Most of our materials, ideas and stamina we collect from the street. Most of our friends do so too. Often, we come across the same things but we came from different places, headed to different ends. Occasionally, we arrive at the same place simultaneously and have to cover each other’s back. Around town, the inside and the outside are never comprehensively designated. We don’t go out scavenging for things, we saunter the city plains –on lazy legs and distracted eyes- and come to meet them. Trials leave traces of memories on matter. In crime series, the forensic surgeon reconstructs the crime and recovers the murderer by tracing evidence of the lethal weapon on the tissue around the wound. Then he pulls back the cloth over the head and puts her to rest. The items we dress in and dress our spaces with carry evidence of our condition. Dress is personal, self-conscious, cultural and local; it involves the geography of the land, the syntax of the spoken language, the conformation of our bodies, our customs and our secrets. Dress covers, protects and hides and dress communicates the story of its bearer. Dress is an agent of power, it parcels and brands the entity or void it contains, dress is political. Making a play on the word applied, we imagined patterns of textures applied on fabric surfaces which would then be applied back on the streets and our bodies disturbing the time continuum of the cognitive process by superimposing relational narratives. Dora Economou is a sculptor. Pegy Zali is an architect. They were born, live and work in Athens Greece. In fall 2014, they joined forces and founded DEPZ, a brand committed to propose thinking patterns on fabrics. depz.gr / [email protected]


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Page 1: DEPZlookbook

Most of our materials, ideas and stamina we collect from the street. Most of our friends do so too. Often, we come across the same things but we came from different places, headed to different ends. Occasionally, we arrive at the same place simultaneously and have to cover each other’s back. Around town, the inside and the outside are never comprehensively designated. We don’t go out scavenging for things, we saunter the city plains –on lazy legs and distracted eyes- and come to meet them. Trials leave traces of memories on matter. In crime series, the forensic surgeon reconstructs the crime and recovers the murderer by tracing evidence of the lethal weapon on the tissue around the wound. Then he pulls back the cloth over the head and puts her to rest. The items we dress in and dress our spaces with carry evidence of our condition. Dress is personal, self-conscious, cultural and local; it involves the geography of the land, the syntax of the spoken language, the conformation of our bodies, our customs and our secrets. Dress covers, protects and hides and dress communicates the story of its bearer. Dress is an agent of power, it parcels and brands the entity or void it contains, dress is political. Making a play on the word applied, we imagined patterns of textures applied on fabric surfaces which would then be applied back on the streets and our bodies disturbing the time continuum of the cognitive process by superimposing relational narratives.

Dora Economou is a sculptor. Pegy Zali is an architect. They were born, live and work in Athens Greece. In fall 2014, they joined forces and founded DEPZ, a brand committed to propose thinking patterns on fabrics.depz.gr / [email protected]

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PARCOURS by Dora Economou, 1/10

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BICYCLE GIRL by Pegy Zali, 1/10

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ANIMAL JAM by Pegy Zali, 1/10

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PRAYER by Dora Economou, 1/10

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PAPER CUP EXIT by Dora Economou, 1/10

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VASE WITH EIGHT SUNFLOWERS (B&W) by Dora Economou, 1/10

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NIGHTWISH by Dora Economou, 1/10

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THREE CENT by Dora Economou, 1/10

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