Tasked with devising a campaign to encourage Travel customers to book their Summer 2011 holiday early, the challenge for us was to try and appeal to two very different target audiences with the same proposition; so we came up with the Jump in/Chill out campaign which tapped into both the relaxation sought after by couples and the livelier holidays that families tend to look for. The contrasting imagery and sentiment makes for a fun, engaging and quirky campaign which encompasses POS, direct mail, radio and press ads. The Co-operative Travel: Jump in/Chill out - Summer 2011 www.delineo.com Contact us on: 0161 839 6289 [email protected] Tickets, money, passport... ...while you're busy remembering to pack the holiday essentials this summer, we'll do the rest. Delineo has everything you need to produce inspiring and effective communication (so drop us a line before you go!). Take a look at some of our recent highlights...

Delineo-Coop 6th Digest

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A digest of Delineo's work for The Co-operative over Summer 2010.

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Page 1: Delineo-Coop 6th Digest

Tasked with devising a campaign to encourage Travel customers to booktheir Summer 2011 holiday early, the challenge for us was to try andappeal to two very different target audiences with the same proposition;so we came up with the Jump in/Chill out campaign which tapped intoboth the relaxation sought after by couples and the livelier holidays thatfamilies tend to look for.

The contrasting imagery and sentiment makes for a fun, engaging andquirky campaign which encompasses POS, direct mail, radio andpress ads.

The Co-operative Travel: Jump in/Chill out -Summer 2011


Contact us on:0161 839 [email protected]

Tickets, money, passport...

...while you're busy remembering to pack the holiday essentials this summer,we'll do the rest. Delineo has everything you need to produce inspiring andeffective communication (so drop us a line before you go!).Take a look at some of our recent highlights...

Page 2: Delineo-Coop 6th Digest

The Co-operative Pharmacy: Ethical Strategylaunch campaign - Spring/Summer 2011

Earlier this year, Delineo was delighted to be asked to work withThe Co-operative Pharmacy to help them launch their Ethical Strategy. Itunderpins The Co-operative values and principles and demonstrates howthey are increasingly shaping the way they do business in a moreenvironmentally conscious way.

Our task was to raise awareness amongst staff members, stakeholdersand customers, of worthwhile initiatives going on within the UK andworldwide that are supported by The Co-operative.

We devised a strong ‘One world’ identity for the campaign using thestrapline ‘working in an ethical way to make a difference’ and carried thisthrough into a brochure, in-branch POS, online, advertising and exhibition stands. It was launched in July 2010.www.co-operativepharmacy.co.uk/ethicalstrategy

The Co-operative Financial Services: ValuesWorkshops

After a series of successful team building workshops across their offices,The Co-operative Financial Services wanted to showcase employeeparticipation. In order to do this, we used a combination of photographyand feedback to really capture the camaraderie and spirit of all involved,through a series of communication activities that included:

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The Co-operative Travel: It’s a breeze

The brief: to encourage consumers to buy their travel money fromThe Co-operative Travel, a purchasing decision that’s usually based onconvenience rather than rates.

The solution: ‘It’s a breeze’, a concept and graphic device that managedto be topical as well as eye catching with its World Cup currencies! Besure to look out for it in-branch now….and perhaps buy some travelmoney while you’re there!

The Co-operative Travel: Point of Sale and DMNext time you pass a Travel branch see if you recognise any of these…it’sall hands on deck as Delineo, Travel’s marketing department andAPS all pull together under pressure to keep up with the rapid turnover ofmonthly point of sale and direct mail material (quality as standard ofcourse!).

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When The Co-operative Travel decided their internal comms magazineShine could do with a complete refresh, they invited five agencies to pitch.

Needless to say, Delineo jumped at the opportunity to enter into a bit ofcompetitive dueling and after a rigorous selection process, were thrilled tohave been appointed.

Key to winning the pitch was our fresh, stylish design and transformationof the advertising model, which generates more revenue from lessadvertising space (if you want to know how this could work for yourinternal comms magazine then make sure you get in touch). Whetheryou’re part of the Travel team or not, be sure to watch out for the re-launched magazine when it lands this autumn.

The Co-operative Travel: ShineThe Co-operative Travel needed to communicate their environmentalmessage to their employees in a user friendly and readable way.

We helped by designing a newsletter that would showcase ‘Green’ issuesand how employees can get involved.

The Co-operative Travel: Green newsletter


Of all the design agencies who tendered for the relaunch of ourin-house magazine Shine, Delineo’s proposal was easily themost radical and the most interesting. They rethought ourcommunications from the ground up, taking a holistic approachwhile always focusing on the end user. That’s why they weresuccessful and I’m looking forward to the relaunchedmagazine’s publication.

Tom Whitely,Internal Communications Manager,

The Co-operative Travel

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The Co-operative Charity of the YearHave you voted for your charity of the year?

To encourage more staff engagement than ever before, we created theCharity of the Year microsite. By including a simple form, we’ve been ableto introduce a voting mechanism that makes it even easier for you to haveyour say and for data to be captured and reviewed.

You’ll no doubt have seen the supporting leaflets, posters and displayunits…and if you haven’t already voted, remember you’ve only got until15th August to have your say so log on now to:www.co-operative.co.uk/charityoftheyear

The Co-operative Legal Services: Wills WebsiteFollowing the successful revamp of the Co-operative Legal Services'Probate site last summer, the Wills section of the site recently receivedthe same treatment. We've added more interactive features and imageryto enhance the user experience.

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Manchester Jazz Festival: Find Your JazzJust for a change we thought we’d include something that wasn’t aboutThe Co-operative in this digest. If you’re based in Manchester, then youcan’t have missed the Manchester Jazz Festival during July.

In support of the brand development process, we took to the streets toask people what they thought of jazz and the festival. This led to a greatrebrand based on an asterisk device to alert people to the wide variety ofmusic that falls under the jazz banner and can be enjoyed at the festival. Aconcept captured by the strapline: find you jazz*.

With large format posters across Manchester (including some outside theentrance of New Century House), a social media campaign and a newwebsite, the marketing communications programme has been a greatsuccess this year leading to over 24,000 visits to the website in onemonth, this was just one key success factor. (Now there’s a communityproject we know you’d be interested in hearing about!)


Contact us on:0161 839 [email protected]