DESARROLLO GUÍA INGLÉS 4 SEBASTIÁN BEDOYA A.. 1.1.2 page 97. Exercises A to C on internal communication. A. how do companies communicate with employees?

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1.1.2 page 97. Exercises A to C on internal communication.

A. how do companies communicate with employees? What methods can you think of?

Companies usually use letters to communicate with employees, or when directors need to talk to someone specifically they call him and talk to him personally or send him or her an e-mail.

B. complete the text below using the words from the box.

These days, companies are spending more time and money on improving internal communication. This is the communication which takes place inside an organization. Communication will be downwards (from managers to junior staff), upwards (from staff to managers) and across (between staff), as well as between indicuduals and groups of people. There are varous channels which can be used. These can be divided into five main areas:

- Print: paper-based communication, e.g. magazines, newspapers, newsletters, letters, notes and messages.

- Face to face: direct contact with other people, e.g. one to one meetings, team meetings, forums, conferences, briefings.

- Workplace: physical objects in the working environment or workspace, e.g. notice boards, signs.

- Electronic: communication using computers, phones, television, etc. e.g. DVD, e-mail, voicemail, SMS messages, electronic newsletters, conference calls.

- Company intranet: using social media to create an internal community, e.g. posting profiles, writing blogs and wikis, starting discussion forums, etc. many leaders write internal blogs. Employees may join chat rooms, forums or message boards to post ideas and comments or upload images and discuss with other employees around the world. They may also be able to download information form the intranet.

C. match each of the words in red in exercise B to one of these definitions.

1. move information from a network to a PC. Download

2. web page written by an individual. Blogs

3. put information from a PC onto a network (2 words). Upload, post.

4. methods of communication. Channels

5. knowledge-sharing site. Wikis.

6. chances for people to discuss subject. Forums

7. meetings where information or instructions are given. Briefings.


A. different companies have different cultures and ways of working. Complete these sentences with the items in brackets. One of the items in each section cannot be used.

1. we don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of casual Fridays.

2. in many banks, staff can’t wear what they like. They have to wear uniforms.3. for two weeks each month, I work at night. I can’t sleep during the day. I hate shift work.4. we have flextime system in our office. Some people choose to work form 9 a.m to 5 p.m: others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.5. I am so busy at the moment that I worked on New Year’s Day, which is a public holiday.6. how many days’ childcare do you get in your company?7. we often speak on the phone, but never face to face.8. he uploads a written report on the company intranet each month. 9. our department starts every day with an informal meeting. It is very relaxed.10. companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very formal meeting, with a lot of people.11. in some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use family names when they speak to each other.12. what’s your job title now? Are you Chief Executive?

B. would you like to work for an organization which has:

- uniforms? NO- a lot of formal meetings? NO- casual Fridays? YES- flexible hours? YES

C. match each phrase to its explanation.

1. empowers employees. Staff have a lot of control over their work.2. supports innovation. New ideas and change are welcome.3. is customer focused. The needs and wants of the customers always come first.4. rewards good performance. There is an incentive scheme for efficient employees.5. encourages trust at all levels. Relationships between employees and managers are open and honest.


A. complete the first part of the advertisement below with the verbs from the box.

KARADA MODETHE ROLEWe are looking for a talented person for this position. In this exciting job you will need to:

Lead a team of 25.Set up a new branch in Amsterdam.Train new staff.Increase sales in all markets.Develop new products.Improve communication between our head office and local branches.Cope with strict deadlines and work well under pressure.

B. complete the second part of the advertisement with the verbs from the box.

THE PERSONOrganize a large department in the clothing industry.Plan budgets.

Manage sales conferences and trade exhibitions.Deal with customers, suppliers and their problems.Motivate employees and sales teams to get the best results.

C. describe your role in your present or a past job.

In the company where I am working I am in charge of industrial control, as this is a company related to the treatment of milk, one of my tasks is to check the production lines and system management.


A. complete these sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.1. Is Max coming to the meeting tomorrow?2. no, he’s not in the office. He is travelling on business all week.3. he is not coming back until next Monday.

B. complete this text using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.I’m meeting Mr Yamashiro next week. He is arriving on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I am taking him to the factory. I am not seeing him on Thursday, but I am driving him to the airport on Friday.

C. look at your diary. Talk about three of four things you are doing next week.I’m working during the whole week.I’m helping my children in their homework.I’m watching a movie on Saturday. D. Complete these sentences using going to.1. the computers are very slow. What are we going to do about it?2. we are not going to buy new computers. I think it’s too expensive.3. we are going to upgrade the software instead.

E. decide if the sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.1. Janine is going to change her job. True2. she is going to do a course. True 3. she is going to go abroad for her summer holiday. False, she’s going to stay at home.4. Patrick is going to change his job. True 5. he is going to move to a new house/flat. True 6. he is going to buy a new car. False, he’s going to buy a motorbike.

F. tick the plans below which are true for you. Add four more plans to each list.Fixed arrangement for next week- write a report- work during the whole week- help my children- watch a movie- do the houseworkIntentions for next year- do a course- do more exercise- visit some relatives.- practice extreme sports- apply for another position- speak English perfectly


A. find the sentences with the mistakes and correct them.

1. desk phone and desktop computers disappear in the next five years.Desk phones and desktop computers will disappear in the next five years.2. most companies will be open for business 24/7.Most companies are open for business 24/7.3. as a result, it not be easy for staff to have a good work life balance.As a result, it is not easy for staff to have a good work life balance.4. I will think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.I think most companies use social networking tools for internal communication.5. in many big companies, video conferencing will replace face to face meetings.In many big companies, video conferencing will replace face to face meetings.6. as a result, managers no spend as much time travelling for work.As a result, managers will not spend much time travelling for work.7. I no think companies will use e-mail, except for external communication.I don’t think companies will use e-mail, except for external communication.

B. make a list of three or four changes you think will happen in officecommunication.

- workers won’t have to travel for meetings because of video conferencing.- communication between employees and managers will be by e-mail instead of printed papers.- instant messages will improve urgent communication in the company if it is

implemented not only in the computer but in the cell-phone.

C. complete the sentences below with future time expressions form the box.1. sales of luxury cars will double by next year.2. I’ll send you a copy of the report tomorrow morning.3. we’ll finish the work before the end of June.4. I’ll be back in the office the day after tomorrow.5. we’ll finish the work on the new building next July.6. in two weeks’ time, we’ll review the budget.7. we will need to modernize our factory in the next two years.8. most people will have a fast broadband connection at home in five years’ time.

D. match the statements to the offers.1. I don’t have a hard copy of the report. I’ll print it out for you.2. I can’t find Sara’s address. I’ll e-mail it to you.3. I think it’s time to go home. I’ll give you a lift to the station. 4. these boxes are so heavy. I’ll carry one for you.5. I’m very thirsty. I’ll get a drink from the machine.


A. complete the sentences below using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.1. our online business is bad.We should develop a better website.2. our team is working too many hours.We should speak to our boss.3. the meeting is very important.We shouldn’t be late.4. she wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain.She should stay three days.5. we have to control our costs.You shouldn’t buy an expensive computer system.

B. give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn’t or I don’t think.1. I think he should get a salary increase.I don’t think he should get a salary increase.2. I think we should launch the new product now.I don’t think we should launch the new product now.3. she shouldn’t take customers to expensive restaurants.She should take customers to expensive restaurants.4. we should take every customer complaint seriously.We shouldn’t take every customer complaint seriously.5. I think staff should fly economy on every trip.I don’t think staff should fly economy on every trip.

C. ask for and give advices using the notes below.

Stay in an expensive hotel. I’m going on a business trip. Do you have any advice? You shouldn’t stay in an expensive hotel.

Take plenty of business cards. i’m going to a meeting with new customers do I need something important? You should take plenty of business cards.

Arrange a lot of appointments on the same day. I always have a very busy agenda and sometimes I lost important meetings because of time, what should I do? You shouldn’t arrange a lot of appointments on the same day.

Be late for appointments. can I get a little late to the meeting we have this afternoon? You shouldn’t be late for appointments.

Write a short report after each meeting. What can I do to remember the main points of a meeting? You should write a short report after each meeting.

Keep all your receipts for travel and restaurants. I spent a lot of money in the travel I did for the company, how can I recover that money? You should keep all your receipts for travel and restaurants.


A. decide whether they were asked by the flight attendant or the passenger. 1. could I have another drink, please? P2. would you like a newspaper? F3. could you show me how to turn on the light, please? P4. would you like another drink? F5. could I have some mineral water, please? P6. would you like coffee or tea? F7. could you fasten your seat belt, please? F8. could you help me find the movie channel, please? P

B. which of the questions are offers, and which are request?

Offers: numbers 2, 4 and 6.Request: numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8.

C. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests.

1. You need a map of the city. Could I have a map of the city, please?2. you want to go to a good restaurant. Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?3. you didn’t hear that. Could you say that again, please?4. you want a photocopy of a document. Could you copy this document for me, please?5. you want your bill. Could I have my bill, please?6. you want a taxi. Could you call me a taxi, please?

D. check requests of exercise C.

E. how does the other person reply?

1. yes, here you are.2. yes, there’s a very good Italian restaurant near here.3. yes, Seymour Street, I’ll show you where it is on the map.4. I’m sorry, I can’t. the office is closed in the evening. But I can do it for you tomorrow morning.5. yes, I’ll just print it for you.6. no problem. Where do you want to go?


A. complete these sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I have given two presentations this month.2. I haven’t sent any e-mails today.3. he has changed jobs recently.4. Magda has been away on business all week.5. they haven’t had any experience in negotiating.

B. match the job interview questions to their answers.

1. how many jobs have you had since leaving university? I’ve worked for six companies.2. why have you changed jobs so often? I wanted to get experience of sales in different industries.3. what have you done that shows leadership? Well, I lead the sales team. I’m also chairperson of a local business associatior.4. In what ways has your job changed since you joined the company? I now have more responsibility and I plan the sales strategy for the team.5. have you ever worked with a difficult person? Well, the boss in my last company wasn’t very easy to work with.

C. check answers.

D. complete these interview questions using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1. how have you changed over the last five years?2. what software programs have you used recently?3. what have you learned from your other jobs?4. what sort of problems have you had to deal with?5. what part of your job have you enjoyed the most?6. which countries have you visited for work/study?


A. Read the profile, choose the past simple or the present perfect form of the verbs to compete it.

I think I have had an interesting career. I studied at Oxford University from 1997 to 2000. Then I applied for jobs abroad. I have worked in Hong Kong for three years, and then I came to Japan in January 2004. I have been here for more than eight years and I still love it. I’ll never go back to the UK.During my career, I have done a number of different jobs, too. I have sold computer software in Hong Kong. I taught English for my first year in Japan. Since then, I have run my own training company. It is very successful.

B. Expressions that you can use to complete this sentence.Mr Kato has been very busy…

This week – since Monday – for the last two weeks – today – recently.

2.1.2 PAGE 99 AND 100. EXERCISES A TO D.

A. ask and answer these questions.

1. what mobile phone do you have? I have a Samsung Mobile.2. how often do you use it each day? I rarely use it, just for calls and messages.3. what do you mainly use it for? I used it for do and receive calls and messages.4. do you use the same mobile for business and private calls? Yes, I do.

B. do you find anything surprising in his use of communication technology? Article.

He always carries 2 or 3 phones with him. And that he doesn’t like video calling.

C. answer these questions.

1. how many mobile phones does Mr Colao have? He has four phones.2. What does he use thes phones for?Blackberry: for business e-mail and to swap SMS messages with colleagues.Samsung 360: for social contact and to access Facebook.3. according to Mr Colao, do executives use their mobiles more in northern or southern Europe?In southern Europe, they carry one phone and use it all the time.4. why doesn’t he like video calling? because he likes to take notes while talking to someone.5. How does he use these communication technologies?Conference calling: for keeping up to date on projects.Facebook: to send messages and to see what friends are doing.

D. find words in the article with these meanings.

1. to exchange: swap2. to get into : access3. behaving in a controlled way: disciplined4. someone who likes something very much: fan


A. do you agree with these statements?

1. all meetings should have fixed start and finishing times. Yes, I agree.2. being on time is equally important in all situations. Yes, I agree.3. it’s more important to learn about the culture of the country you do business with than to learn the language. No, for me both are important, so you can establish good conversation in your business.4. there’s no point having a detailed plan before you start a project. Things always change, and you need to be very flexible. No, it is important not only to be flexible but to be prepare.

B. think about this question. What are two main causes of cultural misunderstanding between Brazil and China?

C. decide whether these statements about the article are true or false. Correct the false ones.1. brazil’s biggest trading partner today is the US. F. It’s now China.2. at Chinbra, students spend most of the time learning Mandarin. True 3. Charles Tang thinks deals go wrong mainly because of language problems. False, lack of cultural understaning.4. For the Chinese, being on time is very important. True 5. Brazilians don’t give a lot of importance to planning. False, many companies prefer to plan as they go along ans dix problems when they happen.

D. discuss these questions.1. what happened? Brazilians arrive late to the meeting with the Chinese businessmen.2. how do you think both sides felt about the situation? The Chinese felt bad because of the lack of responsibility of the Brazilians. And the Brazilians felt normal because they are used to arrive late and give excuses.3. for the next meeting with the Chinese, what could the Brazilians do differently? They can arrive earlier so they can avoid any traffic problem.

E. find words in the article with these meanings.1. planned. 1. Scheduled 2. very important and needing attention. 3. Priority 3. problems. 3. Issues 4. to be unsuccessful. 4. Fail 5. when there is not enough of something. 4. Lack 6. the last possible date for doing something. 5. Deadlines

F. what practical advice would you give about studying or doing business in your country?Appointments: it is important to establish deadlines and to accomplish them in order to be successful in every task that we do.Planning and deadlines: deadlines will help people to be responsible and to give a good impression in everything.

2.1.4 PAGE 115 AND 116. EXERCISES A TO C.

A. ask and answer these questions in small groups.

1. do you have a profile on a professional networking website such as Linkedin? No 2. does your company have a profile on a professional networking website? Yes, www.alqueria.com.co3. discuss how a professional networking site can help individuals and companies. It help individuals to get job or to know more about a place or a company; and it help a company to let people know about their work and to increase their sells.

B. put these headings in the correct place on the profile.

1. Recruitment professional2. Professional Summary3. Specialties4. Work experience5. Education6. Interests

C. decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Helen did her Master’s in HRM in Melbourne. False, she did it in Sydney.

2. she has worked for three different companies. True

3. she has always worked in graduated recruitment. False, she also worked as a store manager.

4. she has good communication skills. True

5. when she was at ADM consulting, she was responsible for organizing summer internships. False, she was responsible for recruitment events in Australia and arranged interviews.

6. she doesn’t have any experience outside Australia. True


B. interview with Ros Pomeroy, which of the social networking sites in Exercise A does she use? She uses Linkedin.

C. which two advantages and one disadvantage of social networking does Ros mention?

One advantage is to keep in touch with people in the professional field and to have contact with people who are interested in her work. The disadvantage is that some people contact her to sell things she is not interested in.

D. who is the best communicator that Ros knows?Her ex-boss because he is very enthusiastic and knows very wells what he is talking about.

E. complete this text.

He always had a real passion for his subject – whatever he was talking about, he was enthusiastic. he made sure that he knew his subject very well, and the one thing that made a big difference , I think, is that when he spoke to an audience, he made that audience feel as if they were very important.

F. make a note of whether Ros likes does not like or does not mention these forms of communication.

1. letters. Don’t mention2. face to face. like3. e-mail like4. handwritten notes don’t mention5. corporate newsletter don’t like6. corporate magazine don’t like7. telephone calls. Don’t mention


A. interview to John answer these questions.

1. what meal was John invited to? Dinner2. what did he look at? A beautiful table3. what was his mistake? b. he talked about his host’s table.

B. Cameron’s questions

1. where was Peter’s new job? In France2. what was his mistake? c. he did not use family names.3. how did the staff feel when Peter used first names? They were not happy.

C. Susan’s questions

1. where did Susan make her mistake? In a Japanese meeting2. who did she go out for a meal with? Japanese sales staff3. what was her mistake? a. she poured her own drink.4. what did she forget to do? To pour drinks for the others.

D. Liz, Jeremy and Ros.

1. was working in East Africa? Jeremy2. was working with a Dutch colleague? Liz 3. got straight down to business? Jeremy 4. writes long e-mails? Ros5. often adds funny comments in e-mails? Ros6. thought a colleague was abrupt and rude? Liz

E. it is easy to make mistakes in other cultures. What other examples do you know?

It is usual to use different words when talking or to use words that have a different meaning, and the customs we have in our country could be different in others.


A. interview Liz Crede. What she says about.1. her current job. It is her ideal job.2. a job she had over 20 years ago. She didn’t like because the company didn’t treat very well the people.

B. decide whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.1. her strengths come from her work as a CEO over the last 20 years. False, she worked as a consultant2. she understands how organizations work by studying them closely. True 3. she can see a situation from many different sides. True 4. she finds it easy to make decisions. False, sometimes it is hard to make decisions.

C. complete these notes on the advice that Liz gives.Take the opportunities that you are given and really learn as much as you can from themReally listen to those around you and pay attention to what they are saying. Build relationships across the organization.Ask a question that demonstrates you’re really interested in the company.



- WHICH TYPES OF CROSS-CULTURAL PROBLEMS DOES THE VIDEO ADDRESS? Cultural stereotyping and ineffective communication

- WHAT IS MIGUEL’S BOSS DEMANDING IN SUCH A DESPERATE WAY? She wants the some equipment that was scheduled two weeks ago.

- WHY CANNOT CARLOS DELIVER THE DOCUMENTS TO HIS BOSS IMMEDIATELY? Because he needs to follow a process, those permits are very difficult to get.

- ACCORDING TO THE PRESENTER, WHAT IS THE PROJECT COMPARED WITH? She said that the project is as precarious as a house of cards.

- ACCORDING TO MIGUEL, WHAT ARE THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF WORKING WITH MS. JONES? She doesn’t try to understand the problems of business or how to avoid them.

- Which solutions does Miguel propose to work with Ms. Jones? He advice her to get a custom broker.

- According to Carlos, what are the main problems of working with Ms. Jones? he said that she is used to find corruption in latin America and generalized with every people, also that her way to talk to the others is not a good one.

- Which solutions does Carlos propose to work with Ms. Jones? to change the way she talks, body language is very important and in that way we reflect our strengths and weaknesses.