Dear Khan, I hope you’re doing fine when reading this. What are you doing by the way? Maybe you’re playing with your PSP or watching silly cartoons again. Well that rally doesn’t matter now anyway, now you’re big enough to take care of yourself. I guess I should stop worrying too much about you. I think it’s about time for you to know how to stand on your feet, even if it’s a little too hard for me to accept. I remember the time when you were still little, we went to jolo sulu with your father to visit your cousins you were such a cry-baby back then and on the ferry you kept on crying and crying and crying. And it woke everyone in the ferry. I could really see from the faces of the other passengers that they were really irritated. Finally, your father decided to take you to a walk on the ship to isolate you from the crowed, so they won’t get disturbed anymore by your loud cries. As your father grasped your back and started to pull you away from the bed, you began to stop, and that made us accomplished and relieved. And then I notice something on your bed. It was your toy car, and it was situated to where you lay your back, I immediately thought that it was the reason why you were crying so hard. The toy was making you feel uncomfortable, and you couldn’t tell us that because you still didn’t know how to talk. So the only ways for you to tell us is by crying, and

Dear Khan

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Dear Khan, I hope youre doing fine when reading this. What are you doing by the way? Maybe youre playing with your PSP or watching silly cartoons again. Well that rally doesnt matter now anyway, now youre big enough to take care of yourself. I guess I should stop worrying too much about you. I think its about time for you to know how to stand on your feet, even if its a little too hard for me to accept.I remember the time when you were still little, we went to jolo sulu with your father to visit your cousins you were such a cry-baby back then and on the ferry you kept on crying and crying and crying. And it woke everyone in the ferry. I could really see from the faces of the other passengers that they were really irritated.Finally, your father decided to take you to a walk on the ship to isolate you from the crowed, so they wont get disturbed anymore by your loud cries. As your father grasped your back and started to pull you away from the bed, you began to stop, and that made us accomplished and relieved. And then I notice something on your bed. It was your toy car, and it was situated to where you lay your back, I immediately thought that it was the reason why you were crying so hard. The toy was making you feel uncomfortable, and you couldnt tell us that because you still didnt know how to talk. So the only ways for you to tell us is by crying, and were very sorry for not getting to know what you really meant when you cried.But it was purely your fathers fault, or was it mine? Well, it was clear both our fault, we didnt arrange your bed properly and miss looked your toy. Your father said that he saw it, but never thought that it would bother you. Hahaha! Your father really I dont know after that, we when to sleep, and the others finally had their peace and guilt without your cries disturbing them.This is a very memorable and funny experience that I and your papa will surely treasure. Now Im talking too much. Hehe! I just want to say that, I miss you, and wish I could bring back the past so that I can be by your side even much longer. But its impossible isnt it? Even if it wasnt, you wouldnt still want to grow old spending the rest of your life with me and your papa.