Detoxing with Neways is as simple as

Detoxing with Neways is as simple as 1. 2. 3. Professions most at risk of toxic build up... Hairdressers Beauticians Nail technicians Gardeners Painters

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Page 1: Detoxing with Neways is as simple as 1. 2. 3. Professions most at risk of toxic build up... Hairdressers Beauticians Nail technicians Gardeners Painters

Detoxing with Neways is as simple as 1 . 2 . 3

Page 2: Detoxing with Neways is as simple as 1. 2. 3. Professions most at risk of toxic build up... Hairdressers Beauticians Nail technicians Gardeners Painters

Professions most at risk of toxic build up... HairdressersBeauticiansNail techniciansGardenersPainters

Industrial workersNursesSome


Page 3: Detoxing with Neways is as simple as 1. 2. 3. Professions most at risk of toxic build up... Hairdressers Beauticians Nail technicians Gardeners Painters

Reasons to detox some medications poor diet processed foods biological toxins x-rays electromagnetic fields smoking recreational drugs alcohol intestinal problems hormonal problems chemical exposure through garden/household and personal care

products including but not limited to insecticides, herbicides, heavy metals

and solvents

Apart from the regular wear and tear of life; there are also a large number of factors that may increase the toxin load upon your body including:

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headacheslethargyclouded fuzzy

thinkingbad breath body odourbowel disordersweight gainpoor concentrationmuscle aches &


immune suppression chemical sensitivities mood swings

There are a large number of symptoms that may indicate the need to detoxify:

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Detoxing is all about improving and optimising the function of

your body’s own detox systems. This is done by decreasing

the amount of toxins we put into our bodies while at the

same time supporting our body’s detoxification and

elimination systems with the good nutrients it needs to

function properly.

A detox exercises your body system so it's most important to

begin gently.

Prepare your system by taking “New Vera” followed by two

large glasses of water.

This will help to gently sooth the stomach and remove

unwanted waste from the bowel.

Personal Preparation

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Bathroom Preparation

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Duration: 2-7 days depending on how your bowel is functioning.

Products: NewVera - 30mL before bed followed by 2 glasses of water. (More if required for severe constipation.)

Comments: One to two looser bowel movements are required. Everyone is different so this stage can go for two days (normal bowel function) to five days if chronically constipated. If constipation is severe then take 2 tsp. of magnesium sulfate mixed with 200mL of water or NewVera.

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NewVeraAloe Vera has untold centuries of traditional use dating back to the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and Middle East who revered it for its powerful digestive properties and a host of other traditional uses through to modern day users who enjoy the plant’s antioxidant effects in the body.

Aloe Vera has been cultivated and employed throughout most of the world in a broad range of cultures. Aloe Vera contains an extensive range of active ingredients and phytochemicals which show various benefits in many clinical situations. For internal health it is primarily used in detoxifying the gastrointestinal tract. It also has proven external uses with its moisturising and skin soothing properties.

Neways takes the goodness of aloe from the plant to the bottle, using the aloe vera leaf gel that is certified organic by the International Aloe Science Council, to formulate NewVera.

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Primarily focused on the digestive system, this first stage

aims to remove dysbiotic organisms (parasites, fungi etc.)

and waste from the digestive system.

The following ingredients can prove beneficial: wormwood,

mugwort, clove, pawpaw, garlic, pumpkin, aniseed,

pomegranate, white walnut, grapefruit and pau d'arco.

Colostrum is an important help as it contains

immunoglobulin's which aid in the removal of foreign

microbes from the gut.

Stage 1 – Clean Your System

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Duration: Approximately 60 daysProducts: Purge - 2 tablets in the morning

and 1 at night until first bottle used. Take 5 day break then repeat with second bottle

TransFactor - 3 capsules in the morning and 2 at night

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There are some good things that will be living in your intestine – and almost certainly some that definitely shouldn’t! Healthy, natural bowel flora is an integral part of a properly functioning digestive system, and absolutely vital for your immune system. Intestinal parasites can rob you of nutrients and cause serious illness, as well as a myriad number of low grade illness that effect lifestyle enjoyment.

Support the good and eliminate the bad with Purge. Its unique combination of herbal ingredients helps to rid the body of parasites and maintain a healthy intestinal flora. This in turn helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system so you can get back to enjoying your health and wellness.


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Because the first stage will have removed some of the good

flora along with all the bad , you will need to replenish your

natural healthy bacteria.

A symbiotic containing Lactobacillus acidophilus

and BiFidobacterium lactis strains will help to maintain good

digestive function.

Probiotics have been shown to bind to and

eliminate wastes. This will help to recolonise the bowel’s

micro flora.

We also need to support the kidneys and help the pH stasis of

various bodily systems. Potassium and magnesium aspartate

as well as vitamin B6 can help with the regulation of water and

electrolyte losses.

Stage 2 – Revitalise Your System

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Duration: Approximately 30 daysProducts: Lacto-Flora - 1 dual sachet every

day Orachel or Orachel Plus – 2

tablets twice dailyGreen Qi - 1 scoop three times a

day mixed with water

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GREEN QIInspired by the wisdom and healing legacy of traditional Chinese medicine; Green Qi is designed to benefit your overall wellbeing by supporting vitality and healthy digestion.

The plant and herbal ingredients in Green Qi provide a rich source of essential nutrients, antioxidants and active enzymes that can provide health benefits through stimulating cell renewal, supporting alkalising diets, adding fibre, encouraging correct bodily function and promoting a general detoxification of the system.

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You really are what you eat and what lives in your gut.Your GI tract is a factory of immune cell activity- an astounding 80% of your immune response comes from here.The bacteria in the GI tract out numbers the cells in your body ten to one- 100 trillion of them.Every day your body is exposed to countless numbers of bacteria and other microbes When the good bacteria in your gut is outweighed by the bad bacteria, you’re prone to digestive discomfort and other health conditions.With 30 billion beneficial bacteria in one sachet of Lacto-Flora, it will help restore health and balance to your digestive system.

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Now we need to support the liver so it can release toxins at

maximum efficiency.

There are many substances that can help here...

St Marys Thistle protects the liver and aids in the

nourishment and renewal of the liver. Broccoli, vitamin E

and alpha lipoic acid may also be of assistance. Grape

seed extract, vitamin C and beta carotene act as

powerful antioxidants which are beneficial for all tissues

and will aid the detoxification process by reducing oxidative

stress on the liver. Green Qi can help support, having an

alkalising effect during this time.

Stage 3 . Support Your System

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Duration: Approximately 30 daysProducts: Protectiver -1 to 2 tablets three times

dailyCascading Revenol - 1 tablet in the

morning and nightRevenol - 2 twice daily for 3 days, then

after 3 days, 1 tablet twice daily Green Qi - 1 scoop three times daily with

water or NewVera

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Cascading RevenolAntioxidants work with your body’s natural systems to help remove excess free radicals – the substances linked to many serious health disorders.

Cascading Revenol’s special formulation and sustained release delivery system provide your body with a powerful combination of antioxidants throughout the day and night.

Neways' technologically advanced cascading formulation releases many scavenging molecules to take multiple free radicals from the cells of the body. A constant slow release of nutrients also enhances the body's ability to regulate metabolic pathways.

This means the nutrients in Cascading Revenol are released over a longer period and are more efficiently absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract to ensure optimum utilisation by the body's systems.

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ProtectiverProtectiver supports the normal

healthy processes of the liver, provides a valuable source of antioxidants and when used regularly can help with the normal healthy detoxification and regeneration of the liver.

Its prime ingredient, St Mary's thistle, has a long history of medicinal use associated with liver health. Modern science reveals it contains silymarin, which can protect liver cells from oxidation and other factors that can cause them damage.

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Detox lifestyle tips1. Exercise regularly, ideally 30-40 minutes of moderate

intensity aerobic exercise every day.

2. Avoid recreational drugs, including nicotine and alcohol, which interfere with detoxification.

3. Drink pure filtered water, ideally at least 2 litres per day, or more in hot weather or during intense activity.

4. Detoxify your environment, eliminate or minimise your use of potentially harmful products.

5. Avoid toxic emotions and stress. Choose to be positive, optimistic and focused on improving your health.

6. Dry skin brushing. Before showering, spend 5-10 minutes brushing all over with a firm bristled brush in the direction of the heart.

7. Massage can assist with detoxification, particularly lymphatic drainage.

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Detox EatingAs well as the specific substances recommended at each of the 3

key stages, a healthy diet reduces the toxic load on your body. Simply, the better the fuel you provide your body, the more efficiently it can operate.

Look for fresh organic seasonal fruit and vegetables- emphasis on fresh.

Whenever possible avoid packaged and processed foods, reduce sugars and salt, and eliminate artificial colours, flavours, additives, stabilisers, flavour enhancers and hydrogenated fats. Pay attention to what’s on the label!

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Detox Eating - contBetter milk options are soy, goat, rice and nut milks,

but if choosing soy make sure it is made form whole soy beans not isolates.

By looking at your lifestyle and environment, you can minimise the amount of toxins entering your body and reduce the overall effect they can have on your wellbeing.

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You only get one body, it’s up to you to give it the best possible care!