Depolarized light scattering from prolate anisotropic particles: The influence of the particle shape on the field autocorrelation function Christopher Passow, Borge ten Hagen, Hartmut Löwen, and Joachim Wagner Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 044903 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4926931 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926931 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/143/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Study of translational and rotational dynamics of birefringent colloidal particles by depolarized light scattering in the far- and near-field regimes J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044902 (2015); 10.1063/1.4926391 Frequency-modulated light scattering in colloidal suspensions Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 061104 (2013); 10.1063/1.4792220 One-particle correlation function in evanescent wave dynamic light scattering J. Chem. Phys. 136, 204704 (2012); 10.1063/1.4720069 The intensity correlation function in evanescent wave scattering J. Chem. Phys. 132, 074704 (2010); 10.1063/1.3305328 Forming chainlike filaments of magnetic colloids: The role of the relative strength of isotropic and anisotropic particle interactions J. Chem. Phys. 125, 084706 (2006); 10.1063/1.2220561 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:20:55

Depolarized light scattering from prolate anisotropic

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Depolarized light scattering from prolate anisotropic particles: The influence of theparticle shape on the field autocorrelation functionChristopher Passow, Borge ten Hagen, Hartmut Löwen, and Joachim Wagner Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 044903 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4926931 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926931 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/143/4?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Study of translational and rotational dynamics of birefringent colloidal particles by depolarized light scatteringin the far- and near-field regimes J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044902 (2015); 10.1063/1.4926391 Frequency-modulated light scattering in colloidal suspensions Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 061104 (2013); 10.1063/1.4792220 One-particle correlation function in evanescent wave dynamic light scattering J. Chem. Phys. 136, 204704 (2012); 10.1063/1.4720069 The intensity correlation function in evanescent wave scattering J. Chem. Phys. 132, 074704 (2010); 10.1063/1.3305328 Forming chainlike filaments of magnetic colloids: The role of the relative strength of isotropic and anisotropicparticle interactions J. Chem. Phys. 125, 084706 (2006); 10.1063/1.2220561

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Depolarized light scattering from prolate anisotropic particles: The influenceof the particle shape on the field autocorrelation function

Christopher Passow,1 Borge ten Hagen,2 Hartmut Löwen,2 and Joachim Wagner11Institut für Chemie, Universität Rostock, D-18051 Rostock, Germany2Institut für Theoretische Physik II: Weiche Materie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf,D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

(Received 19 March 2015; accepted 6 July 2015; published online 24 July 2015)

We provide a theoretical analysis for the intermediate scattering function typically measured indepolarized dynamic light scattering experiments. We calculate the field autocorrelation functiongVH

1 (Q, t) in dependence on the wave vector Q and the time t explicitly in a vertical-horizontalscattering geometry for differently shaped solids of revolution. The shape of prolate cylinders,spherocylinders, spindles, and double cones with variable aspect ratio is expanded in rotationalinvariants f lm(r). By Fourier transform of these expansion coefficients, a formal multipole expan-sion of the scattering function is obtained, which is used to calculate the weighting coefficientsappearing in the depolarized scattering function. In addition to translational and rotational diffusion,especially the translational-rotational coupling of shape-anisotropic objects is considered. From theshort-time behavior of the intermediate scattering function, the first cumulants Γ(Q) are calculated.In a depolarized scattering experiment, they deviate from the simple proportionality to Q2. Thecoefficients f lm(Q) strongly depend on the geometry and aspect ratio of the particles. The timedependence, in addition, is governed by the translational and rotational diffusion tensors, which arecalculated by means of bead models for differently shaped particles in dependence on their aspectratio. Therefore, our analysis shows how details of the particle shape—beyond their aspect ratio—can be determined by a precise scattering experiment. This is of high relevance in understandingsmart materials which involve suspensions of anisotropic colloidal particles. C 2015 AIP PublishingLLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4926931]


Although the thermal motion of small suspended particlesis connected to the name of Robert Brown, who observeda random motion of pollen in water with an optical micro-scope in 1827, this effect was for the first time reported byJan Ingenhousz in 1785. More than 40 yr earlier, Ingenhouszdescribed the stochastic motion of inorganic charcoal dust onthe surface of alcohol, already disproving Brown’s hypoth-esis that this motion is caused by the vitality of pollen. Thephysical reason for this thermal motion was elucidated byEinstein in the annus mirabilis of physics, 1905.1 Already1 yr later, he addressed the rotational diffusion of sphericalparticles.2

While the translational diffusion of colloidal particleshas been thoroughly explored by experiments and theory,3,4

rotational diffusion is much less investigated. The earlystarting point for the lasting interest in the diffusive motionof anisotropic particles is the well-known work of Perrin.5

Experimental access to rotational diffusion is possible viadynamic light scattering employing laser light6–13 or coherentX-rays14 as a probe. With near-field depolarized dynamic lightscattering, in a heterodyne experiment, very small scatteringvectors can be accessed.15 Furthermore, birefringence16 andNMR experiments17 as well as computer simulations18–20

are used to investigate rotational diffusion. For particles

with a size comparable to optical wavelengths, the rotationaland translational motion can directly be observed by meansof confocal video microscopy.21 As opposed to scatteringmethods, which immediately provide information on anensemble average, video microscopy requires tracking a largenumber of trajectories for a statistical average. Furthermore,these methods are limited to comparatively large and slowlydiffusing objects.

While a variety of well-defined spherical particles havebeen studied, only few model systems of well-defined aniso-tropic particles are available. Systems with tunable aspectratio are even rarer. As model systems for prolate particles,e.g., goethite,22–25 hematite,26–28 polymer particles,29 andviruses like tobacco mosaic viruses30–33 or fd viruses34–36

have been described. With regard to oblate particles, gibbsiteplatelets are available as a model system.37,38

Due to the orientation as an additional degree of freedom,however, the complexity of the phase diagram of such aniso-tropic particles is enhanced as compared to spherical parti-cles since at least the interaction by the excluded volume isdirection-dependent. Both prolate and oblate particles withlarge anisotropy are mesoscale analogs of liquid crystals39,40

and therefore exhibit the same variety in phase behavior.Anisotropic colloidal particles are important for many

complex fluids in technical applications, e.g., suspended pig-ments in paints, clay particles in slurries used for the

0021-9606/2015/143(4)/044903/17/$30.00 143, 044903-1 © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

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044903-2 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

preparation of ceramics, and even in food engineering.41 Fer-rofluids42 and ferrogels43–45 (for a recent review see Ref. 46)with magnetic particles provide further prominent examplesof smart materials where anisotropic particles are involved.Both translational and rotational frictions of those particlesinfluence the macroscopic rheological behavior important forthe processing of such fluids. Since the size of colloidalparticles is similar to that of biological structures such asviruses or bacteria, their microrheology is also relevant tobiological processes. Shape-anisotropic particles, even whenconsisting of amorphous materials with isotropic physicalproperties, exhibit direction-dependent dielectric and magneticproperties and herewith related optical properties. Hence,the rotational motion of such particles affects their scatteredintensity.

The translational self-diffusion can be addressed ex-perimentally by quasielastic scattering experiments usinglongitudinal and transversal waves without polarizationanalysis. For the experimental observation of rotationalself-diffusion by means of scattering methods, however,transversal waves with polarization analysis are mandatoryas a probe. The rotational motion can be elegantly probedusing an incident wave with a polarization perpendicularto that of the scattered wave. If the polarization of theincident beam is perpendicular to the scattering vector,the geometry of such a setup is called vertical-horizontal(VH).

Let us consider an ensemble of freely rotating particlescompletely aligned along an initial unit vectorΩ0 at time t = 0.This ensemble is described by a sharp orientational distributionfunction (odf) p(Ω) = δ(Ω −Ω0)withΩ denoting a unit vectoron the sphere. Clearly, this orientational distribution functionbecomes random with p(Ω) = 1/(4π) after a very long time.Hence, the mean angle between the initial and final orien-tations, ⟨∠(Ω0,Ω(t))⟩t→∞, equals π/2, which corresponds tothe angle enclosed by the crossed polarizers in a depolarizedscattering experiment.

The key dynamical quantity measured in a depolarizedlight scattering experiment in VH geometry is the so-calledintermediate scattering function, which is related to thefield autocorrelation function and provides access to theorientational dynamics. Even for a single Brownian particle,i.e., for a suspension at high dilution, the time dependenceof this correlation function is nontrivial due to the rotation-translation coupling in the laboratory frame. A first theoreticalapproach to the translational-rotational coupling of cylinder-shaped objects is described by Aragón and Pecora47 usingspheroidal basis functions. In this paper, we start from asystematic expansion of the particle form factors P(Q,Ω) intospherical harmonics. The intermediate scattering function inVH-geometry is then calculated by canonically averaging overrotational and translational transition probabilities obtainedfrom the Smoluchowski equation for the Brownian dynamicsof anisotropic particles. We give explicit expressions forthe expansion coefficients and evaluate them for differentparticle shapes such as cylinders, spherocylinders, ellipsoids,spindles, and double cones. We thereby show that detailsof the particle shape—beyond the aspect ratio48—influencethe static and dynamic scattering functions. Therefore, a

precise scattering experiment, if evaluated within our frame-work, gives access to the details of the particle shape. Thisis of high importance with regard to the interpretation ofdepolarized quasielastic scattering experiments employingcoherent X-rays. When colloidal suspensions are studied,the size of the particles is significantly larger than X-ray wavelengths. Meanwhile, highly brilliant linearly polar-ized coherent X-rays are accessible from third genera-tion synchrotron sources49 and new upcoming free electronlasers.50

This paper is dedicated to the depolarized scattering ofsolids of revolution. Our approach can be applied to prolateas well as to oblate shapes. Here, at first, prolate objects areconsidered.

The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. II, we calculatethe field autocorrelation function in VH-geometry in terms ofrotational invariants. In Sec. III, the scattering length densityof homogeneous solids of revolution is expanded in sphericalharmonics. The static scattering functions are the Fourier trans-forms of these formal multipole expansions as described inSec. IV. The method which is used to calculate the translationaland rotational diffusion coefficients for the various consid-ered particle shapes is presented in Sec. V. These diffusioncoefficients are needed to describe the time dependence ofthe depolarized scattering function. The resulting first cumu-lants are analyzed in Sec. VI, before we finally conclude inSec. VII.



Let p(r,Ω, t) denote the probability density to find a par-ticle at the time t located with its center of mass at the positionr and with orientationΩ = (sin ϑ cos ϕ,sin ϑ sin ϕ,cos ϑ). TheorientationΩ is characterized by the angles ϑ,ϕ, where ϑ isthe polar angle and ϕ the azimuthal one.

The translational and rotational diffusive motion of anensemble of non-interacting particles can be described via theSmoluchowski equation,51


∇Tr .



.∇r + Drotℓ2+///-

p(r,Ω, t) = ∂

∂tp(r,Ω, t),


where D∥ and D⊥ are the translational diffusion coefficientsparallel and perpendicular to the rotation axis of the bodyof revolution, while Drot is the rotational diffusion coefficientfor Brownian reorientations of the particle. ∇r is the spatialgradient, and the operator

ℓ2 =1

sin ϑ


∂ϑsin ϑ



1sin2 ϑ


∂ϕ2 (2)

is the angular part of the Laplacian acting on the orientationΩof the particle.

In Fourier space, the Smoluchowski equation reads

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044903-3 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)


−Q2 QT.*...,








. Q + Drotℓ2+///-

p(Q,Ω, t) = ∂

∂tp(Q,Ω, t), (3)

where Q is the scattering vector. The translational diffusiontensor is decomposed in irreducible spherical tensors T(0) andT(2) using the abbreviations ⟨Dtr⟩ = (2D⊥ + D∥)/3 and ∆Dtr= D∥ − D⊥. T(0) is the unit tensor in the first term of Eq. (3)and T(2) is the traceless symmetric tensor in the second term,corresponding to formal monopole and quadrupole contri-butions to the translational diffusion. The contraction of theirreducible spherical tensors with the unit vectors Q leadsto (

−Q2⟨Dtr⟩ − 23

Q2∆Dtr P2(cos ϑ) + Drotℓ


p(Q,Ω, t)


∂tp(Q,Ω, t), (4)

where the polar angle ϑ corresponds to the angle enclosedbetween the particle axis assumed to be directed in thepositive z-direction and the scattering vector Q = QΩ. Sincescattering methods probe the projection of translationaldiffusive displacements on the scattering vector, the angle ϑis also the angle enclosed between the particle’s orientationand the direction of its diffusion path. P2(x) = (3x2 − 1)/2 isthe second Legendre polynomial with x = cos ϑ. By meansof the decomposition of the diffusion tensor in irreduciblespherical tensors, the Smoluchowski equation in Fourierspace for the translational and rotational diffusion of axiallysymmetric solids of revolution can formally be writtenas

Lp(Q,Ω, t) = (L⟨Dtr⟩ + L∆Dtr + Lrot

)p(Q,Ω, t)


∂tp(Q,Ω, t), (5)

with L⟨Dtr⟩ = −Q2⟨Dtr⟩ accounting for the isotropic or mono-pole part of the translational diffusion tensor, L∆Dtr = −(2/3)Q2∆DtrP2(cos ϑ) for its quadrupole part, and, finally, Lrot= Drotℓ

2 for the rotational diffusion.The solution of this parabolic partial differential equation

is formally given by

p(Q,Ω, t) = eLt p(Q,Ω,0)Ω=Ω0

= eL⟨Dtr⟩teL∆DtrteLrottp(Q,Ω,0)Ω=Ω0

, (6)

since the operators L⟨Dtr⟩, L∆Dtr, and Lrot commute.The depolarized scattering function gVH

1 (Q, t) is deter-mined by the product of the solutions of the three parts ofthe Smoluchowski equation. As the different contributions arestatistically independent, the scattering function can be writtenas

gVH1 (Q, t) = gVH

1,⟨Dtr⟩(Q, t)gVH1,∆Dtr

(Q, t)gVH1,rot(Q, t). (7)

Here, gVH1,⟨Dtr⟩(Q, t) accounts for the isotropic part of the transla-

tional diffusion, while gVH1,∆Dtr

(Q, t) gives the direction-depen-dent contribution. Finally, the effect of rotational diffusion is

represented by the term gVH1,rot(Q, t). In the following, these parts

are considered separately. Since for the calculation of the quad-rupole contribution to the translational diffusion, the results ofboth the rotational part and the isotropic translational part areneeded, Subsections II A and II B briefly review correspondingtextbook knowledge.52

The depolarized field autocorrelation function is for anergodic system given by53

gVH1 (Q, t) = ⟨E∗(Q,Ω0,0)G(Ω, t |Ω0,0)E(Q,Ω, t)⟩Ω0,Ω


, (8)

where the notation ⟨. . . ⟩Ω0,Ωindicates canonical averaging

over the initial orientation Ω0 and the final orientation Ω ofthe particles. The scattered electromagnetic field expanded inspherical harmonics reads

E(Q,Ω(t)) =l


f lm(Q)Ylm(Ω(t)), (9)

and E∗(Q,Ω(t)) is its complex conjugate. The kernel G(Ω, t |Ω0,0) is the conditional probability density that an object’s orien-tation isΩ at time t given that it wasΩ0 at the time t0 = 0. Thisconditional probability density is the product of the transitionprobability p(Ω, t |Ω0,0) for a rotation from Ω0 to Ω and theprobability density to find the particle in a statistical ensemblewith the initial orientation Ω0,

G(Ω, t |Ω0,0) = 14π

p(Ω, t |Ω0,0) . (10)

A. Depolarized field autocorrelation functionfor rotational diffusion gVH

1,rot(Q, t )In a depolarized light scattering experiment, the sample

is illuminated by linearly polarized light with the electric fieldvector oriented in z-direction. Both the scattering vector Q andthe electric field vector of the scattered light are perpendicularto the z-direction. In VH-geometry, scattered light is only de-tected if the electric field vector changes its orientation duringthe scattering process by a rotation of the scattering objects.To calculate the statistical average over the initial orienta-tion Ω0 and the final orientation Ω, the transition probabilityp(Ω, t |Ω0,0) between these two orientations is needed. For afreely diffusing particle, it can be obtained from the rotationalpart

Lrotp(Ω, t |Ω0,0) = Drotℓ2p(Ω, t |Ω0,0) = ∂

∂tp(Ω, t |Ω0,0)


of Smoluchowski equation (5). The formal solution of equation(11) is

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044903-4 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

p(Ω, t |Ω0,0) =∞l=0



)Y ∗lm(Ω)Ylm(Ω0) =



exp (−l(l + 1)Drott) Y ∗lm(Ω)Ylm(Ω0). (12)

Combining Eqs. (8)–(10) leads to the expression

gVH1,rot(Q, t) =


f l1m1(Q)Y ∗l1m1

(Ω0) G(Ω, t |Ω0,0) l2m2

f l2m2(Q)Yl2m2(Ω)Ω0,Ω


f l1m1(Q)Y ∗l1m1

(Ω0)p(Ω0) l2m2

f l2m2(Q)Yl2m2(Ω0)Ω0





f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)

l′m′exp (−l(l + 1)Drott)Yl′m′(Ω0)Y ∗l′m′(Ω)


f l′′m′′(Q)Yl′′m′′(Ω)dΩ dΩ0



f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0)dΩ0


for the field autocorrelation function. Here, dΩ = sin ϑ dϑ dϕ is the differential for the orientational integrals.With the orthogonality relation

Y ∗lm(Ω)Yl′m′(Ω) dΩ = δll′δmm′, (14)

one obtains

gVH1,rot(Q, t) =




f lm(Q) exp (−l(l + 1)Drott) δll′δmm′ f l′′m′′(Q)δl′l′′δm′m′′lm


f lm(Q) f l′m′(Q)δll′δmm′



f 2lm(Q) exp (−l(l + 1)Drott)

lmf 2lm(Q) =



f 2lm(Q) exp (−l(l + 1)Drott) . (15)

The orientation-averaged particle form factor

P(Q) = ⟨P(Q,Ω)⟩Ω =lm

f 2lm(Q) (16)

is the scattered intensity of a randomly aligned ensemblenormalized to the forward scattering, i.e., limQ→0 P(Q) ≡ 1.

B. Depolarized field autocorrelation functionfor translational diffusion: The isotropic partgVH

1,⟨Dtr⟩(Q, t )By means of the short-time limit of the orientational tran-

sition probability density


G(Ω, t |Ω0,0) = 14π


Y ∗lm(Ω)Ylm(Ω0)


4πδ(Ω −Ω0), (17)

the contribution of translational diffusion to the field auto-correlation function is accessible. Physically, the limit t → 0means that the orientational degrees of freedom are frozen.The initial condition p(r,0) = δ(r) for translational diffusionreads p(Q,0) = 1 in Fourier space. Hence, with the notationQ = QΩ, the solution of the partial differential equation

L⟨Dtr⟩p(Q,Ω, t) = −Q2⟨Dtr⟩p(Q,Ω, t)=

∂tp(Q,Ω, t) (18)

can be written as

p(Q,Ω, t) = exp−Q2⟨Dtr⟩t , (19)

since a scattering experiment selectively probes the projectionof the diffusive path to the scattering vector Q.

Using Eq. (17), the depolarized field autocorrelation func-tion for the orientation-averaged translational diffusion of anensemble of randomly aligned particles reads

gVH1,⟨Dtr⟩(Q, t) =


f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0) 1

4π δ(Ω −Ω0) exp−Q2⟨Dtr⟩t

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω)


lmf lm(Q)Y ∗

lm(Ω0) p(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0)


. (20)

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044903-5 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

After performing one orientational integration, the numer-ator and the denominator in Eq. (20) are identical except for theexponential factor. Thus, one obtains

gVH1,⟨Dtr⟩(Q, t) = exp

−Q2⟨Dtr⟩t . (21)

This contribution is the only one also visible in polarizeddynamic light scattering experiments, where the polariza-tion of both incident and scattered beams is vertical (VV-geometry). As a consequence, such experiments are onlysensitive to the orientation-averaged translational diffusioncoefficient.

C. Depolarized field autocorrelation functionfor translational diffusion: The anisotropic partgVH

1,∆Dtr(Q, t )

The final contribution gVH1,∆Dtr

(Q, t) to the depolarized fieldautocorrelation function originates from the anisotropy of the

translational diffusion. This contribution has only been ad-dressed for infinitely thin rods so far.51 Here, we provide ageneral expression in terms of rotational invariants. The partialdifferential equation

L∆Dtrp(Q,Ω, t) = −23

Q2∆Dtr P2(cos ϑ)p(Q,Ω, t)


∂tp(Q,Ω, t) (22)

resulting from the traceless symmetric tensor T(2) has theformal solution

p(Q,Ω, t) = exp(−2

3Q2∆DtrP2(cos ϑ)t

). (23)

The second Legendre polynomial can be written as P2(cos ϑ)= (4π/5)1/2Y2,0(Ω) in terms of spherical harmonics.

Herewith, the contribution of the depolarized scatteringfunction related to the anisotropy of the translational diffusionis given by


(Q, t) =


f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0) 1

4π δ(Ω −Ω0) exp(− 2

3 Q2∆Dtr 4π



) l′m′


lmf lm(Q)Y ∗

lm(Ω0) p(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0)


. (24)

The short-time behavior of gVH1,∆Dtr

(Q, t) is obtained by expanding the exponential function in a Taylor series. In the short-timelimit, we obtain

p(Q,Ω, t) = 1 − 23



) 12

Y2,0(Ω)t + O(t2). (25)

With this expansion the depolarized scattering function gVH1,∆Dtr

(Q, t) reads


(Q, t) =‚4π


f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0) dΩ0



f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0) dΩ0

23 Q2∆Dtr t




f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)Y2,0(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0) dΩ0



f lm(Q)Y ∗lm(Ω0)

l′m′f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0) dΩ0

+ O(t2), (26)

where the integration with respect to Ω has already been performed. Using orthogonality relation (14), this leads to


(Q, t) = 1 − 2Q2∆Dtrt3 P(Q)


) 12



f lm(Q)‹

Y ∗lm(Ω0)Y2,0(Ω0) f l′m′(Q)Yl′m′(Ω0) dΩ0 + O(t2). (27)

The remaining integral over three spherical harmonics depending on Ω0 can be solved employing Gaunt’s theorem.54 Thus, onefinally obtains


(Q, t) = 1 − 2Q2∆Dtr t3 P(Q)


) 12



f lm(Q) f l′m′(Q)(

5(2l ′ + 1)4π(2l + 1)

) 12

C(l ′,2, l; m′,0,m)C(l ′,2, l; 0,0,0) + O(t2)

= 1 − 2Q2∆Dtr t3P(Q)



f lm(Q) f l′m′(Q)(

2l ′ + 12l + 1

) 12

C(l ′,2, l; m′,0,m)C(l ′,2, l; 0,0,0) + O(t2), (28)

with the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients C(l1, l2, l3; m1,m2,m3). This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:20:55

044903-6 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

For solids of revolution with an equatorial mirror plane,only the coefficients f l,0 with even l differ from zero. Hence,in this case just contributions

C(Q) = 23P(Q)



(4l ′ + 14l + 1


×C2(2l ′,2,2l; 0,0,0) f2l,0(Q) f2l′,0(Q) (29)

have to be considered. Only Clebsch-Gordan coefficients C(2l ′,2,2l; 0,0,0)with |2l ′ − 2l | ≤ 2 are nonzero. The relevant Gauntcoefficients appearing in the coupling function of solids ofrevolution with an equatorial mirror plane are

cl,l′ =(

4l ′ + 14l + 1


C2(2l ′,2,2l; 0,0,0). (30)

With these coefficients, the function C(Q) can be written as

C(Q) = 23P(Q)



cl,l′ f lm(Q) f l′m′(Q) (31)

leading to the expression


(Q, t) = 1 − C(Q)Q2∆Dtrt + O(t2) (32)

for the short-time behavior of the field autocorrelation functionresulting from the anisotropy of the translational diffusion.Iteration for a finite time t then yields


(Q, t) = exp−C(Q)Q2

∆Dtr t. (33)

Unlike the weighting factors for the rotational contribution[see Eq. (15)], the coupling function can be calculated via adifferent route avoiding the expansion in spherical harmonics51

as the orientation average of the form factor weighted by2P2(cos ϑ)/3. If P(Q,ϑ) denotes the form factor of a particlewith the orientation Ω, the coupling function C(Q) for solidsof revolution can be written as

C(Q) = 1⟨P(Q,ϑ)⟩ϑ




P2(cos ϑ) sin ϑ dϑ, (34)

since the angular dependence of the diffusive quadrupolecontribution (l = 2) just leads to a factor 2P2(cos ϑ)/3. Inthe rotational part, however, the multipole contributions areweighted by l(l + 1), which makes a separation of the multi-pole contributions necessary.

In the context of scattering from solids of revolution, theterm translational-rotational coupling denotes a dependence ofthe translational mobility and the orientation of the particlein the laboratory coordinate system defined by the scatteringvector: if a prolate particle has the orientation Ω at time t,its mobility parallel to the orientation vector is larger thanperpendicular. Since scattering experiments, however, probethe projection of the diffusive path to the scattering vector, alsothe rotation of anisotropic particles influences the scatteredintensity related to translational diffusion.

As a side remark, we note that for objects of more com-plex shape, where due to the absence of inversion symme-try, nonzero off-diagonal elements in the diffusion tensorexist, in terms of hydrodynamics another kind of translational-rotational coupling occurs.55,56 In that case, a rotation causes atranslation and vice versa, leading to a translational-rotational

coupling even in the particle’s frame of reference. Such effects,however, are not present for shapes with inversion symmetry.


For the calculation of the depolarized scattering functionsin Eqs. (15) and (28), the expansion coefficients f lm(Q) arerequired. These quantities are Hankel transforms of the expan-sion coefficients f lm(r). The latter quantities are calculated inthis section.

Let us define the reduced scattering length density of asolid of revolution in terms of polar coordinates

Ψ(r,ϑ,ϕ) =

1 : inside0 : outside


of the particle. Assuming axial symmetry in z-direction, thisfunction is independent of the azimuthal angle ϕ; henceΨ(r,ϑ,ϕ) ≡ Ψ(r,ϑ). Let us additionally assume inversion symmetryrelated to the particle’s center of mass. Then, together with theaxial symmetry, an equatorial mirror plane is generated leadingto the parity relation

Ψ(r,ϑ) = Ψ(r, π − ϑ). (36)

The spherical harmonics Ylm(Ω) with

Ylm(ϑ,ϕ) =( (2l + 1)

4π(l − m)!(l + m)!

) 12

Plm(cos ϑ)eımϕ, ∀m ≥ 0



Ylm(ϑ,ϕ) = (−1)−mY ∗l,−m(Ω), ∀m < 0 (38)

form a complete orthogonal basis. Hence, the reduced scatter-ing length density can be expanded in spherical harmonics

Ψ(r,ϑ) =∞l=0


f lm(r)Ylm(ϑ,ϕ), (39)

with the expansion coefficients f lm(r) given by

f lm(r) =‹

Y ∗lm(Ω)Ψ(r,Ω) dΩ. (40)

A. Intersections of solids of revolution with spheres

With knowledge of the meridian curve x(z) of a solid ofrevolution, the function Ψ(r,ϑ) can easily be obtained (seeFig. 1), if the polar angle ϑc(r) of the intersection of a spherewith the radius r and the solid of revolution is calculated. Independence on ϑc(r), the function Ψ(r,ϑ) can be written as

Ψ(r,ϑc) = 1 −H (cos ϑc) +H (cos(π − ϑc)), (41)

whereH (cos ϑ) denotes the Heaviside function

H (cos ϑc) =1ˆ


δ(cos(ϑ − ϑc)) d cos ϑ. (42)

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044903-7 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 1. The reduced scattering lengthdensity Ψ(r,ϑ) as a step function of thecritical pole distances ϑc and π−ϑc

exemplarily shown for spherocylinders.The critical pole distances ϑc andπ−ϑc depending on the radius r areaccessible from the meridian curve x(z)of the particles.

For the calculation of the expansion coefficients, the poledistances of intersections of spheres and the solids of revolu-tion are necessary. Let ξ = cos ϑc be the cosine of the crit-ical pole distance where the sphere intersects the solid ofrevolution. Due to the equatorial mirror plane, an identicalintersection can be found at π − ϑc. The critical polar an-gles are accessible via the meridian functions x(z). Let us forsimplicity use reduced units, i.e., we set the equatorial radius toReq = 1.

Exemplarily, we discuss the expansion for spherocylin-ders and double cones here, while cylinders, ellipsoids, andspindles are addressed in Appendix A. A spherocylinder with

the aspect ratio ν consists of a cylinder with the radius Req andthe length 2Req(ν − 1) with two hemispheres with centers at(ν − 1)Req and −(ν − 1)Req (see Fig. 2).

Hence, the meridian curve for a spherocylinder with therotation axis in z-direction is

x(z) =

1 : −(ν − 1) ≤ z ≤ ν − 11 − (z − (ν − 1))21/2

: |z | > ν − 1.


The symmetrically equivalent pole distances of intersectionswith spheres can be written as

ξ = cos ϑc =


r2 − 1r2

) 12

: r ≤(ν − 1)2 + 1


±(1 − (1 − (ν − 1))2



:(ν − 1)2 + 1

12 < r ≤ ν

. (44)

In the expansion of double cones with the meridian curve x(z) = 1 − |z |/ν (see Fig. 2), more than two symmetrically equivalentintersections with spheres can exist for rc < r < 1 with rc = sin(arctan ν) denoting the radius of the largest sphere completelyinside the double cone. In this region, the cosines of the critical pole distances read

ξ1,2 = cos ϑc1,2 = ±ν

(1 + ν2)r(1 ±


(1 + ν2

)− ν2

) 12

). (45)

For 1 < r < ν, only two symmetrically equivalent intersec-tions exist at the critical pole distances

ξ = cos ϑc = ±ν

(1 + ν2)r(1 +


(1 + ν2

)− ν2

) 12

). (46)

B. Expansion coefficients

The angular-dependent functionΨ(r,ϑ,ϕ) can be expand-ed by using the expansion coefficients defined in Eq. (40).Since for rotationally symmetric solids of revolution, Ψ(r,ϑ)does not depend on the azimuthal angle ϕ, the integration over

ϕ gives a nonzero contribution, namely, a factor 2π, only form = 0. For m , 0, the azimuthal integral vanishes so that onlythe coefficients f l,0 are relevant.

The solids of revolution considered here have an equa-torial mirror plane, i.e., Ψ(r,ϑ) = Ψ(r, π − ϑ). Due to theparity

Pl(x) = (−1)lPl(−x) (47)

of Legendre polynomials, only coefficients with even l differfrom zero.

Thus, the relevant expansion coefficients for prolateparticles are

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044903-8 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 2. Meridian curves for spherocylinders (lhs) anddouble cones (rhs) as well as critical pole distances forintersections with spheres.

f2l(r) = 2π


(4l + 1

) 12

P2l(x)Ψ(r, x) dx

= ((4l + 1) π) 12*..,



P2l(x) dx +


P2l(x) dx+//-

= ((4l + 1) π) 12 2


P2l(x) dx

= 2((4l + 1) π) 12Ξ2l(ξ(r)), (48)

where x = cos ϑ and ξ = cos ϑc. The coefficients Ξ(ξ(r)) de-pend on the shape of the solids of revolution only via the cosineof the critical polar angles ξ(r) = cos ϑc(r).

For double cones, in the region rc < r < 1, additionalintersections centered at the equatorial plane occur, leading toadditional contributions

Λ2l(ξ ′(r)) = 2π(

4l + 14π

) 12



P2l(x) dx

= 2 ((4l + 1)π) 12



P2l(x) dx (49)

to the expansion coefficients, which read in this case f2l(r)= 2((4l + 1)π)1/2(Ξ2l(ξ(r)) + Λ(ξ ′(r))). As a test for the expan-

sion in spherical harmonics, the meridional cross sections ofthe solids of revolution are reconstructed from the expansioncoefficients f l(r). In Fig. 3, the sum of the contributions up tothe order l = 40 is exemplarily displayed for spherocylindersand double cones.


The static scattering function of a particle with ahomogeneous scattering length density can—normalized tothe forward scattering—in terms of its form factor be writtenas

P(Q) = P(Q,Ω)


V 2*.,



Ψ(r)eıQ·r d3r+/-




Ψ(r)e−ıQ·r d3r+/-, (50)

where Q denotes the scattering vector and V the volume ofthe particle. The function Ψ(r) is the reduced scattering lengthdensity with the values Ψ(r) = 1 inside and Ψ(r) = 0 outsideof the particle. The normalization to the squared particlevolume relates the scattering intensity at the scattering vectorQ to the forward scattering at Q = 0.

With Ψ(r) = Ψ(rΩ), where Ω denotes the direction of r,using the expansion in spherical harmonics, the form factorreads

P(Q,ϑ,ϕ) = 1V 2




f2l(r)Y ∗2l,0(ϑ,ϕ)eıQr cosϑ d cos ϑ dϕ dr+//-




f2l(r)Y2l,0(ϑ,ϕ)e−ıQr cosϑ d cos ϑ dϕ dr+//-. (51)

Here, the direction of Q is chosen to be the positive z-direction. Then the angle enclosed between Q and r is ϑ. Under thisassumption, the expansion coefficients f2l(Q) in Fourier space can be obtained via Hankel transforms

f2l(Q) = (ı)2l∞


4πr2 f2l(r) j2l(r) dr, (52)

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044903-9 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 3. Reconstruction of a sphero-cylinder (lhs) and a double cone (rhs)with an aspect ratio of ν = 5 from theexpansion in spherical harmonics up tothe order l = 40. In the scattering func-tions, the deviations from a uniformscattering length density are relevantfor large scattering vectors probing theshort length scales of correlations in thescattering length density.

where j2l(r) denotes the spherical Bessel function of the order2l. Since these expressions do not depend on angular coor-dinates anymore, the average over all orientations is directlyobtained, and the result is independent of the choice of thelaboratory coordinate system.

The scattered intensity at the scattering vector with themodulus Q and the direction Ω is

P(Q,Ω) = 1V 2



f2l(Q)Y ∗2l,0(Ω)+-*,




Hence, for an ensemble of statistically aligned particles withthe odf p(Ω) = 1/(4π), the orientation-averaged form factor is

given by

⟨P(Q,Ω)⟩Ω = 1V 2



f2l(Q) f2l′(Q)Y ∗2l,0(Ω)

×Y ∗2l′,0(Ω) dΩ =1

V 2


f 22l(Q), (54)

since the odf eliminates due to the normalization to the forwardscattering of an isotropic ensemble.

The form factors can be obtained via a different route byintegration in cylinder coordinates.27 The semianalytic integra-tion leads to form factors P(Q,ϑ) depending on the direction ofthe scattering vector Q and the direction of the particle axis rwith cos ϑ = Q · r. The orientation average P(Q) = ⟨P(Q,ϑ)⟩ϑcan be calculated by numerical integration.

FIG. 4. Expansion coefficients S2l(Q)for prolate solids of revolution with anaspect ratio of ν = 2.0 and a conver-gence test for spherocylinders with theaspect ratio ν = 2.0 (lower right corner).QReq is the reduced scattering vectorwith Req denoting the equatorial radiusof the particles.

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044903-10 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

Let us define reduced expansion coefficients

S2l(Q) = f 22l(Q)

lf 2

2l(Q) =f 2

2l(Q)V 2⟨P(Q,Ω)⟩Ω . (55)

Then, S0(Q) is formally the reduced monopole contributionto the scattering intensity, S2(Q) the quadrupole contribution,S4(Q) the hexadecapole contribution, and so on.

If we further define

Sl(Q) =l


Sn(Q) (56)

as the sum of the first l expansion coefficients, the limitliml→∞Sl(Q) = 1 is a test for the convergence of the expan-sion if ⟨P(Q,Ω)⟩Ω is calculated via numerical integration incylinder coordinates.

In Figs. 4 and 5, the first expansion coefficients S0(Q),S2(Q), and S4(Q) are displayed for various particle shapes.We focus on cylinders, spherocylinders, spindles, and doublecones since the convergence of the expansion of ellipsoids withlarge aspect ratios in terms of spherical harmonics is ratherunrewarding. The plots in the lower right corners of Figs. 4and 5 illustrate the convergence of the expansion exemplarilyfor spherocylinders by showing different Sl(Q). For highlyanisotropic objects, the limitation of the Q-range is visibleeven up to the order l = 30. Expansion coefficients of higherorder lead to numerical instabilities in the numerical Hankeltransform with double precision arithmetics.

The coupling function C(Q) defined in Eq. (31) also de-pends on the expansion coefficients f2l(Q) weighted by Gauntcoefficients. Coupling functions for differently shaped objectsare displayed in Fig. 6 for the aspect ratios ν = 2 and ν = 6. Theincreasing similarity of C(Q) for cylinders and spherocylinderswith increasing aspect ratio is reasonable since the differencesin the shape vanish in this case. Only at large scattering vec-tors probing short intraparticle correlation lengths, significantdifferences exist.

Combining Eqs. (15), (21), (33), and (7) leads to theexpression

gVH1 (Q, t) = exp

−Q2 ⟨Dtr⟩t exp


∆Dtr t


Sl(Q) exp (−l(l + 1)Drott) (57)

for the total depolarized field autocorrelation function since,due to the rotational symmetry of the particles, only expansioncoefficients Sl(Q) = f 2

l,0(Q)/(V 2⟨P(Q,Ω)⟩Ω) are nonzero.Experimental access to the short-time behavior of the

intermediate scattering function gVH1 (Q, t) is enabled by its first

cumulants Γ(Q), i.e., the negative initial slope with respectto t,

Γ(Q) = − limt→0

∂gVH1 (Q, t)∂t

= − limt→0

∂ ln gVH1 (Q, t)∂t

= Q2⟨D⟩tr +Q2∆DtrC(Q) +


l(l + 1)DrotSl(Q). (58)

FIG. 5. Expansion coefficients S2l(Q)for prolate solids of revolution with anaspect ratio of ν = 6.0 and a conver-gence test for spherocylinders with theaspect ratio ν = 6.0 (lower right corner).

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044903-11 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 6. Coupling functions C(Q) forcylinders, spherocylinders, spindles,and double cones with aspect ratiosν = 2.0 (lhs) and ν = 6.0 (rhs).

While in a polarized scattering experiment in VV-geometry,the first cumulants are proportional to Q2 according to theLandau-Placzek relation,57 in a depolarized scattering geom-etry, two additional contributions exist. On the one hand, dueto the anisotropy of the translational diffusion, an additionalcontribution proportional to Q2, which is however modulatedwith the coupling function C(Q), occurs. On the other hand,the first cumulants are influenced by the rotational diffusion.


The intermediate scattering function gVH1 (Q, t) [see

Eq. (57)] and its first cumulants Γ(Q) [see Eq. (58)] dependon the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients ofthe considered particles. We calculate these coefficients forvarious particle shapes based on a bead model using thesoftware HYDRO++.58–60 This software has originally beendesigned for the prediction of hydrodynamic properties ofmacromolecules,59 but it can also be used for colloidal parti-cles51 modeled by a large number of beads.61 To calculate thediffusion coefficients of such particles, first the bead positionshave to be determined. In order to achieve a high accuracy, it isimportant that the bead model closely represents the specificparticle shape. As the number of beads that can be used forthe calculations with the software HYDRO++ is limited, it ismost efficient to place the beads only on the surface of theparticle to be modeled. This method is referred to as shellmodel and was originally introduced by Bloomfield.62,63 Itenables a much better resolution of the particle shapes thanfilling models with a full-volume bead representation as beadswith a significantly smaller radius can be used. Moreover,in many situations shell models even provide more accurateresults than filling models with the same bead size.64 Bestresults are obtained if the beads are placed on the surfacewithout larger voids so that they ideally touch each other.However, it is important that the beads do not overlap because

the software may provide wrong results in that case. If beadrepresentations with overlapping spheres are required, the pro-gram HYDROSUB can be used to perform the hydrodynamiccalculations.56,65 This software also allows for the implementa-tion of ellipsoidal and cylindrical subunits.65 In order to includethe effect of a wall or a substrate, it is in principle possible tomodify the calculations by using the Stokeslet close to a no-slip boundary.66 This is, in particular, relevant to experimentalsituations with a quasi-two-dimensional setup.67,68

As we are dealing with rotationally symmetric particles,we apply the following efficient method to calculate the beadpositions that are required as an input for HYDRO++.69 Thebeads are placed on several rings centered on the z-axis, whichcoincides with the symmetry axis of the particles. These ringshave a distance of 2r each, where r is the radius of a single bead.We always use the same value of r for all beads representinga particle. The radius R(z) of the rings determining the beadpositions is given by the meridian curves presented in Sec. IIIand in Appendix A, respectively. For cylinders, it is necessaryto add beads on the top and bottom areas, as otherwise beadsare only placed on the lateral surface area of the cylinder.Therefore, additional rings with radii equidistantly distributedbetween zero and the equatorial radius Req are considered inthis case.

Once the radii of the rings are known, the explicit coordi-nates of the beads can be calculated. The maximum number ofbeads that can be placed on a ring with radius R is determinedby means of the formula s = 2R sin(α/2) for the chord length s.Here, α is the corresponding central angle. Using the conditions = 2r , one obtains that the minimal ring radius

Rmin(N) = rsin(π/N) (59)

is required in order to place N beads of radius r on the ring.Based on Eq. (59), for each value of R(z), the maximum num-ber of beads can easily be determined. Using polar coordinates,

FIG. 7. Bead model representations ofthe considered prolate particle shapeswith aspect ratio ν = 2: (a) cylinder, (b)spherocylinder, (c) ellipsoid, (d) spin-dle, and (e) double cone.

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044903-12 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 8. Translational (lhs) and rota-tional (rhs) diffusion coefficients forcylinders, spherocylinders, ellipsoids,spindles, and double cones with Req= 50 nm in dependence on the aspect ra-tio ν. The dashed lines represent the an-alytically derived diffusion coefficientsfor ellipsoids.5

the obtained number of beads is positioned equidistantly on thering. The resulting bead model representations for the variousconsidered particle shapes are visualized in Fig. 7, while theobtained values for the translational and rotational diffusioncoefficients are displayed in Fig. 8.


Using the diffusion coefficients shown in Fig. 8, the cu-mulants for polarized and depolarized scattering experimentscan be quantitatively analyzed. They are displayed in Fig. 9 for

particles with an aspect ratio of ν = 2 and ν = 6, respectively.For objects with typical lengths comparable or larger than thewavelength, also the rotational contribution depends on thescattering vector due to the formal multipole expansion ofthe scattering intensity.

The first cumulants as the initial slope of the field auto-correlation function provide the dynamic quantity which canbe accessed with the highest accuracy from experimental datawithin the regime of the lowest signal to noise ratio. Sincethe coupling function is calculated as a short time expansion,in addition, the initial slope of the autocorrelation function is

FIG. 9. First cumulants for differ-ently shaped particles with aspect ra-tios of ν = 2 (lhs) and ν = 6 (rhs). Thefirst cumulants of depolarized scatteringΓVH(Q) are compared to those resultingfrom polarized scattering ΓVV(Q).

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044903-13 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 10. First cumulants for differ-ently shaped particles with aspect ra-tios of ν = 2 (lhs) and ν = 6 (rhs). Theinfluence of the coupling function isshown by comparison of the first cu-mulants ΓVH(Q) resulting from depo-larized scattering with coupling func-tion C(Q) and neglecting the couplingfunction (C(Q)= 0).

well described by the theoretical approach discussed in thispaper.

The influence of the coupling function can be seen inFig. 10, where the first cumulants ΓVH(Q) are compared tothe results neglecting the coupling function. The latter caseis represented by the dashed lines. For spindles and doublecones as objects with pronounced apices, the influence of thetranslational-rotational coupling cannot be neglected at largescattering vectors. If the coupling function C(Q) is negative,for prolate objects with ∆Dtr > 0 the quadrupole contributionof the diffusion tensor leads to a slower relaxation of the depo-larized scattering function. For cylinders and spherocylinders,strong modulations of C(Q) occur which lead to an acceleratedrelaxation if C(Q) > 0.


The macroscopic rheological properties of fluids areconsiderably influenced by the mesoscale dynamics of sus-pended particles. For shape-anisotropic particles, in additionto translational diffusion, rotational diffusion is relevant for therheological behavior, which depends not only on the volumefraction but also on the aspect ratio and shape of the particles.

Depolarized dynamic light scattering gives access to bothtranslational diffusion and rotational diffusion of suspendedparticles. Even in highly dilute suspensions without parti-cle interactions, the depolarized scattering function shows a

nontrivial dependence on the scattering vector Q if at leastone typical particle dimension is comparable to or largerthan the wavelength. The first cumulants of the intermediatescattering function deviate from the Landau-Placzek behaviorwith a proportionality to Q2. The modulation of the cumulantsstrongly depends on the particle shape and is related bothto the rotational diffusion and the translation-rotation cou-pling. The contribution of the coupling to the initial relaxationrates can either be positive or negative, depending on theparticle geometry and the wave vector. For prolate objects,∆D = D∥ − D⊥ is positive. For the calculation of gVH

1 (Q, t), amultipole expansion of the scattering function is required. Withincreasing aspect ratio of the particles, an increasing numberof expansion coefficients is needed to achieve a satisfactoryconvergence for an appropriate range of scattering vectors.However, in light scattering experiments, the maximum acces-sible scattering vector is limited to Qmax = 4πn/λ, where λ isthe wavelength and n the refractive index of the suspendingmedium. With an effective wavelength of λ/n ≈ 400 nm fora green laser in aqueous suspensions of particles with Req= 50 nm, which is approximately the typical equatorial radiusof spindle-shaped hematite particles,27 the maximum reducedscattering vector is roughly QReq ≈ 1.5. Both translationaland rotational diffusion coefficients of spindles and doublecones are due to the smaller surface and volume of theseobjects significantly larger than those of spherocylindersand cylinders. As a consequence, also the difference ∆Dtr is

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044903-14 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

larger for the former shapes with pronounced apices. Hence,the effect of the translation-rotation coupling visible in thefirst cumulants is for these particles larger than for the otherones. Hematite particles are a promising model system toinvestigate the coupling between rotational and translationaldiffusion. However, the size of these particles is too small tocover a sufficient Q-range employing visible light as a probe.With coherent and linearly polarized X-rays from synchrotronsources and upcoming free electron laser sources, however,practically no limitation for the maximum scattering vector inthe Q-range relevant for mesoscale objects exists. EmployingX-ray photon correlation spectroscopy with polarization anal-ysis,70 a sufficiently large range of scattering vectors can beaccessed to address both translational diffusion and rotationaldiffusion of anisotropic particles. From the first cumulantsdetermined over a sufficiently large range of scattering vectors,the quantities ⟨Dtr⟩, ∆Dtr, and Drot relevant for the diffusion ofanisotropic particles can be obtained experimentally.

Our approach can easily be extended to core-shell parti-cles as demonstrated in Appendix B. In the case where ananisotropic core is embedded in a spherical shell, also systemswith isotropic topology and anisotropic scattering power canbe treated. Since for a spherical shell∆D = D∥ − D⊥ vanishes,a rotation-translation coupling is not present for such a system.Only the multipole expansion of the anisotropic scatteringpower modulates, in this case the Q2-proportionality of the firstcumulants.

The approach can also be adapted to describe shape-anisotropic particles consisting of optically anisotropic mate-rials with a tensorial polarizability. As long as the diffusiontensor is diagonal, also scattering functions for shapes withoutrotation and inversion symmetry can be calculated. In this case,additional expansion coefficients f l,m,0 have to be considered.Without optical inversion symmetry, also coefficients with oddorder of l are nonzero.

Moreover, for long rods, effects of particle flexibility mayget important. Fluctuations in the particle shape can be incor-porated into the present analysis by considering a smearedaveraged static form factor. The full description of flexibilityeffects beyond this simple effective picture, however, requiresa nontrivial extension of our theory which is left for futurestudies.

Our analysis provides a systematic framework to interpretdepolarized light scattering data with respect to details in theshape of prolate particles. This is of great importance to theprecise characterization of suspensions (beyond their aspect ra-tio) which contain anisotropic nano- or colloidal particles. Oneimportant example are ferrofluids which involve anisotropicmagnetic particles in a carrier fluid and are of great importanceto many magnetorheological applications.71

Future work needs to be performed for oblate particles andfor particles of arbitrary shape that are not rotationally symmet-ric. The latter case requires a more sophisticated description forthe orientations (e.g., by using Eulerian angles) such that theBrownian motion is much more complicated.55,56 Another lineof future research is to incorporate the correlations at finite par-ticle density. Particularly interesting is the high-density regimewhere the suspension is getting crystalline72 or glassy. Anexplicit computation of the scattering function will, however,

become much more complicated than the analysis presentedhere due to the intricate character of the orientation-dependentinteractions. Still, in phases with strict periodic order, such asfully crystalline phases or plastic crystals, one can hope that theanalysis is somewhat easier since one can apply natural peri-odic boundary conditions. An important question is whetherone can achieve a quantitative level of understanding of therole of translational and rotational fluctuations of the particlesin the stability of specific ordered phases. Finally, an externalfield can be applied which couples to the orientational degreesof freedom and gives rise to new phase phenomena, such as aparanematic-nematic transition,73 new kinds of crystals,74 andan introduction or destruction of biaxial orientational order(see, e.g., Refs. 75 and 76). An extension of our analysis to thecase of noninteracting particles in an orienting external fieldshould be feasible and will be a topic of our future research.


The authors thank J. K. G. Dhont for fruitful discussions.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft (DFG) through the priority program SPP 1681 on ferro-gels. J.W. acknowledges financial support by the BMBF withinthe Röntgen-Ångstrøm cluster.


The meridian curve for a cylinder simply is x(z) = 1. Forr ≤ ν, only one symmetrically independent intersection with asphere exists; for ν < r ≤

√ν2 + 1, an additional circle exists

as intersection. The critical pole distances are

ξ = cos ϑc



r2 − 1r2

) 12

, r ≤ ν


r2 − 1r2

) 12

±(1 − r2 − ν2


) 12

, ν < r ≤√ν2 + 1

. (A1)

In the region ν < r ≤√ν2 + 1, the two symmetrically

independent intersections lead to the expansion coefficients

f2l(r) = 2(4l + 1) π [Ξ2l(ξ1(r)) − Ξ2l(ξ2(r))] . (A2)

Here, |ξ1(r)| < |ξ2(r)| denote the cosines of the two indepen-dent critical pole distances.

The meridian curve of an ellipsoid is given by

x(z) =(1 − z2


) 12

. (A3)

Only one symmetrically independent intersection with a sphereat the critical pole distance

ξ = cos ϑc =

(r2 − 1ν2 − 1

) 12



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044903-15 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

A spindle with the equatorial radius Req and the length2νReq can be described as a solid of revolution resulting fromthe intersection of two circles with the radius Req(ν2 + 1)/2, thecenters of which have a distance Req(ν2 − 1). For the volume,the analytical expression

V =2π3



(341 + ν22 − ν2



41 + ν22

(1 − 1

21 + ν2



1 + ν2


is obtained.27 The corresponding meridian curve

x(z) = 1 − ν2 + 12+

12ν2(ν2 + 2) − 4z2 + 1

12 (A6)

leads to one symmetrically independent critical pole distance

ξ = cos ϑc = ±*,1 −

(r2 − ν2

r (1 − ν2))2+-


. (A7)


The approach of expanding form factors in terms of spher-ical harmonics can be extended to core-shell structures. Inthe special case where an anisotropic core is embedded intoa spherical shell, optically anisotropic structures undergoing

FIG. 11. Reconstruction of the meridional cross section of a core-shellstructure consisting of a spindle-shaped core with a length L = 0.75σs andan aspect ratio of ν = 3 in a spherical shell with the outer diameter σs.The scattering length density of the core is ρc = 1 and that of the shellρs = 0.2.

isotropic diffusion processes can be described. The transla-tional and rotational diffusion coefficients determined by thespherical shape of the shell can be calculated employing theStokes-Einstein and Stokes-Einstein-Debye relations. Since

FIG. 12. Expansion coefficients S2l(Q)for core-shell particles consisting of aspindle with the aspect ratio ν = 3 em-bedded in a spherical shell for differ-ent lengths L/σs of the spindles. Inthe lower right corner, exemplarily, aconvergence test of the expansion forL/σs = 1 is displayed.

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044903-16 Passow et al. J. Chem. Phys. 143, 044903 (2015)

FIG. 13. First cumulants for core-shell particles consisting of a spindle-shaped core with an aspect ratio of ν = 3 and a scattering length density ofϱs = 1 and a spherical shell with an hydrodynamic radius of Rs = 200 nm anda scattering length density of ϱs = 0.2 for different sizes of the anisotropiccore. The relative size of the core is quantified by the ratio of the length L ofthe spindle and the hydrodynamic diameter σs of the spherical shell.

the translational diffusion tensor is spherically symmetric, with∆D = 0 the coupling function is irrelevant for such a core-shellstructure. The formal multipole expansion of the anisotropiccore’s scattering power, however, leads to a modulation of theQ2-dependence of the first cumulants.

In Fig. 11, the meridional cross section of a core-shellstructure reconstructed from the expansion in spherical har-monics is displayed. Here, a spindle-shaped core with thescattering length density ρc = 1 and an aspect ratio of ν = 3 isembedded in a spherical shell with a scattering length densityρs = 0.2. The length of the spindle is L = 2νReq = 0.8σs,where σs = 2Rs denotes the outer diameter of the sphericalshell and Req the equatorial radius of the core.

The expansion coefficients for core-shell systems withdifferently sized anisotropic cores are displayed in Fig. 12.The smaller the size of the anisotropic core is compared tothe spherical shell, the less important are the multipole contri-butions to the scattering power. Although the coupling func-tion is irrelevant for these systems, depending on the relativesize of the anisotropic core, in the first cumulants deviationsfrom the proportionality to Q2 occur, which originate from theQ-dependent multipole contributions to the scattering power.In Fig. 13, the first cumulants for core-shell particles withdifferent sizes of the anisotropic core are displayed. The radiusof the spherical shell is assumed to be Rs = 200 nm. Thetranslational and rotational diffusion coefficients are calculatedby means of the Stokes-Einstein and Stokes-Einstein-Debyerelations using the viscosity η = 8.9 × 10−4 Pa s of water at298 K.

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