.m., here at the Detroit Public

6 Safety -- I mean Headquarters. I'm sorry. The next

7 community meeting is going to be Thursday, June 14th,

8 at 6:30. It's going to be held at the 2nd Precinct at

9 Adams Butzel Recreation Center, 10500 Lyndon in

10 Detroit.

11 At this time we'll have oral communications

12 from the audience.

13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have

14 four cards. Your first speaker will be Ms. Bernice

15 Smith followed by Ms. Fredia Butler.

16 MS. SMITH: Good afternoon to the board and

17 to Chief Williams.

18 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

19 MS. SMITH: Last week -- I would like to

20 apologize to MaCalister -- to his wife and her

21 husband. I got a little upset because speaking before

22 the board is a pleasure. It's not something that you

23 take for granted. We had a discussion last week in

24 regards to the towing that was before the board, and

25 two of the towing owners spoke before us, and the

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1 first one, who was -- I can't think of his name --

2 towing company -- anyway, he spoke over his limit.

3 And the secretary did get up because he disrespected

4 our person who was taking Brown's place. So he did

5 get up and he did tell him where he should go and get

6 his information.

7 Then the next speaker got up -- because I

8 was the first one, and I said what I had to say within

9 time because I respect the time limit that we have

10 here. And the next speaker was Boulevard Towing's

11 wife, who -- I know them quite well. She got up, and

12 she had four sheets that she spoke without looking at

13 the board, without saying anything in regards to the

14 time limit, because no one -- our chairman -- did not

15 open her mouth to tell her time was up, and she spoke

16 over five minutes.

17 Now, I come here every Thursday. I respect

18 your board rules and so forth, and I feel as though

19 you should have other people that get up before you

20 and speak and have the limit of time to speak, and

21 it's not fair. I felt as though I was discriminated

22 against, and I don't want it to happen again, please.

23 Not at all. I got one minute, so I'll leave it alone.

24 But I'm very upset about it, and I'm sorry that the

25 chairperson is not here so I can tell her in person.

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1 But I want all of you to know. Respect

2 each other that come up here and speak before you. If

3 we go over our time, tell us, and look to us, and let

4 us know, "Sit down and -- not go over your time."

5 Don't let it happen again, please.

6 MR. BROWN: Ms. Fredia Butler followed by

7 Mr. Louie Hassan.

8 MS. BUTLER: Good afternoon.

9 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

10 MS. BUTLER: Commissioners, on May 3rd I

11 came before you asking for help regarding the used car

12 lot located at 10100 Joy Road. I informed you that

13 the board of zoning and appeals denied them to

14 establish this -- the existing business. They have

15 installed cameras, extremely bright lights, and

16 attached a fence to the barbershop. I asked the owner

17 of the barbershop whether they received his

18 permission, and he said no. He said he wasn't there

19 when the fence was installed. He measured the space

20 he owned from his building, which is two feet.

21 Commissioners, if I or anyone else violated

22 the law and opened an illegal business, I believe it

23 would be shut down instead of being issued tickets.

24 Past community leaders said that they have never

25 experienced an issue after the board of zoning and

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1 appeals had denied the existence of a building -- of a

2 business. They cited a case when the board of zoning

3 denied a business to bring an additional liquor store

4 and strip club to our community. It was no longer an

5 issue. In this case, the owners of the used car lot

6 are operating as if they were approved. What good is

7 the law if one is allowed to violate it?

8 Our county commissioner, Alisha Bell, and

9 the former Wayne State Governor, Gary Pollard, went to

10 the board of zoning and appeals with us requesting

11 that this business be denied. They cited the

12 oversaturation of the used cars and repair shops in

13 our area. They also spoke about how these businesses

14 are affecting our environment and the value of our

15 homes. These officials live in the community, and

16 they work on behalf of the people.

17 Commissioners, after listening to the

18 report May 3rd by the officer regarding the tow

19 business, I wonder if there is a possible connection

20 between the two businesses, the used cars and repair

21 shops. Thank you for listening.

22 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Madam Chairperson,

23 did we refer Ms. Fredia's complaint to the Department

24 of Building and Safety?

25 Did we do that, Greg?

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1 MR. HICKS: No, not to building and safety.

2 No.


4 MR. HICKS: We're going to get information

5 from her and follow up on this. Yes.


7 DC BETTISON: Through the chair, to answer

8 Commissioner Mallett's question, the board referred it

9 to me, and I referred it to the director of --

10 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Building and safety.

11 DC BETTISON: -- building and safety, so

12 I'll follow up for Ms. Butler.


14 Our next speaker.

15 MR. BROWN: Okay. Madam Chair, your next

16 speaker will be Kevin Savage, and that will be your

17 last speaker.


19 MR. SAVAGE: Good afternoon, Board, Chief.

20 THE BOARD: Good afternoon.

21 MR. SAVAGE: My name is Kevin Savage. I'm

22 the owner of ABAM Power, one of four owners that

23 operate out of 14201 Joy Road. Under the current RFP

24 that's being proposed -- under the new RFP that's

25 being proposed, 18PC 1646, it is some things in here

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Page 103

1 that goes against the tow policies right now that's

2 been in place by the board of the police

3 commissioners. Under these new proposals that's in

4 this, RFP would put us out of business and have a lot

5 of other people unemployed. I've been towing for the

6 Detroit Police Department for 18 years. Recently

7 bought into the company ABAM Power. Under this

8 current RFP, this is unfortunately causing me to lose

9 my business. I would like you guys to take a look at

10 that, please. Thank you for your time.

11 MR. HICKS: Madam Chair, currently, as you

12 know, we have not been party to this RFP process, nor

13 were we consulted, but we are taking a review of

14 the -- so if we can have the gentleman talk with

15 Attorney Wyrick, because Attorney Wyrick is -- on our

16 staff is the person who is heading up the kind of

17 review of that RFP.

18 So if Attorney Wyrick -- if you can raise

19 your hand, and the gentleman -- if you can get with

20 him, you can get the specific section in which he

21 indicates the violation.


23 other questions?

24 Commissioner Mallett.


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1 said that what's gonna happen, then -- Wyrick is going

2 to go to the department of purchasing and try to work

3 out whatever the issues are? Is that -- is that how

4 we're trying to handle this?

5 MR. HICKS: Our first obligation is to come

6 back to the board and let the board know what the

7 violation is, and if the board sees fit for us to

8 continue to approach that, we would do that. There

9 has been -- our concern has been that there's been two

10 RFPs now issued, and as of -- I think in the last few

11 days an amendment to the second RFP has also been

12 issued, and none of those things have been in

13 conjunction or in discussions with the board, and what

14 we're trying to do is basically to review that to see

15 whether -- to what extent they complied with your

16 existing toll rules as a first benchmark, and then we

17 would indicate to the board what we think that --

18 those things that are not in compliance. Then the

19 board would set forth an agenda as it sees fit on what

20 the next step may be.

21 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Can I ask a question?


23 Holley.

24 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Mr. Secretary, I'm

25 new. Okay? I know this has been going on; at least I

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1 feel like it's been going on. Let me -- I mean, I'm

2 looking -- I'm hearing these people -- hearing these

3 people that's coming to us, and we are -- for example,

4 here's a guy who said, "I'm going out of business."

5 Here's another guy -- said, "I'm -- I'm -- we're

6 not -- we're not -- we're oversight, but we're not in

7 compliance."

8 And I guess I'm just saying, as a newcomer,

9 just help me to understand. Are we gonna do anything?

10 Are you going to bring anything to the board that we

11 might be able to at least address the guy that -- the

12 gal -- whoever the other person is, the inspector or

13 whoever that person is -- I'm sure I'm not saying it

14 right. That's implementing stuff that basically we're

15 supposed to be oversight for. Should -- I mean,

16 should we not -- are we -- is there something going on

17 that I probably need to be sat aside and talked to

18 about or something? Because I don't want to be a

19 problem to anybody, but it's hard for me to sit here

20 and hear people -- 18 years going out of business.

21 When I was here eight years ago, a man was

22 98 years old, and he cried here because he was

23 mistreated and died two years later without the thing

24 being done. So I guess my -- I'm using my heart and

25 not my head on this. I just feel like you guys ought

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1 to make us feel like something is going -- that we got

2 to do something, and that if we are not anywhere -- I

3 think I'm -- I'm trying just to say to you I'm --

4 I'm -- I'm uncomfortable with sitting here and not

5 able to help people. I'm uncomfortable with this, and

6 if we're hurting -- got to --

7 Conrad, do we have to try to -- try to just

8 get to it and do what we have to do? Then let's do

9 it, but not sit here and let people basically go out

10 of business because one person is making these

11 decisions. And we are basically -- are oversight, as

12 I understand it.

13 And I hope you -- I'm saying this right,

14 Madam Chairperson.


16 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: Because I'm not good

17 at sitting here. I'm a preacher, and I -- I -- and I

18 feel like I have a right, I have an obligation, to try

19 to help people and not to hear this stuff over and

20 over again, and we're not doing anything. So help me

21 with that, Madam Chairperson, if you can.

22 COMMISSIONER BELL: Through the chair, as

23 you know, we met yesterday with the chair and myself,

24 and you were absent from the meeting but --

25 Mr. Hicks -- and we are trying to do due diligence to

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Page 107

1 address this particular matter, and we're exploring

2 every avenue, how we can approach it, and hopefully

3 we're able to report back to this board as soon as

4 possible. But we are concerned. We are gonna try to

5 address it to the best of our ability. There is a

6 role for us to play, and so we had a lengthy

7 discussion in terms of how we can approach it. We

8 explored every avenue with our attorney, with the

9 staff, for how we can approach this.

10 Commissioner Holley, hopefully we can

11 report back as soon as possible.

12 COMMISSIONER HOLLEY: And what I'm saying,

13 Madam Chairperson, and then I'll leave it alone,

14 should I not be -- as a member of the board, should I

15 not be apprised that you're all working on this and --

16 so I won't have to embarrass myself on record?

17 Because looks like to me -- I mean, I hear what you're

18 saying, and I have so much respect for you and your --

19 whoever's with you. But I'm asking questions. Then

20 I'm looking -- people looking at me -- well, why --

21 like I'm getting paranoid about this. And I just feel

22 like if you guys are working on it, then tell me

23 you're working on it. Then I'll just wait until

24 you're all working on it -- get working.

25 But right now I just feel uncomfortable

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1 coming here week after week, hearing -- and I -- I'm

2 telling this guy -- it gives me a flashback of a

3 90-year-old man that sat here and cried. And this is

4 something we were doing ten years ago. You mean to

5 tell me we're no better than what we were ten years

6 ago when I was here? That we're still dealing with

7 this?


9 Chairperson, I think -- I think Reverend Holley,

10 Commissioner Bell, the chairperson -- everybody here

11 is operating with the best of intentions. Now, I will

12 say that there's a fundamental disagreement as to

13 whether -- how this should be -- how this matter

14 should be approached. So I think that you are

15 absolutely right. We are waiting for whatever

16 recommendation comes back from the chairperson and

17 from Commissioner Bell how we should proceed.

18 I do think that you can expect at that time

19 to have people on the board, one of them probably

20 being me, disagreeing with the direction that we want

21 to take. I'm one of those persons who believes that

22 we should get this out, that corruption of any kind is

23 problematic, and soft corruption is probably the most

24 dangerous and -- and Commissioner Bell, well-respected

25 member of the Detroit Police Department for many,

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Page 109

1 many, many years, knows exactly what I'm talking

2 about, and, you know, it's why you prefer your

3 officers not take coffee; which is why you prefer your

4 officers not take any gifts so that they can behave in

5 a manner that is, without question, filled with

6 integrity.

7 To me this whole towing thing is just

8 fraught with difficulty that we are unprepared to

9 manage appropriately, and we have a Detroit City

10 purchasing department. But we've had that argument,

11 and it is where it is, which is kind of in the middle,

12 which is not where I think appropriately it should be,

13 but at some point we're going to have a report, and

14 then this board will debate which direction we ought

15 to follow.

16 So, Reverend Holley, please believe me that

17 I'm positive that the board of police commissioners is

18 listening. I know that Bell and Chairperson Carter

19 are trying to figure out the direction that they want

20 to take. I know that they are driven by integrity and

21 well-meaning. When it comes back to the board, you'll

22 be here, and you can make your own decision as to how

23 it is we best proceed. So I think that's pretty much

24 where we are.

25 MR. HICKS: Madam Chair, I think in your

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Page 110

1 last meeting, for example, we are under the direction

2 to bring this item back and do precisely what

3 Mr. Mallett indicates. I think we have that scheduled

4 for our last meeting in June, so this item will be

5 back for that, and with that we will summarize the

6 activity, talk about the place in which we can play,

7 and whatever is done would, of course, receive the

8 blessing and the authority of the board. So that is

9 scheduled for the -- I think the last meeting in June.


11 expedited at all? A couple of weeks or. . .

12 MR. HICKS: Yes. Just -- yes, it can.

13 Yes.

14 COMMISSIONER BELL: Yes, Madam Chair. I

15 think all the discussion -- we need to have a

16 preliminary report in two weeks, if not sooner. If

17 not this month. And I appreciate that Commissioner

18 Mallett and Commissioner Holley are raising those

19 issues, and the people here are operating on

20 (inaudible) and things are happening, so we want to

21 try to at least corral, in terms of some prelim

22 report.

23 I think we're all concerned because we're

24 coming to this meeting weekly -- weekly, and that's

25 how this got started back several years ago. It was

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1 an outcry in terms of unfairness. I don't want to

2 debate the whole discussion. I'll just table that in

3 terms of -- but we should be reporting hopefully by

4 the end of the month, you know, in terms of what we

5 are dealing with.


7 COMMISSIONER BELL: Well, yes. Hopefully

8 next, you know -- something by the end of May.


10 COMMISSIONER BELL: At least the

11 preliminary report. Give you some idea.


13 sounds good.

14 COMMISSIONER BURTON: I'd like to know when

15 was the last time the towing ad hoc committee met, and

16 what came out of it?

17 MR. HICKS: Madam Chair, if I might. About

18 a year ago, a little better than a year ago, the chair

19 created an ad hoc committee to review towing. The

20 towing committee met several times. It also came up

21 with a series of recommendations. Those

22 recommendations were briefly summarized in front of

23 the board and then was also transmitted to the police

24 department for the police department's consideration

25 of those recommendations. And the recommendations

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1 essentially went back and tightened up, if you will,

2 the towing rules in which we were operating with.

3 There was without question several items where the

4 rules were very soft and needed some work on them.

5 And that's different from the question of the

6 procurement process because what was issued there was

7 whether or not this would issue permits or contracts

8 and who would handle the contracting process.

9 As we've moved along, it appears that the

10 city, with the encouragement of the department and the

11 law department, have stepped in and have actually

12 issued, if you will, the procurement document that we

13 talked about earlier. When that document -- when that

14 process is complete, the way in which the city is

15 organized is that those recommendations from

16 procurement will go to the Detroit City Council for

17 their approval. We would not be approving if we're

18 following that course. Our concern has never been

19 exclusively tied to the approval process. Our concern

20 is the monitoring after the either permits or

21 contracts were awarded, and that's where we've spent

22 the greater amount of our time. That's where the

23 majority of the recommendations that we had put forth

24 rest, and that's on monitoring.

25 So the contract awarding process is one

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1 thing, and that may get resolved, but what still

2 remains is that we do not -- we have suggested in our

3 reports that police officers who are involved in the

4 day-to-day operations of the program should not be the

5 monitors of the program. There should be an

6 independent monitoring function and that we thought

7 that the board would pick up that independent

8 monitoring function.

9 And so that's kind of, like, where we are,

10 and that would be the thrust of the kind of concern

11 which would be reflected in the report as we move

12 toward the end of the month. Again, monitoring is the

13 concern and bringing the board information on a timely

14 basis on how these towers are complying with the

15 original rules or amended rules that have been set by

16 the board.


18 questions or comments?

19 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Madam Chairperson,

20 excuse me. I know it's been a very long evening. The

21 only addition that I would make, because I think that

22 the secretary's report -- excuse me -- his rendition

23 of the facts is dead-on except for one crucial

24 omission, and that is that this board voted to

25 transfer the purchasing responsibility to the city of

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1 Detroit to the purchasing department --


3 COMMISSIONER MALLETT: Yes, ma'am. That's

4 exactly right. Now, the monitoring that the secretary

5 discusses -- he's 100 percent correct. That was

6 something that -- the board made a decision, and it

7 was going to continue to have responsibility over

8 and -- and however that gets worked out, I'm sure

9 there will be a plan.

10 The purchasing part of it is -- is not as

11 vague in my mind, Mr. Hicks, as perhaps you might

12 describe it, so I think that's also an area of

13 contention, but, you know, I mean, if -- if we can

14 agree on that, we might be able to agree on

15 everything.

16 MR. HICKS: Yeah.


18 going to get an update within the end of the -- by the

19 end of the month, which will be another week or so.

20 MR. HICKS: Yes.


22 other --

23 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, there are no other

24 speakers.


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1 Thank you all for being here today.

2 COMMISSIONER BELL: If there's no other

3 business, I move for adjournment.


5 being here.

6 (The meeting was concluded at 5:25 p.m.)




















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3 ) SS



6 I, Susanne Ellen Gorman, a Notary Public in

7 and for the above county and state, do hereby certify

8 that the above meeting was taken before me at the time

9 and place hereinbefore set forth; that the witness was

10 by me first duly sworn to testify to the truth, and

11 nothing but the truth; that the foregoing questions

12 asked and answers made by the witness were duly

13 recorded by me stenographically and reduced to

14 computer transcription; that this is a true, full, and

15 correct transcript of my stenographic notes so taken;

16 and that I am not related to, nor of counsel to either

17 party, nor interested in the event of this cause.



20 ___________________________

21 Susanne Ellen Gorman, CSR-9271, RPR

22 Notary Public,

23 Oakland County, Michigan.


25 My commission expires: September 14, 2023

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Page 1

Aa.m 98:1AARP 83:16 84:24ABAM 102:22103:7

ability 26:1577:9 82:13,1485:19 107:5

able 25:15 36:2559:13 72:2079:18 84:2586:24 105:11106:5 107:3114:14

absent 106:24absolutely 44:244:7,19 108:15

Abstentions 94:7AC 25:3academy 11:1863:15

accept 79:18access 86:3accessible 85:685:7

accident 21:22accountability7:19

accountable 42:342:23 44:2445:1,4

accuracy 90:1390:21


act 48:5 73:22acted 61:8Acting 2:3action 9:13 36:739:13 94:18

active 34:7,854:5

actively 70:22activities 6:216:23 41:14

activity 18:127:24 28:2110:6

ad 89:16 111:15111:19

Adams 98:9add 6:14 22:1247:3 93:3

added 27:12,17addition 60:777:16 78:24113:21

additional 6:1922:5 93:1294:16 101:3

address 8:219:10 31:4,1834:4,13,2036:15 39:14,1954:4 78:1890:25 105:11107:1,5

addressed 39:2590:12

addresses 74:24addressing 28:1033:24


Admin 79:14administer 42:5administering42:10

administration24:14 50:9,10

administrative65:13 71:2573:11



advantage 53:782:19

advise 74:20advisory 73:22advocacy 90:24advocates 24:553:14

afternoon 3:135:11 21:1342:21 64:16,1765:10,11 66:171:19,22 89:2189:23 92:4,698:16,18 100:8

100:9 102:19102:20

age 20:18,18,21agencies 74:5agency 74:9agenda 3:20 9:1916:6 64:1494:14 104:19

agent 83:19aggravated 16:20ago 22:24 36:1754:6 55:2580:24 89:7105:21 108:4,6110:25 111:18111:18

agree 41:7 91:393:13 114:14114:14

agreed 38:5agreement 93:14ahead 29:1863:11 87:496:13

aid 66:20aims 9:8alert 27:22,2579:2 84:1

alerts 84:5Alisha 101:8all-day 19:22All-Star 12:19allegation 44:1044:13,23,24,2545:3

Allen 9:17,1711:10,14,15,1811:25 12:3,812:14,24 13:1013:15,20,2214:2,5,7,18

allow 61:2 62:10allowed 47:1070:19 101:7

allows 7:19 86:2ALPACT 24:4,5,16amazed 32:153:23

amazing 44:3amended 93:11113:15

amendment 104:11America 22:19amount 19:668:13 69:375:8,10 112:22

analogize 35:14analogy 35:10and/or 66:2574:20,20,25

Angeles 23:9,1132:17 46:1251:13 81:2

ankle 21:24anniversary13:23

annual 8:1anomalies 39:12answer 65:1682:7,9 102:7

answering 65:22answers 116:12Anthony 21:20anybody 24:1527:19 105:19

anytime 78:18anyway 99:2apartment 83:2084:4,16

apologize 69:1298:20

appeal 7:2044:22

appeals 60:19100:13 101:1101:10

appears 112:9applaud 52:24Applause 13:1614:15 56:18

applicants 56:3appointed 9:4,511:15

appreciate 25:1134:25 35:152:20 110:17


apprehend 26:22apprised 95:2107:15

approach 36:22

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Page 2

104:8 107:2,7107:9

approached 45:954:6 108:14



approval 93:15112:17,19

approve 3:21 4:69:12 15:24

approved 101:6approving 112:17approximately50:21 69:775:24

April 72:1975:23 76:1

aptitude 12:1APU 54:7area 8:25 10:2125:22 26:2130:19 32:2256:13 94:1695:3 101:13114:12

area's 85:12areas 10:9 16:1543:8

argument 109:10arrange 73:1974:1,11

arrest 54:2173:18

arrested 54:2061:22

arriving 22:16article 23:1894:22


aside 10:1105:17

asked 11:8 23:935:24 43:1049:13 54:20,2394:25 100:16116:12

asking 69:13100:11 107:19

asks 22:9aspect 52:22assault 16:16,1844:11

assault's 16:20assessed 86:15assigned 11:2312:9 25:1331:23 32:2533:8 65:1566:11 73:14

assignments 12:170:18

assist 65:1774:25 75:2

assistant 5:195:21 24:8 25:236:12,14 38:1040:18 71:2592:7

assume 26:6at-large 2:3,7,84:24 5:2 95:23

at-risk 25:18ate 59:10athlete 59:15attached 92:1395:16,22100:16

attend 3:8 17:320:12 97:15

Attendance 12:16attended 19:1319:16 20:1421:4,5

attending 3:108:11 30:2092:8

attention 7:238:14,19 94:13

attorney 103:15103:15,18107:8

audible 79:1audience 3:95:13 10:2323:13 35:1796:15 98:12

audio 77:10audit 42:14 43:287:21

August 12:3authority 9:3,3110:8

auto 18:12available 66:20avenue 107:2,8avenues 90:14average 35:1975:15 81:883:11

averaging 75:6award 12:16,1812:18,19,20,2113:9

awarded 112:21awarding 112:25awards 12:15,16aware 25:12 47:8awesome 78:5aye 4:1,2,12,1316:3,4 91:1991:20 94:4,5

Bback 11:1 24:1129:22 35:1036:1,8 44:1145:22 47:1648:22 55:5,1056:16,20 59:1060:21 70:14,1973:14 77:10,1382:21 83:284:23 93:1195:12 97:6,10104:6 107:3,11108:16 109:21110:2,5,25112:1

background 54:2355:18


backing 58:25backup 72:16bad 38:20,2172:19

Baldwin 22:18Ballroom 98:2bananas 59:8,1159:13


barrier 86:25Baseball 12:19basically 17:1146:4 52:1853:3,25 104:14105:14 106:9106:11

basis 45:15113:14

batteries 43:6bedside 37:2beefed-up 66:13began 11:1822:22

beginning 6:1011:3 94:1596:20

behalf 3:9 6:817:11,20 90:9101:16

behave 109:4behavior 37:1337:14

belabor 89:4believe 9:527:18 29:1341:18 54:2562:9 68:1089:18 91:2494:25 95:9100:22 109:16

believer 51:14believes 108:21Bell 2:4 4:25,2511:8,9 14:1614:20 15:6,2323:12 25:8,926:2 28:8 52:653:18 57:2458:4,15 83:1383:14,25 84:784:10,18,2285:3,9 101:8106:22 108:10108:17,24109:18 110:14111:7,10 115:2

Belmont 96:21benchmark 104:16

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Page 3

beneath 48:23benefit 83:2Benson 26:5Bernice 98:14best 7:12 14:1335:19 51:2561:5 89:1191:1 107:5108:11 109:23

bestowing 14:8better 20:6 33:637:8 48:5 49:349:3 60:4,1987:13 108:5111:18

Bettison 24:1745:8 50:15,2051:18 97:9102:7,11

big 29:8 31:1151:14 81:14

biggest 29:1bilingual 86:10bill 40:10birth 49:17bit 17:2 28:1545:12 76:1887:22

black 55:19blessing 110:8blessings 96:25block 49:7 95:18Blossom 97:8blue 75:5 97:25blunt 21:25board 1:7 2:133:5,6,9,20 4:24:5,13,18 6:86:11,23 7:4,67:14,24,25 8:28:11,15,19,229:2,4,9 10:2010:24 13:714:8,9 15:2516:4,9 21:1440:22 41:2243:9 45:8,947:8 54:460:20,24,2561:2,8 62:1562:17 64:16,17

65:10 66:9,2267:20 71:2284:14 89:23,2591:6,13,2092:5,6,10,1192:15 93:1594:5,10,17,1895:2,12,1796:9,10,1597:10,12 98:1698:18,22,2499:13,18 100:9100:13,25101:2,10 102:8102:19,20103:2 104:6,6104:7,13,17,19105:10 107:3107:14 108:19109:14,17,21110:8 111:23113:7,13,16,24114:6

board's 8:464:25

boarded 20:11boards 9:2 90:15body 38:23 43:2344:1,5

body-worn 42:1542:16 43:4

BOP's 90:18BOPC 8:20 90:990:13,21

BOPC's 91:1border 82:21bother 37:20bought 53:5103:7

Boulevard 99:10Bowl 12:20Box 84:9 85:24Boxes 83:2384:21

boy 53:16brand 51:1break 84:25breakout 17:7bricks 59:12Bridget 21:14briefed 19:18

28:14briefly 111:22bright 100:15bring 7:14 69:593:11 96:24,25101:3 105:10110:2

bringing 113:13broad 62:3broken 95:19Brooks 2:8 4:234:23 55:2357:8,16 59:2197:21

brotherhood19:17 29:12

brothers 25:12brought 31:1135:7 46:1155:25 56:5

Brown 2:5,14 5:35:3 11:2,221:20 45:21,2548:15 50:185:22 98:13100:6 102:15114:23

Brown's 99:4Bucy 21:23budget 8:21,238:24,24,25 9:69:7 69:6 71:471:5,10 89:1890:1,9,10,1290:19,22 91:391:14,15

budgeted 68:1171:8

build 37:7 85:25building 9:3,377:5 83:2186:4 100:20101:1,24 102:1102:10,11

buildings 84:486:1

built 78:13,23bump 42:7Burch 2:9 4:214:21 29:19,2231:15 32:20

34:21 38:1740:7 47:2348:5 50:1155:3 63:9,1364:8 70:1578:3,22 79:496:11,14

burglaries 16:22burglary 18:14Burton 2:6 5:7,8111:14

bus 20:11Bush 22:2business 8:1878:15 92:1996:8,9,9100:14,22101:2,3,11,19103:4,9 105:4105:20 106:10115:3


Butler 96:2198:15 100:6,8100:10 102:12

button 78:2086:25

Butzel 98:9bylaws 8:16

CC 35:18cable 3:12CAD 74:20,2275:1,2 78:1384:5

calendar 8:11caliber 59:1California 23:8call 7:23 8:148:18 19:1,1429:25 38:1251:12 60:264:21 65:12,1975:8 77:1178:10,18,2581:4,11 82:1882:22 84:8,1490:17,20

call-taker 78:19

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called 19:1646:15 78:1779:15 83:2385:24 96:17

caller 86:2387:7,9

callers 65:18calls 37:1665:17,23 67:1767:19,22 72:1077:11 81:982:14 83:984:13 85:1986:23

Calvin 63:15camera 27:10,1344:12

cameras 38:2342:15,16 43:443:24 44:1,579:3 100:15

candid 22:1659:11 81:2

Candidly 26:12capabilities77:10

capacity 5:2452:25 73:22

captain 39:13captains 34:3,842:2,22

capturing 38:23car 30:11,1432:2,16 33:2033:23 44:1247:11,11,16,2548:3,18 49:5,849:11,14,2550:14,14 53:163:19 67:1081:4,18 85:1785:17 100:11101:5

car's 18:8card 10:25 11:1

11:3cards 11:6 98:14care 6:15 22:7career 9:1911:18 12:1314:10 51:1458:24

careers 70:10carjacking 16:19carries 4:4,1516:6 91:2294:8

cars 32:7,11,1232:14,18,1949:19 50:23,2450:25 51:1,4,551:7,8 52:1967:2 83:685:15,18101:12,20

Carter 3:7 91:6109:18

case 52:15 101:2101:5

cases 60:25 61:1casing 27:3casings 28:24casually 37:19category 61:10cause 20:1823:20 24:2025:17 31:3,740:13,22 49:2185:17 116:17

causing 103:8caution 11:4Ceasefire 18:2519:15 20:5

Celebration12:18 97:25

cell 92:18center 27:10,1627:23 29:664:21,23 65:865:12 68:2,868:18 73:376:19 78:4,2590:17,20 96:2298:9

certain 21:730:22 39:6

48:9 61:1278:10 85:15

certainly 17:717:20 18:1429:6 31:5 32:536:12 41:2242:1,3 44:2545:1 47:549:24


certify 116:7cetera 66:23CFO 91:5chair 5:22 11:916:8 21:1622:12 25:3,926:10 29:1933:9 36:1040:19 41:2144:6 45:7 47:549:4 51:1052:6 54:3 59:260:6,17 61:1162:2 63:969:25 76:1780:22 82:1283:14 85:10,2287:16 90:10,1091:3,6,8 93:293:16 94:1196:11 98:13102:7,15103:11 106:22106:23 109:25110:14 111:17111:18 114:23

chairman 99:14chairperson 2:33:6,7 68:2491:12 92:2193:22 99:25101:22 106:14106:21 107:13108:9,10,16109:18 113:19

challenge 61:12challenges 18:459:17

chance 17:262:10

change 9:11 91:191:5

changing 10:12channel 3:12Chaplain 3:15,15Chapter 92:16,17charge 46:4 65:165:4 71:2172:15 76:479:11

charged 44:13,14chart 76:2,7charter-mandated8:5

check 83:1795:11

checked 41:18checks 74:2Chester 65:597:2

Chicago 25:2428:6,10,12,1732:17

chief 2:16,175:18,19,19,216:4,5,18 7:912:6 13:2114:10,12,14,1915:12 16:6,817:20 21:1422:11 24:1,8,824:13,23 25:225:5,10,24,2526:10 28:9,928:20 29:17,2029:21 30:231:16 33:934:22,24 35:435:7,9,25 36:836:10,12,1437:19 38:10,1939:18 40:9,1840:20,21,2441:2,4,9,20,2141:24 44:6,2045:6,21,2347:5,24 48:648:15 49:450:2,8,12,1751:10,18 53:354:3 55:4,17

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56:9,11,14,1957:1,10,14,1757:19,23,2558:12,20 59:260:6,20 61:1161:16,19 62:2563:8,13 64:1865:5 66:969:25 70:3,1671:2,5,1076:17,23 77:1678:7 80:2281:23 82:9,1283:1,3 85:1087:16,20 88:588:9,19 92:796:16 97:2,398:17 102:19

chief's 12:1541:3

choices 20:7choosing 46:17Christmas 6:25Christopher 22:2Cincinnati 22:1732:1,4,6 51:24


Circuit 74:14Citations 12:15cited 101:2,11cities 22:19,2232:17 76:2082:6

citing 28:10citizen 7:2035:6,22 60:2363:20 75:21,2476:2 81:683:16

citizens 9:2110:2 12:2513:8,13 64:1867:23 72:480:13 82:2,586:3 92:897:14

citizens' 7:743:24 46:3

city 7:11,14 9:113:12 17:12,14

18:11 23:732:6 34:1447:10,20 49:549:7,23,2450:6,7,13,1950:22 51:752:8,11,14,1952:25 53:10,1354:1,2 67:2370:12 72:1174:1,3 77:1877:22 79:2381:23 88:1197:11 109:9112:10,14,16113:25

city's 8:25 9:7citywide 33:2237:12

civic 5:13civilian 7:5,1668:17 69:8

civilianization66:8,13 69:19

civilianize68:21 70:5,8


civilians 7:1570:6,12,21

clarification71:14,17 85:23

class 53:11,21classes 89:6classic 58:21clear 43:6 45:277:12

clock 81:6closed 76:5closely 20:1531:5

closer 90:7closest 82:24club 101:4clustering 62:3Cobo 19:16coffee 109:3Cohen 47:13collaborated78:24


77:21colleagues 70:9come 13:17 14:515:4,11 18:723:3 28:1840:4 43:1546:9 56:758:13,22 60:1969:8 80:8 82:283:1 96:8,9,1896:20 99:17100:2 104:5

comes 23:4 27:2535:18 39:341:4 44:9 83:593:15 108:16109:21

coming 19:2 23:238:14 39:2045:12,15 67:22105:3 108:1110:24

command 42:10commander 38:1139:14 42:546:6 58:5 97:5

commanders 34:334:7 42:3,23

commands 39:19commend 25:2146:10 53:357:25


comment 11:443:17 50:487:12,12

comments 4:1025:7 78:1 86:794:2,16 96:7113:18

commission 34:18116:25

commissioner 2:42:5,6,7,8 3:43:19,22,23,244:3,7,8,9,144:19,21,23,255:2,3,5,7,7,95:17 6:3 11:811:9 13:18,25

14:4,16,2015:3,6,10,1815:23 16:1,523:17,25 24:124:20,24 25:325:6,8,9 26:228:4,8 29:1729:18,19,2231:15 32:2034:21,22,23,2436:5,6 38:1740:7,19 43:1543:17 44:1945:5,19,21,2547:23 48:5,1550:1,3,11 51:952:4,6 53:1753:18 55:3,1555:20,23,2456:10,13,1957:8,12,16,1957:24 58:3,458:13,15 59:1959:20,21 60:1461:14,18 62:2263:9,11,1364:7,8,10 67:468:22 69:11,2270:2,15 71:1171:13 72:2473:1 76:2277:25 78:3,2279:4,5,6,7,1179:25 80:2,381:21 82:1,1083:12,13,14,2584:7,10,18,2285:3,9,20,2286:6,13,1787:11,19,2488:3,8,16 89:390:6 91:8,1091:11,16,2192:2,21 93:193:16,18,19,2393:25 94:1,695:6,10,1396:4,6,11,1396:14 97:18,1997:20,21 98:3101:8,22 102:3

Page 122: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 6


Page 6

102:6,8,10,13102:18 103:22103:24,25104:21,22,22104:24 106:15106:16,22107:10,12108:8,10,17,24110:10,14,17110:18 111:6,7111:9,10,12,14113:17,19114:2,3,17,21114:25 115:2,4

commissioners1:7 2:1 3:56:23 8:15,2213:7 23:2453:20 54:278:2,5 85:2189:17,22,2592:10,12 95:1596:7 100:10,21101:17 103:3109:17


commissions 9:290:16

commitment 13:2committed 19:2127:5 44:1145:13,14 52:257:5

committee 10:2257:21 89:17,1890:19,23 91:2492:3 93:4,7,893:21 111:15111:19,20

communicate 34:234:19



communication9:18 12:9,1139:17 71:2575:23


9:20 10:4,6,1410:23 11:764:15,20 65:467:15 68:1873:15 76:2582:15 98:11

communities 13:132:8 48:1981:15

community 1:97:3 12:2319:12 24:6,2230:13 31:533:11,15 34:234:4,25 46:1546:25 52:1455:11 58:680:21 89:595:1,7 96:297:13,17 98:7100:24 101:4101:15


companion 19:15company 87:399:2 103:7

compare 81:11compared 82:1883:11

comparison 80:2581:20

complaining 19:980:14

complaint 30:1040:25 41:1143:21 75:24101:23

complaints 7:818:5,18,1931:18 32:2133:25,25 34:434:9,12,1935:6 39:7,9,1339:19,23,2441:7 43:14,2544:4 46:351:19 75:2176:2,3,8,9,13

complete 72:3112:14

completed 72:8compliance 42:1942:20 43:4,9104:18 105:7


complied 104:15compliment 29:1complying 113:14components 46:1448:16


comprised 65:1266:5 76:8

CompStat 39:942:13 85:1195:17,18

computer 61:21116:14


concentrate 31:2concept 53:25concern 6:9,1536:19 57:1890:25 104:9112:18,19113:10,13

concerned 54:7107:4 110:23

concerning 25:2336:17

concerns 90:12conclude 21:1040:20

concluded 115:6concludes 76:1596:5

Conclusion 12:17Condition 12:17condominium49:12

conference 49:11Confinement12:17

confirm 73:12confirmation97:1



congress 24:21conjunction104:13

connected 35:287:5

connection 6:2295:1 101:19


Conrad 2:11 5:5106:7

Consent 12:17consideration111:24


consistent 9:8console 75:977:13

Constance 97:5constituents19:8

consulted 103:13consummate 13:5contact 10:274:7 84:5


continue 18:2433:12 68:20104:8 114:7

contract 112:25contracted 86:22contracting112:8

contracts 112:7112:21

control 7:2011:24 51:264:22 67:1373:16 74:1092:17

convene 7:25conversation17:22 37:840:4 51:18


conversely 82:21

Page 123: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 7


Page 7

copies 11:2 35:6corporals 66:669:5,9

Corps 3:15corpus 73:21corral 110:21correct 93:195:8 114:5116:15

correction 65:4corruption108:22,23

Council 112:16Councilman 26:4counsel 116:16counseling 42:6count 49:8country 22:15county 21:8 74:474:5,9,16101:8 116:4,7116:23

County's 21:5couple 25:1440:18 46:254:6 60:1263:6 110:11

course 18:623:10 38:662:7,16 70:1883:8 95:14,24110:7 112:18

court 12:5 44:14cover 10:14coworkers 64:24Craig 2:17 5:196:6 14:12,1416:8 21:1422:11 24:13,2325:25 26:1028:20 29:20,2130:2 31:1633:9 36:1038:19 40:941:20,21,2444:6,20 45:2347:5,24 48:649:4 50:2,8,1250:17 51:1054:3 55:4,1756:9,11,14

57:1,10,14,1757:23 59:260:6 61:11,1661:19 63:8,1364:18 69:2570:3,16 71:2,571:10 76:17,2380:22 81:2382:9,12 83:185:10 87:16,2088:5,9,1996:16 97:3

Crawford 43:18create 65:19created 36:18111:19

creating 20:7credit 13:3cried 105:22108:3

crime 16:9,11,1216:13 17:17,1718:2,23 24:227:5,9,12,1627:23 29:635:11 36:24,2564:22 65:171:21 73:2578:25

crimes 16:1817:24 19:2

criminal 18:172:4 73:10,12

criteria 52:20critical 9:2365:6

critically 21:1221:17

criticism 80:682:5

crucial 113:23Crystal 65:2CSR-9271 116:21current 102:23103:8

currently 50:1568:10 71:2390:16 98:13103:11

custody 37:2254:22 55:7

customer 35:18cutoff 11:6CyraCom 86:23

DD 2:5D.C 49:9,10D.L.I.V.E 35:236:18 37:3,4

Dad 96:21dangerous 108:24Daniel 9:1711:10,14,1513:15

Darryl 5:3DARYL 2:5database 39:5date 16:11daughter 60:11Davis 2:10 4:194:19 23:2524:1,20,2425:3 64:7 79:679:7,11 93:25

day 8:9 23:630:19 39:1042:9 65:1283:9

day-to-day 113:4days 104:11DC 45:8 47:1350:15,20 97:9102:7,11,13

dead-on 113:23dealing 108:6111:5

death 74:2debate 109:14111:2

decades 89:7decided 44:1690:5

decision 42:561:1,2 109:22114:6

decisions 106:11declined 76:12decreases 72:5dedicated 13:11dedication 13:3deep 56:24

deeper 54:15,2456:6

defend 80:5defense 80:11,14definitely 77:688:17

definition 57:13degradation 83:4degree 24:15delivered 91:1392:23

demeanor 35:936:15 38:2241:7,18 43:1446:5 53:2276:10,14

democracy 7:18denied 100:13101:1,3,11

department 5:246:12,21 7:6,88:6,23 9:11,2510:3,7,1911:16,22 12:2513:4,9,2414:25 17:820:15 22:923:19 24:6,1135:12 43:1945:13 58:1860:16 66:1667:1 73:17,2273:23 74:877:23 80:1283:24,24 85:2586:11 90:491:13 92:2493:9,9,13,2297:1 101:23103:6 104:2108:25 109:10111:24 112:10112:11 114:1

department's26:18 91:1592:14 111:24


deploy 9:24 32:785:15,18

deployed 32:16

Page 124: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 8


Page 8

32:19 88:24deployment 65:1465:15 66:14

deploys 33:23deputy 13:2114:19 24:825:5 51:1858:20 65:5

Dequindre 33:4describe 114:12describes 22:21deselected 59:14deserving 12:14designed 8:22desk 38:6detail 28:15details 28:19detective 38:3,440:4

determine 87:7Detroit 1:7,151:19 3:1,156:21 7:6,1211:17 12:2513:1,4,7,8,813:13,23 20:1122:17,24 23:223:3 24:2444:10 47:1049:6,7,23,2452:9,11 53:1054:1,2,7 55:157:6 66:1667:1,23 73:673:23 74:1,3,874:15 77:3,1777:22 80:8,1981:5 82:2283:5 87:1896:19 97:2498:1,5,10103:6 108:25109:9 112:16114:1

Detroit's 65:22Detroiters 18:2Devan 3:16development49:12

devotion 13:10Dewaelsche 2:3

3:4,6,19,244:3,9,14 5:95:17 6:3 13:1813:25 14:415:3,10,1816:1,5 23:1725:6 28:429:17 34:2236:5 43:1545:5,19 50:351:9 52:455:15,20,2456:10,13,1957:12,19 58:358:13 59:1960:14 61:14,1862:22 63:1164:10 71:1372:24 73:176:22 77:2579:5,25 81:2183:12 85:2086:6,13,1787:11,19,2488:3,8,16 89:390:6,10,1191:16,21 92:293:1,18,2394:1,6 95:6,1095:13 96:4,696:13 97:1998:3 102:6,13102:18 103:22104:22 106:15110:10 111:6,9111:12 113:17114:2,17,21,25115:4

dialects 86:16dialogue 58:860:15 64:1271:17

dials 81:6die 37:2 43:6died 105:23Diego 23:14difference 19:1231:24 52:1781:14

different 17:622:19 30:1

32:24 47:1112:5

difficult 52:18difficulty 35:16109:8

diligence 12:1106:25

diligent 13:11diminish 18:23directed 42:1491:4

direction 27:1027:14 43:156:15 66:1993:7 108:20109:14,19110:1

directive 92:1192:14

directly 62:2590:23

director 21:1564:19,20 102:9



disagrees 26:24discharge 37:21disciplinary36:5,6 45:10

discipline 42:442:11


discuss 53:8discussed 90:893:4

discusses 114:5discussion 91:1893:12 98:23107:7 110:15111:2

discussions 90:393:5 104:13

dispatch 9:20,229:24 10:4,764:15,21 65:2066:4,11,15,1766:19 68:270:11 71:6,8

74:18 75:976:19,20 77:1777:18 79:9,1779:21 83:10

dispatched 79:8dispatcher 70:5dispatchers67:16,25 68:270:12 77:9,12

dispatches 77:23dispatching74:23 75:979:22,24

displayed 11:25disposition 41:8disqualification60:19

disqualificat...60:22 61:7





Dist 2:4,5,6,92:10,11


district 4:20,225:1,4,6,8 12:630:1,2,3,6,1232:22 51:2159:23,25 60:1174:14 95:20,2196:1,3,16

districts 95:1595:20

dive 54:15,2456:6,25 58:11

diverse 88:11dividends 29:8division 11:2111:24 66:8

document 112:12112:13

doing 18:2119:24 20:4,2528:25 30:20

Page 125: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 9


Page 9

35:1,12,2038:12 39:1640:13 46:1947:4,7 48:2,1648:25 51:1553:2,3 60:5,1361:21 69:179:21 80:4,480:17,19,21,2381:10,24,2582:4 89:1295:25 106:20108:4

dollars 7:13dominant 18:1322:24

door 38:9 48:781:5,7 84:1084:19

doors 84:21double 69:3DPD 21:14 58:791:2 92:11

DPS 19:19 20:1520:15

drag 34:10draw 94:12dress 20:7drive 28:1732:23 33:5,19

driven 109:20driver 33:2drives 17:18driving 33:18drop 85:17drops 42:21DTE 66:22dual 67:12due 21:21 90:2106:25

duly 116:10,12Dungy 58:20dutifully 11:20duty 21:19,2122:8 92:19

EE 2:4,6earlier 24:375:21 112:13

early 39:8

ears 33:15east 20:12 26:334:15

eat 59:8educated 34:2educational41:20

effective 9:1326:6



efficient 70:13efficiently67:18,24

effort 29:1389:7 95:4

eight 32:23105:21


either 18:8 25:540:17 70:17112:20 116:16

elected 5:10,119:4,5

elections 8:148:17

electronic 67:9electronically67:6

Elgin 46:1449:10

Elizabeth 2:84:23

Ellen 116:6,21embarrass 107:16embedded 67:14emergency 65:1465:15,18 66:1472:6 85:19

emphasize 66:8employed 39:8EMS 65:21encounter 35:2258:10

encourage 25:2053:4,13,2486:1


112:10encouraging48:18 53:997:14

energized 19:22enforcement 6:1712:13 17:1424:22 33:2272:12,23 74:5

enforcing 11:5engage 93:1296:1

engaged 52:14enhance 90:24enlightening41:17

ensure 67:21enter 73:4,9entered 78:1879:1

entering 72:1372:15

entire 74:1695:17

entities 9:166:22 74:1


equality 52:13Eric 21:23escalate 41:18ESDOs 71:9especially 25:1157:6

essentially94:24 112:1

establish 100:14estate 83:19et 66:23ethics 9:2Eva 2:3 3:590:10

evaluate 39:9evening 113:20event 19:13,1720:17 97:11116:17

events 73:17everybody 11:471:20 108:10

evidence 66:21

exact 50:22exactly 48:1557:13 63:19109:1 114:4

examine 90:14example 32:936:18 37:1739:25 54:5105:3 110:1

exceeded 16:14exceeds 51:15,23excellence 36:2038:22

excellent 56:3,364:11

excess 40:160:18

excited 19:14,1820:16 57:560:10


excuse 60:17113:20,22

executive 2:148:20 11:2168:5 92:9

executives 73:18existed 37:4existence 101:1existing 100:14104:16

exists 7:5exonerated 43:2544:8 76:4

expand 31:2037:11 50:18,20

expanded 47:15expanding 30:24expansion 30:25expect 37:1543:1 108:18


expedited 110:11expenditures90:16

experienced18:15 100:25


Page 126: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 10


Page 10

expires 116:25explain 29:2433:8 65:7

explained 58:9explaining 83:4explored 107:8exploring 107:1express 6:8extent 27:7104:15

extra 6:15extremely 100:15eye 7:15eyes 33:15

Fface 9:25facility 22:777:1,2 86:3

fact 17:10 22:2224:17 30:536:11 44:860:9 61:2575:12,15 76:18

facts 113:23fair 99:21fall 21:1fallen 6:9,2096:17

falls 95:3false 44:9,2445:3

familiar 83:1783:21 84:11,22

family 58:8,2396:25

far 34:15 51:1551:22,25 75:14

fashion 9:2567:21


father 13:17,1813:21 14:17,2515:6

favor 3:25 4:1116:2 91:1994:3

Faye 8:19 89:24FBI 73:7February 72:18

fee 79:12feed 28:2feedback 43:19feel 18:9 26:2340:12 48:2571:6 96:1997:7 99:18105:1,25 106:1106:18 107:21107:25

feet 100:20fellowship 8:2felt 38:4 99:21female 20:24fence 100:16,19field 66:2470:14,17,2074:12 88:22

fighting 52:23figure 41:3109:19

figured 20:2354:17

file 74:21 75:24filed 41:8files 60:21fill 69:23 85:17filled 109:5filling 69:24final 92:1493:15

Finally 10:17financial 88:690:13,18,21

find 18:7 28:1529:4 52:1856:14

finding 45:14findings 35:8fine 42:6fine-tune 47:6fire 21:8 65:2074:25 77:22,2483:24 85:24

fired 26:20 27:227:13,15,2528:1,23


Fireworks 12:18first 24:13

26:11 32:142:20 45:1447:13,25 59:463:20 75:480:15 83:1586:9 88:1491:8 98:1499:1,8 104:5104:16 116:10

fiscal 8:20 9:1389:24

fit 104:7,19fitting 6:13,14five 19:19 80:2381:16 99:16

five-minute 40:4flag 88:22flagged 78:14flagging 74:24flashback 108:2fleet 51:2Fleming 64:16,1864:19 83:3,2384:3,9 85:2,686:12,14,20

floor 77:3 78:5fluent 88:13flyers 97:6focus 19:1 38:2079:2

focused 8:4 17:576:14

focusing 20:19folks 54:10follow 22:438:11 102:5,12109:15

follow-up 45:8followed 98:15100:6

following 8:992:15 112:18

foot 92:16footbeat 49:13footprint 31:1,8force 21:2573:23

foregoing 116:11foreign 87:23,2488:1,3

forget 38:19

52:8 84:14forgot 82:16former 43:17101:9

formula 85:14forth 45:1199:18 104:19112:23 116:9

fortune 22:13forward 75:14found 26:2342:17 43:2044:15 59:1260:9 83:19

Foundation 97:24founding 7:17four 33:15 41:649:21 50:16,1750:18 66:575:6 81:1698:14 99:12102:22

fourteen 54:1054:12 55:2,6,8

frame 75:22,2576:13

Francis 13:21frankly 40:2fraught 109:8Fredia 98:15100:6

Fredia's 101:23free 26:24frequency 82:1682:17

Friday 7:24 43:2front 15:1449:12 94:18111:22

full 93:15116:14

full-day 8:8fully 70:8function 67:770:5 113:6,8

functional 9:1functions 66:1573:15


funding 50:7

Page 127: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 11


Page 11

funds 79:16,1879:19,20

funeral 12:2058:22

further 31:8future 10:2020:16

Ggain 53:9gal 105:12gap 69:6Gary 101:9Garza 2:3 3:5gathered 48:20general 10:2026:21

generally 27:232:16

generated 33:25gentleman 103:14103:19

geographic 30:1831:8

George 65:5getting 20:3,535:8 50:2551:20 58:7107:21

gifts 109:4girl 22:14,2053:16

give 21:11 22:2341:22 49:2455:10 61:362:19 65:2469:15 79:1585:23 111:11

given 3:18 10:1129:1 30:15

gives 31:7 32:12108:2

giving 3:1649:18

glad 31:11 37:945:21 56:7

go 17:21 19:722:16 23:1824:8 26:1928:24 29:17,2232:4,7 39:11

43:13 44:1745:23 46:1847:16 48:20,2453:17,18 54:2156:15 59:760:4,21 61:2463:11 74:981:4 82:2083:7,19 84:4,684:16 85:2586:1 87:4 89:196:13 97:11,1699:5 100:3,4104:2 106:9112:16

goal 16:14 70:770:7

God 22:21goes 28:1 66:478:11 85:1688:12 97:10103:1

going 11:9 17:118:22,23,2522:21 23:724:10,11 27:2429:13 30:2031:2 33:3,436:21,24,24,2537:1,11,2338:12 40:5,1044:17 45:448:4,6 50:851:15 55:457:3 58:9,1063:14,17 64:564:14 65:2473:1 75:1485:12,18 91:2492:23 98:7,8102:4 104:1,25105:1,4,10,16105:20 106:1109:13 114:7114:18

gonna 35:2544:22 60:397:22 104:1105:9 107:4

Gonzales 57:488:18

good 11:12 14:2221:13 22:1329:21 32:939:6 40:1346:14 49:251:1,4 52:9,2058:11 60:15,1564:16,17 65:965:10,11 66:169:12 71:17,1971:22 81:2489:15,21,2392:4,6 98:1698:18 100:8,9101:6 102:19102:20 106:16111:9,13

Google 28:14Gorman 116:6,21governed 9:1government 3:117:19

Governor 101:9GPD 85:6Grace 35:3,14,1641:15

graduating 11:1753:11

graduation 97:12graduations63:24

Grand 98:1,1grant 50:6granted 20:898:23

graph 75:4great 14:8,2117:4 23:5 27:135:13 36:1138:15,20 39:1645:5,19 47:1447:14 49:251:9 52:558:18,24 60:1475:18 77:2283:10

greater 25:19112:22

green 18:2527:21,22,2429:7 30:21

75:10 78:9,1178:13,16,21

Greg 101:25GREGORY 2:13Greyhound 94:24group 17:8,820:18,19,21

groups 17:6guess 56:1659:13 84:24105:8,24

guidance 68:1,368:15

guilty 44:15gun 40:5gunshot 26:1736:22

guy 24:7 26:13105:4,5,11108:2

guys 80:4 103:9105:25 107:22

Hhabeas 73:21half 37:25 50:2150:23 61:988:11 90:393:6

half-day 8:7Hall 19:16Hamtramck 76:2276:23 77:2479:8

hand 22:3 53:12103:19

handcuffed 55:7handle 79:23104:4 112:8

handled 67:18,24handling 79:1781:18

happen 38:863:19 99:22100:5 104:1

happened 56:1456:23 63:21

happening 41:1359:18 94:24110:20

happens 42:6

Page 128: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


Page 12


Page 12

happy 60:7hard 18:24 36:1236:15 58:2062:14 70:8105:19

Hassan 100:7havoc 19:2head 22:1 105:25heading 103:16headquarters1:15 7:1 77:398:6

heads 55:14health 17:7hear 18:5 19:321:2 28:2339:24 40:1655:12 58:12105:20 106:19107:17

heard 9:21 18:1720:13 26:1727:19 30:931:12,12 39:2384:20 88:15

hearing 4:115:12 91:1894:3,7 96:7105:2,2 108:1

heart 22:24105:24

held 44:24 45:497:13 98:8

Hello 29:20help 9:24 34:1734:18 35:559:24 60:3,462:21 63:470:1 82:20,22100:11 105:9106:5,19,20

helped 59:13helpful 40:2241:4 58:1160:20

helping 44:3hereinbefore116:9

Hey 19:9Hi 73:3Hicks 2:13 38:24

40:21 41:145:7 60:1762:2,23 91:492:1,25 93:294:11 95:9,1195:14 96:5102:1,4 103:11103:25 104:5106:25 109:25110:12 111:17114:11,16,20

high 25:16 35:1459:16 62:5,5

highest 13:13Highland 76:2177:18,23 79:879:10,23 82:1682:20,21 83:583:6 97:3


highly 13:4Hines 21:6hire 68:25 70:6hires 75:1hiring 70:6,2170:22

Hispanic 87:1887:21


hit 78:20hoc 89:16 111:15111:19

hold 42:2 45:155:5

Holderbaum 65:171:19,20,2372:25 88:1

holding 42:22holiday 6:25Holley 2:7 5:2,268:22 69:11,2270:2 71:1180:2,3 82:1,10104:21,23,24106:16 107:10107:12 108:9109:16 110:18

home 18:13,1521:19,22,24

22:1,3 47:1149:8,25 50:752:19 53:159:7

homes 47:12101:15

homicide 16:1666:21

honor 11:1313:10,20 14:814:9 22:15

honorable 16:921:13 66:992:4

honoring 9:1611:14

hook 51:19hope 10:14 97:3106:13

hopeful 33:11hopefully 10:497:22 107:2,10111:3,7

hospital 35:1036:21 60:12

hospitals 37:10hot 72:16hour 37:25 40:150:11 80:24

hours 34:11,1267:20 74:5

house 50:1,253:5 83:18

housed 77:1houses 8:25housing 48:17hugs 22:23human 87:13hundred 15:20,21hundreds 86:10hurting 80:9,1082:7 106:6

husband 98:21

Iice 72:20idea 26:9,2230:17 31:1,637:7 42:2547:13 49:4,949:18 51:12


identified 19:20identify 20:2325:17

illegal 100:22Illinois 46:14illuminate 78:17illusion 32:13illustrating75:8

imagine 27:12,25immigrations94:23

impact 9:10,1128:3 29:1653:23 82:13,1385:18

impacting 10:13imparted 62:8implementing105:14

importance 9:23important 7:177:21,24 8:1833:3 35:2137:12 60:1689:5

impounded 72:13impressed 26:1478:6

impression 23:5impressive 53:21improve 7:1389:10


in-car 44:12inappropriate38:5

inaudible 6:115:2 21:2522:6 25:1566:17 110:20

incentive 88:7incident 27:1532:11 37:2138:16 42:446:21,24 55:865:6

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Page 13

including 94:17inclusion 9:692:13

incoming 65:1672:10 94:13


increase 90:2090:23

increasing 31:6increasingly35:7

independent 9:9113:6,7

indicate 4:1,1116:2 91:1994:3,12,21104:17

indicated 28:15indicates 62:7103:21 110:3

indicating 19:575:5 93:8

indication 62:20individual 62:4individuals 18:1information 6:1939:2 45:1754:9 62:2466:23 68:5,1972:12,21,2378:15 85:590:14,19 94:1694:19 95:3,1795:18,24 96:299:6 102:4113:13


informative 8:13informed 97:18100:12

infraction 62:10initially 47:1247:25

initiative 25:21initiatives10:21 18:24

injured 6:9,126:20 21:12,1721:21,23 22:2

innovations10:21 77:7

inquiry 83:15inside 50:2151:7

insight 61:3inspect 37:1542:25

inspector 9:179:17 11:10,1412:8,8,14,2413:10,14,2014:2,7,1840:20 41:2,5105:12

inspectors 86:1installed 100:15100:19

instances 39:461:4


instituted 47:9institutionalize37:13,14


instructing 69:7instruction68:13,16




intake 75:5integrated 77:5integration 10:9integrity 13:313:12 54:14,1754:25 57:7,1161:17,18,20109:6,20

intense 42:1443:2


interaction25:19 26:752:17


interest 58:661:5 91:1

interested 46:22116:17

interesting41:19 63:1680:25 94:22

Internal 11:24internet 85:7interpersonal21:15


interpreter 87:587:6,8,9

interpreters74:12 86:8


intersect 8:5intervene 39:760:24


interview 61:2465:17



intricacies 65:8introduce 4:175:14,20,2413:21 64:2497:4

introduced 10:8introducing 5:22introduction10:17


invasion 18:1318:15

investigate 7:7investigative12:10 27:129:2

investigator12:7 14:11

35:5,9,25 36:858:4 63:15



investment 29:5invite 96:24invited 3:14inviting 96:18invocation 3:143:16,18

involve 17:24involved 18:1,229:15 36:2337:20 40:2563:1 113:3

involvement 37:553:25

ironic 23:4issuance 73:24issue 18:1319:11 28:1130:8 31:11,1936:15 39:15,1547:17 58:1,2089:5 100:25101:5 112:7

issued 100:23104:10,12112:6,12

issues 8:3 10:1631:3 34:1335:10 41:1842:1 43:6 58:961:17 74:21104:3 110:19

it'll 25:5 78:20item 64:14 89:1489:16 94:18110:2,4

items 7:24 62:1793:3,13 94:1394:15 112:3

Jjail 54:21 61:23Jamar 65:3James 2:17 21:1764:19

January 65:21

Page 130: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


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Page 14

66:25 72:775:22 76:196:20

Jim 2:7 5:2job 32:1 46:759:1 69:1277:20 81:24

jobs 69:13Johnson 8:2022:6,7 89:2189:24,24 90:891:23

join 11:10 13:1715:12

joined 5:11 6:5joining 3:105:19 13:23

joint 62:5joy 23:6 100:12102:23

JR 2:11judge 44:1674:15

Judgment 12:18July 9:14jump 17:1June 7:24,25 8:78:16,17 98:7110:4,9

jury 44:15

KK-9 66:21keep 22:9 45:674:6 95:2

keeper 64:2374:17

keeping 66:1881:13

keeps 41:12Kevin 102:16,21key 84:17kicked 44:16kids 35:3killed 23:1kind 17:24 18:1320:25 30:647:12 50:6,754:16 60:2162:13 64:268:17 79:14

85:13 103:16108:22 109:11113:9,10

kinds 34:1362:19

Kisselburg 21:18knew 23:2knock 48:6know 14:20,2016:17 17:16,1617:19,23 18:622:11,23 23:623:11 24:4,6,924:14,17,2525:12 26:16,2428:8,11,1929:6 30:5,2531:13,20 33:2133:21 34:9,1035:17 36:3,1337:1,22 38:1339:22,23 40:640:13,17 41:1141:14 42:143:20,21 44:144:4 45:8 46:746:11 47:748:8,12,21,2148:22 49:1,2049:22 51:3,1151:11,18,2552:16,17 53:153:5,6,8 54:455:13 57:458:5,6,8,1759:14,21 67:1967:20 68:11,1969:9,13 70:8,970:23,24 77:679:7 80:17,2181:13 83:1785:12,13 87:1687:17 88:9,1888:19,20 89:689:7 96:1297:14,16 99:11100:1,4 103:12104:6,25106:23 109:2109:18,20111:4,8,14

113:20 114:13knowledge 68:20known 56:9knows 87:1388:23 109:1

Knox 83:23 84:984:21 85:24

Kovac 21:21

LL 11:14,15 13:15L.A 51:16 81:1,181:12,12 88:688:9

lack 76:11ladies 20:18lady 37:18 40:144:9 54:6

Lamar 21:11,1321:14 56:2263:1

language 74:1186:20,23,2587:2,7,14,2387:25 88:2,4,788:17

larcenies 19:6larceny 18:6,12Larceny's 16:22larger 20:13lasting 9:19lastly 18:1721:4

late 22:2 58:5Latino 89:5laughter 14:2323:13 48:1159:9 66:3

law 6:16 11:2112:13 17:1324:21 72:12,2374:4 100:22101:7 112:11

leader 5:1551:12,13

leaders 5:1324:5,22 68:18100:24

leading 46:490:17

League 12:19

learn 88:13learned 44:1446:23

leave 99:23107:13

led 17:8left 21:24 22:1723:5

legal 73:20legendary 14:21LEIN 72:11 73:5lengthy 107:6lessons 46:23let's 20:1734:10 81:185:16 106:8

letter 23:9 91:491:5,12 93:21

letters 12:22letting 97:16level 28:22levels 9:12liaison 74:3,13license 72:14,15lie 45:2 62:1lied 61:25LIEN 73:9,12lieutenant 12:212:3 65:5,2466:1,2 67:1169:4,18 71:1,471:7 73:1375:20 76:2478:12,23 79:979:13

lieutenants 66:567:6

life 7:13 17:1918:16 19:131:3,5 33:1096:19

lifelong 13:10Lifesaving 12:15Light 18:2527:21,22,2429:7 30:2178:10,11,13,1678:21

lights 78:17,1984:15 100:15

limit 99:2,9,14

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Page 15

99:20Linden 77:2line 21:19,2122:8 86:15,1987:2

lines 19:13liquor 101:3Lisa 3:7 91:6list 72:16listed 94:14listening 101:17101:21 109:18

listing 6:12lit 84:16little 17:2,2222:14,20 28:1542:7 45:1256:12 64:1176:18 87:2290:7 98:21111:18

live 18:3 37:247:10 48:9,1949:5,15,17,2249:23 50:19,2151:7 52:8,1352:19,24 53:1254:2 55:1101:15

lived 47:25 54:1lives 20:1047:19,21 53:5

living 52:11load 82:18locally 7:22locate 26:22located 11:196:21 100:12

location 26:2127:3,22,2428:1,24 78:1678:21

locations 30:2178:14

lockbox 83:1884:7

log 74:18Logan 97:2long 37:23,2440:3 43:1359:22 64:11

65:12 88:12113:20

long-term 22:7longer 101:4look 20:17 24:2326:8 33:1439:12 43:344:2 46:1947:1,6 48:751:1,4 53:1354:10 55:12,1856:4 57:3,1162:21 63:375:14 81:8,1593:10 100:3103:9

looked 32:2 59:5looking 27:1834:17 43:1246:23 50:18,2055:14 99:12105:2 107:20107:20

looks 34:6 85:8107:17

Los 23:9,1032:17 46:1251:13 81:2

lose 103:8loss 96:19lot 6:23 17:1620:22 26:2527:7 28:1130:10 31:2332:3,5,7,10,1132:13,21 40:1343:24 44:871:16 89:9100:12 101:5103:4

lots 34:13 35:835:8

Louie 100:7love 26:13LPR 72:15LSA 5:15lucky 28:25lunch 60:1Lyndon 98:9


M 2:10ma'am 15:9 114:3MaCalister 98:20Madam 5:21 11:916:8 22:1225:9 29:1940:19 45:752:6 60:1762:2 63:983:14 85:2291:8 92:2193:2,16 94:1196:11 98:13101:22 102:15103:11 106:14106:21 107:13108:8 109:25110:14 111:17113:19 114:23

magic 52:1,1magistrates74:14

maintain 73:574:21,22

maintaining 75:2maintenance74:21

major 12:1932:17 73:1781:23

majority 17:2418:2 38:1476:10 112:23

making 20:6 43:456:24 80:13106:10

Mallett 2:11 5:55:5 34:23,2436:6 40:1944:19 53:1767:4 91:8,1192:21 93:16,19101:22 102:3102:10 103:24103:25 108:8110:3,18113:19 114:3

Mallett's 102:8man 14:3,2120:10 50:1160:9 105:21

108:3manage 109:9managed 67:25management 39:5manager 2:148:20 41:10,1159:24 65:689:24 92:9

manager's 60:11managers 17:9,1029:25,25 30:130:2,3,6,12,2451:21

managing 68:7manner 109:5manners 37:2manpower 79:21manual 92:14mapping 75:2March 76:24,2577:4

marijuana 62:8mark 5:16 8:11marked 49:11marketing 97:15marks 13:22mass 39:4material 24:7mathematical85:14

matter 8:1954:17 64:183:7 107:1108:13

matters 55:2mayor 7:9 24:350:5 80:16

mayor's 17:3,630:4,5 51:20

McCalister 35:2539:2 63:15

MCOLES 61:1362:14

mean 19:5 26:1328:23 33:2142:4 55:8 56:256:4 58:2368:13 69:1278:14 81:1982:15 88:1295:20 98:6

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Page 16

105:1,15107:17 108:4114:13

meant 54:21measure 6:15 8:319:3 81:3,585:11

measured 17:16100:19

measures 79:381:12

mechanical 43:6Medal 12:16medical 35:1565:18 74:2584:1,13,15

meet 7:1,3 23:689:25

meeting 1:9 3:53:10,11,124:17 8:1610:22 18:1824:3,19 38:2538:25 45:1057:20 59:2360:1 62:2590:2 95:1,898:4,7 106:24110:1,4,9,24115:6 116:8

meetings 6:119:21 17:2224:12 30:2031:12 63:264:13 97:15

meets 6:24Melanie 92:8member 8:1095:23 107:14108:25

members 4:185:23 9:4,515:25 69:2072:18

memorial 21:6,758:22

Memphis 53:1men 19:20,2120:6 21:1,229:14 35:1764:5

mentioned 51:11mentoring 19:2320:4 25:11

merit 12:1513:13

message 45:264:23 73:3

messages 73:11met 54:5 55:21106:23 111:15111:20

metropolitan11:17 53:24

MGM 98:1Michigan 1:193:1 116:2,23

microphones26:17 27:1328:23

middle 25:16,17109:11

midnight 34:11Mile 32:23 33:4milestone 13:22military 58:7mind 44:9 54:2181:13 114:11

minimum 90:2minute 34:1570:10 99:23

minutes 4:5 75:675:13,16,1781:17 99:16



missing 39:666:24 73:9

misspoke 30:3mistreated105:23


mixed 26:25model 46:11modify 7:10mom 22:20moment 4:16money 27:7monitor 7:8 26:7

monitoring 9:10112:20,24113:6,8,12114:4

monitors 113:5month 7:2,4 27:872:22 93:694:23 110:17111:4 113:12114:19

morning 65:9motion 3:21 4:44:6,14 15:2416:6 91:9,1791:22 93:1794:7

motor 21:22Motorola 74:2377:8

mouth 99:15move 3:22 15:2518:10 28:433:10 34:1441:16 77:4,590:19,24 91:1193:19,20 95:6113:11 115:3

moved 3:24 4:7,916:1 77:293:23 112:9

moving 40:1591:13

MSP 73:7multilingual86:14

multiple 22:3municipalities80:7

murders 17:23Myatt 3:16

Nname 10:25 22:1764:19 92:899:1 102:21

national 6:13,146:22 21:5 23:425:23,23 28:1380:20

nationally 7:2180:18

nature 62:3NBC 25:22 28:13near 15:14necessary 80:6need 11:2 28:1437:23 38:744:2 56:667:17 69:1372:6 74:685:15 90:2391:9 93:17105:17 110:15

needed 71:17112:4

needs 44:22 45:882:20

neighborhood17:5,9,10,2118:20 29:2530:11,15,17,2130:24 31:1,631:19,22 32:832:15,25 33:633:13 34:6,1840:16 46:1347:9,20,2148:9,10 49:1649:17,18 52:1252:21 60:8

neighborhoods17:19 18:3,1432:22,24 33:1334:1 48:1852:3,10

neighboring 13:1network 72:12,23never 54:2161:23 62:1484:20 100:24112:18

new 8:17 9:1310:8,17,1851:1 75:1 78:486:1 96:9,1297:4 102:24103:3 104:25

newcomer 105:8newer 50:25 51:151:4

news 25:23 28:13nice 23:18,22

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Page 17

48:8 74:2388:5

night 22:2nobody's 24:9noncriminal 7:7nondepartmental8:24,24 9:790:9 91:2,15


nonfatal 16:21nonuniform 5:24noon 8:7normally 24:2079:16 83:8


Notary 116:1,6116:22

note 68:9noted 38:25notes 116:15noticed 10:1246:3

notification64:21 67:1368:7 73:1674:6,10

notifications68:6 73:17,2574:2

notified 26:1951:2

notifies 27:1627:22 78:19

Novi 32:9 81:17NPO 46:11 48:1,248:10,12,1249:6 52:25

NPOs 30:6 49:250:13,19,2151:3,7,2052:19

number 31:6 41:650:22 87:3,3

numbers 46:866:13

numerous 12:22

OOakland 116:4,23

objective 7:11objectives 9:8obligation 104:5106:18

obviously 41:1355:14

occur 8:17occurred 36:962:11

occurring 34:9occurs 34:10October 11:16offended 37:1offenses 16:2473:25

offer 89:6office 2:16 12:614:10 30:435:9 36:239:18 41:251:20 74:484:17

officer 11:1821:18,20,20,2422:1,6,7 30:2431:22 33:535:23 36:339:19 40:2444:10 45:1,347:21 49:13,1451:13 53:4,1654:9 55:1060:8 63:2264:2 65:4 67:568:4,15 71:2075:11 81:382:20,22 88:2497:9 101:18

officers 5:236:10,12,208:17 20:4,2421:17,17 22:1023:1,5 25:1430:14,17 31:731:14,19 32:332:5,15,16,2433:13 34:6,1335:2,2 37:541:5 42:2443:25 44:3,846:7,17 47:9

47:19 48:1749:18,22 50:551:12 52:9,1252:13,22,2453:10,12,14,2255:21 56:458:18 63:2566:7,7,11 67:968:3,10,12,1469:5,19,2070:4,7,11,1470:16,19 72:472:6 74:1579:23 81:1483:2 87:2188:17,22,2589:6,8 96:1796:24 109:3,4113:3

officers' 8:15official 92:19officials 5:105:11 101:15

oftentimes 37:15oh 29:17 49:1550:10

okay 6:4 15:846:23 61:2470:3 73:1383:25 84:11,1886:17 92:295:10 102:15104:25 114:17114:21

old 7:16 54:1155:2,6,9,959:4 62:7 96:896:9,12 105:22

omission 113:24on-call 74:6,1374:14

once 39:3 67:478:20

one-person 32:732:12,14,16

one-time 42:4one-way 33:2,333:19

ones 57:6 79:1979:20

onion 48:22

online 87:14OnStar 78:6open 23:15 99:15opened 76:19100:22

operate 102:23operating 101:6108:11 110:19112:2

operational 8:310:10 70:17

operations 7:88:20 9:6,18,229:23 10:4,7,1312:4,9,10,1142:22 90:15,24113:4

operators 65:1465:15 66:1472:1,1


opportunity 8:220:23 31:749:25 78:493:10

Opposed 4:3,1491:21 94:6

ops 42:19optimistic 37:11oral 10:22 11:698:11

orange 75:7ordered 56:884:24

orders 73:5,6,19organized 112:15original 113:15originally 37:4originating27:11

ought 105:25109:14

outages 10:13,15outbidding 50:24outcry 111:1Outer 32:23 33:5outfitted 51:3outlined 28:19outreach 95:1outside 18:10

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Page 18

49:7,22 50:1966:22


overall 16:10,1216:24 72:5


oversight 7:5,169:9,10 105:6105:15 106:11

overtime 85:16overturn 61:13overwhelming20:9


owned 100:20owner 100:16102:22

owners 98:25101:5 102:22

ownership 47:22

Pp.m 1:13 3:3,187:3 98:5 115:6

package 95:16,22paid 86:21pans 27:10,14paper 23:19paperwork 73:18par 81:12paranoid 107:21park 21:6 47:1176:21 77:19,2379:8,10,2382:16,20,2183:5,6 96:2197:3

parked 49:12Parks 12:20part 6:16 8:2516:12 35:2441:9 47:1757:1 63:1475:9 86:2114:10

part-one 73:25participate 73:6particular 45:16

61:6 84:2493:5,13 107:1



party 103:12116:17

pass 68:20passed 73:8patch 48:13patrol 68:3,4,473:23

patrols 10:1Paul 22:6pay 40:10paying 29:7PD 28:10peel 48:22pending 76:6Penske 50:24people 3:11 18:718:14,19 25:1830:10 39:2240:11,14 51:2251:25 52:254:24 56:1,2363:16 69:186:11 89:1196:2 97:14,1797:23 99:19101:16 103:5105:2,3,20106:5,9,19107:20 108:19110:19

percent 16:11,1216:13,14,16,1616:19,20,20,2116:22,23,23,2542:19,20 43:543:8 49:2257:6,7,1088:10,11 114:5

Perfect 12:16period 62:881:18

periods 6:25permission 64:25100:18

permits 112:7,20

perpetrator 27:4perpetrators28:18

person 40:241:13 46:655:5 59:1 61:361:25 62:6,1163:4 84:588:14 99:4,25103:16 105:12105:13 106:10

person's 61:23personal 73:4,573:19 92:18

personally 14:1240:17 57:3,14

personnel 66:1867:8 68:8,1769:8 73:1079:22 84:15

persons 66:2473:9 108:21

perspective 7:14pertain 76:12pertinent 66:23phenomenal 60:13phone 51:19 87:192:18

pick 26:17 27:1394:15 113:7

picks 81:6picture 14:515:13,13,1723:22

pictures 97:13piece 19:1538:22 68:7

pilot 26:11piloting 37:9place 3:7 99:4103:2 110:6116:9

placed 67:5places 40:1169:23

plan 8:11 21:1114:9

planning 92:1095:8

plans 10:16plates 72:14,15

Platoon 34:1142:18

play 34:7,867:12 77:10,13107:6 110:6

please 5:14,2010:24 13:1914:6 45:6 64:596:20 99:22100:5 103:10109:16

pleased 81:24pleasure 98:22plugging 45:16pocket 59:12podium 11:11point 38:1451:14 65:2275:3 85:2393:14 109:13

points 36:11police 1:7 2:163:5,15 6:13,146:21,22,23 7:67:10 8:6,15,228:23 9:10,239:24 10:1,1811:17 12:2513:4,7,8,2316:7 17:2020:4,15 21:5,723:4 24:525:24 26:1830:11,14,17,2431:7,14,19,2232:2,3,5,10,1132:13,15 33:1233:13 34:635:22 36:1837:16 39:2240:11 42:2444:10,12 45:347:9,11,11,2148:3 49:11,1852:9,12,2153:15 54:955:10 60:863:19,20 65:2066:4,5,5,6,6,766:11,11,15,1666:17,19,20

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Page 19

67:1,2,5,1568:9,15 69:569:20 70:4,670:11,14,16,1971:8 73:20,2374:8,9,15,2374:24 76:2077:18 79:2280:12 81:4,1482:22 83:6,2489:25 90:1691:14,14 92:1092:12 96:2097:1,2 103:2,6108:25 109:17111:23,24113:3


policies 103:1policing 7:1510:18 17:1446:13,15

policy 7:10 64:391:23 92:2,992:11,12,1593:4,7,7,11,2093:21

Pollard 101:9poor 37:2pop 37:15pop-called 37:17pop-up 40:14pop-ups 38:13,1340:18

population 87:18position 87:17positions 8:15positive 109:17possible 101:19107:4,11

possibly 22:4posted 45:690:17

poster 53:16,1653:16 97:9

potential 35:21power 10:12,1540:10 102:22103:7

PowerPhone 74:20


powers 7:18practices 10:810:19

prayers 22:10pre-arrival65:19

preacher 106:17precinct 11:1911:21,24 12:412:5 19:2320:3 26:4,1229:14 33:20,2337:17 38:1139:10,11 40:1443:11,12 46:447:19 48:1,251:4 53:5 85:188:25 89:1,996:16 98:8

precincts 10:1334:4 36:240:16 42:1851:2 95:19

precisely 110:2prefer 109:2,3prelim 110:21preliminarily44:20

preliminary110:16 111:11

premature 44:17premise 78:17premises 84:5preparation90:22

prepare 63:573:24 91:4

prepared 80:1192:15

presence 35:1present 89:18presentation9:20 10:516:17 36:1663:12 64:1589:13


presented 93:3

presently 86:1286:13

pressing 44:7pretty 35:11109:23

previous 8:1390:22 92:11

previously 66:1077:14

primarily 31:3principle 7:16principles 7:177:21

print 10:25priority 77:1181:18


Pritchett 46:6privilege 11:5proactive 79:3probably 22:1827:8 28:1430:5 36:1640:5 48:2156:20 61:969:11 70:280:23 87:22105:17 108:19108:23

problem 33:14,1739:8 45:1648:7 71:17105:19

problem's 56:11problematic108:23

problems 46:20procedural 35:4procedure 46:576:12,15

proceed 108:17109:23

process 18:2134:5 39:950:25 56:17,2156:24 58:159:23,25 60:460:10 63:573:7,10,18,2174:18 75:6

92:22 103:12112:6,8,14,19112:25

processed 65:2267:2 72:9

processes 90:22procurement112:6,12,16114:2

productive 8:12profanity 36:17professional13:5 14:21


profile 25:2328:12 39:5

program 20:225:11 26:330:25 31:2046:11,13,15,1646:20 47:248:17 49:250:5 51:17,2253:6 86:296:17 97:12113:4,5

progress 8:3progressive 42:342:11

promoted 11:2312:2,7

prompt 73:16promptly 67:24property 16:1216:13,24 17:1792:17

proposals 103:3proposed 102:24102:25

proposes 92:12prosecutor's44:22

prosecutors 74:474:7

protect 80:5protecting 82:4protection 11:2173:4,6,19

proud 73:8provide 6:19 7:5

Page 136: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


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Page 20

7:12 10:535:15 41:2365:18 68:1,3,568:5,12,15,1668:16,19 73:1674:2,11 90:15

providing 48:1779:21


public 1:1510:20 11:313:2,11 19:1165:22 66:2277:3 85:797:24 98:5116:6,22

published 94:22pull 47:3punishment 36:4purchase 50:7purchasing 104:2109:10 113:25114:1,10

purpose 31:4purposes 29:292:19

pursue 27:20pursuits 92:16purview 73:4push 87:1pushing 36:11,1538:21

put 18:22 34:1339:7 59:1170:14,19 78:15103:4 112:23

putting 52:257:14 96:17

Qquality 7:1317:19 18:1619:1 31:3,433:10 35:14

quarterly 90:1question 24:235:4 43:954:13,18 55:656:2,21 61:2062:1,9 78:8

79:7 84:2586:8,9 91:1892:22 102:8104:21 109:5112:3,5

questions 3:254:10 21:1023:16,18,2325:7 55:2556:1,5 57:2263:18,21 67:371:16 72:2576:16 78:180:1 83:1586:7 87:6 91:792:20 94:296:7 103:23107:19 113:18116:11

queue 75:7,16quick 45:7quickly 40:1586:15

quite 24:1054:12 80:2397:23 99:11

Rracing 34:10radio 77:8,12raid 73:25raided 74:1raise 103:18raised 53:12raising 110:18rank 11:23 12:212:7

rapidly 10:11rapport 37:7re-examination62:16


reached 93:14read 8:21 11:811:13 90:4,11

reading 43:2446:3 61:472:15

real 27:15 28:229:4 63:17,17

63:17 83:19real-time 27:927:12,16 29:678:25

really 17:18,1819:2,22 20:522:15 23:5,1525:11 29:7,835:13,13,1338:21 39:1541:15 46:1447:1 48:19,2148:25,25 52:255:17 57:2558:6 61:1962:9 69:16,1681:10,24 83:1085:12

reapply 61:3rear 96:22reason 44:1569:14,15,16

reasons 10:1522:21 69:974:25

reassigned 12:312:5,10 70:17

recall 43:18,22receive 7:7 11:373:25 110:7

received 21:2522:3 72:2100:17

receives 6:1183:9 95:18

recipient 12:14recognition12:19,20,2113:9

recognize 39:1486:24

recognizes 87:3recommend 59:7recommendation36:1 108:16

recommendations92:13,16,17,1893:20 111:21111:22,25,25112:15,23

recommended 36:2

recommends 90:19record 15:1421:15 36:784:6 107:16

recorded 116:13recording 74:23recordings 74:19records 64:2373:7,9,1074:17,22 75:2490:21

recover 28:2446:24

recovered 72:9recovering 72:13recovery 72:12Recreation 98:9recruit 59:2597:23

recruiter 59:560:8 88:18

recruiters 53:1457:4

recruiting 58:1058:21 60:369:14,16 97:22

recruitment 54:555:21 56:2257:20


redeployed 69:1969:21

reduce 31:1,8reduced 116:13reducing 29:843:13

reduction 16:15reductions 17:17reevaluated56:16

refer 101:23reference 16:18referred 102:8,9reflect 40:12reflected 113:11reflecting 6:15refuted 44:12regain 46:25regarding 90:13

Page 137: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


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Page 21

96:12 100:11101:18

regards 13:1366:7 98:2499:13

Reggie 58:5Reginald 43:17registered 74:15regular 7:145:15

regularly 24:25reimburse 79:12reinvent 58:16rejected 57:7relate 37:6related 6:2074:21 116:16

relates 16:10,2117:13 39:1283:16 96:3

relationship33:12 35:19

relative 81:22relay 66:23relocated 76:25remained 12:11remains 113:2remarks 6:1915:7

remember 23:2052:10 58:2080:23

remind 10:2352:7 97:23

remove 73:9removed 18:9rendered 38:5rendition 113:22repair 74:19101:12,20

replace 70:21replicate 20:25report 6:11 8:219:14 10:9,1416:7 19:430:13 35:1141:4,17 56:2273:8 89:1991:24 93:894:10 95:11101:18 107:3

107:11 109:13110:16,22111:11 113:11113:22


reporting 21:1622:13 25:1064:22 65:271:21 111:3

reports 9:1510:22 40:23,2340:24 45:1072:3,8,9 80:2489:17 113:3

represent 95:15representation25:4 73:20

representatives5:12 96:1


representing2:16 95:21

reprimand 42:8,9request 66:2074:12 91:1

requested 43:18requesting 91:4101:10

requests 74:18require 8:1641:9

resident 54:7resident-officer47:2


residents 17:517:11 31:13,2033:25 34:1848:3

resolution 9:1611:7,13 13:9

resolve 10:16resolved 13:6113:1

resources 83:4respect 99:9,17100:1 107:18

respected 13:4


respond 26:1934:12 55:1582:14 84:1,385:1,19

responding 33:24responds 83:6response 21:428:5 33:1972:5 75:12,1780:10,19,2481:2,9,1685:11

responsibility8:5 113:25114:7

responsible64:20 74:24

rest 112:24resulted 43:20results 83:9retire 15:1retired 11:10,1413:21 24:970:18

retirement 9:1712:12

retiring 9:18retooling 34:5retreat 17:3,418:22 29:23

returned 45:11Reverend 108:9109:16

review 92:2493:22 103:13103:17 104:14111:19

reviewed 61:7RFP 102:23,24103:4,8,12,17104:11

RFPs 104:10Rick 21:18Rickett 65:3,2566:1,2 67:1169:4,18 71:1,471:7 73:1375:20 76:2478:12,23 79:9

79:13right 4:18 15:1415:15 28:2032:25 37:13,1438:8,17 40:744:2,7 49:2051:22 52:253:15,19 55:355:20 61:1463:25 64:470:12 71:675:14 81:2483:3 88:895:25 103:1105:14 106:13106:15,18107:25 108:15111:12 114:4

rights 7:20rigor 39:7ringing 51:19risk 19:21road 46:18100:12 102:23

roads 33:7Robbery 16:19Robert 2:1421:20

Robinson 58:5role 34:7,866:15 67:1268:15 107:6

roles 67:14roll 29:3room 20:6ROPE 46:15Rosa 12:20Rosalyn 22:18roughly 19:1949:22 50:2381:8

routinely 29:133:18 37:16

row 75:4RPR 116:21rules 61:5 99:18104:16 112:2,4113:15,15

run 26:11 32:1432:18 67:475:11

Page 138: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


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Page 22

running 32:1241:12 85:13

runs 20:2 66:2072:6 75:776:20 83:5,10

SS 23:9Sacramento 23:14sacrifice 6:16safe 83:20safety 1:15 17:765:22 77:397:24 98:6101:24 102:1102:10,11

Salute 96:17San 23:14sat 105:17 108:3Saturday 7:258:8

Savage 102:16,19102:21,21

saw 22:12 46:1249:11,13 78:684:23 90:23

saying 4:1,1216:2 26:6 28:129:9 40:1261:23 82:791:19 94:399:13 105:8,13106:13 107:12107:18

says 41:5 57:559:7

scale 19:24scheduled 98:4110:3,9

school 19:2021:2 25:16,1655:8 59:1662:5,6

schools 19:1920:21 25:17

Scotty 26:5scouts 66:24seamless 39:1877:4

seasoned 64:1seat 44:11

seated 37:18second 7:4 8:1640:25 42:2043:16 84:2593:24 104:11

seconded 3:254:10 16:291:17

secondly 76:1980:15

seconds 75:6,1375:16,17 86:16

secretary 2:1362:23 94:1099:3 103:25104:24 114:4


section 9:7,2212:4 75:2392:19 103:20

secured 11:6see 11:12 19:519:11 26:727:3 31:14,1731:21 32:2,1032:11,14,1536:8 42:1943:7 46:1847:2 48:3,2257:17 63:3,1663:24 66:475:15 78:485:11 95:2397:9 104:14

seeing 29:1062:20

seen 17:18 30:1146:8

sees 27:15 104:7104:19

select 22:2129:24

selected 51:22send 24:25sending 24:11sends 79:1senior 14:351:12,13 65:1371:25 86:3

sense 53:19

62:15sent 36:1 93:22Separation 7:18September 11:2212:8 95:8116:25

sergeant 11:2311:25 21:2338:6,7 64:2565:3 66:271:19,20,23,2472:25 88:1

sergeants 66:667:6

series 87:6111:21

serious 39:1544:23

serve 14:9,16,2558:18 74:3,13

served 11:2012:25 14:1373:21

service 6:1613:2,11 15:2121:6,7,9 35:1535:18 36:2038:2,5,22 40:865:15,17,2366:14 67:2,1867:22 76:10,1176:11,14 78:1979:1 82:1486:20,21

serviced 67:21services 9:2465:14 86:23

serving 80:7,1282:6

session 7:2 8:18:1,4,7,8,128:13 19:22,2320:12 21:1

set 60:1 62:2463:7 82:1587:2 93:5104:19 113:15116:9

setting 36:2145:9 60:1

seven 33:4 59:24

69:7sexual 16:16,1844:11

shaking 55:14share 10:19 85:496:18 97:13,17

shared 53:2158:23,23

sheet 74:6sheets 99:12shell 27:3Shelley 64:2571:20

shift 42:20Shirley 2:9 4:21shooting 27:1528:12,18 37:21

shootings 16:2117:23

Shopping 96:22shops 101:12,21short 20:1 68:2368:25

shot 21:18 22:723:1 26:2027:1,11,14,25

shot's 27:13shots 28:1,23ShotSpotter 26:126:2,13,15,1626:23 27:928:22

show 76:7 78:20show-ups 73:20showed 63:18showing 28:283:18

shown 44:25shows 35:12 76:397:10

shut 36:24100:23

side 14:19 20:1120:12 26:334:15 62:20

sign 15:14signature 91:6signed 91:1293:21

significant 42:887:18 95:2

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Page 23

similar 43:1851:24 84:8

simple 35:1152:1

simply 36:2240:5 93:8

Sinai 35:3,14,1641:15 60:11

single 30:19sir 32:20 47:23sit 45:18 97:16100:4 105:19106:9

sitting 33:559:3 62:667:19 75:9106:4,17

situation 29:389:10

situations 60:23Sixty-five 15:20Slappey 97:5slide 67:12slight 43:7slow 76:11small 19:6 59:12smaller 19:2432:6 81:15

Smith 21:1898:15,16,19

smoked 62:5soft 62:19108:23 112:4

sole 31:4solve 36:25somebody 37:23son 14:6 37:20soon 39:24 78:2586:24 107:3,11

sooner 110:16sorry 15:10 30:337:20 65:1168:24 71:1289:4 98:699:24

sort 31:25sought 90:14sounds 111:9,13Southfield's32:9

space 100:19

spaces 68:25span 75:19Spanish 87:22,2288:10,13,18,2089:6,8


speak 10:2479:15 87:21,2288:7,13,1790:6 96:1499:20,20 100:2

speaker 15:224:18 41:2375:3 82:2598:14 99:7,10102:14,16,17

speaker's 10:25speakers 114:24speaking 11:513:7 17:11,2029:23 33:157:25 83:2287:23,24 88:188:3,10 98:21

speaks 86:1687:7 88:18,19

special 42:18,2146:12


specific 16:1561:4 96:2103:20

specifically17:13 26:20

speed 31:18speeding 18:1933:1,4,14,17

spent 33:2,6112:21

spoil 38:18spoke 46:6 53:653:20 98:2599:2,12,15101:13

sponsored 6:21sporadic 45:13squad 67:10SS 116:3staff 5:20 6:2

17:6,21 21:1424:15 26:24,2539:1 40:2141:3 42:10,1086:10 92:8103:16 107:9

stand 64:3standard 13:1280:20

standards 62:14standing 89:16star 48:13Starr 57:4 88:18start 4:17 5:228:6 11:6 16:924:11 87:8,8

started 20:330:15 46:2110:25

starting 4:189:14 26:1143:2,7

starts 21:2 23:981:6 87:9

state 24:2172:23 79:16101:9 116:2,7


stated 16:1428:9 77:16

states 53:2stating 56:12station 39:2294:25

stations 37:1640:11

statistic 57:2statistically17:23 35:12

stayed 62:15,17stenographic116:15


step 47:18104:20

stepped 112:11stitches 22:3stolen 16:2318:8,11 19:7,9

72:9,13store 101:3storm 72:20storms 10:11story 20:1 28:631:25 59:10

strategies 29:12strategy 29:10street 1:1731:14,16,17,1733:2,19

streets 18:2033:15 72:5

stress 64:5strip 101:4struggling 43:11stuff 105:14106:19

subcommittee8:21 9:15 90:190:12 91:392:12

subjects 66:25submissions92:11

subsequent 27:4suburban 32:8success 20:8,9successes 51:17successful 77:4suggested 20:17113:2

suggesting 41:14suggestion 30:23summarize 60:2171:14 110:5


summary 61:762:13

summit 20:14super 12:20 69:169:1


Superion 72:874:20,22 75:175:2

supervising 67:767:16

supervisor 20:2

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Page 24

65:13 68:4,8supervisors12:22 67:9,1267:14 73:14

supplement 72:8supply 61:695:24

supplying 95:25support 3:23 4:86:9 78:7 93:25

supported 94:2supposed 105:15surcharge 79:16sure 8:12 10:2525:4 30:831:22 34:139:17 42:943:4 45:1067:17 72:1777:20 80:1382:4,11 105:13114:8

Susanne 116:6,21suspect 26:23suspect's 27:2sustained 43:2176:4,5

sway 64:2sworn 69:20,20116:10

system 73:5 77:878:13,24 85:23

systems 41:25

Ttab 78:17table 11:1 97:22111:2

Tactical 12:4take 4:16 20:821:10 37:2538:7,8 40:3,946:18,19 47:1149:8,25 52:1953:7 55:1256:6 63:364:11 70:1072:3 79:3,1898:23 103:9108:21 109:3,4109:20

take-home 49:549:19 50:14,1450:23 51:8

takeaways 17:4taken 9:15 15:1719:10 37:2239:14 46:154:21 55:766:15 116:8,15

takes 38:15talk 17:16 19:824:15 25:1936:19,20 38:347:22 57:2161:17 63:281:1,10,16103:14 110:6

talked 23:1128:20 59:2276:18 105:17112:13

talking 18:1820:6 22:1924:4 29:1239:1 42:1546:7,8 49:950:12 64:1287:8,9 88:21109:1

tally 41:12tape 53:22targeted 26:3task 66:18tax 7:12TCRU 72:1teach 89:8teachers 25:17tech 26:13technological77:15


technology 26:1426:16,18 27:1928:9,21 77:777:14 87:2


telephone 64:2265:1 71:21

teletypes 73:11

73:24tell 20:1 31:2537:23 44:2151:16 57:269:23 86:1899:5,15,25100:3 107:22108:5

telling 42:1368:23,24 83:7108:2

tells 51:21ten 25:13 53:1260:19 61:966:5,6,12 68:968:12,25,2569:2,2,17,2370:3 71:1,2108:4,5

tendency 52:8terms 16:1517:15 25:2131:3 58:7 80:780:10,12,18,1882:5 107:7110:21 111:1,3111:4


testify 116:10thank 3:10,12,163:19 4:3,155:17,21 6:713:14 14:6,714:13,14 15:915:18,21,2316:5,8 25:6,925:10 31:1534:21,22,2443:16 45:5,1950:3 52:4,556:25 57:1659:19 60:14,1564:10,13 71:1372:24 77:2578:22 79:4,583:12 85:9,2087:11 89:11,1289:13,15,2091:21,22,2394:7,9,11

95:13 96:6,1597:5,18,1998:3 101:21102:6,13,18103:10,22114:25 115:1,4

thanks 15:19Thanksgiving6:24

theft 18:12Theresa 97:8thing 17:18 29:930:8 31:2138:21,23,2539:6 42:1,1243:23 46:2254:15 62:1563:25 64:576:18 78:895:5,14 97:7105:23 109:7113:1

things 17:1420:8 22:16,2525:14 30:7,2032:4 35:2038:20,21 40:1646:2 47:1,855:13 56:1558:24 61:12,1662:18,19 63:263:22 67:1676:7 78:1080:25 93:10102:25 104:12104:18 110:20

think 10:1 14:215:6 21:6 23:825:18,22 26:326:4 27:2128:3,12,2529:5,10,1130:16 35:1040:22 41:16,1944:21 49:20,2150:4,9 56:1160:2 61:869:25 78:7,7,880:3,16 82:888:10 89:1093:4,6 97:8

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Page 25

99:1 104:10,17106:3 108:9,9108:14,18109:12,23,25110:3,9,15,23113:21 114:12

third 1:17 40:2574:14

thirty 15:20thought 17:420:20 47:1250:5,17 56:6113:6

thoughts 22:10three 7:2 12:1412:16 36:1741:6 50:1655:24 63:666:6 82:1789:7

thrust 113:10Thursday 1:117:4 19:25 98:498:7 99:17

Thursdays 7:220:10

ticket 54:11,1954:19

tickets 65:20100:23

ticking 81:6tie 27:9tied 112:19tightened 112:1time 5:9,22 12:714:10,19 24:1026:4 27:1528:3 29:3,533:2,6 37:2545:11,18 47:752:21 56:2158:21 59:2261:6 72:6 75:575:7,8,10,1175:12,16,17,1875:22,25 76:1380:10,19 81:281:3,4,5,7,981:11,16 83:885:1,11 96:2297:11 98:11

99:9,9,14,1599:20 100:3,4103:10 108:18111:15 112:22116:8

timely 9:2410:10 67:2168:5 113:13

times 17:2130:10,14 32:767:19 80:2485:15 111:20

tired 18:11tirelessly 12:24tires 18:8today 3:8 5:199:19 19:625:19 38:2439:11 42:12,1843:1,7 44:1459:3,17 66:470:25 94:17,2095:16 115:1

today's 10:523:19

Todd 24:17Todd's 49:20told 20:21 22:2257:3,8 61:15

toll 104:16Tomorrow 13:22tonight 3:8tool 27:1 47:1484:24

top 56:7,8 58:1458:19

topic 28:5 95:7total 67:2 69:672:10,18 75:1175:16

totally 70:11touch 57:1567:13 68:673:13 75:2177:6

touched 22:20tours 94:16,19touts 81:1tow 101:18 103:1towers 113:14towing 98:24,25

99:2 103:5109:7 111:15111:19,20112:2

Towing's 99:10town 3:8track 30:2266:18

tracking 28:17traffic 18:1832:15 33:7,733:20,22,22,2333:24

trained 72:16,1872:21

training 8:169:2 75:1



transfer 8:229:9 90:5,893:9,20 113:25

transmit 92:15transmitted 91:5111:23


trauma 21:25travel 52:16traveling 22:15treat 23:15treated 39:22treatment 22:5tremendous 11:2528:3 53:23

trend 43:7 52:23trip 46:18trouble 55:11troubled 44:1655:17


true 44:25 59:10116:14

truly 48:12trust 24:6 46:25truth 116:10,11try 62:24 63:771:14 104:2

106:7,7,18107:4 110:21

trying 25:2031:21 104:4,14106:3,25109:19

Tuesday 22:2turn 37:7 42:1760:25 61:279:19

two 12:16 17:2537:5 38:2142:17 46:1751:6 55:2460:18 63:675:6 83:1588:11 89:798:25 100:20101:20 104:9105:23 110:16

two-minute 11:581:19

two-person 32:18type 19:1 52:1658:8

typed 61:4Typically 95:17

Uunable 3:8uncomfortable106:4,5 107:25


undergo 22:4underimpressed26:12 27:6

undermine 39:16understand 53:2454:13,18 55:656:2 59:1661:20 68:1469:22 71:1285:14 87:14105:9 106:12

understanding10:6 58:12

unemployed 103:5unfair 81:20unfairness 111:1unfortunately

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44:13 47:16103:8

unfounded 76:4UNIDENTIFIED3:22,23 4:7,815:2 24:1841:23 82:2591:10

uniformed 5:23union 5:14unique 7:14 17:953:1

unit 12:5 33:2264:22 71:2172:2 77:10,18

units 66:18,1966:20,21 74:1285:13

unknown 44:15unprepared 109:8unrelated 24:2unsafe 18:9unsustained 44:4untoward 35:22update 21:11114:18

upgraded 51:5upgrades 77:7,15upset 98:2199:24

use 7:12 28:636:17 39:2569:4 83:2085:13 86:992:18

uses 85:25utilized 43:572:19

utilizing 28:628:17

Vvacancies 69:1570:21,22 71:6

vacancy 71:9vacation 45:2446:1

vague 114:11validate 72:22validation 73:7validity 73:12

value 27:12,16101:14

vast 17:24 18:238:14

vehicle 18:1119:9 21:2231:23

vehicles 16:2318:7,12 19:766:25 72:9,1372:14,22

version 92:14versus 85:4vice 3:6victim 18:1536:23 37:1,8

victimized 18:4victims 37:6video 28:2 63:19viewing 3:11,12viewpoint 7:15violate 101:7violated 100:21violation 73:19103:21 104:7

violations 62:14violence 20:2229:8,15

violent 16:10,1016:13 17:1718:23 27:5

vision 28:21visit 23:19visited 22:14visitors 10:267:23

visually 46:8voice 74:19volunteer 20:24voted 113:24

Wwait 38:4 70:10107:23

waiting 37:18,2440:1,3 45:1787:4 108:15

walked 37:18,19walking 38:949:13

want 6:8 8:14,18

18:10 19:1020:24 23:1025:20 26:829:22 31:1634:1 39:17,2339:25 40:1141:11 42:943:3,8 45:246:10 47:2249:24 51:2552:7 54:3,1655:9,10,1557:24 69:2382:10 85:1294:12,21 95:2397:4,23 99:22100:1 105:18108:20 109:19110:20 111:1

wanted 22:1143:16 50:454:8 59:2263:14 66:24,2578:3,9 83:1790:4,11

wants 15:7warrants 73:12wasn't 32:454:17 77:12100:18

watching 46:13water 40:1066:22

Watkins 65:2,7,965:11 72:1773:3 74:1779:14 84:13,2086:22

way 18:4 19:1127:20 30:13,2231:18 33:1837:4 43:1358:19 67:570:13 81:1282:15 85:1487:1,15 88:1288:20,21 97:15112:14

Wayne 21:5,874:4,5,9 101:9

ways 89:9

we'll 8:7 63:571:16 77:682:20 98:11

we're 16:11,1916:19,22,23,2418:21,22,23,2519:7 20:14,1920:25 27:1829:10 31:2133:17 34:5,1736:20,24 37:937:9,11 38:2138:23 39:6,1640:5 43:11,1245:17 47:4,750:24 51:1553:9 55:4,1260:5 62:2064:12 68:1069:14,16 70:2070:21,22,2471:10 73:176:1 79:2180:7,19,21,2281:10,23,2587:4 88:2195:8 96:1897:22 102:4104:4,14 105:5105:6,6,6,14106:6,20 107:1107:3 108:5,6109:13 110:23110:23 112:17114:17

we've 6:22 17:1731:12 36:14,2541:24 42:1747:15 51:2158:1 59:2161:7 63:267:19,19 70:476:12 77:2,1978:15 95:18109:10 112:9112:21

weapon 29:437:21,22

weather 10:12weave 10:18wed 30:6

Page 143: DETROIT BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY … · 11 At this time we'll have oral communications 12 from the audience. 13 MR. BROWN: Madam Chair, I currently have 14 four cards


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Page 27

Wednesday 97:25week 6:12,13,146:22,24 16:1716:17 17:219:14,16 20:1421:5 23:4 24:342:7,15 43:353:11 60:998:19,23 108:1108:1 114:19

weekly 6:11110:24,24

weeks 7:2 19:336:17 51:654:6 55:2563:6 110:11,16

weigh 59:5,15weight 59:6Welcome 3:4Well-attended21:9

well-being 74:283:16



went 20:11,1337:16 44:1446:5 58:16,1959:4,10 93:5101:9 112:1

west 14:19 20:1134:16

wheel 58:16wheels 18:819:10

white 24:7 55:1992:4,7,9 94:9

whoever's 107:19wife 98:20 99:11wild 47:13William 2:104:19

Williams 5:2125:2,3 36:1336:14 92:798:17

Willie 2:4,64:25 5:7 23:11

willing 47:6

window 81:3windstorm 72:20wiped 35:21wisdom 68:16,19wish 41:15 56:9wishes 96:25witness 116:9,12witnessed 58:17women 20:20,2235:17 64:7,897:24

wonder 41:1101:19

wonderful 14:115:3 46:7 78:880:4

wondering 24:1033:1 35:4

word 20:3words 80:11work 7:5,9 17:1018:24,25 19:819:15,24 20:2425:15 30:1731:5 34:2535:13 38:15,1539:16 40:1348:2 49:1657:5 60:1378:9 85:386:11 101:16104:2 112:4

worked 47:14,24114:8

workers 50:6working 20:1429:10 30:18,1931:9 36:1241:15 43:1046:9 49:1 52:352:25 60:1197:8 107:15,22107:23,24,24

works 63:8 84:286:18

world 63:17,1864:6

worried 42:23wouldn't 40:9wound 36:22Wow 13:25 32:3

wreak 19:2write 60:23writs 73:21wrong 33:1844:18,21

Wyrick 103:15,15103:18 104:1

XXL 12:21

Yyeah 26:2 36:1341:24 49:1552:6 53:1878:12 89:9114:16

year 8:4,13 9:1414:24,25 16:1122:23 60:1861:8 76:2590:3 111:18,18

years 9:19 13:113:11 15:19,2015:21 25:1346:21 53:254:11 55:2,6,955:9 59:460:12 62:680:24 86:5103:6 105:20105:21,22,23108:4,5 109:1110:25

yesterday 106:23yesterday's23:21

young 5:16,1619:19,21 20:620:10,18,20,2220:25 21:225:12,16,1829:14 37:654:5 60:963:16 64:5

youthful 37:5

Zzoning 100:13,25101:2,10


11 2:5 5:4 16:1216:23 34:1165:21 66:2576:1

1,958 72:810 51:3 65:2167:1 86:15

10,000 81:13100 42:19 43:5,8114:5

10100 100:12102.3-6.6 92:2010500 98:910th 4:6 72:775:12

11 82:2411-minute 81:111th 96:1612 16:13 48:165:13 82:23,2482:24,25 83:192:20

12-minute 81:812:00 8:6 96:2212th 43:1013 69:6 75:1792:16

1301 1:1714 8:17 16:12,2420:19 116:25

14201 102:2314th 11:16 98:715 16:15 76:986:15

1646 102:2517 1:11 3:216:19

17,761 72:817th 3:20 94:2218 20:19 62:11103:6 105:20

18PC 102:2519 59:4 62:111985 11:161993 11:221999 12:319th 96:12,18

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1st 9:14 72:775:22

22 2:11 5:6 16:202,000 56:2372:22

20 46:20 68:1176:2,10

2005 77:12011 12:82012 75:4,4,122017 75:21,22,2376:8

2018 1:11 3:28:17 9:1465:21,21 67:167:1 72:7 76:176:1,12,25

202.7 92:162023 116:2521 55:922 16:2122nd 12:823 16:2323rd 12:3 97:2524 22:19 76:224-hour 81:1824/7 52:2224th 98:525 16:22 19:1958:18

257 86:1628th 72:182nd 11:22 98:8

33 2:9 4:22 32:2275:16 96:16

3,500 83:93:00 1:13 3:3,187:3 98:5

30 9:19 13:119:19 58:18

306.3 92:1730th 75:23 76:133 75:12347,933 65:2335 62:6,1236 16:16 74:1438 70:16 72:18

3rd 100:10101:18

44 2:4 5:1 16:2042:18 76:13

4:00 96:2340 53:2141 72:143 75:1644 75:24 76:948 66:10 70:471:3

48226 1:1949 66:14 71:94th 11:24 12:4,539:11 77:278:5 88:2589:8

55 2:6 5:8 16:1485:4

5:25 115:650 57:5,6,1071:8

54,635 72:105th 40:14 53:5

66 16:11 71:2592:17

6:30 7:4 98:865 49:2265th 13:236th 11:18,20

77 2:10 4:2070s 58:2,3,16767 83:107th 37:17 39:1147:19 48:1,276:24 77:4

88 47:13 76:14,158:00 98:180s 58:2,1785 42:2086 75:17

86,849 67:28th 7:25 8:743:11 46:4

99 75:13 76:1185:4

9:30 98:190-year-old108:3

911 9:20 64:1564:21 65:3,865:12,16,2272:17,22 74:1879:1 81:6,1183:9 87:3

97 65:1598 105:229th 7:25 19:2320:3 26:4,1229:14 43:1251:4 89:1