Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M

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  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M






  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


    0. WHEN… 

     In this world of stars, 

     In the silence of this slough, 

     Just the desire is to give it all, 

     In the service of our Lord, 

    When the life is at it's peak, 

    When near is the summit, 

    When everything empty is fulfilled, 

     And the home of your comfort you move in, 

    When the direction is one 

     But the paths are so much, 

     And the one guiding your way, 

     Is you and no one else, 

     All you have to decide is

    What you want out of what you have, 

     All you have to build is, 

     Paradise from the remains of ash, 

    When near is the peak 

     But narrower is the path, 

    When the source is in your pocket, 

     But one step away is the Bourne, 

    You had it just all in your hands, 

     But you have to give away it all, 

    What you have to do, 

     Is what you have to meet with, 

    Whatever you breathe in 

     Is everything you live with, 

    The lower is the deeper, 

     And shallow is the upper, 

    You can find depth

     Even in the water, 

    Then why not live

     A love meaningful and deep?  

    Why only live for less 

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


     And let ourselves weep?  

     So just get up and don't sit, 

     And walk across the limits, 

     And whatever your wish is, 

     Make your destiny lift it! 

    - Shivani M M



    The Sun is the shine, Moon is the divine, 

    The rain is the bliss and rainbow is juvenile, 

    The heart is the core and soul is the source, 

     Love is the whole and let us explore, 

    The heart is the song and music is the beat, 

     I want to go on I don't want to be here, 

     If the sky is the limit, 

     I want to touch the Sun, 

     If night is the end  

     I will make day begin, 

     If a lie is a lie, 

    Then the trust must be alive, 

     If closure is the end, 

     Disclosure is my way, 

     If a line is straight, 

     I will be an arrow, 

     I want to discern the truth, 

    Widen the narrow, 

     I want to live my soul, 

     I don't want the sorrow, 

     If I'm a fortune teller, 

     I want from past, memories borrow, 

    This world can never be pale, 

     Because my eyes are sane, 

     If this live is an illusion, 

     I'll live it real, 

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


     If I am blind, 

     I will want to feel, 

     If I cannot feel, 

    What's the point of ability to see?

     I want to experience, 

    This world through my own 

     Just because the truth is unseen, 

     It doesn't mean the lie is clean... 

    - Shivani M M


     We will go on with life,

     As we'll grow old together despite

     All the imperfections of our lives,

    Our lives will turn into "our life",

    Because I will be asking you the biggie tonight,

    I haven't thought of consequences before

     Asking you this question

    I can't wait anymore,

    Because I want to know,

     You want to make it forever

    Or leave it undone?

    The first time I saw you there,

     Whispering in your friend's ear,

    I knew about me was the whisper,

    Still I couldn't help but fall for your innocence sheer,

    I wanted to ask you out,

    So weird was the fear

    I came and said, "hey"

    "You want to go out someday?"

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


     You blushed and yes you said,

    Then we had our first date!

     After all these years,

    I still can't get over your beauty,

    Loving you every day more,

    Is my soul and my duty,

     You complete me

    In a perfect way,

     You are not perfect

    But you are my love that's what it is!

    Love isn't perfect because it isn't a plan,

    Love is just flawless with all of its flaws...

    One day the day will come,

    If you say yes today

    this journey will begin,

    Then a day will take

    Our love to the fullest,

     Watching you walk down the aisle,

     Will make me feel blessed,

    Because this life will be nevertheless,

     When you are holding my hand,

    The rest will remain meaningless...

    Then we'll make a home,

    Out of our innocent love,

    That house will be so perfect,

     And you'll turn it into a "home",

    I know this all it so old,

     You may find this already told,

    But every time I say this,

    My heart beats at its low

    I want to see you,

     Waking up next to me every day,

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    Because with you I have something so priceless,

    Someday we'll have a child,

    Naming him after your dad

    To complete the wish you ever had,

     We three will live together,

    The best life we could ever!

    So please can you say yes?

    To this hopeless face?

     Will you let me marry you and make

    My life paradise from this mess?

    I want to be with you,

    Grow old by your side,

     Always holding you close to my heart,

     You are the best lovely hide,

    I have already gone mad,

    Over your love my lord,

    Just take me in your arms now,

     And please never let me fall,

    So let the father pronounce us,

    "Man and Wife"

    I know if you say yes today,

     We will happily go on with this life!

    - Shivani M M



    You're the one I want to dance my every dance with, 

     And the only love I want to sing my every song in, 

    Only arms I want to sleep in, 

     And every breath I want to breathe-in, 

     Every word I want my mouth to say, 

    Only night I want to lead my day, 

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    You are the one I want to love always, 

     Never ever want you to be changed, 

    The only arms I want to be wrapped around my heart, 

     And only lap I ever want to sleep on, 

    Only lips I want to kiss before I die, 

     And only eyes I never want to see cry, 

    Only heartbeat I want to listen to when I lean in, 

    Only thought I want to take in, 

     And only drink I want to get drunk on, 

     Because you are the only one I want to dream about... 

    - Shivani M M


    I 'm waiting for the day  

    We'l l not have to go separate ways, 

    Because this li fe plays its own plays, 

    And we work on i t every next day, 

    We meet for some time, 

    Then l eave each other for a whi le, 

    When we are together, There's is nothing like our f ir e, 

    Just the reason,

    Buil ds up the compli cation, 

    Because our ways are separate, 

    Though same is our destination, 

    I am waiti ng for the moment, 

    You' ll say just come with me from this day, 

    I wil l be yours for ever since then, 

    Because you' ll be the one to have this say!  

    I am waiting for the morni ng, 

    Next to you I wil l wake, And the night, we'l l be next to each other again, 

    Just waiting for the day, 

    We'l l not have to go separate ways!  

    - Shivani M M



  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M



    We can' t always fi nd the one  

    That we love li ke no one, 

    We can' t always see the truth, 

    Remini scing the shadow of li es, 

    For tru th, there is no greater divine, 

    Just because we had to hide, 

    Doesn' t mean we couldn' t f ight, 

    Above the reasons and l ines, 

    There is a place we can keep everything aside, 

    Just because it couldn' t happen, 

    Doesn' t mean i t was never meant to be, 

    Plans fail and we end the trai ls, 

    That is something destiny is, 

    Just because we needed a shelter, 

    Doesn' t mean we don' t want to be fai r , 

    To others we always care  

    Enough not to break the emotions dare, 

    Just that one thing fall s apart, 

    To make everything fall I n the right thought, 

    But, what is the meaning of boul evard, 

    When there is no tr ee watching us gone?  

    Th is heart is an unsolved mystery, 

    For i t has no other history, 

    Because it f all s for the emotionali ty  

    and not the shine of luxury, 

    Just because there's dark al lover, 

    Doesn' t prove you can' t roar  

    Because there always be a way

    To get you and your li fe together!  

    - Shivani M M

    6.  WHY…


     It's hard to understand why

    We ever give up before we even try,

     Now it's easy to see through the wide eye,

     Planning everything is never a plan of life,

     Life walks hand in hand,

    With us if we leave the deny,

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


    We will ever find it easy,

    To ignore the truth and the lie,

     It is straight and clear,

    What comes to us is never pure,

     Just the insight of your soul,

     Spreads the purity from core to the whole,

    We look at people from innocence sheer,

     But we only see them in the mirror,

     Just remove those shiny spares,

     And take a view from the front other than rear,

     It will ever be easy to look at the things gone,

    Than making efforts to make new ones hold on,

     Just because it's coming strong,

     It won't help, finding comfort in the long gone,

     Because if the eyes aren't on what is more,

     It'll ever turn the more into less, that's all!

     So just think of it on your own,

     And make your soul stay, to change things,

     And speak the things left unsaid,

     Because not every moment is joyful,

     And not every meaning is meaningful,

     Just because it sounds cheerful,

     Not necessarily it'll ever be helpful  

    - Shivani M M



     We grow old and be matured just to be,

     Young and stupid allover again!

     We know it's immature,

    To think that our life isn't a fair game!

     We go and go on,

    Just to stop ourselves from being stopped,

    But in between it all,

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     We just want to be trapped and fall,

    Somewhere in between changing and making,

     We love to create something outstanding,

    Somewhere between hiding and finding,

     We love to just sit and stare at something deliberately,

     What makes us fly and touch the sky,

    Lies in our hearts and defines our insight!

     We can't say if people reincarnate,

    But we can feel the feelings,

     Which prove their existence and willing,

     What it is and how it happens,

    Is nothing else but what it's meant for,

     What is going on In your life,

    May not always be what you dream for!

     All the things we claim of being meaningful,

    Can somewhere and somehow be useful,

    But it doesn't mean that

    They must always be something cheerful,

    Designations of people,

     And resignations of the feelings,

    Every now and then it all comes to you,

    Like it was planned ages before of dealing!

    - Shivani M M



    I love the way you taste,

    Just want to be around you all day!

    Just because I have no one else

    I am not saying all this!

     Whatever I am saying,

    I am saying it because of the love

    That I've been living in!

    Just to be with you

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    I will do anything to make through it!

     Why can't you just see the one

     Who is loving you like none other?

     Why you just want to be with the ones,

     Who leave you being undone?

    I will always be loving you,

    Not because I can't move on,

    The only reason I hold on,

    Is that I can't accept moving on!

    If I say no to this all,

    I know there will be nothing left

    To look high upon!

    I just want to live loving you,

    Because I know that

     You are the one deserving it!

    - Shivani M M

    9.  IN VAIN… 

     Somewhere between those sand and soil, 

    We dig the land just to find the lost  

     Ego and pride, 

     But why do we really need those in the lifetime?  

     Just because we have a little something good, 

     Doesn't mean we have to lean 

    Towards the mind, 

    Only the good in us belongs to soul, 

    The remaining is the pieces of whole! 

     Somewhere I belong, 

     Is nowhere I can be gone 

     Just because I want to hold on, 

     Doesn't mean I can't accept that it's gone, 

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    Only thing we need to know 

     Is we can't have everything good to go, 

    We just keep taking all for the granted, 

    We just keep bashing everything, 

     As if we own! 

    Why would we be this numb?  

     If there was nothing left undone, 

     Just the thought that comes up 

    When those shivers go down the bones! 

     I know what's right and wrong, 

     For me, it's what I live along, 

     But when it comes to the ones all alone, 

    What they must be doing just to make it all up?! 

     It's like the rule of life, 

     Nothing else remains alright, 

    Unless and until we've gone blind, 

    We can't avoid seeing the bad things in life, 

    The vision can only comfort the brain, 

    What about the soul that remains unexpressed?  

     Some things will ever be unsaid, 

     Because we hate to let go anything in vain! 

    - Shivani M M

    10.  I FEEL… 

     If I see, there is nothing, 

     If I find there is everything. 

    The truth behind the lie, 

     And the lie behind the truth, 

     Is everything that I feel is untrue 

    Truth is nothing but this trail of life, 

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


    Trying every way possible

    To approach our minds, 

    Virtue of the sun, 

     And the charm of moon, 

     Nothing else in this world is as much true, 

    Whatever that has happened, 

     And whatever that will, 

     All I can understand is the way I feel, 

    What is what and how it falls apart, 

     Everything goes just right into it all, 

     If we think of it all! 

     I want to be in the place, 

    Where the hearts are alright, 

     And the minds I love, 

    Will be the masters of all time! 

     I am searching for, 

    That one loophole, 

     Because even if I agree for like a thousand times, 

     My hearts wants to just let go! 

     I know what I want,

     I know when I will fall for that, 

     Just the right time, 

     Is all I am waiting for, 

     I have wasted a thousand best things, 

    On the persons worst for it, 

     But it means at least something, 

     I know the people aren't bad, 

     Situation synchronises the stars of life, 

     But everything that I want to try, 

     Is letting the blunt fall apart, 

     I know what it means, 

    To love someone endlessly, 

     Because I've been there honestly, 

    Without anyone to love me flawlessly, 

     Love for me isn't a need, 

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     It means more than world to me, 

     Because before being loved I've felt, 

    What it means by hatred and betrayal, 

     Six degrees of separation, 

     I don't believe in them, 

     Because if there will anything be, 

    Then it'll separate everything just in a minute, 

     Revolution and evolution, 

    These are nothing but life's revaluation, 

     All that they create, 

     Are nothing but the traces of imperfection, 

     I will love what I've got, 

     It means nothing if it falls off this boulevard, 

     I know that I will have, 

    To count the stars behind this gaunt sky, 

     Everything that I have in my life, 

     Belongs to the one above the skies, 

     All of my ego, all of my pride, 

     All are equal to nothing, 

     If there is no you in this mind! 

     Fool for you is something I love to be, 

     Just for the last time, 

     I want to fall and see, 

     Everything that's broke, 

    Can be healed with lotions, 

     It pains but the heart is unbroken, 

     All that I want to do, 

     Is running with the chasing moon, 

    The sun the moon and the stars, 

    World, people and the death walls, 

     Love that stitches it all, 

    These things are all I think of, 

     All of this is just something above my perception, 

    This has nothing to do with perfection, 

     Because my world has been built in my imagination, 

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     My world has no nations and conditions, 

     I ever wonder if this life is true, 

    Out of all the illusions which turn to be true, 

    There is nothing else for me before you, 

    You are my soul and my every due, 

     I want them to be drawn by you, 

     Falling and getting up is nothing new, 

     Just because I have lost my dreams, 

     In the reality of your gleam, 

     All I have is nothing but this heat, 

     Heating up my soul just for thee, 

    This everything will go on, 

     And nothing else will last for us all, 

     So let us live today leaving the bad, 

     And make this life lean in the years behind! 

    - Shivani M M



    I stood near the sea and asked her,

    For whom you wait,

    Letting your arms open?

    She smiled and said,

    "All that lives inside my water,

    Is everything I love and all that lives outside of me,

    Is everything I offer my love to"

    I stood numb and said,

    "I adore your kindness, mother"

    She said,

    "I don't adore anything I do, I just wait for the ones who give me love,

    To do what I do!"

    I was numb again.

     As she got to know it,

    She merely looked at me,

  • 8/19/2019 Destination of Dreams by Shivani M M


     And asked me,

    "What do you live for?"

    I answered, "I live for my dreams, and my ambitions."

     And she said, "I only have one ambition and dream, I want to love everything that comes to

    me, to live a life which it loves."

    - Shivani M M


    Just take it in your soul,

     You will have to with it grow,

    Nothing can hold you back nothing can make you cry,

    I am here don't you worry I will pull you when it hurries,

    I will take care of your hoary,

     You just concentrate on your glory,

    Everything is going to be flowery,

    Nothing else will make you see the things that once I had to see,

     And everything I wish for you is going to be only for you,

     You won't have to share any you will meet many,

    No one will steal your charm,

    I am here, just stay calm,

    I know it is hard to feel,

     What I have felt for you my ziel,

    I can't wait to tell you how,

    I will make this beautiful smile

    Shine and widen from cheeks to eyes

    Just keep faith in me don't you cry,

    Nothing can make us apart,

    Everything we hold is our right just from the start,

     We'll fight until we die,

    I am here don't you cry,

    Just deep inside this heart of mine,

    There's a fire burning through eyes,

    This fire will burn everything it sees,

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    Just everything that you have to see,

    Everything bad, you've bearing, been,

    I will make your world shine,

    I can't see that pain in your eyes,

    Just take my hand and relay on me,

    Everything is going to be good, trust me!

     We will lose it all until we win,

     When we win nothing else will be remaining,

     We will have everything right next to us,

     When we've won each other's trust!

     We are going to win it from the crumb to crust,

     We'll do it,

     We'll push ourselves through it,

    Just want to see that smile,

    From your checks to your eyes,

    It will make me strong inside,

     And everything bad will be pushed aside!

    In the end, You and I, will stand together

     And for the rest of our lives,

    Because nothing will be bad or sad,

    Everything is going to be alright!

    - Shivani M M



    Your love,

    Your soothing touch,

    Your closeness,

    Your embrace,

    Your smile,

    Your laugh,

    Your love is

     All that I wish for

    The sparkle in your eyes,

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    The shine in your smile,

    The way your hair smell,

     It makes me love myself

     Even more not because,

     I feel lucky that you're mine,

     But because I feel lucky,

    That you love me the way I wish,

    Your love, your support,

    Your affection,


     I owe everything to you,

     Because I belong to you,

     No one else can rule me now,

     I am under your great divine,

     I have no heart no soul,

     Everything I had is yours now,

     All of my whole,

    You rule my heart,

    You've kept,

    The broken pieces of my heart,

    Together as a whole,

    You named it as "love"

     I owe you my everything,

     Because god has written something

     And he has made you my destiny,

     I feel nothing else but the love for thee,

     I owe you every word I say,

     I will die, calling for you my life,

     Even if I lose any war out there,

    That won't affect me,

     Because I know I've won your affection,

    Your love and care,

     I feel like I am living my life,

     In heaven,

    When you hold me close to you,

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     I want to make love to you,

     Because nothing out there

     Is as loveable as you to me! 

    - Shivani M M

    14. CAN I TAKE THEE?

     I saw you at that door,

    You were dancing alone,

     So good damn,

     I'd got to have you right there,

     I wished to dance, along with you my life,

    Wanted to spend my time spinning you from here to there,

    You stopped as you saw me,

     Blushed and smiled, shyly,

     I can never forget that redness,

    Of your sweet embarrassment...

     As I saw you, standing right there,

     Looking at me, thinking about that incident,

     I took your hand and said,

    You dance so good

    Can I take thee to the floor?

    You said yes with that blushing face,

    That night we had our first dance! 

    I knew I wanted you to be mine forever,

    Right there that night,

    I kissed you in my mind thousands of times,

     And I knew I wanted to have you next to me

    For the lifetime!

    Oh my baby, you were stunning,

     Writing my destiny,

    Moving your feet with me!

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    Then the night came,

     We went on the first date,

    I was looking at your sweetness,

     Your smile was so darn innocent

    I promised myself,

    I'll treasure that smile,

    From that night to the rest of my life!

     As our song came,

    I asked you again,

    Can I take thee?

     You said yes,

     blushing all over again!

    That night was saying,

    "You both are meant to be"

     And I said yes to my heart,

     As my heart said go for it!

    Because my baby, you were stunning,

     Writing my destiny,

    Moving your feet with me!

     After a year of our lives,

     We're celebrating our love each night,

    I kept asking you for dance,

    Like I did from the first night,

    On our third anniversary,

    I felt you were ready,

    I got on my knees,

     With a shining diamond ring,

    That ring looked like pebble,

     As your beauty was ineffable,

    I asked for your finger,

     You were shocked yet glad,

    Only you and me were there,

    No one else was near,

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    I finally talked out my heart,

    From the day we first danced,

    My heart was beating on your feet taps,

     Will you let this poor man,

    Take thee for the lifetime?

     You said yes and came down on me,

     You hugged me and completed my destiny,

    Now there was nothing else but you and me,

    I asked for your hand and said,

    Ma'am can I take you thee?

    I then played our song,

    That song had seen us growing up,

    Growing up as "us" and our love,

     You were blushing the same,

     As the time stood still!

    Oh baby, you were stunning,

     You finally entered my book of destiny...

     When the day arrived,

    Now you were going to be

    My lawfully wedded wife,

    Everyone had tears in their eyes,

     As I said it again,

    Can I take thee?

    But now, For the rest of my life?

     You promised me to be with me,

    Through the years of my thick and thin,

    I said just one thing,

     Any harm, any worry, any pain of you,

    I will take it away by saying,

    Can I take thee?

     You blushed again,

     And danced with me

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    On our wedding day!

     We were happy much as we never were,

    Over years of our love,

    It flourished through air...

     As years have passed,

    Nothing could us part,

     We are still here dancing to this song!

     As our hands shiver and feet go wrong,

    Everything has changed by past years,

    But nothing could change,

    The blush on your face,

     As I ask you,

    Can I take thee?

    Holding your hand!

    - Shivani M M


     Marilyn, oh my Marilyn, 

     Remember how we used to be?  

    We were two peas, 

     I never let you lose this hand of me! 

     Marilyn, oh Marilyn, 

     My baby pumpkin, 

     I love you my doll, 

     I can never forget that first song, 

    You sang for me in that sweet voice, 

    You ended the song kissing my cheek, 

    Telling me that you love me! 

     Marilyn, oh my Marilyn! 

     Remember how we used to be?  

     Darling you are the heart

     In this empty body of me, 

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     Darling you are the energy 

     In this hollow soul of me! 

     I will never forget that touch, 

    Of your soft tender hug, 

    The way you were holding me up, 

     As I was leaving home for work, 

     I kissed you and told your mom, 

     Keep my princes in your tender arms 

    You were crying, 

    To stop me, trying, 

     It was breaking my heart, 

    To leave you for couple of hours, 

     Marilyn, oh Marilyn! 

     I can never forget the day you were born, 

     I was there holding your mother's hand, 

     Looking at you from the corner of the cradle, 

    You were lying there asleep, 

     After crying for hours, 

     I held you close to my heart, 

     And promised the world to you! 

     As I finally saw, 

    You entering my life like magical rainfall, 

     Marilyn, oh Marilyn! 

    That small anatomy of you, 

    You were finally a person, 

     After months of waiting for you! 

     I remember the first time, 

     I looked deeply in your twinkling eyes, 

    Tears came rolling down my face, 

     As I looked at you, 

     My eyes met yours, 

     In that magical incident, 

    You held my finger concentrating 

     All your strength, 

     I felt like I never had! 

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     Marilyn, oh Marilyn! 

    That warm feeling of you, 

     Breathing away silently, 

    Your breath was crashing upon my hand, 

     As I held you close to me, 

     I was stunned and numb, 

     Looking how beautiful is my little girl! 

     Marilyn, oh Marilyn! 

     I remember the day you took your first steps, 

     Stumbling and falling, 

    Crying you were as it pained, 

    Your eyes were so wet, 

     But this heart of mine 

    Can never forget, 

    That picture of you, 

     Shining in tears, 

     I lifted you up and said, 

    "Darling, I am here, don't fear!"  

    You laughed as I tickled, 

    Your small tummy with my old fingers, 

    That day can't ever fade, 

    That big sweet smile on your face! 

     Marilyn, oh Marilyn! 

     I know you are all grown up, 

     And those times have took their leave! 

     But, I can't leave my girl, 

     Because you are home to me, 

     My soul is in you, 

     Nothing else is in me! 

     I just wish for one thing, 

     Never forget the love of this old daddy, 

    This man is counting his last years, 

    Waiting for you to be near, 

     Don't give me anything, 

     I will always take away your fears, 

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    These are my words for you, 

     My love is the legacy, 

     Don't forget about this old vase, 

     Empty without you my baby! 

    - Shivani M M



    Words, these words,

    Touch my soul like the

     Moonshine in the night, 

    sunshine of twinkling sun, 

    Words, these words, 

     Enlighten the world, 

    These are so magical, 

    Words, these words, 

     Make my soul go up above and swirl, 

    Words, these words, 

     Are the shine in my heart, 

     Looking for the core 

    Of this universe! 

    Words these words, 

    These innocent stupid

     Significant of whole, 

    They are the song of destination, 

    Which sounds so unimaginable, 

     In this world of repugnance, 

    Words are the feathers

    Who tickle my soul, 

    Words, these words, 

    These words are so immature, 

     But teach the most matured lessons, 

    Words, these words, 

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     Form the beautiful truth of this life, 

    Out of our small worlds! 

    Words, these words, 

    Can be the sky, 

     Surrounding us in the day and the night! 

    Words, these words, 

    Can sometimes be out of this universe, 

     But that's just something we call "magical", 

    Words, these words 

     Make life a symphony, 

    Which we keep above our destiny, 

    Words, are the birds, 

     Singing their own verse, 

    When we feel, 

    We've had enough of these songs, 

     And life's up and downs, 

    These words, 

     Remind us that life isn't that small! 

    These words are the sparkle in my eyes, 

     And the shine in my smile, 

    These words, words and this life! 

    Words these words, 

     I am nothing but an empty vase, 

    Without company of this phase, 

    Words, these words 

    They keep me stuck to the ground, 

     As I am flying up in the life, 

    Words, are my soul's thunder, 

    They storm in my heart yet being tender, 

     I am power, but I am nothing without these words, 

    These words are my love, 

     No one will take away my soul, 

     Nor anyone can make me lose my thunder, 

    These words are my life, 

     And I love them, no wonder!

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     I know I am a small share, 

    Of the wonderful life tale! 

    - Shivani M M



    To be or not  to be that  was the question, 

     Now a days everyone has a solution, 

    Who can't suffer, goes deeper, 

    Under the shelter of his own reasons, 

    Who can fight, gives everything on time, 

    Who can no neither stays under the shields, 

    Of someone else's compassion, 

     No one would've known, 

    What this world will live for, 

    When times change 

     And ages fall, 

     Everyone has his own pair of eyes, 

     But only few of them have insight, 

     Nothing can be claimed to be real, 

     Just according to the eyesight! 

    What world dies for, 

    What world kills for, 

     Everything is just similar to all, 

    Only diamonds in dust shine for  

    What they have in them, 

     Rather than what they offer to us, 

     Just because everything is difficult, 

     Doesn't mean we have nothing to trust! 

     Hearts are less passionate, 

    Than in past they were, 

     Brains are more practical, 

    They mercy on no one near! 

     Business is the new name of this world, 

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     And no one is a person, 

     Everyone is a trader, 

     Some of us buy the passion, 

     And some live selling the compassion! 

     Reality has changed its name, 

    To "illusions" which you find everywhere, 

     More than the less, 

     Everyone thinks of himself! 

     Finally it all goes un-spared

    because what wins is always 

    something ruthless! 

    - Shivani M M


    When I see myself in fog of troubles, 

     I close my eyes and open my arms, 

    To embrace the things I feel are apart, 

    When I see the face behind that all, 

     It is your face whom I have lost  

     Somewhere between heaven and ground, 

     I search your signs between the falls, 

    Whenever I see you I face the fall  

    Of my heart, it stumbles and I fall, 

     I am timid, because my life isn't vivid, 

     I wasn't like this before,

     Now I am feeling 

     I have changed in a different way, 

    Which I don't want to live, 

     It is utterly unfair! 

    When I see it coming clear to me, 

     My memories fade out, 

     And I see myself sinking 

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     I try and try, but can't fly, 

     I will just keep moving by 

     And trying to be alive, 

    The ship of this life, 

     Has sunk in your love, 

     I don't feel like, 

     I've left anything undone, 

     It came clear to me, 

    When my eyes opened up, 

     It was something new to me, 

     I could never get of you enough, 

    Why couldn't I see the things, 

    You always wanted me to see, 

    Why couldn't I feel the things, 

    You always wanted me to feel, 

    There is only one reason, 

     Behind me being unreasonable! 

     I love you so insanely, 

     I couldn't understand another word! 

    You are on my mind

     And in my soul, 

     I can't say what's isn't and what's whole, 

     I couldn't see anything you showed, 

    Was just because I was lost in you 

    You are blinding my heart and soul, 

     Because I couldn't get enough of you, 

     Enough of your beauty and your love! 

    - Shivani M M


    The river waits just to be with the ocean, 

    The skies are happy watching the motion, 

    The fire burns the wood but gives warmness to you, 

     Mother feeds a child when she's hungry too, 

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    The father dies little by little, 

     Just to make sure, 

     Family is secured, 

    This is not a story, 

    This all is a truth, 

     Loving someone can be scary, 

     But it is something, 

    You always want to do, 

    We may be satisfied  

     Experiencing the truth, 

    We may be happy considering 

    The precious due, 

    Can't explain the truth, 

     It has to be understood, 

    Can't show the lie, 

     It has to be

     Experienced by you, 

     Nothing can explain 

    What happens when it all breaks, 

     It leads to heart aches 

     And your feelings fade, 

     Faded feelings are always there, 

     In an amount which can't be shared

     It is so negligible it disappears, 

     But even the scars

     After wounds are always there, 

    Can't see the reason behind happiness, 

    Can't feel the things no one sheds, 

    Can't wipe out the sadness

    When our hands shiver, 

     Because we have to be strong 

     If we want to do fair! 

    What is next and what is last, 

     It all is just a thread, 

     Not lettin' us fall apart, 

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     Making our eyes meet, 

    The love which has depart, 

     Love isn't a thing, 

     It is an emotional bounding, 

    Which can be just deep, 

    What is shallow isn't it, 

     Shallow feelings, 

     Are the hollowness in our lives, 

     Shallow people are the curses 

    We have to fight! 

    There is too much of love 

     But too less who know what love is, 

     Love is easy to be fake, 

     But really hard to do it yourself  

    - Shivani M M



     Behind the shadow, 

    Of the mountain mellow, 

    Under the lovely field  

    Of that short Willow tree, 

     Days by days, 

     Night by nights, 

     My love awaits for me, 

     My darling seeks my signs, 

    Oh dear love,

    Wait by my side, 

    When this sun comes up, 

     And the moon goes away, 

     I will ever remember, 

    The sweet love you made 

    To me sitting on the green bay, 

     I will not forget, 

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    The test of your lips, 

    When you kissed me

     For the very first day, 

    This great connection, 

    Of our affections, 

     Keeps me stunned, 

     And I get caught in the moment, 

    This sweet taste, 

    Of your lips, 

     Makes me forget the whole, 

     And remember only you

    Until the end of the day, 

    This sweet connection, 

    Of this love's affection, 

     Makes me fall for your everyday, 

     Just like I did before some days, 

    This sweet time, 

     Keeps me tied up, alright! 

     I can't feel my heart, 

     It is beating out of its type! 

    This is your love, 

    Which has started this invasion 

    Over my heart every day, 

    When I embrace you with all my pains, 

    This love makes me grow, 

     Even if I don't want to, 

     I can't get enough of you, 

    This is our invasion of two 

    - Shivani M M



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     Even if I lose,

    The track of this trail,

     As long as pieces of life are together,

     I am not afraid of forever,

     It seems nothing like

     It can be filled with fear,

     Because it is nowhere here,

     I don't know about the destiny,

     I believe in you and me,

     I can make my life endure,

     Any worry, any pain, any fear,

     Nothing can make me weak,

     As long as you are here with me,

     Even if your love has disappeared,

     My love will always follow yours,

    You can be anywhere wherever

    Your hearts wants to wander,

    You are always as good to me,

     Because I love you

     As much as this

     Every day on the calendar,

     Even if years have passed,

     Even if life has fallen apart,

     Nothing can make us depart,

     From this dock of our universe,

    We are the loving emirates,

     And the world will ever be speechless,

     I will never regret,

     Loving you even if,

     Anything situates,

     Because I can take anything else,

     But being failed in your eyes,

     I will say this every day,

    Calling your name

    Until the life is near the end

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     Even if life is just critical,

     It gives me ridicule,

     I can survive anything,

     But this love's failure 

    - Shivani M M

    22. MIND

    there is no way that I can find, 

    my soul follows my heart, 

    heart goes blind, 

    living in this state of soul, 

    makes me lose it all,

     I cannot be calm, 

    it all just adds up, 

    if there was a place, 

    where I could lay, 

     I would lay there, 

    calling out your name, 

    this world is brutal, 

    it follows no laws, 

    this mind is untouched, 

    it loves every single flaw, 

    can't tell what's happening, 

    but I am losing it all, 

    this soul follows the heart, 

    and heart explodes in thoughts, 

    if there was a sky, 

    where clouds would be alive, 

    they would have proved  

    my love for you, 

    if there was a river, 

    carrying the blood, 

    there would've been written, 

    your name on its face, 

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    shining as the marbles, 

    in the moon's glaze, 

    if I had a wish, 

     I would wish for your acceptance 

    when the world fall like this, 

    and I am left with nothing else, 

    but my mind's shattered pieces 

    - Shivani M M

    23. BE… 

     Be the sky,

    and not even you

    will any longer be

    able to find your own end...

     Be the river,

     And you will be able

    To lean in the ocean,

     As you are near the end,

     Be the ocean,

     And not even you,

    Can understand your depth,

     Be the eagle,

     And nothing will be there,

    You can't see with your high eyes,

     Be the lion,

     And nothing else,

    Will make your roar fade,

     Be the dragon,

     And nothing will burn,

    Whatever that you have,

     Be the mountain,

     And nothing will remain,

    Which can move your foundation,

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     Be the chute,

     And nothing else can make you wait,

     Be the trail,

     And no one will follow your way,

     Be the love,

     No one will affect your pureness,

     Be the satisfaction,

     And nothing will be there,

    To make you lose the right way,

     Be the smile,

     And nothing else,

    Will question your innocence,

     Be the flaw,

     And no one will insult you,

    When you are less,

     Don't promise to be a mine,

     Promise to be the sunshine,

     And no one will say,

    Whatever you did, had an extent,

     Be the stone, and not the gold,

    You will build a house,

     And not break one down,

     Be the thread,

     And not the blade,

     Be the shield,

     And not the sword,

    You'll save a soul and a war,

     Be what you are,

     And not what they want,

    You will save a life,

    Without any loss! 

    - Shivani M M


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     My heart's on fire, 

    This smouldering fire, 

     My heart's aspires, 

    These feelings, 

    This severity this passion 

     Makes my heart admire, 

    These feelings

     Light up my desire! 

    This burning heart, 

     Sets my heart on fire, 

    This affection removes, 

     My heart's bizarre attire 

     And submerges my heart

     In embrace of this layer, 

     Layer of the feelings

    Which have disappeared  

     I can't help but care, 

     About keeping this

     Hotness of fire, 

     Endlessly equal, 

    This heart is on fire, 

     Fire of the unexpressed desire, 

    This smouldering heart

     Sets my soul on fire, 

     Fire of this burning desire 

    - Shivani M M

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    25. ECSTASY

    These all years,

     I've been waiting for my destiny, 

     Now those years, 

     Seem like ages, 

     I can't tell you how I feel, 

    This is just another day

    Of me living my life, 

     In the heaven, 

    Your arms, feel like, 

     I've been covered, 

     By the soft petals of flowers, 

    Taste of your kiss, 

    Tastes like the ambrosia, 

    The warmth of your love, 

    Works like some anaesthesia, 

     I can't tell you how much big it is, 

     For me to live with it, 

     I have seen sun and rain, 

    With you they feel like 

    The dewdrops in spring, 

    The way you hold me close, 

    Takes me somewhere far above, 

     Even the clouds will seem like, 

     Ants walking in a row, 

     I don't know if it's magic, 

    Or it is hypnosis, 

     But whenever I am with you, 

     It feels like there's no other ecstasy 

     I want to see it forever, 

     As you and me together! 

     I can't say if it's my thirst, 

    Of the affection you've given, 

     I will never stop living in this world, 

    Where you are holding me close, 

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     I can't tell you if it is some legacy, 

    That you've got from 

     Some group of angels, 

     But the way you feel  

     Is full of delicacy, 

     I am sure, there's no other ecstasy 

     Because I know, 

     Any heaven I will live in, 

     Is when there's you and me, 

     Because you equal to my ecstasy! 

    - Shivani M M



     He took me high, 

    When I was paralysed, 

     He made the devil cry, 

     He pushed me up above, 

     In the sky when I was on ground, 

     I worship him as the god, 

     Because I know 

     He deserves that all! 

     He picked me, 

     And showed the sky, 

     He then gave me, 

    Two wings to fly, 

     I was flying high, 

     Leaving the sky behind, 

     Ego covered my eyes, 

     I couldn't see the way, 

     He then took his hand away, 

     I fell on the ground, 

     Just the way I flew! 

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     He then came to me and said, 

    Child it wasn't meant, 

    To happen this way, 

     But you were letting the devil, 

    Take you away! 

     And this time, 

    The devil would've the say, 

     So I had to take your wings away! 

    Then he gave me two feet to walk, 

    To feel the pains from near, 

     It was way better than flying, 

     Because now I could use, 

     My two hands to help others, 

    Others who were on the ground laying. 

     Feet weren't just given to me, 

    Cause he felt bad taking away the wings, 

     Feet were the moral after lesson, 

    Of this life he gifted me, 

     Doesn't matter how high I fly, 

     I at the end have to fall from the sky! 

     It will be easy to understand why, 

    When there's no ego and no lie 

     Now for this time, 

     Not my body had the wings! 

     But yes, my heart did! 

     Now this time, 

     Ego wasn't the one to cover my eyes, 

     For this time, love had taken over, 

     And afterwards! 

    - Shivani M M

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     Is it life's calligraphy, 

    That makes us look alike, 

     Is it mind's choreography, 

    That makes us think alike?  

     Is it heart's necessity?  

    That makes us look so different  

     From the rest of those similar?  

     Is it time's precocity?  

    That we together, 

     Look like same pieces, 

    Of an ancient incident?  

     Is this magic of some wand?  

    Or the spark in our hearts?  

     Is it love's melody?  

     Is our love, 

     A Holy matrimony?  

    Of a jingle and a symphony?  

     Is this god's calligraphy?  

    Or is just our love's choreography?  

    That our hearts have

    This charismatic telepathy?  

    - Shivani M M

    28. THE WAY SHE IS

     Just like any other Sunday,

    We were sitting in the hallway,

     She was holding my hand with her right,

     And running her fingers through my hair,

     I feel like I am in the heaven,

    When I fall asleep in her arms,

     I feel like I am no man,

     Because just her embrace can heal my lesions,

    The way I feel for her,

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     I can't feel that way for any other,

     I am just too Much proud to call her my girl,

     Because I know that she's the only one,

     She ain't perfect but I know she's worth it!

     I am her pooh and she's my piglet,

     I can treat her like a daughter,

     Because that much pure is my love for her,

     If there's any other world,

     I will ever be there with her,

     Even when we're sitting alone,

     Just talking, we're making love,

    What we have for each other,

     Is similar to non-other,

     I like to call it even,

     Every time she does something uneven,

     She just looks so damn sweet,

     I feel like she's an angel out of heaven!

     I know she doesn't take care of herself,

     Because she knows it,

    That I will always take care of her,

    When she wakes up with eyes still closed,

     And hugs me pulling me close,

     I feel like kissing her nose,

     And telling to always keep me that close,

     She looks so cute when she runs like a small girl

     She looks so cute when she plays with her pets,

    The way she looks every morning kills me,

     Makes me realise that the one I am with,

     Is she!!!

     I couldn't be much happy,

     I would rather say blessed,

     I am with her and she's with me,

     Is nothing less than anything else!

     I know I don't have to have any diamonds,

    Or money in my pockets,

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     Because she's kind of a girl who'll always be there,

    To hold me tight even when my foe is almighty!

     Her company just feels like some symphony,

    The only thing that makes me love her,

     Is nothing else but the way she is! 

    This was Just an attempt to know how a guy feels for his girl!:-) :-) :-)


    29.  IF YOU… 

    The things I may have thought of, 

     Don't refer to the things I've done, 

    The passion, the love I keep in my heart, 

     Is similar to no one, 

    The fire in my eyes ain't meant to burn you, 

     Don't keep fear of me,

     I am no one to scare you, 

     Please don't hate me, 

     I'm no one to hate you, 

     If you see the devil in me, 

     I will never let the angel in me meet you, 

    Why wouldn't I be strong, 

     Even if it thrills you, 

     I just want to win your love, 

     I am no one to defeat you, 

     Even if my care scares you, 

     I am not trying to kill you, 

    The bad that you see in me, 

     Is not necessarily the thing I see in you, 

     Don't take efforts to burn me, 

    You say a word, 

    Only my ashes remaining will be, 

    There is nothing that you've seen, 

     If you judge me by the bad in me, 

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     If you forbid me from caring about you, 

     Even if it's none of my business, 

     It'll somewhere deep down kill me, 

     Not necessarily I'm everything that you need, 

     But I can satisfy your every need, 

     I am not here to make any revolution, 

     I am here just to make a difference, 

     I don't want to rule the world, 

     I only want you to rule me, 

    You will be always scared of me, 

     If you only see the fire in my eyes, 

    That fire is nothing else but disappointment, 

    That you can't see what's behind it's hotness, 

    There is nothing else behind the fire in my eyes, 

     But the passion and love I've been Cherishing for you, 

    all my life! 

    - Shivani M M  

    30.  WE… 

    When there's you there's no world behind, 

    You, me and love is all , 

    That describes the divine, 

    Take me to an other side, 

    Where there's only you and I

     Make the universe seek us, 

     Because we like to hide, 

     Just the hidden truth in our love, 

     Makes our love just way more special, 

    Talking to the stars and moon, 

     Making our love gestures, 

     Nothing else is out there, 

    Which will break this love to the end, 

     Because it is the truth, 

     It ain't no Sweven, 

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     Just you me and our life, 

     Is all that I'm living, 

     Just the thought

    That you and I are apart, 

     Makes my world strike hard, 

     Just a hut where you and I stay, 

     Is nothing less for me 

    Than a castle, 

     Because we don't need an outlay! 

    - Shivani M M  


    The silence of the roadside pansies,

    The blues of the saturnine seas,

    The sorrow in the mockingbird's voice,

    When her son sets her free to die,

    The pain of that slough in a mother's eyes,

    The cry in a father's smile,

    This sorrow has occupied the world,

     Even the happiest man needs a whirl,

     Nothing sad can happen to us,

     If we let our animosity burst,

    We can't just blame almighty,

     Somewhere we ourselves,

     Need to stand being mighty,

     Because no one is going to protect us,

    When we are alone in the repugnance,

     Nothing is strong enough to drill,

    Your strength when you stand still,

     So get up and make the world feel,

    The roar in your voice and your frill,

    When you start the war,

     Everyone will,

    When you start to heal,

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     Non other will,

     Hold your hand close to the heart,

     Because no one will save your soul,

     From falling apart,

    Only you have the strength to do,

    The best thing you can do for you!

    - Shivani M M



     Just you and me,

     Far far away laying under willow tree,

     Stating our love just to you and me,

    There is non other that we need,

    Your love makes me high,

     Even more than the alcohol and weed,

     Because it is real, it ain't transitory,

    You aren't my want nor my need,

    You are my love and the beat,

    That makes my heart run,

     And alive is me,

     Nothing else is addictive

     More than the sweetness of your touch,

     Nothing is more wonderful,

    Than knowing the meaning of love,

    Than the feeling of having you next to me,

    There is nothing big enough

    To infest my world, darling you are my destiny

     My eyes run for your one sight,

    There is nothing but you

     In my days and my nights,

     Just having you makes me win all the fights,

     Because victory for me is nothing but delight, 

    - Shivani M M

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     I was a little curious, 

    What is the truth, 

     And what is spurious, 

     I looked at the life, 

    With eyes of a child, 

     Ignored the world, 

    Once in a while, Took a tour, 

     From the door, to the woods, 

     Just to see you, Stand still, 

     Facing the moon, 

     Just before I could feel, 

    The way truth feels, 

    The illusions cut through me, 

     And made my heart bleed, 

     I couldn't understand, 

    What was happening, 

     I closed my eye, 

     Letting out a sigh, 

    Your name was the word  

    That was the end of my world, 

     I couldn't help but, 

     Kept loving you

    bent over backwards, 

     I was just a freak, 

     Loving the innocence, 


     I could've told you what I feel, 

     If I really wanted to make believe... 

    - Shivani M M  



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    When I fold around the pages, 

     Pages of the book of my life, 

     I see how it all changed, 

     How these years passed seem like ages, 

     I see your face,

     In every memory of mine, 

     It doesn't matter then, 

     If you were even around, 

     I see these words, 

    written out of my love, 

     I see these stories, 

     Have edges which are blur, 

     I see you,

     Here and there, 

     I see you wherever I look, 

     I miss your touch, 

     I look at your face whenever, 

     All these years passed, 

     All those things collapsed, 

     But nothing has change, 

     By which we've been surrounded, 

     It's all just an illusion, 

     How your love has made this collusion, 

    Our love is a collision, 

    Collision of two stars, 

     Stars coming out of their region, 

     I see your name written on my heart, 

     And I feel like I'm living in the heaven, 

     Just wanted to see you again, 

     If I go away, 

     I want to write your name, 

     Again thousands of times, 

     Before fading away, 

     Before fading away... 

    - Shivani M M

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     Don't need to worry 'bout a thing, 

     No need of always demanding something, 

    When you are there I need nothing, 

     Not even clothes just your arms are everything, 

    There is no way I will be incomplete, 

    When we are broken but you are there holding, 

     Holding my hand and kissing me, 

     I won't even worry about a single thing, 

    When you are there with me, 

     I won't need food, just your love will feed me, 

     I won't even cry when something is less, 

     Just because your love is everything, 

     Because of which my heart beats, 

     Even in the forests sleeping beneath the trees, 

    Your shoulder will be my pillow, 

    Your arms will cover me, 

     If there is you I need nothing, 

     Because you'll be the only best thing, 

    That will happen to me! 

    - Shivani M M  


    There was a small girl Emily,

    Who blamed her father daily,

     Her father was unavailable emotionally,

     She would go to bed dreaming,

     About getting a father who wasn't screaming,

    Who would drop her to the school,

     Like other girls' dads do...

     She would blame him every day,

     She would curse him every day,

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    When teacher screamed at her,

     For not taking parents to the PTA,

     She would cry herself to the bed...

     Her mother would get her much upset,

     By screaming back at him every night,

     She just hated to see them fight,

     She grew up too much uptight,

    One day she came home early,

     Saw her father sitting in a chair crying,

     He was talking to his mind,

     He was screaming at someone,

     But no one she could find,

     He was angry and disappointed,

     He was saying he's broken,

     He wasn't a good dad nor a person,

     He was crying and cursing himself,

    When the girl went from behind and hugged him,

     She told him how much she loved him,

     She could never have a good dad than him,

     He had tears in his eyes and was shivering,

     He said aren't you ashamed of me?

     She answered why would she be!

     He wasn't a bad man he realized his faults,

    That was a reason good enough for her to love,

     And she loved him more than anything,

     She wiped the tears and kissed on his cheeks,

     She told him not to cry alone,

     She said he can cry when she's home,

     She would daily wipe off his tears,

     And tell him how wrong were his fears,

     He would work hard daily,

     And he thought the people around him were scary,

     She told him that it was untrue,

     And said, "Daddy I love you"

     He would stop crying at the end of the day,

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     And she would take him to the bed,

     She would see him go to sleep...

     And wake him up kissing on his cheeks,

     She would hold his hand and take him,

    To the hallway and

     She would smile at him As he leaves...

    - Shivani M M



     From the points I've noted down,

     In my book of scars and wounds,

     I've seen those unspoken feelings,

     Are something which give you scars,

     Just scars & wounds of unspoken truth,

     But all you can feel is the fear to lose... 

    I can tell you secretly love someone,

    Just by seeing the pain behind your laugh,

    I see pieces of your broken heart,

    Behind your smile are falling apart,

     You try, try and try not to get hurt,

    But something inside you bothers your nerves...

    Traveling by this road with bleeding feet,

     All you see is the stains you leave,

    This pain, brutal pain enlightens the path,

    For the ones who follow your sings,

     You make sure that no one sees the pain,

    But everyone sees your happy face...

    People say you are the happiest man alive,

     And no one sees how you've fought,

    Somewhere inside your heart this kills you,

    But all you care for the love that fills you,

     You cry, and cry when the night comes,

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     And you smile and laugh with the rising sun...

    - Shivani M M



    Thinking about the road,

    Where it actually goes,

     Road is the life, we all go slow,

     Life is a dream, drains our wings,

     Still gives us hope, and leads to win,

    One day we're whining next we're smiling,

    Once we were running then we're walking

    What is this all and what we see,

     It is just an illusion we actually believe,

     Life is wonderful with tears and cheers,

     If there were no tears,

    everything must've been so similar,

    Take a walk with yourself by this road,

    We all happen to meet some loads,

    We must see the nice and good,

    an angel can be there behind the woods,

     Life is this road, road is the path,

     Path leads to destination,

    We all at least once fall apart,

    Take your eyes off the hatred,

     And look in the eyes of god,

    Once in the lifetime,

    you'll have the best laugh!


     Life can't be defined because

     It changes its definition itself,

     If we define life now

     Life will prove us wrong in the next second,

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     Life is a journey made of adventure

     But adventures can't be taken by everyone...

     Life is freedom

     But it has its own limitations.....

     Life is like sky,

     No matter how long we go sky will never leave you,

     Similarly no matter how much old we grow,

    We will be living life learning new things and even surprised

    by so many things we don't even have heard about,

     Life is an incomplete but an unlimited encyclopedia

     Life is a book written by itself,

     But lived by us....

     Life will never be bright,

     Before being extremely pale....

     Life never agrees with us,

    Without disagreeing with us for a number of times...

     Life never let anyone fly,

    Without cutting his wings for number of times....

     Life will never save someone,

    Without taking him near end....

     Life can never support anyone,

    Without taking away his all supports....

     Life can't be wise,

    Without making us crazy....

     Life can't be right,

    Without making us wrong....

     Life can never be straight,

    Without having so many twists and turns....

     Life can never give us respect,

    Without disgusting us for number of times....

     Life never lets us be stable,

    Without shaking our whole world...

     Life never gives us friends for lifetime,

     Before making us go through the loneliest and hardest times....

     Life can't accept changes,

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    Without being changed...

     Life can't give us relief,

    Without giving us lots of pain....

     Life will never let us smile,

     Before filling up our eyes with tears....

     Life will never give anyone unconditional love,

    Without letting him go through lots of hatred.....

     Life can't be defined because,

     Life creates its own definitions

     And proves them wrong itself...

    - shivani M. M.


     Sometimes, late at nights,

     I see the world, becoming bright,

     In the darkness, of the lights,

     My heart beats, and it writes,

    Words they spoke out of their minds,

     About me about you,

     I don't care what they think,

     It'll always be, me and you,

     Sometimes, late at nights,

     I see the stars, dancing with moon,

     I picture life the way,

     No one else will ever do...

     I want to touch the stars,

    holding you, close to my heart,

     I want to be the moon,

     In your sky, it's always you...

    The winds of sea, aren't too sad,

    When you are here, holding my hand,

     I want to let the world go,

     It's me and you, no don't leave me oh!

     I want to be there,

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     For every breath, every moment

     It is the thing that I dream of...

     Being with you until it goes down!

     I want to live a life,

    always having you, by my side,

     So sometimes, late at night,

     I only dream of you my life!

     I won't even think of having,

     Anyone else, when you keep my side,

     Not having you makes me, all alone

     Not having anyone else,

    doesn't bother me at all,

     So keep running and walking with me...

    - Shivani M M



     Still to the day, Your warm breath

    haunts my senses like the sea wind

     Still to the day, soft touch of your fingers

    Gives me goose bumps, my feet stumble

     Still to the day, your voice

     Haunts my ears like the beautiful song

     Sung by some angel in the woods,

     Still to the day memories of us,

     Haunt my life like the tales of ghosts

     Still to the day, your beautiful face

     Haunts my nights like the woody beasts

     Still to the day that voice of you laughing,

     Haunts my ears like the chants of some priest

     Still to the day the songs of you,

     Make my body shiver and mind move,

     Still to the day if I feel you near,

     It haunts all my intuitions,

    and wakes up the fear,

     Still to the day, thinking of you,

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     Is like thinking of a beautiful world,

    While standing on the ash of repugnance,

     Still to the day, seeing you gone

    my hands sweat and eyes get wet

     I can't think of anything else

     Still to the day, this solitary heart of mine,

    Waits for you standing alone in seas,

    Wishing you back holding everything in...

     Still to the day this life I have got

     Is a beautifully haunted gift of you my love... 

    - Shivani M M


    We can't define life because it is something which makes its definitions and

    breaks them right away... 

    Life is a book which has the chapters written already

    But life makes us rewrite those words according to our own vision

    Life can't be explicated because there are no such words which have the power enough to

    explain what life is...

    Life makes us fly, gives us reason to touch the sky

    But before it takes away all the reasons we want to live for...

    Life gives us power and the patience to climb the mountains

     After making us endure its rage and making us too much helpless and powerless

    Life gives us beauty all around us

     After making us die in the hell of repugnance

    Life gives us a person whom we love the most

     After going through years of loneliness and hatred

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    Life gives us a fulfilled moment which is the value of lots of moments we went through

    The moments which are utterly disgusting and hard for us

    Life lets us guide the path when the battle is finished

    Battle gets finished with the last breath we take

     We are a balloon filled with not air but with love, hatred, beauty, disgust, sin, efforts

     And life is a needle we are always afraid of...

    Life is fulfilled with joy to the edge

     And empty at bottom it makes it look like it's fulfilled with joys

    This is the illusion of moments...

    Life is the ugliest journey which seems beautiful as the days go on...

    Life is the satisfaction we get every breath because every breath life endows us is the result

    of every effort we make...

    Life has its own boundaries

     Which are redeveloped by life itself every moment...

    Life can't be predictable because Every prediction is the result of moment we just lived...

    - Shivani Marathe


     Life is unpredictable... I don't know what I will get the next second it can be a

    heart attack it can be an accident... I can just die due to any other reason I'm

    unaware of .. It can be something internal something external... All I do is

    smile looking at the moment I just had all I do is thanking the memory I just

    had....All I do is looking at the happiness on the faces of my loved ones every

    second of my life.. As I want to see them happy one more time before I die...

     All I do is promising my parents I will take care of them when they will be

    old.... Not because I believe I will be alive 'til then... But because it makes life

    seem much more beautiful to them... It gives them temporary happiness that's

    all I live for... All I do is making the crying ones laugh... Because I don't want

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    to see one more soul in pain and crying for help before I die... I want to see

    eyes sparkling and lips smiling before I go away... I believe in the truth that

    life is beautiful but before I die I want to contribute in increasing its beauty

    and purity... All I do is doing what comes on my mind immediately... Cause

    want to do what I want I want to fall I want to come up and say I shouldn't

    have done it... Not because I love to be mistaken but because I love

    experiencing mistakes.... Because those are the lessons I'll get and remember

    'til end of my life... All I want to see before I die is the smile on my loved ones'

     faces... As I don't want my death to be the death of a person they love the

    most... I want my death to be a moment of proud for them I want it to be the

    happy end of a brave person's life... Who is not begging death to release

    me who is thanking life for the great journey I had had... All I want to do is

    smile back at life and tell death that even if you have defeated me you can

    never defeat my life... Because it has made itself the greatest thing of all time

    -  Shiv….!!!