O SPECIAL EVENTS 10 th GRADE WASHINGTON TRIP – December 2-5 BAR/BAT MITZVAH SHOWCASE – December 4 COAT DRIVE – through December 13 “LEARNERS’ SERVICE” – December 9 FIRST NIGHT OF HANUKKAH – December 20 “ROCK SHABBAT” SERVICE & HANUKKAH CELEBRATION – December 23 (Bring your own Hanukiyyah and 5 candles) CHINESE FOOD & A MOVIE ON CHRISTMAS EVE – December 24; see flyer inside “ROCK SHABBAT” FAMILY SERVICE - January 6 TRT’S ANNUAL COMEDY NIGHT – January 7 TRT VISITS WICKER CHURCH – January 29 For the latest news and updates, sign up for our weekly email. Go to www.trt.org and enter your email address. You brought 8,800 lbs. (4.4 tons!) of food to our High Holiday Food Drive. Thank you! TRT ONLINE at www.trt.org, and on Facebook! From Rabbi Weber : n Yom Kippur I spoke about using our money, regardless of how much we have, to build a house in which we can live forever – to create a legacy that will live on even after we are gone. (If you would like to listen to that sermon, you may find it on the TRT web site listed under “Worship”; it is called, “Embracing Tzedakah.”) Many of you have asked me how to do this – how to start building this kind of house. I suggest you begin by figuring out what you are passionate about: what moves you, or upsets you, or thrills you or angers you in the world. What do you care so much about that you want to address it? Is it a love of music? Is it sorrow at how much of the world goes hungry every day, when so much food is available? Is it frustration that people keep dying of a specific disease? Is it your commitment to Judaism, for now and for the future? Whatever your passion, that is where you begin. Once you have identified your passion, the best way to address it is by creating a Family Tzedakah. Doing this does not require a Charitable Trust with tens of thousands of dollars in it, though that is one way to make it happen. Rather, a Family Tzedakah is a decision that a family makes to choose one cause and focus on it for years. It might be to seek the cure for a disease, or for a social ill, or to support a specific branch of the arts, or a particularly Jewish cause – Israel, Reform Judaism, the Religious Action Center, or even Temple Rodeph Torah. What matters most in choosing a Family Tzedakah is that it must be something your whole family feels passionate about; something which you are willing to devote years, as well as dollars, to support. Many of us give to a number of charities. Some of them are regular contributions to which we give every year or even every month. Others are responses to an appeal from a family member or friend, or to a news story or a moving commercial we see on television. continued next page DECEMBER/JANUARY 2012 KISLEV/TEVET, 5772 NEWSLETTER CONTENTS Cantor Alexander - Page 3 Committee Reports – Page 9 Rabbi Stern - Page 4 Yahrzeit Information - Page 17 Service Schedule - Page 7 Temple Directory - Page 24


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    10th GRADE WASHINGTON TRIP – December 2-5 BAR/BAT MITZVAH SHOWCASE – December 4 COAT DRIVE – through December 13 “LEARNERS’ SERVICE” – December 9 FIRST NIGHT OF HANUKKAH – December 20 “ROCK SHABBAT” SERVICE & HANUKKAH CELEBRATION – December 23 (Bring your own Hanukiyyah and 5 candles) CHINESE FOOD & A MOVIE ON CHRISTMAS EVE – December 24; see flyer inside “ROCK SHABBAT” FAMILY SERVICE - January 6 TRT’S ANNUAL COMEDY NIGHT – January 7 TRT VISITS WICKER CHURCH – January 29 For the latest news and updates, sign up for our weekly email. Go to www.trt.org and enter your email address. You brought 8,800 lbs. (4.4 tons!) of food to our High Holiday Food Drive. Thank you! TRT ONLINE at www.trt.org, and on Facebook!

    From Rabbi Weber:

    n Yom Kippur I spoke about using our money, regardless of how much we have, to build a house in which we can live forever – to create a legacy that will live on even after we are gone. (If you would like to listen to

    that sermon, you may find it on the TRT web site listed under “Worship”; it is called, “Embracing Tzedakah.”) Many of you have asked me how to do this – how to start building this kind of house. I suggest you begin by figuring out what you are passionate about: what moves you, or upsets you, or thrills you or angers you in the world. What do you care so much about that you want to address it? Is it a love of music? Is it sorrow at how much of the world goes hungry every day, when so much food is available? Is it frustration that people keep dying of a specific disease? Is it your commitment to Judaism, for now and for the future? Whatever your passion, that is where you begin. Once you have identified your passion, the best way to address it is by creating a Family Tzedakah. Doing this does not require a Charitable Trust with tens of thousands of dollars in it, though that is one way to make it happen. Rather, a Family Tzedakah is a decision that a family makes to choose one cause and focus on it for years. It might be to seek the cure for a disease, or for a social ill, or to support a specific branch of the arts, or a particularly Jewish cause – Israel, Reform Judaism, the Religious Action Center, or even Temple Rodeph Torah. What matters most in choosing a Family Tzedakah is that it must be something your whole family feels passionate about; something which you are willing to devote years, as well as dollars, to support. Many of us give to a number of charities. Some of them are regular contributions to which we give every year or even every month. Others are responses to an appeal from a family member or friend, or to a news story or a moving commercial we see on television. continued next page


    NEWSLETTER CONTENTS Cantor Alexander - Page 3 Committee Reports – Page 9 Rabbi Stern - Page 4 Yahrzeit Information - Page 17 Service Schedule - Page 7 Temple Directory - Page 24

  • Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS December/January 2012

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    All these contributions are important, but none takes the place of a Family Tzedakah… both in the way we give and in the way we feel about our giving If you are going to create a tzedakah that will identify your family, you will need to talk about it with your family. If you are married, the two of you should list your passions and find one that you have in common; if you have children and they are old enough to participate in the discussion, they should have input, too. Remember that your decision does not have to be permanent; five years from now, or 10, or 20, you may decide – as a family – to focus on something else. But right now, pick something worth doing, and do it. How do you do it? I’ll use my family as an example. It probably won’t surprise many of you to learn that our family’s passion is the fight against hunger. To be part of this fight we not only bring a lot of food to temple food drives; we also support MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. We make contributions several times a year, and we also make contributions to honor loved ones – ours, and other people’s – who have died, to thank people for their hospitality, and to mark special occasions. In the same way, our family and friends now know that MAZON is important to us, and very often they will make contributions in our honor, which is very meaningful to us. Shira and I believe that our efforts have made a difference over the years. We believe we have helped to feed hungry people, and equally important, we believe we have taught our children by our example – by our passion. We do not know what Family Tzedakah each of our children will choose in their lifetimes, but we do know they have learned from us how important it is to care – and to help. This is the house we have built for ourselves… and for them. As we approach Hanukkah and start to think about gift giving and receiving, I hope you will consider creating a Family Tzedakah. Whether you are married or single, it is a gift that will be remembered, and a gift by which you will be remembered, long after this year’s other presents are forgotten. If you would like more information about establishing a Family Tzedakah, or if you would like to designate Temple Rodeph Torah or any Jewish organization as your Family Tzedakah, I will be happy to help. Please call or write to me and tell me you want to build a house you can live in forever. Happy Hanukkah! Rabbi Don Weber © 2011, Temple Rodeph Torah TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH NEWS is published bimonthly by Temple Rodeph Torah, PO Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746. It is mailed without charge to member families and others who have requested to be on our mailing list.

    Temple Rodeph Torah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism, and a Partner Congregation of Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger

    Recognized as an ACCESSIBLE CONGREGATION by the National Organization on Disability.

    Pass It Around! We invite you to share this Newsletter with family, friends and neighbors.

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    Notes from the Cantor In the darkest time of the year, we celebrate with light. In the Book of Isaiah, the Jewish people are commanded to “be a light to the nations.” At this festival of lights, how can we be a light to the nations? We all know about the 6th night of Hanukkah, when we are asked not to receive gifts but to give away gifts, and this is a wonderful act of tzedakah. But is this being a light to the nations? What would it look like if you saw a light? What kind of act would it have to be to compel you to change your ways and give up something you love but are told is bad? What does it mean, what kind of responsibility is it for us to be asked to be or lagoyim, a light to the nations? I think I have to start with the opposite. I know there is nothing I hate more than a headline like “Rabbi Arrested.” When Jews publicly do really bad things, it feels like it puts all Jews in a bad light. I am not ashamed to be a Jew, but I am ashamed for us to be in the news in such a bad light. And I fear that these incidents are just the flimsy excuses our detractors need to concretize their hatred or their prejudices. But I cannot control the actions of others. I cannot make Jews stop behaving illegally, nor can I change how others view us when this happens. I can only try to live a better example and inspire others to live a better life as well. Is this what it means to be a light to the nations? So far it seems to just be a light to the Jewish people: “Live justly so we don’t all look bad.” We can probably all think of a thousand examples when we or others did everything right but the one mistake gets picked out, from the -1 on an exam, to a big one mistake of a car accident, to the 1% of people filled with hatred who pick up weapons against the innocent. These are the incidents that make the news. How often do we hear praise for everyday goodness? Sometimes our heroes who were “just doing their job” get praised (to their chagrin), but the everyday, I didn’t steal, I didn’t hit, I didn’t… we don’t praise this. Nor is this exuding light to others; it is being good and moral and possibly doing so while struggling against personal evil inclinations (a laudable achievement), but this behavior will not shine light into the darkest corners of the earth or encourage others to change their ways. Most times I am pleased to encourage people to be good and moral, certainly to not give Jews a bad name, or even to be part of the “positive” stereotypes. But I think about our festival of lights, of what it might mean to shine light into the darkness. I think about the dark places of the world and I am humbled at the task. What would it truly look like to be a light to the nations? Perhaps it means to show people, like the Rabbi’s trip to Birmingham, AL, that Jews rebuild homes not because the homeowners are Jewish, but because we (the builders) are Jewish. Perhaps it means that every act we take must be with the knowledge that God has commanded us to be holy (not good, but holy). Perhaps it means taking more than one day off receiving presents to seek out those without. I don’t know if I can be a light to the nations, but I think I can touch another’s life. I think I can bring light into one person’s life. Consider not just donating to a food pantry but helping to distribute food; not just donating a present but volunteering to pass them out at a hospital or a shelter. What is your vision of an illuminated world? Is there one thing you could do to help take one step toward that? There are so many issues to care about: poverty, hunger, animals, domestic violence, suicide, equal rights, war and dislocation, famine, disease... What would your world look like if you were in charge? Can you take charge of anything to help create the change you want to see? Can you be part of taking the world as it is and changing it into the world it could be? I think this mission might be what it means to be a light unto the nations. Not just the change itself, but creating the hope in others that such a change can occur. Be your own light, as we celebrate this festival of lights. Happy Hanukkah!

    Cantor Joanna Alexander

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    From the Desk of Rabbi Stern It won’t come as a big surprise that music is important to me, because I grew up surrounded by harmonies of all kinds, both live and recorded. But you don’t have to be raised in a musical household to appreciate the power of music. Music helps to set the tone and creates a context that frames a message: “I love you,” or “Happy New Year,” or “Shabbat Shalom.” Music also moves us toward action: I know it’s time to prepare for the High Holidays when we dust off our music for choir rehearsals; it’s time to change the dishes when I walk down the halls in Hebrew school and hear class after class practicing the four questions. Most important, music helps to convey and reinforce the values we teach in Religious School and at home. Often, our kids “get” the lesson much more quickly when it is accompanied by a catchy melody. So when winter comes and I think of music, I try to find ways to immerse myself in Hanukkah songs, even as carols are chimed in through speakers in all the malls, in every store. The trouble is, most of us know just the few that we learned when we were little and therefore feel silly singing even when we are alone, even when no one can hear us. While great composers authored Christmas medleys, we are still singing, “I Have a Little Dreydel.” So I decided to troll through YouTube to discover alternatives that you might share with your families. Some of these will be familiar to you; others will be new, but all of them played during this month as we anticipate Hanukkah will help create a holiday atmosphere, bringing us beyond the commercial culture in which we live. Play these songs while driving carpool, or making dinner. Ask Cantor Alexander to help with musical resources and make sure that you join us on December 23rd for our amazing Rock Shabbat Hanukkah. Try and push beyond your comfort zone, if the words or music take a while to sink in: if you continue to listen, they may as well. (You can find this article on my blog, where you can click on the links to listen and watch.) Wishing you a hag Hanukkah sameach, filled with song! I am a Latka – Debbie Friedman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhFiszfdt18 Hanerot Hallalu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4dP8WWOKt8 Hannukah is Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=282AYVH6c8k Svivon, Sov, Sov, Sov: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkHgmcZ6ixo for outside Israel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nYJMG-2QOg&feature=related for Israel Ocho Kandelikas - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h3u88wLrAQ Light One Candle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yZ1zxtbOJE Al Hanissim - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW3uU0QQwjQ Maoz-Tzur http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziocxPBxkjg&feature=related Mi Yemaleil - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPUUjmn_Wk0 We Are Lights - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1XSJE8nMDI Y’mei HaHanukkah - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Acw66Fdow0&feature=related Light these Lights - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iznjwVZUllI

    Rabbi Shira Stern

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    Star Markers: We continue to offer you our unique star markers, to use when you visit loved ones at the cemetery and want to leave behind a token to show that you have remembered them even after they are gone. The following letter is from our congregant Mort Blumenthal, who was the creator of this project.

    Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS December/January 2012

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    Star Markers: We continue to offer you our unique star markers, to use when you visit loved ones at the cemetery and want to leave behind a token to show that you have remembered them even after they are gone. The following letter is from our congregant Mort Blumenthal, who was the creator of this project.

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    We warmly welcome the newest members of Temple Rodeph Torah: Heather and Mark Pass and their children, Matthew and Samuel Amanda and Arjun Roy and their children, Dylan and Salina Illysa and Craig Ward and their children, Benjamin and Jake Sheyndlya and Alexander Zeltser Rochelle Goldman Jena and Alan Friedman and their children, Jules and Ava Thank you to all those who helped raise $4,200 for Mazon this High Holiday season! Amy Altenhaus Corrinne Altenhaus Suzie Beizer Susan and Thomas Benza Ellen and Allen Bloom Judy and Marty Borell Pam and Jeff Brisman Susan and David Brown Marla and Marty Bucher Della and Jeff Cherchia Sheryl and Bruce Cooper Sandy and Richard Craig Linda and Randy Cranin Marsha and Bruce Diamond Gabrielle and Rich Eichel Harriet and Gary Elman Vivian and Steven Feinstein Judy and Norm Ferber Ellen and Neal Finkelstein Ilene and Bill Fireman Kathy Shaw Fischer Joann and Les Friedeman Jill and Alan Friedgood Audrey and Kevin Geiger Debra and Stuart Gleich Arlene and Mark Goldberg Ann and Sandy Goldstein Hillary and Marvin Goldstein Karen and Larry Goldstein Wendye and Greg Goldstein Maurice Heitt Emilie and Edward Herzberg

    Geri and Mike Kaplan Hortense Kaplinsky Laurie Kaufman Bonnie and Jack Kirschenbaum Jackie and Ron Klug Barbara and Jon Kurnit Arlene and Harvey Lieber Ronald Manne Arlene Mayer Iris and Irwin Misshula Phyllis and Craig Porter Bobbi and Gary Rafaloff Sarah and Ira Rubin Roslyn and Fred Scheidt Heather and Dan Schleifstein Iris and Joel Schleifstein Lisa and Mitchell Schwartz Anita and Lawrence Shatkin Ilene and Bob Skolnik Ira Sherman Robin Sherman Lynn and Jerry Sternberg Rabbis Shira Stern and Don Weber Bonnie and Peter Sugarman Arthur Sutton Una and Ken Tedoff Milton Teitelbaum Linda and Jerry Wainick Andrea and David Wajngold Wendy Eigen-Weinstein and Stephen Weinstein Shelley and Marc Willner

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    It's 10:15 on a Friday night, September 9th, and I just experienced our first Rock Shabbat. Cantor Alexander led our first musical service with the help of Eric Komar and his electric guitar, a drummer and our Ruach! band. Eric Komar wrote some of the songs we sang this evening. I am so proud and excited about this experience; I felt the need to put it down in words and share with those of you who couldn't be a part of this Shabbat service first hand. Our sanctuary was packed, and congregants just couldn't contain themselves! We clapped throughout the songs, and even after many of the songs, during the course of the evening. I've never seen anyone clap after songs of prayer at any temple service before tonight. Everyone sang, as beautiful voices and harmonies filled the air. The band was fantastic, which even included some guitar solos, and added so much to this extraordinary evening. We all enjoyed each and every one of the familiar and new songs of prayer. Halfway through the service, I was so overcome with emotion, I just sang and cried. I cried because the music was so beautiful and uplifting. I cried because we were all singing as one - heartfelt voices filling our beautiful sanctuary. I cried because I knew that all the hard work that led up to this moment resulted in a huge success! When the congregation sang, “Heal Us Now,” our sanctuary felt as it had never felt before. My heart was bursting, my tears were flowing, and when this beautiful prayer ended, there was heavy silence. No one moved. We all needed to keep this spiritual moment inside us just a little bit longer, which to me, was the most beautiful and fulfilling moment of the evening. During our final song, the band played on as we all stood up and sang and danced to the upbeat tune. I felt so at home and so at peace with everyone around me. I just didn't want this evening and this experience to end. But of course, it did... However, this is only the beginning! Rock Shabbat is going to take place one Friday night each month. And you need to be there! You need to share it with your friends and family - even if they aren't members of TRT. Something new and exciting has just given birth at our wonderful temple. A big thank you to everyone who made this beautiful Shabbat service possible. This evening was truly remarkable. I just can't wait for the next Rock Shabbat! My heart is still overflowing with emotion from this evening. I hope you join us for the next one. I promise you, you'll be so thankful you did. See you there!

    Robbin Friedell


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    Friday, 12/2 - Family Kabbalat Shabbat Service – 6:30 p.m. Story: “Sibling Rivalry, Sisters’ Edition”

    Birthday Blessings for December; Candle Lighting 4:11 p.m. Saturday, 12/3 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 12/9 - Shabbat Service – 8:00 p.m.

    Special “Learners’ Service” – Rabbi Weber and Cantor Alexander will explain the prayers and the service as we pray. Beginners welcome!

    Candle Lighting 4:11 p.m. Saturday, 12/10 - Shabbat Morning Services: 9:00 a.m. – “Very Young People’s Shabbat Service” (20-minute service for pre-readers and their families) 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group: 6th and 7th Grade Service & Brunch Friday, 12/16 - Shabbat Service – 8:00 p.m. Service Leaders: Joshua Eichel, Jason Feinberg, Holly Neugass Candle Lighting 4:12 p.m. Saturday, 12/17 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 12/23 - FAMILY SHABBAT / HANUKKAH SERVICE – 6:30 p.m. Note early starting time

    Rock Shabbat Service plus our famous “bring your own Hanukiyyah” candle lighting!

    (PLEASE arrive by 6:30 if you want to light your own Hanukiyyah) Youth Onegs for Grades 3-12 after the service. Shabbat Candle Lighting 4:15 p.m. Saturday, 12/24 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 12/30 - Shabbat Service – 6:30 p.m. Note early starting time Candle Lighting 4:20 p.m. Saturday, 12/31 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 1/6 - Family Kabbalat Shabbat Service – 6:30 p.m. Rock Shabbat Service

    Birthday Blessings for January; Candle Lighting 4:26 p.m. Youth oneg for Grades 3-5 after service

    continued next page


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    Saturday, 1/7 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m.Minyan Group. Friday, 1/13 - Shabbat Service – 8:00 p.m. Sermon: “Seeing… Hearing… Knowing” Youth onegs for Grades 6-7 and 8-12 after service Candle Lighting 4:33 p.m. Saturday, 1/14 - Shabbat Morning Services 9:00 a.m. – “Very Young People’s Shabbat Service” (20-minute service for pre-readers and their families) 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 1/20 - Shabbat Service – 8:00 p.m. Sermon: “What – if Anything – Do We Owe God?” Candle Lighting 4:41 p.m. Saturday, 1/21 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Friday, 1/27 - Shabbat Service – 8:00 p.m. Sermon: “Judaism is Dying… Again!” Anniversary Blessings for January; Candle Lighting 4:49 p.m. Saturday, 1/28 - Shabbat Morning Service – 10:00 a.m. Minyan Group. Please call the temple office if you know of any temple member who is ill, or who has been admitted to the

    hospital. We want to visit and offer our help, but we cannot help unless we know about them!

    President: Brion Feinberg Financial Secretary: Matt Jacobson 2nd Vice President: Larry Rosen Corresponding Secretary: Denise Swartz Treasurer: Della Cherchia Past President: Irwin Kizel


    Warren Brumel Shari Canell Mike Esquenazi Tara Fuchs Ellie Golden

    Andrea Kazin Julie Mercado Bonnie Miller Ilene Skolnik Jodi Zukoff

    Horaiynu: Michelle Bookbinder Sisterhood: Jodi Weintraub and Robin Persily


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    Once again it seems that winter has arrived too quickly. We had a busy fall, and appreciate the support and generosity of this congregation. Our Mitzvah Day book collection was a success in early November. Help us continue to touch the lives of those in need. We will be sponsoring our annual Coat Drive beginning on November 14th. We can use clean, gently used or new coats in all sizes for men, women and children. We will also accept new gloves or mittens, hats and scarves. That box will remain in the atrium until December 13th. Thank you in advance for your support. The Social Action Committee continues to ask for your participation in Ner Shel Tzedakah. The collection box for the toy drive will remain in the atrium from November 28th through December 13th so that you can share your good fortune with those in need. Imagine the joy you can bring to a child by contributing just one small gift. We hope your holiday season is filled with joy and happiness. It is now time to begin planning for spring programs. As always, we encourage you to share your ideas for events that would be meaningful to you and our entire congregation. Please contact us with any suggestions you would like to offer the committee.

    Mindy Krull and Shari Canell

    What a wonderful start to a new year! We had a fantastic time at our paid-up dinner at Main Street Bistro and we hope everyone else did too. From the responses we received, fun was had by all! Thank you so much to all of our members for your support, and for the wonderful email and Facebook messages we received! The place, the food, and especially the company were all terrific. For those members that couldn't make it, you were truly missed. Thank you to everyone involved who made this evening a success! Our members know that Sisterhood is an integral part of TRT. Our contributions are seen throughout the temple, including places that aren't so noticeable. We are also known for giving gifts at special occasions, for the b'nai mitzvah and aufruf. We now have a baby gift for the families who have their bris or baby naming at our temple. We are sure they will be delighted! We are selling Mah Jongg cards again this year from the National Mah Jongg League. The cards will be delivered to your house and you will have the same membership you always had. This is a great way to show support for Sisterhood at no additional cost. Please feel free to send the flyer to everyone in your game, other friends, and relatives that play as well. Everyone can send their check individually or all together in one envelope to the temple. Just make sure all individual names and info are included. Look for our flyer in the back of the newsletter. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any additional questions. Our meetings are open to all members, not just the Sisterhood board. It is an easy way to get involved, form new relationships, and feel more connected to TRT. Our meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. continued next page



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    Our brochures are on the wall in the temple lobby next to our glass showcase. It is never too late to join Sisterhood and get involved. We are always looking for new members, and you will always feel welcome. If you have any questions about Sisterhood, please feel free to call either of us. Our phone numbers and emails are listed in the directory on page 24 of this newsletter. If you have any questions about items in our Judaica showcases, please call Marcia Borshof at 732-972-1906. Jodi Weintraub and Robin Persily

    WOW! What a night our New Member Shabbat was! It was standing room only in the sanctuary and it was quite a sight. Not only was it Rock Shabbat, but 20 new families came out to be welcomed to our temple. It was so wonderful to see all the new families being called up to the bima and to share in their excitement at being a part of our temple. Again, we wish them all a warm welcome and look forward to seeing them at the temple. We hope they will participate in many of the activities and programs that TRT has to offer. On Friday, October 28th , we honored all our 18-year members of TRT. Their ongoing dedication and commitment to our temple is an example to us all. In thanks and appreciation, each family’s name was inscribed on a plaque located in the temple hallway. Be sure to look for it and see who our honored families are. Membership hosted our New Member Orientation on Sunday, November 20th. Our new congregants had a chance to talk to Rabbi Weber, Cantor Alexander, and board and committee members while enjoying coffee and dessert. It was a really enjoyable afternoon getting to know our new members. I hope that if you see some "new faces" around the temple, you will introduce yourselves. It is my pleasure to welcome Karen Goddard to the Membership Committee. I thank her for joining and volunteering her time to help us out. Welcome Karen! With the holidays fast approaching, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah and my best wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2012! Gabrielle Eichel

    The women of TRT are going to celebrate Shabbat together. It is going to be an evening of camaraderie, singing and dinner, led by Rabbi Shira Stern and Karen Joseph. Women’s Shabbat will be held at Fred and Murry’s in Freehold, on Friday, February 10th, at 6:30 p.m. Join us for good company, great music, delicious food, and the joy of Shabbat. Check out the flyer at the back of this newsletter and sign up! For more information, please contact Ellen Finkelstein at 732-972-8624, or [email protected]. We had a wonderful Sukkot potluck dinner in September with interesting conversation and delicious food. Thank you to Rabbi Shira Stern for leading us in the sukkah. We will be having our Hanukkah potluck dessert/appetizer gift swap on December 12th at TRT at 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP to me with what dairy item you are bringing to share. Also, bring a wrapped gift, costing about $10, for a grab bag.



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    If anyone is interested in organizing an event for Women's Spirituality, please contact me at 732-933-1562 or [email protected]. All women are welcome; come and bring a friend and/or meet a new one!

    Suzie Beizer

    Torah Today A Brief Summary of Each Week’s Torah Portion

    Shabbat 12/2-3 Parashat Vayetze, Genesis 28:10-32:3 Summary by Nina Grossman Jacob leaves Beer-sheba. On route to Haran, he has his famous dream of a stairway from ground to sky, with angels of God climbing up and down. God gives the land he is lying on to Jacob and his numerous descendants, and promises to protect him. Upon arrival in his Uncle Laban’s territory, he falls in love with Laban’s younger daughter, Rachel. Jacob works for seven years to marry her, is tricked by Laban into marrying older daughter Leah first, and working another seven years to marry Rachel. Jacob works another six years to earn his own livestock, then is “free” to go back to Canaan with his wives, 11 sons, one daughter, and the livestock. Shabbat 12/9-10 Parashat Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4-36:43 Summary by Ira Klemons Jacob wants to go back home to Canaan, but he fears his brother Esau. Jacob sends Esau gifts in advance of his return. When alone, Jacob wrestles with a divine being who then changes Jacob’s name to “Israel.” When “Israel” arrives in Canaan, God tells him that a nation will grow from him, and will live in the land God gave to Abraham. Shabbat 12/16-17 Parashat Vayyeshev, Genesis 37:1-40:23 Summary by Jason Goldberg Joseph, son of Jacob, is subdued by his jealous brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt. His brother, Judah, tricks his daughter-in-law into fathering her child. Joseph’s master’s wife tries to seduce him, and has him imprisoned when he refuses. While in prison, Joseph successfully interprets two men’s dreams. Shabbat 12/23-24 Parashat Mikketz, Genesis 41:1-44:17 Summary by Tracy Berman Pharaoh has two dreams about the number seven. Joseph is the only one who can interpret them, saying God was telling Pharaoh there would be seven years of abundance and then seven years of famine. Joseph is put in charge of the court, and his predictions come true. During the famine, Joseph’s brothers come begging for food which Egypt had rationed, but they did not recognize Joseph, who gives them food, but takes his brother Benjamin as a prisoner. Shabbat 12/30-31 Parashat Vayyigash, Genesis 44:18-47:27 Summary by Neal Finkelstein Joseph is alone with his brothers and reveals his identity to them. He reassures them that he is not angry with them. Joseph believes that God meant for him to rise to power in Egypt so that Joseph could save his family’s lives. Joseph sends his brothers home to Canaan with food and gifts, and tells them to bring his father and all the family to Egypt where he will provide for them. Pharaoh also invites Jacob and his family to dwell in Egypt and provides wagons and food for the journey. Jacob and his family travel to Egypt. God appears to Jacob and assures him that God will be with him while Israel is in Egypt. God promises to redeem Israel from Egypt, thus foretelling the Exodus.

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    Shabbat 1/6-7 Parashat Vayechi, Genesis 47:28-50:26 Summary by Marsha Koster Jacob was dying but knew he did not want to be buried in Egypt. He wanted to be buried in Canaan, in the cave in the field which Abraham had bought for a burial site. His son, Joseph, carried out this request. Before Jacob died, he called each of his 12 sons and spoke to them. These were the 12 tribes of Israel. Jacob’s final words were a combination of prayers, blessings, warnings and hopes for the future. After Jacob’s death, Joseph and his brothers remained in Egypt. Joseph lived to be 110 years old. He, too, asked that someday his bones be removed from Egypt and brought to Canaan. Shabbat 1/13-14 Parashat Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1 Summary by Marc Waldman Those from the House of Jacob who immigrated to Egypt passed away. The succeeding generations thrived numerically, which frightened the Egyptian rulers. They feared that the Israelites might join potential enemies and bring down the Egyptian kingdom. The rulers took various steps to keep the Israelites down: oppressive labor and population control. In this environment, Moses is born and raised within the Egyptian ruling household. After striking down an oppressor of the Israelites, Moses leaves Egypt. After his encounter with God, Moses returns to Egypt to seek the freedom of the Israelites. Shabbat 1/20-21 Parashat Va’era, Exodus 6:2-9:35 Summary by Bonnie and Bob Goldschlag God renews the vow to give Israelites the land of Canaan and promises to free them from the Egyptians. God commands Moses to go to the Pharaoh with his brother Aaron and direct him to let the Israelites go so they can be free to worship God in the wilderness. After the lineage of the Israelite clans is set forth, this section tells of the first eight of the ten plagues that God visited upon the Egyptians when the Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let the Israelites go: the serpent, blood, frogs, lice, swarms of insects, pestilence causing death of the Egyptian’s livestock, boils, thunder, lightning and hail. Shabbat 1/27-28 Parashat Bo, Exodus 10:1-13:16 Summary by Bonnie M. Sugarman God brings the plague of the locusts to Egypt when Pharaoh refuses to let all the Israelites leave. Pharaoh apologizes, but still refuses to let them take their flocks with them, so God plans the final plague — the slaying of the first-born Egyptians. The Israelites must place blood of a lamb on their doorposts, so God will pass over them when the plague strikes. They are to observe this as a festival, to remember how God brought them out of bondage, and to eat unleavened bread for seven days. The plague comes in the night, and the Israelites quickly depart Egypt after 430 years of slavery.

    JOIN OUR NEW SHABBAT WELCOMING TEAM Are you a friendly, outgoing congregant who loves to chat with people? If so, we invite you to join our new Shabbat Welcoming Team. As a member you will have the opportunity to work alongside the assigned ushers to greet attendees at our services and reach out and make them feel comfortable at the Oneg. You will be playing a vital role in making TRT an exceptional and truly welcoming congregation. If you would like to be a part of this new team, please call the temple office at 732-308-0055 and leave your contact information.

    PLEASE HELP US HELP YOU When scheduling a life-cycle event in which you would like either Rabbi Weber or Cantor Alexander to participate (weddings, namings, funerals, unveilings, etc.), please call them first. If you set the time for such events without calling, it may be impossible for them to attend. Though a funeral overrides almost everything else, clearing the time in advance may save us from disrupting classes or programs already scheduled. We understand the stressful nature of such times in our lives, and with your help we can make them a little easier on everyone.


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    If you have any questions about life-cycle events, please feel free to call Rabbi Weber, at 732-409-1268, or Cantor Alexander, at 732-308-2311.

    SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS WAITING TO JOIN TRT Did you know that most of our members joined because they knew someone who already belonged? Your invitation to a neighbor or friend to join you at a service is the best advertising we have. We are also happy to send our Newsletter to any interested family, but we can't do it until you tell us who they are. Call the temple office, at 732-308-0055, and give us the names; we will take it from there. Think about what your belonging to Rodeph Torah means to you, and help us reach out to others. (Besides, you can always use another driver for the carpool...) THE ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Education Committee believes it is important that our Jewish teenagers have the opportunity to experience a trip to Israel. A trip to Israel is one of the best ways for teens to explore their Jewish heritage, strengthen their Jewish identity, and make a permanent connection to Judaism. We would like to remind the congregation about the Israel Scholarship Fund. The money that accumulates in this fund is used to provide financial support to any student either in the confirmation program or who has been confirmed, for participation in an approved youth trip to Israel. Contributions to the Israel Scholarship Fund can be for any amount, and are a wonderful way to remember a birthday, graduation, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, or any other special occasion. Who is eligible for an Israel Scholarship? Any student presently in the confirmation program or any student who has been confirmed, up through and including the summer after 12th grade, can receive assistance from the Israel Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is not need-based; it is a merit scholarship awarded to any eligible student who is going on an approved youth trip to Israel. When should you make your request for a scholarship? A minimum of two months before the student’s departure to Israel, a request should be made in writing to the Education Committee. Please provide documentation of the student’s enrollment in an Israel trip program. How much money is awarded? Money in the Israel Scholarship Fund will be equally divided among all eligible students traveling to Israel that year. The amount of money will not exceed $1,000 per student. The amount given to each student is based on the amount of money in the fund as of May 31 and will be distributed in June. We look forward to the time when many of our confirmation students travel to Israel with the help of the Israel Scholarship Fund. We appreciate the congregation’s generosity in considering the Israel Scholarship Fund when making a donation to the temple. If you have any further questions about the Israel Scholarship Fund, please contact Ellen Finkelstein at 732-972-8624, or at [email protected]. THE JEWISH PARENT PAGE Did you know that the URJ (Union for Reform Jusaism) has many informative and interesting items on their website at urj.org? One of these, The Jewish Parent Page, informs and educates about the Jewish holidays and their customs. It includes blessings, historical background, recipes, family activities and other creative ways to celebrate the Jewish festivals. Check it out at www.urj.org/learning/forparents/

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    WHY YOU SHOULD ADVERTISE IN OUR NEWSLETTER Right now you are reading our temple newsletter. Every day of every month, temple members (and the temple) purchase products and services from non-temple members when those same products and services are offered by temple members. Why? Because we don't know what business you are in. All things being equal, wouldn't you rather buy from a temple member? So would we! So, let us know who you are and what your product or service is, and we'll look forward to doing business with you! For further information, please contact the office, at 732-308-0055. A big thank you to the following people who volunteered their time and expertise to help construct our sukkah:

    Neal Finkelstein Phil Fischer

    Jena Friedman Howie Gandelman

    Eli Grinvald Craig Hiller Ron Hiller

    Roy Kasakove Marissa Klass Michael Klass Larry Rosen Shari Rosen Joel Russo Stu Schlem

    CONGRATULATIONS AND MAZAL TOV to Steve Kaufman, on his marriage to Ms. Ellen Clifford to Evan Wien, son of Susan and Larry Wien, on his marriage to Ms. Nicole Hill to Richard Ross, son of Deborah and Philip Ross, on his marriage to Ms. Robyn Newman to Jarett Michaelson, son of Mindi and Craig Michaelson, on his marriage to Ms. Elizabeth Fischer to Rachel Cranin, daughter of Linda and Randy Cranin, on her marriage to Mr. Peter Friend to Pam Weiner, daughter of Sindy and Louis Weiner, on her marriage to Mr. Adam Maliavsky to Dale and Marty Krulick, on the marriage of their son, Jared, and Ms. Ganna Maymind to Michelle and Alan Suskind on the birth of their granddaughter, Ella Reese Macht to Marc Leibowitz, son of Robbin Friedell, on his graduation from DeVry University,

    magna cum laude, in Business and Marketing.

    Do you have a simcha in your family — a new child or grandchild, an engagement or a wedding, a promotion, new job or an academic award? Please call the temple office and tell us, so we can share

    the news with your temple family!


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    OUR CONDOLENCES to Robert, Karen, Adam and Erica Wiener, on the loss of Robert’s father, Arnold Wiener to Tmima, Eliyahu, Nimrod and Zohar Grinvald, on the loss of Tmima’s aunt, Tova Albin to Robert and Bonnie Goldschlag, on the loss of Robert’s brother, George Goldschlag to Larry, Karen and Jay Goldstein, on the loss of Larry’s father, David Goldstein to Lucy and Ronald Isaacson, on the loss of Lucy’s father, Ben Wachter to Kenneth, Julie, Zachary and Alexander Isaacson, on the loss of Ken’s grandfather, Ben Wachter

    Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Robbin Friedell in memory of Barry Speizer

    in memory of Harry Friedelbaum Jack Kirschenbaum, in appreciation Bonnie and Bob Goldschlag, in memory of

    George Goldschlag

    College Outreach Fund TRT Sisterhood, in honor of the birth of Ellen and Robert Levine’s grandson, Shalom Noah Gabrielle Eichel and family, in honor of the wedding of Matthew Simon Ellen Feinberg, for the yahrzeit of Ida Silverberg Carol and Lewis Lokitz, in memory of George Goldschlag, brother of

    Robert Goldschlag

    General Fund Ellen and Robert Levine, in memory of Rachel Secter Marcia, Ed, Jason and Dana Falk, for the yahrzeit of Jacob Cohen Clifford Greenhouse, for the yahrzeit of Andre Greenhouse The Schwitz family, for the yahrzeit of Morris Schwitz Mina Paltin, for the yahrzeit of Sarah Rozin for the yahrzeit of Rifca Smilovici Bruce Baron, for the yahrzeit of Joan Baron Iris and Joel Schleifstein, for the yahrzeit of

    Frances Goldman Sheryl and Bruce Cooper and family, for the

    yahrzeit of Jules Cooper Joanna Mesh Rice, in honor of Rabbi Weber Carol and Gary Shangold, for the yahrzeit of Judy Shangold for the yahrzeit of Harry Adler for the yahrzeit of Jack Koss for the yahrzeit of Minnie Shangold for the yahrzeit of Lester Shangold

    General Fund cont’d Zalma and Bernie Gelber, for the yahrzeit of Simon Alpert for the yahrzeit of Paula Kaufman Judy and Mitch Spiegel, for the yahrzeit of Michael Spiegel Irwin Misshula, for the yahrzeit of

    Hyman Misshula Martin Borell, for the yahrzeit of Sam Borell Ruth Grossman Friedberg Francine Davis, for the yahrzeit of Bernard

    Shimmerman The Kalmus family, for the yahrzeit of Stanley Kalmus Shirley Deckelboim, for the yahrzeit of Molly Kamenetzky Jodi, Louis, Brittany, Justin and Corey Feld, for the yahrzeit of Charlotte Feld Jed Zaitz, for the yahrzeit of Lillian Zaitz Burt Krauss, for the yahrzeit of Rose Krauss The Finkelstein and Wolman families, for the yahrzeit of Ruth Finkelstein Dr. Scott and Brenna Levy, for the yahrzeit of Benjamin Levy Tracy, David, Rachel and Matthew Beck, in

    memory of Sam Schwartz Clifford Greenhouse, for the yahrzeit of

    Martin Greenhouse Bonnie, Joel, Brandon and Rebecca Russo, for

    the yahrzeit of Abraham Russo Ellen and Robert Levine, for the yahrzeit of Sam Perl for the yahrzeit of Ida Zeltzer Helena Project Fund Geri, Mike, Jared and Dana Kaplan, for the

    yahrzeit of Paula Kaufman Herzog Music Fund Susan and Richard Blecker, for the yahrzeit of

    Simon Albert for the yahrzeit of Bessie Gavronsky


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    Herzog Music Fund cont’d Anne and Matt Jacobson, in memory of

    David Goldstein, father of Larry Goldstein Ellen and Brion Feinberg, in memory of David Goldstein Geri, Mike, Jared and Dana Kaplan, in memory of David Goldstein Hirsch/Rosen Memorial Youth Fund Bonnie, Peter, Daniel, Benjamin and Samuel

    Sugarman, for the yahrzeit of Yetta Moskowitz for the yahrzeit of Harry Moskowitz for the yahrzeit of Gussie Blacker

    Craig and Phyllis Porter, for the yahrzeit of Lester Porter Israel Scholarship Fund Gabrielle, Rich, Josh and Matthew Eichel, in

    honor of Shelley and Andrew’s wedding

    Prayerbook Fund Gabrielle, Richard, Joshua and Matthew Eichel, for the yahrzeit of Charles Eichel for the yahrzeit of Betty Eichel Bari and Brian Aronson, for the yahrzeit of Renee Aronson for the yahrzeit of Bernard Aronson Vivian, Steve and Danielle Feinstein, for the

    yahrzeit of Leo Feinstein Hedda Scheck, for the yahrzeit of William

    Scheck Randi Sorin, for the yahrzeit of Irving Kaden for the yahrzeit of Claire Kaden David Sorin, for the yahrzeit of Steve Sorin Sheila, Elissa and Craig Harris, for the yahrzeit of Stewart Harris The Skolnik family, for the yahrzeit of

    Eva Bartenow Laurie Kaufman, in memory of David Goldstein Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Judy and Irv Freilich, in honor of the marriage of

    Dr.Emily Freilich and Mr. Mark Angres Pia Cyrulnik and family, in memory of Benny

    Cyrulnik and in appreciation of Rabbi Weber

    Hillary and Marvin Goldstein, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Goldstein and in appreciation of Cantor Alexander and Rabbi Weber

    Bob Goldschlag, in memory of George Goldschlag Tracy Gross, in memory of George Goldschlag Ellen Bloom, in memory of Aaron Lefkowitz

    Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund cont’d Steve Kaufman, in memory of Leonard E. Kaufman in memory of Hyman Menachem in memory of Janette Shindel Kaufman in memory of Masha Shulman Herbert Strum, in memory of Sheila Strum and in

    appreciation of Rabbi Weber Sandy and Ann Goldstein, for the yahrzeit of David

    Goldstein Phyllis and Craig Porter, for the yahrzeit of Samuel

    Mautner Helene, Ira, Brett and Chad Kaplan, for the yahrzeit

    of Sylvia Weinstein Judy and Norm Ferber, for the yahrzeit of Emanuel

    Brodey for the yahrzeit of Morris Ratowsky Randi and David Sorin, for the yahrzeit of Irving

    Kaden Lynn Sternberg, for the yahrzeit of Leon Garelick Don Falk, for the yahrzeit of Ralph Falk Herb and Trudy Beeber, for the yahrzeit of Freda

    Beeber Joel and Andrea Brandt, for the yahrzeit of Clarence

    Brandt Rona Shukovsky, for the yahrzeit of Gary Shukovsky Toni Mayerson and Sarah Cooper, for the yahrzeit of

    Seymour Cooper for the yahrzeit of Bernard Schaefer Josephine Paltin, for the yahrzeit of Cornel Paltin Religious School Fund Gabrielle Eichel and family, in honor of

    Rena Gold-Sharon’s new business “Tasti-D-Lite”

    Geri, Mike, Jared and Dana Kaplan, for the yahrzeit of Bessie Gavronsky

    Kathy Fischer and Bob Silverman, in honor of Barbara Klein, for years of loving

    dedication to TRT and mazal tov to our new High School Principal

    Phyllis and Craig Porter, for the yahrzeit of Freida Silverberg

    Gabrielle Eichel, on behalf of the Membership Committee, with thanks and appreciation to Glenn Fuchs for all his

    help Sheryl and Bruce Cooper and family, in memory

    of David Goldstein Edna Coleman, in memory of David Goldstein Sisterhood Tribute Fund Pam and Jeff Brisman, in honor of the birth of Shalom Noah Levine

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    Social Action Fund Geri, Mike, Jared and Dana Kaplan, for the

    yahrzeit of Simon Alpert Temple Improvement and Beautification Fund Ellen, Brian, Michael, Corey and Orin Block, for

    the yahrzeit of Charlotte Feld Kathy Fischer and Bob Silverman, in honor of Nina Grossman for her love, dedication and beautiful additions to TRT Nadine, Joel, Lauren, Steph and Ryan Sherman,

    for the yahrzeit of Charlotte Feld for the yahrzeit of Rose Sherman Judy Borell

    Temple Improvement and Beautification Fund cont’d Sheryl and Bruce Cooper, in memory of George Goldschlag Willner/Weinstein Educational Endowment Fund Shelley and Marc Willner, in honor of being a

    member of Local 2 of the Ba’al Tokayah Union and the mitzvah of blowing the shofar: Matt Goldman, Stu Schlem, David Levy, Howie Gandelman, Matt Jacobson, Craig Hiller, Brenda Hiller, Lisa Reingold, David Tannenbaum and Aliza Willner

    Shelley and Marc Willner and family, in memory of David Goldstein

    A New Plaque On Our Tree Of Life Has Been Dedicated By: Tracy, David and Matthew Beck, in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Morgan Beck

    These names will be included in the list of yahrzeits on the Shabbat indicated. In addition, at our

    Friday evening service and Shabbat morning minyan, we will invite all those who wish to rise and say the name of the one(s) for whom they are saying Kaddish.


    Shabbat Observance 12/2-12/3 12/1 Belle Berstein Grandmother of Brion Feinberg 12/1 David Davidowitz Grandfather of Jay Davis 12/1 Lillian Falk Mother of Don Falk 12/1 Allene Warner * Mother of Karen Warner-Fox 12/2 Pearl Fastow Grandmother of Michael Klass 12/2 Sylvia Kolodny Mother of Lawrence Kolodny 12/2 Ely Kushel Father of Barbara Klein 12/3 Celia Goldapper Grandmother of Judith Borell 12/3 Ruth Kertman * Mother of Susan Aaron Shabbat Observance 12/9-12/10 12/4 Robert Salowitz Father of Terri Kolodny 12/4 Rachel Sandezer Grandmother of Lior Koppel 12/4 Arnold Bayer * Uncle of Mark Schwitz 12/5 Max Blank * Father of Ellen Zipkin 12/6 Isadore Weiner * Father of David Weiner 12/7 Joseph Baratz Cousin of Josephine Paltin, Nephew of Mina Paltin 12/7 Murray Midoneck Father of Robert Midoneck continued next page


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    12/7 Ethel Owens Mother of Carol Zaitz 12/7 Pauline Reingold Grandmother of Brian Reingold 12/7 Meyer Baum * Grandfather of Debra Salman 12/7 Pearl Rosenstock * Mother of Randye Derris 12/8 Sidney Leader * Father of Michael Leader ל"ז 12/8 Abraham Futterman Father of Marjorie Stevens 12/8 Avraham Koppel Brother of Lior Koppel 12/8 Robert Workman Father-in-law of Aida Workman 12/8 Leah Shapiro * Mother of Allen Shapiro 12/9 Irving Weinberg * Father of Linda Weinberg 12/9 Nathaniel Goldring Father of Eric Goldring 12/9 Edith Perlman Mother of Neal Perlman 12/10 Hilda Greenstein * Mother of Rhoda Geller 12/10 Sylvia Glasser Mother of David Glasser 12/10 Ida Treibitz Grandmother of Lisa Reingold 12/10 Herbert Beizer * Father of Suzanne Beizer Shabbat Observance 12/16-12/17 12/11 Helen Ringer * Mother of Arlene Agulnick 12/11 Herbert Rosenberg Father of Robin Koenig, Grandfather of Jessica and Stefanie Koenig 12/11 Belle Weiss Aunt of Bonnie Kirschenbaum 12/12 Joseph Newman * Husband of Shirley Newman ל"ז 12/12 Gesina Pfeufer * Aunt of Barbara Sprechman 12/12 Clara Stern Grandmother of Shira Stern 12/12 Joseph Newman * Father of Roberta Rafaloff 12/13 Joel Keiles Father of Eve Lesnoy 12/13 William Leshin Uncle of Larry Goldstein 12/14 Morris Shukovsky Father-in-law of Rona Shukovsky 12/14 Neal Stevens Brother of Jeffrey Stevens 12/15 Emanuel Herzog * Husband of Rose Herzog ל"ז , Father of Richard Herzog 12/15 Monte Brief Uncle of Michael Klass 12/15 David Krull Husband of Mindy Krull, Father of Marissa Krull, Member of Temple Rodeph Torah 12/15 Joele Weintraub Mother of Marc Weintraub 12/15 Joan Wright Sister of Kathy Fischer 12/16 Susan Winslow * Sister of Judy Pius ל"ז 12/16 Leon Kaplinsky * Father of Richard Kaplin 12/17 Claire Becker * Mother of Barbara Chamoff 12/17 Marvin Davis * Father of Jay Davis 12/17 Gertrude Pomerantz * Mother of Nina Grossman 12/17 Norman Willner * Father of Marc Willner Shabbat Observance 12/23-12/24 12/18 Irene Gordon Mother of Warren Sidosky 12/18 Abraham Ruderman Grandfather of Janet Crain-Klemons 12/18 Sheila Seider Sister of William Fireman 12/18 Clair Snyder Friend of Randy Cranin 12/19 Irving Orlofsky * Father of Ellen Berrol ל"ז 12/19 Dorothy Facher Grandmother of Michael Klass 12/19 Charles Ho Jr. Husband of Joan Ho 12/19 Mildred Litman Mother of Marcia Sokal 12/19 Mary Jacobson * Mother of Jo-Ellen Landesman 12/20 Harry Allen * Husband of Lorraine Allen

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    12/20 Netty Baratz Sister of Mina Paltin, Aunt of Josephine Paltin 12/20 Albert Lipset Uncle of Randy Cranin 12/20 Harry Stone Grandfather of Richard Miller 12/20 Milton Trencher * Father of Ellen Finkelstein and Sheryl Cooper 12/21 Stanley Levine * Father of Myrna Nussbaum Raskin, Grandfather of Shana and Rebecca Nussbaum 12/21 Esta Goldstein Mother of Sanford Goldstein 12/21 Maxwell Klapholz Grandfather of Andrea Kazin 12/21 Anna Marcus Grandmother of Barbara Klein 12/21 Leon Sidosky Father of Warren Sidosky 12/21 Mildred Korkes * Great-Aunt of Randy Cranin 12/22 Bernard Burstein Father of Alan Burstein 12/22 Fannie Dundish Mother of Gail Lewis 12/22 Hans Herzberg Father of Edward Herzberg 12/22 Joel Mayer Husband of Arlene Mayer, Father of Susan Brumel 12/22 Margaret Philipps Cousin of Ernest Grunwald 12/23 Lorraine Mahler * Mother of Robin Schwartz 12/23 Harry Karmel Father of Arthur Karmel 12/23 Hillard Schlesinger Father of Edward Schlesinger 12/24 Charles Wallack Great-Uncle of Judith Borell 12/24 Sara Milstein * Mother of Maxine Perlman

    Shabbat Observance 12/30-12/31 12/25 Anna Ackerman Grandmother of Stuart Katzanek 12/25 Sally Appollo Sister of Sheila Aptaker, Aunt of Jeffrey Aptaker 12/25 Eugene Kirschner Father of Arlene Lieber 12/26 Jack Josephson Grandfather of Paula Alves 12/26 Jack Zummer Father of Nancy Schlem 12/26 Joseph Amarosa * Grandfather of Loretta Shapiro 12/27 Sol Beeber Father of Herbert Beeber 12/27 Jerome Brisman Father of Jeffrey Brisman 12/27 Morris Eisner Father of Sheila Aptaker 12/27 Jacob Rosenhoch Grandfather of Neal Finkelstein 12/28 Murray Falk Father of Edward Falk 12/28 Harry Silver Father of Allan Silver 12/29 Max Wilder * Father of Rachel Wilder Pachter ל"ז , Father-in-law of Erik Pachter 12/29 David Kornbluth Father of Gail Lewis 12/29 Ida Koss Mother of Carol Shangold 12/29 Michael Marcus Grandfather of Barbara Klein 12/29 Daniel Panconi Father of Pamela Brisman 12/29 Ruth Mack * Mother of Marla Bucher 12/29 Steven Sorin * Brother of David Sorin 12/31 Eugene Sills Uncle of Rabbi Don Weber Shabbat Observance 1/6-1/7 1/1 Stephen Jacobs Cousin of Henry Levenstein 1/1 Betty Weisberg Mother of Karen Joseph 1/1 Naomi Antonoff * Mother of Heidi Neufeld continued next page

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    1/2 Hilda Alpert Mother of Zalma Gelber, Grandmother of Susan Blecker and Geri Kaplan 1/2 David Solomon Father-in-law of Phyllis Solomon 1/2 Tillie Bayer * Grandmother of Mark Schwitz 1/2 Regina Derris * Mother of Sandy Derris 1/2 Dennis Mack * Brother of Marla Bucher

    1/3 Gertrude Averack Mother of Barbara Treibitz, Grandmother of Lisa Reingold 1/3 Sylvia Dorfman Mother of David Dorfman 1/3 Irving Liffland Father of Ilene Horowitz 1/3 Alma Sackheim Mother of Bonnie Kirschenbaum 1/4 Donald Malick * Uncle of Myrna Kluger 1/4 Lillian Korkes Great-Aunt of Randy Cranin 1/4 Herman Reingold Grandfather of Brian Reingold 1/5 Anne Sommer * Aunt of Richard Klapman 1/5 George Block * Father of Brian Block, Father-in-law of Ellen Block, Grandfather of Orin, Corey, and Michael Block 1/5 Oscar Feld * Father of Louis Feld, Ellen Block, and Nadine Sherman 1/6 Robert Crain * Father of Janet Crain Klemons 1/6 Stephen Derris * Brother of Sandy Derris 1/6 Sari Graber * Goddaughter of Bruce Baron 1/6 Clara Magazine * Mother of Maxine Herzog 1/6 Ruth Pines * Mother of Judy Freilich 1/7 Lester Goldberg * Father of Keith Goldberg 1/7 Sidney Albert Father of Jaime Albert 1/7 Robert Hilton Step-father of Ginger Richman 1/7 Saul Jalosky Father of Cheryl Glasser 1/7 Rose Siegel Grandmother of Andrea Goutter 1/7 Samuel Cooper * Grandfather of Brian Halpern and Lisa Halpern-Wicks Shabbat Observance 1/13-1/14 1/8 Sam Berger Father of Judy Goldberg 1/8 Rosa Rosenthal Mother of Hedda Scheck 1/8 Alvin Shangold Brother of Gary Shangold 1/8 Rose Silver Mother of Allan Silver 1/9 Jacob Fox Father of Steven Fox 1/9 Rose Nathanson * Grandmother of Ilene Fireman and Phyllis Levenstein 1/10 Charles Goldsmith * Grandfather of Charles Kavitsky 1/10 Joseph Fireison Father of Barbara Schambach 1/10 Dave Jewell Friend of Irvin Freilich 1/10 Sara Lechowitzsky Grandmother of Carol Chasin 1/10 Edith Rosen Mother of Ronnie Geringer 1/10 Jack Waldman Father of Ann Goldstein 1/10 Shirley Feinstein * Mother of Susan Brown 1/10 Sonya Grossman * Mother of Richard Grossman 1/11 Abraham Schenk * Father of Frank Gottlieb 1/11 Samuel Selfon * Father of Mindy Kavitsky 1/11 Ruth Heidt Mother of Maurice Heitt 1/11 Sam Rubin Father of Ira Rubin 1/11 Blanche Akselrad * Mother of Phyllis Levenstein 1/12 Richard Baron Brother of Bruce Baron 1/12 Beatrice Borshof Mother of Joel Borshof

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    1/12 Elizabeth Mitosky * Mother of Sophia Abramson, Grandmother of Debra Kullback 1/13 Mildred Gecht Mother of Deborah Hoffman 1/13 Grace Lipton Grandmother of Beth Grossman 1/13 Eugene Landesman * Husband of Joan Landesman, Father of Mark Landesman 1/13 Leon Levine * Father of Robert Levine 1/14 Alex Norber * Father of Dan Norber 1/14 Lee Abrams Grandmother of Andrea Kazin 1/14 Jana Berkowicz Mother of Fabio Berkowicz 1/14 Abe Brandes Father of Ronda Binkowitz ל"ז

    Shabbat Observance 1/20-1/21 1/15 Robert De La Torre Godfather of Jonathan and Michelle Cooper 1/15 Natalie DiFazio Mother of Anthony DiFazio 1/16 Joseph Margolies * Father of Bernard Margolies 1/16 David Seifter * Father of Shirley Newman ל"ז , Grandfather of Roberta Rafaloff 1/16 James Beizer Uncle of Suzanne Beizer 1/16 Claire Cotter Grandmother of Steven Cotter 1/16 Jack Fireman Father of William Fireman 1/16 Shelly Kret Friend of Loretta Shapiro 1/16 Sarah Waldman Mother of Ann Goldstein 1/16 Joyce Blumenthal * Wife of Morton Blumenthal, Mother of Juli Mercado 1/16 Joseph Margolies * Grandfather of Alan Margolies 1/18 Morris Gelber Father of Hillary Goldstein and Bernard Gelber, Grandfather of Susan Blecker and Geri Kaplan 1/18 Philip Lester Grandfather of Jay Davis 1/18 Jennie Moskowitz Great-Aunt of Josephine Paltin 1/18 Eleanor Garelick * Mother of Lynn Sternberg 1/18 Lester Golden * Father of Lawrence Golden 1/19 Fanny Alderman Great-Aunt of Susan Blecker and Geri Kaplan 1/19 Arleen Cohen Mother of Brena Resnick 1/19 Nettie Douger Grandmother of Robbin Friedell 1/19 Max Silverman Father of Larry Silverman 1/20 Daniel Goldenberg * Father of Bess Goldenberg 1/20 Annie Levitt Great-Grandmother of Sharon Solar 1/20 O. Winslow Owens Father of Carol Zaitz 1/20 Pat Porter Mother of Craig Porter 1/20 Debbie Rosenzweig Mother of Gary Rosenzweig 1/21 Alan Gardiner Uncle of Mark Schwitz 1/21 Samuel Giddins Father of Joan Ruffine 1/21 Robert Lev Uncle of Marc Willner 1/21 Frances Friedman * Aunt of Brian Block, Great-Aunt of Orin, Corey, and Michael Block

    Shabbat Observance 1/27-1/28 1/22 Bolender Family * Family of Marlene Shapiro 1/22 Rose Batlin Mother of Corrinne Altenhaus 1/22 Simon Beizer Grandfather of Suzanne Beizer 1/22 Herman Ginsberg Father of Alan Ginsberg 1/22 Anna Goldberg Mother of Linda Wainick 1/22 Fae Sherry Grandmother of Roxanne Moskowitz continued next page

  • Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS December/January 2012

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    1/22 Carlee Wines * Dear Friend of Mark and Lynne Schwitz 1/23 Ida Aronowitz Grandmother of Joan Ruffine 1/23 Anna Wotman Grandmother of Ronda Binkowitz ל"ז 1/23 Harold Jacobson * Father of Jo-Ellen Landesman 1/24 Gerald Goldsmith * Uncle of Charles Kavitsky 1/24 Elsa Mautner Aunt of Phyllis Porter 1/25 Dorothy Sherman Mother of Barbara Hirsch 1/26 William Goldstein Father of Steven Goldstein 1/26 Chester Horn Uncle of Karen Goldstein 1/27 Bernard Fleigel Uncle of Helene Kaplan 1/27 Bertram Klein Father of Jon Klein 1/27 Max Wortman Father of Miriam Koppel 1/27 Lee Cooper * Husband of Toni Cooper, Father of Sarah Cooper, Member of Temple Rodeph Torah 1/28 Anne Denbaum Mother of Susan Stier 1/28 Milli Friedeman Mother of Les Friedeman 1/28 Blanche Levy Aunt of Louis Weiner 1/28 Barbara Liffland Mother of Ilene Horowitz 1/28 Stan Martin Uncle of Scott Levy 1/28 Vincent Vaccarella Father of Rosemary Calman

    Shabbat Observance 2/3-2/4 1/29 Ruth Berger * Wife of Samuel Berger ל"ז 1/29 Jacob Kaplan Grandfather of Michael Kaplan 1/29 Sally Sundel Great-Aunt of Sindy Weiner 1/29 Ruth Berger * Mother of Judy Goldberg 1/30 William Phillips Father of Barbara Kurnit 1/31 Adrienne Goldberg Sister of Linda Prince 1/31 Jack Salkin Grandfather of Karen Goldstein

    * Indicates the dedication of a plaque on our Memorial Wall.

    Jewish tradition suggests that we give tzedakah to honor the memory of our loved ones who have died.

  • Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS December/January 2012

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    TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth P.O. Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746

    TEMPLE CONTRIBUTIONS FORM _______BOLENDER HOLOCAUST EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT, for Holocaust education in our temple _______TEMPLE FACILITIES FUND, for the construction and maintenance of our home _______CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND, administered by the Cantor for the benefit of the congregation* _______COLLEGE OUTREACH FUND, provides funding for programs to maintain contact with our

    college students _______GENERAL FUND, allows us to use your gift where it is needed most _______HELENA PROJECT FUND, to provide Shabbat meals for families in times of upset and difficulty _______HERZOG MUSIC FUND, for the musical needs of the congregation _______HIRSCH/ROSEN MEMORIAL YOUTH FUND, provides funding for youth programs _______ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, provides financial assistance for youth trips to Israel _______LANDSCAPING FUND, for the purchase of trees, shrubs and flowers to beautify our property _______LIBRARY FUND, for the purchase of books for our Library _______MEN’S CLUB TRIBUTE FUND, to further the work of the Men’s Club _______MORTGAGE REDUCTION FUND, dedicated completely to paying down the principal on our mortgage _______NURSERY SCHOOL, for the development and support of our Nursery School program _______PRAYERBOOK FUND, for the purchase of prayerbooks. Any amount may be donated to this Fund, but a

    contribution of $36 or more is required to dedicate a prayerbook. _______RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND, administered by the Rabbi for the benefit of the congregation* _______RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND, for the Jewish education of our children _______SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND, to further the work of Sisterhood _______SOCIAL ACTION FUND, to support the Committee’s work of “repairing the world” _______TEMPLE IMPROVEMENT and BEAUTIFICATION FUND, provides funds for improvements to the temple _______WILLNER/WEINSTEIN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT FUND, provides interest income for the Religious School’s future *** TREE OF LIFE/MEMORIAL PLAQUES: To celebrate a special occasion by purchasing a leaf for the Tree of Life, or to honor the memory of a loved one who has died, please call the temple office. A Dedication Form will be sent to you. __________________________ * Make checks payable to TRT-Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund or TRT-Cantor’s Discretionary Fund; all other funds payable to Temple Rodeph Torah. To donate online, go to www.trt.org and click on Donate. This donation is being made: In MEMORY of: ______________________________________________________________ In HONOR of: ______________________________________________________________ Donation made by: Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgment to be sent to the following: Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________

    Contributions of any amount are welcomed, but there is an $18 minimum for each acknowledgment you wish sent.

    Please refer all questions to our temple office, 732-308-0055.

  • Temple Rodeph Torah NEWS December/January 2012

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    TEMPLE RODEPH TORAH of Western Monmouth P. O. Box 125, Marlboro, NJ 07746 (Area Code 732)

    Office Telephone 308-0055 Religious School 308-3836 web site: www.trt.org email: [email protected]

    Rabbi Donald A. Weber Office 409-1268 [email protected] Home 972-2595 Cantor Joanna M. Alexander 308-2311 [email protected] Home 312-286-3356 Educators Rabbi Shira Stern 308-3836 [email protected]

    Barbara Klein 308-3836 [email protected] Temple Administrator Sheryl Cooper 308-0055 [email protected] Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutor Ruth Haim 252-8910 [email protected] President Brion Feinberg 591-5814 [email protected] Past-President Irwin Kizel 908-385-6421 [email protected] 2nd Vice-President Larry Rosen 917-572-3792 [email protected] Corresponding Secretary Denise Swartz 332-9808 [email protected] Financial Secretary Matt Jacobson 536-7189 [email protected] Treasurer Della Cherchia 303-8139 [email protected] Aesthetics & Nina Grossman 833-7373 [email protected] Space Management ARZA Marc Willner 536-4180 [email protected] Bar/Bat Mitzvah Video Ellie Golden 591-8791 [email protected] Building & Grounds Joel Richman 908-461-3351 [email protected] Caring Community Denise Swartz 332-9808 [email protected] College Outreach Marcia Borshof 972-1906 [email protected] Education and Robyn Gandelman 683-1168 [email protected] Service Requirements Finance Rich Miller 536-8041 [email protected] Fundraising Jodi Zukoff 591-1986 [email protected] Horaiynu Michelle Bookbinder 972-0811 [email protected] Judaica Shop Marcia Borshof 972-1906 [email protected] Library Juli Mercado 972-8404 [email protected] Membership Gabrielle Eichel 970-9746 [email protected] Newsletter Advertising Iris Schleifstein 536-6117 [email protected] Newsletter Editor Sara Levenstein 387-8373 [email protected] Sisterhood Jodi Weintraub 972-2194 [email protected] Robin Persily 625-1299 [email protected] Social Action Shari Canell 536-5864 [email protected]

    Mindy Krull 617-9028 [email protected] Technology Harvey Lieber 677-3257 [email protected] TRTCares David Levy 616-1442 [email protected] Web Site Administrator Neal Finkelstein 972-8624 [email protected] Women’s Spirituality Group Suzie Beizer 933-1562 [email protected] Worship Bonnie Goldschlag 462-6727 [email protected] Youth Howie Gandelman 683-1168 [email protected] Youth Advisors - Senior Rachel Klein 215-964-2694 [email protected] Junior Liza Kaufman 580-8775 [email protected]

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    TRT Part 1trt middleTRT Part 3