Delivering Specialty Traits

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Delivering Specialty Traits




Page 2: Delivering Specialty Traits

The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding

—advances the science of plant breeding through

hypothesis driven research,

—develops enhanced germplasm and superior

cultivars for improved productivity, nutritional

value, and adaptability,

—and trains the next generation of public and

private plant breeders.


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Our Mission 2

Letter from the Director 4

Raymond F. Baker, Pioneering Plant Breeder 5

Center Members 6

Center Affiliates 7

Center Facilities 8

Center Staff 9

Visiting and Post-Doctoral Scientists 9

Accomplishments 2004-2005 10

Low-linolenic Soybeans—A Better Choice for Producers and Consumers 12

Educational Activities 14

Graduate Student Program 16

Crop Performance Testing 18

Publications and Affiliations 19

Grants 22

Finances 22

Nurturing a tradition of service to the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world.

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The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding began in 2000 as a result of a generous endowment dedicated to continuing the work of Raymond F. Baker, a graduate of Iowa State University and renowned scientist with the Pioneer Hi-Bred Company in Johnston, Iowa. Mr. Baker’s life-long objective was to produce basic, long-term research in plant breeding, and his vision serves as the mission for the Center. Members of the Center emulate Mr. Baker’s high standards of research in crop improvement through the implementation of rigorous selection methods that improve yield stability, enhance germplasm, and create value-added traits for agronomic products. Center members work to improve agricultural crops essential to the economic health of Iowa, including corn, soybeans, forages, small grains, and potentially important new crops. The recent development of the low-linolenic soybean is one example of how advances by the Center’s plant breeders can impact the economic health of Iowa farmers and producers and the physical health of Iowans. In addition, Center members lead projects on developing plants that can be used to produce energy from biomass, which may lead to renewed vigor of the agricultural industry.

The Center is committed to ensuring the future of plant breeding by recruiting and training the next generation of scientists. Center members serve as advisors on graduate committees for students working toward advanced degrees in Plant Breeding. More than 35 students studied for a graduate degree in Plant Breeding in 2004-2005. A mentoring program that pairs Center members with undergraduate students choosing the Plant Breeding and Biotechnology option was begun in fall 2005. Students will have the opportunity to learn about research conducted by Center members and pursue work and internship experiences that will augment their class work.

Members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding are also dedicated to disseminating the results of their research to the general public and to Iowa farmers in particular. Center members are currently working in cooperation with the Iowa Crop Improvement Association to restructure the reporting of the Variety Testing Trials so that vital information about the performance of plant hybrids can be readily available when farmers are making crucial economic decisions. In addition, Center members conduct

Field Day events for farmers and private sector industry representatives to communicate information about research projects and newly released inbred lines and cultivars.

The impact of the Center reaches far beyond the borders of Iowa, however. Members are involved in national forums that address the future of plant breeding and crop improvement, including the Seeds and Breeds II Conference, which evaluated the current state of public plant breeding programs. Members also travel around the world as invited speakers at conferences, symposia, and research centers. In the past two years, members have presented scientific research in several countries, including China, Serbia, Mexico, and South Africa. Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink, a Center member, is currently serving as an external member of a graduate panel for a student in France. Members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding also collaboratively conduct research with several visiting international scientists each year. Scientists have traveled from Serbia, China, Japan, and Yugoslavia to work with members of our Center.

In this report you will see descriptions of the people and projects that contribute to fulfilling the mission set out by Raymond F. Baker. It is our hope that the work we do to improve agricultural crops leads to a strengthened economy for Iowa, improved health for its citizens, and increased diversity in plant germplasm. For updates on our research and news about people and events, visit our Web site at www.plantbreeding.iastate.edu.

Kendall R. Lamkey

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The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding is named

after an extraordinary leader in Iowa’s agricultural history.

Raymond F. Baker’s scientific rigor, his commitment to crop

improvement, and his skillful leadership helped to foster a

revolution in farming. His extensive research in corn breeding

led to unprecedented innovations in the farming industry.

A Growing InterestRaymond F. Baker’s interest in corn breeding began when

he was attending Iowa State College, now called Iowa State

University. In 1926, he met Henry Wallace who, working

as a plant breeder, specialized in the development of high-

yielding corn. Wallace persuaded Baker, then an agronomy

student, to take some of Wallace’s inbred lines and make

some experimental crosses. Baker agreed and asked his father

to plant the special seeds during the spring planting season

when Baker would be in Ames attending classes. His father

agreed, but, as often happens on the farm, time grew short

and his father decided to skip Raymond’s seeds in order

to focus on planting the regular crop. Raymond’s mother,

however, knowing Raymond’s interest in working with these

plants, completed most of the planting herself, and helped

to launch her son’s brilliant career as a hybrid-corn breeder.

In fact, the next year, Baker’s hybrid crosses, developed from

the seeds planted by his mother, won the highest honors

in the Southern District of the Iowa Corn Yield Test.

A Pioneering Plant Breeder

During Baker’s senior year at Iowa State College, Henry

Wallace hired him to work for the company Wallace had

started—Hi-Bred Corn Company, later named Pioneer Hi-

Bred Corn Company. Baker agreed, dropped out of college,

and began his career as a plant breeder. (He completed his

degree at Iowa State College a few years later.) Wallace

mentored Baker in his early years at the Pioneer Hi-Bred

Corn Company, teaching him techniques and procedures

that took Wallace years of painstaking research. In 1933,

when Wallace left for Washington to become Secretary of

Agriculture in President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration,

Baker was promoted to head Pioneer’s research program.

Raymond F. Baker worked as Pioneer’s lead plant

breeder for 43 years, developing many of the company’s

first cultivars. His rigorous scientific methods helped

to lay the groundwork that made Pioneer Hi-Bred,

International the successful seed corn company it is today.

Far Ranging PursuitsBaker’s interests were far ranging. In 1934, he began working

to develop the first hybrid chicken. Using many of the same

techniques he learned from breeding corn, Baker produced

chickens selected for increased egg production. The first

hybrid chickens became available commercially in 1942.

Trials proved that these chickens exhibited a 40%-50%

increase in egg production over other chickens tested.

Even during his spare time, Baker’s passion for plant

breeding flourished. As a weekend experimental project,

he set about to cultivate the perfect watermelon. He grew

inbred lines of the melons and crossed them into some

excellent strains of watermelon hybrids. He often gave out

packets of their seeds as gifts to very lucky colleagues.

Corn, chickens, watermelon—Raymond F. Baker was a man

who, through the use of advanced scientific techniques and

an understanding of plant selection and genetics, worked

to change the future of farming and food production.


Raymond F. Baker, Plant Breeder

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Kendall R. Lamkey, Corn BreedingDirector, Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingPioneer Distinguished Chair in Maize BreedingProfessor, Department of AgronomyPh.D. (Plant Breeding/Cytogenetics), 1985, Iowa State UniversityM.S. (Plant Breeding/Genetics), 1982, University of IllinoisB.S. (Agronomy), 1980, University of Illinois

Michael Lee, Plant Breeding and GeneticsProfessor, Department of Agronomy

Ph.D. (Plant Breeding), 1986, University of MinnesotaM.S. (Plant Breeding), 1984, University of Minnesota

B.S. (Plant Science), 1981, Rutgers University

Walter R. Fehr, Soybean BreedingCharles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in AgricultureProfessor, Department of AgronomyPh.D. (Plant Breeding/Genetics), 1967, Iowa State UniversityM.S. (Agronomy/Plant Genetics), 1962, University of MinnesotaB.S. (Agronomy), 1961, University of Minnesota

E. Charles Brummer, Forage BreedingAssociate Professor, Department of Agronomy

Ph.D. (Agronomy/Plant Breeding), 1993, University of GeorgiaM.S. (Agronomy/Plant Breeding), 1989, University of Georgia

B.S. (Agronomy), 1986, Pennsylvania State University

Jean-Luc Jannink, Small Grains BreedingAssistant Professor, Department of AgronomyPh.D. (Plant Breeding/Sustainable Agriculture), 1999, University of MinnesotaM.S. (Plant Sciences), 1995, University of Maine B.A. (Biology), 1991, Haverford College

Arnel R. Hallauer, Corn BreedingDistinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Agronomy

Ph.D. (Plant Breeding), 1960, Iowa State UniversityM.S. (Plant Breeding), 1958, Iowa State University

B.S. (Plant Science), 1954, Kansas State University

Nurturing a tradition of service to the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world.6


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Nurturing a tradition of service to the people of Iowa, the nation, and the world.7

Scientists in the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding are also members of the Department of Agronomy’s Plant Breeding and Genetics Panel. The panel is a management unit in the Department of Agronomy and is chaired by Dr. Michael Lee. The panel considers current issues, programs, and needs in plant breeding and genetics research.

Leslie C. Lewis, Research Leader, Entomologist, Professor, Collaborator in EntomologyJode Edwards, Research Geneticist, Assistant Professor, Collaborator in AgronomyJohn C. Golden, GeneticistDavid M. Grant, Geneticist, Associate Professor, Collaborator in AgronomyRex Nelson, GeneticistReid G. Palmer, Geneticist, Professor, Collaborator in AgronomyLinda M. Pollak, Geneticist, Associate Professor, Collaborator in AgronomyRandy Shoemaker, Geneticist, Professor, Collaborator in Agronomy M. Paul Scott, Geneticist, Associate Professor, Collaborator in AgronomyPenny Meyerholz, Agricultural Science Research TechnicianTracy D. Le, Biological Science Laboratory TechnicianJody Hayes, Biological Science TechnicianMichelle Griffin, Biological Science TechnicianLori Lincoln, Biological Science TechnicianGreg Peiffer, Biological Science TechnicianMerinda Struthers, Biological Science TechnicianJill Van Wettering, StatisticianJanet Erb, Secretary

Michael Lee (Chair), R. F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingPhilip W. Becraft, Molecular BiologyMadan Kumar Bhattacharyya, AgronomyMichael Blanco, USDA-ARSE. Charles Brummer, R. F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingArden Campbell (Retired) Silvia Cianzio, AgronomyJode Edwards, USDA-ARSWalter Fehr, R. F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingCandice Gardner, USDA-ARSDavid Grant, USDA-ARSHanPing Guan, BASF Plant Science, LLC

Jean-Luc Jannink, R. F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingKendall Lamkey, R. F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingReid G. Palmer, USDA-ARSPeter A. Peterson, AgronomyThomas A. Peterson, Molecular BiologyLinda Pollak, USDA-ARSPatrick Schnable, Schnable LaboratoryPaul Scott, USDA-ARSRandy Shoemaker, USDA-ARSKan Wang, AgronomyMark Widrlechner, USDA-ARSKenneth Ziegler (Retired)

Since about 1922, scientists at Iowa State University have benefited from the presence of an outstanding United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) unit on campus working in the general area of plant breeding and genetics. Many members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding maintain long-standing collaborations with the USDA-ARS Corn Insects and Crop Genetics Research Unit lead by Dr. Leslie C. Lewis.



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The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding, a Center affiliated with the Plant Sciences Institute and Iowa State University, is committed to the mission of the land-grant institution. It is a public sector breeding operation, responding to the needs of the people of Iowa. The Center works to develop and preserve elite germplasm and advocates its fair and public use for farmers, as well as public and private breeders.

The Center’s members have offices and lab space in Agronomy Hall on the campus of Iowa State University. In addition, facilities for cultivation, drying, and seed processing are housed at the Agronomy and Curtiss farms in Ames. Members also extensively use outlying research farms managed by the College of Agriculture for test plots and planting. Many of the Center’s constituents rent or lease crop land from Iowa farmers for plot work.

Members of the Center are full-time state employees who have primary faculty appointments in the Agronomy Department. They direct active plant breeding programs, advise graduate students majoring in plant breeding, and teach courses related to the plant breeding major.


Center scientists test the efficacy of new cultivars on plots located throughout Iowa. Soybeans, corn, oats, barley, and forage crops are bred to improve yield, grain quality, and nutritional value.

Greenhouses located on campus at Iowa State University serve as nurseries for emerging plants. In addition, plants are grown on research farms owned by the university and on land leased from Iowa farmers.



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Mike Barker, Agricultural Specialist, Forage Breeding

Dan Duvick, Research Associate, Soybean Breeding

James Jensen, Field Specialist, Soybean Breeding

Susan Johnson, Assistant Scientist, Soybean Breeding

Robbie Kerkove, Office Coordinator

Diane Luth, Assistant Scientist, Forage Breeding

Marcia Minear, Administrative Specialist

George Patrick, Research Associate, Small Grains Breeding

Kevin Scholbrock, Research Associate, Soybean Breeding

Ronald Skrdla, Agricultural Specialist, Small Grains Breeding

Mark Smith, Agricultural Specialist, Forage Breeding

Grace Welke, Assistant Scientist, Soybean Breeding

Paul White, Field Lab Technician, Corn Breeding


The Center employs talented and dedicated individuals who support the work of the members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding. Many have advanced degrees in their field of study.


The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding attracts visitors from around the world. Center members work with visiting scientists on a variety of projects and research studies. In 2004-2005, the following scientists worked on research conducted at the Center.

Sachiko Isobe, National Agricultural Research Center, Hokkaido, Japan, worked with Dr. Brummer to identify genes associated with winter hardiness in alfalfa.

Ksenija Markovic, Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, worked with Dr. Lee to identify methods to detect and use DNA polymorphism in maize breeding.

Muhanad Akash, worked with Dr. Jannink on QTL mapping in pedigrees and applying mixed model methodology to assess oat genotype competitive ability and selection for an ideal oat ideotype.

Yudong (Mike) Zhang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, worked with Dr. Lamkey to find alternative ways to analyze and discover epistatic interactions in maize.

Goran Drinic, Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, worked with Dr. Lamkey on maize breeding.

Xizhang (Henry) Song, China, worked with Dr. Lamkey on maize breeding.


Dr. Michael Lee and Research Associates Mary Jane Long and Wendy Woodman-Clikeman studied the effects of stress on genetic recombination.

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The members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding can list many achievements for 2004–2005. Included in their accomplishments are the development of germplasm that improves yield, increases nutritional value, enhances pest and disease resistance, and improves a plant’s tolerance to drought or extreme temperatures. These improvements to crops grown around the world are achieved through hypothesis based research techniques, the careful selection of desired traits, and the application of genetic theory.

Corn inbred lines licensed. In 2004, 231 corn inbred line licenses were issued to 29 public or private institutions.

Soybean inbred lines licensed. In 2004, 430 soybean inbred line licenses were issued to 148 public or private institutions.

New maize mapping population developed. M. Lee conducted studies to advance the development of the IBM-10 maize mapping population for high resolution genetic and physical mapping that is intended to replace the IBM-4 population. IBM-4 has become the standard-reference genetic map used by maize geneticists worldwide. It is available on the MaizeDB Web site and is a fundamental resource for the initiatives to determine the DNA sequence of the maize genome. When completed, the IBM-10 maize mapping population will be accessible from the Web and will be used by scientists worldwide to locate maize genes.

Heterosis evaluated. C. Brummer conducted testing to evaluate heterosis of alfalfa hybrids for increased crop yield.

Genetic mapping completed. C. Brummer completed studies to map the alfalfa genome to determine genetic influences on yield and winter hardiness.

Selective phenotyping methods developed. J.-L. Jannink reported on methods to more accurately locate genes that affect performance of crop varieties. These methods will improve the application of DNA marker technology to plant breeding.

Weevil-resistant maize investigated. In collaboration with CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center), M. Lee investigated populations of maize for qualities that will lead to resistance to weevil infestation, a problem for farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa who store maize for direct consumption.

ß-glucan studied. J.-L. Jannink conducted research on enhancing ß-glucan in oat, a soluble fiber that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Large-seed, high-protein soybeans developed. W. Fehr released to growers the foundation seeds of four new soybean varieties. These varieties exhibited elevated protein and large seeds favored by manufacturers of tofu, soy milk, and other food products.

Soybeans developed for 1% linolenic acid content and low saturate oil. W. Fehr selected for development varieties of soybeans that improve the quality of extracted oils. Oil with 1% linolenic acid and oil from beans with low saturate oil, both developed by W. Fehr, are currently being distributed to restaurants, food services, and Iowa schools.

Methionine levels in corn measured. K. Lamkey instituted a selection program to measure and raise the level of methionine, the most limiting essential amino acid in poultry feed. Studies are being conducted to determine the inheritance of methionine.

Food-grade soybean varieties released. Three food-grade varieties with yellow hilum were released by W. Fehr in 2005. Yellow hilum is preferred over black hilum by food producers to reduce the incidence of black specks in food.

Low-phytate soybean lines studied. W. Fehr began experiments to identify ways to evaluate the emergence potential of low-phytate soybeans. Currently, emergence can be evaluated only by field tests, a factor that limits the number of trials that can be conducted each year. Low-phytate soybeans have the potential to reduce the amount of phosphorous in animal waste, an environmental concern in large-scale animal production systems.



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In 2004–2005, Center members released inbred lines of soybean and maize. Dr. Michael Lee released 360 inbred lines of maize from the IBM-10 population and, in collaboration with Pioneer/DuPont, deposited the lines at the Maize Genetics Stock Center operated by USDA-ARS. This set of inbred lines will be used to merge the physical and genetic maps of maize and help identify the functions of tens of thousands of genes and their roles in many traits. The information from these lines will help to improve the efficiency of maize breeding programs.

Fourteen new soybean inbred lines were released by Dr. Walter Fehr in 2004. Three lines, IA2069, IA2070, and IA2071, are low in saturate oil, and four lines, IA2072, IA2073, IA3024, and IA3025, contain 1% linolenic acid levels. Four lines, selected for higher protein and larger seed size, IA1017, IA1018, IA2074, and IA4003, were developed for the tofu industry. IA1015 and IA1016 are two lines that produce smaller seeds, a trait preferred

by manufacturers of natto, a traditional Japanese food. IA1008LF, a lipoxygenase-free soybean, was developed to reduce undesirable flavors in soy-based foods. In November 2005, three new low-satuate varieties and one 1%-linolenic variety were released for seed increase during the winter. Seed from that winter’s harvest were used for the first commercial planting of these new varieties scheduled for 2006. An additional three food-grade soybean varieties with yellow hilum color and seven lines of maturity group II to IV with unique fatty acid composition were released to public and private researchers. Work continues on the development of soybeans with low-phytate lines, a potentially important tool in fighting polluting wastes in animal feedlots. The use of low-phytate soybeans in swine and poultry feed could lead to a reduction in the amount of phosphorous excreted in manure by these animals. Dr. Fehr is conducting experiments designed to evaluate the emergence potential of low-phytate soybean lines.



Dr. Kendall Lamkey and Dr. E. Charles Brummer were members of a

national planning committee for Seeds and Breeds II: A Conference

to Reinvigorate the Breeding of Seeds and Animals for a Healthy 21st

Century Agriculture. The Conference, held September 11-14, 2005

in Ames, Iowa, brought together agricultural leaders from around

the country. Participants developed strategies that will enhance the

support of public plant and animal breeding programs, including

possible legislative initiatives and lobbying efforts that focus on

strengthening governmental support of agricultural development.

The Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding, along with the

Leopold Center and RAFI-USA, contributed financial support for the

Conference. Presentations, audio files, and outcome summaries from

the Conference are available on the Seeds and Breeds Conference

Web site, www.agron.iastate/seedsandbreeds.

A Conference in Support of Public Breeding Programs

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Dr. Walter Fehr, a soybean breeder with the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding, has developed a soybean with the potential to change the way Americans eat. Choosing oil extracted from his soybean varieties will allow consumers to make healthier eating choices and equip food manufacturers with a commodity that will stay fresher and produce healthier food for the public.A Public Health ConcernIn 2006, American consumers will have an additional tool to help them make healthier dietary choices. Beginning in January, a new law will require that food packaging labels disclose the amount of trans-fat in food products. Trans-fats are the solid fats produced when liquid vegetable oil is heated in the presence of metal catalysts and hydrogen, a process called partial hydrogenation. When Americans limit or eliminate the consumption of trans-fat in their diets, health experts predict that many lives will be saved. According to a 1999 report by the Harvard School of Public Health, “By our most conservative estimate, replacement of partially hydrogenated fat in the U.S. diet with natural un-hydrogenated vegetable oils would prevent approximately 30,000 premature coronary deaths per year, and epidemiologic evidence suggests this number is closer to 100,000 premature deaths annually.” Manufacturers use the partial-hydrogenation process to increase the shelf-life of products and to extend the “frying life” of oils used for deep-frying, important economic considerations for restaurants and food service companies. Unfortunately, using oils that have been manipulated to extend their shelf-life can shorten your life. Finding sources of oil that will reduce, or eliminate, unhealthy fat components in the American diet has been a goal for doctors, consumers, food producers, and plant breeders for many years. Food manufacturers and cooking oil producers are eager to develop products that can be identified as low in trans-fat on the food labels of the future. The Search for a Healthy AlternativeAt Iowa State University, the search for healthy alternative oils has been in progress since the 1960’s when Dr. Earl Hammond, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, began to collaborate with Dr. Walter Fehr, soybean breeder and currently a member of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding. Their goal was to develop a variety of soybean that would produce a healthy substitute to the oils that were currently in use by the food industry. Funded by Unilever, Netherlands, Dr. Fehr began a breeding program whose objective was to reduce the linolenic acid, the component in soybeans that causes oil to taste stale or become rancid. Partial hydrogenation of oil destroys some fatty acids, including linolenic and linoleic, and thus, reduces these undesirable effects. Conventional soybeans contain 7% linolenic acid. Reducing the linolenic acid in soybeans would eliminate the need for hydrogenation. Breeding plants for this specialty trait became the mission of Dr. Walter Fehr. Development of the Low-Linolenic SoybeanThrough conventional breeding methods, three genes, designated fan1(A5), fan2, and fan3, were found to reduce linolenic acid (LA) from the common 7% level to 3.5%–5.0%. By combining these three genes, the LA was reduced to 1%. Lines of this 1% LA soybean were crossed with the best conventional varieties available to produce lines that would be true-breeding for 1% LA and for other important traits including high yield and standability. Two inbred lines proved to be superior—IA2064 and IA3017. Seeds from these lines were planted for seed production in 2001.

Conventional soybean oil (left) is hydrogenated to increase its stability and prolong its shelf-life. Oil produced from low-linolenic acid soybeans (right) does not need hydrogenation and, as a result, is a healthier product.Photo by Iowa State University.

A Better Choice for Producers and Consumers


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Vivan Jennings, CEO of Asoya, an Iowa company marketing low-linolenic soybean oil, examines some of the specialty soybeans planted near Columbus Junction, Iowa.

Photo by Jeff Caldwell Courtesy of Asoya

Going to MarketBy 2004, farmers had planted about 30,000 acres of 1% linolenic soybean varieties for the production of seed. By 2005, both IA2064 and IA3017 1% linolenic soybean inbreds were grown for both seed and oil production. Indeed, it is projected that more than one million acres of the 1% linolenic varieties will be needed to meet the anticipated demand for the oil. In 2004, Asoya, an Iowa based corporation, produced and distributed the first units of oil processed from the 1% linolenic soybeans and planned to produce 20 million tons of oil in 2005. Other producers of 1% linolenic oil include companies in Iowa, Michigan, and Maryland.

Public and private breeders have licensed both of the low-linolenic soybean lines from Iowa State University Research Foundation and are actively breeding new varieties of soybeans with lower linolenic levels. An additional four foundation seed lines with 1% linolenic levels have been produced for planting and evaluation in 2005. These lines are IA2072, IA2073, IA3024, and IA3025. One hundred-forty five additional promising lines were evaluated in 2004, fourteen of which showed superior performance.

Soybean breeding research at Iowa State University is supported by the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding, the Hatch

Act, the State of Iowa, the Iowa Soybean Promotion Board, and the United Soybean Board.


Conventional soybean oil (left) is hydrogenated to increase its stability and prolong its shelf-life. Oil produced from low-linolenic acid soybeans (right) does not need hydrogenation and, as a result, is a healthier product.Photo by Iowa State University.


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Education is a vital part of the mission at the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding. Each Center member has

a faculty appointment in the Agronomy Department at Iowa State University. In addition to teaching graduate and

undergraduate courses in plant breeding and genetics, members work closely with graduate students, serving as Major

Professors or on Program of Study Committees. An internship program lead by one Center member gives undergraduate

students a hands-on opportunity to learn about agriculture and plant breeding outside the classroom. The mission of the

Center, however, reaches far beyond the Iowa State University academic community. Members lead Field Day events that

inform farmers of advances in plant breeding and directions for future research. In 2004, members visited high schools and

community colleges to promote the profession of plant breeding and helped to organize the genetics section of a science

program attended by Iowa middle school students. Members are regularly invited to lecture at conferences held in the United

States and around the world. In 2004 and 2005, these countries included Portugal, Germany, Canada, and Brazil. Center

members also appeared on television and radio programs to discuss their projects. Educational materials written by Center

members appear on the Web and in print publications, especially those produced by Iowa State University Extension.



The National Council of Commercial Plant

Breeders selected Brandon Wardyn to receive the National

Council of Commercial Plant Breeders Graduate Student

Award for 2005. The $2,500 cash award was presented to

Wardyn at the American Seed Trade Association Corn

& Sorghum and Soybean Conference held in Chicago in

December 2005.

Brandon Wardyn, a doctoral candidate in Plant

Breeding and Genetics, works with Dr. Kendall Lamkey,

Professor in Agronomy and Director of the Raymond F.

Baker Center for Plant Breeding. Wardyn completed his

Ph.D. in December 2005. His exemplary academic career

and his research project to develop a model that quantifies

the genetic variance of inbred and non-inbred individuals

were factors that influenced the selection committee who

conferred the award. Wardyn has received numerous awards

and scholarships during his tenure as a student, including the

C. R. Weber Award for excellence in plant breeding.

Wardyn’s research project focuses on understanding

the quantitative genetic parameters influencing inbreeding

depression, a condition that can lead to a loss in plant

performance. He has developed a breeding design that makes

use of a complex genetic model to describe the genetic

variation among individuals, a model which increases to

five the number of parameters that can be studied. The

germplasm source for this study is the non-stiff stalk BSCB1

(C13) maize population developed at Iowa State University.

Wardyn’s research will be used by plant breeders to increase

their understanding of inbreeding depression, and indirectly

hybrid vigor, and will likely lead to future studies in this area.

Wardyn began his work at Iowa State in 2002. He

chose the Plant Breeding program at Iowa State because of

its excellent reputation in crop improvement research. He

particularly wanted to work with Dr. Lamkey, who is a leader

in applied plant breeding and an expert in field-crop trials.

Dr. Kendall Lamkey and Brandon Wardyn examine corn planted at an Iowa State University research farm.


Page 15: Delivering Specialty Traits

For 30 years, Dr. Walter Fehr has been conducting a program

to introduce undergraduate students to the profession of

plant breeding. Participants in this program, through hands-

on experiences, learn the basics of plant breeding. By the

end of the semester, they will have learned the genetics

involved with plant breeding, most specifically, soybean

breeding, worked in the field with plants bred for specific

traits, learned methods for trait selection, and practiced

techniques and procedures used by plant breeders. For

their final project, each student designs a plant breeding

program that includes a description of the specific trait

selected for cultivar improvement and details the procedures

for developing the cultivar.

In the fall of 2005, seven students were accepted into the

internship program. Each student had completed classes in

agronomy and had additional experience working with plants

on farms or in private industry. In addition to classroom

work, interns spend several hours each week working with

field technicians on soybean plots located at Iowa State

University research farms.

During harvest season, the students in Dr. Fehr’s internship

class work about 40 hours a week. Because of this work


A Mentoring Program for undergraduate students interested in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology was launched in fall 2005.

The program is designed to encourage students to develop a flexible, on-going, individualized, professional relationship with

faculty currently engaged in plant breeding research. The program will introduce students to people, programs, and practices

in plant breeding. It is an optional component for students choosing Plant Breeding and Biotechnology as a focus for their

study in agronomy.

The program was started by members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding and pairs students with faculty

active in plant breeding and biotechnology. It is hoped that an active collaboration between faculty and students will help

to promote the study of plant breeding and biotechnology and encourage students to pursue study in these fields. Mentors

will meet regularly with students and help to advise students on challenges and opportunities in plant breeding professions.

Mentors might also recruit students to work in research programs conducted on campus or connect students with individuals

in private industry, international centers and other institutions who offer job opportunities and internships.

Regular events are planned to introduce students to participating faculty. The first event, which launched the program,

was held December 1, 2005. Seven students met with members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding and

agronomy academic advisors to learn about the program and get-acquainted with possible mentors. Additional events will be

planned for the spring semester 2006.

schedule, the number of credit hours that students take

for the semester is reduced, usually to about nine hours.

Fortunately, students receive pay at an hourly rate for their

labor, a benefit much appreciated by the interns. In addition,

these students get hands-on experience learning tasks and

procedures commonly used by plant breeders. Their work

at the farm and in the lab is often supervised by Assistant

Scientists Grace Welke and Susan Johnson.



A favorite job for most interns is operating the combine. This special single-row combine is used by plant breeders to obtain seeds from the smaller plots planted in breeding programs. The small sacks of seeds are carefully marked for the particular cultivar being harvested. Here Stacy Steinlage and Emily Hoffman operate the combines.

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An important component of the mission of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding is the work members do

guiding and training future scientists in the plant breeding field. In 2004–2005, forty-four students worked toward an

advanced degree in plant breeding. Listed below are their names, degrees sought, the place they call home, their expected year

of graduation, and the focus of their study in plant breeding. Congratulations to Murli K. Reddy Gogula, Buppa Kongsamai,

Muhammet Sakiroglu, and James R. Rouse for completing their degrees in Plant Breeding in 2004. Congratulations to

Nicholas Bowser, Innan Cervantes-Martinez, Sue A. Duvick, Aaron J. Lorenz, Evelyn Ortiz-Perez, Curtis Scherder, Jessie L.

Alt, Brandon Wardyn, and Elizabeth A. Popowski for graduating with Plant Breeding degrees in 2005.

Victor Abertondo, M.S. “Corn breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Jessie Alt (Minnesota), Ph.D., 2005, “Phenotypic and molecular analysis of oeate content in soybean.” Major Professor: Dr. Walter Fehr

Nicholas L. Bowser (Kansas), M.S., 2005, “Effect of seed treatments on data quality from small plots.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Innan Cervantes-Martinez (Mexico), Ph.D., 2005, “Soybean genetics and cytogenetics.” Major Professors: Dr. Reid G. Palmer, Dr. Harry T. Horner

Alona A. Chernyshov (Ukraine), Ph.D., 2006, “Additive and epistatic components of ß-glucan content varience in oat.” Major Professor: Dr Jean-Luc Jannink

Von Mark V. Cruz (Philippines), Ph.D., 2005, “Genetic diversity in Brassica.” Major Professors: Dr. Candice Gardner, Dr. E. Charles Brummer

Amy Curtis, M.S. Major Professor: Dr. Randy Shoemaker

Yara N. de Geus (Brazil), M.S., “Corn seed quality.” Major Professors: Dr. Linda Pollak, Dr. Susana Goggi

Thanda Dhliwayo (Zimbabwe), Ph.D., 2008, “Selection for resistance to maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motchulsky) and its effects on the nutritional profile of maize.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Susan Ann Duvick (Iowa), M.S., 2005, “Altering the fatty acid composition of corn belt corn through tripsacum introgression.” Major Professor: Dr. Linda Pollak

Mauricio Erazo-Barradas (Mexico), M.S., 2005, “Corn breeding.” Major Professors: Dr. Michael Lee, Dr. Kan Wang

Murli K. Reddy Gogula (India), M.S., 2004, “Selection of oat genotypes with table groat percentage under high temperature stress.” Major Professor: Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink

Barbara Gray (Iowa), M.S., 2005, “Corn breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Linda Pollak

Lucia Gutierrez (Uruguay), Ph.D., 2006, “Genetic diversity in cultivated and wild Hordeum species.” Major Professors: Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink, Dr. John Nason

Sara Helland (Iowa), Ph.D., 2008, “QTL/gene detection and linkage disequilibrium after 4 and 10 generations of random mating in a maize inbred population.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Laurie Hyrkas (Minnesota), M.S., 2007, “Heterosis of maize.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Bindu Joseph (India), Ph.D., 2007, “A structural analysis of a region of the soybean genome containing a major QTL for seed protein composition.” Major Professor: Dr. Randy Shoemaker

Buppa Kongsamai (Thailand), Ph.D., 2004, “Marker-assisted selection and prediction of hybrid performance in maize.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Travis J. Lee (Kansas), Ph.D., “Evaluation of recurrent selection in BS10 and BS11.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Bryce Lemke, Ph.D., “Corn breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey, Dr. Jodi Edwards

Pedro A. Lopez (Mexico), Ph.D., 2005, “An evaluation of morphological, molecular, and chemical variability in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) germplasm.” Major Professors: Dr. Mark Widriechner, Dr. Ricardo Salvador Aaron Lorenz (Minnesota), M.S., 2005, “Heritability of phytic acid and inorganic phosphorus in a maize population.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Gregorio Lozano (Iowa), M.S., “Corn breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Marcus M. Marine (Iowa), M.S., 2005, “Mapping the Glu-1 Dx5 transgene in maize.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee


Page 17: Delivering Specialty Traits

Juan Carlos Martinez (Mexico), Ph.D., 2009, “Establishment of an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system using maize mature seed as starting material.” Major Professor: Dr. Kan Wang

M. Laura Mayor (Argentina), Ph.D., “QTL mapping in corn.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Milly Nambogga (Uganda), Ph.D., 2010, “Crop improvement through biotechnology.” Major Professor: Dr. Kan Wang

Julia E. Olmstead (Minnesota), M.S., 2006, “Comparative genetics for yield and yield stability in annual and perennial Medicago species.”Major Professors: Dr Jean-Luc Jannink, Dr. E. Charles Brummer

Massiel A. Orellana (Chili), Ph.D., 2008, “Application of Basian models with heterogeneous variences to GxE models in oat seed.” Major Professors: Dr. Alicia Carriquiry, Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink

Evelyn Ortiz-Perez (Mexico), Ph.D., 2005, “Insect-mediated cross-pollination on male-sterile, female-fertile mutant lines in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.].” Major Professor: Dr. Reid G. Palmer

Paola Tatiana Perez, M.S. Major Professor: Dr. Reid G. Palmer

Elizabeth Popowski (Minnesota), M.S., 2005, “Reliability of a microbial assay assessing lysine and methionine concentrations in maize (Zea mays L.) kernels.” Major Professors: Dr. Kendall Lamkey, Dr. Paul Scott

Jason Ribbens (Iowa), M.S., 2006, “Genetic improvement of seedling emergence of soybean lines with reduced phytate.” Major Professor: Dr. Walter Fehr

James R. Rouse (Iowa), Ph.D., 2004, “Genetic diversity among progenitors and derived lines of two maize (Zea mays L.) populations.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Muhammet Sakiroglu (Turkey), M.S., 2004, “Heterosis between semidormant and nondormant derived alfalfa germplasm.” Ph.D., 2007, “Molecular taxonomy of Medicago sativa-falcata species complex.” Major Professor: Dr. E. Charles Brummer

Thomas Scheffler (Iowa), Ph.D., 2005, “Heterosis and inbreeding depression in corn.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Curtis Scherder (Missouri), M.S., 2005. “Soybean breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Walter Fehr

Yoon-Sup So (South Korea), Ph.D., 2007, “Heterogeniety of error and genotype x environment interaction variance in state corn yield test and cultivar selection.” Major Professors: Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink, Dr. Jodi Edwards

Matthew Sorge (Iowa), M.S., 2005. “Corn breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Michael Lee

Jordan D. Spear, M.S. “Soybean breeding.” Major Professor: Dr. Walter Fehr

Daniel R. Stribe, M.S. Major Professors: Dr. Randy Shoemaker, Dr. E. Charles Brummer

Oswaldo Taboadan-Gayton (Mexico), Ph.D., 2006, “Heritability and heterosis of wet milling efficiency in hybrids of exotic by adapted inbred lines in corn.” Major Professor: Dr. Linda Pollak

Clinton J. Turnbull (Nebraska), Ph.D., 2006, “Performance evaluation of the BS13(S) maize population.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey

Brandon Wardyn (Nebraska), Ph.D., 2005. “Quantitative genetics of inbreeding in maize.” Major Professor: Dr. Kendall Lamkey


The Iowa State University plant breeding department is an international program which provides for immense educational and research opportunities. The ISU program focuses on vigorous field training—something few other places provide today.

—Ann Marie Thro, M.S., 1980 Agronomy, Ph.D, 1982 Plant Breeding; National Program Leader for Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, Plant and Animal Systems, Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, USDA

Page 18: Delivering Specialty Traits

An essential part of the plant breeding process is the evaluation of new and old hybrid crop varieties. Each year, members of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding evaluate hybrids and varieties of crops commonly grown in Iowa. The Iowa Crop Performance Test, cosponsored by the Iowa Crop Improvement Association, evaluates the performance of cultivars of corn, soybeans, oats, barley, alfalfa, perennial ryegrass and miscellaneous legumes, winter wheat, and winter triticale. Forage legumes and grasses testing is led by Dr. E. Charles Brummer. Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink manages tests conducted on small grain cultivars. Corn and soybean testing is directed by Dr. James Rouse, a recent graduate of Iowa State’s Plant Breeding Program. The results of these tests are public knowledge and are released on the Web and through Iowa State University Extension reports. This testing process informs farmers and plant breeders about the performance of new cultivars and those cultivars more commonly grown. The tests evaluate a number of factors, including yield and resistance to disease, insect infestation, and climate stressors. The testing process is overseen by the Crop Testing Technical Committee, chaired by Dr. Kendall Lamkey, Director of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding. The Crop Testing Technical Committee, a panel of seed industry professionals and public breeders, establishes the protocol for the testing program and assures the integrity of the testing procedures.

In 2004, alfalfa testing, led by Dr. E. Charles Brummer, focused on identifying varieties tolerant to potato leafhopper infestation and compared their performance to alfalfa grown with the use of pesticides.

2005 testing showed that potato leafhopper were present in significant numbers during the growing season. Dr. Brummer highly recommended planting leafhopper resistant varieties of alfalfa, especially if farmers did not use pesticide sprays, and particularly for crops planted in central or southern Iowa.

Twenty-seven spring oat varieties and sixteen spring barley varieties were evaluated for yield in 2004 testing led by Dr. Jean-Luc Jannink. One promising oat variety, ‘Spurs,’ was found to show good crown rust resistance. Winter wheat and winter triticale, both recommended as feed crops for Iowa farmers, were tested for yield. ‘NE426GT,’ a new variety of winter triticale, had the highest yield and third highest test weight of varieties tested in 2004. ‘NE426GT’ was developed jointly by scientists from the University of Nebraska and Iowa State University. In 2005, ‘Baker,’ a new oat variety developed at Iowa State University, showed the highest yield and groat percentages of all varieties in the test.

In 2004, about 11,500 plots were used to test 490 varieties of hybrid corn submitted by 55 private seed companies. Corn was tested for yield, standability, and grain quality. Test results are used by farmers and seed companies to make decisions on future planting. 2005 marked the 86th consecutive year for corn testing conducted by the Iowa Crop Performance Test.

About 450 varieties of soybeans were tested on plots located throughout Iowa. Tests compared soybeans grown using conventional herbicides, Roundup® herbicide, and special varieties developed to be resistant to soybean cyst nematodes. Soybeans were evaluated on yield, protein and oil content, and their resistance to soybean cyst nematodes.



Education is a key component of the mission of the Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding. Here Dr. Kendall Lamkey leads a Field Day event to inform Iowa farmers about advances in corn breeding.

Page 19: Delivering Specialty Traits



Dr. Kendall LamkeyEditor, Crop Science

PUBLICATIONSDarrigues, A., K.R. Lamkey, and M.P. Scott. 2004. Breeding

for grain amino acid composition in maize. p. xx–xx. In K.R. Lamkey and M. Lee (ed.) Proc. of the Arnel R. Hallauer Int. Plant Breeding Symp., Mexico City. 17–22 Aug. 2003. Blackwell Press, Ames, IA.

Darrigues, A., C. Buffard, K.R. Lamkey, and M.P. Scott. 2006. Variability and genetic effects for tryptophan and methionine in commercial maize germplasm. Maydica [accecpted].

Hallauer, A.R., K.R. Lamkey, and P.R. White. 2004. Registration of B116 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. 44:703.

Hallauer, A.R., K.R. Lamkey, and P.R. White. 2004. Registration of B117, B118, B119, B120, and B121. Crop Sci. 44:2280–2281.

Hinze, L., S. Kresovich, J.D. Nason, and K.R. Lamkey. 2005. Population genetic diversity in a maize reciprocal recurrent selection program. Crop Sci. 45:2435-2442.

Ho, J.C., S. Kresovich, and K.R. Lamkey. 2005. Extent and distribution of genetic variation in U.S. maize: Historically important lines and their open-pollinated dent and flint progenitors. Crop Sci. 45:1891-1900.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. Plant breeding: Research and education agenda. p. 129–141. In M. Sligh and L. Lauffer (ed.) Proc. of Summit on Seeds and Breeds for 21st Century Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 6–8 Sept. 2003. RAFI-USA, Pittsboro, NC.

Lamkey, K.R., 2004. Seed production in corn and soybean. p. 54–74. In D. Andow (ed.) A growing concern: Protecting the food supply in an era of pharmaceutical and industrial crops. Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, D.C.

Lamkey, K.R., A.R. Hallauer, and P.W. White. 2004. Corn Breeding Research. Annual progress reports–2003. Southeast research and demonstration farm, Crawfordsville, IA. ISRF03-34.

Lamkey, K.R., A.R. Hallauer, and P.W. White. 2004. Corn Breeding Research. Annual progress reports–2003. Northeast research and demonstration farm, Nashua, IA. ISRF03-13.

Lamkey, K.R. and M. Lee (ed.) 2004. Proc. of the Arnel R. Hallauer Int. Plant Breeding Symp., Mexico City. 17–22 Aug. 2003. Blackwell Press, Ames, IA.

Lamkey, K.R. and M. Lee (ed.) 2006. Plant breeding: The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, Iowa.

Smith, J.S.C., O.S. Smith, and K.R. Lamkey. 2006. Maize breeding. Maydica [accepted].

Zhang, Y., M.S. Kang, and K.R. Lamkey. 2005 DIALLEL-SAS05: A comprehensive program for Griffing’s and Gardner-Eberhart analyses. Agronomy Journal 97:1097-1106.

PRESENTATIONS Lamkey, K.R. 2004. Developing corn hybrids with new traits.

Indiana Certified Crop Advisor Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 14 Dec 2004.

Dr. Micheal LeeAd Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Crop ScienceAd Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Theoretical and Applied

GeneticsAd Hoc Reviewer, USDA-NRI

PUBLICATIONSHallauer, A.R., R. Andrew, J. Ross, and M. Lee. 2004.

Long-term divergent selection for ear length in maize. p. 153–168. In J. Janick (ed.) Plant Breeding Rev., Vol. 24. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

Krakowsky, M.D., M. Lee, W.L. Woodman-Clikeman, M.J. Long, and N. Sharopova. 2004. QTL mapping of resistance to stalk tunneling by the European corn borer in RILs of maize population B73 x De811. Crop Sci. 44: 274–282.

Lamkey, K.R., and M. Lee (ed) 2004. Proc. of the Arnel R. Hallauer Int. Plant Breeding Symp., Mexico City. 17–22 Aug. 2003. Blackwell Press, Ames, IA.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. Public versus private approaches to crop improvement. Evidence Based, Opinion Based, and Real World Agriculture and Medicine, Emigrant, MT. 12 Oct 2004.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. Genetic contributions to yield gains in maize. XX National Congress of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Toluca, Mexico. 19-24 Sept 2004.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. The future of state variety performance trials. Annual North Central Crop Evaluation Committee, Ames, IA. 10 Aug 2004.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. The future of public plant breeding: Iowa State as the case study. University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. 9 Mar 2004.

Lamkey, K.R. 2004. Long-term selection in the Iowa stiff stalk synthetic maize population. Monsanto Breeding Headquarters, Petit, South Africa. 8 Mar 2004.

Lamkey, K.R. 2005. Population genetics and progress of maize populations under reciprocal recurrent selection. International Maize Conference: Accomplishments and Perspectives on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, Belgrade, Serbia. 26 Oct 2005.

Lamkey, K.R. 2005. Population genetics and progress of maize populations under reciprocal recurrent selection. 9th Asian Regional Maize Conference, Beijing, China. 5-14 Sept 2005.

Lamkey, K.R. 2005. Breeding for gain yield and grain quality in sustainable farming systems. 41st Illinois Corn Breeders School, Urbana, IL. 7-8 Mar 2005.

Lamkey, K.R. 2005. The future of state variety performance trials. Seeds of Success: 2005 ICIA Annual Meeting, Ames, IA. 10 Feb 2005.


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Dr. E. Charles BrummerAssociate Editor, Crop ScienceAd Hoc Reviewer, Crop ScienceChair, Committee on Available Breeding Lines, North

American Alfalfa Improvement ConferenceMember, Biotechnology Committee, North American Alfalfa

Improvement Conference

PUBLICATIONSAlarcón-Zúñiga, B., E.C. Brummer, P. Scott, K. Moore, and

D. Luth. 2004. Quantitative trait loci mapping of winter hardiness metabolites in autotetraploid alfalfa. p. 97–104. In A. Hopkins., Z.-Y. Wang, R. Mian, M. Sledge, and R.E. Barker (ed.) Molecular breeding of forage and turf. Kluwer, Dordreht, The Netherlands.

Beuselinck, P.R., E.C. Brummer, D.K. Viands, K.H. Asay, R.R. Smith, J.J. Steiner, and D.K. Brauer. 2005. Rhizomatous Lotus corniculatus: V. Genotypic and environmental effects on growth. Crop Sci. 45:1736-1740.

Brummer, E.C. 2004. Breeding for sustainable cropping systems. p. 63-68. In M. Sligh and L. Lauffer (ed.) Summit on Seeds and Breeds for 21st Century Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 6–8 Sept. 2003. RAFI-USA, Pittsboro, NC.

Brummer, E.C. 2004. Genomics research in alfalfa. Crop Sci. 44:1904-1907.

Brummer, E.C. 2004. Genomics research in alfalfa. p. 110–142. In R. Wilson, T. Stalker, and E.C. Brummer (ed) Legume genomics. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL.

Brummer, E.C., and M. Smith. 2004. 2004 Alfalfa yield test report. Iowa State University Extension Bulletin. Iowa State Univ., Ames.

Brummer, E.C., J.G. Robins, B. Alarcon-Zuniga, and D. Luth. 2005. Genetic mapping in tetraploid alfalfa: Results and prospects. p. 149. In M.O. Humphreys (ed.) Molecular breeding for the genetic improvement of forage crops and turf. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Brummer, E.C. 2005. Thoughts on breeding for increased forage yield. p. 63. In F.P. O’Mara, R.J. Wilkins, L. ‘t Mannetje, D.K. Lovett, P.A.M. Rogers, and T.M. Boland (eds.) XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Brummer, E.C. 2005. Biotechnology and Molecular Approaches to Forage Improvement. In: C.J. Nelson and K.J. Moore (eds). Iowa State Univ. Press . [in press].

Brummer, E.C. 2005. Breeding for cropping systems. p. xxx-xxx. In K.R. Lamkey and M. Lee (eds.) Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium on Plant Breeding. Blackwell Press.

Casler, M.D. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Forage yield of smooth bromegrass collections from rural cemeteries. Crop Sci. 45:2510-2516.

Gepts, P., W.D. Beavis, E.C. Brummer, R.C. Shoemaker, H.T. Stalker, N.F. Weeden, and N.D. Young. 2005. Legumes as a model plant family. Genomics for food and feed report of the Cross-Legume Advances Through Genomics conference. Plant Phys. 137:1228-1235.

Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, E.C. Brummer, and C.L. Burras. 2005. Species diversity and functional composition of pastures that vary in landscape position and grazing management. Crop Sci. 45:282-289.

Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, C.L. Burras, and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Distribution of legumes along gradients of slope and soil electrical conductivity in pastures. Agron. J. 96:547–555.

Guretzky, J.A., K.J. Moore, A.D. Knapp, and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Emergence and survival of legumes seeded into pastures varying in landscape position. Crop Sci. 44:227–233.

Moore, K.J., T.A. White, R.L. Hintz, P.K. Patrick, and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Sequential grazing of cool and warm-season pastures. Agron. J. 96:1103–1111.

Picasso, V.D. and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Plant functional diversity increases biomass production in the establishment of perennial herbaceous polycultures. p. 643. In F.P. O’Mara, R.J. Wilkins, L. ‘t Mannetje, D.K. Lovett, P.A.M. Rogers, and T.M. Boland (eds.) XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Riday, H., and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Dissection of heterosis in alfalfa hybrids. p. 315–324. In A. Hopkins., Z.-Y. Wang, R. Mian, M. Sledge, and R.E. Barker (ed.) Molecular breeding of forage and turf. Kluwer, Dordreht, The Netherlands.

Riday, H., and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Morphological variation of Medicago sativa subsp. falcata genotypes and their hybrid progeny. Euphytica 138:1–12.

Riday, H., and E.C. Brummer. 2004. Performance of intersubspecific alfalfa hybrids in sward versus space planted plots. Euphytica 138:107–112.

Riday, H., and E.C. Brummer. 2005. Heterosis in a broad range of alfalfa germplasm. Crop Sci. 45:8-17.

Riday, H. and E.C. Brummer. 200x. Persistence and yield stability of intersubspecific alfalfa hybrids. Crop Sci. [in revision].

Robins, J.G., H. Riday, S.J. Helland, and E. C. Brummer. 200x. Biomass yield stability in alfalfa. J. Iowa Acad. Sci. [in press].

Weishaar, M.A., E.C. Brummer, J.J Voenec, K.J. Moore, and S. Cunningham. 2005. Improving winter hardinessinnondormant alfalfa germplasm. Crop Sci. 45:60-65.

Wilson, R., T. Stalker, and E.C. Brummer (ed) 2004. Legume genomics. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL.

PRESENTATIONBrummer, E.C. 2004. Biotechnology in forage crops: Let’s

be real. Crop Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. 3 Nov 2004.


Page 21: Delivering Specialty Traits

Dr. Arnel R. Hallauer PUBLICATIONS Hallauer, A.R. 2004. Specialty corns. p. 897–933. In C.W.

Smith and E.C.A. Runge (ed.) Corn: Origin, history, and production. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

Hallauer, A.R., K.R. Lamkey, and P.R. White. 2004. Registration of B116 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. 44:703.

Hallauer, A.R., K.R. Lamkey, and P.R. White. 2004. Registration of B117, B118, B119, B120, and B121. Crop Sci. 44:2280–2281.

Hallauer, A.R., A.J. Ross, and M. Lee. 2004. Long-term divergent selection for ear length in maize. p. 153–168. In J. Janick (ed.) Plant Breeding Rev., Vol. 24. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken.

Hallauer, A.R. 2005. Registration of BS35, BS36, BS 37, and BS38 maize germplasm. Crop Sci. 45:2132-2133.

Hallauer, A.R. 2005. Registration of BSLE(M-S)C30 and BSLE(M-L)C30 maize germplasm. Crop Sci. 45:2123.

Lamkey, K.R., A.R. Hallauer, and P.W. White. 2004. Corn Breeding Research. Annual progress reports–2003. Southeast research and demonstration farm, Crawfordsville, IA. ISRF03-34.

Lamkey, K.R., A.R. Hallauer, and P.W. White. 2004. Corn Breeding Research. Annual progress reports–2003. Northeast research and demonstration farm, Nashua, IA. ISRF03-13.

Smalley, M.D., J.L. Daub, and A.R. Hallauer. 2004. Estimation of heritability in maize by parent-offspring regression. Maydica 49:221-229.

Dr. Jean-Luc JanninkAd Hoc Reviewer, Crop ScienceAd Hoc Reviewer, GeneticsAd Hoc Reviewer, EuphyticaAd Hoc Reviewer, Canadian Journal of Plant ScienceAd Hoc Reviewer, Genetical ResearchAd Hoc Reviewer, EvolutionAd Hoc Reviewer, GeneticaAd Hoc Reviewer, HeredityUSDA-NRI Plant Genome Program Review Panel Member

PUBLICATIONSBaenziger, P.S., L.R. Gibson, and J.-L. Jannink. 2005.

Registration of ‘NE426GT’ winter triticale. Crop Sci 45:796-797.

Colleoni-Sirghie, M., J.-L. Jannink, I.V. Kovalenko, J.L. Briggs, and P.J. White. 2004. Prediction of beta-glucan concentration based on the viscosity evaluations of raw oat-flours from high beta-glucan and traditional oat lines. Cereal Chem. 81:434–443.

Colleoni-Sirghie, M., J.-L. Jannink, and P.J. White. 2004. Pasting and thermal properties of flours from oat lines with high and typical amounts of beta-glucan. Cereal Chem. 81:686-692.

Doehlert, D.C., M.S. McMullen, J.-L. Jannink, S. Panigrahi, H. Gu, and N. Riveland. 2004. Evaluation of oat kernel size uniformity. Crop Sci. 44:1178–1186.

Doehlert, D.C., M.S. McMullen, J.-L. Jannink, S. Panigrahi, H. Gu, and N. Riveland. 2004. Influence of oat kernel size and size distributions on test weight. Cereal Res. Commun. 32:135–142.

Doehlert, D.C., M.S. McMullen, J.-L. Jannink, S. Panigrahi, H. Gu, and N.R. Riveland. 2005. A bimodal bodel for oat kernel size distributions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 85:317-326.

Edwards, J.W., and J.-L. Jannink. 2004. Bayesian modeling of heterogeneous error and genotype by environment interaction variances. Crop Sci. (in review).

Jannink, J.-L. 2005. Selective phenotyping to accurately map QTL. Crop Sci. 45:901-908.

Jannink, J.-L. and S. W. Gardner. 2005. Expanding the pool of PCR-based markers for oat. Crop Sci. 45:2383-2387.

Jannink, J.-L., and R.L. Fernando. 2004. On the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability to add or drop a QTL in MCMC-based Bayesian analyses. Genetics 166: 641–643.

Schwarte, A.J., L.R. Gibson, D.L. Karlen, M. Liebman, and J.-L. Jannink. 2005. Planting date effects on winter triticale dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. Agron. J. 97:1333-1341.

Skrdla, R.K., and J.-L. Jannink. 2004. Iowa crop performance tests—Spring oat and barley, 2004. Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service, Pamphlet PM 1645. Iowa State Univ., Ames.

Skrdla, R.K., and J.-L. Jannink. 2004. Iowa crop performance test—Winter wheat and triticale, 2004. Iowa State University Cooperative Extension Service, Pamphlet AG 6. Iowa State Univ., Ames.

Wu, X.-L., and J.-L. Jannink. 2004. Optimal sampling of a population to determine QTL location, variance, and allelic number. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108:1434–1442.


Dr. Walter R. FehrPUBLICATIONSAlt, J.L., W.R. Fehr, G.A. Welke, and D. Sandut. 2005.

Phenotypic and molecular analysis of oleate content in the mutant soybean line M23. Crop Sci. 45:1997–2000.

Alt, J.L., W.R. Fehr, G.A. Welke, and J.G. Shannon. 2005. Transgressive segregation for oleate content in three soybean populations. Crop Sci. 45:2005–2007.

Gutierrez, E., T. Wang, and W.R. Fehr. 2004. Quantification of sphingolipids in soybeans. JAOCS 81:737–742.

Kabelka, E. A., B.W. Diers, W.R. Fehr, A.R. LeRoy, I.C. Baianu, T. You, D.J. Neece, and R.L. Nelson. 2004. Putative alleles for increased yield from soybean plant introductions. Crop Sci. 44:784–791.

McCord, K.L., W.R. Fehr, T. Wang, G.A. Welke, S.R. Cianzio, and S.R. Schnebly. 2004. Tocopherol content of soybean lines with reduced linolenate in the seed oil. Crop Sci. 44:772–776.

Oltmans, S.E., W.R. Fehr, G.A. Welke, and S.R. Cianzio. 2004. Inheritance of low-phytate phosphorus in soybean. Crop Sci. 44:433–435.

Oltmans, S.E., W.R. Fehr, G.A. Welke, V. Raboy, and K.L. Peterson. 2005. Agronomic and seed traits of soybean lines with low-phytate phosphorus. Crop Sci. 45:593–598.

Neus, J.D., W.R. Fehr, and S.R. Schnebly. 2005. Agronomic and seed characteristics of soybean with reduced raffinose and stachyose. Crop Sci. 45:589–592.

Smalley, M.D., W.R. Fehr, S.R. Cianzio, F. Han, S.A. Sebastian, and L.G. Streit. 2004. Quantitative trait loci for soybean seed yield in elite and plant introduction germplasm. Crop Sci. 44:436–442. .


Page 22: Delivering Specialty Traits

FINANCESThe Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant Breeding, an affiliate of the Plant Sciences Institute, receives support money from several sources. External funding includes money received from competitive grants, both funded by state and federal government agencies, and money from grants awarded by foundations and private companies. In addition, the Center receives money from the Plant Sciences Institute and income generated from an endowment established by Raymond F. Baker to support the scientific advancement of plant breeding and genetics. Money supports research projects, salaries, and Center expenses.

Dr. Walter R. Fehr Title: “Impact of Low-phytate Soybean Meal on the

Amount and Forms of Phosphorous Excreted by Swine” Amount: $50,800 Funding Source: United Soybean Board

Title: “Development and Implementation of a Grower Education Program for Identity-Preserved Production of 1% Linolenic”

Amount: $76,634 Funding Source: United Soybean Board

Title: “Breeding General-Use and Specialty Soybeans for Iowa”

Amount: $150,000 Funding Source: Iowa Soybean Promotion Board

Title: “Development of Maturity I-IV Varieties for the Better Bean Initiative”

Amount: $119,300 Funding Source: United Soybean Board

Title: “Soybean Molecular Marker Facility” Amount: $32,775 Funding Source: Iowa Soybean Promotion Board

Title: “Departmental Support” Amount: $529 Funding Source: Iowa State University Foundation

Title: “Departmental Support” Amount: $21,237 Funding Source: Iowa State University Foundation

Dr. Jean-Luc JanninkTitle: “ß-glucan Mediated Impacts of Genotype and

Processing on Oat Nutritional and Sensory Function”

Amount: $360,000 Funding Source: Department of AgricultureTitle: “National Oat Germplasm Enhancement at Iowa

State University” Amount: $10,000 Funding Source: Department of Agriculture

Dr. Kendall LamkeyTitle: “Integrated Feedstock Supply Systems for Corn

Stover Biomass” Amount: $1,999,724 Funding Source: Department of Agriculture Title: “Departmental Support” Amount: $19,677 Funding Source: Iowa State University Foundation

Dr. Micheal LeeTitle: “Pioneer International Scholarship Awards” Amount: $8,764 Funding Source: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Dr. E. Charles BrummerTitle: “Strategies for Colon Cancer Prevention with

Transgenic Alfalfa: Resveratrol Glucoside” Amount: $165,000 Funding Source: American Institute for Cancer

ResearchTitle: “Alfalfa as a Biorenewable Feedstock” Amount: $59,728 Funding Source: Plant Sciences Institute



Income FY 2004Raymond F. Baker Endowment Income $374,665

Plant Sciences Institute Support 108,612

Total Income $483,277

ExpendituresGraduate Student Education/Training $268,265

Research Support 106,400

Salaries 101,871

Operating Expenses 6,741

Total Expense $483,277

Income FY 2005 (Projected)Raymond F. Baker Endowment Income $324,530

Plant Sciences Institute Support 108,612

Total Income $433,142

ExpendituresGraduate Student Education/Training $225,000

Research Support 100,000

Salaries 101,871

Operating Expenses 6,271

Total Expense $433,142

Page 23: Delivering Specialty Traits

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you

can reap, but by the seeds you can plant.

—Robert Louis Stevenson

Page 24: Delivering Specialty Traits

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Raymond F. Baker Center for Plant BreedingIowa State University1301 Agronomy HallAmes, Iowa 50011-1010(515) 294-5076(515) 294-5506 (Fax)[email protected]