COLOMBIA. CHAPTER L GBNERAL DElI CRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. SECTION J. ITI EXTENT. CoLOtull' it bol.lDded, OD the north, by the province (lf COfta Rica in Guatimala .(ld tho Caribbean Sea.; on the cut. by the Atlanw: and Duteh Guiana¡ on the IOUtb. by Portu. gueae Guiaua, the tiver MarañoD, .ud Peru; .ud on the west, by the Paci1i.c Occan. It Un .. nteoda fmm the ril! or nortbem r..tiwdc, -in itl eutem portiOD nearly 10 the equator, and in ¡ti! Weltem neuly 10 tbe 7· or lOuthem l.titude. The eatcrn portion of tbit vast rtgioD wu formerly caIled Venezuela or Caracaa; thp west.em .portion, New Granada or CundiDa- VOL. l.

COLOMBIA. Datien, N1d in ruoning thtotJgh tb~ IMhlflu! of Panana ,!'ti nearlylosL After pauing lbe Iatbmu., they.gaiD begiD 10 eviDa! their ma. jeme forml; .ud, dividins ... hat u

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CoLOtull' it bol.lDded, OD the north, by the province (lf COfta Rica in Guatimala .(ld tho Caribbean Sea.; on the cut. by the Atlanw: and Duteh Guiana¡ on the IOUtb. by Portu. gueae Guiaua, the tiver MarañoD, .ud Peru; .ud on the west, by the Paci1i.c Occan. It Un .. nteoda fmm the ril! or nortbem r..tiwdc, -in itl eutem portiOD nearly 10 the equator, and in ¡ti! Weltem neuly 10 tbe 7· or lOuthem l.titude.

The eatcrn portion of tbit vast rtgioD wu formerly caIled Venezuela or Caracaa; thp west.em .portion, New Granada or CundiDa-

VOL. l . •

• I1W'Caj lUId the .outb-'II'estern nttelPity oC the lattu, Quito. '!be ",hoJe ilI DO'II' united iD lhe R.epublie of Colombia.


b delCribiog lb_ ¡reat rtatura oC the country. we comroence in ¡ti .... km part. be­C&UIe they \I.n! thue mOlt ptolOiocot. 'Ihe Cordillera of the Aude. Cl'OISeI" the couP,tty (rom lbe aouth to tbe north.

Vic'fring lhe ADdes genenJIy, they ron pa­ralIel to the cout el tbe Pacific Ocean, at the genenl diataDce oC about 1$0 milet. ud may be utiafactorily tnced from lbe river Atrato. in S' north latitude, 011 th, ulhtout of Paoam.: .. fu IOUth as Cape PiJ.r.ra, at the "'aten! ea. tralIee oí \he Stmtl of Magelan, in (ISO IOUth I&tlwde, beiDg aleagth of üOO mila

In CoIOQIbia, the grmest altitudc oC lbe Anda is conjec::tured to take place nearly un­der lhe tc¡ator, where tl1c cooe oC Chimboruo riIee lo lbo &Dlaziog beight of71~ yvda .bove the level of the ~

ConaideriDg fint tbe Dorthcm portian of thi. clain. w, mar obaervc that the Andu illloeru.i· b1y deaeue in elevation towa.rds Ihe ptorince

1 I

~ --~-

, of Datien, N1d in ruoning thtotJgh tb~ IMhlflu! of Panana ,!'ti nearlylosL After pauing lbe Iatbmu., they.gaiD begiD 10 eviDa! their ma. jeme forml; .ud, dividins ... hat u ccmmonly OIlIed Nortb úom South A.Ierica, \beyenter tbe proviDce olVeRpao •

ID CUDltiftlm'..., lbe maUa chain teparate. iteelf illto putlltl ridgeI. tkree uf which lIJ[ut betnm i" 5(Y. UMI /jo 1$ ol DGrth Jatitude. n. euta'o ridge di,ides the pat river

1bgdIIlena from the plaUII uf the Meta: Done of ita 8D..Dlmiu are CO'Vered ,,"th 100'li'. nI! QldlUal. ridge eepuatet tbe Magcblena from tho ruo Cauca: thu iI tb'e mott Iofly uf the "three. ud ite most rkvated peab euU:!' the regioll oí fUma! f'rost ¡ Ihe three highe.t ve .,..,...,., Qaindiu. &rapo, and GU&DIICU. The WClJten\ ridge .epuatee the Rio CmlCI. room lhe pronllce of Choco: it attaío$ aearedy 4.iOO Ioet io fltitade, lUId nurly bes ihelf in ihe prO'VÍnce of Darien.

'lbele three ridgei u1IÍto in Ihe diHrict of PutoiI iD POploYU. a.ud mutinue single till tb~ hlWe pwtd the eqaator j wbeD they agaln aeparate tbemaen'eI iDto two parallel chain., iD lbe pro'Vince of Quito, by' nl1e1oear their aumDita. It;, here tbat thoy &ni &eeII in their ~t .ubliroe foJuu Chimboruo, Pichincha. Illio-' Antieana, .ud Cotopaxi. ueending 10 lhe vlT! Ikk:t, their "hite ccmes being beauti.

• fuUy contrasted "ith \he darle blue of the tur_

roullding fil1Jll.Ulent. Two KCOlldary cbaiJII ate tbfO'll'D out iD. thia

p'rt ol Soutb Ammca. The lint or th.e ia In the Dorthem pul oC CundinallW'Ca and. Ca.­l"ICIlI I the IIlICOIId iI &nowa by the nr.me of abe CotdWe~ of the C.w.cta of tbe Oriooco,

T'he 4nt branch, O!' Cordillen oC Cundina­ID&JU and Caneu, bendI eutward from the river Atn.to. f-mg tbe Siern ol Abibé, aod oC c.uc.. Illd !be bigb pl.aint of Tolu. and croueI tbe nver MagdaIom.. It then (0l'!IIS.

'OaITO'II' eh';lI doog lbe cout lo c.pe Vd&, 'll'hert it teparata into tlro panllel ridgel¡ bul joining agUD, and formiDg lofty IWDmita. it .tretcb~ aloag tbe wbolo ol Canea. and l!.e. itaili iD the Atlantic Ooean, at the Capo of Pari.. lb high.t poiota are in tho provincet oC &nta Marta ud Merida. 'The Nevada oC lhe fonner u 16,000 Cee\, 'lid th&t al lhe lattu 1$,000 in a1titude, their hea.IU bein¡ ODIIItaIltl1. enyelOped in IllOW. 'Ib0l0 puallel ridga {orm vut plaiDa betwee:n theiJ: aummita, elevated lo grut heigbtl above lhe _; lhll p1ain of tbe Caracu beiug t660 feet in Imgbt.

'lbo greatzst elevaliOD of thit chain, af\er it CTOISeI tbe bouodary brtorten Cundin.t.lll&l'C& and CInC:U, iI near lbe metropolU of lhe \at. ter govemment, wheTe lbe Silla de Caraca_ raaes itaelt 10 tbe height or ~ ruto and forms an enorm OUI precipite fronting tbe ea.

---- ---

, ribbeall Sea. Indef.d. the cout or Car..cu. whicb. alead. for aD UnmeNe leogtb, a!'onla mwa of IOlIIe of tbe most trtIolendoua precio picm in lbe world. The chalo of the Andes. travening lbe .. bole territory in the direction oC ita Ihora, e1entol ibelf milito bowever. in lbe westeru puta, and • 10It in the Jea oppo­lite to lbe iIland of Trinidad,. ",bich is it.elf ver¡ mountaiaoua.-Tbe avetage beigbt of lbe Cordillera of Caracu may be estimated .te ~ reet, though it occ».icmaJly exote<b 8000; itl breadtb varita from len to tW'eaty lcagues; &nd it fOrllll lOme eJtleDlive ami beaJJtiful vaUey"

The seeond braocb oC tbe Aoda, c:alIed lbe CordiJler. of the c.tatacU oC tbe Orinoco, el:tend. itlelf from the great chain eutwud be­tween tbe sd and 6th degreea ofnortb latitude, .htre lbe high plains or Tuquillo .lId St lrbr­tin,. ... ilb the peab or Cavan.mi .nd Umama, &ni fonaed. le eootaln. the lOurces of lbe Guariari, lbe Meta, lama, and Ymerida. riven, and forms tbe tremeDdoul eatanlcb oC Mly_ puré and Aturé Beyond th~ it acquire • .ti.ll greatet dev&tÍOD, .00 oecupies I.D jm. meDie rpaoe. stretchiDg lOutbllfUd to lb, boundarie- ot the Portuguese dominiool, wbere it u Iost in v .. t lUId outly impenetrable tnct5 of woody couotry. over .. bic.h DO Europeao hu ever trod. lo tbiJ gloomy oountry exilt thc lOUrce. of lbc magnificeDt OrillOCO. ",hicl!

, Mve MVer bee4 _ elther "1 tU civiliud lndiant or by tbe Spaoiard.. ne eh&i.a. _ lIjJ&in hilen obNtved iIIuing ÚOCIl (oratl &r,.

thar lO lhe earn,aro. lbere. hotreYtT, it • neitblr 100 elevated nOI 10 broId, IIlId ia u 11ed Sierra de QuiDeropacs ud Paca....,. DeU.tb. Lake of Pariro.6 I.IId lbe AIIlUOIlL lt again e.s~ncb ¡tt bteadth • fo,.. degr_ flW1ber eut,. ud berwIe IIOUtbwardl aloo¡ !he Hao. whe.-. !be hill or Ueueu·mo ia &&id lO be f'Gnoed oC ahini.ng ydlow miea. which d.oeived tboee tra. ,..tUen .bo fancicd they atlut fOW1d • tDOI.m_ WII 01 goId. From this hill, e&Ilecl FJ Dcndo. oc the Golden MOI.Iotai.n, lbe bn.ac:illtrtfChn eutw.nt. lo"uds lb!! mOUDtaim of } ' l'UIch

Guian .. ..,hue ibl fonn i.J liwe kooYD, .. lb. interior of that COUDtry i.J hlhabited by Cuibt aud Negroes, .bo keep lbll KWerl &t bayo Tbe riven of Berbice, Suriuam, Marouy, &lid FMequibo, rise in thia part al' lhe chaiD.

The IDOIlIItain or Duid& iI lbe higbe.t pomt .bieh hu yet beeD &em of tbe Cordillera 01 tbe c..taractL TIria volC&DO 11M ooc. bitberto '-o uplored; but itt beigbt hu been fOUlld lA) be M6$ Cm aboye the -. Tb. Cordillera of Ihe c.tataet. iI remubblt roc !be abrupt deaotnt oC ita IOUthcm face.

Tb_ breoche- form three illlllleDM pl.a.in. benreen their b--. opeo 10 the lIOuthern At­JUltiC Ocean 00 lbe euf, and .hut out (10m tbe


'PaciIc by lbe great truDlr. ol!he AndM 011 \be -'I'be 1II0Jt IKIrtberl1 of th_ plaio. iI tOe PIaiD of the 0riD0c0, DOted. fodt. lUIUriat a.bIge. aad p" "Dg ooly • few ~ a-. 1'hiI ¡par: p1ai.n b01Jl1l1a th., Coniillera . tO tbe 1OUtb, and fu &om 1" . 0g tho.e ele­fttIId _di wbich dI~ tbe lOIIthom portiou of lb, New World, DatunI b&II ~ ~ the cuaatr, iDto immen.Ie s.ts, or_ vuuaba, known by tbe name of:Lo. lJaDDA. (the PIaina). lo tMIe plaint iDllumermle bulla of cattle are fod" ~dcd b1 the .er· "-Iltl oC tbe OWIk3, .bu reside in the towus ............



HI;IIII01J)1'. speaking oftbil generally. uyl, .. Wben • tnveller oe"l,. _nivel! from Eu~ penrtntn for tbe fint time ¡oto the foresta of Soutb Amuie .. nature preeentl berielfto him under !Uf unupeeted PpCCt. The objects tht aurround bim rec:all but .feebly thoee pictures whidi eeJebrated .riten hav!! tnced on th" blnt. of tbe MiNliaippi, in Florida, and in


other temperaté npml of tbe N_ World.. He feela, at evcry 'lep. that he ~ not OG tbe 00Il. iDea. but in the ceob'e O{ Iho tonid wne ¡ oot iD ooe ofthe We.t Inm. JeI·bd .. but!;la • YNt 1 oontioeot, _befe eVII", thlng ia "IÍI"ntic tbe .mountaiD .. the riwn, iuid thc mU. of vegeta. tioo. If be feeI ,UoDgI, the beauty of pie­turt.que 1CeDe". he can 1CU'OtI, deloa the variex. emotiona whieb crowd upoca hit miDd ¡ he CaD ~1 clittiDguiah .bat lUan ncitn bit &dmintion-the deep Iileac::e oC tbo:.e.oo-tuda. lhe indiYidull beauty' and cootrut al (0I"III" or tluit vigow' ~d rr.bneu of Y~ life, which eharact.eriu the dir:nate of tbe tropiCl.. Jt might be aid !hu !he eart.h, O1'et.

loaded ... ¡tI! pIula, dOOll not ,UD,," thClOl ~ce cnougb to unfold ·themidvet. Tbl! t.runb of the lreeI are .vuy •• heril cooctal.ed uoder a tbiclt carpet of vudure ¡ aad if "'11 earúulJy tluuplallted.the orchidee, tIle pipers. ud (he

potboe. .hich aliDgie courb.riI. or American • /ir tree. DOUrW!et, 'W' abould coyer .. nat o . teot el grouDd. By this lingulat _mbl~. tb, focab, u .dI al thc bnlu of tbe rocb and mOUIlt.ina, enlatge lbe domaifll of ozpnie D&ture. Tbe aame lianu .. hic;h creep og the ground, reach lb, lopI of lbe treft, ,mi pA&

(roro OlIC 10 Inother at tbe height of more lhan • huodred feet.-We .Ilked for iome houllI "nder tho ebadc nf thetc an:adN, that ICalftTy .dmit. glimpilc ofthe .ltr, .. bicb 'ppewed to


lile of &D iodigo bluo, 10 much th, deepet u tbe greeu oftbe equilloctiaJ plantll it generany of. atrooger hue," witb lIOIDewhat of. hroo¡milh tinto A great fem tree, very di1rert'Dt from \he polypodium arOOteulD of the Weat lodies, rwo .hove m_ of scattered rock.. In th;. plt.Ce we .ere atruck fof Ibe fim time with tbe aigbt of thOllC! neets in tbe ,hape of bottles, or amall pocketl, _hicl! are .uspmded 10 lbe bn.nches of lhe towese treee, apd ",hieh attett the admirable iDdultry of the orioJeI, which rningle tbair ,.arblingt witb Ihe hoane enes of . lbe parrots and the m&Ca'lll1. These lut, 10

well knoWll fol' Iheir vivid coloun., Ay onl, in paire, ",hile ihe real plUTOtI wander. about in Boda of aeveral hund",ds. Aman mU11 have lived in those dimates, particularly in tbe hot vtlle)" el the Andes, 10 conceive how theae birda IOmct:imea drown witb tbeir voiee Ihe noi3e of lbe torrente ",hicl! rush dOll'D mm I'odc 10 roek."

otCancu. in particular. itiaobserved, that in a general vie", of the eeven provincee, thcy form three diltinct zones, utending from east 10 wen.

We find at fint cultiv.ted land aloog the abore, and near lhe chain of Ibe mountains 011. tbe cout; lI.ut, NlVaIlllah. or J'3o'wragea; aod' "flnally, beyond the Orinoco, ,third zone, that of tbe forata, ¡lito which "lll'e can penetrate onl1 by mean. of the rive~ lb,t Ir&verte


tlr.em._Il tbe Dative inhabitanta oC tbe fOft$u uve<! eD~ly 00 tbe produce oftl!e eh-, Ii.k. tboee of the MiB&owy. '11'8 migbt ay. thai tbe tbree zooea into whicb the temtn,," oC Caracu iI divided, praent &ti image oftho three atua al bnlDaD aociety-the life oC tbe wild hunteT, in !he ... 0Qlb of tbe Oriuoco; the pa&ol'IIlife, in tbe IJavanoah~ or lIaOOl; ud !he Igrieul­tutal, in th bigb nlleya, IlQd &t the (oot of lb. mountalnl no tbe coe.at.

Míssiouary monh. and, beforll tbe Revolu. tioo, a fe .. IIOldien. occupied hero, al in all Ametica, advanced polla 00 the frootien oí Brazil. In thil fint zoue lI'ere (elt tbe prepoll_ derallCoe of (oree, and lba abu.e of power, whicb iI • neceMUy cooeequence. Tbe D.ltive. car· ried 011 civil "In: Tbe mono eodeavoured 10 augment tbe Iittle villasell o( tbeir mUliool, by availiog theouelvea of tb!! diMe!!'¡oDa oC tbe oativee; The military lived iD a !tate of hOla­lit y with the monO, whom they Wel'e ¡atended lo pl"Oteet. Every thiDg ofl'ered .J.il:e the me. ll.Ocholy pictwe of miaety .od privationL

In the leoond region, in the pJ...i.nA and tbe puture grouuds, foad is extremely abulldaut, bUl hlllll little variety. Altbougb. more advanc­ed in civilization, Oleo _¡thOllt !he citcle fII

. IIOlJIe lCattered ro"os do oot remai.D leas iJolat. ed from Doe another. At the view of their dweUiIlga, partly covered witb.kin'a!ld leatber, it would I~m, tb.t, fae from being liud, tbey


ue cn ea, 0D! ped. Ül thtM VMt. meado .... whidI.~ lo tbe bon.on.

A¡ricuku.re. lI.1lich &101181&,. ~II buiI" aod dmn ~ Ih titII of Nciety, OCCII~ lho t8ird --. the Ih .... ud ""P"ri'u, tbe boL aDd t_JM""'U valle,. ia tbe 1Il000taillt DeIl'.

tht:I __ ID c-... tau. ", percti ... tbt it&.ncuatural iDdutcy, ita greIIt 111_ Di po­poW:ioo. ib 1l1ZlllefOUl"""", ud wtwever iI COIIJIeeted with lMl sdvaneed civilizatioD, lftI

íaua.d DeU' tbe OQMt. 'lbitI COMt e.xteDda fu· ther tl.D two h1mdred Jeasuet. 1t it b.thed by lbe Little Caribbean Sea. llOI't of MediW. nneeD, on the Ibora cl ... bich &1l lbe n"'i ...... pf Earope ove fO .. ndrwt coIODi~; 1I'hicb com­.uDit:at.. al leVeru poinb with tba Atlautie Oceu!; aDd !he ~IICO of _hich hu bad • oonaidenbl, iPiIUClllce"OO the PI08I- oftnow. ledge iD th.a eutua put oC equiDoetial Amo­rica. from the time of tbe COIIqlUllt.

Cundj .. m'ra ud Muico havo no.CllTlec·

tion with forei¡u mlc¡ni- aDd througb tbem with that ¡wt of Ewope which it not. Spaniab, mlcept by the pon. of~. aod of Saata l4artha, of Ver. Cruz ud of Campeaeby. Th_ nK COlUItri-. &om the nature of tbeif a.Ib, _ tlu! NIDOteD_ of their population OD lbe t.clr: of lbe Cardillera. pi mt few . poiob al OIIIlbct with Co~ landa. The GIUf of Meneo M even leu ñequented during a pratt oC the ymr, (ID actount ofthe chnger or

" rJe- of .,iud &om the oona_l'be c:outa of Caracu, OD the COOt1vy. &oca tbcir extent. theit Jtretcbing unrw thlllll. tM nUlllber of lheir ports, md tite IÚrly of tlroeir aDdK~ at diJÑrent -.00" ~ .11 die adRZltap of the interior Caribban s.. 11Ie <:OIIlIDuzU.. c:atiou .itb. Ole grate.r ¡el,"'¡., aud ev .. with tbOle th.t ve to willd.atd, can DO .here be more &equeot than from tbe porte ot CuiPUWo Batceloa .. I.. Guayr., Porto C1be11o. Coro. aod Mataeaibo; aDd DO wbete hae it beeD. fOUDd mOft dilIicuJt lo n:Itnlo aa iltidt _ me:rce wilb ~ Can _ wooder, tbat thia facility 01 comlDet'Cial iD\Im::oune .jtb the iDhabitanb of me America and tbe -«itated na.tiont of Europe, .nould hne augmentlld iD (:OOjunction. io lbe proviocel ot Cuacu. apu_ lente, kDOWledge, Uld that ",tl_ dsire al lo

local govet11-.eat., lI'hieh it bleodelfwith lbe )ove oIliberty ud republicu (omq?

lt mar be objec:ted. 'tbat iD other parts of Spanilh aod Portuguae America, "hC!'eftl'.e can trace !he progrMl"e devdopmeat or ci. vUiu.tion, we fiDd the three as- oC lOciety united. But it ougbl lo be telllem~ aDd. • trua obRrvatioa iI utte.toely "portaDt lo thciIe who delire lo becoIae tborvughl, acquaioted with the politic:al ttate ot tbeto eoIooie.. that tb.c dlapotition Of the three zone.-that of lbe foreatl, tb.e patturel, .nd the eultivlted Iand. is not every_where the tatnt, and lb.t it il ~o

" .bere 10 reguW- as in tbe country of Caraeu. It iI far {roro being al" .. ,. {10m tbe ~t to tIIe ilIterior. tbat populatioo. commercial indus­tlJ'. &lid iDtcUectuu improvemeot dilnin.idles.


Ac::cOaDIl'IO lO itlntuation, whlcb. beginoiDg &oro the 1 tth degree of nortb latitude, atead. towanil the equinoc:ti&l. line, this COUlItry migbt be eJ:pected 10 prC$Cnt lo UI oo.Iy .. lcorchiog IUO, lUId .. land rendeted uninhabit.­ablt by eJ:cesaive beat j bUI nltute hu 10 di.

o veniñed the tcmperaturo Di itll diljD&te, that in lleven! p1aceI lhe illbabitanta enjoy thecoolnolll Di .. pe~tua1lpriDg ¡ ",hilat in otben, t!J(! pre­aidiDg I&titude e:r.erciaes, 1rithout contraul, the powttl udgned lO il

Owíng to the e1eVltion oi tbe !and, the heat ia not 10 iDJUpportable .. tnigbt be imagined. AJoPg tbe cout, indeed, it la very grcat; bUI ueending gradually into tho bigber regiDO" the travelkr fiDds it aenaibly cilininUb. aod oh­rervea ' with delight the vegeuble prodUClioDI of diiferent couotries c:oncelltrltcd in .. am&ll ¡pace. The hea! in tbe valley of tbe Orinoco iI mtel1ile, the thel'lnOlllC:tcr rising ucn 10 11,,°.


If. tAnHQUAD:a AMD VOl.C.t.li'Ou.

TIU chain of tbe Andct cout.aina 1I'ithiu it. boeom tbese mltcrials of destructjou. Earth. quakea or the mOlt uemeudou. nlture bave ~Utred in tbe.e regiolll, ud from Cotopui lo tbe ahora of thc Straib of MagelIID, fort)' volcaulMS uve becu countcd. wbicb diacbuge lava, enotlll0U8 rocb, mo1ll'cI'I or ..ba, grcat quantities of 1II'aur, liquid mud, lulpbUf, or d_tating blutt of buted air, &o.a tbeir craten!.

lbe mOlt Itrüdng f8lturea., indeed, of tbe eouthem Anda., Ile tboIe volClUlic conca. wbo.e bnb, beset 'lll'iili fHgbtfol crevices c1f imPÍeuurable deptb, are Cf'OIMId by the fmrl_ nlÓVea, by meant ofpendulou. bridges formed oC the fibtCI of equiuoetial pWltl. Ovu mete fra.il and tremulous p"';;cs, me nativCl l0III6-

times C&IT)' me tflvelJer in I chai.r Ittlched lo

theit bacl:: .. ud ~g fOJ'WlJ'd the body. move 1II'itb I I1rift and e¡ual .tcp; but when tbey leacb the CftItre, the otcillatiou of tbe bridge u 80 grllillt, that 1II'tre diey lO atop, in­critable delltruetioo muat. cUlue ¡ tbe nltive aIId bu burden .."u1d be daIhed lO the bottom oC I precipite, lo whose profouud deptb tbe I!Jc can hardly re.ch. Thesc bridges are, from tbe


" nalw'e oftheir materiale, frequeatly out of n!.

ptú, p_úng lo the .buddering European "bo viNta th_ COUIltn., frightful ehum.,

ovu lrhich the rodian •• tep with uodaUlltcd c:oolkIence.

It iJ • remark made by.n tbo inhabitauta 01 th_ ProviDcelo _". Depom, lJICIU:in, ol ea.. noq in particular. that tb" rWu, before 1m "Were ~panied .¡lb ligbtaiogt &lid terrible da,. ot tbunder, and. that lince tbat period, t;ilI I~ the raiD tan.. iD ,..t abuodance, ",ithout &Dy of the uaW. accompanimeota of • • tono. He tliliIb that lb. ~beric electri­c:ity bu bft:n ,tuacted Md aceumulJted iD that mu. of matter .hich for. the Cordillel'al, ud that lo thi. cauae iI to be q¡;ribed !he earthquakCII which ... ere clI:pt'rienced .l eu.. maol in lbe month of Deeember 1m . • od whote nt.~ llave beco 10 grcU. Thay had Pot fe:lt any or theso commotioDl lince ln8 and 1779.

On lbe lit Ma11802. .telen.i iD tlae ev~ iog, tbete 1I'as .. pretty IU"oDg tbock (dt al Ca. ncu, .ith otciIbtioD fioo1 wcst lo eut. On the 10th or tbe ame month, at fin minute. pan foór o'dock iD the eYening, thete wu aao­ther of .. vertical ditectioll, 1I'hlcb luted Doe minute, nOf did the earth relume ¡ti horizontal JeTd for 1.0 minutet afterwarda. On!he 40th Jul1 following, at forty.e.igbt minute. pul tifO o'dock io lbe monli0}t hro Ilrong .bocka

" "ere fell; llId on lbe ame da,. at thirty.6VII minute!! 1*1 W: in the nJoming, there wu uother Dot 10 .trong. nle cautee ud local origin .of tbe earthqUU.fII appeM te be in dae province 01 Cuman.; for tbe1 .re tbere more vioIent tban el_here.


Tn yea!' ia not di.ided iD the.e parU of South America, al it ia in P.urope. Neither I pring Dor _utumo are lr.nown heril. Wioter IZId IUlDmeI' complete the yllu. It ¡, neiiher cold lIor heat which m&rb tbtir diatinctive bouDdaries, OOt rain IIoI1d drought.

'Ibl! qUl.lltity oi nio which f..u.. in the eutenI prorinoet ol Caraeu ia DeUly equal. n.e plaius. PlOUDb.iD., I.Dd ... l1e)'l. partid~ !he blessingl lUld incoonmtDcin of the raiD .. • hich ate not, bown-a'. 'llritbout intennUliOll. There .... daya "hm 001. dtOp r.u.; tbere are others, but DOt frequent, .ben it raim inee.­untly. lt Pl'y be ea1culated t.hat in lbe rain1 tea3OD. taking OIle da, ",ilb another, it raios lar the 'pace ni th ree boun, and oftener in the evening thln in the momiog.

" Tbe drinliug rtai..DI 01. the polar ~0Da att

PIMIr _ Itero; but the auddea hea.,. &11. of tbe tomd zone, &lid thli diJcbarrI from tbe water-tpOUtll'Ut'hing do,rn with!be violeDce of • tomIIIt, produce IDOJ'IIIIr&ter iD ane IoÜJgle day thaD lba niIIfI of Eurvpe do iD aL. . l odeed, the total qlWltity of tha equiDocti.&I. raina ¡. mim_ted It ten time. ÜUlt of the "arcti.c &lid anbz'ctic n.illl. Heoce aIl the riven remaio in altlie of inwm.tion duriog the greMérpart of the rain, teMOn; tbote utraneow dano. fonned by tbe violeoce oC the 6ood1, .. hich J'9o

maio dry tbe re.t oribe year, beoome ton'eIJlII i

ud the laDda ~ coven:d witb water lo ID im. 1IIC111e diltance, wbere lbe travdllll' d.:riN

001, the toP! of.the tal.Itat tr-. .. bieh Ihen . eerve him for laod-marb. 'l'bi$ Idlld of acci­dental .ea iI princlpall, formed m tho northem plaiDl oC the Orinoco, and in • lpaee ulAmd­i.og ODe búndred and fifty leaguu in leagth and forty in breadth.

?aL de Humboldt depict8 thci di)' IeUOD ..

• horrible time in GuiaDa, IDd lbe commence­meot of ¡he niny aeuon u the ~eracioo of Dllture. He giVeII an ueellent picture of lb, mum of vegetablé nature on tb~ recum:nce oftM mil. neo altO .. liad of rewrrection of c:rocodiIea IDd oth« reptilea aeeme ro tUI!! place. Tbe aT11iety I.Dd ardour .. ¡lb which mukitudea of hotle3, OJ:eO, wild -. aod fel'l)o ciou.s animal .. come paoting from tbe bumw¡

VOL. l • •


u.m. to qoeocb Üleit dIirk o- • r.:tura of tlIe raiu, U CNly .aplat. J>qx..,.. he hu Re_ tbOM ,Dim'k bouDd _ pluup iIIto "lhe manbet wlth 10 _uch lridity, -. driPI;:

peh. lI.uantity «..ur, do ... from AA ~~ ~ eL e&tlU)t Hun_ they _ed"lo bo-1:10_. it _ere dn!pIic:a1. aR dW 81J1liag (la

tN waba" ill & {n boan. The tIftect. ia, Ao"n., cJ.lIJer.ot la __

"paN af GUÍADL 111 thCM .b.ich are fanDocl ud re&esbed by"the ~rca., lb. dry __ lOb iS • ddiglitfuL period, ...trile, DO lb. con­trary., tbe ninyKdOA iI botur amlllBI beallily. &Job ¡, the climato ot C&YalDII, SuriOaUl. Der_ bii:c, Demorva, Eucquibo, al tbe oooutrial !Jitultll betw_ lh~ river _ tilo Oriooco, _ fi:otn th. O"lIoco, OODtin1.ling a1gr¡g t.M CXIUt, u fu .. the IW of Maraeaibo.

What hu beta hef(! uid oC the dzy aad nmy IeUOOI relata cbid, to c.r-.. Tbo cWn.:te or Cundinaman:a praenb great nri~. 'Ibe e1cnted Con:lillcra oltbe Andea. aOO lb!! et,er.

uI Inoll'l "hicb cap ¡ti IUmmn., rendu thia country. thougb lt liet panly under til. tquator, wbjec:t \O • .11 tho eoId ot lb. polu ngiom. "hiltt, fm ¡III, lo. u.nnolha, lbe tropical hea.b .!"tI ftlt .¡lb .U thcir ardotu. Tho elenud pl.ina between lbe ridp or tite Andel ",joy .. tempetate and nnn.riable cliOlat.e, and it u in tbeM delighlful lpotI tbat !he Europsn eolonittt han chidly find their .boIIes.



COLOIIIIU. 1'" •• bodI Jd;a¡ ... bich are fiINIed, by tbo taiJ:w. ud th_ .. hidt; ate ta. meN"ral .oDa ofthu ri--. wboM ...... 111"1. ZfteI..e, A gr.t lumber of lb. fInt kind .,., lo be Mm ia tbe Iow laadl iD the Ticinity of !he Orinoto. Tbe mo ~ oC tbe -=-1. kiad are Ihoee af Hanc:aibo alId Valencia.

l. The Lake ot lI'&nC'iho •• body of..ter of ... oval form, lyimg iD • nm.h and lIOuth dJrection, and eoPUPuaie:.a:ill81rith !he Gulf of Ven~ by a Tt87 0W'0Jr dWlDd. ID leBgth it • 1$0 railee. ia bre.dtll 90, mil in cnUtürelU.CB f6O. 'I'IIeN= ir s--ll1 • coo-. liderab1e uwdaJatioo 011 itllllrfllce¡ mdduriDg iome 'IIriIIda. puticol&dy tboee from the north,­!:he ·" ... m rilo lo .. great lwight. ItI watcn are Ih,.,.. t'NIh, uOlpting wbaa "ioIeDt.mnn. fbrc,e the 1Üt..-aten of die Oulf loto it. n. deptb f1I thl. lile iI ,ery ,....t ¡ azul it;, nari­s-bIe Ñr ... ~ ol the sz-t-t burdm.

o.iag lo tbe vapaun: ariaiog iD. !.be aigM aftet !he gtNt heat. or lb da,.. tbe Ihona in. tIle immodiate ricinlty ot ¡ti W1Ikn ue un_ .....", .

'" lbe good_ of lbe IOil in 1M weltenl pan

bu iDdueed tome SpaDianh, ~ of tite io .... ubrity oC tbe air, lo 6x tMlr habi,t.tjI)'H thrre, in ~ lo raiee CIICIO aod pn:m.¡oa.. . The -outberu ulrell1it1 of lbe ¡.b ¡. Wlculti­valed ancl. uniDhabit.ed. Tbe ncxthena put is quite .. hot .. \be otber pMtI, but i_ r-bI, healthler. Tbe city of Xannibo d Rtuate OQ die left baDk lo lbe.s j ud oppoo '¡q art two vilbga, the olle ca1led PuDta .. Piedra. iDlUited by ImIiaDa,. the other Alta. pcia, oocupied by 5paoiarda, upoD the rigb.t banil.

When tbe Spuianb fint landed in thia COIm·

uy, they ~d 1e'Jen1 vil._ built in tite . ¡alet, whicb it tbe mod" adopted by tbe In­di&nt at preRot. cootiderillg tbiI plu .. th. hMllhleet. Tbe Ippearaoce of (1M oí thete" titile toWl\l amid tbe w.terl, ... l1eed tite SpaniIb . .o.venbJren lo QII111 it Little Veoice, or V_, mela, _bieh tW.e ... &ftenwdt trt.nIfeqed tD~ tite .heMe prorince. Four oí tbese ..üIap . .m rern&i.n, ud an under 1M govemmeD:t oC. a mook, .ho bu • cburcb, aod tbe lpiritu&l clw¡e of the.¡, peopk. The prillcipli _ploy_, meul of lbe Ind;.n. el the. towm iI &biDg. ancl. c:atcbiag lbe aquaüc binh whi.c:h frequl!llt tbe lake. n, produce of lhe interior is COIlveyed by

Ibe riven .Mch f~ lbi, I.ke to tbe town oc.

.. Manooibo, and thence llhipped (01" ElUope or dJe .djoiDiug colonia.

To lbe nol'th-wat :oC Lake )(aracaibo ÚI •

.. eio, (JI" QllDa, ot mineral ph.ch. (uted, by m.ix. iog it ..nth sr-. lo grave~). which ia oC auch .. inSunmtbl1l D.IItUre, that dvriDg the bot "II'ea1her, .md. puticuWl, at.t. COfnIf­c.t:kIr. _ aem . .n.mg mm w swf..:e, .. hid/, .. , thuppeara.DOII ol quidl, :epaled ligbt. ningI. Tbe ludiaD. aod Sp-ni.rda., .. ha nan. pie lbe vaada ud .... T!MI of the lUt, c:.ll them St Antbooy" Iantem.. or \he laotenll oC MaJauibo. u thty leno them to .letr by durios tbe dark nighu 10 prevalent in tJw torrid zooo.

l. ne Lake of Valencia. tbough not 10 el(. k1IIivo .. tht of Maracaibo, la fu Q)Orc beau. tifuJ. ud useful. ItI bmb are fertile and beIltbJ. &I)d dotbt:d " ilb the mon lu.lunou. • "l'J tion. . no. bit ia lituate threo milc:t &0111 the city ot Valencia, and eigbleen from lb" -. {roca wbid! it ÚI apuated by i~¡ble mOllQtaint. It iI of &D oblong form, atnItching oonh_t ud IOUth-West. iI forty milea i D leogth aod wetv, in hmldtb, Ind l¡eI in • valley IUI_

TOIlRded by very high .nd . teep l&/le!, except­ing OD lbe ,.,ealo

The nUeya of Magua fonn • nlñ-ow huio betUIb.l granitic &Dd ealcareou. roouotairu of Uoeqllal heigbL ()¡¡!he DOrtb, lbcy are lCp&-

.. tated by lbe Sierra Mariara fíoa tbe _ El_ i lod towud lb • .outb, &be cIWII 01 6"",; I lltId Y_ teneI them ... illltij:lWt ar"" tlM hcstcd.u ot&he úepps. G:oup oi~ higb nlOQJb lo deten:Dine the __ of U. .. ~ doM lhlI huill 00 the tan _ wat. Iike truwftne G,ba. We fiad tbat biJk be. tnea the 1\a, aud La Vtct.oril. .. "ella 011

dio road bona Vallll'lCia 10 Nirgua, lIlICIal the lDOIJUtaiJu ofTorito. Prom thia extraordiD&ry QOIIGgut.tion el &he laDd, th. littJe riverll of !he valley'1 Di Ansul fona • p""'''iu l)'Item. ud direet their (lOUfU toward • buIn dOled on a11 lid.,_lhe I..b ot Valeaeia.. Oa tbe exilteDce oltheee rive,. ud laku, th. flrlility eL the toiI, and the produ.ce oC eultivatiaD in chae va1Iey •• dependo

ThtI •• ten oC tha late are lubjec:t to tite powcriU1 ¡oftuente of enporation. ud 10le themllelul, if 11'11 Dlay lite lbe uprc.ioD .. ¡II lbe atmOlpb.eu. Tb. uped oí tb 'JKR. ;.nd die ezperierlce oi half. eentury. have pl'OYed. that lhe leve! ol the wateR ia lIot ial'Viable : the yute by ovaporatiaa, utd the increue from lb. _ten ruoDiog into the Jake. do not UDm.

t«tuptedl, bal.ulcc uch other. lb, bb be.. ia¡ e1evated 1000 feet .boYe tbe lleighhouri:ag atep~ or Calabozo. and 1-"2 reet abaJe the leve1 of \he ocean, it hu bem IIlIpeded lb.t lhere are IolIhtemu:leoua commuoicatioo. aOO fllt.ratiOIlJ. The 'ppearaace oC ne .... isl.oo.,

.. -..... pr..I9l .... ol. o.. WIItca, bue.1ed ti! .-1M&f tbat.lht' Iab -., .... r.,. ,",,-o -,,,,,.

'I1w ~ oI the ~ • U. _le,. fL ~ tmdj., to=wd ~1OU&h" 1M w.t. tW put of Ihe t.Iita fticl¡, '- ru:n.m.d ~ v..,.¡ witG __ , a ... ..,. .. *' poi","

chUo. .. 1M ",-'id ir f/L Guipe. 01 y ...... -a ti a-;~ ..... ttmch tonnIi lbe Jish .; ..... rá ()cuu.ra.

na "1' o. bab af'tJ.L. .. of VQer¡cW ~ • Ii~ I 'nrt n_ lIIl · thO sadh _ ~ --. u-t "einb'!t.ikd,. &lid ..... ol'hi¡b .,.".",,¡ .... gi_ tIwm &p.or., aad. ____ iIped. 'Iba DOrtbmI ehme. ca die wt4> .. ,. iI; ct-ñ~ pMIOnI, ud dtdr:_ ea"witb. tI. rkb. c .. tiwation oí tilo 1IUpr-&Slle.

c:alI'M ...... coa-It .. 011 tia.. ~ lIMn tUi .. Re

pMhI. loocdered 1ri&h ClIItnam., ued· ..... ud c:der ~ al..,. iD 11_. c:ro. the pWa. vrd,;o-. u'1I em" el h.r1IIIa. En.,. iIowe • • _dad. "1 I .. .t ~ n. criba, wiIb. itl ..., ,.no" a.wen. p. a,.v!iar ' c:handert.tl. 1 h ¡ .. rn;..pa,ib",.......,.. rila ..... 01 tI:. pupIe. c:rithf71lL Thb mm.. t~. olliftdi ... table c;:oloun c..tnm with lba ulliknn tial1 oí ... uacloud6li 0.,.. In tho _11.'01 drougtat. wbere tIM bumill,r lDi) i. Wi od .... an Wldubüg "'fOIl, utüicial' irriptioDl ¡naen"e lbe verdure and fertility.

.. Ben: &Del tbmI !he paitio rock ¡ñerceI

tbI'VUIh ~ eultin1ed grouod. EocnzM:xa ltmJy !MMU me abruptl, in lbe midst ~ the W1ey. Dan ud Corked, they DOUriIb • f_ IUCCUlllllt pluIta, ",h}eb JI"'PU"D mould (01' tu. tw'e.... 0fUm at the Inmmit ot tbea loDeIy bilb. I Iig..uee, 01' • ~ witb lleeby1et.ftII" hu ú:1d n. lOOb jQ the rock, and towen over lbe 'lIId....,.. With their dead 1Dd"'¡1hered. bl'aDchm" tbcylook l.ike Iigu.ab eteeted OD. •

lt8Ip di!: The fuma oí th.e lIIOWItI bttraya lbe IJOCI'et oftheir IUIOea.t orip; COI' III'ba:I tha ... bole oí thU valley ..... fiUed witb water, ud" the _1". beat .t tbe Cool ot lb, peoab al' MariarI. the DeviI'. W..n, and tbe chaio of tbe coaat, thete rocky hi,IlI ... ere Iboalt Ol" ialeb. n. J.Pe of ~V.J.ltllcia iI fuU of ¡.]enel ..

whicJ¡ embellilb tbc tceIW)' bythe pic:ture.que fan:a of theU rocb, IlId tbe appearaDCe ot !he vegriatioa. witb .. hich lbey are co_ed. 'The jol,nd, are fifteen in llUlQber. dittributed in three grolIpiI; DO louger rlllCkoniog Morro and Cabrera. which &ni alnady jomed to tIJa Ihore. They are patt!, cultinted, and extmllely fel. lile, lID. aeeouot oí tbe.n.potm; that rile frocp

!hel lake. BIUl'O, lbe ~ of thete Üilanda, iI t ... o miles in lengtb I &Dd evea inhabitod by ~me familiet of Mettizoea, .. ha reu gom.

Tbe Iake iI in genetal _eU .tocked "ith &!J, ~uu¡¡:h it funtisb e. 0011 three kioda, lbe Ileth

" oC ,.,hkIi • .ft -'. imipid-tbe ", .. iu, Iht np. _ die -.:!Wa.

'l'hc en'fÚool of &he late ve uobalcbful oal, in w- ot rr-t droogbt, .. bea tho wat.en; • tbcir retr.t, )n'"8 a .udd, ..... i_t upo.ed too tbe ardour of the tul!.. n, kIIb, ~ by tum o{ ooco:>Ioba barbedenoi .. and doootat. ed witb !ne liI .... toUI plautl, rauiod UI, by !he ~ of tbe aqu.r.tk ..-egetatíoo, of the

. manh,lbora of OUt Iak. in Europe. Tbe iDhabitallb of !.be. nJ.Ieya of Aragua

ol\eo ioquire. ... by tbe IOUthern ~ore of!be lake, partlcu1arIy lb. 1OUth-1II'est part towarda J\sU..::ata, iI geuenlly more abaded, &lid of tre.ber verdure, tJw¡ lb. oortbem lid.? ID lb, mooth of February, miO! treeI wue _o atripped of tbeir foliage, otar tbe HacitDda de Cura. atO Hoculldo, aad at Guacan.; .. hile f.o

the ~db-eut ai Valenda n-e,.., thiog pnuged . the eppro&dl of!.be raU:u. Humboldt believe.. that i.u!be Iiarl, part r:Lthe reat •... beo the aun bu • IIOI.Ithera dec:lin·tioo" tb. hilla lhat IUI'.

l'OIlIId VaJencia. Guacara. 1ndCura, are KOfCb. pi by the ardour of the IOlu mp; lI'hiI. lb, _tbem abore roeeiy. witb lb. breeze, wbeo it a.ten tbe VIlI01 by lb. Ahra de Porto e.bdIo,. 111\ ait that hu a· d th, lake, aud iI loaded witb aqueout vapout. OD thiuouthem ebore, .-r Guaruto, the &la_ plaot.atiow oftob.tca ill &he ... bolo provinee ve fOWld.

.. .. 'I'IMo Lake oi Parima. • fWw.¡ ... iD

Gui.I.na. ¡. uid lo bo &D obIoa(r ~« .. .... 100 Wl_ iIllqth -'. .50 broed, lo an id..od of wbjeh ¡. .. red; 01 ¡Uu.ri.og.wc.. • al Ihnhd .. b .. viDg beoo tbe aoM of El Don.do. ... ~ aititiow city, tbe "*" ol .1Ucb .er. ,..,cd .,,¡th soldo nu..u .. ~. báo¡ iI¡ S' 400' nonb l.titude. lIId ~. 10' ... 1anp. Wde, alKl Ji'" birth ti:! .. Iarr rTttr, ca1W Rio BIa.D&o.



J" the 1II00000taia1 .. oadyde.eribed, lb. Cauc& and tbe MasdaJeD&. tbe Meta.oo the Oriaoco, ..... th .. ir IIOUreeL Eftr}' pan Cffthil COUIltry

ia indoeed.., ablUldAl i .. ri"u., tMl il ÍII dilII_ cult t.o SDd &o]' otbcr ecr-lI1 bI-.d .nu. the mean. of tertilWlg tbe.oil. iNery ",I.y hu ita rinn, lux- CM' -U I ud if'tbIy have uot .. .ulieient qIlMtity ol _ter to IIIUI t"­-rirble. "el ther haVfl JD(Jfe tbaD ~ to adJord .. copiow wppl,. lo .. huodred tim. tbe Illtmber ofthelr,reseot pfutationa.

lo ean.e... b. pIl1iclllar, all theMe riven which wind their coone froIII tlIe nortl\em declivity nf the chain of mount.a.iD., are die.

., dPIpd iDto the ... lUId n-. &cm u¡&b &o JICItt,k, whillt t!aaIe .blela lpriJw 6'OIa tbe ICIQtaem decli'fity of tMII ... __ ~ tra,..,.. iP a IOUtbem direcqODo ~ .... es.. .-oribe iIltamediMeplaúl, tiLllbey 1IlpIM' witb tlteir tributatJ lCIeIa. tbat of u.. ~ tic 0riJ,0c0, TM former . .,. ,.nIly ICI

il&nii:Ci1 '. ced ia by tIM oatunl bvrien ol thOr t-b. utd., Uppi!, &lIOIINd. ia ibai,r pr .... _ by u.. ~ ollblir ","nel, u dhe lo O'fcriow ~ ud,,1Ma tbey do. tbeir

.~ &ni ntitb.t Iootr lIOt ~ 'l'be IMW ba:riag UNir CCI!JftI!Ia ~ ~ ,. .,....U>d., aDd ÜllhlJlower btde. PI. tbtM ....... dwi.". Ff'& part oftb. y_. lDd ro. ..we nlhlll' ,. .. thaII rivm .hitb '-n o<;erfk¡wed their haab.

Tbe o.loouoiJ not ~,lUIIOIIpt \&e ugeer. but'" fbMat of Soulh A..nc- ri,-. llGd »eh' a, diatiDpiIhed by Ita vwy Qgulq_ Ultne.t. COWM. Xli ~ .... .DOt ••

bon. bW 6CCOi i" to U. en.. it n.. iD • ....n Iab cdIed 1 ..... la. ,. V aortA IMitudot. ThIDCto wiDdiog upoa ibeU', " tnUn the Jakct fIl r.n. lo u. ~ .Ib u., ... ct __ by two outleta to1rar'dI !he Dorth aod lOU.lb. 0lI \be wettun tbOAll t;If lb. a.ke, J'NeiÑg tite GIIIIYWI. It beodt aortb. tbera noc1k .sr,. and. ~g tbe 11-. tU Apura. \he At.ca. -nd otbor lAr¡e atnuu. wi.lh thQn ... oi ...tI. 0IItII, lallt lato lbll Atlabu.: 0..0. by


II.Utnerot1l eetuaria, oppoIIite the Wand oE Trinidad; ¡ti dlief mouth btiDs OI:IIUider'abI, lo tbe prth.eNt of tb,t iIlaod. Tho_tbe 01 the Orinoco ~ 'Yery dangerou. w urnp.. ton. Tbe IIIrgat ilIlir: leaguel 111 width, lDd -eveD of tbeID are navirble r« lar,. _lió Tbe isIn fOl'llled by tb_ .ni of vrf ¡rut __ lento and are inb.mted by !he GIllflGUDOI aod Mari_ bdia.aa.

'niI 1KIble rife!' COQICDullic.tes witb lbe Mardoa. lb, river c-iqoiari, Ioas-jec.. turrd to be • Itroog brueh oí the 0riD0c:0, but lIO'It' bowo iD be I,J\ _ of the N~ com.. IllwUCIItet libo with tbe MuWioa b, 111_ 01' lhe Negro I ila weun. haviug been .... ted by )f. de Hl1lIIboldt,. ",bo enoountered grut periI. iD &he UDdertlkiog, by tbe foroe of tbe cur. ,.t aod otber obItade.. 7be .. hote COIIOtly

for 800 milel _ • eomple~ deIert., iD ",hich tbe .na &lid moequito. .en 10 extrema, ttoa~ al """" to deter tIMo traftUer lrom proceeding. He eakhd tbe 0riD0c0 by tbe· Culiqut.ri iD fr 8C1 oorth latitude, lUId IDOUDted. tbe CWTeOt or \be vat ri .. , .. fU al r..-.ldu, the 1Nt SpuWh Mtt1tmeat iD th.t 'lulU1er.

011 the bub of tbe 0riD0e0 the ma¡nm.: ceDa! of the ~ery it bayoDd dllCripticm. ForatI of tbe gn:atcm nteot- are &Ied ",¡lb Uom·tie u-. ... hicb dim- the mOlt delight.: fUI odoun; binh of evUf .wgulu and t.e.uti-

.. fui nritty of plomase .n: nery_wheJ1l oIJIen-.­ed, aIld honIa of moukl!J1 fOllO'!!' lb" ~ ed traveIrec. Puaing tbeee fotetta, 9Orm~ pIsinI" uteod tbeir vmiant turfa.ca further than tht: eye can re.cb. and the Cataracu ofthe OriDoco give their Iwne toO the .bo1e Con:Ii.I­Iua, Cld are lepmented lo be tbe IlIOIt tz'e. mendCCD ~t ha", evet boen obten'ed; but no good d-=ription of theM f.aJ.b hQ yet. beeo given. though thq con&titute the <dy outleb &om tbe aJUlIuy littate on lbe _t oí thcI Andes to thc v.t plaint oí Ibe Manaon. Thrae catBnctl are at M.ypurea IlId Awre.. two viU.get in .bout 6- DOrtb latilude, De&/' lbo gtellt bend afthe river.

With the I'IIiny.eNOn begina the inundation of tbe Orinoco, which continue. incre.eing (10m me end oC April till lb" end of Augutt. In Septrmber ita _ter. 1M at tbeir ~tnt beight: it hu then riBen fmm 39 to 401 fea aboYe ita levd when the waten lre 1_t. Ita banb are ~red. and lbe clIief part af the Guanoo ialetl are illlmUled. lo eJe. tober lbe ri"er beginl to dec. re ngulady. abd il ront1I1Ues to do 10 until lbe D100th of March. lI'hen ita waten are .t!he 10wat ebb. TMeell.uCtultiool are ~Jar ud invariable.

ThUl during lbe five month, in which the in. creue olthe rivereootinuea, tbe hemi$pltere oC tite New World pl'HeRb teU onIy, and _redy .,1and. to lbe ~nd.icul.r .ction· oC lbe

" mil', l'aJ'L Dariog the aix montlro. foüotriag eh daea, ... oi che riYer, lb ..... ,. "t 1Iloo. p_tII itldf' ti) the MIEle 1ICIdon •. 'neo raia ate DOI th. 8nt and oraly c&aM al o.e nacn.. of che Orinoco ¡ ti iAa , •• oI:rriouaIy be:fore ~ COOIdllltllC8a:lCot or tbcr raID, ¡ ud tbe lIII:Itidg ol tbe ano .. ¡II ch. ~ rL B% l1li, aMI tbe ""'p o( IMUDWIII pi + ::nill:lJ fram thaD. b DO .oobt tb. priDc:ipal et.UIII ofthia. '.

na. esYJ)IOI, Ol' &lJipton. lre "'1 ~ roa. and ~ ~naidab&l tbrollghGut iCl1I"boie length, whlcb may be _w.ted al aboat 1160 ......


IT8 I U, TIDU, &c.

TIn: IICS which waehe. the w8tun coatI al Colombia iI 1M hcific, and that. OD ica northcm ahora ¡. by tbe EnglUb ~ the CaribbeaJ\ Sea, ~(I$O lo 'I&ct tbe dWD al Ihe Amilleft from Trinidad lo Q&baaZld nana Finne, (onos l.1li &n!a boIIlIIled tolelr by lb. r:ountnel andentJ, occupied by lb. CaribOees.

In lbe Itotter tea, che tidee are neitbec ver1 perceptible nor ~br on die oout fiolll c.pe do Paria, ouUlde Ihe Oulf which beart thM ~ name, lo Cape de 1, VeI,. 'tllWi i. not tbe .......

.. ~ ha! CIape. Pcia sowwd \be moutb oC .. Am. &iIl &be ~ cf lbe COMI, tU f . bibd wblob tbey oppote lo the ....... tila wabed ... hich NI!. iD tbe ilDm_ riven of b&JJ Amehca. lf'e'Jly mocru;- the aotiotl ~ lb. ti_ Tbey riMI lo tU: (Ir teYeD

feet iD the Gulf of Paria dwiD, tbe eqWDO'U.; and dwiDg th. _ times. !be Guanpicbe ml.1 be uceoded f'rom the Hon¡uetta .. Car .. Sao BoDificio. b1 &id of • tide that Bisel tbe .,.tu .. mucb .. .Iis Ceet. &t&t Sen Tbom~ de AngOltun., OD the Orilloco. tbe tide ~ce-1, ÑeI teD ineb".

Tbl! .inda are mueh more regulat on tbe 00Mtl!, wbere .otIUng dftangea their natW'&! diftIetioiI, lb .. in tM inland puta. 1I'mn lb.,. l1'li tWjected to MIcallnfiueace. Tbo eoaimOl1 breae on the COMtI iI the __ .hich pren.ih al •• betweea tbe ttopica, knOW'II IlIIder the 0_ el trada wmda. Tbey blow {roeD NE. by E. 1'bere iI. bowenr, tbU diifemlce, &hat lJ; * theN _indt al'I COIIIItant, wherul upoo !he cpaM:I they bknr oaIy from Dioe 01 tea. o'doek in tbe ~ I.iII tbe~ They art: lMIeceodl!d evcry ni¡ht by &11 OW"'ite wiDd, wlbeb. ¡. caIled tbe lInd breeu. Thb peno­diml 1lICC: 1 ' m iI gu¡etaI. OOt not without tveptioD.

Aa. lnOOIlWlll1mlc. QOllllnOO lo a11 tbe porb .r c.neu.. t'-t tbey .. upO.ed lo rolliDg -. lo those IIKID..troIIs biUowa, "bid! lhough

.. they by DO ~ .ppea lo be c-' d' 'ed by th,,,indI, are DOt Upon that a.ecowat tlae 1_ illCOGvenJeat. oor lteqUtlltly the 1_ daacer. OUL The ro.d oC Porto c.beIlo iI tbe ooly plaoe lI'hich dotd. • .re and qlDet rdrcIt lo tbe 1IoI9J'. "here v-u can lie qui.tl,. lUId lZIIriDen·be free. from eare.


Duoov:u:r .1.110 IiIltTOllr.

Ta. co.t of Cat-.. ... original.ly m.c:o. ,ued, by ruumbw in 14098, durittg hil thint upedition. &mnl Idveobuen lU.........vn, iD uplontory "1I'Pf Of) tbi& pan oi tbe _ tiDeot, the Spaoish pemmettt c;ame lo the detanninari ..... of endeavouring 10 pltee coll> me. 011 itI 'ail. n- beios cbidly ID COIV

ducted, and managed by pri~ 1InlOqllliated 'trith lb, lIIUDUt aDd CUlComa of the 1IIti*; did lIot 1Uceeed. .ud it ... (ouud De( su,. to codenour to· lQbdue tbe inbabitaota by force. Whea thil 111''' partially eff'eetad, aod SpaoiaIi .ettlert were plaecd in lOme IeClUity. &ho man.ge:meot oC lbe Dh ooloni. 'ni intnllted lo lbe ca~ oC the We1ac:n, I Gennan mereau, tile eompl.D.,: Tb_ people uerciled., (oc. lengtb:of time, Q UDQOI1trolltd ,n1 ova- che ..


'" wfortllDate Iadiau ud the colOGilta. Tbeit ueca 01 p'mjtbmerit Nld the:ir frwd becmning Id Iut notoritiua, tbe King oC ~ depriV«l. them of' tbeit power iD lMO, .nd -.ppoillted &P.

otIczr of tbe ClOWlI to admjnjo.ter jllltiee lo lbe Opprelled.

nu. of6.ce; under thc1itle of Captain.getlenJ. of tM Cancu. ... theocetllrward esubliWed • ud with lOIIle few variatiolla.iI1 the territorial ~ "aBd JODlC! ataidgmellta oí t.bc autho­rity oC ·tbe pmon ",ho 6.Ued it, it uilted in tbc __ forra \UItil the yC&t 1810.

'Iba ccuta of CUndi .... arc:a lI'hich bordee oa tbe Cuibbe&n 8ft, WCf'C finlt,vwted by eo., IIDIIbWl duriDg bis faurtb. 'foyage. Sai1iog frvm Spaio 1:0 the Wm Iadim, he arriTed 'lrith bill 11._ at St.DamiDgo iD HiIpmiola, where tb8~ govt'tIIOf, Ovmdo. from private pique, refuted him permiMion lo eDtet tbe bátbour Ind relit m¿ ~b. ThiJ unforeleell occurrmcc ob­liged the adminl f.o stand· to the ..,eat. . After

. MillDg in !:hU directioa {oc. few ~ya, he di&. OOyeted .littU! ill&u.d, off' tb. cc.st or cape oC HondutM, ",here h~ brother landed, tild Cad· ed wi.~ the n&tivea. PrOftCUting tbeir voyage. . thcy toud!ed ,nbe cape itJd.f; thOl! callcd b1 Colombua Cape CaaiD ... OD which thlladlQ.inll'. 'brother bOOed lo tUe fonnal pcllmNOIl {O(

. lb" crown g( Spain. MUr thiI euemlllly, tho fteet p'oc:eeded alOQg tbe Ihore. VId :w. com.

VOl.. l. ,

.. peiltl by lie auterly .. ];Po td doublo • "Pe. .bicb the piIob petfonoiDs .. diIicWty. tflW8 it ,'" lIJlPenation of GI'8CIiM i: Di .. ~~ (lMl1II UHIy coold ~ tate-..a..-.n"fle óf .,.., willct. ht n:.vigatmlJ;.w.« . lICiJuUm1r1l C'IIMt. .. ¡lb comparati .. e aafetr .

Qlhrmtiul touched Id. maby pl_ Mi thit 'i'oysge. It VtTa¡JlllIt Nombre Ge ' DO. ~ PoHd-BeHg,. &cr. Al. V~ ... *nl hia l!rcÍd'Ia vp tbeI OOIIDtry to '_rdi fOl:"geW;..xI Don Butoloml» Il:tllmiD~ widl 11 eo,lIidantle qUAOtity, tha adminI. wilhecf tu plmh eoIany I bioK ...... Ylig .. &de --.1 fruitl_ Ittemp.,. ind fllldiRg that tite _hipa wm n:ry rotOeo, lI.lId ""orm:-eatéo, he E - ni! ~ Hüpur ... too proo tuhl ne ...... _1. lOO: Rlpplia. JI tt.iI" ... tetllpt. he w .. furoed by It«ml lID ron OIl . tMIn '" ti trie)¡ iD da Waod uf J ........ 'il'bere be proppad. op üie 'lJOIlloaat bol!. with .. ~ lnIildlQg 1mb on the dtob fot tbe cn!ft. co. luJllbw temaiMd a1ma.t .. yur ia un. otodi­tlon, Ilod flom lhe Rlutmous behatiOlll' of''­fIJen, hi. Hf¡ y .. ICveta! tim" in daog.r. This. oombiotd ,,¡lb the r.~e .lId YeUtiOll hil hld

. under«Olle, leriowJy nffteted, hU huhh; .. d 11 ¡tolfl:h, lIIW'tI out .... ith watd'llng fvt lu.oceat, he diJlllmlllw; • lo IMt r_!'ce. 10 ...td rIIfét I cmoe lo H ilpRTriol." .ith DOS m ht. tDoIt ftllthftJl followm ' and lOme Indinl. Th_ ' rM1'I, afiel cnctnlDtering grat da~ tyd..

cl"eded in rea~hi Dg that iBIand, .ud tbere ¡re).

'" Ctlted. unall lhip, DOt witbout mllCh oppoti. tioo &om the tnemlel of CoIUmbua, in whkh thia great and unforwo.att mn ntumed k)

Bpaio. whef6 h. Ilud hit .bod, at V~lid, and dOled hUI illUlttloua carttNIO the iOtJ\ of May 1$06, .t dl, age of .u.tr·Cour. HiI body wu ¡aterre<! in the Cburch 01 tht CartbullaDl at Seville. and, handsome monumtnt poioted out th, lpot "her-e" bia reallma .. en: depotiled. en .hich lI'as eagraven t.hl. inlCriptioD;-

" A Cutllla 1 • t.eo.., N_ M...& .tu. e.l_ ~

" To Oootlle lIId Leoa Celllmb ... (I~ • mA' _Id.·

Ojec:la., .00. Amerigo Velpuoci, as ';ell u ma01 ather adventurera, followed Columhus in es:ploring pa~ oC the coaat al Cundin.marci, ud Amerigo gave tbe I!rrt regular de.eription uf tbe people "bo·inhabited ita abores.

In tbe Jear 1508, .Á1Qnzo de Ojeda and Diego Nicuesa,. obtaillt'd frem thll Spmiah crown extenaive gnlltll in GulLtimala ud Cun­diIlamarca.. Ojeda had tbe countty ttom Cape de 1& Vela lo the Gult of Uraba, or Gu!f' oC Datien, ineluded in bis chmer. which tnlCt 1IfU 10 be It,lec! Na'll' Andalusia; ud Nicues­u. WQ appoioted 10 govero froro !he Gulf of D&riC.D 10 Cape Oraciu 'l DiOl; and they left Hapaniola iD the l&ttu eDd af tbe 1/W 1510, touaume the functioill Uligned lo them. Soon

.. alUr the am.val ,,(Ojeda -aL Carthageo., ( tbea. aJled, Caramaii b, tho IudiaDI). be impro_ deDil, attacked lb,! uativea; and, after I leYere .ctiOll, loo the greater pan ofhil meo; bUl lI''' fortunately re1ieved by tbCI urival of tIIe 6eet of NicutllP- He ~eD "'enl lo the Gulf of Darlen, ,nd aiabwbed I eotoDy on lbe CIoIitem prWlOlltory, whicb p1&o: WU DalJIcd 5t Sebas­lian ¡ but beiDg IOOD reduced UI gre:al extn­mity for want of PnMlloO. Ojeda ¡aj]cd ror HiJpanlola, hlving dilpalCbed another. veael before bim lo procure tuppliet ami reinton:e.­meno ror bU De", establilbmeot. Sufl'ering ahipwreek 00 the "oylge, and lo&iog al! bis property. be Ihortly afUr died nf want.

The oolony"being rcduced lo gre&t distl'e3l, .. ent back lo Cuthagena, lo codeavoor lo (a11 in ... ilb the reiuforcementl. By ¡reat good fortune \hey met t ... o veuet. with their RJp­plie., and, retl.irn ing lo 5t Sebutian, (ouOO thcir talll'n dtstroyed by tba OltiVeII. To aug_ meot their misfortunet, they ,run .lheir Ihip. abUR; hul by diot of ¡reAl uertioo!bey were al bit 8o&WI, .ben the .hole coIODr. by the adyi(lC Df Vasco Nuiiez de Balboa, uiled lo

lbe river of Darlen, where !he, attacked aod eonquereq an Iodian lribe, and founded a towu

",bich "'as Dl.IQed Santa M.ri. el Antigua del Darleo, .hue the, t\ceived a {urther rein_ {orc::ement by acciden" in NO\'ember ' '' 10.


In tbe mean tiakl N"lCIIeIII&, wbo lIlIo lufI'ered grcat miafortuDea, fiad endesvouted lo ertabliah • colOoY If. Nombre de DQ. A depotation n.t..etit lo mm bete, lo requeit him lo tOme and UÍUJne tbe goverDmeDt of Santa Maria. po hit arrival, he fOllDd tJ!at ¡tut d¡"rnsi!)IU had .meD &IDOng.t 1he colooUtI, .ho. ilIItad of appointing rum lo lhe ¡O'fcmm~t. put rum ioto • fotten vessel. and. IItOt him lo .ea, wlmt, it iI OOIIjectured that binwe1f .00 hiI cr_ ",""oC • 1be ' proviDCC of Tiern Fume. iodudiog both th~ granu of Nicu_ &nd Ojeda, __ gh'eo ' by & lu~uent cbatter. io the yeat: UI" lo Pedro' Ariaa de Avila, uñder _bote govemme.nt Vqco Nuile:c de BalOO"· ..... aa be.. headed, on account of a revolt. It ..... aa trua JIW) "ha, in Ul.9, OD the"lb ~f September, firat d5cried 1he Pacifjc Ocean from the mOUD­

tall15 of TielT& Fume. and embltking 00 itl ",aten io. canee, nplored part. of itl ahont. on bil RtunI mWng kno"o to lhe Spaniah natioo. the exilteoce of aoothu Ha beyoad lhe Atlantic. . , '

The firet dlteovene. of Ojeda io Cundioa­maiea toolr. place in l$Oi i and io 1,sos Ro.. dengo Baeti!iat of Serille vuitcd the cout from &acta Mara lo lbe river of Dacien, Thua io lheloe ycan the ",hote Ibore, from lhe Gulf of ·Veo~ueb. lo c.pe HooduTall. bid becn n­plrnd by difl'erent nlvigaton and &dVeDture~

h, l.so. Baayei» r_ed hi. diacoveriel, and proceeded lo lbe Culf o{ DarioD lo pr~ cureogold a:ud .laftl; be htlll (oud !"iD. o( gald in lbe lana.. whieh w,.. Ihe dril time.d1e metal hu beeD seDt iD thl.1 .tate to SplliD.

In 1-'13 lbe .CltMll oout of r.alm., Vef'I. gua, ami DarieJJ, 'WU uplored undl:lf tht OI"den' of A rila. as fU' north u c.pe Blanc:o I ud tbe Unrn of p.¡;1.tI1A wU (ouoded. FJOm tbit til1 ~ tbe cooqueror. of Pero, Fr.ocitco p¡. utf'O and Diego AJaugro. 'lbe ditcoYuy. tbe COIIqUest, ud the coIo~~tion of 'IDoI1 o( lbe interDIl pro-riOcel uf Cuadinama,a. ... a.cbieved Iludec theit ordera, b1 SebaltWt de Beualcauc; Dile ofthe ollicen i,f the anny .ho aceomplollied PiulTo Uld AIm&fJfo in tbeir ex. ~tion.

lu 1".:16 Benaleuer attackcd tbo .outbtrn provinea, from Quito, whiht Gonzalo XillllIDm de Quesada, "ho bu been sent by Lugo. lbe admiral of tbe CaIW'ia. ovurun the DOrtbem dütricb from Santa Maria. The1 mel 'Witb couiderable ,,(Mllitioo froo:u the Iluivea. but fillalJ, lU~déd iD reduciDg lbe. eountry, ud the ",boJe wl;! fotrDed into a kin¡dom. ud govemed by .. ciptain.gene.ral, i!J the jfM 1~7; to check 'lll"bOlle po'lll"tr lbe Royal Au. diellc:tl -WIU Cltablisbed, of which he wu made prelident.

ID the year 1718 a vicU01 wu .ppointed.· Thi.. office wu wpprnaed in 17i40 j agaln tino

! I

a1l1 at'b1iahed iD 17-'0 ¡ aod IUppn:.ed foc ever by die Rnalutioa.


rGUTlC.u. »rr'I.ON"

Tu Caracu arC! aubdi"rided inlO aeve:D prot'il;I_; viE. NM' An.daIu.ia 01 C"mlnl ¡

Bualona ¡ VC!IIezuda. or Cancu Pluper, oopt"¡ni"l VenC!no _ Caro~ ~bo¡

Van-;; MIli Goi'''¡ triUo tbeA .. ~edgp. ~ ~ tila Ulaad. of M&Tprita.

Cund· sr .ea ... Qa:ite are ... ,di,widal un. .UIllel'~UI proviDC& Tbato ~Pc:eI NC!

'lWlled JaeD .de Bn~ QWJ[N, MI"" .. T.amOl, Popayap, Antioquiao &anu. Fe. B.l 1II1II da la. l.JMIOI, MeOd.. s.u M·rta, (::Il'_

• a·SIDa, Choco. n.ries, Pu .... V~.-. . .
