DAYS of PRAYER - Home - Jubilee Community Church ... many places in the Old Testament God asserts his own commitment to establish his kingdom across the whole world. He so loved the

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Published in 2016By Jubilee Press21 Nelson Road,

Observatory,Cape Town, 7925


All rights reserved

© 2016 Jubilee Community Church & CityLife Church


We are standing at the threshold of a brand new opportunity. God has laid his hand on us to begin a new work in the city of Cape Town.

We are joining with many other city centre churches that are seeking to lift up the name of Jesus and serve those who live and work in the city.

We are going, not to extend the Jubilee ‘brand’ but to contribute to the life of Cape Town. We aim to contribute socially, spiritually and culturally so that, by our engagement, the city benefits.

Our mission is to renew Cape Town through the gospel, and the establishment of a city congregation is one means of doing just that. As we go together – both city-dwellers and those from the suburbs – we seek to

bring the heart of God to the heart of Cape Town.

What a privilege!

This 30-day booklet is intended to help you pray for the successful launch of the new congregation. A group that’s comprised of members of Jubilee and CityLife, as well as some very welcome new faces.

Many hours have gone into the production of this prayer guide, so please do make good use of it.

Behold, I have put before you an open door which no one can shut. Rev 3.8


Dear Friends,


As we approach the exciting and daunting task of establishing a worshipping community in the heart of the city, it is good to remember that the pressure for success is not on us.

In many places in the Old Testament God asserts his own commitment to establish his kingdom across the whole world.He so loved the world that he gave his only son, Jesus Christ, so that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. The kingdom of God was never to be confined to one people, but was always intended for all humanity.

The means by which humanity is reconciled to God is the person and work of God the Son, Jesus Christ.As we consider the needs of Cape Town and the task before us it is a powerful encouragement to note that Hab 2.14 expresses God’s determination toward our city.

Cape Town will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. We would turn the city upside down with the teachings of Christ. We

would bring the lovingkindness of God to the lives of those without him. People need to respond to his mercy in repentance and faith, but we are eager to spread the knowledge of God to all.

PRAYERLord Jesus let your glory be known! As we work, witness and worship in the city help us to share the good news of the gospel with those around us. Would you empower us and enable us to lift up your name in our city. Amen.

CITY FACTCape Town is a place of replenishment for the thirsty. The city is situated above an underground water resource that the Khoe-San called Camissa meaning ‘place of sweet waters’. Locals knew that water emerged from the slopes of Table Mountain and fed a supply of 36 artesian springs and five rivers. Buried under the city today are a myriad of forgotten canals and pipes that are no longer in use. (Source: N Brodie, The Cape Town Book 2015: Struik)

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, As the waters cover the sea.Hab 2.14


It has been so exciting to watch the building project as it has developed and to marvel at the beautiful building it is turning out to be. This is especially true for me as a CityLife member who has been dreaming of what God can do in this church for over five years.

I was reminded when reading this prayer of thanksgiving by King David that it could be tempting to say, ‘Wow, look what we have done.’ And while it has given us great joy to give willingly to this city plant, both individually and corporately, it’s good to remember that everything we have and everything we have given to this building project comes from God’s hands. It’s a privilege to be chosen to be part of this – HIS WORK – in the city at such a time as this.

So let’s keep our eyes fixed on the one who has made all this possible and keep our hearts loyal to him. He has greater plans for Jubilee in the city than we can even imagine.

PRAYERThank you, Lord for this incredible church that you are building, both in the physical building and the gathering of your people. We are so grateful to be part of your work in the city. Please help us to keep our eyes focused on you and your plans for this work.

CITY FACTCape Town has the oldest wine industry outside Europe and the Mediterranean. In 1655 the first grape plants were imported (from France) and in 1659 the first South African wine was produced. (Source: www.classicencounters.com/winehistory.htm)



Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you. Lord, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people for ever, and keep their hearts loyal to you.1 Chron 29.16-18


What’s the meaning of life on earth? What’s the big idea? A theological summary by the Westminster Catechism of the main goal for all of life is ‘to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever’. This is why all humanity has an appetite for constant worship. While the worship of anything other than God is ultimately destructive, worship directed toward God is beneficial.

Worship reminds us of who God is and what he does for us. He forgives, heals, redeems, crowns you with love, satisfies your desires, renews, and works righteousness and justice. Life can so easily shrink our perspective of who God is. Obstacles can seem overwhelming but we must remind ourselves to worship whole-heartedly. Pastor John Piper says that ‘mission exists because worship doesn’t’.

Jubilee is a community of worshippers. Let’s plant a worship flag in the heart of the city and let the truth of God’s greatness ring forth!

Let’s encourage ourselves, each other and those who are far off to worship the true and living God of this city! ‘Praise the Lord, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the Lord, my soul.’ (Ps 103.22)

PRAYERLord help me to remember the wonder of who you are and to praise you today. Help me to reject passivity and actively praise you. Establish Jubilee in the city where many will forsake their idols and worship the true and living God!

CITY FACTLive jazz and good food are a big part of Cape Town. Here are a few places where you can experience both in the city. Tuesdays to Saturday: thecryptjazz.com in Wale Street. Every evening of the week thepianobar.co.za in Napier Street and asoka.za.com in Kloof Street. For an after church lunch and music try kloofstreethouse.co.za.

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefitsPsalm 103.1-2


Paul had just explained how he is in prison because he kept preaching the gospel message, and now exhorts other Christians to make the most of every opportunity in sharing their faith.Moving into the heart of cosmopolitan Cape Town, having church doors literally on the pavement of Kloof Street and starting a new congregation freshly reminds all of us of the call to evangelism.

As we begin to establish a new community, let’s not miss opportunities to share the gospel with those who don’t yet know Jesus. In our secular westernised context, making any overt reference to religion is often frowned upon. That’s particularly true of any Christian reference, maybe it’s because people expect the conversation to be dry, dour and duty-bound. But actually the encouragement to be ‘seasoned with salt’ reminds us that Christ brings out the ultimate flavour

and zest for life, and that we have the opportunity to share our own unique experience of this with others. Isn’t it time we were more open with our faith?

PRAYERLord, increase my desire to see people come to know you. Help me to respond with grace and compassion, as I seek to courageously share your gospel and ‘make the most of every opportunity’. Help me today Lord.

CITY FACTPeople have been seeking out flavour for centuries. In fact, Cape Town was settled and then colonised by European traders seeking a resting/replenishing point in order to facilitate trade of the spices found in the Far East. Their descendants and local peoples have all added to the melting pot of cultural flavours in Cape Town.(Source: www.capetown.gov.za/en/parks/facilities/Pag-es/TheoriginshistoryTheCompanyGarden.aspx)



Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt,so that you may know how to answer everyone.Col 4.5-6


One of the most comforting aspects of our Christian faith is knowing the steadfast faithfulness of God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He knows the end from the beginning. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last.

He views the whole of time in a single glance, and is fully active in all history. We are not serving a God who makes sudden changes to his plan, or who is thrown off-course by the changing shadows of rising and falling kingdoms. When everything else can be shaken he remains steadfast.

From long ago he plans and brings his plans to pass. The wonder is that we get to share in his work. He weaves together our involvement, our decisions and prayers, with his great overarching plan.

On November 19th 1876 William Hamilton (sent from London by CH Spurgeon) and eight other Christians in Cape Town resolved to become a church that would proclaim the good news of Christ. They formed what would become Wale Street Baptist Church. Hamilton was a gifted evangelistic preacher, also launching Wynberg Baptist Church out of which

Jubilee was born in 1983.

140 years after Hamilton’s church planting initiative, we, as a local church, have the extraordinary privilege of continuing the work he began, and for which many others have prayed, given, fasted and served the city of Cape Town.

PRAYERLord, help me to know that I am part of a much bigger plan that you have for our city and our nation. Help me to trust in your faithfulness and be a servant to others as you give me opportunity. Thank you that you are perfectly faithful. May my life be filled with praise for you.

CITY FACTIt took the first Baptists to South Africa three months to get here by ship. The first Baptist church in South Africa was in Grahamstown. In 1875, three believers met in Long Street and decided to write to CH Spurgeon to ask if he would send someone from his Pastor’s College to plant a church in Cape Town. Hamilton arrived a year later. He was a thoroughgoing Calvinist and a passionate and effective evangelist.

Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.Isa 25.1


Scripture reminds us of the importance of prayer. And we pray not merely to remind God about our needs, but also to remind ourselves of where our help comes from. Even Jesus prioritised getting time alone with his father.Having a prayerful heart and submitting everything to him keeps us aware that God is the one who is in control.

As we step into the adventure that awaits us in the city it is important that we submit everything in prayer to God. We need to remember that every aspect of the church plant is important. God is concerned about all the details – the structural renovation; the interior design; the equipment; the seating; even the provision for refreshments.

Philippians 4.6 says, ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God.’ We don’t know all that lies ahead of us, but we do know that God is always faithful. He has given us the vision to step out in faith and to be a part of making a difference by renewing Cape Town through the gospel.

God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. So when you pray, remember all the different aspects that are involved in the lead-up to the launch.

PRAYERLord, thank you for the opportunities that you have given me to be a part of the renewing of our city through the gospel. As we move closer towards the launch I pray that you would give me a heart for prayer; that you would open my heart and my mind to every aspect, big and small, that will be involved in the growing of your church. Amen.

CITY FACTThe Global day of Prayer was founded by a South African businessman in 2000. The first Day of Prayer event took place in March 2001, where more than 45 000 Christians gathered at Newlands in Cape Town. Each year, the event spread to more African countries until it went global in 2005. (Source: www.globaldayofprayer.com)



And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this is in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.Eph 6.18


There’s a turning point in the gospel accounts. The disciples have started following Jesus (1.16-20). They felt drawn to this teacher, but it becomes clear that they didn’t really understood who he was.

But soon Peter finally confesses Jesus’ identity; other people see Jesus as a prophet or teacher, but Peter sees him as the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the living God.

After that point, Jesus starts explaining what it means to be the Christ, that he was to suffer and be raised from the dead. Yet although the disciples are beginning to learn, it’s clear they don’t fully get it. Peter strongly resists the idea that Jesus would suffer and die. Later, James and his brother John ask if they can sit next to him in his

future glory. They were all still very much in the learning phase.

You and I are on a journey. And as a congregation in the city we’ll be continually learning. And when new folk are added to us, they’ll join the journey. This story helps us not berate our own growth, but should also help us be patient towards others.

Let’s pray for the residents of the city to come and join us; for people to come to Christ and be added to the Jubilee community; for friendships to develop and for Christ to be glorified.

PRAYERLord Jesus, thank you for leading me. I am a slow learner sometimes, but I am grateful that I can follow you, knowing and loving you more. Help me to welcome others into the Jubilee community. Amen.

Jesus asked, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, ‘You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.’Matt 16.15-17




These verses remind us that there is a call to action – we are to rise up to the calling on our lives because God has stirred our hearts to be a part of his work in the city.

We don’t need to rely on our own ideas, or generate some special ability for the task – it is God who provides our every need and it is his glory that will work through us.

Our sustaining source is Jesus, our Redeemer who has given us a new way of seeing things, and new life in himself. He is an everlasting light. If we remain ‘plugged in’ to this energy source we will have abundant life and see him illuminate even the darkest places of our city.

PRAYERLord, help us to shine brightly with the everlasting light of Jesus. May

others see this light and seek to know what the source of this light is. We pray for your glory to be known in the city.

CITY FACTEvery month at full moon Cape Town cyclists take a fun ride around the city. What began as an experiment on Twitter has turned into a popular social event that cyclists look forward to each month.Riders meet at 9pm at the Green Point Circle before embarking on the ride at 9.15pm. The route takes riders from Granger Bay Boulevard through Mouille Point and Three Anchor Bay, culminating in Long Street, where cyclists congregate for a fun end to the evening. (Source: www.insideguide.co.za/cape-town-events/ride-moonlight-mass-bike-ride/)



Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you ... The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory. Isa 60.1,19


Sometimes Jesus surprises religious folk because he has a heart for all people. Zaccheus; the woman at the well; the woman who washed his feet; the ten lepers: Jesus loved people that others were nervous of.

The people of our city; our community; even those in our street – Kloof Street – need to be loved the way Jesus loved. You may not agree with someone’s lifestyle. They might not dress like you do. You may think they are full of pride. Yet disliking someone’s appearance, beliefs or attitude is not a reason for you to withhold Christ’s love.

He loved everyone and so should we. Because of sin, we’re all actually unlovable, but Christ changed the rules by offering love, grace and forgiveness.

If God can love us, surely we can love those around us? We need to ask God to soften and open our hearts

for the broken and those in need. Pray that He will open up new doors of opportunity so that we can engage effectively with our community. Pray that we will love as He loved.

PRAYERLord Jesus, thank you for the unwavering love you have for us. Thank you for the opportunity you have given us to show others this love. I ask that you help soften my heart. Help me to see and love others through your eyes. Amen.

CITY FACTAsian immigration to South Africa started in 1664 when slaves from Malaysia were brought to the Cape, in turn encouraging the spread of the Islamic faith in Cape Town culture. There are more than 20 kramats (Islamic spiritual grave sites) in the Cape Peninsula, and an additional four in the city’s outlying areas.(Source: www.capetown.travel/blog/entry/historic-cape-townfun-facts-about-the-city)

When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples, ‘Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?’ On hearing this, Jesus said to them, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.’Mark 2.16-17


Through the Holy Spirit, the Apostle John has this incredible image of the universal Church as being a diverse yet united body, including people from every nation and every language.

Jesus himself expresses God’s heart for all people when he states in John 3.16 that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

In general, South Africa is one of the countries with the highest number of displaced people, and that figure is rising every year. In particular many of these displaced people move to Cape Town looking for a better life. This means, in effect, that we are surrounded by people from ‘every nation, tribe, people and language’.

The motto on the South African coat of arms is directly translated as ‘diverse people unite’. What an opportunity to reflect the heart of God!

As we prepare to move into the city may we not just have a desire to impact people who are like us, but to deliberately seek to bring the good news of Jesus to the diverse and precious people who call Cape Town home.

PRAYERJesus, break our hearts with what breaks yours. Give us an intense desire to see the good news about you spread to people of every nation, tribe and tongue.

CITY FACTSouth Africa is referred to as the Rainbow Nation. It was actually Archbishop Desmond Tutu who coined this phrase in 1993 to refer to the many different ethnic groups that exist in South Africa and who celebrate their many different traditions and cultures. (Source: www.expatcapetown.com/south-africa-people.html)

DAY 10


After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.Rev 7.9

DAY 11

Cape Town has a thriving foodie and fitness culture, and while at times things get a bit controversial – cough (banting) cough – in general there is a focus on healthy living. Things that immediately come to mind are CrossFit, eating ethically produced food, eating more ‘super foods’, as well as avoiding food that contains processed sugar or wheat/gluten.

Many are making an effort to eat more healthily and, as believers, we should be just as disciplined about our spiritual diet. At times we might feel as if we are getting by on scraps; trying to sustain a healthy and vibrant faith on meals that are lacking in real substance. This passage compares a basic necessity of human life – eating food – to the words that come from the mouth of God: we need God to sustain us in order to truly live!

As Capetonians, we live in ‘foodie heaven’ with so many delicious experiences on offer. To a much greater degree, as Christians, we

are invited to a sumptuous spiritual feast! Let us take up the invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good. Let us savour and delight in the many flavours and types of sustenance available to us in His word – poetry, prose, and parable, to name but a few. Let us not forget that in order to truly live, to truly embrace our new identities in Jesus, we need regular time in prayer and in the study and meditation of scripture.

PRAYERFather, help us to grow fit and strong in our walk with you, ‘for physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.’ (1 Tim 4.8)

CITY FACTDid you know: there are more than thirty restaurants on Kloof Street? Maybe it’s time to visit one!(Source: www.eatout.co.za/article/z-kloof-street-cape-towns-favourite-gourmet-grazing)

It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’Matt 4.4


The tailors who made Aaron’s garments were given wisdom by God in order to do their task. All of us have special skills. God wants to fill us with his Spirit so we will use those skills for his glory.

A new church site plant is an exciting adventure; it gives opportunities for more people to get involved and allow their individual talents and abilities to be used for glory of Jesus.

Each one of us has been given abilities and interests that God wants to use in the city plant.

Think about your special talents and abilities. In what ways could you use them for God’s work in the city? As you focus on helping and giving to others, God will show you the best

ways to do it and give you wisdom to accomplish the task.

PRAYERLord, thank you for joining my heart to this new work in the city of Cape Town. Please help me to be open to serving, and to using my gifts to help create a community that is welcoming, loving and contributing to the life of the city, that your name might be glorified and lifted up.

CITY FACTThe good news is that Cape Town was named the World Design Capital for 2014 by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design. We live in a great city!(Source: www2.kenes.com/wspid/Experience/Pages/InterestingFactsaboutCapeTown.aspx)

DAY 12


Tell all the skilled workers to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments for Aaron.Ex 28.3

DAY 13

God’s heart is to build his dwelling place in our city. We are conscious that we’re joining with other excellent churches and ministries, and we want to take our contribution very seriously.

But what makes me thrilled to be part of this is that God himself promises his presence. And not just that, but in these verses there is a clear sense of the determination of God to have his kingdom come, and to bless the city.

He says he is coming with compassion, to build his house. He’s busy measuring stuff! Making sure that things will work well for his people.

And the wonderful thing is, that it doesn’t end with his own church. He wants the city to prosper, to be secure, to know his kindness.

Obviously the original hearers of these words thought this was a

promise about the physical temple but the actual fulfilment is in Christ (see John 2.19-21, Hebrews 10 etc.). His death and resurrection effectually fulfils all that the law, the priesthood and the temple ordinances and sacrifices were pointing to. They were shadows; Christ is the substance (Col 2.17).

And so now, Jesus is building his church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against her.

God is with us. The zeal of the Lord will accomplish his purpose for Cape Town.

PRAYERFather, help us to realise that we are joining together with others and with you in order that the city might prosper and that many would come to know you, the true and living God. Help us to find ways of serving so that we, as a church congregation, can be a wonderful blessing to our city. Amen.

Therefore thus says the Lord, ‘I will return to Jerusalem with compassion; my house will be built in it,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘and a measuring line will be stretched over Jerusalem.’ … Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘My cities will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem.’Zech 1.16-17


David was faithful to God and trusted wholeheartedly in him, but he felt the pressure of his problems as much as anyone. But instead of giving up or giving in, David held on to his faith. In times of difficulty it is much harder to hold on than to give up. But God proves himself faithful every time.

As we get ready to step out in faith and in many ways into the unknown, we might be tempted to shrink back. In fact at times we can convince ourselves that not taking risks is really the wisest thing to do. David lived with that tension, but he chose to have confidence in the God that he wor-shipped and who loved him dearly. He actively chose to celebrate the grace that has been shown him throughout his life. He said, ‘I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.’

The journey to plant in the heart of the city is a story of Gods bountiful grace, lavished upon us. As we prepare for the launch, let’s reflect on the grace he has given us

individually and the gracious way he has orchestrated this move for us as a community.

PRAYERLord, I trust in your steadfast love. You are able to provide all that we need and to bring us into your pre-cious promises. Help us to keep a big view of you in our hearts, and help us to believe that you have great plans for us in the city. Amen.

CITY FACTThe Cape Peninsula was originally known as the Cape of Storms. As a result of the terrible tempests that have been known to rock the Mother City’s coastline, the Cape Peninsula was originally nicknamed the ‘Cape of Storms’ by legendary explorer Bar-tholomew Dias. Later, it became known as the Cape of Good Hope because it offered colonial traders the promise of a sea route to the East.(Source: www.capetownmagazine.com/news/14-fun-facts-you-didnt-know-about-cape-town/10_22_19306)

DAY 14


I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me.Psalm 13.5-6

DAY 15

My cousin Priscilla Jamieson, 78 years old and my daughter in law’s grandmother Heather Morris, 89, are both founder members of Jubilee. Priscilla was a member of Wynberg Baptist and Heather of both Cape Town and Wynberg Baptist Churches.

Recently as I spoke with each of them it became clear how strongly they have both shared the gospel and spoken into the lives of others: friends, children, grandchildren and now great grandchildren. What a wealth they have contributed and are still contributing to each generation.

Our vision is to make an impact by sharing the gospel and being the light in the city, that we might bring hope to the hopeless and to those unaware of their need.

How wonderful to know that through Jesus Christ cycles of sin can be broken and this is what we can, with confidence, proclaim loud and clear into the heart of the city. As we prepare to launch in the city,

let’s not limit our expectations to the here and now, but be encouraged to keep in our vision the far-reaching work that God is doing and going to do through this church, not just for this generation but for generations to come. May our vision grow daily!

PRAYERFather God, help us to go eagerly into the heart of the city with all its diversity. Let our eagerness not be dependent on the results we can see, but be fuelled by the beautiful gift of hope that we ourselves have received. May we powerfully commend your works and praise your holy name!

CITY FACTCape Town City Centre is now the most visited attraction in South Africa. The V&A Waterfront was toppled from the top spot recently, according to South African tourism figures. (Source: http://traveller24.news24.com/Explore/SAHolidayGuide/va-waterfront-unseated-as-most-visited-attraction-in-sa-20160713)

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. They speak of the glorious splendour of your majesty – and I will meditate on your wonderful works. Psalm 145.3-5


The city centre is a melting pot of different races, cultures and religions. While there is much to celebrate and enjoy about its diversity and cosmopolitan atmosphere, it is no secret that racial tension and general turmoil around South African identity are still a reality.

The message to the Galatians is therefore pertinent in our context. Paul reminds us that our sense of identity should be rooted in Christ, before we identify ourselves according to gender race or class. The passage doesn’t negate any differences between us or belittle them, but talks about how our adoption into the Christian family supersedes everything else. We

mustn’t forget that we have been born again into a new family, one with ties that go infinitely deeper than any of earthly origin.

‘There is neither white nor black, neither ANC-supporter nor DA-supporter, neither CEO nor contract cleaner, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.’

We are first in Jesus together before we are anything else.

PRAYERLord, may the truth of our adoption into your family blossom deep in our innermost being. Open the eyes of our heart to see each other with new eyes as members of the same family.

DAY 16


So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. Gal 3.26-29

DAY 17

We are born for community. What a joy to know that the God who created us this way is also creating a new life-giving community in the city. The first Christians met together in big ‘temple courts’ but also in each other’s homes. At Jubilee we call these midweek gatherings life groups. They enhance community in at least five ways. Small groups provide ‘fellowship’ and togetherness. It’s also an opportunity to worship together, apply the Bible to each other’s lives and pray for each other because there is teaching and prayer.

It’s not only about receiving, it’s about giving too. While not everyone is able to use their gifts in the Sunday meeting we can use our gifts in a smaller meeting through things like facilitating ‘breaking bread’ or leading worship, a leading a discussion, or a welcoming ice breaker. Lastly it’s about giving to those who don’t yet belong to Jubilee. Small groups make a real difference as daily God

‘added to their number those who were being saved’. Let’s join God in creating this life giving community by praying for it today.

PRAYERFather we want to experience the life changing power of New Testament community at Jubilee. Please show me what part I can play and if there is anything in my heart that needs to change to be more open to developing friendships with others.

CITY FACTEver wonder why we have Strand Street in the middle of Cape Town, or Beach Road in Woodstock or why they built a Castle one kilometre away from the shore? Because 71 years ago the foreshore was underwater and Woodstock was a beachfront. By 1945 the City had reclaimed a total of 1.95km2 an enormous engineering feat for the 1940’s. (Source: ilovewoodstock.co.za)

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.Acts 2.46-47


These verses tell us that God is our safe haven, a source of great comfort and strength. It also tells us that he is active in helping his children during difficult times. We do not need to fear even when the challenges seem over-whelming: our circumstances do not intimidate our powerful God.

Challenges are part and parcel of tak-ing a step of faith, like planting Jubilee in the heart of Cape Town, which inev-itably involves some degree of risk.

Our first reaction should be to turn to God and trust that he will fulfil the vision he has given us. We can trust God. And, because he is at the centre of this new community, our church will be a place of refuge for all people. As we walk together and seek Christ in our battles we will experience res-toration in our lives.

PRAYERLord help us to turn our hearts to you for help in our deepest need and

to encourage our friends to do the same. Thank you for being our refuge and strength in all circumstances.

CITY FACTEvery year there is a Big Wave Surfing Contest, located off Hout Bay adjacent to the towering sentinel headland. The wave, named Dungeons, is a right-breaking wave which was reportedly given its name by a local surfer who was trapped under water for two straight 25 foot waves. The wave can reach 40 feet and occurs between May and October. The wave was first ridden in 1984 by two Cape Town surfers. Dungeons is world renowned and the contest is sponsored by Red Bull, attracting professional surfers from all over the globe. (Source: http://encyclopediaofsurfing.com)

DAY 18


God is our refuge and strength,    an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.Psalm 46.1-3

DAY 19

A few years ago a friend of mine, a scuba diving instructor, invited me to join a night-time dive just beyond Simon’s Town. Having already completed a beginner’s course, I was looking for more adventures and this sounded particularly great.

It wasn’t until I was standing at the shoreline in a cumulative 11mm neoprene wetsuit, with an air cylinder strapped to my back and a weight belt around my waist that I began to think about s...h...a...r...k...s. In fact my friend had already had a few close run-ins at that site.

Thankfully the fear didn’t overwhelm me and what followed was the discovery of extravagant beauty I didn’t know existed. What you see during the day is a muted version of what’s really there due to the fractured sunlight. It’s only when you shine the light of your torch on the ocean life that you see it in all its splendour. Metres-high coral suddenly appears as a rich colour of metallic tangerine. Pale

blue anemone are now magically luminescent. Octopus that go unseen in the day are visible at every turn. The light makes the difference.

It was only towards the end of the dive that I remembered how apprehensive I had been. All that the light touched inspired the deepest feelings of joy. My fear had been replaced by wonder.

PRAYERFather, remove our fear of that which we cannot control. Open our eyes to the reality of your strength and beauty. Help us live beyond fear in the confidence of your care. Help us embrace new adventures in the city. Amen.

CITY FACTThe greater Cape Town area has over 100 dive sites – many of them accessible without a boat. (Source http://wikitravel.org/en/Diving_the_Cape_Peninsula_and_False_Bay )

(Psalm 46 continued…)God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging … ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’Psalm 46.1-3, 10


Jesus recognised the importance of community and fellowship. He loved spending time with people. He also knew that the most important rela-tionships formed would be with those closest to him. He had a circle of twelve disciples with whom he shared life: the ups and downs, the long journeys, sleepless nights, joy and sadness. They were brothers in Christ. And, among the twelve, there were three who seemed to be even closer.

The disciples were chosen by Jesus to be with him, to learn from him, and then to teach others. God encourag-es us to live and grow in community just as Christ did. Yes, the church as a whole is one big community, but we also need to develop more intimate friendships. That’s a key reason we provide Life Groups where we can ‘do life’ together – supporting each other, reading and discussing God’s word, and building each other in our faith.

We need to pray for the formation of our Life Groups. We want them to be inclusive and open. We’ll need to get to know new people so that new

friendships can develop. Let’s also pray for the leaders of the groups and for the groups to multiply.

PRAYERLord, thank you for the gift of community, and thank you for the opportunity that you have given us to grow. As we meet together, I pray that you would be the centre of the relationships formed and that we would enjoy each other’s friendship. I ask that you would raise up more group leaders to help us serve more people. Amen.

CITY FACTJust over 279 years ago, George Schmidt, pioneer missionary in South Africa, and founder of the first Prot-estant mission in Southern Africa, arrived in Table Bay on 9 July 1737. He worked amongst the Khoi people and introduced them to the Christian faith. In 1742 Schmidt baptised five new converts.(Source: www.sahistory.org.za/dated-event/first-mis-sionary-arrives-cape)

DAY 20


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching.Heb 10.24

DAY 21

It’s just true: getting to know God makes you sing.

Before I was a believer I did sing but I sounded like a bad version of Leonard Cohen or Lou Reed. You don’t want to know.

I was an active songwriter, but after I became a Christian I seemed to be singing all the time. In fact, because the songs at church were always in a key too high for me, my voice actually adapted so that I could reach (or accidentally screech) a few of the higher notes.

Thankfully now there are many more worship songs in lower keys so that the men can join in without having to drop an octave.

But finding God (being found by God) is so liberating and life-enhancing that we do indeed ‘sing for joy’.

Not only that, but our singing precedes the visitations of God to our souls and to our communities. ‘Sing for joy,’ says the Lord, ‘for

behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst.’ What a promise!

When I read this last year, I had to write it down because it struck me immediately as a promise for Jubilee in the city. Could it be that God is promising to be with us? Could it be that God is going to fill our Kloof St building with his praises and his presence?

Let’s pray that God would provide all that we need in the way of gifted musicians and worship leaders and sound technicians and all the necessary equipment.

‘Behold, I will dwell in your midst.’ Oh yes, Lord!

PRAYERLord, we thank you for your promise. We say, come Holy Spirit, come and fill us afresh with your power and love. Be with us as we worship you. Give us all that we need to establish a centre for your praise and glory. Amen.

‘Sing for joy and be glad,O daughter of Zion;for behold, I am comingand I will dwell in your midst.’declares the Lord.Zech 2.10


In the sporting world people talk about a ‘Big Match Temperament’ (BMT). People like Roger Federer have a high BMT while others get psyched out and lose confidence. Jesus had amazing BMT. Despite the constant rejection he faced, he knew who he was and what he was here to do. In the same way he says that your Father knows what you’re going through.

Why should we rise to the occasion? Because we are valuable to our heavenly Father. You are a child of God. You can leave your anxiety with your heavenly Father. As we establish a congregation in the city, God may use you to share the gospel, pray for someone, or invite someone to the Sunday meeting. Don’t let fear and anxiety lower your BMT. Your heavenly Father knows what you need and will provide for you.

PRAYERGod, here’s what I’m feeling anxious about… I know I am your child and I can depend on you. I lay down my anxious thoughts and I will invest in your kingdom first trusting that every-thing else will follow.

CITY FACTCape Town has many examples of how ‘God clothes the grass of the field’. The Cape Floral Kingdom has nearly 7000 plants found nowhere else in the world. It’s the smallest and richest recognised floral area on the planet and was declared a world heritage site by UNESCO. Of the 9600 species of plant life that are found here, around 70% occur nowhere else in the world. (Source: http://bit.ly/29CnRDP)

DAY 22


Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you – you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6.26-33

DAY 23

We live in an awesome city. While we appreciate that, we can get caught up in the consumer culture of Cape Town. We take and take, but seldom give back. That’s not the Biblical mandate.

Consider for a moment that God expects us to pray for our city. The commission is clear: we are not meant to just be passive consumers, but to actively pray for both the peace and the prosperity of Cape Town. And it’s a mandate with a promise. Our peace and prosperity is intimately woven into the peace and prosperity of our city.

As we move toward planting back into the city we pray that God blesses

us and provides for us. But even as we do this, we pray for the peace and prosperity of Cape Town. As we move closer to the launch date I encourage you to develop a heart to passionately pray for the prosperity and the peace of this city we call home.

PRAYERFather, thank you for Cape Town. Thank you that we get to call this awesome city home. Please bless our city. Help us to impact this city for your Name and your glory. Amen.

CITY FACTIn 2014 The New York Times declared Cape Town the best place in the world to visit! (Source: www.nytimes.com/interactive/ 2014/01/10/travel/2014-places-to-go.html)

Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.Jer 29.7



PSALM 107.7

In Ephesians 6, Paul tells the church at Ephesus to put on the whole armour of God. It’s interesting to note that the armour does not belong to us, but to God. It’s His armour. The city is ready to be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but that may not be an easy task. He is inviting us to join with other believers on a mission with him and to our stand on his promises. He has given us his armour for battle. So what is his armour?

He has given us the helmet of salvation to guard our minds and give us peace. His breastplate of righteousness to protects our heart. We must put on the belt of truth so that we would know the truth and the truth would set us – and keep us – free. He has prepared our feet with shoes of peace so we can proclaim the good news wherever we go. He has given us a powerful shield of faith to protect us from the arrows of the enemy. Finally he has given us the sword of the Spirit, the very Word of God, so we can advance His kingdom.

So as we stand in his complete armour, we stand in His power, his protection and in the security of his promises. We are approaching the challenges with real faith and real protection.

PRAYERLord Jesus, thank you that you have not left us without resources. Right now, I put on the whole armour of God that I may be able to stand firm, knowing the truth and serving others with the truth of your word. Help me to remain confident in your grace and make me a servant of this city. Amen.

CITY FACTCape Town was home to many of the anti-apartheid movement leaders during the apartheid days. Robben Island, about 10 kilometres from the city, was where many of these struggle stalwarts were imprisoned. Nelson Mandela gave a speech at the Cape Town City Hall on 11 February 1990, following his release from prison.(Source: www.buzzsouthafrica.com/the-city-of-cape-town/)

DAY 24


Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.Eph 6.11

DAY 25

Recently I flew in to Cape Town in the evening. I looked down over the city and saw below me hundreds of twinkling lights in the darkness. I was deeply struck by the fact that God has particularly called you and I to be in the city of Cape Town at this time.

What a privilege for us to be positioned here in this beautiful city! I was also struck by how the many lights below made a difference on the darkness, which would otherwise have been below me. From the passage above we can see that, as followers of Jesus, we are called to be a light in a dark place.

PRAYERDear Lord, please help us to be a significant witness for you here in Cape Town. May the love of God shine from our lives in all we say and do, and may it positively impact the people around us.

CITY FACTThe coat of arms of the Western Cape symbolises some of the most important elements of the province’s history, industry and natural resources. The anchor in the shield symbolises hope, stability, and faith. It also alludes to the province’s maritime history and marine riches. The bunch of grapes alludes to the importance of agriculture in the broader sense, and in a narrower context to the province as an important wine-producing region. Beneath the base is a ribbon in the form of ostrich feathers inscribed with the motto Spes Bona, which is Latin for ‘good hope’.(Source: Western Cape Provincial Parliament Website www.wcpp.gov.za/symbols)

‘You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’Matt 5.14-16


One of the amazing promises to come from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount is that we are the light of the world. Because of his work in us, we should immediately stand out from the crowd.

Jesus tells us that a city on a hill cannot be hidden, further illustrating that we should expect to be visible. As we launch the city congregation, we should expect people to take note of us and we should use this opportunity to engage graciously with them. We should embrace confidence because Jesus says we are the ‘light of the world’.

Undoubtedly this move will mean that we will be stretched into new areas of service. Hopefully, all of us will enter a new season of fruitfulness as a result of these new opportunities. Let’s embrace the new season with faith, working to advance the impact of the gospel.

Why not take a moment to think about your gifting, even some of the

promises that you have received along the way that may feel like they have not yet been fulfilled. The time could be now!

PRAYERLord, I’m excited to be part of this new season at Jubilee and I look forward to what you have planned for this community. Help me Lord to be an active participant, looking for opportunities to serve. Amen.

CITY FACTThe Green Point lighthouse was commissioned on 12 April 1824 and was the first solid lighthouse structure on the South African coastline. It remains the oldest lighthouse in service in South Africa. The rotating beam was stopped once, on 1 July 1966, to be trained on the wreck of the S.A. Seafarer providing light for the rescue operation. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Point_Lighthouse,_Cape_Town)

DAY 26


(Matt 5.14 continued…)You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.Matt 5.14

DAY 27

The city of Cape Town is truly a beautiful place, but within this beauty there is also embedded deep injustice and pain. This injustice has been part of our city for generations.

David in this Psalm wanted justice to be restored to Israel and so that he could show others God’s power, and celebrate his goodness.

As we serve the city of Cape Town, we want to be those who champion God’s heart for the city. This will mean, at times, confronting the deep injustices that haunt the history and which could jeopardise the future of this great city.

On our own this task is impossible but we serve a great God and one who is just. As his people, we look forward to a time when his Kingdom reigns absolutely…until then we as his church will live lives that reflect

his heart as we seek to find ways to help rebuild the city.

PRAYERLord, we are conscious that, over the years, many people have been treated badly and removed from our city. Help us to think, speak and act with wisdom and grace as we seek to be servants of our city. Help us to listen well and to influence those in authority to act graciously and justly as we seek to right the wrongs of the past. Amen.

CITY FACTDistrict Six is an inner city residential area (originally the sixth municipal district of the City of Cape Town) made famous by the forced removal of more than 60,000 inhabitants during the 1970s. The District Six Museum was established in 1994. (Source: www.districtsix.co.za)

But the Lord sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for justice, and he judges the world with righteousness; he judges the peoples with uprightness. The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples his deeds!Psalm 9.7-11


Friendship with God is the highest human privilege. God offers us close relationship; a friendship that grows the more we spend time with him and get to know him. He confides in us, sharing promises and words of truth and counsel with his people.

Let us draw near to him and he will draw near to us. He is faithful. He is Emmanuel, God with us.

Just as the Lord seeks friendship with us, so we should be open to strengthening friendships within our new church family. We will experience the blessing of friendship in sharing fun activities together, opening our homes to each other, and enjoying the outdoors together. We’ve all experienced the joy of encouraging, discipling and praying for others. As we honour God by loving his people, he will allow those friendships to deepen.

We need community around us. And, the authentic relationships

we are forming, that are marked by consistency, grace and love, will draw in others who don’t yet know Christ.

PRAYERLord Jesus, my desire is to strengthen my relationship with you and hear your voice. And, as a congregation, we depend on you to help us plant a life-giving community in the city. Help me to spend time in your word, and to respond to what it tells me. Help me to play my part in our church family as I make new friends.

CITY FACTArchaeology has shown that the earliest human communities ever recorded lived in sight of Table Mountain – the Khoe-San, the first Capetonians. They lived in small nomadic ‘bands’ – communities numbering between 20 and 80 people – consisting of several family groups, hunting animals and gathering edible plants. (Source: www.capetown.at/heritage/history/khoi_first.htm)

DAY 28


The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. Psalm 25.14

DAY 29

God gave many important commands to Israel. One of them was that parents should teach the history of his mighty acts and his laws to their children. By this means the story of redemption, of God’s action in history, would be heard from generation to generation. The next generation would both hear and understand the ways of God and the law of God. Each generation ought to know and love God so that they might set their hope on him.

We have a responsibility to articulate the story of redemption too – and particularly as it concerns the coming of Jesus Christ, God’s Son.

As we engage with our city, we want to be a church that celebrates God’s goodness. And we want to share this goodness with the next generation so they can develop a relationship with God.

Pray with us as we seek to develop an excellent children’s church that will engage the hearts of our kids so that the Gospel will go forth to a new generation.

PRAYERThank you Lord for the families joining the city congregation. Thank you for the many children who live here. We pray for an outstanding children’s ministry; for great leaders and for inspiring times in their groups. Give us excellent volunteers for this important work. Amen.

CITY FACTAccording to the last completed census for South Africa in 2011, 24,8% of the population in Cape Town are children in the age range of 0-14 years old.(Source: www.capetown.gov.za/en/stats/Documents/2011%20Census/2011_Census_Cape_Town_Profile.pdf)

For he issued his laws to Jacob; he gave his instructions to Israel. He commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children.Psalm 78.7


Over the past few decades Cape Town’s permanent city centre churches have been through a relatively challenging time. There haven’t been stories of sudden, amazing growth, which actually has been the case in the suburbs.

The city centre churches have sometimes struggled, and those that have grown have done so slowly and steadily.

But the city does seem to be approaching some significant

residential changes, with plans to build more affordable housing in the city as well as significant investment from the private sector coming Cape Town’s way. If people are moving back into the city then we ought to expect the churches to grow.

Even though we are thrilled to be gathering folk who live in both the Northern and the Southern suburbs our desire is also to reach the many existing residents in the city area itself. Seriously, from Camps Bay to Green Point, to the Foreshore and

DAY 30After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’Luke 10.1-2

Woodstock (now practically part of the city centre).

There is a harvest before us and we are to pray for workers. This doesn’t only mean evangelism and praying for the sick (as in the context of Jesus’ words) but workers in a wide range of activities.Let’s pray that God would provide workers in the following areas:

SUNDAYSWelcome: ushers, hospitality, decent coffee, friendship-buildingWorship: leaders, musicians, audio, visualChildren’s church: group leaders, planning, great rooms for themLeading and Preaching: anointing,

winsome, relevant, salvationGuests: residents, students in the city, visitors, follow-upManagement: parking, security, all building functions

LIFELife Groups: leaders, space for growth, new groups (5 currently)‘Advertising’: Welcome Brochure, invites, business cards, leaflets, postersEvangelism: meeting people, homes, social media, church activities, events, word-of-mouth invitationsAnd don’t forget the many believers in the city who don’t attend any church

There’s a harvest for Jubilee in the city of Cape Town!



Image credits:Page 10 and back cover middle lower left: Lisa Burnell and the Cape Town Partnership

Page 35 and back cover middle upper right: Shanna JonesCover image and back cover bottom: Chris Rowland

All other images: stock.adobe.com

community church
