POSTER TEMPLATE BY: www.PosterPresentations.com Detectors for High-Flux Experiments at Jefferson Lab Devi L. Adhikari (Advisor: Dustin McNulty) Idaho State University Abstract : Abstract : Motivations for Direct Measurement of CSV FP det. CAD drawing and installed in HRS: PREX-II/CREX High precision, statistic limited measurements of A pv . Require extreme control over systematic errors. The focal plane (FP) detector package together with Hall A standard HRSs, VDCs, and scintillating trigger systems constitutes PREX-II/CREX detector system. R & D preparations for the FP detectors include FP simulations to get elastic peak size and expected flux rates. PMT gain curve measurements. Several beam tests at MAMI and SLAC for benchmarking optical MC. PE yields and resolution, position, and angle dependence. Precision PMT non-linearity characterization. Custom GEM readout design; cosmic-ray tests and SLAC test-beam. CSV parameterization: δu v = −δd v = k(1 − x) 4 x −0.5 (x − 0.0909) Summary: Acknowledgements: This work is supported by NSF Grant Numbers: 1615146 and 1941371 Parity-violating electron scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab use detectors that routinely intercept and “count” scattered electrons at extremely high rates:10 7 to 10 11 Hz. This is because these experiments measure tiny asymmetries (A PV ), typically of order 10 -6 to 10 -8 , to access neutral current weak interaction amplitudes with high precision and statistics-dominated uncertainty. Two recent A PV measurements at Jlab, PREX-II and CREX, required focal plane detectors to count electrons at ~2.2 GHz and 27 MHz, respectively. A future A PV measurement, MOLLER, will have focal plane detectors with rates near 8 - 10 GHz. These high flux rates impose stringent rad-hard requirements on the design and material properties of the detectors. The current designs use a novel “thin- quartz” Cerenkov radiator coupled to a pmt to capture a ~uniform flash of light for each intercepted electron. This poster will detail the design and performance of the HRS focal plane package for PREX-II and CREX. Designed, constructed and operated by the ISU parity group, the PREX-II/CREX detector package includes four thin-quartz detectors and three 10 cm x 20 cm active area GEM tracking chambers for each HRS arm. The four quartz detectors consist of the main integrating “tandem-mount” and two auxiliary (background monitor) detectors. Additionally, we designed and installed multiple generations of Hall A SAMs (previously known as LUMIs)-which count primary and secondary scattered flux from the target to monitor both beam and target performance. PREX-I vs PREX-II design and MC tuning: Background and Motivation: PMT linearity and gain curve characterization: FP Detector Alignment: Small Angle Monitors (SAMs): Auxiliary (AT) Detectors: background monitors FP detector performance: Each FP detector was aligned, ensuring that inelastic events were well excluded from the quartz acceptance, and checked regularly for any potential shift in elastic peak due to tiny beam energy drifts. RMS/Mean =26.4% Data PREX-II detector alignment Proj. y on det. plane Proj. x on det. plane Quartz acceptance (x vs y) Quartz 16x3.5x0.5 cm 3 Total Flux Accepted by Quartz Missed by Quartz Quartz Edge 48 Ca spectrum on detector plane 208 Pb spectrum on detector plane The Upstream Tandem-mount quartz was ~0.9 m above VDC. Fraction of events accepted along transport y = ~97%. A pair of AT detectors in each HRS. Sensitive to up-down dependent asymmetry due to horizontal component of transverse polarization of electron beam. Accepted by: MAIN only MAIN & ATL1 ATL1 only MAIN and ATL2 ATL2 only Accepted by: MAIN only MAIN & ATL1 ATL1 only MAIN and ATL2 ATL2 only Beam Pipe Inner view of Beam Pipe Quartz Lightguide PMT SAM5 SAM6 SAM4 SAM3 SAM2 SAM1 SAM8 SAM7 SAMs are a modified design of Hall A luminosity monitors (LUMIs). Eight SAMs symmetric around beamline, ~7 m downstream of the target. Three of the four pairs have unity gain to handle high rates (~100 GHz). They each use 3.3 x 2.0 x 1.3 cm 3 fused-silica as Cerenkov radiator. Cerenkov photons are directed to the Hamamatsu R375 (2”) PMT window using air-core mirrored-aluminum light-guide. Monitor null asymmetry (theoretical) at extremely small Q 2 and small-angle (~0.5 0 ). Thee extreme rates allow a measure of electronic noise-floor in the hall. They could also monitor and help correct potential false asymmetry. They could serve as diagnostic tools for target density fluctuations. Fig. Beamline with SAMs installed and CAD drawing of eight SAMs. Fig. Non-linearity of PREX-II MAIN detector’s PMTs. They ran at the marked HVs. Fig. Gain curves for PREX-II MAIN detector’s PMTs (taken from B. Lowe). e - Quartz detectors Three GEMs with 10 x 20 cm 2 active area y degree of freedom x degree of freedom θ degree of freedom Tandem design provides independent redundant A pv measurement (in case one detector has problem) Yield: 28 photo-electrons (in peak). PREX-II rate: ~2.2 GHz and CREX rate: ~27 MHz. Achieved >90 % GEM efficiency (preliminary). Detector non-linearity is one of the most important systematic errors. Each PMT was tested for linearity at various high voltages (HV) and several light levels. Multiple tests were performed to check repeatability. HV for a PMT was chosen based on it’s best linear performance. We also performed the linearity test after PREX-II at the exact running HVs. Non-linearity should contribute ~0.3 % systematic as proposed. The following Fig. shows non-linearity of PREX-II Main detector PMTs as a function of HV. The data points within oval were taken after PREX-II running and the rest were taken before running and installation in the HRS detector huts. A gain curve was measured for each PMT before installing them in the detector hut. Up to 1800 V, the curve follows G = g(V/n) n , V is HV, g and n are the fitting parameters, then goes linearly with HV. Used rad-hard, optically polished fused silica. Scattered electrons traverse quartz at 45 0 . Used aluminum air-core light guide to direct Cerenkov light to pmt. PREX-I vs PREX-II/ CREX thin quartz dets PMT PMT PREX-II e - PREX-I used 6 mm (10 mm) thick quartz in upstream (downstream). PREX-II and CREX used 5 mm thick quartz in all detectors. Quartz thickness was chosen based on light yield and resolution. The resolution affects A pv width by σ A pv = σ meas 1 +( RMS Mean ) 2 MAMI testbeam with PREX det 855 MeV e - beam PREX thin quartz tandem detector G4 event visualization for PREX-II detector e - thin quartz pmt 90cm PREX-I Focal pl ane PE dists: Real data vs. Sim data Quartz Edge Elastic Peak Excited States Total Flux Accepted By quartz Missed by quartz Total Flux Accepted By quartz Missed by quartz Quartz Edge Excited States Simu lation Peak =27.7 RMS Mean =0.2091 , Peak =27.65 RMS Mean =0.2428 , UVA GEM AT1 GEM3 GEM2 GEM1 MAIN Tandem e - AT2 JLab HallA parity group, PREX-II/CREX collaboration. Total events Accepted by ATL1 ATL1 MAIN Proj. x (m) Proj. x (m) Total events Accepted by ATL2 ATL2 MAIN Proj. x (m) Proj. x (m) Fig: PREX-II asymmetry distribution for slug40. Data Gaussian fit σ reg = 96 ppm Asymmetry (ppm) σ meas = σ reg 2 BCM res 2 BPM res 2 σ A pv = σ meas 1 +( RMS / Mean ) 2 Det res = RMS Mean BPM includes position and energy monitors. Width on measured A pv gets broadened by detector resolution. US Both Arms DS Both Arms Detector rate vs run number Run rate (GHz) 85 uA Pb10 Pb9 Pb8 Pb5 Pb7 Pb6 70 uA wien0 wien1 wien2 wien3 Detected rate vs run number A new thin-quartz Cerenkov detector concept has been developed and successfully deployed for the recent high-flux parity experiments at JLab: PREX-II and CREX. These detectors require radiation-hard components and are constructed of high- purity, optically-polished fused silica (Spectrosil 2000) radiators. The PREX-II/CREX main focal-plane detectors use total internal reflection inside the radiator, and no air-core lightguide, to direct Cerenkov light to pmt. The new design doubles light yield and improves resolution by compared to previous designs. PMT/base/HV settings determined to give non-linearity of focal plane detector pmt responses below 0.5% for PREX-II and CREX. SAMs worked well during CREX – provided valuable diagnostics and gave an understanding and plan to develop future MOLLER SAM. The same approach used to design the PREX-II/CREX detectors will be used to develop next generation high-flux detectors for MOLLER: ShowerMax ring calorimeter and SAMs. These new detector concepts will benefit MOLLER, as well as provide potential detector technology for future EIC applications. 2 2 Orientation between quartz, pmt and scattered electron changed: scattered electrons traverse perpendicular to quartz plane. allows capture of both sides of Cerenkov cone – instead of losing one side due to critical angle. use TIR inside quartz as light guide – instead of aluminum air-core reflector to direct light to PMT. less sensitivity to extra noise due to δ-ray production. effectively ~doubles light yield and improves RMS by . however, more light yield variation for electrons with different incident angles. multiple beam tests at MAMI and SLAC. tuned simulations agree well with beam tests data. Data was divided into ~equal statistical chunks called “slugs”. PREX-II and CREX collected 94 and 86 slugs respectively. Asym. distribution of slug40 of PREX-II is given in the following figure No Gaussian tail over 4 orders of magnitude. Regressed width L/R average asymmetry is ~96 ppm (parts per million). We achieved a few ppm of BCM and BPM resolution and a few tens of ppm of energy resolution. After correcting for BCM, BPM, energy, and detector resolutions we get pure statistical width in measured A pv . The following plot shows the sum of the detected rate in two HRSs vs run from slug21 to slug94 during PREX-II. A sharp fall in rate indicates target degradation.

Detectors for High-Flux Experiments at Jefferson Lab Devi ... · Devi L. Adhikari (Advisor: Dustin McNulty) Idaho State University Abstract : Abstract: Motivations for Direct Measurement

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Detectors for High-Flux Experiments at Jefferson LabDevi L. Adhikari (Advisor: Dustin McNulty)

Idaho State University

Abstract : Abstract :

Motivations for Direct Measurement of CSV

FP det. CAD drawing and installed in HRS:

PREX-II/CREX High precision, statistic limited measurements of A


Require extreme control over systematic errors. The focal plane (FP) detector package together with Hall A standard HRSs,

VDCs, and scintillating trigger systems constitutes PREX-II/CREX detector system.

R & D preparations for the FP detectors include➢ FP simulations to get elastic peak size and expected flux rates.➢ PMT gain curve measurements.➢ Several beam tests at MAMI and SLAC for benchmarking optical MC.➢ PE yields and resolution, position, and angle dependence.➢ Precision PMT non-linearity characterization.➢ Custom GEM readout design; cosmic-ray tests and SLAC test-beam.

CSV parameterization: δu

v = −δd

v = k(1 − x)4 x −0.5 (x − 0.0909)



This work is supported by NSF Grant Numbers:

1615146 and 1941371

Parity-violating electron scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab use detectors that routinely intercept and “count” scattered electrons at extremely high rates:107 to 1011 Hz. This is because these experiments measure tiny asymmetries (APV), typically of order 10-6 to 10-8, to access neutral current weak interaction amplitudes with high precision and statistics-dominated uncertainty. Two recent APV measurements at Jlab, PREX-II and CREX, required focal plane detectors to count electrons at ~2.2 GHz and 27 MHz, respectively. A future APV measurement, MOLLER, will have focal plane detectors with rates near 8 - 10 GHz. These high flux rates impose stringent rad-hard requirements on the design and material properties of the detectors. The current designs use a novel “thin-quartz” Cerenkov radiator coupled to a pmt to capture a ~uniform flash of light for each intercepted electron. This poster will detail the design and performance of the HRS focal plane package for PREX-II and CREX. Designed, constructed and operated by the ISU parity group, the PREX-II/CREX detector package includes four thin-quartz detectors and three 10 cm x 20 cm active area GEM tracking chambers for each HRS arm. The four quartz detectors consist of the main integrating “tandem-mount” and two auxiliary (background monitor) detectors. Additionally, we designed and installed multiple generations of Hall A SAMs (previously known as LUMIs)-which count primary and secondary scattered flux from the target to monitor both beam and target performance.

PREX-I vs PREX-II design and MC tuning:

Background and Motivation:PMT linearity and gain curve characterization:

FP Detector Alignment:

Small Angle Monitors (SAMs):

Auxiliary (AT) Detectors: background monitors

FP detector performance:● Each FP detector was aligned, ensuring that inelastic events were well excluded

from the quartz acceptance, and checked regularly for any potential shift in elastic peak due to tiny beam energy drifts.

RMS/Mean =26.4% Dat


PREX-II detector alignment

Proj. y on det. plane Proj. x on det. plane Quartz acceptance (x vs y)Quartz

16x3.5x0.5 cm3Total FluxAcceptedby QuartzMissed by



48Ca spectrum on detector plane208Pb spectrum on detector plane

● The Upstream Tandem-mount quartz was ~0.9 m above VDC.● Fraction of events accepted along transport y = ~97%.

● A pair of AT detectors in each HRS.● Sensitive to up-down dependent asymmetry due to

horizontal component of transverse polarization of electron beam.

Accepted by:MAIN only

MAIN & ATL1ATL1 only

MAIN and ATL2ATL2 only

Accepted by:MAIN only

MAIN & ATL1ATL1 only

MAIN and ATL2ATL2 only

Beam Pipe

Inner view of Beam Pipe










● SAMs are a modified design of Hall A luminosity monitors (LUMIs).● Eight SAMs symmetric around beamline, ~7 m downstream of the target.● Three of the four pairs have unity gain to handle high rates (~100 GHz).● They each use 3.3 x 2.0 x 1.3 cm3 fused-silica as Cerenkov radiator.● Cerenkov photons are directed to the Hamamatsu R375 (2”) PMT window

using air-core mirrored-aluminum light-guide.● Monitor null asymmetry (theoretical) at extremely small Q2 and small-angle

(~0.50).● Thee extreme rates allow a measure of electronic noise-floor in the hall.● They could also monitor and help correct potential false asymmetry.● They could serve as diagnostic tools for target density fluctuations.

Fig. Beamline with SAMs installed and CAD drawing of eight SAMs.

Fig. Non-linearity of PREX-II MAIN detector’sPMTs. They ran at the marked HVs.

Fig. Gain curves for PREX-II MAIN detector’s PMTs (taken from B. Lowe).


Quartz detectors

Three GEMs with 10 x 20 cm2 active area

y degree of freedom

x degree of freedom

θ degree of freedom

● Tandem design provides independent redundant Apv

measurement (in case one

detector has problem)● Yield: 28 photo-electrons (in peak).● PREX-II rate: ~2.2 GHz and CREX rate: ~27 MHz.● Achieved >90 % GEM efficiency (preliminary).

● Detector non-linearity is one of the most important systematic errors.● Each PMT was tested for linearity at various high voltages (HV) and several

light levels.● Multiple tests were performed to check repeatability.● HV for a PMT was chosen based on it’s best linear performance.● We also performed the linearity test after PREX-II at the exact running HVs.

Non-linearity should contribute ~0.3 % systematic as proposed.● The following Fig. shows non-linearity of PREX-II Main detector PMTs as a

function of HV. The data points within oval were taken after PREX-II running and the rest were taken before running and installation in the HRS detector huts.

● A gain curve was measured for each PMT before installing them in the detector hut. Up to 1800 V, the curve follows G = g(V/n)n, V is HV, g and n are the fitting parameters, then goes linearly with HV.

• Used rad-hard, optically polished fused silica.• Scattered electrons traverse quartz at 450.• Used aluminum air-core light guide to direct Cerenkov light to pmt.

PREX-I vs PREX-II/CREX thin quartz dets



e-• PREX-I used 6 mm (10 mm) thick quartz in

upstream (downstream).• PREX-II and CREX used 5 mm thick quartz in

all detectors.• Quartz thickness was chosen based on light

yield and resolution.➢ The resolution affects A

pv width by σ A pv

=σ meas



MAMI testbeam with PREX det

855 MeV e- beam

PREX thin quartztandem detector

G4 event visualizationfor PREX-II detector






Focal plane

PE dists: Real data vs. Sim data




Total Flux

AcceptedBy quartzMissed by


Total FluxAcceptedBy quartzMissed by









=0.2091 , Peak=27.65


=0.2428 ,









JLab HallA parity group, PREX-II/CREX collaboration.

Total eventsAccepted by ATL1




. x (


Proj. x (m)

Total eventsAccepted by ATL2



Proj. x (m)


. x (


Fig: PREX-II asymmetry distribution for slug40.

DataGaussian fit


= 96 ppm

Asymmetry (ppm)

σ meas=√σ reg2

−BCM res2

−BPM res2

σ A pv=

σ meas

√1+(RMS /Mean)2

Det res=RMSMean

● BPM includes position and energy monitors.

● Width on measured Apv


broadened by detector resolution.

US Both ArmsDS Both Arms

Detector rate vs run number





85 uA

Pb10 Pb9 Pb8 Pb5 Pb7Pb6

70 uA

wien0 wien1 wien2 wien3

Detected rate vs run number

● A new thin-quartz Cerenkov detector concept has been developed and successfully deployed for the recent high-flux parity experiments at JLab: PREX-II and CREX.

● These detectors require radiation-hard components and are constructed of high-purity, optically-polished fused silica (Spectrosil 2000) radiators.

● The PREX-II/CREX main focal-plane detectors use total internal reflection inside the radiator, and no air-core lightguide, to direct Cerenkov light to pmt.

● The new design doubles light yield and improves resolution by compared to previous designs.

● PMT/base/HV settings determined to give non-linearity of focal plane detector pmt responses below 0.5% for PREX-II and CREX.

● SAMs worked well during CREX – provided valuable diagnostics and gave an understanding and plan to develop future MOLLER SAM.

● The same approach used to design the PREX-II/CREX detectors will be used to develop next generation high-flux detectors for MOLLER: ShowerMax ring calorimeter and SAMs.

● These new detector concepts will benefit MOLLER, as well as provide potential detector technology for future EIC applications.



● Orientation between quartz, pmtand scattered electron changed:

➢ scattered electrons traverse perpendicular to quartz plane.➢ allows capture of both sides of Cerenkov cone – instead of losing one side

due to critical angle.➢ use TIR inside quartz as light guide – instead of aluminum air-core reflector

to direct light to PMT.➢ less sensitivity to extra noise due to δ-ray production.➢ effectively ~doubles light yield and improves RMS by .➢ however, more light yield variation for electrons with different incident

angles.➢ multiple beam tests at MAMI and SLAC.➢ tuned simulations agree well with beam tests data.

● Data was divided into ~equal statistical chunks called “slugs”.● PREX-II and CREX collected 94 and 86 slugs respectively.● Asym. distribution of slug40 of PREX-II is given in the following figure● No Gaussian tail over 4 orders of magnitude.● Regressed width L/R average asymmetry is ~96 ppm (parts per million).

● We achieved a few ppm of BCM and BPM resolution and a few tens of ppm of energy resolution.

● After correcting for BCM, BPM, energy, and detector resolutions we get pure statistical width in measured A


● The following plot shows the sum of the detected rate in two HRSs vs run from slug21 to slug94 during PREX-II.

● A sharp fall in rate indicates target degradation.