J. SE Asian Appl. Geol., 2015, Vol. 7(2), pp. 51–60 DEPOSITIONAL MODEL OF NGRAYONG FORMATION IN MADURA AREA, NORTH EAST JAVA BASIN, INDONESIA Paike Htwe *1,2 , Sugeng Sapto Surjono 2 , Donatus Hendra Amijaya 2 , and Kyuro Sasaki 3 1 Geology Department, Magway University, Magway, Myanmar 2 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 3 Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan Abstract The early Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation, an important reservoir of North East Java Basin, is well exposed in the central anticlinal part of Madura Is- land. The purpose of current study is to classify the depositional environments of the study area based on the characteristics and geometry of sedimentary facies. In the Madura island, the thicker clastics and deeper carbonates of Ngimbang Formation and Kujung Formation of Late Oligocene-Early Miocene deposited in the northeast-southwest asymmetrical half grabens. After the deposition of Kujung For- mation, the basin morphology developed nearly east- west trending shelf edge and the deposition of Tuban Formation began. The fine grained complex of Tuban Formation was followed by the Ngrayong Sand- stones deposition. The depositional model of Ngray- ong Formation is being producing of wide variety of depositional environments. Large scale cross-bedded sandstones and bioturbated massive sandstones with thin to medium bedded argillaceous limestone that outcrop in the northern part of the study area are deposited in costal environment. The heterolithic sandstone with planar and trough cross-lamination, fine grained sandstone with interlaminated struc- ture and bioclastic carbonate exposed in the central part of the study area are deposited in upper shallow marine area. Dark grey siltstones and mudstones * Corresponding author: P. HTWE, Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada Univer- sity. Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] deposited in lower shallow marine area are well ex- posed in southern part of the study area. In conclu- sion, Ngrayong Formation in Madura area is devel- oped in three depositional units which are coastal, upper shallow marine and lower shallow marine. Keywords: Lithofacies, Depositional environment, Sandstone, Ngrayong Formation, Madura Island, North East Java Basin 1 Introduction The North East Java Basin, a classic back-arc basin, is situated on the southern margin of the stable Sunda craton. The East Java region can be grouped into five tectonic provinces (Yulihanto et al., 1995). The study area, Madura Area is sit- uated in the eastern part of Rembang Zone, the northernmost province of East Java. The Rem- bang Zone sequence was strongly influenced by Tertiary clastics and carbonates that form large petroleum reservoirs (Soetantri et al., 1973). Ge- omorphologically, the study area is regarded as hilly topographic terrain forming continuous ridges of relatively low relief (Figure 1). Many valleys with various sizes dissected the area in nearly E–W direction. The hydrocarbon exploration in North East Java Basin, including the study area, had started by Dutch companies during Dutch colonization (before 1940s). The Dutch author, Bouwens (1938), described that the Ngray- ong Formation was fully marine deposits base on fossils evidences. However, later authors 51

DEPOSITIONAL MODEL OF NGRAYONG FORMATION IN MADURA … · 2020. 4. 27. · [email protected] deposited in lower shallow marine area are well ex-posed in southern part of the

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Page 1: DEPOSITIONAL MODEL OF NGRAYONG FORMATION IN MADURA … · 2020. 4. 27. · ph.geology.mgu@gmail.com deposited in lower shallow marine area are well ex-posed in southern part of the

J. SE Asian Appl. Geol., 2015, Vol. 7(2), pp. 51–60


Paike Htwe∗1,2, Sugeng Sapto Surjono2, Donatus Hendra Amijaya2, and Kyuro Sasaki3

1Geology Department, Magway University, Magway, Myanmar2Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia3Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan


The early Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation, animportant reservoir of North East Java Basin, is wellexposed in the central anticlinal part of Madura Is-land. The purpose of current study is to classify thedepositional environments of the study area basedon the characteristics and geometry of sedimentaryfacies. In the Madura island, the thicker clasticsand deeper carbonates of Ngimbang Formation andKujung Formation of Late Oligocene-Early Miocenedeposited in the northeast-southwest asymmetricalhalf grabens. After the deposition of Kujung For-mation, the basin morphology developed nearly east-west trending shelf edge and the deposition of TubanFormation began. The fine grained complex of TubanFormation was followed by the Ngrayong Sand-stones deposition. The depositional model of Ngray-ong Formation is being producing of wide variety ofdepositional environments. Large scale cross-beddedsandstones and bioturbated massive sandstones withthin to medium bedded argillaceous limestone thatoutcrop in the northern part of the study area aredeposited in costal environment. The heterolithicsandstone with planar and trough cross-lamination,fine grained sandstone with interlaminated struc-ture and bioclastic carbonate exposed in the centralpart of the study area are deposited in upper shallowmarine area. Dark grey siltstones and mudstones

∗Corresponding author: P. HTWE, Departmentof Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada Univer-sity. Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia. E-mail:[email protected]

deposited in lower shallow marine area are well ex-posed in southern part of the study area. In conclu-sion, Ngrayong Formation in Madura area is devel-oped in three depositional units which are coastal,upper shallow marine and lower shallow marine.

Keywords: Lithofacies, Depositional environment,Sandstone, Ngrayong Formation, Madura Island,North East Java Basin

1 Introduction

The North East Java Basin, a classic back-arcbasin, is situated on the southern margin of thestable Sunda craton. The East Java region can begrouped into five tectonic provinces (Yulihantoet al., 1995). The study area, Madura Area is sit-uated in the eastern part of Rembang Zone, thenorthernmost province of East Java. The Rem-bang Zone sequence was strongly influenced byTertiary clastics and carbonates that form largepetroleum reservoirs (Soetantri et al., 1973). Ge-omorphologically, the study area is regardedas hilly topographic terrain forming continuousridges of relatively low relief (Figure 1). Manyvalleys with various sizes dissected the area innearly E–W direction.

The hydrocarbon exploration in North EastJava Basin, including the study area, hadstarted by Dutch companies during Dutchcolonization (before 1940s). The Dutch author,Bouwens (1938), described that the Ngray-ong Formation was fully marine deposits baseon fossils evidences. However, later authors


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Figure 1: The Location and topographic map ofMadura Area.

such as Brouwer (1957) noted very shallow tomarginal marine deposits for this formation.Latief et al. (1990) interprets that the deposi-tion area of Ngrayong Formation in Maduraarea was the deltaic origin. Ardhana (1993)concluded, the Ngrayong Formation was de-posited on the continental shallow shelf toslope areas. The authors who studied theNgrayong Formation mentioned that Ngray-ong Formation was deposited on various kindsof environment and a number of sedimentaryprocesses. The purpose of the present study isto identify the depositional setting of NgrayongFormation based on variation and distributionof sedimentary facies.

2 Materials and Methods

The Ngrayong Formation is generally exposedalong east-west trending in the central anticli-nal part of the study area (Figure 2). A num-ber of good outcrops are situated at the quar-ries along the flanks of Madura Anticline, andon the way connected from the Pamekasan tothe north coast of Madura (Figure 2). Sevenquarries and one road sections are measured inthe study area. The thickness of the section wasdirectly measured by Jacob’s Staff and the dipand strike of the strata was measured by Brun-ton Compass. The other field equipment suchas Global Positioning System (GPS) to take lo-cations, camera to take photographs and ham-mer are also used in the field. The stratigraphiccolumns were reproduced by using Surfer 10software after the field study. The depositional

environments are classified based on the char-acteristic of sedimentary units which includethickness, sedimentary structures, grain sizesand types, colour and biogenic content of thesedimentary rock.

3 Geological background

The Ngrayong Formation is mainly composedof quartzarenite sandstones in Madura Island,and shales and sandstones in the Rembangand Randublatung zone. The sandstones areproductive in the onshore East Java Basin(Soetantri et al., 1973; Sharaf et al., 2005). Thesesandstones are medium- to coarse-grained andmoderately to well sorted and exhibit excellentreservoir properties with porosity greater than35% and permeability’s up to 10 Darcy (IBS,2006).

The upper boundary of Ngrayong Forma-tion is represented by an erosion surface, withmeter-scale conglomerate-filled channels whichare overlain by the late Middle Miocene BuluFormation, a marker bed consisting of massivecarbonates rich in larger benthic foraminiferaand small patches of corals, red algae and sandycarbonates. The lower boundary between theNgrayong Formation and late Early MioceneTuban lithologies is generally gradational con-tact. However, it is locally represented by afew centimeters of glauconitic and broken andstained skeletal grains, suggesting sedimentstarvation and possible drowning (Sharaf et al.,2005). The age of Ngrayong Formation is rang-ing from early Middle Miocene to mid-MiddleMiocene (J.O.B. Pertamina-Trend Tuban, 1990).Strontium isotope data indicate that the ageof Ngrayong Formation constrains between 15and 13 Ma (Sharaf et al., 2005).

4 Paleogeography

The basement architecture of North East JavaBasin is northeast-southwest asymmetrical halfgrabens and ridges (Darman and Sidi, 2000). InLate Oligocene-Early Miocene, the thicker clas-tic and deeper carbonate of Ngimbang Forma-tion and Kujung Formation accumulated in the

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half grabens. The reefal carbonate sedimentsare developed on the ridges at the same time.

The basin was divided by an irregular east-west trending shelf edge, after the deposition ofKujung Formation (Ardhana, 1993). This struc-tural trend is developed approximately paral-lel along the present northern coast of East Javaand Madura.

The major tectonic readjustment have notbeen appeared during the deposition of theTuban Formation which is marked by a rela-tively thin clastic sequence on the shelf whilebathyal shales accumulated and partially filledthe lows to the south. This deposition was theregional setting prior to the deposition of theNgrayong Formation (Ardhana, 1993).

5 Depositional setting

In the current study, the depositional modelof Ngrayong Formation establish based onlithofacies distribution and depositional envi-ronments. Seven quarries and one road sec-tions are measured to classify lithofacies andto interpret depositional environment of its.Those eight sections (Figure 3) were AB (quarrynear Ambunten River in northeastern part ofMadura Anticline), CPG (quarry at CamporGeger village in the north-east of Bankalan),GGL (quarry at Geger Gujug Laut village), SP(quarry at 19km from the north-west of Sam-pang), SMN (quarry at 3km from north-westof Sumenep), PMK (quarry in Pamekasan),KRK (Karukan quarry in northeastern partof Pamekasan) and PMR (road section at theanticlinal part, 18 km from the due north ofPamekasan).

The model presented three depositional unitswithin the Ngrayong Formation (Figure 3) inMadura Area. These are coastal unit, uppershallow marine unit and lower shallow marineunit. Each units have a different areal extendand sedimentary facies as a consequence of dif-fering depositional environments and sedimen-tary processes.

Coastal unit

This unit is well exposed at the quarries in thenorthern most part of Madura Island (Figure

3) especially in CPG, AB and the lower partof GGL quarries. The coastal sediments repre-sented by medium- to coarse- grained, gener-ally thickly bedded, locally massive sandstonesare cropped out in these quarries. The sand-stones are yellowish brown, moderately sortedquartz arenite. Large, planar cross beddingsare found in this sandstone (Figure 4a). Theflaser bedding and mud drape also developedin quartz arenite sandstones (Figure 4b). Theparallel laminated sandstones covered over thecoarse-grained and thickly bedded quart aren-ite sediments (Figure 4c) in CPG quarry sec-tion (Figure 3). Medium grained thickly beddedquartzose sandstones intercalated with lime-stone. Limestone intercalations are thinly bed-ded, hard, argillaceous and fossiliferous. Thevertical bioturbations (Figure 4d) are also com-mon within the massive sandstones in AB (Fig-ure 3) and GGL sections.

The evidences of tidal current such as muddrapes, flaser bedding and cross bedding arecharacterized in this unit. The cross-beddedquartz arenite in this area was formed in tidedominated channel to subtidal in regressive sit-uation where the mega ripple sand dune (End-harto, 2004). The vertical burrow structuresin the massive sandstones point out the highenergy environments. The bedding character,coarse grained and massive sandstones coveredby parallel laminated (Figure 3) are occurred inintertidal coast line area (Nichols, 1999; 2009).This unit is, consequently, the tide dominatedintertidal to foreshore environment.

Upper shallow marine unit

This unit is well exposed at the base of GujugLaut Quarry section (GGL), in northern part ofMadura area (Figure 3). This sediments are alsoseem at SP section, KRK section, PMK section,PMR section and SMN section in the southernpart of Madura.

In this unit, fine- to medium- grained,medium sorted, thickly bedded to massiveheterolithic sandstones are found at the middlepart of GGL section (Figure 3). These sand-stones consist of wavy to flaser bedded andthin mud drape. The heterolithic sand beds areintercalated with dark brown, thin- to medium-

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Figure 4: The coastal sediments in Madura Area; (a) Large scale cross-bedding in thickly beddedsandstone, (b) Flaser bedding within the massive sandstone, (c) Parallel laminated sandstone cov-ered over cross bedded sandstone, (d) The vertical burrow structures in massive sandstone.

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bedded silt layer which include lenticularsand laminae. Bi-directional cross-laminatedstructure is locally found in these sandstones(Figure 5a). These heterolithic sandstones aredeposited in lower portion of tidal flat undercondition low current speed developed ripplecross-lamination under mix flat produced wavybedding silty sand and shale (Figure 5b). Fine-grained, medium to thickly bedded sandstonesof this unit are exposed at SMN quarry section(Figure 3) and SP quarry section (Figure 3) insouthern part of Madura Island. The primarysedimentary structures such as horizontal andparallel laminated structure are common in thefine grained sandstones.

The similar lithology of fine grained sand-stone in SP and SMN sections are encounteredin the sandstones of KRK quarry (Figure 3) andPMK quarry (Figure 3). But, these sandstonesshow laminated structure and more calcare-ous than sandstones in SP and SMN sections.Thin, argillaceous limestone intercalations areoccurred in laminated fine grained sandstones(Figure 5c). Foraminifera, Cycloclypeus sp, andLepidocyclina murrayana sp. are found in thethin section of laminated sandstone (Figure 5d).In the PMR road section which situated 15 kmnortheast direction from KRK quarry section,the sandstones represented similar lithology tolaminated sandstone are interbedded with bio-clastic limestones (Figure 3). Thin, parallel,horizontal to low inclined laminae (Figure 5e)without reactivation surface reflected suspen-sion sediment deposited in low energy currentsin moderate-depth setting are characterized inthese fine grained sediments. Where calcare-ous, coarser-grained, more fossiliferous, andthicker-laminated of these sediments is indica-tive of a slightly higher energy, lower shorefaceenvironment.

Bioclastic limestones are interbedded withfine grain sandstone in SP quarry, SMN quarryand PMR road sections. These carbonates aredark brown, medium- to thick-bedded, grainsupported and fossiliferous sandy limestones(Figure 5f), and contain large foraminifera asCycloclypeus sp. with other bioclasts. Theforaminifera, Cycloclypeus sp. are one of thebest paleo-water depth indicators. It occurs

rarely in waters as shallow as 70 meters (225 ft)but only becomes frequent or common in about100 to 120 meters (330-400 ft) of water (J.O.B.Pertamina-Trend Tuban, 1990). The presence ofsedimentary structures developed in tidal cur-rents, lithologic characters and fossil evidencesinterpreted that these sediments are depositedin tide-dominated, upper shoreface to offshoretransition environments (Nichols, 1999; Miall,2000; Nichols, 2009).

Lower shallow marine unit

This unit is well exposed at at SP quarry sectionand at the upper portion of GGL quarry section(Figure 3). The lower shallow marine sedimentsare represented by dark grey mudstones andgrey shale. Generally grey, occasionally darkgrey and thinly to thickly bedded siltstones areoccurred at the GGL section (Figure 3). Darkcoloured mudstone contains fine grained, yel-lowish brown, lenticular sand. Thinly lami-nated structures are developed in the siltstonebeds. Bioturbation and horizontal burrows arecommon on the upper surface of these siltstonelayers (Figure 6a).

The gray shale that crop out at SP section(Figure 3)were thickly bedded to massive, non-calcareous and less fossil content. It includesthin (1–3 mm), slightly lenticular silty lami-nae. Fissility is common in shale layer (Figure6b). The laminated and fissile structures, darkcolour, very fine grained composition of thissediment are reflected suspension loads fall-out in a low energy setting. Based on litho-logic characters, horizontal bioturbations andsedimentary structures, these sediments are in-terpreted as forming from the deposition inoffshore or deep shallow marine environment(Nichols, 1999; Miall, 2000; Nichols, 2009).

6 Conclusion

The measured sections of Ngrayong Formationwere taken in the seven quarry sections andone road section of the study area. Gener-ally, Ngrayong Formation can be divided intothree depositional units which possess differ-ent sedimentary facies. The coastal unit ex-posed in the northern part of Madura Area is

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Figure 5: The upper neritic sediments in Madura Area (a) Bidirectional cross-laminae in heterolithicsandstone, (b) The heterolithic sandstone intercalated with mud wavy laminae (c) Fine grainedsandstone intercalated with argillaceous limestone (d) Microscopic view of foraminifera, Lepidocy-clina murrayana sp. and Cycloclypeus sp., in fine grained, laminated sandstone (f) Bioclastic limestonewith Large foraminifera Cycloclypeus sp.

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Figure 6: The lower neritic sediments in Madura Area, (a) Horizontal bioturbations on the surfaceof dark grey siltstone, (b) Fissile structures in grey shale.

deposited in beaches and foreshore environ-ments. The upper shallow marine unit thatcropped out in north western part and south-ern flank of Madura Anticline is deposited intide-dominated, upper shallow shelf environ-ment. The lower shallow marine unit occurredin southern part of the study area are depositedin moderate-depth lower shallow shelf or off-shore environment. The depositional environ-ments of Ngrayong Formation move to thedeeper from north to south.


The authors would like to be grateful to theAUN/SEED-Net (ASEAN University NetworkSoutheast Asia Engineering Education Devel-opment Network) program and JICA (JapaneseInternational Cooperation Agency) for financialsupport.


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