Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased

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  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased


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    President Barack Obama frowns as he speaks during a news conference in the Rose Garden of the WhiteHouse about a bill to expand background checks on guns that was defeated in the Senate, April 17, 2013.

    ustice Department: Gun Murders Down 39 Percent From 1993 to011ew report says non-fatal gun crimes down 69 percent


    7, 2013

    cording to a report released Tuesday by the

    tice Department's Bureau of Justice

    tistics, the number of firearm-related

    micides declined 39 percent from 1993 to

    11. Non-fatal firearm crimes dropped 69cent during the same period.

    ere were 11,101 firearm-related homicides

    2011, the report said, compared to 18,253

    1993. The decline was part of a multi-year

    wnward trend.

    2011, there were 467,300 non-fatal firearm

    mes, according to the report, down from

    million such crimes in 1993. The steep

    cline was also part of a multi-year trend.

    OLL: Americans Incorrectly Believe Gun

    mes Increased]




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  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased


    EAD: Joe Biden's Gun Advice Could Land Wife in Jail]

    e report, which used data provided by the BJS National Crime Victimization Survey and other government agencies, comes amid an

    ense push to establish new gun laws in the wake of high-profile mass shootings. Republican senators defeated a proposal in April to

    ndate background checks for all gun sales. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., predicted that gun control measures would be voted on againer this year.

    ring the time gun-related violence decreased, gun sales appear to have increased. Although a comprehensive tally of year-by-year

    arm sales is impossible to determine with precision, FBI statistics for the number of NICS background checks performed suggest an

    ward trend in gun sales since the late 1990s. Around 9.1 million of the background checks - mandated by a 1993 gun control law and

    nched in 1998 - were performed in 1999, compared to 16.4 million performed in 2011.

    CHUMER: 'We're Going to Bring This Bill Back']
  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased


    bama Behind the Scenes Gun Control Cartoons North Korea Cartoons

    ORE: Gun Control Bill Hits a Wall ... But Just For Now?]

    e data released Tuesday showed that a very small fraction of crime victims used a gun to defend themselves. "In 2007-11, about one

    cent of victims in all nonfatal violent crimes reported using a firearm to defend themselves during the incident," said the press release

    ompanying the report. "A small number of property crime victims also used a firearm in self-defenseabout 0.1 percent of all property


    e report said that 60 percent of state prison inmates arrested for a gun-related crime obtained their guns legally: 37 percent from famil

    friends, 10 percent from a retail or pawn shop and just 2 percent from a gun show or flea market.

    re News:

    Steven Nelson is a reporter at U.S. News & World Report. You can follow him on Twitter or reach him at [email protected].

    Read more stories by Steven Nelson

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  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased


    Study: Despite drop in gun crime, 56% think it's worse


    By Meghan Hoyer and Paul Overberg 3:25 p.m. EDT May 7, 2013

    Violent gun crime has dropped dramatically in the

    past two decades, but the majority of Americans

    think it's more of a problem now than ever,

    according to a Pew Research Center study released


    According to the survey, done in March, 56% of

    Americans believe gun crime is worse today than it

    was 20 years ago. And 84% believe in recent years,

    gun crime has either gone up or stayed the same

    when the reality is that it has dropped significantly.

    The rate of non-fatal violent gun crime victimization

    dropped 75% in the past 20 years; The gun homicide rate dropped 49% in the same

    period, according to numbers Pew researchers obtained from the Centers for Disease

    Control and Bureau of J ustice Statistics.

    "The public doesn't get its feelings out of crime statistics," said Alfred Blumstein, an

    urban systems professor at Heinz College at Carnegie Mellon University. "The public

    gets its feelings from particularly notorious events, and what the press talks about."

    The recent attention on the massacre in Newtown, Conn., other mass shootings and

    even the spate of shootings in Chicago have fueled a perception that crime is up,

    even though in most cities it has dropped overall, he said.

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    The rate of gun homicides

    dropped 49% between 2010

    and 1993

    56% of Americans believe

    gun crime is worse today

    than it was 20 years ago

    84% believe in recent years,

    gun crime has either gone

    up or stayed t he same

    GUN-RELATED HOMICIDE RATEThe gun-related homicide rate has dropped over the past two decades.


    1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010








    7 6.56.8 6.7



    4.1 4.0 4.3 4.0



    Source: Pew Research Center; Centers for Disease Control


  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased


    "It's not just gun crime it's all crime has gone down," said David Hemenway, a

    professor at Harvard's School of Public Health. "But from the news, it sounds like

    school shootings are way up. Certainly since Newtown, these things are huge news.

    So people believe things must be worse."

    Hemenway called Pew's findings "not surprising at all."

    He said a recent case that attracted national news, where a 5-year-old boy in

    Kentucky accidentally shot and killed his 2-year-old sister, was an example of a

    relatively commonplace event that, in light of the national focus on guns at the

    moment, became national news.

    "Every week or so, something like that happens," he said. "But that's the focus now,

    so people are not surprisingly misled. People worry about the wrong things. What

    people worry about are things that are salient in the news things that happened

    recently, things that they have no control over."

    Meghan Hoyer and Paul Overberg

    NON-FATAL VIOLENT GUN CRIMESThe victimization rate in non-fatal violent gun crimes has dropped by 75% in the past two



    1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011













    195.3 205.9221.6


    _Source: Pew Research Center; Bureau of J ustice Statistics

    Meghan Hoyer and Paul Overberg


    ABOUT GUN CRIMEThe Pew Research Center survey asked:

    Compared with 20 years ago, has the

    number of gun crimes in America gone up,

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    May 07, 2013
  • 7/30/2019 Despite Drop in Gun Crime, Most Americans Think It's Increased



    Pew researchers began their work before the elementary school shooting in Newtown

    in December 2012, said D'Vera Cohn, a co-author of the study. Pew plans a larger

    study of crime trends and public awareness later this year, she said.

    The survey found that women and the elderly were less likely to be victims of crime,

    but were more likely to believe gun crime had increased in recent years. Men, who

    were more likely to be victims, were more likely to know that the gun crime rate haddropped.

    Starting in 1993, homicides and robberies began to drop. Blumstein said that was in

    part due to the decline of the crack cocaine trade, which from 1985 to 1993 fueled a

    25% increase in those crimes.

    Violent crime rates remained relatively flat through much of the 2000s, but then

    dropped by about 8% in 2009 and again in 2010, Blumstein said.

    Hemenway said researchers can't point to a singular reason why gun crime has

    dropped so significantly. The report points to the aging population, high incarceration

    rates and a drop in crime internationally since the mid-1990s as contributing reasons.

    "I think the big reason gun crime has gone down is because crime has been down,"

    Hemenway said. "There's no huge thing there's been no major changes in gun


    There is a fear of a knee-jerk response based on the public's erroneous perceptions

    of crime, Blumstein said.

    For example, in the late 1980s, politicians instituted increasingly tough mandatory

    sentencing laws to lock up what some had deemed a new type of "super predator"

    involved in the street drug trade. The result has been overcrowded prisons and a

    number of first-time offenders serving overly long sentences, Blumstein said.

    As politicians weigh in on gun control, he said, they're very aware that many citizens

    believe that gun crime has gotten worse.

    "The public says 'I'm concerned, do something,' and the political system has to

    respond to that," he said.

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    gone down or stayed the same? (%)

    Source: Pew Research Center

    Meghan Hoyer and Paul Overberg