h ti PCRu Sum  he Rolls Attack and Damage Rolls Attack rolls are made when determining if an att ack hi ts the tar get. The roll result is compare d aga inst the tar get 's Armor Cla ss (AC). If it equals or exceeds the AC, the attack hits. hen an attac k hits, damage is usua ll! rolled as a result. "#$%&' el eeAtackRo : d20 + STR modifier + proficiency bonus + class bonuses + other situational bonuses or penalties. PHB1! eD am ageRo :"eapon dama# e di ce + ST R modi fi er + ot he r bonuses or penalties. PHB1$ Ra ged At ck Rol : d20 + %&' modifier + pr of icienc y bonus + cl as s bonuses + ot her si tuational bonuses or penalties. PHB1! Ra gedD am ageRol : "eapon dama#e dic e + %&' modi fie r + oth er bonus es or penalties. PHB1$ Sp el l Atac k Ro : d20 + class(s spellcastin# ability modifier + proficiency bonus. PHB20) l ge Rol : See spell description. Skill & Ability Checks kill and ailit! checks are made when acti*el! attemp ting to o*er come a challe nge that has a chance of fai lur e. The check's rol l res ult is comp ared against a +i ff icul t! Cl ass (+C). uccess if the result equals or exceeds the +C failure otherwise. "#$%-', +/012 Ini tiat i*e is a +34 check that go*er ns tur n order during c omat. + resol*es ties etween monste rs 5 pla!e rs. "la!ers resol*e ties etween themsel*es. "#$%2& bi li tyC ecks 6 d20 + ability modifier + other bonuses or penalties. PHB1*! Ski l ecks : d2 0 + abil it y mo di fi er + pr of icienc y bo nus + ot he r bo nuses or penalties. PHB1*! : d20 + %&' modifier + an y bonuses. PHB1+ Saving hrows a*ing throws (sa*e s) are made to  passi*el! a*oid or mitigate the results of a threat. The sa*e result i s compared against a +C. uccess if the result equals or exceeds the +C failure otherwise. "#$%-&, +/012 Sa vig Th row 6 d20 + ability modifier + proficiency bonus. PHB1* Key Mechanics  d*antage 6 7oll 0d08. Ad*anta ge6 use highe r roll. +isad*antage6 use lower roll. #a*ing oth Ad*antage 5 +is ad*antage cancels . +oesn't stack (capped at 0d08). "#$%-1 9ractions 6 7ound all fractions down. "#$- Inspiration 6 /rants ad*antage. ax of o ne. + awards ased on role:pla!. "#$%0; /roup Checks 6 3*er!one attempting the same action rolls. If at least ha lf the group eats the +C, the effort succeeds. "#$%-; "assi* e Check s 6 %8 < modifiers. Ad*anta ge gra nts <; onus, disad*antag e incurs :; penalt!. "#$%-; Contests 6 $oth parties to the contest roll as normal, ut success is compared to the oppos ing part !'s roll. =n a tie, the si tuation remains unchanged or neither part! succeeds. "#$%-' Skills Streng th(STR) PH B1 75 ,thletics D exteri ty ( D EX) PH B1 76 ,crobatics Slei#ht of hand Stealth I n telli g en ce(IN T) PH B1 77 ,rcana History -nesti#ation /ature Reli#ion Wi sdom ( WI S) ph b17 8 ,nimal handlin# -nsi#ht edicine Perception Surial Ch arism a( CHA) ph b17 8 %eception -ntimidation Performance Persuasion Combat Combat Order : +etermine urprise : 3stalish "ositions : 7oll Initiati*e : Take Turns in initiati*e order : $egin >ext Turn "#$%2& Eects and S!ell Eects hen an effect lasts for a round, it lasts from current turn to same turn next round. S"r!rise + de termines surprise. urprised creatures cannot mo* e or take act ions unti l their fir st turn in comat. 7eacti ons al lowed af ter surprise turn is o*er. "#$%2& Cover ! b#$% ? co*er 6 <0 AC, <0 +34 a*ing Throw @ co*er 6 <; AC, <; +34 a*ing Throw 9ull co*er 6 Can't e targeted directl! S!ecial Combat R"les Time 6 A round lasts seconds. "#$%2& Turn 6 3ach attle participant mo*es up to mo*e speed and takes one action.  "#$%2& 7anged ttacks in Close Com)at 6 hen acti*e foe is within ; feet, attacker at disad*antage on attack B spell attack rolls. "#$%&;, 08; =pportunit! ttack 6 Intentionall! mo*ing out of a foe's reach gi*es foe an attack action as a reaction. In*oluntar ! mo*ement does not cause this. "#$%&; Two:e apon 9ight ing 6 se onus acti on for extra attack with second weapon if wielding two light weapons. =nl! ne gati*e ailit! modifiers are added to the damage of the onus attack. econd weapon ma! e thrown. "#$%&; /roup +amage 7olls 6 7oll damage once for all targets damaged. "#$%&A Impro*ised weapons 6 +o %d damage. "#$%'- Dnocking a Creature =ut 6 +eal damage as normal with mele e attack (includi ng spells). +eclare nonlethal damage. If target reduced to 8#", falls unconscious ut is stale . "#$%&2 Critical .iss B #it 6 >atural % E auto fail . >atural 08 E auto hit and roll critical damag e. +amage di ce roll ed twi ce, add modi fi er s afterward. "#$%&', "#$%&A 7esistance B Fulne ra)ilit! 6 ? dama ge for resis tance. +oul e damage for *ul nera ilit! . "#$%&- S!ecial Action R"les 9lourish 6 Interacting wi th a si ngle oGect, drawing a sword, pulling out a potion, etc. do not require actions. "#$%&8 7eaction 6 pecial triggered action. Cannot take another until next turn. "#$%&8 $onus ction 6 /ranted ! features, ailities or spells. Cannot take another until next turn. "#$%2& Actions n Combat ! b#$'  ttack 6 se attack rules. Cast a (pell 6 se spellcasting rules. +ash 6 o*e as an action in addition to normal mo*e. +isengage 6 >or mal mo* e doe sn' t pro *oke an opportunit! attack. +odge 6 Imposes disad*antage on attackers and gain ad*antage on +34 sa*ing throws. #elp 6 #elped creature (need to e within ; feet of foe if attacking) gets ad*antage. #ide 6 +34 (tealth) check opposed ! passi*e I check of creature who might notice !ou or acti*e I check of creature acti*el! searching for !ou. Attack while hi ding gi *es ad* antage and usuall! re*eals position. 7ead! 6 +efine action that occurs as a reaction to a triggered e*ent. (earch 6 ake a I (" erce ption) check or an I>T (In*estigation) check. se an o)Gect 6 =Gects which requi re special interaction such as quaf fi ng a poti on or interacting with multiple oGects. Movement .o*ement (peed 6 #ow far a creature can mo*e when tra*eling and fighting. "#$%-. $re aki ng up mo*ement 6 o*eme nt can e intermixed with actions. "#$%&8 .o*ing past all ies and foe s 6 Hou can mo*e through allies. ie difference of 0 from foe to mo*e through foe. "#$%&% +iffic ult terrai n 6 Increases mo*eme nt cost ! one foot pe r foot mo*e d. 3ffe cts cumulati*e . Crawling in difficult terrain costs 1 feet per foot mo*ed. "#$%20, %&8 "rone 6 /o ing prone is fr ee. e e pr one condit ion. tandi ng use s half mo*ement speed. o*ement costs increased ! one foot per foot mo*ed. "#$%&8 Jumping . o*ing %8' g i*es long G ump equal to T7 score, high Gump equal to 1 < T7 mod. >on:mo*i ng gi *e s half those distances. "#$%20 (queeing 6 Can mo*e through spaces one sie smaller. o*ement speed is hal*ed, disad*antage on attacks and +34 sa*es, and foes ha*e ad*antage on attacks. "#$%&0 (ra!!ling Attack action to gra foe within reach and no more than one sie differe nce larger. 7equires free hand. Contest check of T7 (Athletics) *ersus target's choice of T7 (Athletics) or +34 (Acroatics). uccess gi*es target the grapple d condition. >o action to release. "#$%&; 3scap ing grapple 6 /rap ple d cre ature takes acti on to pe rf or m contest chec k of T 7 (At hle tics) or +34 (Ac roati cs) *s foe 's T7 (Athletics). "#$%&; .o*ing grappled creat ure 6 peed is hal*ed unless creature is 0< sies smaller.  "#$%&; Shoving (ho*ing a creatur e 6 Att ack acti on to sho*e creature. Target must e within re ach and no more than one si e larger than att acker. Contest check of T7 (Athl et ics) check *s tar get' s choi ce of T7 (Athleti cs) or +34 (Acroatics). If attacker wins, target is knocked prone or pushed ;' awa!. "#$%&; 

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PC Rules Summary

  he Rolls

Attack rolls are made when determining if an

ttack hits the target. The roll result isompared against the target's Armor ClassAC). If it equals or exceeds the AC, the attackits. hen an attack hits, damage is usuall! 

olled as a result. "#$%&' 

elee Attack Rolls: d20 + STR modifier proficiency bonus + class bonuses + otherituational bonuses or penalties. PHB1!elee Damage Rolls:"eapon dama#e

ice + STR modifier + other bonuses orenalties. PHB1$ nged Attack Rolls

: d20 + %&'modifier + proficiency bonus + class

onuses + other situational bonuses orenalties. PHB1!nged Damage Rolls

: "eapon dama#eice + %&' modifier + other bonuses orenalties. PHB1$ 

ell Attack Rolls: d20 + class(spellcastin# ability modifier + proficiencyonus. PHB20) pell Damage Rolls: See spellescription.

kill and ailit! checks are made when acti*el! ttempting to o*ercome a challenge that has ahance of failure. The check's roll result is

ompared against a +ifficult! Class (+C).uccess if the result equals or exceeds the +C

ailure otherwise. "#$%-', +/012 nitiati*e is a +34 check that go*erns turn

rder during comat. + resol*es ties etweenmonsters 5 pla!ers. "la!ers resol*e ties

etween themsel*es. "#$%2& 

bility Checks

6 d20 + ability modifier +ther bonuses or penalties. PHB1*!ll Checks: d20 + ability modifier +

roficiency bonus + other bonuses orenalties. PHB1*!itiative: d20 + %&' modifier + any

onuses. PHB1+ 

a*ing throws (sa*es) are made to  passi*el! *oid or mitigate the results of a threat. The

a*e result is compared against a +C. uccessf the result equals or exceeds the +C failuretherwise. "#$%-&, +/012 

ving Throw

6 d20 + ability modifier +roficiency bonus. PHB1* 

Key Mechanics

6 7oll 0d08. Ad*antage6 use higher

oll. +isad*antage6 use lower roll. #a*ing othAd*antage 5 +isad*antage cancels. +oesn'ttack (capped at 0d08). "#$%-1 

6 7ound all fractions down. "#$- 6 /rants ad*antage. ax of one.

+ awards ased on role:pla!. "#$%0; 6 3*er!one attempting the same

ction rolls. If at least half the group eats the

+C, the effort succeeds. "#$%-; 

"assi*e Checks6 %8 < modifiers. Ad*antagegrants <; onus, disad*antage incurs :;penalt!. "#$%-; Contests6 $oth parties to the contest roll asnormal, ut success is compared to theopposing part!'s roll. =n a tie, the situation

remains unchanged or neither part! succeeds.



Strength (STR)PHB175

,thleticsDexterity (DEX)PHB176


Slei#ht of handStealth

Intelligence (INT)PHB177


Wisdom (WIS)phb178

,nimal handlin#-nsi#htedicine


Charisma (CHA)phb178



Combat Order

: +etermine urprise: 3stalish "ositions: 7oll Initiati*e

: Take Turns in initiati*e order

: $egin >ext Turn "#$%2& Eects and S!ell Eects

hen an effect lasts for a round, it lasts fromcurrent turn to same turn next round.


+ determines surprise. urprised creaturescannot mo*e or take actions until their firstturn in comat. 7eactions allowed after

surprise turn is o*er. "#$%2& 


! b#$%

? co*er6 <0 AC, <0 +34 a*ing Throw@ co*er6 <; AC, <; +34 a*ing Throw9ull co*er6 Can't e targeted directl! 

S!ecial Combat R"les

Time6 A round lasts seconds. "#$%2& Turn6 3ach attle participant mo*es up tomo*e speed and takes one action. "#$%2& 7anged ttacks in Close Com)at6 hen acti*efoe is within ; feet, attacker at disad*antage onattack B spell attack rolls. "#$%&;, 08; =pportunit! ttack6 Intentionall! mo*ing out of a foe's reach gi*es foe an attack action as areaction. In*oluntar! mo*ement does notcause this. "#$%&; Two:eapon 9ighting6 se onus action forextra attack with second weapon if wielding twolight weapons. =nl! negati*e ailit! modifiersare added to the damage of the onus attack.

econd weapon ma! e thrown. "#$%&; /roup +amage 7olls6 7oll damage once for all

targets damaged. "#$%&A Impro*ised weapons6 +o %d damage. "#$%'- Dnocking a Creature =ut6 +eal damage asnormal with melee attack (including spells).+eclare nonlethal damage. If target reduced to

8#", falls unconscious ut is stale. "#$%&2 Critical .iss B #it6 >atural % E auto fail.>atural 08 E auto hit and roll critical damage.+amage dice rolled twice, add modifiers

afterward. "#$%&', "#$%&A 7esistance B Fulnera)ilit!6 ? damage forresistance. +oule damage for *ulnerailit!.


S!ecial Action R"les

9lourish6 Interacting with a single oGect,

drawing a sword, pulling out a potion, etc. do

not require actions. "#$%&8 

7eaction6 pecial triggered action. Cannotanother until next turn. "#$%&8 $onus ction6 /ranted ! features, ailitie

spells. Cannot take another until next tur


Actions n Combat

! b#$'

  ttack6 se attack rules.Cast a (pell6 se spellcasting rules.

+ash6 o*e as an action in addition to nomo*e.+isengage6 >ormal mo*e doesn't pro*okopportunit! attack.

+odge6 Imposes disad*antage on attackers

gain ad*antage on +34 sa*ing throws.#elp6 #elped creature (need to e within ;of foe if attacking) gets ad*antage.

#ide6 +34 (tealth) check opposed ! paI check of creature who might notice !oacti*e I check of creature acti*el! searc

for !ou. Attack while hiding gi*es ad*anand usuall! re*eals position.7ead!6 +efine action that occurs as a reato a triggered e*ent.

(earch6 ake a I ("erception) check I>T (In*estigation) check.se an o)Gect6 =Gects which require spinteraction such as quaffing a potio

interacting with multiple oGects.


.o*ement (peed6 #ow far a creature can when tra*eling and fighting. "#$%-.$reaking up mo*ement6 o*ement caintermixed with actions. "#$%&8 .o*ing past allies and foes6 Hou can

through allies. ie difference of 0 from fmo*e through foe. "#$%&%+ifficult terrain6 Increases mo*ement co

one foot per foot mo*ed. 3ffects cumulCrawling in difficult terrain costs 1 feet pemo*ed. "#$%20, %&8 "rone6 /oing prone is free. ee p

condition. tanding uses half mo*espeed. o*ement costs increased ! oneper foot mo*ed. "#$%&8 Jumping. o*ing %8' gi*es long Gump equ

T7 score, high Gump equal to 1 < T7 >on:mo*ing gi*es half those dista

"#$%20 (queeing6 Can mo*e through spaces onesmaller. o*ement speed is hadisad*antage on attacks and +34 sa*esfoes ha*e ad*antage on attacks. "#$%&0 


Attack action to gra foe within reach an

more than one sie difference larger. 7eqfree hand. Contest check of T7 (Athl*ersus target's choice of T7 (Athletics) or (Acroatics). uccess gi*es target the gra

condition. >o action to release. "#$%&; 3scaping grapple6 /rappled creature action to perform contest check of (Athletics) or +34 (Acroatics) *s foe's

(Athletics). "#$%&; .o*ing grappled creature6 peed is hunless creature is 0< sies smaller. "#$%&


(ho*ing a creature6 Attack action to screature. Target must e within reach an

more than one sie larger than attaContest check of T7 (Athletics) chectarget's choice of T7 (Athletics) or (Acroatics). If attacker wins, target is kno

prone or pushed ;' awa!. "#$%&; 

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6 ? of spent ammunition can eeco*ered after comat. "#$%'A 

"roficienc!6 earing armor withoutroficienc! prohiits spell casting and results

n disad*antage on ailit! checks, sa*inghrows, and attack rolls that use T7 or +34.

"#$%'' 6 #ea*! armors ha*e a strength

equirement, which incurs %8 foot speedenalt! if not met. "#$%'' 

6 Choose either T7 or +34 modifier for

he attack and damage rolls. ame modifier

must e used for oth rolls. "#$%'- 6 9irst numer is normal range. econd

umer is long range, rolled at disad*antage.

"#$%&; 6 Adds ;' to wielder's reach. "#$%'- 

6 a! use for melee or ranged attacks.

se weapon modifier for attack and damageolls. "#$%'- 

6 Can e used with one or two hands.>umer in parens indicates two:handed

amage. "#$%'- 6 Causes damage to creatures

with resistance to or immunit! from non:magicweapons. "#$%'2 


llcasting Ability:

Bard Paladin Sorcerer "arloc 3H,

3leric %ruid Ran#er "-S

4i#hter 5&ldritch 6ni#ht7 Ro#ue5,rcane Tricster7 "i8ard


6 2 < spellcasting ailit! modifierproficienc! onus.

ll ttack .odifier6 "roficienc! onus <

pellcasting ailit! modifier.in rmor6 7equires proficienc! in

rmor. ithout proficienc!, can't cast spells.

"#$%'' 6 Taking damage while

maintaining a spell forces a C=> sa*e againsthe greater of +C%8 or half the damage amount

ecei*ed. pell ends on failed sa*e. >ormalmo*ement and attacking does not affectoncentration. Casting another spell thatequires concentration, ecoming incapacitated

r egin killed reaks concentration. "#$081 6 +ifferent spells' effects add

ogether. ame spells take highest onus onl!.

"#$08; 6 +on't expend spell slot. Take %8

minutes longer to cast and can onl! e cast atpell's ase le*el. "#$080 

6 pells t!picall! consist of Feral (m!stical words), omatic (gestures),nd aterial components. Check spellescriptions for exact info. "#$081 

6 iards can cop! %st  le*el origher spells to their spellook if the! ha*epell lots for that spell's le*el. Cost is ;8gp x

pell le*el 5 takes 0 hours x spell le*el. crollsequire I>T (Arcana) *s +C %8 < spell le*elheck. Cop!ing destro!s scroll. "#$%%',

+/088 6 Can onl! cast spell if it is on

our spell list. If higher than highest spell slot,pellcasting ailit! check *s +C%8 < spell le*el.

se destro!s spell regardless of success B fail.

pell le*el determines attack onus and sa*e+C. +/088 

*ealing and Death

*it +oints

Can go no lower than 8#" and no higher thanmax #". "#$%&A Instant +eath6 =ccurs when reduced to 8#"and remaining damage is greater than or equalto #" maximum. "#$%&- nconscious6 hen !ou hit 8#". "#$%&- +amage at 8#"6 3ach time a creature at 8#"takes damage, it suffers a death roll failure andis no longer stale. If the damage equals thecreature's #" maximum, it dies. "#$%&- 

+eath (a*ing Throws6 "erformed at theeginning of turn when at 8 #" and not stale.7oll d08. %8 or higher is a success. Three

successes to ecome stale. Three failures isdeath. >atural % results in 0 failures. >atural08, regain %#". "#$%&- Temporar! #it "oints6 eparate pool of hit

points that asors damage. =nce depleted,damage carries o*er to regular hit point total.



(ta)ilie6 +C %8 I (edicine) check tostailie without healer's kit. If stailied,creature is unconscious ut no longer makes

death sa*ing throws. If not healed, gain %#"after %d hours ha*e passed. "#$%&- 

#ealer's kit6 %8 uses. 3xpend % use as anaction to stailie a creature at 8#". "#$%;%


(hort 7est6 %< hours. pend % or more unused#+ to regain #" at end of rest. 3ach rollincludes C=> modifier. "#$%2A Kong 7est6 2< hours. >o more than 0 hours on

watch. >eed at least % #" to take a long rest.=nl! once per 0 hours. At end of rest, regainall #" and ? maximum #+ (min % #+).



! b'$,

$linded6 Creature auto fails ailit! ch

requiring sight. Attack rolls against creha*e ad*antage. Creature has disad*antagattacks.Charmed6 Can't attack or target cha

Charmer has ad*antage on an! sinteraction with target.+eafened6 Character automaticall! fail

ailit! checks requiring sound.9rightened6 +isad*antage on attacks source of fear is *isile. Target can't willmo*e closer to source of fear.

/rappled6 peed is 8 regardless of onCondition ends when grappler is incapacior when an effect remo*es grappler from reIncapacitated6 Can't take actions or reactio

In*isi)le6 Can't e seen without special sor aid of magic. Is considered hea*il! oscwhen hiding. Attacks against

disad*antage, attack rolls ha*e ad*antage."aral!ed6 Creature is incapacitated and mo*e or speak. Auto fail T7 and +34 sAttacks against ha*e ad*antage. An! at

from within ;' automaticall! crit on hit."etrified6 Target is transformed into a inanimate sustance. Target is incapacitcan't mo*e or speak, and is unawar

surroundings. Attacks against ha*e ad*an

Auto fail T7 and +34 sa*es. 7esistance damage. Immune to poison and di(current afflictions are suspended.)

"oisoned6 +isad*antage on attacks rollsailit! checks."rone6 Crawl mo*ement unless mo*e

spent to stand up. +isad*antage on arolls unless attacker is within ;' which gi*es attacker ad*antage.7estrained6 peed is 8 regardless of onu

Attacks against ha*e ad*antage, attacks disad*antage. +isad*antage on +34 sa*es(tunned6 Target is incapacitated, can't and can onl! speak haltingl!. Auto fail

and +34 sa*es. Attacks against ad*antage.

nconscious6 Target is incapacitated, mo*e or speak, and is unawaresurroundings. +rops e*er!thing and prone. Auto fail T7 and +34 sa*es. Atagainst ha*e ad*antage. Attacks with

automaticall! crit on a hit. ee also dama8#".

3ontact tescott!2) .ia #mail dot com for comments and correct

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DM Rules Summary

Character Stats

Class6 >o armor, AC E %8 < +34modifier. =therwise use armor tale. >otenl! some armor t!pes confer +34 modifier ormpose +34 modifier limit. "#$%' 

6 <0 to AC. "#$%'; )ilit! .odifier6 (Ailit! tat L %8) B 0. "#$%1 

cienc! $onus6 Adds onus to ailit! 

hecks, sa*ing throws, and attack rolls whereharacter has proficienc!. Can still attemptkill check without onus. "#$%-1 


! b#-.

ge Rates

oin 3P SP &P :P PP

3opper 1 1;10 1;)0 1;100 1;1000

Siler 10 1 1;) 1;10 1;100

&lectrum )0 ) 1   ½ 1;20

old 100 10 2 1 1;10

Platinum 1000 100 )0 10 1ling Items6 T!picall! get ? price for

ndamaged goods. onster equipment isenerall! unsellale. elling magical itemse!ond potions and scrolls is generall! reser*edor the *er! rich. "#$%'' 


n dim light and other lightl! oscured areas,reatures ha*e disad*antage on I

"erception) checks that rel! on sight.

! b#0.

6 +im light, moderate foliage.

+isad*antage on I checks requiring sight.l! =)scured6 +arkness, dense foliage.


ource Bri#ht li#ht %im li#ht

<antern bullseye $0( cone = $0(

Hooded <antern >0( radius = >0(

Torch or <i#ht spell 20( radius = 20(

! b#0.

6 "ercei*e surroundings withoutel!ing on sight.

6 ee in darkness as if the darknesswere dim light, cannot see colors.

6 ee in normal and magicalarkness, see in*isile creatures and oGects,

utomaticall! detect *isual illusions anducceed on sa*ing throws against them,ercei*e original form of shapechanger or

reature transformed ! magic, and see intohe 3thereal "lane.

6 Take %d ludgeoning damage per %8

eet fallen, max 08d. Kand prone unlessamage is a*oided. "#$%21 

6 Creature can hold reath in

minutes E % < C=> modifier. At start of turnfter this time elapsed, drop to 8#" andreature is d!ing. "#$%21 

Movement and ravel

 Tra*el pace assumes 2 hours of tra*el per da!.

Pace Hour %ay &ffect

4ast ! miles >0 miles ?) passie "-S5perception7

/ormal > miles 2! /one

Slo@ 2 miles 1 Stealth %ifficultTerrain

9orced march6 arching for longer than 2hours in a da!. 3ach part! memer performs

C=> sa*e e*er! hour at +C %8 < each hourao*e 2. 9ail results in one le*el of exhaustion.




Kist an! sa*ing throws to defend against

damage or entrapment. uccessful sa*e oftengi*es half damage, failed sa*e gi*es fulldamage. hen attempting to disarm, failedcheck often causes trap to trigger. T!pical

mechanical trap has a +C%; for disarmingusing Thie*es' Tools. Kack of Thie*es' Toolscan impose disad*antage.

+etermine the +Cs to6 – >otice (I)

 –earch and find (I>T)

 – +isale Thie*es' Tools (+34)

Trap Save DCs and Attack Bonuses

Trap %an#er Sa.e %3 ,ttac Bonus

Setbac 10?11 +> to +)

%an#erous 12?1) +$ to +

%eadly 1$?20 + to +12

Trap Damage Severity by Level

3har le.el Setbac %an#erous %ea ly

1?! 1d10 2d10 !d10

)?10 2d10 !d10 10d1011?1$ !d10 10d10 1d10

1*?20 10d10 1d10 2!d10

Diic"lty Classes

(hortcut6 3as! (%8), edium (%;), #ard (08).

%ifficulty %3

Aery easy )

&asy 10

edium 1)

Hard 20

Aery Hard 2)

/early impossible >0


Si2e Categories

! b#$

Si8e Space &amples

Tiny 2 2½ ½ -mp sprite

Small ) ) iant rat #ob

edium ) ) Crc @ere@ol

<ar#e 10 10 Hippo#riff o

Hu#e 1) 1) 4ire #iant tre

ar#antuan 20 20or lar#er

6raen purp@orm

Morale mg'3.

Creature or group of creatures flees on a f+C%8 isdom (a*ing Throw. ake optchecks on6 surprise, reduced to half hit p

for first time, no wa! to harm opposing grall creatures in group surprised, group's leis disaled or captured, group reduced tosie with no opposing team losses.


pecial ailities and haards that affe

creature. easured in le*els. Ke*els addremo*ed ased on circumstances suc

forced march, no food, etc.<e.el &ffect

1 %isadanta#e on ability checs.

2 Speed haled.

> %isadanta#e on attac rolls saes.

! HP ma haled.

) Speed reduced to 0.

$ %eath Taking a long rest reduces the le*el assuming food and drink are a*ai




7un as comat encounter with initiati*e.+ashing6 1 < C=> modifier dashes alloAo*e that requires +C%8 C=> sa*ing throgain one le*el of exhaustion. This exhau

remo*ed after short or long rest.3nding6 Muarr! makes +34 (tealthpursuer I ("erception) check. Muescapes on success. se common sens

automatic fails and appl! ad*antage B disa

Chase Complica ions6 +/0;' for ta)les.

>otes6"#$NN represents ;3 "la!er's #andook p


+/NN represents ;3 +ungeon asters /

page reference

Page 4: D&D5E - RulesSummary

7/23/2019 D&D5E - RulesSummary

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dd5e-rulessummary 4/4

/ingering n6"ry


7oll a d08 on this tale when a creature takes

critical hit, drops to 8hp, fails a death sa*e ! or more.

  20 -nDury

1 <ose an eye. %isadanta#e onPerception.

2 <ose an ,rm or a Hand. 3an onlyhold sin#le obDect at a time. /ot@o?handed @eapons.

> <ose a foot or a le#. Speed haled.%isadanta#e on %&' checs. 4allprone after a %ash action.

! <imp. Speed reduced by ) feet.4all phone if %&' sain# thro@ failafter a %ash action.

)?* -nternal inDury. ust mae %31)3C/ sae for combat actions. Cnfail lose action and no reactionsuntil net turn.

?10 Broen ribs. -nternal inDury but at%31).

11?1> Horrible Scar. %isadanta#e on

3H, 5Persuasion7 adanta#e on3H, 5-ntimidation7.

1!?1$ 4esterin# "ound. HP ma reducedby 1 eery 2! hours. ,t 0hp death.

1*?20 inor Scar. /o effect. <oos cool.

Ability Check vs Save

Ailit! checks are acti*e L creature acti*el! r!ing to achie*e something. a*ing throws are

assi*e L innate creature responses that helpmitigate B a*oid damage or effects.

bility 3hec Sa.e

STR liftin# pushin#

pullin# bashin#

opposin# force

physically moin#tar#et

%&' fleet of foota#ility deftness

dod#in# out ofharm(s @ay

"-S a@arenesssenses

resistin# charmfear @illpo@er

/T deductieinesti#ationinterpretation

resist illusionsmental assaults

3H, socialinteractions

resistin#possessionattacs on

personality3C/ Stamina health endure disease

poison sappin#of itality

"#$%-', +/01-:012 

3ontact tescott!2) .ia #mail dot com for comments and corrections9 

Magic tems

Identif!ing .agic Items6 #andling an item will

gi*e !ou a sense that it is extraordinar!.Identif! spell re*eals its properties. ith ashort rest with concentration and ph!sicalcontact, at end of rest character learns its

properties. +/%1A "otions6 A little taste will tell taster itsproperties. +/%1A   ttuning6 ome magic items require user toattune to them efore properties can e used.7equires an uninterrupted short rest withconcentration (susequent to short rest to id

it), in the form of pra!ers, weapon practice ormeditation. Item can e attuned to onl! onecharacter at a time, and !ou can attune nomore than three different items. +/%1A   ttunement duration6 3nds after item has een%88< feet awa! for 0 hours, when creaturedies, or *oluntaril! end attunement on short

rest. +/%12 


/emstone Tales6 +/%1.Art =Gect Tales6 +/%1:%1;

Indi*idual treasure tales6 +/%1#oard treasure tales6 +/%1-:%1&agic Item tales6 +/%:%&

  100 Treasure

Individual Treasure CR 0-4

01?>0 E

>1?$0 )d$ SP

$1?*0 >d$ &P

*1?) >d$ P

$?00 1d$ PP

-n i.i ual Treasure 3R )?10

01?>0 !d$ 100 3P 1d$ 10 &P

>1?$0 $d$ 10 SP 2d$ 10 P

$1?*0 >d$ 10 &P 2d$ 10 P

*1?) !d$ 10 P

$?00 2d$ 10 P >d$ PP

-n i.i ual Treasure 3R 11?1$

01?20 )d$ 100 SP 1d$ 100 P

21?>) 1d$ 100 &P 1d$ 100 P

>$?*) 2d$ 100 P 1d$ 10 PP

*$?00 2d$ 100 P 2d$ 10 PP

3R 1*+

01?1) 2d$ 1000 &P d$ 100 P

1$?)) 1d$ 1000 P 1d$ 100 PP

)$?00 1d$ 1000 P 2d$ 100 PP



1 3hilly sunny bree8y2 3old clear @indy> 3old cloudy sno@flaes bree8y! 3old cloud sno@y bree8y) 3old ha8y fo##y$ 3old oercast sno@flaes* 3old oercast sno@flaes @ind 4ri#id cloudy sno@y bree8y 4ri#id cloudy sno@y @indy

10 4ri#id thunderheads hail stormRollSpring

1 3hilly cloudy don@pour bree8y2 3hilly cloudy do@nspour @indy> 3old thunderheads do@npour! Hot sunny humid) ild clear @indy$ ild oercast dri88le* ild oercast sho@ers ild sunny bree8y "arm clear bree8y10 "arm ha8y humidRollSummer

1 Hot clear bree8y2 Hot ha8y humid> Hot thunderheads stormy! ild clear @indy) ild ha8y humid$ ild sunny bree8y* S@elterin# sunny "arm clear "arm sunny humid10 "arm thunderheads humid



1 3hilly clear @indy2 3hilly cloudy sho@ers @indy> 3hilly ha8y fo##y

! 3hilly oercast sno@ bree8y) 3old thunderheads stormy sno$ Hot clear bree8y* ild cloudy sho@ers bree8y ild ha8y fo##y "arm clear bree8y10 "arm ha8y humid

3xtreme weather examples6 hail storm,liard, tornado, flash floods, hurricane. also +/ %8&