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Page 1: DETOX SUPPORT TOOLS - Zesty Ginger




Page 2: DETOX SUPPORT TOOLS - Zesty Ginger


OIL PULLINGOil pulling is one of our favorite detox tools and it is so easy to do. Oil pulling removes unwanted bacteria and yeast from the mouth, which is critical considering germs from your mouth travel through your digestive system and lead to health complications and infections. An unhealthy mouth typically equals an unhealthy body. The oil pulling also helps remove toxins deposited on the tongue.

You can use coconut oil or sesame oil for oil pulling. To start, put 1-2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth and swish the oil for 5-20 minutes. Then, spit the oil into the trash to avoid it hardening and clogging up your sink. Rinse your mouth with warm water and sea salt then brush your teeth.

You should do oil pulling on an empty stomach. If you are doing both oil pulling and tongue scraping, we suggest you start with the oil pulling.

** If you have loose fillings than oil pulling isn’t a good idea. Check with your dentist if there is any reason oil pulling is a problem for you!

TONGUE SCRAPINGWe suggest scraping your tongue daily in the morning and before bed. This method removes the mucus and toxic buildup in your mouth. Use a tongue scraper or a spoon to reach to the back of your tongue and pull forward, scraping off the white film and repeating. We like Dr. Tung’s Tongue Cleaner or the copper tongue scraper’s from The Dirt. What’s more is that our mouths can tell us a lot so make sure to read the article for a whole lot more information!

Page 3: DETOX SUPPORT TOOLS - Zesty Ginger

SKIN BRUSHINGWe cannot say enough about skin brushing. It is easy to do, and your kidneys will thank you for it. You can skin brush in the morning before your shower and at night. Skin brushing supports your lymphatic system, kidneys, and liver, and has been shown to reduce toxins by 25% in the body.

Link to periscope Megan’s and Alex’s: https://vimeo.com/153763426


1. Skin brush with a dry brush (made for this purpose) before you shower or bathe. One example is the Yerba Prima, available at Amazon or your local natural food store.

2. Always brush toward your heart with the flow of the lymphatic fluid.

3. Start at the soles of your feet and then move up your legs, brushing in a circular motion.

4. Brush your chest and shoulders toward your heart in long strokes, and then start at the fingertips and brush toward your body. Use small, circular strokes in your armpits.

5. Move in a circular motion counterclockwise on your stomach to respect the direction of digestion and encourage detoxification.

CASTOR OIL PACKThis support tool is a favorite! Once you master the castor oil pack, you will never look back. There are two ways to do a pack:

1. Rub castor oil on your stomach, the right side of your liver, and upper abdomen. Some people prefer to soak a cloth, towel, or old shirt in the castor oil, wrap the pack with an old towel or t-shirt and then apply over the desired organ. You can lay a hot water bottle, heating pad or Alex’s favorite is a sock full of rice heated up in the microwave on the top of the pack and relax as you release toxins for about 45 minutes.


2. Lay down on a towel and rub the castor oil on your stomach, the right side of your liver, and upper abdomen. Then re-apply every 15 minutes until you’ve reached the 45-minute mark.

Alex’s periscope: https://vimeo.com/156500975

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CONTRAST SHOWERINGContrast showering is so easy to do and requires no extra purchases! In the shower, alternate between hot and cold water to support lymphatic drainage. The hot water brings blood flow to the skin’s surface while the cold water directs blood flow inward to the organs.

We recommend three minutes of hot water, one minute of cold, three minutes of hot, and so on. You can repeat this for 15 minutes, always finishing with cold water.

ACUPUNCTURE MATSWhile acupuncture mats aren’t the same as getting acupuncture from a trainer professional, they can be an amazing tool for helping to detox our bodies but stimulating lymphatic flow and detox our minds after a long day of running around! We love winding down for the day by laying on the mat for about 15 minutes with a bare back. We like this one from Amazon.

GINGER LOWER ABDOMEN/BACK COMPRESSESThese work wonders for painful cramps and back pain during the Pause (4th) phase and Release (1st) phase.


1. Brew a strong ginger tea with either 1 inch of grated fresh root in 8 oz of hot water or 2 dried ginger tea bags in 8 oz of hot water.

2. Let steep for 15 minutes.

3. Then let cool for 20-30 more...or until you can dip a finger into it without it being too hot.

4. Gently dip a clean washcloth into the tea and then squeeze out the excess liquid.

5. Apply to lower abdomen or back for 5-10 minutes.

Note: Make sure to check your skin regularly to make sure it’s not being irritated by the ginger! Decrease the amount of ginger you use or leave the compress on for shorter periods of time if that’s the case.

Alternative herb: if you have wild feverfew growing wild around where you live, you can all use that herb in these compresses as it minimizes the symptoms of menstrual cramps and back pain. Please make sure you double and triple check that you’re foraging the right plant if you’re finding it out in the wild!

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These work well to stimulate good natural detoxification during the Plateau (3rd) and Pause (4th) phases.


1. Brew a cilantro tea with either 1 tablespoon of fresh cilantro in 8 oz of hot water or 2 tablespoons of dried cilantro in 8 oz of hot water.

2. Let steep for 15 minutes.

3. Then let cool for 20-30 more...or until you can dip a finger into it without it being too hot.

4. Gently dip a clean washcloth into the tea and then squeeze out the excess liquid.

5. Apply to right upper abdomen (right below the ribs on the right side) for 5-10 minutes.

Note: Make sure to check your skin regularly to make sure it’s not being irritated by the cilantro! Decrease the amount of cilantro you use or leave the compress on for shorter periods of time if that’s the case.


These two body parts don’t get a lot of love and get a TON of flack for “being stinky”! In all honesty, these body areas help us move toxins out of our body...and it’s great to give them a hand with this.

Speaking of getting a hand, you’ll want to ask a friend or partner to help you with this detox tool! You can still do it if you’re on your own though, so keep reading.


1. Mix 2 tablespoons of bentonite clay with 4 tablespoons of water (or aloe vera juice, if you want to make this fancy!

2. Lay down a towel or sheet on the ground so that you won’t make a mess.

3. Apply the bentonite clay mixture to the bottoms of your feet with your hands or an old makeup brush. (Do this like you’d apply any face mask.)

4. Then, lay down on your back and raise your arms above your head. Have your buddy apply the remaining bentonite clay mixture on your armpits. If you’re too ticklish to let someone else do this, you can just do one armpit at a time.

5. Leave the detox mask on these areas for 8-10 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.