DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

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Page 1: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale
Page 2: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

Cattlemen, Wewouldliketowelcomeyoutoour47thAnnualBullSaleandthankyouforconsideringthebullsinour2015offer-ing.Webelievethebullsofferconsistencyandqualitywithenoughdiversityinkindtofilltheneedsofavarietyofdemands.Ifyouarelookingforaherdbull,aheiferbull,orseveraloflikekindtoputwithalargergroupoffemaleswethinkyoucanfindwhatyouneed.Thecattleindustryhasavastnumberofsegments,butthebottomlineisweareallinthebeefbusiness. WecalveamajorityofthecowsinMarchandAprilwithalimitednumberinSeptember.Ourcattleruninlarge,roughpastures,withoutcreepuntiljustpriortoweaning.Afterweaningthebullsarenotpushedformaximumgain.TheyarefedrationmanagerfromDakotalandFeedswhichisacornbasewithalimitertokeepthemfromovereating.



WewillonceagainbehostingourpresalepreviewSat.Feb.21includingasteakdinnerattheranch,withthebullsavailableforyourinspection.Ifyoucannotmakethepreviewweinviteyoutoarrangeatimeatyourconveniencetoviewthebulls. Lookingforwardtohearingfromyou.

Miles & Kim DeJong31842DeJongRoadKennebec,SD57544Home:605-869-2329Cell:605-222-1292Wyatt:605-842-5683

Kevin & Katrin Van Zandbergen 31843DeJongRoadKennebec,SD57544Home:605-869-2362Cell:605-222-4769

2 DeJong Ranch

Page 3: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale


The bullswill be ultrasounded andweighed on Feb. 14,2015byKamaBrunsandsenttotheNationalCUPLab.Theresultswillbeavailableonourwebsiteaswereceivethem.Thereasonsomeofthebullsdon’thaveadjusteddataisbecausetheyaretooyoungortoooldfromthe365daytarget.

BREEDING GUARANTEEAllbullsareguaranteedbreeders.The18montholdbullsarefertilitytested.Itwillbetheresponsibilityofthebuyertohave theyearlingbulls fertility testedbefore theyareturnedoutwiththecowsorbefore15monthsofage.Thesellerreservestheprivilegetoprovethebullabreeder.Ifthebull fails toproveabreeder,thesellerwilleitherre-placethebullwithanotherofequalqualityorgivecredittothebuyeratnextyear’ssale,lessanysalvagevalueofthebull.Intheeventthatabullbecomespermanentlyin-juredordieswithin thefirstbreeding season, ifnotifiedpromptly,thesellershallallowcredittothebuyerofonehalfthepurchasedpricetowardsanotherbulllessanysal-vagevalue.

DELIVERYWeareofferingfreedeliveryinSD&NEandwillassisttootherstates.Itistheresponsibilityofthebuyertocontactthesellertodiscussdeliveryoptions.Attheconclusionoftheauction(pre-determinedendtimeplusextendedbid-ding) all lots purchased in the auctionbecome the legalproperty of their respective buyers. No animals will bedeliveredwithoutpaymentorarrangementsmadeinad-vancewiththeseller.Sellerwillkeepthebullsatnochargefor 10 days and $2.00/head/day after that. The DeJongRanchisnotliableforinjuriesoccurringafterthesaledate.Arrangements forkeepingthebulls longermaybemadebetweenbuyerandseller,andareatthesolediscretionofthesetwoparties.




or 605-222-1292 (cell with limited service)

TherewillbeNo Buyer’s premiumaddedtothefinalsaleprice.



AMAA Commercial Development Director DavidSteen•515-201-3281










Volumediscounts:5-9 head 5% discount • 10 head or more 10% discount



3DeJong Ranch

Page 4: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

DJ I DELIVER Z401 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S:P Reg #: 433268

Cowan’s Ali 4M GOET I-80 BPF Miley 80T GVC Special Delivery 42S DE X24 DE P178 ET (Saugahatchee)BW -0.5 WW 35.1 YW 70 Milk 22.7 M&G 40.4


DJ Boxcar B401 3/25 H/P/S:S 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

1 I Deliver 3C Macho Son W107 N53 (Jim Dandy)


BW 2.4 WW 43.6 YW 86.6 Milk 21.3 M&G 43.2

BW 82Adj. WW 644

B402 3/26 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

2 I Deliver Ten Carat W172 P435 (Jim Dandy)


BW 2.3 WW 36.4 YW 75.2 Milk 19.6 M&G 38

BW 84Adj. WW 556

B403 3/13 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

3 I Deliver Xceed Z8 U92 (Lucky 7)

Calvingeasedeluxe in this smallheadedsmoothmadePB IDeliverson.Outofafirstcalfheiferwithexceptionalmaternalgenetics.Shehasagreatstartandabrightfuture.Lot3isworthacloselook.

BW -0.7 WW 28.7 YW 61 Milk 21.9 M&G 36.4

BW 76Adj. WW 677

Lot 1

Lot 3

Lot 2

4 Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves? DeJong Ranch

Page 5: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

B404 3/11 H/P/S:S 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

4 I Deliver Rodman Z56 W168 (Ten Carat)

Lot 4 comes highly recommended for heifers. Study his numbersandphenotype,buywithconfidenceandmakeallthegrandkidsballgames.

BW -0.7 WW 46 YW 91.2 Milk 26.2 M&G 49.4

BW 77Adj. WW 597

B405 3/26 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

5 I Deliver MAxAN 5tag MAxAN (MAxAN)



BW 86Adj. WW 649

B406 3/30 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

6 I Deliver T008 W57 T27(HighDefinition)

Inhisfirstcalf crop IDeliverhasdoneagreat jobof reducingbirthweightandsiringagreatlook.Lot6isanotherrecommendedheiferbulloutofaHardCorebreddam.

BW 0.3 WW 41.1 YW 76.6 Milk 23.5 M&G 44.2

BW 78Adj. WW 565

Lot 5

Lot 4

There are over 94 million head of beef cattle being

produced by 1 million beef producers in the

U.S. Of these operations, 97% are family-owned.

5There is one God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all. Eph. 4:6DeJong Ranch

Page 6: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

DJ X Milliron Y467 (Yogi) TH/PHA Free Black H/P/S: S Reg #: 433444

GVC Special Delivery 42S DJ Wake Up Call W383 DJ Ruth R7 ET Rock Star DE S51 DE K008 ETBW 2.7 WW 47.4 YW 91.7 Milk 23.1 M&G 46.9

%MA 5/8

DJ Burner B430 3/18 H/P/S:P 5/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

7 Yogi Ali U36 S16(HighDefinition)

Asharpheaded,cleannecked,smoothshouldered,bigtopped,mus-cular,soundmadeYogison.Burner isoutofabigbodiedgreatud-dered,consistentproducingAlioutofamoderateframedHighDefini-tioncowwhowasoutofaSaugahatcheedaughter.TakeagoodlookatLot7he’saBurner.

BW 0.8 WW 37.7 YW 74.4 Milk 25.9 M&G 44.7

BW 81Adj. WW 611

B431 3/30 H/P/S:S 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

8 Yogi Verizon W151 S151 (Ali)

Awellbalanced,stylishMaineTainerwithaboveaverageEPD’s.BW 2.2 WW 43.4 YW 84 Milk 20.9 M&G 42.7

BW 95Adj. WW 662

B432 4/4 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

9 Yogi Malachi U091 107 (Saugahatchee)


BW 2.3 WW 55.6 YW 101.1 Milk 23.2 M&G 51.2

BW 94Adj. WW 663

Lot 7

Lot 8

6 Older people shouldn’t eat health food; they need all the preservation they can get. DeJong Ranch

Page 7: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

B433 3/17 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

10 Yogi Lucky 7 U92 P417 (OSU)

Hereisanaturalcalfoutofoneofourdonorsthatisdeepandsmooth.BW 1.3 WW 35.2 YW 72.1 Milk 21.7 M&G 39.3

BW 93Adj. WW 548

B434 4/8 H/P/S:S 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

11 Yogi Power Plus Rachel R1 K10 (Herc)

AlittlesmallerframedbulloutofadonorbyPowerPlusBW 1.9 WW 34.8 YW 71.9 Milk 17 M&G 34.5

BW 92Adj. WW 561

B435 3/27 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

12 Yogi Special Delivery U21 661S (Hard Core)


BW 0.8 WW 44.6 YW 85.6 Milk 21.4 M&G 43.8

BW 89Adj. WW 605

B436 4/8 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

13 Yogi Statesman W39 K10 (Herc)

Another very balanced Yogi on paper and phenotypically out of aStatesmancowwithaboveaverageframe.

BW 3 WW 45 YW 87.1 Milk 17.4 M&G 40

BW 87Adj. WW 586


7A two year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.DeJong Ranch

Denver 2015

Page 8: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

DJ Wake Up Call W383 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 406109

GVC Noble Man 11N GVC Special Delivery GVC Sarah Jane 402P LCHMN Saugahatchee DJ Ruth R7 ET DJ Hilda H1 ETBW 1.4 WW 50.2 YW 99.6 Milk 24.5 M&G 49.7

%MA 3/4

DJ Buzzer B420 4/1 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

14 Wake Up Call Hard Drive X164 T19 (Ali)


BW 1.6 WW 47.2 YW 91.7 Milk 24.7 M&G 48.5

BW 90Adj. WW 762

B422 4/9 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

15 Wake Up Call Salution U49 S49 (Ground Zero)

Superhair,styleandsquareness. Lot15isoutofamoderate,deepsidedSalutiondaughterandhasanimpressivesetofnumbers.

BW 1.8 WW 51.3 YW 100 Milk 24.6 M&G 50.3

BW 95Adj. WW 547

B423 4/25 H/P/S:S 3/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

16 Wake Up Call Net Worth X62 S30 (Dr. Phil)

WakeUpCallhassiredgreatsonsanddaughtersandLot16isoutofagreatyoungNetWorthcow.Wedon’thaveEPD’sonhimbutthisgeneticcombinationwillbringpositive results.Theyoungestbull inthesale.


BW 85Adj. WW 716

Lot 14

T19 - Grand Dam of Lot 14

8 A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours. DeJong Ranch

Page 9: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

BPF Mercedes Benz 131U TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 386737

NBH Polled Energizer 688 Cowan’s Ali 4M FJH Countess 115H Doctor Who DCC Mercedes 701P DCC 333HBW -1.6 WW 20.6 YW 36.3 Milk 27.4 M&G 37.9

%MA 3/4

B407 3/24 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

17 Mercedes Benz Special Delivery X33 U33 (Ali)


BW 0.4 WW 33.9 YW 62.5 Milk 23.5 M&G 40.6

BW 87Adj. WW 603

B408 4/9 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

18 Mercedes Benz Special Delivery X159 R175 (Loaded)

These3/4Mainebullsoffercalvingeaseanda littleextrapunch toacalfcrop.Progenywillenhancefeedlotandcarcassqualitieswhileprovidingoutstandingreplacementfemales.

BW -1.1 WW 30.5 YW 58.8 Milk 24.6 M&G 40

BW 80Adj. WW 630

B409 4/12 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

19 Mercedes Benz Special Delivery Y26 W82(Salution)

Lots17,18&19are3/4brothersandarelikepeasinapod.BW -0.4 WW 33.2 YW 62.3 Milk 25.1 M&G 41.8

BW 84Adj. WW 578

Lot 17

9Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime.DeJong Ranch

Page 10: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

GVC Newt Y54 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 422483

GVC Statesman 4R ET GVC Suh 01W Miss Green Valley 535R GVC Special Delivery 42S Miss Green Valley 882U Miss Green Valley 667SBW 2.1 WW 37.4 YW 78.7 Milk 22.6 M&G 41.5


DJ Brutus B415 4/8 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

20 Newt Wake Up Call Y19 U94 (PHJ P045)


BW 2.4 WW 41.4 YW 84.6 Milk 25.4 M&G 46.2

BW 87Adj. WW 720

B410 4/8 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

21 Newt Special Delivery U154 P151 (Slow Burn)


BW 2 WW 42.4 YW 82.9 Milk 21.8 M&G 43.2

BW 87Adj. WW 644

B411 3/31 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

22 Newt Salution W83 N32 (Hunk)


BW 2.6 WW 41.6 YW 85.8 Milk 21.1 M&G 42.1

BW 81Adj. WW 558

Lot 20

B412 4/13 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

23 Newt Salution W155 S14 (Ali)

AlightbirthweightNewtson.BW 0.5 WW 38 YW 79.7 Milk 26.1 M&G 45.3

BW 70Adj. WW 596

DJ Salution

10 Life is short, smile while you still have teeth. DeJong Ranch

Page 11: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

B413 3/30 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

24 Newt Special Delivery X160 S181 (Macho)

Excellentmilkandudderquality in this 3/4Maine1/4Simmywithgoodnumbers.

BW 1.7 WW 41.2 YW 82.7 Milk 21.6 M&G 42.3

BW 90Adj. WW 623

B416 3/23 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

25 Newt Powerline Y48 W91 (3C Macho Son)

BW 2.5 WW 34.1 YW 75.1 Milk 20.6 M&G 37.8

BW 91Adj. WW 536

DMCC Polled Premier 18C TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 184259

K&A Colby Y129 PLD Pursuit JB Miss America Mr. CX85H Dazzlers Fancy Dancer GEM 02HBW 5.6 WW 53.2 YW 96.1 Milk 11.5 M&G 38.2


B417 3/27 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

26 Polled Premier Saugahatchee P178 H1 (Patent)

WesteppedbackandusedalittleolderoutcrossgeneticsinLot26.BW 3.9 WW 46.6 YW 92.6 Milk 14.4 M&G 37.7

BW 97Adj. WW 638

BK Remedy 346R TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: S Reg #: 350654

DMCC PoleroidDMCCLimitedEdition4F BK Fancy Dancer BK Lifeline 258J BK Naomi 346 BK Lady 1202BW 1.1 WW 32.8 YW 82.5 Milk 19.1 M&G 35.7


B418 4/8 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

27 Remedy Special Delivery W159 329 (New Design 878)


BW 1.8 WW 41 YW 87.9 Milk 21.4 M&G 42

BW 88Adj. WW 704

B419 4/11 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

28 Remedy Special Delivery X24 P178 (Saugahatchee)


BW 1.4 WW 39.5 YW 86.8 Milk 18.2 M&G 37.8

BW 88Adj. WW 658

11You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things. Rev. 4:11DeJong Ranch

Page 12: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

GVC Soldier Y64 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 422480

BC Lookout 7024 BC Eagle Eye 110-7 BC Pure Pride Erica D NAGE Wide Track 94J GVC Sarah Jane 402P NAGE Alexis 114DBW 2.1 WW 46.2 YW 107.3 Milk 27.9 M&G 51.2

%MA 1/2

B429 3/22 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

29 Soldier Ten Carat X45 U21 (Special Delivery)

Lot29iscleancorrectandsoundwithnicebirthtoyearlingspread.BW 0.4 WW 40 YW 88.3 Milk 24.1 M&G 44.2

BW 89Adj. WW 665

B437 3/18 H/P/S:P 3/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

30 Liberator Working Man Y153 918 2tag (MAxAN)

TheonlyGVCLiberator son in thesaleoutofa stoutWorkingMandaughterLot30hasexcellentmuscle,styleandaboveaveragehair.

BW 1.7 WW 44.8 YW 82.8 Milk 21.5 M&G 44.1

BW 86Adj. WW 622

GVC Liberator Z25 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 432085

Irish Whiskey HFM First Impression WAGHairietta9143J GVC Controller 2T GVC Cassie 87W Angus GVC 9840BW -1.6 WW 37.6 YW 67.7 Milk 25.3 M&G 44.3

%MA 3/8

Special Thanks toAndrew Moleterno, Jayd Knodell,

Wayne Dwyer & Sam Hossle foralloftheirneighborlyhelpthroughouttheyear,cleaning&


12 A quiet man is a thinking man. A quiet woman is usually mad. DeJong Ranch

Page 13: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

B441 2/26 H/P/S:P 1/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

31 Brilliance Special Delivery Z14 W158(Salution)

Lot31isafavorite.Stout,muscular,greatbalanceandoutofatopfirstcalfheifer thatgoesbacktoa topproducingSalutiondaughter.1/4MainewithalittleshotofSimmyandsiredbySAVBrilliance.Wedidn’tcalculateacrossbreedEPD;sontheseAngussiredbulls.


BW 94Adj. WW 627

B427 3/10 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

32 Priority Suh Y169 S14 (Ali)



BW 82Adj. WW 625

B428 3/3 H/P/S:P 3/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

33 Priority Xceed Z6 S74 (Sun Seeker)


BW 73Adj. WW 635

Lot 31

Lot 32

Beef is a nutrient-dense food and is the #1 source of protein,

vitamin B12 and zinc.

Beef is the #3 source of iron.

13Respect your parents they passed school without Google.DeJong Ranch

Page 14: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

Remington Lock N Load 54U TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 2503661

Remington Red Label HR Remington On Target 2S DrakeSoftTouch15M SV Charlies Applause Bar 15 Miss Knight 8E-51G Bar 15 Miss Night 83Y-78EBW 1 WW 58.7 YW 115.8 Milk 20.1 M&G 49.4


DJ Barge B442 3/29 H/P/S:P 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Maine Reg #: Pending

34 Lock N Load HighDefinition R151 G174 (Mr. Dunk)

Stout,Stout,Stout.Bigtopandhipwithalotofrib.PHAC.BW 2.6 WW 53.9 YW 88.3 Milk 19.3 M&G 46.2

BW 90Adj. WW 692

DJ Beacon B443 3/28 H/P/S:P 3/4 Simmental 1/4 Maine Reg #: Pending

35 Lock N Load HighDefinition R151 G174 (Mr. Dunk)

AflushmatetoLot34withmorelengthandawhiteface.BW 2.6 WW 53.9 YW 88.3 Milk 19.3 M&G 46.2

BW 94Adj. WW 645

Lot 34

Lot 35


Cattle have four parts to their stomach and can

detect smells up to 6 miles away.

14 I don’t have bad handwriting. I have my own font. DeJong Ranch

Page 15: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

PHJB6 2/5 H/P/S:P 3/4 Simmental Reg #: Pending

36 NewDirectionPB-SM Tuxedo Y74 M22 ()


BW 0.3 WW 53.9 YW 74.7 Milk 20.7 M&G 47.5

BW 80Adj. WW 644

PHJB7 2/12 H/P/S:P 1/2 Simmental Reg #: NA

37 NewDirectionPB-SM Malachi W87 R056 (Malachi)

Calvingeaseandperformanceinthis1/2Simmy1/4Maine.BW NA WW NA YW NA Milk NA M&G NA

BW 80Adj. WW 730

PHJB8 2/14 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 451738

38 Boomer Rapper U25 MAxAN ()

This3/4MainebyBoomerisverysmooth.BW 0.7 WW 26.7 YW 63.4 Milk 16.6 M&G 30.1

BW 85Adj. WW 595

PHJB42 4/15 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452515

39 Z441 (Wake Up Call Son) Loaded U90 MAxAN (Wake Up Call Son)

Lot39combinesbalanceandstylewithperformance.Twin.BW 2.4 WW 45.1 YW 88 Milk 22.5 M&G 45.2

BW 70Adj. WW 721


GLS New Direction X184 TH/PHA Free Homozygous Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 2536539

SVF/NJCMoBettterM217HSFBetterThanever HSF Victoria P30 KenCo/MF Powerline 204L GLS N6 GLS Lady Bug L36BW -0.3 WW 56 YW 81.7 Milk 22.7 M&G 50.6


15Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. Gal. 6:7DeJong Ranch

Page 16: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

GVC Settler 004X Angus AMF-CAF-DDF-NHF Reg #: 16804536

SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Pioneer 7301 DrakeSoftTouch15M GBSNewFrontier2959310GVCFrontierLady272M GVC Lady Mayor 036BW 0.1 WW 58.7 YW 115.8 Milk 20.1 M&G N/A

PHJB2 1/16 H/P/S:P 5/8 Angus Reg #: 452509

40 Settler Who’sDestiny Z07 P001 (Power Plus)

Lot40 is a calvingeasebullwith lengthandperformance. This 5/8Angus3/8ChiissiredbySettleroutofafirstcalfheifer.

BW -1 WW 44.4 YW 94.3 Milk 29.7 M&G 52

BW 80Adj. WW 623

PHJB13 3/15 H/P/S:P 3/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 428264

41 Settler Ali Zara R007 (Heat Wave)



BW 70Adj. WW 670

PHJB24 4/8 H/P/S:P 1/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452518

42 Settler Slow Burn U20 P001 (Power Plus)

Anotherstylish3/4Angus1/4Maine.Twin.BW -1.7 WW 41.2 YW 88.9 Milk 26.2 M&G 47

BW 70Adj. WW 626

LITLB34 1/2 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: 449594

43 Special Delivery Sooner X01 R007 (Heat Wave)


BW 1.2 WW 42.8 YW 84.8 Milk 17 M&G 38.5

BW 82Adj. WW 597

Special Delivery

16 1. Life is a onetime offer, use it well. DeJong Ranch


Dam of Lots 45 & 46

Page 17: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

Connealy Final Product Angus AMF-CAF-D2F-M1F-NHF Reg #: 15848422

GAR Retail Product Connealy Product 568 Pride Fine of Conanga 566 Connealy Deep Canyon 454 Ebonista of Conanga 471 Ebonista of Conanga 5469BW 0.8 WW 66 YW 118 Milk 30 M&G N/A

B458 3/9 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: Pending

44 Final Product Freedom 603 924 (Power Stroke)


BW 1.2 WW 56 YW 102 Milk 26 M&G NA

BW 78Adj. WW 704

VZA Battle Cry B490 3/16 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17864962

45 Final Product Freedom 803 52 L (WCC Special Design)

BattleCrystoodthirdinclassattheSDStateFairandhasonlygottenbetter.Hisdonordamcontinuesto impress.Theseregisteredangusbullshavebeen50KtestedandarereadytogotoworkforYou.

BW 0.5 WW 57 YW 102 Milk 31 M&G NA

BW 69Adj. WW 670

B491 3/25 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17983603

46 Final Product Freedom 803 52 L (WCC Special Design)


BW 1.8 WW 62 YW 108 Milk 29 M&G NA

BW 80Adj. WW 594

Lot 44

Lot 45

Lot 4617The biggest lie I tell myself is “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.”DeJong Ranch

Page 18: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

VZA Benji B492 3/19 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17863462

47 Final Product ALC Big Eye 677t 5775 (WAF Travel Trend)

AdeepsidedsmoothmadeFinalProductsonthat isrecommendedforheifers.

BW 2.2 WW 55 YW 99 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 75Adj. WW 649

B494 3/26 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17983907

48 Final Product Jauer Anchor 4111 8131 (OCC Broadside)


BW 1.7 WW 49 YW 85 Milk 19 M&G NA

BW 83Adj. WW 611

Lot 47

Beef is one of the most important dietary sources of iron. To obtain the same amount of iron found in a 3-oz serving of beef, you’d have to eat at least 3 cups of raw spinach.

3 cups of broccoli have 11.1 grams of protein vs. 3-oz, serving of beef provides 25 grams of protein. Active individuals (pregnant women & growing teens) are encouraged to get 75-80 grams of protein/day equaling 24 cups of

broccoli to reach 80 grams or a 9-10 oz. steak.

18 Be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve Him. Think of all the wonderful things He has done for you. 1 Sam 12:24 DeJong Ranch

Page 19: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

B464 3/2 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

49 Priority Eagle Eye 220 05 (Saugahatchee)


BW 3.1 WW 62 YW 102 Milk 22 M&G NA

BW 76Adj. WW 490

B465 3/7 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

50 Priority Lookout 225 403 (Bushwacker)

Heiferbullbuyers,comearunnin’.BW NA WW NA YW NA Milk NA M&G NA

BW 68Adj. WW

S A V Priority 7283 Angus AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF Reg #: 15688351

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer 0035 S A V Embulous 8145 B C C Bushwacker 41-93 S A V Blackcap May 5530 S A V May 7238BW 2.1 WW 69 YW 110 Milk 24 M&G N/A

19The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.DeJong Ranch

Page 20: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

BC Eagle Eye 110-7 Angus AMF-CAF-M1F-NHF Reg #: 157516961

O C C Legend 616L BC Lookout 7024 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 O C C Doctor 940D BC Pure Pride Erica D 110 CAF Pure Pride Ext 99BW 4.3 WW 66 YW 111 Milk 21 M&G N/A

B457 3/27 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: Pending

51 EagleEye Freedom 603 924 (Power Stroke)

Lot51isanETbyEagleEyeoutofthe603cow.Enoughsaid.BW 2.9 WW 56 YW 98 Milk 22 M&G NA

BW 81Adj. WW 644

B455 3/18 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

52 Eagle Eye Northern Appeal 520 306 (1407)

Astout,stylighEagleEyeoutofatopproducing9yearoldcow.BW 2.9 WW 54 YW 96 Milk 23 M&G NA

BW 85Adj. WW 570

B495 3/29 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17981573

53 Eagle Eye Jauer Anchor 6131 3028 (Jauer 646 Anchor)

AmoderateframedeasyfleshingEagleEyesonwithagreatlook.BW 3.1 WW 54 YW 90 Milk 13 M&G NA

BW 86Adj. WW 616

In 1900, 38% of the U.S. workers were employed in

production agriculture. Today, there are less than 2%.

Lot 52

20 I need to start eating more healthy, but first I need to eat all the junk food in the house so it’s not there to tempt me anymore. DeJong Ranch

Page 21: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

S A V Brilliance 8077 Angus AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF Reg #: 16107774

G A R Grid Maker SAV Bismarck 5682 S A V Abigale 0451 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Blackcap May 5270 S A V May 2420BW 0.1 WW 53 YW 94 Milk 30 M&G N/A

B451 2/16 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

54 Brilliance Eagle Eye 171 105 (Saugahatchee)


BW 1.5 WW 54 YW 95 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 75Adj. WW 677

B452 3/6 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

55 Brilliance Eagle Eye 215 515 (Sitz Alliance)

A lightbirthweight complete, stoutBrilliance sonoutofafirst calfheifer.

BW 1.9 WW 55 YW 96 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 76Adj. WW 644

B453 3/28 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

56 Brilliance Freedom 604 306 (1407)

The Brilliance progeny improve as they grow and this son out of agreatFreedomdaughterisnoexception.

BW 0.7 WW 45 YW 82 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 79Adj. WW 695

B454 3/29 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: NA

57 Brilliance Copy Right 012 105 (Saugahatchee)



BW 76Adj. WW 681

Lot 54

Special Thanks toDakotaland Feeds


21The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.DeJong Ranch

Page 22: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

18 Month Old BullsA042

8/26 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: Pending

58 Brilliance New Design 878 329 129 (New Design 036)


BW 0.7 WW 45 YW 82 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 87Adj. WW 673

A043 8/30 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: Pending

59 Brilliance New Design 878 329 129 (New Design 036)


BW 0.7 WW 45 YW 82 Milk 27 M&G NA

BW 90Adj. WW 581

A399 8/31 H/P/S:P Angus Reg #: 17981603

60 Iron Mountain WAF Maker 891 1916 (New Design 878)

Alongsided,cleanmade,lightbirthweightIronMountainson.BW 4 WW 54 YW 92 Milk 17 M&G NA

BW 80Adj. WW 677

Lot 58

Lot 59

Lot 60

SAV Iron Mountain 8066 Angus AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF Reg #: 16115617

GAR Grid Maker TC Gridiron 258 TC Blackbird 7049 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Madame Pride 3249 SAV Madame Pride 8264BW 3.6 WW 60 YW 106 Milk 5 M&G N/A

22 The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give His life as a ransom for many. Matt. 20:28 DeJong Ranch

Page 23: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

BPSL Boomer 1U Black H/P/S: S Reg #: 394814

DMCC Polleroid 29A ET DCCLimitedEdition4F Dazzlers Fancy Dancer

Hall’s Legacy Plus 738G Pannell Miss 015 Pannell Miss 582BW -1.9 WW 31.9 YW 74.6 Milk 19 M&G 35.1


A036 8/31 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452096

61 Boomer Ali S14 P429 (Jim Dandy)

Lot61 isverysmooth,withaboveaveragegrowthandbackedwithgreatmaternalstrength.

BW -1.1 WW 30.8 YW 71 Milk 20.6 M&G 36.2

BW 83Adj. WW 579

A037 9/2 H/P/S:P Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452097

62 Boomer Patriot S153 802H (Pistol Power)


BW 0.3 WW 36.2 YW 78.6 Milk 16.7 M&G 35

BW 85Adj. WW 600

A038 8/27 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452098

63 Boomer Ali T17 505 (Freedom)


BW -1.5 WW 32.5 YW 71.6 Milk 24.2 M&G 40.6

BW 82Adj. WW 506

Lot 6323Nothing is really lost until your mom can’t find it.DeJong Ranch

Winner Animal Clinic-Dr. Vogeli, Dr. Owen, Dr. Heath, Dr. Covey andallthestafffor


Special Thanks To

Page 24: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

BPF Drive On Driver 925Y Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 428588

CMAC Hard Core DCC Hard Drive 138R MVH Miss Pinnacle 4J

Cowan’s Ali KCCF Miss 49S KCCF Miss 49FBW 2.5 WW 36.5 YW 71.8 Milk 21.9 M&G 40.4


A031 8/31 H/P/S:S Purebred Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452091

64 Dr On Dr Strickly Business N17 J10(Creation)

ThesefourDriveonDriversonsarestout.Checkoutthemuscle,bone,hairandstyle.Expectthesebullstosirehighquality,highcutability,eye appealing progeny and replacement females thatwill produce.Theyarealloutofverymaternal,goodmilkingcows.

BW 2.4 WW 32.8 YW 66.6 Milk 15.9 M&G 32.5

BW 86Adj. WW 426

A032 9/4 H/P/S:P Pure Reg #: 452092

65 Dr On Dr Power Plus S162 M215 (OSU)

ThesefourDriveonDriversonsarestout.Checkoutthemuscle,bone,hairandstyle.Expectthesebullstosirehighquality,highcutability,eye appealing progeny and replacement females thatwill produce.Theyarealloutofverymaternal,goodmilkingcows.

BW 2.1 WW 35.1 YW 68.3 Milk 17.8 M&G 35.5

BW 87Adj. WW 571

A033 9/2 H/P/S:P 3/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452093

66 Dr On Dr Money Talks S164 N35 (Hunk)

ThesefourDriveonDriversonsarestout.Checkoutthemuscle,bone,hairandstyle.Expectthesebullstosirehighquality,highcutability,eye appealing progeny and replacement females thatwill produce.Theyarealloutofverymaternal,goodmilkingcows.

BW 2.3 WW 32.7 YW 68.8 Milk 20.4 M&G 37

BW 95Adj. WW 687

Lot 64

More beef is consumed on Memorial Day than any other day of the year. The Fourth of

July and Labor day typically tie for second place.

24 I might look like I’m doing nothing...But in my head I’m quite busy! DeJong Ranch

Page 25: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

A034 8/31 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452094

67 Dr On Dr Maximus R41 718 (MAxAN)

ThesefourDriveonDriversonsarestout.Checkoutthemuscle,bone,hairandstyle.Expectthesebullstosirehighquality,highcutability,eye appealing progeny and replacement females thatwill produce.Theyarealloutofverymaternal,goodmilkingcows.

BW 0.9 WW 41.3 YW 76.8 Milk 21.6 M&G 42.4

BW 92Adj. WW 611

A035 9/13 H/P/S:P 5/8 Maine-Anjou Reg #: 452095

68 Scooby Suh Kool R126 206 (VRD)


BW 2.4 WW 40.6 YW 82.5 Milk 23.2 M&G 43.6

BW 84Adj. WW 568


Lot 68

LCJ Scooby Suh Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 422140

GVC Statesman 4R ET GVC Suh 01W Miss Green Valley 535R

CMAR Hardcore Sabrina 1S BW WW YW Milk M&G

%MA 3/4

25Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.DeJong Ranch

Page 26: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

A040 9/25 H/P/S:P 1/2 Maine-Anjou Reg #: Pending

69 Hourglass HighDefinition S159 G174 (Mr. Dunk)

Apair of stout, saugyMaineTainers that should sire above averageperformancecattleandqualityreplacementfemales.

BW 2 WW 51.2 YW 96.1 Milk 24.2 M&G 50

BW 80Adj. WW 491

A041 9/20 H/P/S:P 1/4 Maine-Anjou Reg #: NA

70 Hourglass Eagle Eye 141 501(Tradition)

Apair of stout, saugyMaineTainers that should sire above averageperformancecattleandqualityreplacementfemales.


BW 88Adj. WW 757

DJ Hourglass Y425 Black H/P/S: P Reg #: 423901

GVC Special Delivery 42S DJ Wake Up Call W383 DJ Ruth R7 ET(Saugahatchee)

DJSalutionS502 DE U183 DE N183BW 0.5 WW 61.6 YW 111.7 Milk 25.1 M&G 56.1

%MA 5/8

Lot 70

Lot 69

26 DeJong Ranch

Page 27: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale

Please join us at the ranch Saturday, Feb. 21, for acustomer appreciation speak dinner at noon sponored in

part by Dakotaland Feeds. Ultrasound and performance data will be available along with the bulls for your

inspection. If this day does not work for you, give us a call to schedule a day at your convenience.

Thank you for your consideration of our 2015 bull offering and for those who have purchased bulls and females in the past.


27DeJong Ranch

Special Thanks toKelsey Steinkraus



Page 28: DeJong Ranch - 47th Annual Bull Sale