E.O.D.H. EXPOSITION OF JOHN COLLINS' LIES AGAINST WILLIAM BRANHAM John Collins, The IMMORAL Liar ("A Man Four Foot Tall And Four Foot Wide" - Letting Off The Pressure 62-0513E) DEPICTION OF THE LAMB’S REVELATION OF THE 7 SEALS: FROM EARLY APOSTOLIC AGE UNTO THE COMING OF CHRIST Exposition Of Damnable Heresies (E.O.D.H.) the publishing arm of Bethel - The House Of God (Bethelthehouseofgod.net), challenges the lies against God’s prophet; William Marrion Branham, Malachi 4: 5-6, formulated by John Collins, a former hypocritical follower of the message of the prophet, who has returned to his vomit like a dog, and a sow to the mire (II Peter 2:22), and all other heretics who project lies as follows: "W. M. Branham stole & preached Larkin's revelation of the seven seals, seven church ages and Daniel's seventy weeks." Quote John Collins: "To Branham’s strategy... The first six seals are practically line-by-line from

DEPICTION OF THE LAMB’S REVELATION OF THE 7 SEALS · Clarence Larkin’s ‘Dispensational Truth,’ and tied to the ‘Seven ... Collins’ testimony alone is sufficient to cut

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Page 1: DEPICTION OF THE LAMB’S REVELATION OF THE 7 SEALS · Clarence Larkin’s ‘Dispensational Truth,’ and tied to the ‘Seven ... Collins’ testimony alone is sufficient to cut


John Collins, The IMMORAL Liar

("A Man Four Foot Tall And Four Foot Wide" - Letting Off The Pressure 62-0513E)



Exposition Of Damnable Heresies (E.O.D.H.) the publishing arm of Bethel - The House Of God

(Bethelthehouseofgod.net), challenges the lies against God’s prophet; William Marrion Branham, Malachi

4: 5-6, formulated by John Collins, a former hypocritical follower of the message of the prophet, who has

returned to his vomit like a dog, and a sow to the mire (II Peter 2:22), and all other heretics who project lies as

follows: "W. M. Branham stole & preached Larkin's revelation of the seven seals, seven church ages and

Daniel's seventy weeks."

Quote John Collins: "To Branham’s strategy... The first six seals are practically line-by-line from

Page 2: DEPICTION OF THE LAMB’S REVELATION OF THE 7 SEALS · Clarence Larkin’s ‘Dispensational Truth,’ and tied to the ‘Seven ... Collins’ testimony alone is sufficient to cut


Clarence Larkin’s ‘Dispensational Truth,’ and tied to the ‘Seven Church Ages’ of Revelation.

... he proceeds to describe everything that is in the chart/drawing "The Book of Revelation" by Clarence

Larkin. WMB talks about each 'mystery' in the seals that he 'opened', but walks the congregation through these

charts -- only deviating slightly to point to himself.

...Though William Marrion Branham claimed to have received "divine revelation" of the Seven Seals

and Church Ages, much of his content came directly from the works of Clarence Larkin. The majority of the

"revelation" came from Larkin's "Dispensational Truth."

...Branham copied most of his ideas from Clarence Larkin's writings regarding Daniel's Seventy



Colllins, you have blatantly lied. Where did you go to school? In jail? How readest thou? Open your

blinded eyes and see. E.O.D.H. emphatically states, first and foremost, to the shame of all liars against William

Branham, that Larkin’s interpretation of the seven seals erroneously placed the horse riders and all the seals

at the end of the church ages, in the tribulation, after the rapture of the church, in Jewish time. This means

that he taught that the seven seals have nothing to do with the church. But on the contrary, Christ the Lamb and

W. M. Branham rightfully placed the seals at the beginning of the early apostolic age, unto the coming of


Now, where is your line upon line copying from Larkin? You are dumb. Your mouth has been shut. You

are defeated by us message believers. We have evidently proven by this short statement that you are a liar and

a deceiver. None should listen to you. If W. M. Branham, the prophet, had copied Larkin’s interpretation, he

would have erroneously placed the seals even as Larkin did. So go and learn to bray.


Mr. Collins has an immoral beam in his own eyes and is a blind man who can only employ lies to his

own destruction. Collins’ testimony alone is sufficient to cut off his lying tongue before the world.

He published as follows on his website confession:

Quote John Collins:

A) "I was forced into extreme guilt that would plague me for years to come.

B) Sexual addiction started at a very early age... Pornography had entered into my life.

C) I could not control my sin.

D) I was living wrong, ...I knew that if I could not overcome, I would be going to hell.

E) I could not fight this “demon” that had possessed me. I had given up hope in conquering my sin. I’ve

now learned that depression can cause serious brain injury, and even damage.

F) The headaches started... my depression would cause the pain to become so severe that my skull

would physically hurt.

G) I found myself in jail. No longer in control of my actions, I would find myself releasing all control

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to the addiction, no matter where it took me."

See page 19 for a more detailed account of his confession.

This is a self-confessed demoniac and paraphilic, a sex robot, sex maniac, ex-convict and heretic who

has manifested enough blasphemies to tell the whole world that he is yet on his way to hell and the Lake of Fire.

(Hebrews 10: 26, Hebrews 6:4-6). He has rejected his only hope of deliverance.

Hebrews 6:4-6 <For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the

heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,

And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son

of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.>

John 3:19 <And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness

rather than light, because their deeds were evil.>

Collins has no voice, no life, no truth and no Spirit of God. He blames his sexual addiction on a lack of

serotonin. It is a blind excuse. It is not a lack of serotonin. It is demon possession. Being demon possessed he

has no control of his tongue, mind and his very life. Thus he is disqualified to handle the Word of God and the

holy scriptures. He is strictly out of place to try to divide truth from error, since he is disqualified as a minister -

I Timothy 3:1, Titus 1:1.

To condemn the mighty prophet of the age; Elijah, William Branham, and call this message a cult, you

Collins have fully manifested that you are an incarnated devil from hell. Judas and Balaam failed miserably to

fill the sum of your evil deeds, you notorious, lying deceiver.


Quote John Collins: "To Branham’s strategy... The first six seals are practically line-by-line from

Clarence Larkin’s ‘Dispensational Truth,’...

... he proceeds to describe everything that is in the chart/drawing "The Book of Revelation" by Clarence

Larkin. WMB talks about each 'mystery' in the seals that he 'opened', but walks the congregation through these

charts -- only deviating slightly to point to himself.

...Though William Marrion Branham claimed to have received "divine revelation" of the Seven Seals

and Church Ages, much of his content came directly from the works of Clarence Larkin. The majority of the

"revelation" came from Larkin's "Dispensational Truth." (John Collins http://www.seekyethetruth.com).

E.O.D.H. Answer: These are outright lies by a deceitful heart. William Branham never did claim to

open the seals. He taught that no man was found worthy to open the Book but the Lamb; Jesus Christ, who

opened the Book and revealed His secret according to God’s program (Amos 3:7, Revelation chapters 5 and 6).


William Branham never hid the fact that he read the commentary of Larkin and other men. But he

complimented them where they were right and corrected them where they were wrong, by the Lamb's revelation

of the seals:

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Quote William Branham: 49 ...down through the age there has been hundreds times hundreds of

people, scholars, abled men, trying to explain what these seventy of weeks were. And I've read many of their

commentaries on it. I'm very grateful to Dr. Larkin of his views. I'm grateful to all these great scholars for

their views on this. And in reading them, it enlightens me much that I can find places that looks right. (The

Seventieth Week Of Daniel 61-0806).


Quote William Branham: 33 I've been reading Dr. Larkin's book, Dr. Smith's book, Dr. Scofield's

notes, different commentaries…yet I cannot put theirs together to make it come out right. See? … and having

my trust solemnly in Jesus Christ to reveal it to me…I believe He will give it to me… to know and place

those seventy of weeks. (Gabriel's.Instructions.To.Daniel 61-0730M).

Mr. Collins,we challenge you, your wife and your colleagues hiding in your Baptist lodge. The above

quotations prove you to be a notorious liar. If you cannot bark here at this exposition, then try to bray.


A. Thought himself worthy to loose the seals.

B. Did not emphasize that only the Lamb was worthy.

C. Was a Doctor of Divinity and not a prophet to receive the secrets of God (Amos 3:7)

D. Said the seals need not to be opened in the end time as they were already revealed to John.

E. Preached heresies on each of the seals.

F. Contradicted himself on his teachings.

G. Falsely interpreted Daniel's seventy weeks to say that there are four sets of seventy weeks, and that visions

and prophecies are confined only to the Jewish race.

H. Never taught that there was one angel messenger with a message to every church age.

I. Larkin lived in an age when the mysteries were not revealed (Revelation 10: 7), thus he probed at

them like all other scholars.

In consideration of the above facts, it is a total imposibility to prove that William Branham borrowed

or stole the teachings of Dr. Larkin to preach the seven seals and other subjects.

To prove that such statements of Mr. Collins or any other heretic are fabricated lies, William

Branham did not preach the heresies of Dr. Larkin. This is evident by a simple comparison of both men's

teachings. Thus Collins and his colleges are of their father the devil (John 8:44).

Quote William Branham: 4-2 {23} ... Now, I don't know what these Seals mean... it has to come by

inspiration. It must be; God Himself is the only One Who can do it, the Lamb... (God Hiding Himself In

Simplicity Sunday_ 63-0317M).

Quote William Branham: 393-1 {1} ... the Lamb was the only One that could open the Seals or to

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loose them... we pray, heavenly Father, that the Lamb will open it to us tonight... And when no man on earth or

in heaven was sufficient, only the Lamb was found sufficient. So may the all sufficient One come and open the

Seal for us tonight. (The Sixth Seal 63-0323).

When the Lamb revealed the correct revelation, it proved that some teachings were correct according to

the Lamb’s blueprint, not that William Branham borrowed from men of past ages, but he condemned scholars’

errors as wrong. Mr. Collins, to say anything other than that is to make yourself a deceitful liar and hypocrite.

To prove this we will now compare Larkin’s teachings with the revelation of Jesus Christ revealed to

William Branham, on each seal, and show that Larkin's teachings are as far as the East is from the West to

what the Lamb revealed.



The Lamb Christ's revelation given to William Branham, placed the seals from the times of the

early church right down to the time of Christ's return on a white horse in Revelation 19, in the end time. He

taught that the seals are for the church, and the first seal; the white horse rider is the antichrists spirit that

began to ride in the early age, and afterwards he became incarnated in a man; the pope of Rome, and was

crowned as the leader of the antichrist church system in 325 AD.


Quote: 125-1 {52} ... the actors of these Seals begin at the first church age... (The First Seal 63-0318).


Quote William Branham: 106-4 {266} …The Lamb broke the Seals and revealed them to His church in

order to collect His subjects for His Kingdom, His Bride. See? (The Breach 63-0317E).

Quote William Branham: “…Who is this mysterious rider that starts forth in the first church age…

…He's the antichrist... it's the antichrist spirit…

… when Nicolaitia, antichrist is finally... He's incarnate in a man; then he's crowned. When he starts

off as a Nicolaitia spirit in the church, he's a spirit. You can't crown a spirit. But three hundred years later he

become a pope. And then they crowned him...

… The antichrist then, there he was, begin to form in there the Nicolaitane spirit to make an

organization… pagan Rome? Converted into papal Rome and crowned…” (The first seal- Page 141-176)."


Larkin's interpretation of the first seal is that the white horse rider is the antichrist that started to ride

in the end time and is crowned after the rapture as Head of the Ten Federated Kingdoms of the revived Roman


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Quote Larkin: "…This "Rider" has a "bow," no arrow is mentioned, and he is not crowned at first, but

a crown will be given to him later… and elevate him to a leadership that will place him at the Head of the Ten

Federated Kingdoms of the revived Roman Empire.

…this White Horse Rider is the ANTICHRIST. He is the "PRINCE WHO IS TO COME" of Daniel's

Vision of the "Seventy Weeks," and who will confirm the Covenant for "ONE WEEK," … with Daniel's people

the Jews. Dan. 9:27. (The Book of Revelation)

We message believers, worldwide wish to ask Mr Collins; where is the plagiarism, you big

unbeliever who rejected the message? Where is the stealing of Larkin's revelation? All you lying heretics and

intellectuals cannot even read. How readest thou you blind guides and deceitful workers? To deny what we are

saying and continue to spread such lies you will have to wilfully close your eyes to the truth. That makes you a

bunch of dead religious hypocrites and goats. The immoral beams in your eyes and your hypocrisies have

blinded you. Open your mouths and bark if you can, you dumb dogs of Jerusalem. You whited walls. You shut

up the kingdom of God unto men by your lies, and would not go in yourself because your deeds are evil

(Matthew 23: 13, John 3:19).


If William Branham had stolen Larkin's interpretation of the first seal, he would have placed it like

Larkin at the end of the church ages, he would have had the rider crowned in the tribulation and not at Nicaea

Rome 325 AD. He would have placed the white horse rider over ten kingdoms in the end time and he would

have the white horse rider making a seven-year covenant with the Jews. But he did not teach any such

damnable heresies of Larkin. Therefore he did not steal Larkin's interpretation. We challenge you and your

wife to refute what we have stated or shut up! You are demon possessed. Seek deliverance by admittance that

you are a liar.


The Lamb Christ’s revelation of the second seal is that the red horse rider is the same antichrist spirit

who gained power by his crown and caused the antichrist church system to kill out the true Christians under


Quote William Branham: "It's the devil again in another form… this man has a sword so he pertains

to church political war.. The same system riding on another color power from the innocent white to a

bloody red...

… he went to Rome, Nicaea, Rome. The council was held, and they elected a head bishop. And then by

doing this they united church and state together. Then he dropped his bow; he got off his white horse; he got

on his red horse, for he can kill anybody that don't agree with him.

…I am quoting from the Martyrology: "From the time of Saint Augustine of Hippo until 1586 on the

Roman martyrology, the Roman Catholic church put sixty-eight million Protestants to death." Was his sword

red? Was he riding a red horse? What was it? The same power, the same rider. There's the Seal. (The second

seal – page 207-222)."


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Larkin's interpretation of the second seal is that the rider is not the antichrist, but some other great

leader under whom there will be great civil wars among the nations.

Quote Larkin: "Red, the color of the Horse, is a symbol of BLOOD, and the Sword is a symbol of

WAR. …This seems to imply that the Antichrist will not have everything his own way, and that his Autocratic

methods will lead to insubordination and civil wars among the nations under some great leader represented by

the Rider of the Red Horse, whose "Great Sword" is symbolical of the awful destruction of human life that will


Mr Collins, your lies are exposed. Find another one and the truth will expose it. We message believers

are demanding of you; tell us where is the comparison, you deceitful liar? Answer to the call of the Spirit.

Repent if peradventure you have not fulfilled Hebrews 6: 4-6 - the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost like Simon the


Acts 8:22 <Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart

may be forgiven thee.>


The Lamb Christ's revelation of the third seal is that the dark horse rider is the same antichrist spirit,

and the dark horse represents the dark ages and a spiritual famine for the Word that was lost in the dark ages.

Quote William Branham: “This rider is the same one but another stage of his ministry… He has

started riding him in the time of the dark ages. That's what the dark horse represented: the dark ages…

... Wheat and barley is natural staff of life. That's what bread and stuff's made from.

…What it means, that he was charging his subjects for the kind of the hope of life that he was

sending out to them... Now, oil symbolizes the Spirit, the Holy Spirit… oil typifies Spirit, and wine symbolizes

stimulation of revelation…” (The third seal)."


Larkin's interpretation of the third seal is that it represents literal famine because of war, and the

rider is a conserver of food.

Quote Larkin: "The "BLACK HORSE" signifies famine, and the Rider the "Conserver of Food." … So

great will be the famine, that it will take a "denarius" a day's wages, to buy a "choenix" (2 pints) of wheat," the

daily ration of a slave. What is meant by not hurting the oil and wine, may be, that as the Olive tree and

grapevine do not bear their fruit until some months after the wheat and barley harvest, and grow without much

attention, their crops would not be so much affected by war, and therefore the Olive trees and grapevines were

not to be ruthlessly destroyed by invaders for they were needed for medicinal purposes."

Who is this deceitful hypocrite opening his immoral mouth to lie against the mighty Elijah of the age?

Repent I say Mr. Collins. Repent Mrs Collins and publish to the world on your website that you lied on the

prophet and lied on the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Gird up your loins like a man Collins, God is demanding of thee to

answer. If you cannot then find a place to hide. If your wife owns a dress, put it on and reflect upon your

perverted prison life and cry for mercy.

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The Lamb Christ’s revelation of the fourth seal is that the pale horse is the three other horse

combined, which is the uniting of a one world church and Government in the end time. The rider is death,

which is Satan personified in a man after he is cast out of heaven, and he gathers all his subject to fight Christ in

the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19.

Quote William Branham: “… again the same rider upon this pale horse... All of these other three

was represented in it, because pale is red and white and so mixed together. See? It's all mixed in this one

horse… He's in four here… the beast, pale horse, Satan being kicked out of heaven…

Now, that is not in our day. That will be on down. It's the Seal foretold. 'Cause, see, the Church has

done gone up when this happens…

… What is this all coming to?... The first thing in heaven was a battle. Lucifer was kicked out… And

now, from the battle in heaven, it's coming to the battle on earth, and it is to be finished on earth at the end

time in a battle called Armageddon…” (The fourth seal – pages 294-330)."


Larkin's interpretation of the fourth seal is that the rider is death and here represented is great

pestilence and death that would follow a great war.

Quote Larkin: "The reference here is clearly to some great PESTILENCE that shall come upon the

earth. After a devastating war, followed by famine, during which the dead are left unburied, a PESTILENCE is

sure to follow. The "fourth part of the earth" over which the Pestilence shall sweep will probably be that part of

the Eastern Hemisphere covered by the revived Roman Empire.”

Mr. Collins, how dumb and foolish is the interpretation of your Baptist forefather when compared to

the true revelation of the Lamb. And more dumb and foolish are lying hypocrites like you to formulate lies that

the revelation of the Lamb was stolen from Larkin. Prove it, we challenge you, your wife and your blind

guides. If you have not sold your soul for the vices of Sodom in jail, you would repent. We pity your wife

having to cope with your uncontrolled appetites for perversions. However, having rejected the Word of

deliverance, we are sure that she has fully accepted all the vices of Sodom. Shame on you, you hypocrite!


The Lamb Christ’s revelation of the fifth seal is that these are the souls of Jews who were killed from

the rejection of the messiah until the rapture, and proves that all predestinated Jews throughout the church ages

who never accepted Christ were saved. Also that there is no soul sleeping.

Quote William Branham: "… The Church absolutely is raptured at this time… It just can't be the souls

under--the early church…

... This is Israel that's to be saved as a nation, all them that are predestinated…

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Under the altar of the breaking of this Seal that had been slain in the time between the death of Christ

and the going up of the Church.” (The fifth seal pages 343-388)."


Larkin's interpretation of the fifth seal is that these are the souls of mainly Jews who will be killed

during Daniel's seventieth week, and that there is no soul sleeping.

Quote Larkin: "… they were not the Martyrs of the Christian Church, for they had been resurrected

and taken up with the Church. These Martyrs' are those who will be killed for the "Word of God" and their

"testimony" after the Church is caught out.

…The character of their cry is' further proof that they are not the Martyrs of the Christian Church… and

indicates that these Martyrs… are mainly JEWS. "

Does the similarity of Larkin's interpretation on this seal credit your lies? Impossible. Many other

scholars had some truth for those ages, but the Lamb's revelation of the seven seals is the blueprint to judge

their interpretation.

Even when a donkey brays he makes a truthful sound that is ordained of God. But you are insincere,

dumb, hypocritical, deceiving and a disgrace to God and men. If you cannot repent after this exposition you are

doomed for hell.


The Lamb Christ’s revelation of the sixth seal is that this is the tribulation period which reveals two

prophets that brings all these judgments on the earth at Jacob's trouble when God is delivering Israel and

cleansing the land with tribulations to bring forth a new world for the millennium.

Quote William Branham:“This Sixth Seal is the tribulation period… This is when Israel receives

the message of the Kingdom by the two prophets of Revelations 11… it's the time that God will call that one

hundred and forty-four thousand Jews in this last three and a half years…

These great happenings to nature, has happened before, in this 12th verse here. See? The sun became as

black as sackcloth of hair… Exodus 10:21-23… when nature happens like this, has been? God calling

Israel. (See?) God's calling out Israel…

…these two prophets… They're the one who brings on this Sixth Seal. They uncover and open it up.

It's the power of God to interrupt nature. … With the power of God, the Word of God, they just condemn

nature. They can send earthquakes, turn the moon into blood, the sun can go down or anything at their

command. … It's Moses and Elijah, (The sixth seal – pages 419 -439)."


Larkin's interpretation of the sixth seal is that these things prefigure and symbolize the overthrow of

the Powers of the Earth by great social and political convulsions. These physical convulsions will be the earth's

"travail pains" as she labors to bring forth the new creation of the Millennial Age.

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Quote Larkin: "…these things prefigure and symbolize the overthrow of the Powers of the Earth by

great social and political convulsions. These are nothing more or less than great physical convulsions that

shall shake the earth, and that have been foretold by the Prophets and by Christ Himself. …THE GREAT AND

TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD …These physical convulsions will be the earth's "TRAVAIL PAINS" as she

labors to bring forth the NEW CREATION of the Millennial Age.

Mr. Collins, all your lies you could invent cannot make Larkin's interpretation fit the mighty and vast

revelation of the Lamb of God. Thou heretic, no man was even worthy to look upon the Book, much less to

loose the seals. So stop barking to the world. You have no bite, your teeth are broken by this exposition, so shut



The Lamb’s revelation given to William Branham concerning the seventh seal is that it held the

secret of the seven thunders, the second coming of the Lord, but he cannot tell when it would be, and the silence

was so that the revelation would not be given away.

Quote William Branham: “… those seven thunders that he heard thunder and was forbidden to write,

that's what the mystery is laying behind those seven consecutive thunders rolling out… Now, why? Let us

prove it. Why? It is the secret that no one knows about. John was forbidding to write about it, even write a

symbol about it. Why? This is why there was no activity in heaven; it might give away the secret… It was so

great till it's kept secret from the Angels.

Now, why? If Satan should get a hold of it, he might do great damage… It's the thing that Jesus said

even the Angels of heaven didn't know nothing about it. See, see? He didn't know it Himself,

…Angels don't know it; nobody knows when He's coming. But there'll be…seven voices of these

thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time.

… the rest of it will be known right around about the time that Jesus appears on earth again for His

Bride, or whatever takes place at that time. (The Seventh Seal 1963).


Quote William Branham: 564 (3) ... the Seventh Seal, the reason it was not opened (See?), the

reason He did not reveal it, no one should know about it. (Seals Book - New Ed. Page 509 (301-302)).


Quote William Branham: 567 (1) Now, notice. So help me, by God I tell the truth, that these are

spiritually discerned to me (See?)... Now, what this great secret is that lays beneath this Seal, I do not know. I

don't know it. I couldn't make it out. I couldn't tell it, just what it said. But I know that it was them seven

thunders uttering themselves right close together, just banging seven different times... (Seals Book - New Ed.

Page 512 (322-323)).


Quote William Branham: 576 (1) So I believe... If we don't know it, and it won't be known ‘til that

time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. So the thing for us

to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all that we know how to do, and live good Christian

lives. (Seals Book - New Ed. Page 520(393).


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Quote William Branham: 576 (2) Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we see

it, and we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the public until that hour arrives. (Seals Book - New

Ed. Page 521 (393).


Quote William Branham: 577 (2) And now, if this tape would happen to fall into the hands of some

persons somewhere, don't try to make any kind of an "ism" out of it…to this time, it isn't opened. (Seals Book

- New Ed. Pages 521 (400)).


Quote W.M.B.: 575-6 {392} ... nobody knows when He's coming. But there'll be .. seven voices of

these thunders that will reveal the great revelation at that time.

… we don't know it, and it won't be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day, in the

hour that it's supposed to be revealed in. (Seventh Seal 63-0324E)



Quote: 564-2 {301} … So just remember, the Seventh Seal, the reason it was not opened (See?), the

reason It did not reveal it, no one should know about it. (Seventh Seal 63-0324E).


Quote W.M.B.: 17-1 God's great mystery of how... It's a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed

nothing about it; even the Angels didn't understand it. See? He didn't reveal it. That's the reason under our

seventh mystery, when the seventh seal was opened, there was silence.

...See, God has this all to Himself. It's a secret. And that's the reason there was silence in heaven for a

space of a half hour. And Seven Thunders uttered their voices, and

John was even forbidden to write it (See?)--the coming of the Lord. That's one thing He hasn't revealed

yet, of how He will come, and when He will come. (Christ Is the Mystery 63-0728).


Quote: 33-3 Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood day

by day telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There's silence in heaven." No one knew. (Souls

In Prison Now 63-1110m).


Quote: 26-4 That Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know; that's His coming. (Feast Of The Trumpets



Larkin's interpretation of the seventh seal is that it includes the happenings of the seven trumpets and

seven vials, and the silence was preparatory to what was going to happen under the seven trumpets and vials.

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Quote Larkin: "We must not forget that the "SEVENTH SEAL" includes all that happens during the

sounding of the "Trumpets," and the pouring out of the "Vials," and so extends down to the ushering in of the


The "SILENCE" that followed the breaking of the "Seventh Seal" was preparatory to what was to

follow during the sounding of the "Trumpets," and the pouring out of the "Vials." ..It was the period of silent

preparation for the awful judgments that were to burst forth in the earth under the "Trumpets" and "Vials.""

This has fully proven that Larkin's interpretation is as far as the East is from the West to what the

Lamb revealed to William Branham. And it further proves that you are a lying dog whose immorality came in

conflict with the high standards of the holiness message of William Branham. Repent or perish you hypocrite!

Between the sixth and seventh seal Larkin compared the first six seals with Matthew 24. William

Branham did the same. This was not Larkin's revelation since this was done by men before him.


We have therefore proven that John Collins is a big liar who has lied to the whole world, and we call

him to repentance, if there is any sincerity left in him. He need to change the name of his website from seek the

truth to fabricated lies of an immoral dumb dog that cannot bark.

Isaiah 56:10 <His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark;

sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.>


Highest compliments to heroes and defenders of the faith: the gospel according to saint Branham, Jesus,

Paul and the apostles. God bless you. May this article create courage and stamina in the hearts of all message

believers to take up their swords and cut down all unbelief, as they contend for the faith.

Jude 1:3 <... it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend

for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.>

Any message believer or minister who thinks that this exposition of Mr. Collins' is too harsh and

without love needs to read Matthew 23, Luke 11, II Corinthians 11:13, II Peter Chapter 1, the Book of Jude and

I Timothy 1:19-20.

Our Lord referred to the Scribes and Pharasees as: " hypocrites! Children of hell! Blind guides! Fools!

Whited sepulchres full of dead men bones! Serpents! How can ye escape the damnations of hell?" (Matthew

23:13-33). John 8: 44 - " Ye are of your father the devil..."

Jude; a God called servant and preacher of the message of that day, judged, criticized and condemned

false prophets in some of the strongest language ever written in the scriptures:

Jude 1 "...certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation...

...as brute beasts... gone in the way of Cain... spots in your feast of charity…. Clouds they are without

water... twice dead, plucked up by the roots. Raging waves of the sea , foaming out their own shame wandering

stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever."

Apostle Peter referred to immoral false prophets like John Collins as "natural brute beast, made to be

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taken and destroyed... spots they are and blemishes….Having eyes full of adultery …cursed children… wells

without water… Clouds …To whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever… servants of corruption, sows

and dogs.” (II Pet 2:10-22).

That is Bible pattern, and they all did the same because they all had the same Spirit of the Lord, which

manifested in the very same manner, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Larkin's diagram below, which you stated that William Branham preached from, further exposes you as

a lying heretic. This erroneous diagram of Dr. Larkin is a million miles away from the truth. It was drawn to

preach Larkin's interpretations, and not the Lamb's revelation, you liar.

Your lies and heresies are as fat as your face, you proud decitful hypocrite. You are four feet tall and

four feet wide, carrying an immoral beam in your eye, with your blind hypocrite wife at your side, leading

sincere people to baspheme against the truth by your notorious lies.


The scriptural diagram below of message believers was drawn to depict the seven seals revelation of

the Lamb:


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Larkin was guessing so much that he contradicted himself on his own teachings in his books. In one

place he stated that the Book that Daniel was told to seal up was the seven seals book, and in another place he

said it was not. In one place he said that the seals were already revealed to John the divine, in another place

he said they are to be revealed in the tribulation, in the end time:

Quote Larkin: What that "Sealed Book" contained is no longer a Mystery, for the Apostle John saw the

"seals" of that Book broken, and was told to record what it contained. The "Seven-Sealed Book" of the Book

of Revelation is the Book that Daniel was told to seal up.

What was this "LITTLE BOOK"? Some claim that it was the "SEVEN SEALED BOOK," now open...

...it is described as a "LITTLE BOOK," as if its contents were small. In that respect it stands in marked

contrast with the "SEVEN SEALED BOOK" whose numerous "Seals" and the time taken to break them, imply

that it was of considerable size.

...This "LITTLE BOOK," here open, is probably the "BOOK" that Daniel was told to "SEAL UP."

Dan. 12:4, 9. That "Book" contained things that were not to be revealed until the "TIME OF THE END." Not

the "End Of Time," but the "End" of the "TIMES OF THE GENTILES," which synchronizes with the last half of

Daniel's "SEVENTIETH WEEK," and therefore with "THE GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD." (Dispensational


That shows that God never called him to interpret the Book of Revelation.



Quote John Collins: "...Branham copied most of his ideas from Clarence Larkin's writings regarding

Daniel's Seventy Weeks."

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This is another blank lie, Mr. Collins. William Branham taught that there is one set of seventy

weeks that began with the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem and ends in the end time. Larkin

taught heresies on the seventy weeks that there are four sets of seventy weeks that started with Abraham, of

which Daniel's seventy weeks is the third set"


Quote Clarence Larkin: "THE SEVENTY WEEKS OF SCRIPTURE. It is most interesting, and not generally

known to Bible students, that there is not only one "Seventy Week" period in the Scriptures but four, and that these four begin with the birth of Abraham, and follow each other, without a break, until the Second Coming of Christ, and are

connected with the Jews only...

...THE FIRST SEVENTY WEEKS... the length of time from the birth of Abraham to the Exodus...

...THE SECOND SEVENTY WEEKS... from the Exodus to the fourth year of Solomon's reign," (The Book Of

Daniel by Clarence Larkin).

William Branham never taught such dogma and heresies. If he had copied what Larkin had taught he

would have copied his errors also.

Where is the plagiarism, Mr. Collins, you big liar? Where is your mouth, you four feet tall by four feet

wide proud rejector of truth? We have again proven you to be a notorious liar. Do you subcribe to the

erroneous teachings of this your Baptist forefather, who the Baptists hold in high honour as a great Bible

expositor? To leave the message to follow such Baptist dogma shows who you are.



William Branham truthfully got his revelation directly from almighty God. He studied Larkin's and

other scholars' books on this subject, but in studying their books he identified errors, therefore William

Branham knew that he had to depend solely on almighty God to reveal the true and full revelation to him, and

when God revealed the revelation to him it showed up Larkin's errors which William Branham condemned as


One such error that William Branham corrected publicly concerning Larkin's Daniel's seventy weeks

teachings, was when Larkin foolishly taught that visions and prophecies are confined only to the Jewish


Quote Larkin: 5. TO SEAL UP THE VISION AND PROPHECY. When the "Transgression of ISRAEL "

has ceased… there will no longer be any need for "Vision" or "Prophet."… "Vision" and "Prophecy" has been

confined to the Jewish race. (The Book of Revelation by Clarence Larkin).

Quote William Branham: 103 …some great writer (I was reading about the other day), if he didn't

have that messed up.

…Now just to show how stupid... A man without anointing. See?

The man said, "You see here that visions and prophecy was always allowed to the Jewish church." …it

meant that they would have no more visions or no more prophecy." Said, all these things today that they talk

about having visions and prophecy was all a thing of the devil, that there was no such a thing as visions and

prophecy…Now, let's not take what some man said. (The.Sixfold.Purpose.Of.Gabriel's.Visit.To.Daniel 61-

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Quote William Branham: 33 I've been reading Dr. Larkin's book, Dr. Smith's book, Dr. Scofield's

notes, different commentaries…yet I cannot put theirs together to make it come out right. See? … and having

my trust solemnly in Jesus Christ to reveal it to me…I believe He will give it to me… to know and place

those seventy of weeks. (Gabriel's.Instructions.To.Daniel 61-0730M).

God revealed the true revelation to His prophet. So you are exposed Mr Collins, and you need to shut

up your lying tongue. Larkin's theology could have only took him so far.

William Branham never hid the fact that he had studied Larkin's and other scholars' books on this

subject, but clearly stated that some of their teachings on the subject look good but he could not make it all run

in line with the scripture.


Quote William Branham: 49 ...down through the age there has been hundreds times hundreds of

people, scholars, abled men, trying to explain what these seventy of weeks were. And I've read many of their

commentaries on it. I'm very grateful to Dr. Larkin of his views. I'm grateful to all these great scholars for

their views on this. And in reading them, it enlightens me much that I can find places that looks right. (The

Seventieth Week Of Daniel 61-0806).

He was very honest in his above acknowledgment, but you with your lying tongue and dishonest and

deceitful heart have chosen to lie, which you are doing to your own shame. We expose you before the world

as a liar and we call you to repentance, if there is hope of repentance. We will now compare what William

Branham taught concerning Daniel's seventy weeks, with what Dr. Larkin taught.


In further exposition of your lies, we wish to state that most of what Larkin taught on Daniel's seventy

weeks was taught before by men before him. Therefore you cannot ascribed all these things to Larkin.

Dr. Larkin rightly taught that the seventy weeks of Daniel do not concern the Gentiles, but only the Jews

and Jerusalem. He further taught that there was a sixfold purpose of Gabriel's visit to Daniel and also that sixty

nine weeks were completed at the cross and there is one more week left to the Jews for the end time.

There were men before Larkin, in times past, who also taught these things in part or fully, but each of

them had errors, including Dr. Larkin. Some of these men are: Dr. Scofield (Scofield Bible footnotes), J. A.

Seiss, Voices From Babylon (Philadelphia, 1879), and Sir Robert Anderson, The Coming Prince (London,

1909) and others. William Branham taught the same when the full and complete revelation came to him in the

end time.

I have not read in Larkin’s books where he gave credit to these men and others for some of his

teachings, yet I did not hear Mr. Collins charge Larkin for plagiarism. But the truth is that you have an axe to

grind with William Branham, and by inventing these lies you are trying to ease your conscience, justify

yourself for forsaking the message to fulfil your lust that you fulfilled in jail and elsewhere. No, the answer is

that you love darkness rather than light because your deeds are evil, and with that immoral beam that has

blinded you, all that you could employ is lies, stating that William Branham stole Larkin's teachings.

Mrs. Collins, you ought to be ashamed to support a nasty man like your husband. If anyone knows his

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hypocrisies it is you. But you have caught your husband's evil spirit and became demon possessed like him

and has seemingly become adjusted to his uncontrolled sexual immoral habits. And for him to claim the Holy

Ghost as he did on his testimony, with such wickedness in his life is blasphemy. He never gave up that ghost,

and it is the same spirit that he yets claim to have as the Holy Ghost. He has a dirty immoral Ghost like the

serpent in the Garden of Eden, and you know it. Woe be unto you also if you fail to repent after this exposition.

God is calling both of you to repentance. Repent if there is hope.



Quote John Collins: "...Though William Marrion Branham claimed to have received "divine

revelation" of the Seven Seals and Church Ages, much of his content came directly from the works of Clarence

Larkin. The majority of the "revelation" came from Larkin's "Dispensational Truth."

You are a notorious liar, Mr. Collins. You have a lying immoral ghost rather than the Holy Ghost.

Larkin's never taught that the seven church ages had to do with seven individual messengers of God who

came with seven different messages to bring the people back to truth, and that these men, in their respective

ages were right and every other preacher who did not line up with their revelation was wrong. He taught that the

seven angels represented the ministers in each age. What a vast difference. If you would sincerely compare the

seven church ages revelation that Christ gave to William Branham with what Larkin taught, it is plain to see. It

is either you are totally dunce (foolish, ignorant, slow at learning) or totally deceitful. You make people like us

from the third world make you look like a dunce. You need to put on your dunce cap and find a corner, you



There were men before Larkin, in times past, who taught that the seven churches in Asia represented

seven periods or dispensation of the church with their ministers. All of these scholars were partly correct in their

interpretations but each and every one of them had errors that needed correcting, showing that they interfered

with scriptural things before God’s perfect time to reveal them, and that they were not the person God ordained

for the job.

Larkin missed the mark, for he never taught that the seven angels were seven messengers. Adding to

that he established a heresy, making the hour of temptation the great tribulation:

Quote Ckarence Larkin: "... the "Seven Stars" were the "Angels" (Ministers or Messengers) of the

Seven Churches, and the "Seven Candlesticks" represented the Seven Churches."

... It was to be kept from the "hour of temptation" (Tribulation), that shall come upon all the world... the

Church at Philadelphia ... it has never yet suffered in a persecution that was world-wide. This "hour of

temptation" then must be still future and refers doubtless to the "Great Tribulation " that is to come upon the

"whole world. (Dispensational Truth by Clarence Larkin).

William Branham in his teaching used some of Larkin's words, and did not speak in contradiction of

Larkin where he was right. That does not mean that he borrowed his revelation. It means that when William

Branham got the full and correct revelation, which was the blueprint that would judge evey man's interpretaion,

it confirmed what was right and corrected the errors.

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The true and full revelation on the church ages that God gave to William Branham was way higher than

what Larkin and those other men taught.



To show the heights and the might of the revelation that God gave to William Branham on the seven

church ages, he taught that the church ages revealed the history of the church and the true messengers to the

church for almost two thousand years. Thus it gave us a revelation of what is the true church from the false, and

taught us what is a true servant of God and how to identify false prophets from true servants of God.

W. M. Branham said that the true church with the power like the day of Pentecost is the only church that

Jesus claims as his own, all else are false, and the apostle Paul who was the first messenger of the gentile era is

the example of a true minister for all ages, for Paul was true to the Word, manifested the power of God and had

evident fruits of his ministry, and the true ministers will be the ones who come closest to him, and the true

church, in every age, the one that comes closest to the one on the day of Pentecost.

By this we could measure every preacher and every church that claims to represent Jesus Christ. The

early church tried those who said they were apostles and found them liars, and we have tried Mr. John Collins

by this article and have found him to be a notorious liar, demon possessed, and a minister of Satan who

cannot compare with the apostle Paul, because Collins teaches heresies and propagates lies, and his Baptist

forefather Larkin taught that there is no more visions and prophecies for the church.


William Branham compared with the Apostle Paul because he went around the world seven times and

demonstrated the power of God, healing the sick and raising the dead, and stayed true to the Word by

preaching exactly what Paul taught.

Paul taught that a woman is forbidden from teaching or preaching the gospel. (I Timothy 2:11-12, I

Corinthians 14: 34). What does your Baptist organisation teaches Mr. Collins? Your wife needs to shut up on

the net and learn to be a good keepr at home rather than blaspheme.

Paul taught holiness and modest apparel for women. (I Timothy 2:9). What are those in your Baptist

organisation wearing? Do they wear men's apparel (Deuteronomy 22:5) and strip themselves half-naked and go

down to the beach or mow the lawn in shorts. If they do they have the same nasty spirit as you.

Paul taught water baptism in Jesus Christ name only. (Acts 19: 4-5). So agreed Apostle Peter and the

early church (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10: 48, Acts 19: 3-5). Our Lord Jesus taught that water baptism in his

name is to be taught in all nations: (Luke 24: 46-47). You teach contrary to that. Therefore you are an

unbeliever and a heretic.

Paul taught that a woman ought not to cut her hair. (I Corinthians 11:5-15). You said that she could.

And on top of that you have been a nasty immoral man for decades. You ought to shut your mouth, instead of

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speaking blasphemies, and look for a place to hide your face, along with your hypocrite wife.

We will now publish your selfconfessed immoral testimony that you confessed before the world. If

you would carefully consider your testimony, you would know that you are yet lost, stooped in sin, void of the

Spirit of God and need to hold on to the horns of the altar and beg for mercy and deliverance rather than

opening your immoral mouth against a holy prophet of God.


Your attack is not strange to us. This has been the practise of evil and immoral men, over the decades,

to criticise, condemn and brand as false, the prophet and servant of God; William Marrion Branham and his

message. We saw this example in Roberts Liardon, who wrote a book and condemned W. M. Braham, and

ended up being exposed as a homosexual with a junior minister of his church. Today he yet preaches and his

books can be found on a so-called "gay Christian website": www.gaychurch.org.

Truly our Lord said:

John 3:19-20 <And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness

rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be


Whenever a man hears good, solid truth and rejects it to follow something that he assuredly knows is

wrong, and then against his conscience criticise, condemn and call it false, according to the words of our Lord,

if you examine his life, his deeds are evil somewhere. This fits you very well, Mr. Collins.

Such nasty men are those who open their mouths against William Branham. You nasty, immoral

heretic, you are a big disgrace to your father, and a big disgrace to your grandfather, but most of all you are the

biggest disgrace to yourself, and you have condemned yourself by your own testimony.

To be demon possessed, to have a sexual addiction for decades, to be a pornography viewer for

decades, and to be a jail bird and carry on your sexual addiction without reservation in jail, and even after

rejecting the message and following your Baptist cult, is enough to let you know you have nothing in your

soul and you are a blind man leading your blind wife and both of you will fall in the pit if you fail to repent.

Matthew 7:5 <Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see

clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.>


Quote John Collins: “Depression had really started setting in to my body, and I was forced into

extreme guilt that would plague me for years to come. The body’s lack of serotonin... would activate every

means necessary to respond to the lack of the vital chemical of the brain.

... depression leads to sexual addiction... sexual addiction started at a very early age... Pornography

had entered into my life. Daily, I would pray for forgiveness... I knew beyond the shadow of any doubt that I

had the Holy Ghost, and my Comforter walked with me daily. It was a shame and a disgrace that my willpower

was not strong enough to battle Satan against this very evil thing; I knew I was doing wrong, and I did it

anyway. My body begged me for it. Over time, my head would hang in shame. I would go through prayer lines

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at the little church in the Ozark Mountains with an “unspoken request” to God, because I could not let

anybody know that I could not control my sin.

...Every church service from early high school until several years after my marriage, I would have an

“unspoken request”. Every baby that was dedicated, I would pray a very tearful prayer that the child would not

suffer from the same sins that I suffered from, and that God would protect them from this sin that plagued me.

...I personally knew that I was living wrong, and no doubt I was, but I knew that if I could not overcome,

I would be going to hell.

I can remember the first day I brought my lovely wife home and the excitement that flowed through

young lovers... I knew that because I would now have a woman to live with, this sin would quickly leave me.

When it did not, I was devastated. Not only did it not leave me, it had increased... Will she find out about my

secret sin?

...I put my whole heart, mind, and soul into conquering it, but the more I struggled, the worse things

became. This continued for several years, all completely hidden from everyone but my God and myself.

...I could not fight this “demon” that had possessed me. I had given up hope in conquering my sin. I’ve

now learned that depression can cause serious brain injury, and even damage. Though I did not know what they

were at the time, the headaches started. It was a direct correlation between the times that I was struggling to

sleep and the times that my depression would cause the pain to become so severe that my skull would physically


...A misunderstood disagreement over money and old friends led to the harshest argument between my

father and me since the day of my birth.

...My addiction increased exponentially... ... Then, it happened. The mighty hand of God, who has the

power to move mountains, began to put an end to my sin and affliction. I didn’t know it, but the sin that I had

struggled with, the addiction that most people have to be extensively counseled for was about to be put to rest.

...This was the very height of my depression, the very worse of my addiction...

...My body was craving the serotonin so harshly that I could not control my actions.

...Not long after, I found myself in jail. No longer in control of my actions, I would find myself

releasing all control to the addiction, no matter where it took me. Luckily, I remained true (in a sense) to my

wife and never touched another woman.

...the sin I had battled against was not from anything I could control. It was not because I had rejected

the prophet or the “message”, and it was not because I did not walk with Christ. Not only was my sin a direct

cause of my lack of serotonin and increased by addiction, it was God’s perfect plan for the salvation of my soul.

...My healing continued. I would start to see the medicine working, finally after over a year. I still had

the addiction, but was watching it become much, much less dominant in my life. John Collins."


Any man who wants to pick us up on this challenge that exposed the lies of John Collins can contact the

editors: Dalton Bruce and Ronald Jack ([email protected] and [email protected]).

We are not interested in your opinions. Support all that you have to say by the Word and message of

William Branham, or you will be fully exposed with your projections and placed side by side with this lying


Put your name and contact even as we have placed ours. We may request from you a photo of yourself.

Thank you. Amen!