DBMA E-PORTFOLIO PROJECT: STUDENT MANUAL FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard Portfolio System feel free to stop by 1106 Wilson Hall during normal business hours or call UMES ext 7574 WHAT IS AN E-PORTFOLIO? Electronic Portfolios represent a meaningful collection of work assembled by a student that demonstrates progress and/or mastery that is connected to learning outcomes and involves students engaging in self-reflection. Electronic portfolios provide opportunities for students to become active learners as they set objectives for learning, engage in self-reflections, review objectives, and assume responsibility for their own learning. Portfolios begin with the establishment of learning objectives by an institution, an academic program, or an instructor and involve students collecting a variety of items known as artifacts that are used to demonstrate growth as well as mastery of these objectives. To further articulation, and in order to demonstrate relevance, students author meaningful reflections where they explain how artifacts were selected, their relevance to specific learning objectives, as well as their understanding and interpretation of a goal. THE DBMA PORTFOLIO PROJECT The Department of Business, Management, and Accounting, UMES has introduced a multifaceted multi-year portfolio project. The goal of the project is to help both students and faculty evaluate students’ academic and professional development. The purpose of the portfolio project is three fold: 1) Electronic portfolios allow both faculty and students to evaluate student growth and progression towards learning goals. 2) Electronic portfolios encourage students to reflect on their own growth and development. 3) Electronic portfolios help students to see how course work relates to real world practice. 4) Electronic portfolios help students to see the interrelatedness of course learning as well as how course learning translates into their own development towards learning goals. 5) Electronic portfolios more flexible than exams in giving students both more control and more opportunities to succeed. 6) Portfolios are a student-centered way to measure student mastery of learning goals. They have been validated in the research literature as a superior means of evaluating student learning. Their usage is supported by the American Association of Colleges and Schools of Business International. 7) An electronic portfolio can be used by students for professional promotion when looking for internships and/or permanent employment.

DBMA EPORTFOLIO Project: STUDENT MANUAL · 2017-09-13 · DBMA E-PORTFOLIO PROJECT: STUDENT MANUAL. FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard

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Page 1: DBMA EPORTFOLIO Project: STUDENT MANUAL · 2017-09-13 · DBMA E-PORTFOLIO PROJECT: STUDENT MANUAL. FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard


FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard Portfolio System feel free to stop by 1106 Wilson Hall during normal business hours or call UMES ext 7574 WHAT IS AN E-PORTFOLIO? Electronic Portfolios represent a meaningful collection of work assembled by a student that demonstrates progress and/or mastery that is connected to learning outcomes and involves students engaging in self-reflection. Electronic portfolios provide opportunities for students to become active learners as they set objectives for learning, engage in self-reflections, review objectives, and assume responsibility for their own learning. Portfolios begin with the establishment of learning objectives by an institution, an academic program, or an instructor and involve students collecting a variety of items known as artifacts that are used to demonstrate growth as well as mastery of these objectives. To further articulation, and in order to demonstrate relevance, students author meaningful reflections where they explain how artifacts were selected, their relevance to specific learning objectives, as well as their understanding and interpretation of a goal. THE DBMA PORTFOLIO PROJECT The Department of Business, Management, and Accounting, UMES has introduced a multifaceted multi-year portfolio project. The goal of the project is to help both students and faculty evaluate students’ academic and professional development. The purpose of the portfolio project is three fold:

1) Electronic portfolios allow both faculty and students to evaluate student growth and progression towards learning goals. 2) Electronic portfolios encourage students to reflect on their own growth and development. 3) Electronic portfolios help students to see how course work relates to real world practice. 4) Electronic portfolios help students to see the interrelatedness of course learning as well as how course learning translates into their own development towards learning goals. 5) Electronic portfolios more flexible than exams in giving students both more control and more opportunities to succeed. 6) Portfolios are a student-centered way to measure student mastery of learning goals. They have been validated in the research literature as a superior means of evaluating student learning. Their usage is supported by the American Association of Colleges and Schools of Business International. 7) An electronic portfolio can be used by students for professional promotion when looking for internships and/or permanent employment.

Page 2: DBMA EPORTFOLIO Project: STUDENT MANUAL · 2017-09-13 · DBMA E-PORTFOLIO PROJECT: STUDENT MANUAL. FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard


Learning Goal I: Graduates should think critically and solve problems strategically. Learning Goal II: Graduates should communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, as well as visual and reading. Learning Goal III: Graduates should be able to reason quantitatively, and acquire scientific knowledge and skills. Learning Goal IV: From global and historical perspectives, graduates should be able to reflect upon ethical and socially responsible behavior, multicultural diversity, leadership, group dynamics, and understand the creative process through the arts and humanities. Learning Goal V: Graduates should be proficient in the use of technology and in knowledge management. Learning Goal VI: Graduates should have knowledge breadth and depth in the business core functional areas. Learning Goal VII: Graduates should have comprehensive knowledge, skills, and professional orientation required for productive management careers in all segments of society and for graduate study in management and related disciplines.

THE DBMA FRESHMEN PORTFOLIO The freshmen portfolio is completed in conjunction with the course Freshmen Professional Development. It must include the following items:

1. A resume, 2. A 250 word biography placed on the Homepage, 3. A paper written in either English 101 or 102 (placed in the folder for Learning Goal II), 4. A well-designed homepage, 5. One assignment done in pro. dev. (placed in the folder for Learning Goal VII), 6. One assignment or paper done in either a history, sociology, international business, or psychology class (placed in the folder for Learning Goal IV), 7. One assignment, paper, or lab from either a math or science class (in the folder for Learning Goal III), 8. A one-page paper where you tells us: your expectations for college, whether you consider yourself prepared for college, what weaknesses that you hope to work on in order to better succeed in college, what major or concentration you have selected and why you made the selection, your college goals, your career goals, and what you hope to accomplish while in college, 9. All learning goals set up in folder form with the goals typed in the descriptions, and 10. A file placed in each learning goal folder that describes in 250 of your own words what the learning goal means to you, why you think the learning goal is important, where in the curriculum you hope to satisfy the learning goal, and your particular strengths and or weaknesses with respect to the learning goal.

THE DBMA SOPHOMORE PORTFOLIO The sophomore portfolio is completed in conjunction with the course Sophomore Professional Development. It must include the following items:

1. A resume (do not delete your freshmen resume just add a new one titled sophomore resume), 2. A 250 word biography (do not delete your freshmen biography, just add a new one titled sophomore biography), 3. A paper or project from either English 102, 203, 305 (in the folder for Learning Goal II), 4. A well designed homepage with a photo, 5. One assignment done in sophomore pro. dev. (in the folder for Learning Goal VII), 6. One assignment or paper done in either an art, literature, history, or psychology class (do not delete what you placed in freshmen year, just add to the folder for Goal IV), 7. One assignment, paper, or lab from either a math or science class (placed in the folder for Learning Goal III), 8. One assignment from an Econ class (placed under Learning Goal IV), 9. A one page paper where you reflect on: what did you learn in college thus far, how you have grown as a student since you started college, whether you performed as you expected during your first year in college, in retrospect were you prepared for college, what could have helped you be better prepared, what do you wish you had done differently, how you plan to better succeed in college in the future, what you have learned about your major, how your perceptions about your major have changed, and what experiences (internships or other) that you hope to gain that will help you professionally, and

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10. All learning goals for the DBMA set up folder form with the goals types in the descriptions (you hopefully already did this in freshmen professional development). Also, a file is placed in each learning goal folder that describes in 250 of your own words what the learning goal means to you, why you think the learning goal is important, where in the curriculum you hope to satisfy the learning goal, and your particular strengths and/or weaknesses with respect to the learning goal (you hopefully already did this in freshmen professional development).

THE DBMA JUNIOR PORTFOLIO The junior portfolio is completed in conjunction with the course Junior Professional Development. It must include the following items:

1. A resume (do not delete your earlier resumes just add a new one), 2. A 250-500 word biography on the Homepage (do not delete earlier ones), 3. Your business communication portfolio (placed in the folder for Learning Goal II), 4. The content from (or a link to) your BUAD 213 portfolio (under Learning Goal V if you cannot include the whole thing use one file from each application including Access, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as your information literacy and networking projects), 5. An updated and well-designed homepage, 6. One assignment from either ACCT 201 or 202 (in the Learning Goal VI folder), 7. One assignment done in junior professional development (in the folder for Learning Goal VII), 8. One project done in either a marketing, finance, or a management class (in the folder for Learning Goal VI), 9. One case done in business ethics (placed under Learning Goal IV), 10. One assignment, paper, or lab from either business statistics or business calc (to be placed in the folder for learning Goal III), 11. A simulation report from a simulation done using Capsim (placed under Learning Goal I), 12. One project done in a course that is part of your major (placed under Learning Goal VI), 13. An artifact that is of your choosing that comes from something you have done outside of class placed under the learning goal which you think is the most appropriate, 14. A one-page paper where you reflect on: what did you learn in college thus far, how you have grown as a student since you started college, what professional experiences you have gained, how you are preparing yourself for entering the workforce, what you are learning about your major, your intended career path, your strengths and weaknesses, and what experiences (internships or other) that you hope to gain that will help you professionally, 15. All learning goals for the DBMA set up folder form. A file is placed in each learning goal folder that describes in 350-500 of your own words what the learning goal means to you, why you think the learning goal is important, how you have progressed towards satisfying the learning goal, your particular strengths and/or weaknesses with respect to the learning goal, and how your understanding of the learning goal has changed during your time in the department (do not delete the earlier file but rather add this one).

THE DBMA SENIOR PORTFOLIO In conjunction with BUAD 495, you will complete an electronic portfolio around the Learning Objectives for the Department. You will be entering the learning goals, locating and importing artifacts (at least three with four preferred per learning goal), authoring reflections, preparing the look and layout of your portfolio, and inviting guests to view and evaluate your portfolio. Following are our learning goals aligned with specific courses where mastery of the learning goals occurs as well as suggested artifacts based on work you have completed in those courses. You will find that you have additional artifacts not identified. Also, you will notice that in many cases the same exercise will be used to satisfy multiple learning objectives. While you will only need to upload each artifact once, you will need to make multiple linkages. Additionally, the same artifact cannot be used to satisfy more than two learning goals.

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PORTFOLIO SUGGESTIONS Learning Goal I: Graduates should think critically and solve problems strategically.

Course Task

ACCT 202 Case Analysis ACCT 400 Company research paper BUAD 300 Business Ethics Cases BUAD 490 Merger & Acquisition analysis FINA 440 Net present value project MKTG 308 Solo Marketing Plan MKTG 401 Advertising Plan MKTG 404 Timeline Project BUAD 410 Simulation Paper BUAD 495 Simulation Paper Learning Goal II: Graduates should communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, as well as visual and reading. BUED 333 Business Writing Portfolio BUED 333 Diagnostic Writing Test BUED 333 Professional Presentations MKTG 308 Oral Sales Presentation ENGL 102 Paper ENGL 305 Portfolio ENGL 203 Presentation Learning Goal III: Graduates should be able to reason quantitatively, & acquire scientific knowledge and skills.

BUAD 252 Project or Exam BUAD 352 Course Project BUAD 354 Course Project ACCT 202 Financial & Managerial Case FINA 341 Stock Analysis Project MKTG 404 SPSS Survey Analysis BIO 101 Lab CHEM 101 Project/Assignment MATH 109 Assignment Learning Goal IV: From global and historical perspectives, graduates should be able to reflect upon ethical and socially responsible behavior, multicultural diversity, leadership, group dynamics, and understand the creative process through the arts and humanities. BUAD 300 Business Ethics Case BUAD 412 Essay Examinations BUED 333 Intercultural Communications Assignment MKTG 488 International Marketing Research HIST ### Paper or Project SOCI 101 Paper or Project PSYC 200 Paper or Project ECON 201 Paper or Project ECON 202 Paper or Project PSYC 305 Paper or Project Learning Goal V: Graduates should be proficient in the use of technology in knowledge management. ACCT 308 Pivot Tables project ACCT 407 ACL audit software problems BUAD 213 Electronic Portfolio

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BUAD 213 Networking Project BUAD 213 Information Literacy Project BUAD 313 Lab Simulations BUAD ### ERP Project Learning Goal VI: Graduates should have knowledge, breadth and depth in business core functional areas.

ACCT 202 Cases BUAD 490 Merger & Acquisition Analysis BUAD 495 Simulation Analysis and Test BUAD 412 Essay Exams FINA 340 Amortization table MKTG 308 Simulation MKTG 410 Case Analysis ACCT 400 Company research paper Learning Goal VII: Graduates should have comprehensive knowledge, skills, & professional orientation required for productive management careers in all segments of society & for graduate study in management and related disciplines.

ACCT 202 Cases ACCT 401 Company research paper BUED 100, 101, 102 Resume BUED 100, 101, 102 Assignment BUAD 412 Essay Exams BUAD 480 Internship Project FINA 440 Net present value project MKTG 308 Case Analysis

ARRANGEMENT You will arrange your portfolio in such a way that a visitor first views the home page which must be professional and customized. The homepage must contain a series of folders that contain links to the learning goals; the reflections created using the reflection tool; and links to the uploaded artifacts. REFLECTION WRITING Seniors, you will be creating reflections using either the blog tool, threaded discussion tool, or by uploading files as part of your portfolio building experience. Reflections provide crucial insight into your understanding. You must have one reflection per learning goal. Your reflections must be a minimum of 400 words and no more than 750 words. Please refer to the word count feature in MS Word. Reflections must explain in a thorough, lucid, and professional manner the following:

• Your understanding and impression of the learning objective in question, • How your interpretation of the learning goal has changed over time, • A description of each artifact that includes how, and why, you selected this particular artifact, • How, and why, the artifacts you have selected demonstrates mastery of the particular learning

outcome, • The strengths and weaknesses of your selections, and • How the learning objective will relate to you professionally in your future career (feel free to give


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DIRECTIONS FOR STUDENT USERS Students creating and sharing portfolios are referred to in Blackboard as Portfolio Owners. Two actions in the form of tabs are available: Build Portfolio and View Portfolio. The Build Portfolio is for creating the portfolio while the View Portfolio tab is for previewing. It is crucial that from time to time you view your portfolio in the View mode. This lets you see exactly what a visitor will see when visiting your portfolio and lets you know if anything is amiss. BEFORE YOU GET STARTED In Your Browser, under Internet Options: Disable Pop-Up Blocker, Enable Cookies, Enable JavaScript, and Enable ActiveX. MY BLACKBOARD The My Blackboard page is the main entry page. Towards the top there are 3 tabs labeled My Blackboard (default entry), Content Manager, and Portfolios. You will click on Portfolios which will immediately take you to the portfolio homepage. Click on the link to the portfolio you own to enter the portfolio.

My Blackboard Entry Page

My Blackboard Portfolio User Homepage

When you access the portfolio system, you will see a list of the portfolios that you own. If a portfolio has not been assigned to you, please notify your instructor as well as Mr. Kaye Pinhey of the Center for Instructional Technology at [email protected]. PORTFOLIO MENU TOOLS

Home Page: The Home Page is the means of entry and navigation. Calendar: This is useful for viewing and creating dated reminders that can be viewed by day, week, or month. Goals: A place where you can place the DBMA Learning Goals. Message Center: This is used for communicating with guests. OWNER TOOLS Files: Allows students to upload, organize and manage the files. Reflections: This feature is for the creation of blogs and threaded topics.

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Binders: We will not be using this feature.NGS Gallery: We will not be using this feature. Resume: Supports resume creation, importation and distribution. Web Links: For the adding of URLs.

MANAGEMENT OPTIONS Guests: Allows you to manage existing guests and invite new guests to view or help design your portfolio. Set Preferences: Allows you to customize your portfolio.

WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU PREPARE YOUR PORTFOLIO APPLYING THE FOLLOWING STEPS 1) Create Folders for Learning Objectives on your Homepage 2) Upload All Files (into You’re My Files for storage), 3) Add Resume and Bio to Homepage, 4) Prepare Reflections, 5) Link files to their Folders 6) Linking other items to Folders including Web links and system created resumes and reflections, 7) Customize the Look of your Homepage through the addition of headers and footers and through additional formatting, 8) View the Portfolio in View Portfolios, and 9) Share Portfolio by Inviting Guests. STEP 1: CREATING LEARNING OBJECTIVE FOLDERS Step 1: Under Portfolio Menu, click Home Page.

Step 2: To add a folder to the Home Page, click Create Folder.

Step 3: Under Description, type the Learning Goal.

Step 4: Click Save.

STEP 2: IMPORTING FILES If you do not have artifacts from previous or current Blackboard courses where you are able to click the Save to My Portfolio button, you may import artifacts directly into the system. This is the most common approach.

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Step 1: Under Owner Tools, click Files.

Step 2: You can Click Create Folder and do as such, then continue to step 3 or if you do not want folders skip to 3.

Step 3: Click Get Files. A browser screen pops up.

Step 4: If the files you want to import are on your computer: Click the My Computer icon.

Locate and select the files. If the My Computer option does not appear when you are in Get Files then a common problem occurring that usually means that you have not enabled all the features necessary. If the problem persists please contact Mr. Kaye Pinhey with the UMES Centre for Instructional Technology in 1106 Wilson Hall by either going in person or by sending him an email at [email protected].

STEP 3: ADD RESUME AND BIO FILES TO HOMEPAGE Creating a resume - There are two ways - using the built-in resume feature or you can import a file. Built-in Resume With the built-in resume feature, you have a pre-prepared template. 1. Under Owner Tools, click Resume. The Resume screen appears.

2. Under Select Resume Type, ensure that Build a resume is selected.

3. Click Add Resume Item.

4. Click the item you want to add.

5. If you want to change the default title, edit the title in the Heading text box.

6. In the Content text box, enter content in Plain Text or HTML format.

7. Click Save.

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add more items to your resume.

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Resume File If you have created a resume file that you want to use, you can import the file and make it available. 1. From the Resume screen, under Select Resume Type, select Use File and click Select.

2. Under Select Resume, click Browse and select a file.

To Add a Bio

Step 1: Under Portfolio Menu, click Home Page.

Step 2: Click either Add or Create File (create is recommended)

Step 3: Type your bio offline, then using the HTML Creator, paste your bio content.

Step 4: Click Save.

Selecting Artifacts Your instructor will review departmental and program learning goals with you in detail. It is important that you understand these goals. Please, feel free to ask questions liberally. Each learning goals should be accompanied by multiple artifacts. A wide range of artifacts can be included within your portfolio. Following are examples:

• Case studies/analysis

• Individual and group projects

• Simulation reports

• Papers and Reports • Exams

• Videos of Presentations

• Mini-Portfolios

• Websites

• Marketing Plans • Business Plans

• Spreadsheets • Financial Analyses

• Quantitative Analyses

• Charts/Graphs/Diagrams

• Strategic Plans

• Assignments

• Resumes • Correspondence

• Internship Reports

• Documentation from Role in Campus Leadership Activities

• And etcetera.

STEP 4: CREATING REFLECTION TOPICS AND POSTING MESSAGES There are three types of reflection topics: Blog: Create a blog (Web log) topic where users post messages and contribute to an ongoing discussion where all messages are displayed on the same screen. Threaded: This is a more structured discussion. Users post and reply to messages. Replies associated with the same post are grouped together, creating message threads that can be expanded and collapsed. MS Word or HTML files: This is done when you type up your reflection in either the HTML editor or in MS Word (if you select this option, refer to the How to Add a File directions and ignore the following).

To Create Topic(s) Step 1: Under Owner Tools, click Reflections.

Step 2: Click Create Topic.

Step 3: Select the topic type and click Next.

Step 4: Enter a title and description.

Step 5: Click Save.

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To Create A Message Step 1: Click Create Message.

Step 2: Enter the subject of your message.

Step 3: Enter the message.

STEP 5: LINKING FILES TO FOLDERS Step 1: Open your folder and Click Add Files.

Step 2: Click Browse (and select the files you already imported otherwise see importing directions).

Step 3: Select an item from the inventory and then click Add Selected. STEP 6: LINKING OTHER ITEMS TO THEIR FOLDERS Step 1: Open your folder and Click Link to Other Items (that are not imported files).

Step 2: Click the type of item you want to add (Reflection, Resume, WebLink).

Step 3: Select an item from the inventory and then click Add Selected.

STEP 7: CUSTOMIZING THE HOMEPAGE Step 1: From the Home Page click Page Options Click Customize Page Display. Under Layout Templates select one of the numbered layout options. To select an image file to display in the background:

Under Background Image, click Browse and select a file from your computer. If you want the image to repeat over the entire page, select Tile the image. To select a color to display in the background:

Under Background Color click Select Color.

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Customize Page Display


Select Page Options

From the drop down click Edit Header or Edit Footer.

You can either type directly in the box for unformatted text or use the HTML Creator by

Clicking Enable HTML Creator (recommended see directions below and the easiest if you want to add a picture).

Enter content for the header or footer.

If you want the header or footer to appear on the Home Page and in all folders, select Use this as the default for the entire portfolio.

ADDING TEXT TO THE HOMEPAGE The only way to add text to your homepage is by adding either a header or a footer. When you do this, please use the built in HTML editor for its formatting features. If the built in HTML editor is not available to you, this means that the computer you are currently using does not have an updated version of JAVA installed.


The HTML Creator consists of the following:

• A toolbar that contains buttons for formatting content and inserting objects, such as tables, links, and images.

• An editing area where you enter content.

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• Tabs that allow you to display content in either WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) view or Source View



Enable HTML Creator

In the


HTML Creator editing area, enter your content. Use the HTML Creator toolbar to format your text and insert objects.


You can change active tools, the appearance of menus, colors, icon sets, and other settings by adjusting the preferences.

Setting Text and Background Colors

Step 1: Under Options, click Set Preferences.

Step 2: Click Colors.

Step 3: To select a default color scheme, under Color Set, select one of the numbered color sets.

Click Apply.

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CREATING WEB LINKS You can use the Web Links tool to compile a list of Internet addresses. These Internet addresses can be added to the Home Page and folders to reference Web pages outside of your portfolio. You can also organize Web links into categories.

To Create Web Links

Step 1: Under Owner Tools, click Web Links.

Step 2: Click Create Web Link.

Step 3: Enter a title and description. The title appears as the link.

Step 4: In the URL text box, enter the Internet address for the Web link. You are not required to enter http://

Step 5: Under Category, select the category in which to save the Web link. If you do not select a category, links will appear in a default category called Uncategorized.

Step 6: Click Save.

Editing and Reorganizing Material Step 1: On the Home Page:

Step 2: To edit the properties of an item, such as its title or description: Next to the item's title, expand the drop down carrot Click Edit Properties. Edit and click Save.

STEP 8: VIEW YOUR FINISHED PORTFOLIO You have two tabs at the top of your screen Build Portfolio and View Portfolio. Switch to View Portfolio. This enables you to see your portfolio exactly how individuals visiting your portfolio will see the content displayed. If you are wondering whether you will be able to continue to work on your portfolio after you have invited guests, the answer is YES. STEP 9: SHARING YOUR PORTFOLIO WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR AND OTHERS Your instructor will only be able to enter and grade your portfolio after you have him/her to join your portfolio as a guest. There are two types of guests: those who are members of the UMES community and those who are not. People who are not members of the Blackboard community can be given access to your portfolio via guest accounts. All guest accounts have an expiration date (the default in 30 days).. To Add Non UMES Guests

Step 1: Under Options, click Guests.

Step 2: Click Add Guests.

Step 3: Select Create a Guest and click Next.

Step 4: Enter the user's first and last names.

Step 5: Enter a unique user name.

Inviting Guests from UMES

Step 1: Under Options, click Guests.

Step 2: Click Add Guests.

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Step 3: If the user is enrolled in one or more of your courses:

Select Browse My Courses and click Next.

Click the course title.

• To add users based on their enrollment in the course, under Find by Course Role.

• To add individual users, under Find by Name locate and select each user

Click Save.

Step 4: Add text for the email.

Step 5: Click Save.

Step 6: Click OK. What Do I Do With My BUAD Portfolio When I Am Finished? Use your portfolio when applying for jobs, internships, and/or graduate school. You maintain access and ownership for ten years.

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UMES General Education Competencies and Business Department Learning Goals Aligned with Assessment Artifacts UMES General Education Competencies Departmental Learning Goals

Suggested Artifacts

Figure 2: DBMA Assessment Strategies

Learning Goal I: Graduates should think critically and solve problems strategically.

Learning Goal II: Graduates should communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, visual, and reading media. Learning Goal III: Graduates should be able to reason quantitatively, and acquire scientific knowledge and skills.

Learning Goal IV: From global and historical perspectives, graduates should be able to reflect upon ethical and socially responsible behavior, multicultural diversity, leadership, group dynamics, and understand the creative process through the arts and humanities.

Learning Goal V: Graduates should be proficient in the use technology and the knowledge management process.

Learning Goal VI: Graduates should have knowledge breadth and depth in the business core functional areas.

Learning Goal VII: Graduates should have comprehensive knowledge, skills, and professional orientation required for productive management careers in all segments of society and for graduate study in management and related disciplines.

Written Communication

Oral Communication

Scientific Reasoning

Quantitative Reasoning

Critical Analysis and Reasoning

Technology Competency/ Literacy

Information Literacy

Business Writing Portfolio, Rubrics from Presentations, Term Papers, Videos of Presentations

Business Software Applications Portfolios, Information Literacy Project, Networking Assignment

Business Ethics Cases, Group Projects, Leadership in Campus Groups, Peer Performance Evaluations from Group Projects, Project from an Art Class

Operations Research Project, Statistics Project

Simulations Scores and Reports, Case Studies/ Case Analysis.

Production Management or Strategic Management Simulation, Resume, Internship Reports

Capstone Electronic Portfolio

Linked to L

earning Goals

Tests from Professional Development Courses, Homework Manager Reports, Business Plan(s), other projects and/or Term Papers

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University of Maryland Eastern Shore Department of Business, Management, and Accounting Senior Capstone Portfolio Evaluation Rubric

Please note that there is a three artifact minimum per learning goal. Evaluation Scale:

DBMA Learning Goals

A - Target: 90-100, B - Acceptable: 79-89 points, C - Developmental: 60-78 points, F - Less than 60 points (must be resubmitted) Target (10)

Acceptable (7.5)

Developmental (5)

Unacceptable (0)


Learning Goal I: Graduates should think critically & solve problems strategically

Artifacts illustrate that the student is able to analyze situations & problems, differentiate & discriminate while making judgments based on a variety of given criteria, evaluate these judgments, formulate & organize plans, make predictions, evaluate results, make revisions as needed, & support their ideas.

Artifacts illustrate that the student is able to analyze situations & problems & formulate organized plans. Student attempts to differentiate & discriminate while making judgments. Student attempts but may have difficulty evaluating judgments, making predictions, evaluating results, making revisions, & supporting their ideas.

Artifacts indicate student is still developing in this area. The student may have difficulties analyzing situations & problems; differentiating & discriminating information; making predictions; making meaningful judgments; &/or formulating, organizing, supporting, evaluating, & revising plans & ideas.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Learning Goal II: Graduates should communicate effectively.

Artifacts illustrate: student can communicate effectively. Student selects the appropriate medium to deliver a message. Writing is correctly & appropriately formatted; free of grammatical & mechanical errors; professional in tone, structure, word choice, organization, & content. Oral communications applies proper volume, tone, rate, vocal variability, strategic pauses, & pronunciation. Nonverbal communications apply proper posture, stance, eye contact, gestures, movement, facial expression, & professional attire. Oral presentations can be made with appropriate introductions, organization, transitions, content knowledge/factual support, verbal & nonverbal communications, visual aids, & conclusions. Student can support ideas factually, communicate clearly & concisely, make meaningful connections, & make thesis statements.

Artifacts selected do not illustrate mastery in all areas. Several performance indicators are not satisfied; however, a significant attempt is illustrated as well as large areas of mastery.

Artifacts selected attempt to satisfy mastery. Many of the performance indicators are not satisfied.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Learning Goal III: Graduates should be able to reason quantitatively, & acquire scientific knowledge & skills.

Artifacts illustrate that the student is able to use a variety of quantitative computational methods to collect, construct, & assemble ideas; analyze, discriminate, compare, contrast, & estimate; make predictions; formulate ideas & construct plans; & evaluate & support concepts.

Artifacts indicate: student can use quantitative computational methods to conduct simple analyses & make estimations. Weaknesses exist in either the simplicity or lack or variance in the methodology employed or with the student’s ability to analyze, discriminate, & estimate; make predictions; formulate ideas & construct plans; & evaluate & support concepts.

Artifacts indicate student is able to use quantitative computational methods to conduct only the most simplistic of analyses.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Learning Goal IV: Graduates should be able to reflect upon ethical & socially responsible behavior, cultural diversity, leadership, & group dynamics.

Artifacts indicate that from a global, diversity aware, & historically conscience perspective the student can identify, analyze, evaluate, & reflect upon ethical, legal, socially responsible behaviors, cases, & decisions for both personal & corporate citizenship. Artifacts indicate that the student can identify, select, & apply a variety of leadership & management principles. Artifacts illustrate that the student is able to collaborate with others while appreciating diversity & respecting group dynamics.

Artifacts indicate: student is aware of the importance of ethics & corporate citizenship can identify, & reflect upon ethical, legal, socially responsible behaviors, cases, & decisions. Identifies a variety of leadership & management principles. Artifacts illustrate that the student is able to collaborate with others.

Artifacts selected indicate that the student has some knowledge of ethical decision making, socially responsible behavior, legal issues, & corporate citizenship. Artifacts indicate that the student needs to develop in this area.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Learning Goal V: Graduates should be proficient in the use technology its application to the

knowledge management process.

Artifacts illustrate: student can identify the essential components of a computer system & distinguish between system & software usage; define & the basic components of a database; identify & define basic internet terminology & activities; utilize Microsoft Word to create & edit documents, author reports & newsletters, merge documents, create mailings & labels, create websites, & create tables & charts; utilize Microsoft Excel to create & edit spreadsheets, manage large notebooks, create & print graphs, create & edit pivot tables & pivot charts, create conditional statements, & conduct sorts, & filters;. create a simple

Artifacts indicate: student can utilize all Microsoft Office applications proficiently; however, some performance indicators are not covered. Student artifacts illustrate that student can identify the essential components of a computer system & distinguish between system & software usage; conduct online searches using appropriate information

Artifact selected illustrate a basic knowledge of computers & Microsoft Office applications; however, the artifacts do not cover many of the performance indicators, contain errors, &/or are otherwise flawed or incomplete.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Page 17: DBMA EPORTFOLIO Project: STUDENT MANUAL · 2017-09-13 · DBMA E-PORTFOLIO PROJECT: STUDENT MANUAL. FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . If you need assistance with the use of the Blackboard

database using Microsoft Access; create presentations in PowerPoint with embedded graphics & links; use Microsoft Outlook to send, organize, compose, edit, & merge messages, send meeting requests; & use search services to locate & evaluate resources.

databases & resources; define & the basic components of a database; identify & define basic internet terminology & activities.

Learning Goal VI: Graduates should have knowledge breadth & depth in the business core functional areas.

Artifacts clearly indicate mastery level knowledge breadth & depth in the business core functional areas including: accounting, finance, economics, management, & marketing. Artifacts show that the student can describe the significant theories, principles, & concepts pertaining to each of these areas as well as how they interrelate.

Artifacts indicate: intermediate level of knowledge in the business core functional areas. Artifacts show that the student can describe the significant concepts pertaining to each of these areas as well as how they interrelate.

Artifacts indicate a developing level of knowledge in the business core functional. Student can describe the significant concepts pertaining to each of these areas as well as how they interrelate.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Learning Goal VII: Graduates should have comprehensive knowledge, skills, & professional orientation for productive careers & graduate study.

Artifacts illustrate that the student is professionally oriented in such a way that they understand& contemporary business practices, industry differences & similarities, hiring procedures, interviewing, job searching, & overall professional presentation. Artifacts show that student understands the skill sets that they posses & how they relate to industry. Artifacts show that student is able to engage in professional career & academic planning.

Artifacts illustrate that for the most part the student is professionally oriented in such a way that they understand& business practices, hiring procedures, interviewing, job searching, & overall professional presentation. Artifacts show that student is able to engage in professional career & academic planning.

Artifacts indicate that the student has attempted to show a professional orientation; however, development in these areas is needed.

Artifacts are either missing, unrelated, inappropriate, or significantly flawed in some manner

Reflections Appropriate & complete reflections for each artifact are provided that clearly & explain: why each artifact was chosen, which learning goal(s) they help to satisfy, how they help to satisfy learning goal(s), & include a reflection on learning. Reflections are appropriate in length, well organized with complex sentence structure that is free of grammatical errors; and use effective language with relevant organization of ideas.

Appropriate yet somewhat simplistic/incomplete reflections for each artifact are provided.

Artifact reflections are limited, unclear; contain numerous errors, & or not all included.

Many/most artifacts are missing. Artifacts included are deficient.

Overall Appearance/ Design/ Professional Presentation/

The portfolio is professional, well designed, appropriate in style, & of a superior quality. It is easy to navigate. A significant effort is demonstrated.

The design & professional presentation is satisfactory with only minor modifications suggested.

Effort is indicated; however, effort is needed to improve the overall aesthetic. Portfolio is not professionally designed.

Appears hastily created, difficult to navigate, sloppy...

Quality/ Completeness/ Professionalism

The portfolio is complete, professional, & of a superior quality. An outstanding effort is demonstrated.

The quality, professionalism & completeness are satisfactory with only minor modifications suggested.

The portfolio is incomplete in areas. Missing crucial elements & of an

overall low quality.

Total Score