Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation به ڕێوه به رایهتمانه جۆری و میای دڵنی تی به خشینDepartment of Electrical Engineering College of Engineering Salahaddin University-Erbil Subject: Radiation and Propagation Course Book Third year Electronics and Communication Lecturer's name: Jalil Aziz Hamadamin, MSc., Assistant professor Academic Year: 2018-2019

Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

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Page 1: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

Department of Electrical Engineering

College of Engineering

Salahaddin University-Erbil

Subject: Radiation and Propagation

Course Book – Third year – Electronics and Communication

Lecturer's name: Jalil Aziz Hamadamin, MSc., Assistant professor

Academic Year: 2018-2019

Page 2: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

Course Book

1. Course name Radiation and Propagation

2. Lecturer in


Jalil Aziz Hamadamin

3. Department/


Electrical Engineering

4. Contact e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Tel: (009647504478771)

5. Time (in

hours) per week

Theory: 3 - hours


6. Office hours Sunday: 10:00-12:00, Monday: 08:30-10:00

7. Course code EE31 0

8. Teacher's

academic profile

Personal Details:

Name: Jalil Aziz Hamadamin

Date and Place of birth: 1 July 1976, Shaqlawa - Hawler

Home Address: Zanko Qrt., Hawler

Tel. +964(066) 2533299

Mobile: +964(0750) 4478771

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]


M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Communication), University of

Salahaddin, College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, June, 2004.

Thesis Title: “Line of Sight VHF /UHF Propagation in Erbil City”

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (General), University of Salahaddin, College of

Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, July1998

Teaching Experience:

Radiation and Propagation

Electromagnetic Fields

Communication Engineering

Computer Networking

Optical Fiber Communication

Basic Electric Laboratory

Communications Laboratory

Page 3: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

Published papers

1. JALEEL AZEEZ HAMADAMEEN "A Log Periodic Antenna: Analysis, design, and

simulation for Mobile Communication bands", 10th WSEAS Int. Conf. on AUTOMATIC

CONTROL, MODELLING & SIMULATION (ACMO S '08), Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-

30, 2008.



5, June 2006.

3. Jalil A. Hamadamin "Design and Simulation of Loop Antenna 9 kHz to 30 MHz for ISM

Equipments", 4th International Scientific Conference of Salahaddin University, October 18-

20, 2011, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq.

4. Jalil A. Hamadamin, Diary R. Sulaiman, Arazoo M. Aziz " The Antenna Electrical

Downtilt Improvement for KOREK_TELECOM GSM Mobile Station in Erbil City

(IRAQ)", International Journal Communications Antenna and Propagation (IRECAP), ISSN

2039 - 5086. Vol. 4, No.1. February 2014.

5. Arazoo M. Aziz, Jalil A. Hamadamin, Diary R. Sulaiman" The Radar Coverage Studies

and Simulation for Bana Bawi Anticlines in Erbil City Kurdistan Region of Northern Iraq"

Zanko Journal of Salahaddin University – Erbil, Vol 28, No 2 (2016).

6. Jalil A. Hamadamin" Design and Simulation of PIF Antenna for Mobile Bands (1920-

1960) MHz" Zanko Journal of Salahaddin University - Erbil.

Membership of Professional Bodies

1. Member of Kurdistan Union of Engineers

2. Member of Kurdistan Teaching Union

9. Keywords Electromagnetic waves, wave propagation, waveguides, transmission lines, antenna

10. Course overview:

The course is a comprehensive undergraduate course on electromagnetic fields and waves propagation and

their behaviour in different mediums, different types of transmission lines, waveguides and their applications,

antenna principles, antenna theory, types of antennas, application of antennas in different frequency bands, radio

wave propagation, sky wave propagation.

11. Course objective

The objective of this course is to introduce students to:

1. Maxwell equations and its application to different media.

2. Propagation of electromagnetic waves through different media.

3. Basics of transmission line and different characteristics associated with it.

4. Relevance of wave theory in communication.

5. To introduce the fundamental principles of antenna theory and various types of antennas.

6. Applying the principles of antennas to the analysis, design, and measurements of antennas.

7. To know the applications of some basic and practical configurations such as dipoles, loops,

8. Broadband, aperture type and horn antennas

Page 4: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

9. Radio wave propagation, ground waves, surface wave, space wave and sky wave propagation.

12. Student's obligation

The student has the right and obligation to participate in the work forms of the degree programme courses in

such a manner that the course objectives are attained.

Students have the right to know the competence objectives, contents, teaching methods, assessment criteria, and

duration of each course.

Course-specific learning objectives and key contents are described in the degree programme curricula. The

online implementation plan describes the work forms, requirements, completion order, schedule, and assessment

criteria of each course.

13. Forms of teaching

An effective teaching style engages students in the learning process and helps them develop critical thinking

skills. Traditional teaching styles have evolved with the advent of differentiated instruction, prompting teachers

to adjust their styles toward students’ learning needs. A lecturer must decide which of instructional techniques

would be most appropriate for the particular situation. Issues such as the developmental level of the students, the

instructional venue using

Data show slides


Explanatory animations for extra imagination

Physical examples for more understanding

Videos related to the subjects, if used will be interesting for students and etc.

A lecturer may well determine that a combination of techniques would be most appropriate for each case.

14. Assessment scheme

Since the academic year consist of two terms students are required to perform one closed book examination at

the end of the each term, plus marks obtained after each chapter, so the annual marks will be as follows:

- First term examination 17,5%

- Second term examination 17.5%

- Homework and quiz tests 5%

- Annual average marks 40%

- Final examination 60%

15. Student learning outcome:

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:

1. An in depth analysis of the solutions and physical Interpretation of Maxwell's equations in the static, steady

state and dynamic regimes.

2. have comprehensive understanding of propagation of electromagnetic waves good conductors, dielectric and

ionized media.

3. An in depth understanding of polarization and its applications.

4. An in depth analysis of the propagation of plane waves in lossless and lossy dielectric and conducting media.

5. An in depth analysis of transmission lines and their parameters both analytically and using the Smith Chart.

Page 5: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

6. be able to define the transmission line constants and calculate phase delay, wavelength and velocity of

propagation on a transmission line appreciate characteristic impedance, propagation coefficient in terms of the

primary line constants, and distortion on transmission lines.

7. understand wave reflection , standing waves , calculate reflection coefficient and standing wave ratio.

8. An ability to analyze and design rectangular waveguides and understand the propagation of electromagnetic

waves, including propagation in dielectric waveguides and optical fibers.

9. Understand the fundamental of optical fiber, design and model optical communication system.

10. An understanding of basic antenna concepts, such as gain, directivity, Friis formula for communicating

antennas and radar, antenna noise temperature.

11. Ability to utilize antenna parameters to understand different types of antennas.

12. Ability to choose the best type of antenna for different situations and to design antenna systems given a set of


13. List the basic wave propagation mechanisms such as free space propagation, reflection, transmission,

diffraction, scattering.

14. Ionospheric wave propagation and its application.

16. Course Reading List and References:

1. Sophocles J. Orfanidis “Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas”, 2016.

2. David K. Cheng, “Field and wave electromagnetics”, Third Edition, 2002.

3. D. V. Parasad, “Electromagnetic Fields Waves and Antennas”, Second Edition, 2008.

4. Uday A. Bakshi, “Antenna and Wave Propagation”, First Edition, 2008.

5. J. Dunlop and D. G. Smith, “Telecommunications Engineering”, Third Edition, 1994.

6. John D. Kraus and Ronald J. Marhefka and Ahmad S.Khan, ―Antennas and wave propagation,‖ TMH, New

Delhi, 4th Ed., (special Indian Edition), 2010.

7. E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, ―Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems,‖ PHI, 2nd Edn, 2000

8. M. N. O. Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetics, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2007.

9. S. J. Orfanidis, Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas, online book, 2011, available freely from:


17. The topics

EE310 Radiation and Propagation (6 units)

Lectures: 3 hours/week, 30 weeks

Maxwell`s Equation

Wave equations

Guided wave

Microwave Transmission Lines: Two wire lines, coaxial lines, rectangular wave guide, circular

waveguide, Optical fiber.

Smith chart: smith chart impedance, admittance manipulation on the chart, smith chart theory and

applications, reflection coefficient, impedance of distributed circuits, impedance matching, S -


Passive microwave components: connectors, directional coupler, attenua to r, isolator, circulator,

cavity resonator, filter, T- section.

Active microwave devices: Klystron oscillator & amplifier, reflex klystron, TWT, Magnetron.

Page 6: Department of Electrical Engineering College of ... · fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph- Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array,

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific research

Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه

Introduction to optical fiber, features of optical fiber, types of optical fibers and their specifications,

principle of total internal reflection, optic windows and numerical aperture, acceptance cone, modes of

propagation, plastic optical fiber, attenuation and dispersion in optical fiber, Fresnel reflection, colors

used in optical fiber cables, optical fiber components.

Introduction: Physical concept of Radiation in single wire, two wire, and dipole, Current Distribution

on a thin wire antenna.

Fundamental Parameters of Antenna: Radiation Pattern, Radiation Power Density, Radiation intensity,

Directivity, Gain, Antenna efficiency, Beam width, Bandwidth, Polarisation, Antenna Input

Impedance, Elementary idea about self and mutual impedance, Radiation efficiency, Effective

aperture, Antenna Temperature. Antenna scattering parameter.

Linear Wire Antennas: Retarded potential, Infinitesimal dipole, Current distribution of short dipole

and half wave dipole, Far- field, Radiating near- field and reactive near- field region, Monopole and

Half wave dipole.

Antenna Arrays: Array of two point sources, Array factor, n- element linear array with uniform

amplitude and spacing, Analysis of Broadside array, Ordinary end fire array, Hansen- woodyard end

fire array, n- element linear array with nonuniform spacing, Analysis of Binomial and Dolph-

Tschebyscheff array, Scanning Array, Superdirective array.

Aperture Antennas: Field Equivalence principle, Rectangular and circular aperture antennas, Horn

antenna, Babinet’s Principle, Slot Antenna, Reflector antenna.

Ground wave Propagation: Friis Free space equation, Reflection from earth’s surface, Surface waves,

attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation, calculation of field strength at a distance.

Space wave propagation for vertical and horizontal dipole, Field strength of Space wave, Range of

space wave propagation, Effective earth’s radius, Effect of earth imperfections and atmosphere on

space wave propagation, Modified refractive index, Duct propagation, Tropospheric propagation.

Structure of ionosphere, propagation of radio waves through ionosphere, Refractive index of

ionosphere, Reflection and refraction of waves by ionosphere, Critical frequency, Maximum usable

frequency, Optimum working frequency, Lowest usable high frequency, virtual height, Skip Distance,

Effect of earth’s magnetic field, energy loss in the ionosphere due to collisions, fading and diversity


18. The Course Program:

Week 1,2,3,4,5. Introduction to wave equations, application of Maxwell’s equations, wave equations in different

mediums and their behaviour, guided waves.

Example. A plane electromagnetic wave propagating in the x-direction has a wavelength of 5.0 mm. The electric field is in

the y-direction and its maximum magnitude is 30 V m. Write suitable equations for the electric and magnetic

fields as a function of x and t.

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Week 6,7,8,9,10. Introduction to transmission lines, different types of transmission lines, optical fiber, theory,

derivation of Telegrapher’s equations for current and voltage in time and frequency domain. Types of

transmission lines and their applications. Calculating of line parameters: impedance, standing wave ratio,

reflection coefficients, propagation constant, attenuation constant, phase constant etc. numerically and using

Smith chart.


A high frequency transmission line consists of a pair of open wires having a distributed capacitance of 0.01 µF

per Km and a distributed inductance of 3mH per Km. What is the characteristic impedance and propagation

constant at f=10MHz?


Week 11,12,13,14,15,16. Introduction to microwave devices. Waveguides, analysis of wave equations

propagating in waveguides. Active microwave devices, amplifiers, oscillators, microwave resonators. Passive

microwave devices, Power handling in waveguides, attenuation.

Example. For a hollow rectangular waveguide with inner dimensions of 3.44 × 7.22 cm and an operating frequency of

3000 MHz, find the possible propagation modes, phase velocity, group velocity and phase constant.


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Directorate of Quality Assurance and Accreditation خشینبهتی دڵنیایی جۆری و متمانهرایهبهڕێوهبه


Week 17,18,19. Introduction to optical fiber, features of optical fiber, types of optical fibers and their

specifications, principle of total internal reflection, optic windows and numerical aperture, acceptance cone,

modes of propagation, plastic optical fiber, attenuation and dispersion in optical fiber, Fresnel reflection, colors

used in optical fiber cables, optical fiber components.

Example. Example: A light ray is traveling in a transparent material of refractive index 1.51 and approaches a

second material of refractive index 1.46. Calculate the critical angle.


𝜃𝑐 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1𝑛2𝑛1

= 𝑠𝑖𝑛−11.46

1.51= 75.2𝑜

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Week 20,21,22,23,24,25,26. Antenna fundamentals, characteristics of antenna, antenna parameters, antenna

properties, radiation pattern, antenna equivalent circuit, radiation resistance, efficiency, bandwidth etc. Types of

antennas, VHF, UHF, microwave antennas. Design of antennas. Linear Wire Antennas: Retarded potential,

Infinitesimal dipole, Current distribution of short dipole and half wave dipole, Far- field, Radiating near- field

and reactive near- field region, Monopole and Half wave dipole. Array antennas, aperture antennas, mobile

antennas, smart antennas.

Example. Find the radiation resistance of a dipole antenna λ/10 long. Also, find the antenna efficiency if the loss

resistance is 1 ohm.


Week 26,27,28,29,30. Propagation of radio waves. Ground wave propagation. Space wave propagation. Sky

wave propagation. Introduction to satellite communication.

Example. Define skip distance.


Is defined as the shortest distance from the transmitter, measured along surface of the earth, at which a sky wave

of fixed frequency will return back to earth.